Bad Friends

Andrew Santino and Bobby Lee

Andrew Santino and Bobby Lee present BAD FRIENDS. New episodes every Monday! FOLLOW US! Bad Friends: Andrew Santino: Bobby Lee:

Netflix Is A Daily Joke


It's simple: Netflix Is A Daily Joke is a joke a day podcast featuring a daily dose of your favorite Netflix comedians. One joke a day. Every day.


All Things Comedy

A no-holds-barred arena for half truths, social no-nos, and animal behavior-featuring comedian Bobby Lee and his best friend Khalyla. Every Wednesday.

Broken Simulation with Sam Tripoli and Johnny Woodard

Johnny Woodard

The comedy show where hosts Sam Tripoli and Johnny Woodard look for evidence that our simulation is, in fact, broken.

Rice To Meet You

Nigel Ng, Evelyn Mok

A comedy podcast about Asian culture. Hosted by two UK-based comedians - Nigel Ng and Evelyn Mok. Sometimes the internet's favourite uncle, Uncle Roger, makes an appearance! New episodes every Tuesday. Support the podcast:



初聴きの方は#39#43#81#85がオススメ🤲 都内で暮らすぶっ飛び女(イクミとお松)が、仕事に恋愛...人生の酸いも甘いも、とにかく喋り散らかす。寂しくなったら聴いてみて? 好きなことで自由に"散らかす"その過程に 人生の喜びとヒントがある ー みんな、散らかしてる? 水or日曜にできる範囲で配信中🐢 ⚠️現在お返事できてないお便り💌が多い為、新規お便りの受付は暫くお休みします🙇‍♀️ Twitter🐦: おまつ🍍Instagram: ハッシュタグは #ゴリちら で🤎 ◆プロフィール◆ イクミ🍜: 年齢🐍1989年生まれ 血液型🩸B 趣味♨️温泉・銭湯巡り、音楽鑑賞 仕事🏘都内・資産運用系・不動産金融 性格🤪明るくてオタク気質 メンバーカラー(何それ?)💚緑(強い生命力の色) お松🍍: 年齢🐴1990年生まれ 血液型🩸AB 趣味🥊キックボクシング、とんかつ 仕事🏢 都内・建築系・不動産開発 性格😚楽観的でマイペース メンバーカラー(何それ?)🤍白(強い意志の色) ※「散らかし屋さん」はリスナーさんの呼称 ※二人はC県立F高校の同級生です ※"ゴリラ"はゴリゴリアラサーの略(後付け)

Шоу Talk на ТНТ.

Телеканал ТНТ

Четыре комика: Нурлан Сабуров, Руслан Белый, Тимур Каргинов и Азамат Мусагалиев разговаривают на жизненные темы: сколько нужно потратить на ужин во время первого свидания? Должен ли мужчина пользоваться косметичкой? Почему мат - такая важная составляющая нашей речи?




Berner Phone

Hannah Berner and Des Bishop

The Berner Phone hotline is open! Hannah Berner and her husband, comedian Des Bishop, are listening to callers, dishing out their best advice, and bantering back with hilarious chemistry for their first ever podcast together. Keep an eye out on their Instagram stories for prompts to leave a voice message and be featured on the pod. Whether it’s pet peeves, secrets, life advice, dating dilemmas, or career questions, Hannah and Des are dialed in.

Social Studies

Joe Dombrowski & Gaspare Randazzo

Comedians Joe Dombrowski (former elementary school teacher) and co-host Gaspare Randazzo (current high school teacher) discuss the chaotic life in and out of the classroom, the nuances of parenting toddlers, and pretty much all things millennial. Each episode is different. Sometimes they'll bring you a Hollywood guest such as comedian Anjelah Reyes-Johnson or renowned School Psychologist Dr.Jody Carrington. Sometimes they might read emails from fans, riffing on their unbelievable, real life, classroom stories. Other times they might argue over the most realistic conspiracy theories. You never know!

