L'ora di Medicina

Paolo Sarteschi

Sono Paolo Sarteschi e sono un infermiere, insieme scopriremo le principali patologie di interesse pubblico, come riconoscerle e come prevenirle in tempo, anche attraverso consigli pratici da attuare ogni giorno.

The Peter Attia Drive

Peter Attia, MD

Expert insight on health, performance, longevity, critical thinking, and pursuing excellence. Dr. Peter Attia (Stanford/Hopkins/NIH-trained MD) talks with leaders in their fields.

Diario di uno studente di Medicina

2000 MP

Il diario di un ragazzo che studia Medicina, per provare a raccontare com'è oggi la vita universitaria di un aspirante medico, giorno per giorno. Un podcast prodotto da 2000 MP

The Checkup with Doctor Mike

DM Operations Inc.

In The Checkup, board-certified family medicine physician, Dr. Mike, interviews the biggest names in Hollywood, Washington, sports, music, digital, and everywhere else about their physical, mental, and emotional health, so we can all learn to live happy and healthy together. Watch full video episodes: https://go.doctormikemedia.com/youtube/playlist/CheckupPodcastPlaylist IG: https://go.doctormikemedia.com/instagram/CheckupPod Twitter: https://go.doctormikemedia.com/twitter/DMTwitter Facebook: https://go.doctormikemedia.com/facebook/DMFacebook Contact Email: DoctorMikeMedia@Gmail.com Host and Executive Producer: Doctor Mike Produced by Dan Owens and Sam Bowers Art by Caroline Weigum ** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional **

The Doctor's Farmacy with Mark Hyman, M.D.

Dr. Mark Hyman

We are seeing an ever-increasing burden of chronic disease, primarily driven by our food and food system. This is perpetuated by agricultural, food, and health care policies that don’t support health. We need to rethink disease and reimagine a food system and a health care system the protects health, unburdens the economy from the weight of obesity and chronic disease, protects the environment, helps reverse climate change, and creates a nation of healthy children and citizens. This podcast is a place for deep conversations about the critical issues of our time in the space of health, wellness, food, and politics. New episodes are released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. I hope you'll join me. Hosted on Megaphone.

AIMS - Neurologia


Dpen Scienza

Andrea Zappia

Ti è mai capitato di fare un salto prima di dormire? perché viene la pelle d'oca? Come si sviluppano le resistenze ai farmaci? cos'è la Celiachia? In questo podcast si parlerà di Medicina e cercheremo le risposte ai suoi grandi perché. Le domande degli ascoltatori saranno indispensabili allo sviluppo del palinsesto, quindi non esitare a commentare gli episodi.Ogni martedì su Dpen.

The Matt Walker Podcast

Dr. Matt Walker

The Matt Walker Podcast is all about sleep, the brain, and the body. Matt is a Professor of Neuroscience at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of the book, Why We Sleep and has given a few TED talks. Matt is an awkward British nerd who adores science and the communication of science to the public. 

Anatomia Umana


Pillole di medicina accessibili a tutti!! Seguimi su instagram @aalicecannii e dai un occhiata al mio podcast sulla fisiologia umana! https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/aalicecannii


Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D.

A podcast about health, science, nutrition, aging, and fitness.

EHRA Cardio Talk

European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA)

Keep the Rhythm - EHRA Cardio Talk The podcast series featuring key opinion leaders in electrophysiology and cardiac pacing tackling topics about EHRA papers, interviews of legends, and education. You can also be interested in other ESC podcasts: ESC Cardio Talk, HFA Cardio Talk and ESC TV Today. Check them out!

AIMS - Medicina Legale


Ist das noch gesund? – Der Gesundheitspodcast der Techniker

Techniker Krankenkasse (TK)

Besser, wenn man drüber redet: Das gilt vor allem auch dann, wenn es um die Gesundheit geht - In jeder Folge geht Dr. Yael Adler einem speziellen Thema auf den Grund. Sie spricht zum Beispiel über Depressionen, Akne und oder das Prämenstruelle Syndrom (PMS). Dabei werden auch ganz offen vermeintliche Tabus diskutiert. Denn: Je freimütiger auch über leise Befürchtungen und ernste Krankheiten gesprochen wird, desto besser können wir uns schützen. Alle vier Wochen erscheint eine neue Folge von "Ist das noch gesund?": Jetzt abonnieren. Auf der Website der Techniker Krankenkasse findest du weitere Gesundheitstipps und alle weiteren Infos über den Podcast: www.tk.de/podcast Impressum: https://bit.ly/36TPt0w

Pillole di Alice Pharmacist

Alice Loreti

Consigli, approfondimenti e peripezie di una farmacista digitale.