Monsieur Tuna Youtube video podcast

Monsieur Tuna fan

Podcast dành cho ai chỉ nghe chứ ít khi coi video như mình !!! Link youtube chính chủ: Kênh podcast này đến từ 1 bạn tự nhận là fan của chú Tuân thôi nha mn !!! Chúc mọi người nghe podcast vui vẻ !!!



韓國DO RE MI 코리아 도레미 兩位住在韓國首爾的30代的女紙 把屁話偏多的廢事變成正經事 分享韓國生活裡大到隕石小到奈米般的事 告訴你現實其實不殘酷 / 이영aka.20、李英、ENFP Instagram:yingjian920 Youtube:yiyoung이영 / 유안aka.Vii、安、ESTJ Instagram:v___i___i Youtube:Vii in seoul



A weekly podcast recorded live from Austin, Texas with your hosts Tony Hinchcliffe & Brian Redban. For advertising opportunities please email   Privacy Policy:


Sky & 鴨肉

活著太辛苦,歡迎收聽茫Day不錄,最觸的Podcast 廢物異男組Sky & 鴨肉陪你度過艱難的日常,只要能讓你笑開懷,我們什麼都能聊。 放空 / 呼吸 / 通勒/工作/行光合作用時第一首選 異男 / 閒聊 / 八年級 / 厭世 都聽得到 固定每禮拜三、禮拜天更新 聽了很茫,茫了再聽。 追蹤我們的IG: 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: 戀愛諮商室: Powered by Firstory Hosting Powered by Firstory Hosting



若くもないけどおばさんでもない。そんなネオおばさんの私たちが自意識をこじらせながら偏見と妄想を話す番組です。5点の私たちなのでご容赦ください。毎週月曜18時に配信中! 出演: しょうちゃん(ゲイ男性) ヴァジャ(女) チャンネル登録お願いします! お便り、ご感想、SNS等リンク



日常観察家事情報人生共感型 ジャスト10分バラエティ。 シュッとしたおっちゃんになりきれない、 宙ぶらり世代の2人が、 関西からお送りしています。 毎週土曜21時・水曜19時配信中 <パーソナリティ> ・ ミタムラ(WEB制作) ・ モリグチ(音楽制作) <公式ホームページ> <番組X(旧Twitter)> @waku2radio ハッシュタグは #ワクラジ <配信プラットフォーム> ・ Apple Podcast ・ Spotify ・ Amazon Music ・ Audible ・ Voicy <LISTEN>


Anri and Yoshi

🔻お便りはこちら🔻 . 🔻グッズショップ🔻 . 前世姉妹と言っても過言ではないゲイとおこげの親友2人のポッドキャスト。 浜崎あゆみに人生を捧げるゲイのよしと東京恋愛砂漠でもがき苦しむアラフォー独身おこげのあんりが日常を切り取って、自意識過剰を笑ってやり過ごす番組です。 眠れる!寝落ちできる!なども言われていたりする?!寝る前にもオススメです♪ . チャンネルのフォロー、X (twitter), instagramのフォローお願いします。 #ニュースト で感想をつぶやいてくれるととっても励みになります。 お便りもどしどし応募してます!気軽に送ってください。 . 🔻プレゼントフォーム🎁 🔻X (twitter) 🔻instagram 🔻podcast links 🔻案件はメールにお願いします

Bone to Pick Podcast

Bone to Pick

What is grinding your gears that you need to get off your chest? Weekly podcast staring Robert Kelly & Paul Virzi with Mike Albanese settling the big and small annoyances in life.

Laugh After Dark Stand-Up

Laugh After Dark

Cut loose and laugh along as Laugh After Dark brings the comedy club experience to you. Laugh After Dark is a stand-up comedy series featuring hilarious up-and-coming comedians. There is a little something for everyone in this fresh and diverse brand of comedy. [Full Stand Up Comedy Sets on YouTube] Support this podcast:

Screen Queens

DM Podcasts

Screen Queens is a twice-weekly podcast from Sydney comedians and seasoned podcasters Bec Charlwood & Alex Jae. After wrapping up 5 years of their hit podcast Dude Cinema in 2023, Bec and Alex are back with their hilarious and hot takes about EVERYTHING you watch and see on your screens. From cinema to television to tiktok and everything in between, Screen Queens is your one-stop-shop for what to watch (or not watch!) and why.

Stand up Comedy

Stand up comedy

Welcome 🎉 to my Stand up comedy show🎙.....


Damla Deniz Sezer

Karantina günlerinde saçma sapan sohbetler.


Dan Soder

Dan Soder's podcast



歡迎來到欣欣聊天室,欣內話時間 ❤️

2 Girls 1 Blunt

Jaime Lee Simmons, Emily Wade

2 Girls 1 Blunt Podcast is hosted by Miami based stand up comedians, Jaime Lee Simmons and Emily Wade, two filthy fn st0nrs originally from Boston. Their raw, relatable, and unapologetic take on the dating scene, personal experiences, improving your mental health, and the end of the world will leave you laughing, crying,  high on life, and apart of the smoke sesh.Submit your questions, topics you’d like to hear on the podcast, wild stories, & funny videos to: 2girls1bluunt@gmail.comLeave a voicemail at 857-271-9663 to be featured on the next episode!------------------------------------------------Follow 2 Girls 1 Blunt on Instagram: Listen to 2 Girls 1 Blunt on Apple Podcasts: Listen to 2 Girls 1 Blunt on Spotify: Subscribe on YouTube:  Follow Jaime Lee Simmons on socials: Follow Emily Wade on socials:



【 ※ Spotify独占配信中 】毎週 (火)(土)更新! ▶︎ルナ→飲み歩き大好き、フリーを謳歌して遊んできた肉食系女 ▶︎お琴→長く一途に付き合った彼と別れてから豹変したバリキャリ系女 結婚したいアラサー女子2人が「女子会のダダ漏れ」をコンセプトに送る、るぶっちゃけ恋愛アダルトーク! 2023年3月ニッポン放送『オールナイトニッポン0』でパーソナリティ! ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ファンコミュニティ【おとあだ秘密基地】 【instagram】 【TikTok】 【Twitter】 【グッズ販売サイト】 【LINEスタンプ販売中】



大家好,我們是森森哥跟鬼差博士,你怕鬼嗎? 免驚啦~我們用輕鬆的心情來聊聊生活中不可思議的事吧。 追蹤『鬼在囧途』臉書/IG粉絲專頁,您的留言是我們做節目的動力。 (一)鼓勵節目金額不限: (二)請我們喝杯茶: (三)分享你的故事:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (四)節目合作:IG或臉書私訊 FB:鬼在囧途 歡迎訂閱、追蹤按讚『鬼在囧途』IG/臉書粉絲頁,來留言和哥聊天喔 手機Apple podcast、Spotify、youtube都可以收聽『⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠鬼在囧途⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠』

إذًا أعزائي

Sowt | صوت

في «إذًا أعزائي» مع محمد حلمي، هنسمع عن مواضيع ومواقف بنعيشها تقريبًا كل يوم، هنلاقي نفسنا فيها، وفي كل حلقة هتلاقي نفسك بتقول: حصل! فعلاً، الشخصيات دي موجودة في حياتي، والحاجات الي حلمي قالها لسا حاصلة معايا بالظبط. فَ يلا بينا؟ يلا بينابودكاست إذًا أعزائي من إنتاج صوت Hosted on Acast. See for more information.



一些日常分享跟雜談 Powered by Firstory Hosting

After Hours with Zach Noe Towers

Netflix is a Joke Radio

A funny, sexy, one hour radio show where no topic is too taboo and no story is too long as it gets a laugh. We’re talking one night stands, epic orgies, sexy souvenirs (STDs) and even getting ********** for breakfast. So put the kids to bed and turn on the jacuzzi because this late night show is about to heat things UP 

Comedy Bytes: Original Comedy Bits

Sergio Georgini

Tune in each week for another episode

Steve & Captain Evil: The Podcast

Steve Trevino

It's official, stand-up comedian and America's favorite husband Steve Treviño has a podcast. And to give her side of the joke is Steve's wife Renae - AKA - Captain Evil. The couple will navigate the treacherous topics of relationships, family and stand-up comedy. All while trying to stay married.