AIMS - Oncologia


ESC TV Today – Your Cardiovascular News

European Society of Cardiology

The European Society of Cardiology brings you the most relevant news in cardiovascular medicine, opinions from leading experts, and insight into the latest developments in our field that really matter. You can also be interested in other ESC podcasts: ESC Cardio Talk, EHRA Cardio Talk and HFA Cardio Talk. Check them out!

AIMS - Neuropsichiatria Infantile


Osteopathic Saloon - Dr Alessio Collalti Osteopata D.O. & Fisioterapista

Alessio Collalti

Il Podcast Ufficiale di Alessio Collalti. Osteopata D.O. e Fisioterapista, autore di due manuali "Il Mio Manuale di Osteopatia Strutturale" ed "Il Mio Manuale di Osteopatia Strutturale - Tecniche Strutturali" e fondatore del corso Osteopatia Applicata e Osteopathic Revolution. In questo Podcast trovi i consigli e le lezioni di chi ha creato il più importante corso di formazione a livello nazionale da oltre 10 anni. Vuoi fare una domanda ad Alessio Collalti ed ascoltare la tua risposta nelle prossime puntate del Podcast? Inviala ad info@osteopatiacollalti.com.

RESponse Notfallmedizin Podcast

Berufsrettung Wien

Der RESponse Notfallmedizin-Podcast der Berufsrettung Wien ist ein ExpertInnen-Chat zur spannenden Welt der präklinischen Notfallmedizin und deren Schnittstellen. Gemeinsam mit verschiedenen Gästen aus unserem Arbeitsumfeld diskutieren wir alle zwei Wochen die "Hot Topics" des notfallmedizinischen Mikrokosmos, beleuchten Arbeitsweisen, besprechen relevante Guidelines und erweitern unsere Horizonte. Enjoy the show! Fragen und Anregungen gerne willkommen: response.podcast@ma70.wien.gv.at

JAMA Medical News

JAMA Network

Discussions of timely topics in clinical medicine, biomedical research, public health, health policy, and more, featured in the Medical News section of JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association.

AIMS - Ortopedia


HFA Cardio Talk

Heart Failure Association of the ESC

The HFA Cardio Talk provides the opportunity to anyone interested in Heart Failure to receive updates in the field with very specific and diverse topics, go on a deeper subject of an HFA course and to listen to a discussion of key opinion leaders with junior HF specialists. Each month, a new episode lasting approximately 15 minutes and taking the form of a conversation between a member of the HFA Young community and an internationally renowned expert is released. You can also be interested in other ESC podcasts: ESC Cardio Talk, EHRA Cardio Talk and ESC TV Today. Check them out!

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Podcast Series

American Heart Association

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common form of genetic heart disease and can affect people of any age yet is often undiagnosed. Learn more about HCM in this podcast series to discuss its impact with your patients.

Linee Guida e Medicina d'Urgenza

Gemma Morabito

Una serie di podcast rivolti a Medici e Infermieri della medicina d'urgenza, nei quali leggeremo insieme le Linee guida di interesse per chi lavora in Pronto Soccorso (una iniziativa editoriale di Gemma Morabito, medico d'urgenza ed Editor in-Chief di MedEmIt)

Linee Guida e Medicina d'Urgenza

Gemma Morabito

Una serie di podcast rivolti a Medici e Infermieri della medicina d'urgenza, nei quali leggeremo insieme le Linee guida di interesse per chi lavora in Pronto Soccorso (una iniziativa editoriale di Gemma Morabito, medico d'urgenza ed Editor in-Chief di MedEmIt)

AIMS - Gastroenterologia


Global Medical Device Podcast powered by Greenlight Guru

Greenlight Guru + Medical Device Entrepreneurs

The Global Medical Device Podcast, powered by Greenlight Guru, is where today's brightest minds in the medical device industry go to get their most useful and actionable insider knowledge, direct from some of the world's leading medical device experts and companies.

Accademia AIMS


Not Otherwise Specified

NEJM Group

In “Not Otherwise Specified,” Dr. Lisa Rosenbaum, cardiologist and national correspondent for the New England Journal of Medicine, defies our sound-bite culture to go deep with some of medicine’s most innovative thinkers. Her guests’ stories and ideas about health care’s toughest challenges and greatest promise may change the way you think about medicine, health, and society.

ACVC Cardio Talk

European Society of Cardiology

Experts discussion on the recent data on the usage of a combination of diuretics in AHF patients. Practical tips & tricks for preventing diuretic resistance, avoiding neurohormonal and metabolic overactivity, and individualising therapy depending on electrolyte disturbances, kidney dysfunction or respiratory failure.

Channel Your Enthusiasm

Channel Your Enthusiasm

A chapter by chapter recap of Burton Rose’s classic, The Clinical Physiology of Acid Base and Electrolyte Disorders, a kidney physiology book for nephrologists, fellows, residents and medical students.