HAIYAA with Nigel Ng

All Things Comedy

Welcome to HAIYAA with Nigel Ng, a comedy podcast about disappointment! Join Nigel Ng, creator of internet sensation Uncle Roger, as he pokes fun at the moments in life that make us all go HAIYAA… Questions? Comments? Stories to share? Email, or DM A voicenote to @haiyaapod on Instagram! New episodes every Wednesday!

Community Noticeboard

Community Noticeboard

Every community has a story. Join comedians Alex White, Jamie Kirk and Drew Bensley as they interview a new guest each week about the history of where they grew up, local landmarks, coming of age tales and the hometown heroes they can’t seem to forget.



アメリカとのハーフあにーと、生粋の岐阜県民、岐阜訛りのあーたんがお送りする雑談ラジオ! あーたんの屁理屈と、あにーの豪快な笑い声が人気。 お便りは、各エピソードに添付のURLからどうぞ。

Paul Taylor's Monday Night Live

Paul Taylor

Join me live every Monday at 9pm (Paris) on YouTube, or listen later on your favorite podcast app, where I’ll share the behind-the-scenes of my life as a comedian. The good times and the bad times. Since it’s recorded live, you get to ask questions and decide where the conversation goes! Get an extra episode every week and loads of other exclusive content by supporting me on Patreon: Come and see one of my shows:



いつもどこかでお酒を呑んでるOLラジオユニット #TOD による、リアル女子のグータンヌーボ。 一緒に呑んでいかない? お便りはこちら メール フォーム: Radiotalk : Twitter : Instagram : ぜんぶ :

Comedy Dynamics Daily

NacelleCast Studios

Comedy Dynamics Daily is your daily dose of comedy right at your fingertips! You can enjoy bits from your favorite comedians such as Jim Gaffigan, Ali Wong, Tom Segura, Tiffany Haddish, Jimmy O. Yang, Iliza Shlesinger, Larry The Cable Guy, Anjelah Johnson, Lavell Crawford, Eddie Griffin, Gina Brillon, Tom Papa, Maria Bamford, Preacher Lawson, Louie Anderson, Whitney Cummings, Jeff Dunham, Ron Funches, Kathleen Madigan, Craig Ferguson, D.L. Hughley and more! Visit to check out our entire comedy catalogue Visit our YouTube for extended clips from your favorite comedians

失婚婦女Chill High High


只要有離婚念頭,就一定要收聽的節目! 失婚婦女不用愁雲慘霧,離開了不合適的婚姻,才能樂觀正面積極的開心過每一天。對於那些還在婚姻裡掙扎的人們來說,我們是真正的人生勝利組,歡迎大家加入美樂妮的失婚婦女Chill High High,一起笑嗨嗨! 想跟美樂妮姐姐聊天嗎?我在失婚婦女Chill High High的IG等著你~ Powered by Firstory Hosting

Daily Dad Jokes


On a mission to spread the laughs (and groans). Daily Dad Jokes Podcast - Dad jokes that are guaranteed to make you laugh and your family and friends groan! Top dad jokes are curated and produced daily. Sourced from the Dad Jokes subreddit on Reddit! Credits are in the show notes pages of each episode.

Brain Fart

Jason Cheny & Cole Garrett

"Brain Fart" is a podcast hosted by stand-up comedians Jason Cheny & Cole Garrett with NEW EPISODES EVERY TUESDAY! Jason Cheny is a Taiwanese-American stand-up comedian who has garnered a large following on social media with his goofy personality and cross-cultural perspective. Cole Garrett is a stand-up comedian from Orange County, California. Cole has a background in Improv Comedy at the Upright Citizens Brigade, has performed all over the country, including regularly at The Comedy Store in Hollywood, and has been a featured act on tour with Trevor Wallace. These two come from very different backgrounds, and although they disagree about most things, they somehow find some common ground enough to be friends.



普段は東京でサラリーマンとして働いてる関西出身女子2人とドライブ🚘せーへん?ちょっとした息抜き、同年代の話聞きたい、なんでもござれ! 毎回ユニークなテーマについてしゃべっとるから絶対クスッと笑ってもらえるはず。知らんけど。 10回に一回くらいは真面目な話もしてるで! 目でも楽しんでもらえるように最近インスタ開設したから見てみてほしいな〜📷 Instagram: Twitter: メールももちろん大歓迎✉️ メールアドレス:




Mike Ward Sous Écoute

Mike Ward

Chaque semaine Mike Ward reçoit des humoristes pour des entrevues et des discussions candides.



Shut up and Drive


Chase Bernstein

Comedian Chase Bernstein tackles the minutiae of everyday life in a stream of consciousness filled with humor, observation and a splash of rage. While we love to think life is defined by the big events, ultimately it's the trips to CVS, Trader Joe's, and the special yet forgotten interactions in between that comprise our days. Chase is here to celebrate the subtleties through a genuine and hilarious lens. As one listener put it, "What's the show about? Nothing. Everything. Wow." While another said, "This podcast is ridiculous and I cannot stop listening!" So what do you have to lose? Nothing. Everything. 



アメリカとのハーフあにーと、生粋の岐阜県民、岐阜訛りのあーたんがお送りする雑談ラジオ! あーたんの屁理屈と、あにーの豪快な笑い声が人気。 お便りは、各エピソードに添付のURLからどうぞ。

Daily Comedy News : the daily show about comedians and comedy

Caloroga Shark Media / The Daily Comedy Podcast News

Start your day with a dose of humor and stay in the comedy loop with "Daily Comedy News." Join us as we dive into the hilarious worlds of comedians like Dave Chappelle, Joe Rogan, Jim Gaffigan, Bill Burr, Chris Rock, Kevin Hart, Shane Gillis, John Mulaney, Ricky Gervais, Tom Segura, Pete Davidson, Marc Maron, Theo Von, Bert Kreischer, Tracy Morgan, Kristen Schaal, Maria Bamford, Amy Schumer, Matt Rife, Rob Delaney and all your favorite comedians. But that's not all! We've got your late-night show fix covered with recaps of Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert, Saturday Night Live and more We also keep an eye on the latest top comedy podcast episodes. Stay in the know with a daily roundup of the freshest news in stand-up comedy, comedy TV shows, comedy festivals, and the latest laughter-packed releases on Netflix. Join our comedy-loving community on: Facebook Group: Daily Comedy News Podcast GroupSubreddit: dailycomedynewsInstagram: @dailycomedynews"Daily Comedy News" isn't just about reporting the funny; we bring our own brand of commentary, satire, and parody to keep you entertained and chuckling throughout the day. Daily Comedy News supports Value for Value and Podcasting 2.0 You can also support the show via Buy Me A Coffee! The easiest way it to join the $2 Club! Or throw some money in the tip jar at Buy Me A Coffee: Facebook group: - join us to to discuss comedy and your favorite comedians. YouTube channel: Instagram is @dailycomedynews Reddit Web version at Twitter X is @dcnpod because the person with what I want tweeted once Email: john at thesharkdeck dot com Portions of this podcast were created with the assistance of AI, Daily Comedy News is a production of Caloroga Shark Media, the leading company in short form daily podcasts l Become a supporter of this podcast:



飛ぶ鳥を落とす勢いの、大阪出身男性2名が、雑談しています。 ☆お問い合わせ先☆


Ramiro Brachmann

Relatos, historias y caminos.






Charla común entre amigos

Исторический Стендап


Исторический Стендап - первая российская стендап-комедия от исторических личностей. На нашем канале на сцене стендап-клуба вы сможете увидеть великих исторических деятелей: Екатерина 2, Иван Грозный, Михайло Ломоносов, Пересвет, Михаил Кутузов, Александр Невский и многие другие. Следи за нами в: VK: YT: TG: Дзен: Проект связан не только с юмором, но ещё и с историей, поэтому выполняет развлекательно-просветительскую миссию.