AIMS - Medicina del Lavoro


יש רופא בקהל

חן מוסקוביץ וליהי שוורץ | BGU Radio

בחירות קריירה לא שגרתיות של רופאים



Il podcast ufficiale della Società Italiana di Neurologia dove saranno trattati gli argomenti più interessanti e le novità in campo neurologico Tutti i nostri articoli sono approvati da un team editoriale dedicato e andranno in onda ogni martedì e giovedì

La Civetta


La Civetta è il podcast in cui Cesare Buquicchio dialoga, ogni mese, con una grande firma del giornalismo anticipando i temi della sanità e ragionando sul rapporto tra comunicazione e salute.


Alessandro Vincenzetti

Appassionati di Medicina d'Emergenza-Urgenza affrontano articoli di letteratura e casi clinici.

Для тех, кто хочет жить долго

Yulia Yusipova

Юлия Юсипова - врач, специалист по системной и персонализированной медицине. Живет и работает в США. Руководит Европейским Университетом Долголетия. Говорим о здоровье, питании, функциях мозга, анализах, метаболизме, гормонах и конечно о том, как жить долго.

The Internet Book of Critical Care Podcast

Adam Thomas & Josh Farkas

Brought to you by a partnership that transcends the 49th parallel. Join Adam Thomas and Josh Farkas in the podcast that accompanies The Internet Book of Critical Care. The IBCC podcast will explore key points in each chapter. Initially the release of podcasts may lag a bit behind the chapters for logistic reasons. However, our goal is to eventually have a podcast for each chapter. Subsequently, the podcast will discuss updates to the IBCC based on new evidence.

Docs Who Lift

Docs Who Lift

Drs. Spencer and Karl Nadolsky talk about nutrition, medicine, and fitness through the lens of two physicians who lift weights. Both doctors are former NCAA division 1 wrestlers who have gone into medicine. Dr. Spencer Nadolsky is a board certified family physician specialized in obesity medicine and lipidology. Dr. Karl Nadolsky is a board certified endocrinologist also specialized in obesity medicine.

Kopf trifft Körper


Chronische Schmerzen und Beschwerden werden von uns ganzheitlich betrachtet und diskutiert. Als Physiotherapeutin und Psychotherapeutin mit Fokus auf Nervensystem Arbeit ergänzen wir uns perfekt. Wir beleuchten Ursachen, Entstehung und Inspiration zur Lösung von Beschwerden wie Kopfschmerzen, Rücken- und Nackenbeschwerden, Erschöpfung, innere Unruhe und Anspannung, Verdauungsbeschwerden uvm.


Manuel Salvadori

Podcast dove tra scienza e pratica si forniscono chicche tecniche su alimentazione, biohacking, allenamento, sonno e stile di vita in generale, con rubriche ed interviste dedicate.

FisioScience Cafè


FisioScience Cafè è il podcast di FisioScience per chi vuole portare sempre con se la fisioterapia basata sulle prove di efficacia.

Continuum Audio

American Academy of Neurology

Continuum Audio features conversations with the guest editors and authors of Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology, the premier topic-based neurology clinical review and CME journal from the American Academy of Neurology. AAN members can earn CME for listening to interviews for review articles and completing the evaluation on the AAN’s Online Learning Center.

Pharmaguida - Cultura della salute


Diffondere Cultura della salute, questo l’obiettivo della serie podcast di Pharmaguida. Abbi buona cura del tuo corpo, è l’unico posto in cui devi vivere, sosteneva Jim Rohn. E infatti, oggi più che mai, è essenziale porre l’attenzione sulla nostra salute e sul nostro benessere. Di puntata in puntata scoprirai come aiutare il tuo corpo a vivere in modo sano e forte, rendendolo più protetto rispetto agli attacchi di fattori esterni. Questo grazie all’aiuto della ricerca, di prodotti innovativi e di componenti naturali. Seguici e sarai il miglior alleato del tuo benessere!

JAMA Clinical Reviews

JAMA Network

Author interviews that explore the latest clinical reviews.

CardioPractice Cardio Talk

European Society of Cardiology

CardioPractice Cardio Talk, regular podcasts to help your daily cardiology practice.

DrTalk | Cardiology

Think2it, Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore

Un podcast di cardiologia a cura del Pensiero Scientifico Editore con la collaborazione tecnica di Think2it.

Neurocritical Care Society Podcast

Neurocritical Care Society

The goal of the Neurocritical Care Society Podcast is to summarize some of the latest content and cutting edge research published in the journal, Neurocritical Care, official journal of the Neurocritical Care Society. Episodes are produced regularly and feature interviews with the top researchers around the world in the fields of neurology, critical care, and neurosurgery.