Marathi Locha

Marathi Funny Message

Marathi comedy

The Clean Comedy Podcast w/JD Creviston

JD Creviston

This show teaches YOU how to work clean, build a set, avoid pitfalls, and get paid! We all want to be paid for our skills but there is often conflicting information on how to become a PROFESSIONAL comedian. With kids, sports, work meetings, and all the building and creating we do in our own lives its hard to get paid to be a comedian. But what if it was easier than we thought? What if we could get booked, get paid, and become a professional comedian FASTER? That's the question that this podcast will answer. Pick up your notepad, put in your earbuds, and let’s laugh our way to the bank.



你好,我是尴尬。 我在荔枝有两个频道 二号频道:各栏目每周更新 【Fm1063597 - 尴尬院长】 谢谢大家的订阅。

Trader Joe’s ;)

Sophia E Deeds

Trader joes

נכנסים לפינות עם רז ספני ומתן פרץ

Audioter | אודיותר

השחקן והיוטיובר רז ספני והסטנדאפיסט מתן פרץ נכנסים לפינות שיש מצב שלא הכי כדאי להם להכנס אליהן, עם תעשיית הבידור, כוכבי רשת וכל מי שנקלע להם לפה. אבל בקטע טוב, כן? אם בא לכם לצפות ברז ומתן, היכנסו לערוץ היוטיוב "אודיותר - הפודקאסטים של ישראל" ולחצו SUBSCRIBE - פרק חדש בכל יום חמישי! צילום: יובל יושע

The Comedy Hole: English Standup in Europe

The Comedy Hole

The Comedy Hole is a podcast about Standup Comedy in English in Europe, hosted by Warsaw-based comedians Beatrice Rossano (@beatricerossano), Ariel Bialski (@arielbialski), and Jordan Thomas Gray (@jordanthomasgray). We talk about the craft of standup, how to get started as a new comedian, hosting shows, touring in Europe, and building a thriving community around standup comedy. We also have interviews with popular European comedians and Comedy Hole community members. Follow us on Instagram (@thecomedyhole) for info on upcoming shows! Reach out to us with questions or topic suggestions.

מתחת לכל ביקורת

PI Media

פודקאסט קומי על ביקורות הזויות ומבקרים הזויים אף יותר



奇葩处处有,这里特别多! 因吹思听带你看世界! 每周更新两期,咱准时相约~ 联系主播vx:13808999956

郭德纲 全本济公传

郭德纲 全本济公传

优酷60回 + 电台6回 Powered by Firstory Hosting

Keep It Tight

HeadStuff Podcasts

Each Wednesday Deirdre and Emma will discuss what’s delighted them, bewildered them, enraged them, and everything in between. No topic is out of bounds from the highest brow to the lowest pelvic floor. Through their uniquely comedic lens, this podcast creates the kind of belly laughs you’ll want to send to a friend; and with the state of the world, a good laugh is in order! With two queens of Irish Comedy, you'll be in good hands. Their friendship was recently cemented when they both took part in the no. 1 Amazon Prime show LOL Last one Laughing Ireland presented by Graham Norton. They’re two hilarious and fully-fledged grown women who don’t have time for the faff, so let’s just keep it tight shall we?? This Podcast is part of the Headstuff Network. Find out more at This Podcast is sponsored by Key For Her. Click the link and your 20% discount for all Key For Her products will be applied at checkout. Producer: Laura Greene  Artwork: Alan Bourke -Tuffy  Thank you for listening! 

Daily Shower Thoughts

Montgomery Jones and Amalia Dupray

Ever had those moments of clarity under a hot warm shower? Here are some of the best collected from r/showerthoughts. Philosophical, profound, and sometimes comedic musings Produced daily! Credits are in the show notes pages of each episode.

The Becky & Cam Show

Becky Lucas and Cameron James

An improvised trip inside the minds of comedians Becky Lucas and Cameron James. Featuring Regular Musical Guest, Joyride.

Шоу Stand Up на ТНТ

Stand Up

Выступления от лучших стендап-комиков России и абсолютно новых, но уверенно набирающих силу представителей жанра.