Coda Change

Coda Change

Coda Conference: Clinical Knowledge, Advocacy and Community. Melbourne: 11-14 Sept 2022 codachange.org

Sensei podcast

Emmanouil Brilakis

Sensei is "teacher" or "master" in Japanese. The goal of the Sensei podcast is to help you learn and improve your skills in CTO and complex PCI so that you can become the best that you can be and offer the best possible results to your patients.

ICU Doc Talk


Critical care, anesthesiology, and social reform rambling from ICU Doctor on TikTok. Not medical advice. Educational only. @icudoctor; icudoctorecmo@gmail.com

Cardiology Trials

Cardiology Trials

An exploration of pivotal clinical trials in cardiovascular medicine that have significantly influenced the field. This podcast aligns with our publications on the Cardiology Trial's Substack. cardiologytrials.substack.com

Medical Myths, Legends & Fairytales

Dr Alan Christianson

New York Times best-selling author and distinguished thyroid care expert, Dr. Alan Christianson dives deep into today's big controversies like vaccines, grains, and soy. We explore the unexpected side of things you never thought were controversial like leaky gut, pesticides, and fructose. The goal is not to shock or outrage, but to help us all learn to cling tightly to our health, and cling loosely to our ideas. Feel an unprecedented sense of being able to communicate with love, concern, and science - and help us get back on track.

Neural Implant podcast - the people behind Brain-Machine Interface revolutions

Ladan Jiracek

This podcast's purpose is to bring together the field of neuroprosthetics / brain machine interfaces / brain implants in an understandable conversation about the current topics and breakthroughs. We hope to complement scientific papers on new neural research in an easy, digestable way. Innovators and professionals can share thoughts or ideas to facilitate 'idea sex' to make the field of brain implants a smaller and more personal space.

NEJM This Week

NEJM Group

Concise summaries of everything published in the latest weekly issue of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). NEJM publishes new medical research findings, review articles, and editorial opinion on topics of importance to biomedical science and clinical practice.

The Curious Clinicians

The Curious Clinicians

The Curious Clinicians is a medical podcast that asks "why?". Why do diseases present in certain ways? What are the mechanisms of treatments we use? Why does the human body function as it does? Join us to explore these questions and many more.

Heads Up

National Migraine Centre

Headache Specialists from the UK charity National Migraine Centre discuss everything migraine and headache related. This podcast is set up to help give support and advice to those suffering with this largely misunderstood condition. Throughout this podcast you will hear from guest speakers and experts in the medical field, as well as from migraineurs themselves sharing their experiences. Send us your questions or any comments to info@nationalmigrainecentre.org.uk. The Heads Up podcast is provided for general information only. It is not intended to amount to medical advice on which you should rely or to advocate or recommend the purchase of any product or to endorse or guarantee the credentials or appropriateness of any health care provider. The National Migraine Centre is not responsible for the views of those featured on this podcast and does not endorse, approve, or certify their recommendations or opinions, and information from this podcast should not be referenced in any way to imply such approval or endorsement. No material within this podcast is intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You must obtain professional or specialist advice before taking, or refraining from, any action on the basis of information provided in this podcast. Do not begin a new medical regimen, or ignore the advice of a medical professional, as a result of information expressed in this podcast, this website or from any of the sources of information to which we may link. By accessing this podcast, you acknowledge that the National Migraine Centre makes no warranty, guarantee, or representation as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the information featured in this podcast. Any hyperlinks or references are provided for your convenience & information only. We have no control over third party websites and accept no legal responsibility for any content, material or information contained in them.

Нетипичный косметолог

Maiia Goldobina

Житейские истории с акцентом на кожу. Простым языком про отношения с кожей и отношение к коже. Без терминов и занудства, легко и с пользой. Короткие выпуски, которые удобно слушать за чашкой кофе или по дороге на работу.

As a Woman

Natalie Crawford, MD

Dr. Natalie Crawford is a fertility physician at Fora Fertility in Austin, Texas who knows that trying to understand your body and your hormones can be exhausting and overwhelming in the world of medical misinformation and contradicting opinions. She started this podcast to educate and empower, giving people access to the knowledge she's acquired on health and fertility from the comfort of their home, or where ever they choose to listen! She talks about a wide range of topics, including IVF, hormones, infertility, menstrual cycles, mental health, and, well, beyond! She also welcomes special guests to speak to related topics, or share their fertility journey. Tune in and become a part of the community of collaboration that amplifies others, As a Woman.

The Doctor's Kitchen Podcast

Dr Rupy Aujla

The Doctor's Kitchen is the show about food, medicine, lifestyle and how to improve your health today. Join Dr Rupy and his expert guests as they explore the multiple ways in which diet and lifestyle can help you achieve your healthiest and most fulfilling life. Covering a broad range of subjects such as Nutritional medicine, Mental wellbeing and Mindset, you are sure to learn actionable tips and principles to lead your best life. Join the online community at www.thedoctorskitchen.com to learn more Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Ahead of the Curve, The Scoliosis Experience

Dr. Meghan Teed, PT, DPT

Are you looking for a better understanding of scoliosis? Want to know how to live a life without limits despite your curve? Ahead of the Curve, The Scoliosis Experience is the podcast for you! Join Dr. Meghan Teed, @thescoliotherapist, as she dives deep into all things scoliosis and more inside each episode. She'll provide guidance in your journey and demystify scoliosis so that you can feel more confident and comfortable with your curve - whether you're a teen, adult, or medical provider. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity!

Protrusive Dental Podcast

Jaz Gulati

Welcome to the Protrusive Dental Podcast - the forward thinking podcast for dental professionals. Join me alongside guest speakers as we discuss hot topics in Dentistry, clinical tips, continuing education and adding value to your life and career. Jaz Gulati shares his passion for Dentistry with guest speakers, covering topics such as: - Occlusion - Working Abroad - Course Reviews - Hot topics in Dentistry - Clinical tips - Personal Development

Demystifying Genetics

Matt Burgess

This is a podcast series called Demystifying Genetics where I, Matt Burgess, Genetic Counsellor interview other genetic counsellors or people working in genetics. We chat about human clinical genetics, genetic counselling, ethics, pyschosocial issues and more. To contact me, please reach out at matt at insightgenomica.au

Dentistry Uncensored with Howard Farran

Howard Farran: Dentist | Dental CE Speaker | Founder & CEO of Dentaltown.co

POWERED BY DENTALTOWN.COM Uncomplicate your dental life with Dr. Howard Farran as he interviews your fellow townies and leaders in dentistry! Dentists and dental professionals share their wisdom to make your dentistry faster, easier, higher in quality and lower in cost. Episodes released every week day with the full transcripts at dentaltown.com/podcasts.

Neuro Resus

Oliver Flower

Podcasts on topics relevant to intensive care medicine

RealTalk MS

Jon Strum

Jon Strum cuts through all the jargon and breaks down the latest multiple sclerosis news. You’ll meet the scientists who are creating tomorrow’s MS treatments today. You’ll hear from the experts discussing how the latest tweaks and changes to our healthcare laws will impact your MS treatment. And we’ll be talking to the courageous MS warriors who are out there advocating on behalf of the MS community every day, as well as the men and women who are committed to living their best lives with MS and living their best lives as MS caregivers. If you're dealing with multiple sclerosis in your life -- as a patient, caregiver, family member, or friend -- join us each week for RealTalk MS.

Core EM - Emergency Medicine Podcast

Core EM

Core EM is dedicated to bringing Emergency Providers all things core content Emergency Medicine. In the true spirit of Emergency Medicine our content is available to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Core IM | Internal Medicine Podcast

Core IM Team

Core Internal Medicine via following series: 5 Pearls || Clinically relevant pearls Mind the Gap || Why do we do what we do? Gray Matters || Management Reasoning Hoofbeats || Dissecting clinical reasoning At the Bedside || Explore everyday challenges

Critical Care Time

Critical Care Time Podcast

Critical Care Time is the podcast for everyone who cares for the critically Ill. Whether you work in an ICU, a Med-Surg unit, an ED, a PACU or the back of an ambulance - Dr. Cyrus Askin & Dr. Nick Mark provide practical insights and useful tips to enhance your skillset. They are triple board-certified intensivists who love patient care and teaching. Journey with them through deep dives into physiology and practical pearls, leaving no stone unturned in the world of critical care medicine.  Through their own insights, expert interviews and targeted reviews of the literature, Nick and Cyrus provide practical, relevant critical care pearls. If you bill for critical care time, you must make time for Critical Care Time! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Dr. Anne Fleck - Gesundheit und Ernährung mit BRIGITTE

BRIGITTE / Audio Alliance / RTL+

Achtung! Bis einschließlich 20.05.2024 könnt ihr für "Dr. Anne Fleck" beim Deutschen Podcast Preis (Publikumspreis-Kategorie "Bester Ratgeber") abstimmen! Einfach auf der Voting-Seite "Jetzt abstimmen" klicken: https://www.deutscher-podcastpreis.de/podcasts/dr-anne-fleck-gesundheit-und-ernaehrung-mit-brigitte/ Wir freuen uns über eure Stimme und bedanken uns schon mal recht herzlich! +++ Anne Fleck ist eine der bekanntesten und unkonventionellsten Ernährungsmedizinerinnen Deutschlands. Im Gespräch mit Meike Dinklage von der Brigitte Redaktion klärt sie Fragen zur gesunden, individuellen Ernährung, deckt Food-Mythen auf und erklärt ihren ganz persönlichen Heilansatz. Mit vielen Tipps zum Nachmachen und Nachkochen.   +++ Alle Rabattcodes und Infos zu unseren Werbepartnern findet ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/gesundheitundernaehrung +++    Dr. Anne Fleck - Gesundheit und Ernährung mit BRIGITTE ist ein Podcast von RTL + Musik. Produziert von der Audio Alliance. Hostinnen: Dr. Anne Fleck, Meike Dinklage Redaktion: Meike Dinklage Projektmanagement & Schnitt: Kristofer Koch Postproduktion & Sounddesign: Wei Quan Leitung Postproduktion: Nicolas Femerling  Redaktionsleitung: Ivy Haase Partnermanagement: Patricia Wyrwich Executive Producer: Andrea Zuska, Christian Schalt https://www.rtl.de/cms/service/footer-navigation/impressum.html


Gianluca Conversa

Questo è il podcast pensato per tutti i professionisti della salute che vogliano approfondire alcuni degli aspetti più caldi, intriganti, intricati e inaspettati sull'argomento dolore. Ci riferiamo in particolare al dolore cronico, nella fattispecie quello cosiddetto "benigno", eufemismo... naturalmente, termine che indica tutti quei dolori che NON originano da una patologia oncologica maligna, per intenderci... Il nostro non è un podcast con intenzioni scolastiche, didatticamente incontrovertibili e scientificamente inoppugnabili... per quanto di scienza ce n'è e ce ne sarà sempre molta. No, l'intenzione è quella di affrontare alcuni argomenti rilevanti che riguardino l'ambito "dolore", scegliendone alcuni degli aspetti più controversi, fuorvianti... o innovativi... e discutendone poi con un esperto della materia, più frequentemente con un algologo, ma non necessariamente... La speranza è quella di lasciare un messaggio, breve ma incisivo, che possa aiutare quelli che, come me, si trovano a dover tentare di dare una risposta ai tanti pazienti afflitti da dolore. Ma naturalmente il podcast è rivolto anche a chiunque abbia interesse ad approfondire la materia... quindi benvenuti su SSSàC!

Medicina delle Dipendenze

Luigi Gallimberti

La dipendenza, sia essa da sostanze o comportamentale, è un fenomeno sempre più diffuso negli uomini e nelle donne di qualunque fascia d’età. Una persona che si trova obbligata a prendere una decisione senza poter scegliere tra delle alternative è definita dipendente. Consapevoli del fatto che sulla dipendenza sono stati versati fiumi di inchiostro e parole, questo podcast nasce dall’esigenza di inquadrare il fenomeno in un’ottica sia umana sia scientifica. Gli studi più recenti sembrano confermare che la dipendenza abbia origine nel cervello e che una volta instaurata essa acquisisca le caratteristiche di malattia cronica soggetta a ricadute. Allo stato attuale della conoscenza non si è ancora riusciti a trovare una terapia efficace per guarire il cervello restituendo la funzionalità originaria. Le neuroscienze sembra stiano individuando delle strategie terapeutiche risolutive. Questo è stato possibile individuando il percorso cerebrale del disturbo dal momento in cui esso insorge a quello in cui si manifesta. Le principali ricerche scientifiche che hanno fornito un contributo sostanziale a questa comprensione, le strategie terapeutiche derivate e i risultati clinici conseguiti saranno affrontati nelle puntate di questo podcast. In ultimo verranno illustrate anche le nuove strategie preventive.

Frag dich fit – mit Doc Esser und Anne


Die besten Tipps für ein gesundes Leben gibt es jeden Freitag zu hören. Im Gesundheitspodcast geht es um Ernährung, Sport und Wohlbefinden. Und damit auch um viele Volkskrankheiten – und wie wir ihnen vorbeugen können. In jeder Folge beantworten Doc Esser und Anne eure Fragen. Wenn ihr dabei sein wollt, schickt uns die Fragen per Mail an docesser@wdr.de. 

Critical Care Scenarios

Brandon Oto, PA-C, FCCM and Bryan Boling, DNP, ACNP, FCCM

Join us as we talk through clinical cases in the ICU setting, illustrating important points of diagnosis, treatment, and management of the critically ill patient, all in a casual, "talk through" verbal scenario format.


Jacopo Cirillo

Tutti la facciamo, ma nessuno ne parla, perché non si fa, è indelicato e poco educato. Ma lei rifiuta d’essere un rifiuto, è l’impertinente che vuole ritornare pertinente. E noi vogliamo darle una mano dedicandole un podcast intero: dieci puntate di liberazione scatologica in compagnia di esperti, medici, divulgatori e intellettuali, per coprire tutto lo scibile degli escrementi. Nientepopodimeno. Da uno stimolo di Studio Raheem, con la spinta e la consulenza medico-scientifica di Santagostino, l’abbiamo fatta grossa: il risultato è Evacuazioni, un podcast sulla cacca.

Audible Bleeding

Powered by the SVS

Audible Bleeding is a resource for trainees and practicing vascular surgeons, focusing on interviews with leaders in the field, board preparation, and dissemination of best clinical practices and high impact innovations in vascular surgery.

GeneraLife Italia Podcast

GeneraLife Italia

I Podcast di GeneraLife, una serie di interviste audio con gli esperti dei centri GeneraLife, sui principali temi che riguardano la Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita. L’obiettivo è quello di mettere a disposizione di tutti coloro che sono interessati al mondo della Pma una modalità agile e innovativa, quella dell’ascolto, per informarsi e trovare risposte a dubbi e domande.

The Margin VSSO Podcast

Elizabeth Maxwell

The Veterinary Society of Surgical Oncology is a group of veterinary professionals committed to the advancement of surgical oncology, cancer care in general and translational cancer research. This podcast is to provide insight into the speciality by having conversations with professionals that are engaged with the society.

Health Report - Full program podcast

ABC listen

Specialist and mainstream audiences alike rely on the Health Report to bring clarity to health and medical issues from social, scientific and political points of view.

Harrison's PodClass: Internal Medicine Cases and Board Prep


Courtesy of AccessMedicine, Harrison’s PodClass delivers illuminating and engaging discussions on key principles of internal medicine, around board-style case vignettes from the acclaimed McGraw-Hill book, Harrison’s Self-Assessment and Board Review.

Cardionerds: A Cardiology Podcast


Cardionerds is a medical cardiology podcast created to bring high yield cardiovascular concepts in a fun and engaging format for listeners of all levels. We aim to democratize cardiovascular education, promote diversity & inclusion in our beloved field, empower every learner to teach & every teacher to learn and foster wellness & humanity for all. Check us out! www.cardionerds.com

Pediatric Emergency Playbook

Tim Horeczko, MD, MSCR, FACEP, FAAP

You make tough calls when caring for acutely ill and injured children. Join us for strategy and support -- through clinical cases, research and reviews, and best-practice guidance in our ever-changing acute care landscape. Please visit our site at http://PEMplaybook.org/ for show notes and to get involved with the show -- see you there!

Hauptfolge Archive - pin-up-docs - don't panic

pin-up-docs – don't panic

Thorben & Johannes über Kochrezepte, aktuelle Themen und Wissenwertes aus dem Bereich perioperative Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin

The Sports Physical Therapy Podcast

Mike Reinold

The Sports Physical Therapy Podcast, hosted by Mike Reinold, features interviews with established and emerging leaders in the field of sports physical therapy and performance training. Stay current by combining recent evidence, clinical experience, and career advice from some of the leading experts in sports medicine.

Ninja Nerd

Ninja Nerd

Welcome to the official Ninja Nerd Podcast! Brought to you by Zach and Rob, we will be presenting on board exam content and highlighting the most important information you need in order to crush your exams and apply these concepts clinically.

Australian Prescriber Podcast

Australian Prescriber

The Australian Prescriber Podcast provides a regular dive into some of the many great articles that Australian Prescriber publishes every two months. In each episode, our host will chat with one of the authors from a recent issue of Australian Prescriber.

PRS Global Open Deep Cuts

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery- Global Open (PRS Global Open)

Talks at meetings or articles in journals and textbooks don't always tell the whole story of the field of plastic surgery. With the Deep Cuts podcasts, PRS Global Open delves into the details that are often hidden from view. In the "Giants of Plastic Surgery", Dr. Vimal Gokani and Dr. George Adigbli investigate what drives and motivates the most influential names in our field, while with "Leveling Up", Dr. Puru Nagarkar reveals the little technical details in a surgeon's repertoire that make all the difference.

EyeRevise: Ophthalmology

Dr Ahoane Qureshi

Hi, I’m Ahoane, a junior doctor with an interest in Medical Education and Opthalmology. EyeRevise is the medical revision podcast that’s easy to listen to. Aimed at health care students and professionals. We’ll be covering core clinical topics in an engaging case based style. So if you want to learn more medicine then stay tuned! While I have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this podcast is reliable and accurate to the best of my ability. I am not responsible or liable for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information.

The Good GP

The Good GP

The Good GP, the education podcast for busy GPs; brought to you by Dr Tim Koh, Dr Krystyna DeLange and Dr Sean Stevens. The Good GP is a proud member of the Talking HealthTech Podcast Network - the premier audio destination for cutting-edge insights and thought leadership in healthcare delivery, innovation, digital health, healthcare ICT, and commercialisation. Disclaimer: The Good GP podcasts are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. Always seek the advice of a specialist GP or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Your Brain Explained

Dr. Dave Rabin

Have you ever wondered what’s going on up there in that old brain of yours while you’re busy experiencing life in the world? Well you’ve come to the right place! Your Brain Explained is a new kind of show that’s a cross between TED Radio Hour and psychedelic Bill Nye, hosted by acclaimed psychiatrist, neuroscientist, and psychedelic researcher, Dr. Dave Rabin MD, PhD. This show looks under the hood of Dr. Dave's personal journey to understand consciousness and how our brains and bodies do what they do to help us live the good life. Dr. Dave hosts conversations with leading minds across all fields to explore the intersection of technology, consciousness, spirituality, and medicine. Each episode will focus on a specific topic ranging from sleep, mental health, meditation, and wearables to psychedelics, AI, extreme human performance and everything in between. We’ll get jiggy with the discoverable nature of life itself and leave you and your brain with the delightful tingle of knowing just a little bit more about yourself with each show. Dive in with us. It’s comfortable inside!

PRS Global Open Keynotes

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery- Global Open (PRS Global Open)

Keeping up to date with the latest breakthroughs in plastic and reconstructive surgery can be hard. PRS Global Open has made it a whole lot easier by interviewing global Plastic Surgery giants of today and leaders of tomorrow about their research, their techniques and what the future may bring in this exciting field of medicine. Whether you're a patient, physician, plastic surgery resident or experienced attending surgeon, this is the podcast for you. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery—Global Open is the official open access, peer reviewed journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. It can be read for free on PRSGlobalOpen.com.

ISUOG Podcast


ISUOG brings together experts in gynecology and obstetrics for conversations on the most significant topics in women's health. Sharing their insight, expertise and knowledge of ultrasound in OBGYN, they explore the challenges, limitations and innovative solutions. All views expressed in this podcast are of the speakers themselves and are not those of ISUOG.

HealthCare Focus

Corina Paraschiv

We follow Health Care news and industry research so you don’t have to.


Mark Labella

Welcome to USMLE Listen: Step 1. This podcast was made for the medical students and doctors taking the United States Medical Licensure Exams Step 1. As we know, the best way to learn and retain information is to initiate all senses with repetition: the visual, the auditory, and the kinesthetic… This podcast is especially beneficial to auditory learners, or learners who commute! Sources for USMLE LISTEN are First Aid, Osmosis, Uworld, and Kaplan study guides.

Practice Made Perfect

American College of Cardiology

This occasional series from the American College of Cardiology, developed by members for members, features conversational expert interviews on non-clinical competencies, skills, well-being, and best practices for the entire heart care team.

The Egg Whisperer Show

Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh

In 2017, Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh started her weekly Egg Whisperer Show as a way of promoting fertility awareness. Her goal is to give people answers to questions and topics that aren’t easily found elsewhere on the internet. Delivered with a healthy dose of Dr. Aimee’s signature wit and sweet kindness, she manages to simplify the complex. Information is easy and accessible to all with Dr. Aimee’s help.

Bedside Rounds

Adam Rodman, MD, MPH, FACP

Bedside Rounds is a storytelling podcast about medical history and medicine’s intersections with society and culture. Host Adam Rodman seeks to tell a few of these weird, wonderful, and intensely human stories that have made modern medicine.

RFK Jr Podcast

Robert Kennedy Jr

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is founder of Waterkeeper Alliance, as well as founder of Children’s Health Defense. Mr. Kennedy was named one of Time magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. The RFK Jr Podcast features Mr. Kennedy interviewing guests. Produced by David Whiteside. For full bio of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, please visit: https://www.kennedy24.com/about


Dr. med. Cordelia Schott

Dies ist kein typischer Ärzte-Podcast, sondern Gesundheit einmal anders. Die Fachärztin Dr. Cordelia Schott gibt dir mit diesem Podcast die Möglichkeit, chronisch kompetent zu werden und Gesundheit zu erschaffen. Humorvoll bekommst du ärztliches Insiderwissen zu typischen medizinischen Problemen und Werkzeuge, um direkt umzusetzen. Neben der wöchentlichen Medizinwissen-Dosis erfährst du erstaunliche Patientengeschichten und lernst nebenbei, wie du deine Ernährung optimierst, Bewegung in den Alltag integrierst, mit Stress umgehst, besser schläfst und was dein Mindset mit Krankheiten zu tun haben kann. GESUNDHEIT KANNST DU LERNEN ist der perfekte Podcast für alle, die nach einem frischen, unkonventionellen Blick auf die Medizin suchen. Komplexe und häufige medizinische Probleme einfach erklärt, Aha-Erlebnisse inklusive – kostenlos, jeden Mittwoch im Podcast-Player deines Vertrauens. Hör rein und lass dich von ihr „schottisieren".

What's That Rash?

ABC listen

Get answers to the health questions everyone's asking. Our experts give you the information you need to feel good and make the best decisions for your brain and body.