Stand up Comedy

Ilene Jones

Just laugh a little



ゆるいおしゃべりでぼーーっとしましょうー タイトル関係なく全部雑談です〜 だいたい週1更新! お便りはこちらから! Twitterでの感想などありましたら#低おしゃ でお願いします!



ほどほどに遊び尽くした20代男子2人組(しんちゃん・ゴン太)による大人な恋愛トーク番組です。 男性目線であんな事やこんな事を話しています。 ======================== ■更新:毎週(金) ========================

Travis Scott


Born in Houston

The Mild High Club


A comedy club podcast, discussing taboos, addictions & other such vices • Public ep: Tues • Patreon ep: Sat • Hosted by @deancoughlin_ & @amyleowens

Fans Stand Up Comedy Indonesia

Fans Stand Up Comedy Indonesia

Stand Up Comedy Indonesia

母單姐妹花 Mudan Sisters

Pin & Anya

聽說這世界上有一個長得跟自己一模一樣的人就住在地球的另一邊;而異父異母的Pin跟Anya在距離台灣12,000公里的美國密西根州相遇,來自不同的家庭背景,有著不一樣的生長經歷,卻讓旁人都以為Pin跟Anya是雙胞胎姊妹! 不僅長相相似,連興趣愛好也大致相同,更重要的是,兩人都是自打娘胎以來就單身的"母胎單身女"。同病相憐的兩人在離開美國後各自在各自的道路上打拼著,一有空閒時間就會打電話給彼此分享生活點滴,一起回憶美國生活,一起思考著如何從母胎單身這個身分畢業! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

Laugh Tracks Legends of Comedy with Randy and Steve

Randy Hodgins and Steve McLellan

Join Randy Hodgins and Steve McLellan as they present the Legends of Comedy in this fast and fun mini program. From standup stars, to sketch stalwarts, to novelty music masters -- they are all part of our Legends.






関西の一般女性によるpodcastです。 80年代生まれがなつかしの90年代エンタメトークや芸能ネタ、 その他雑談など、ゆるめに配信してます。 perfume、アイドル、恋愛、結婚、音楽、お笑いなどのテーマを 納豆のようにねばっこく陰湿にお届けします。

Dove Cameron

Jazmin Gutierrez

Dove Cameron



滑舌の悪いゲイと女でやってるポッドキャストです。 不定期配信します! 共に元ギャルなので所々ゆるいです。笑 アタシ達のオススメ回は #24 のポケモン回です🤙🏻⭐🎵 ↑最初にどれを聴こうか迷ったあなたは 是非こちらからお聞きくださいね(^^) お便りは必ず1000000%採用しますので、どんどんお送り下さい!(*^^*) 匿名フォームはこちら(Googleフォーム) ↓↓↓ 【Twitter】 【滑アタのグッズ】

顔出しでは話せない番組 アラトーーーク


【日本語・English below】 顔出しでは話せない番組 アラトーーーク ---------------------------------------------------------------- *This podcast is all Japanese language* Talk about romance, work, and life. for advanced learners of Japanese ------------------------------------------------------ #work #life #romance #xoxo #talk



???「ゼロになにを掛けてもゼロですよ」 93年生まれで高校の同級生ふたりの数奇な人生の妙、魂の恥部を吐露するヴィンテージコメディラジオ。生きるってあちいな。 【お便りフォーム】 【note】 【Instagram】 【Twitter】

ガス抜けラジオ BLIZZARD

ガス抜けラジオ BLIZZARD


Dude Cinema

DM Podcasts

**Please note Dude Cinema Podcast has wrapped up, but you can find Bec and Alex on their new podcast SCREEN QUEENS HERE! Have you ever been shamed for not seeing a dude's favourite movie? Have you ever dated someone who thought a 'Pulp Fiction' poster counted as interior design? Comedians Bec Charlwood and Alex Jae have, and they've made a podcast about it!  From Top Gun to Die Hard, Pulp Fiction to Clockwork Orange, Alex and Bec are diving deep into the bowels of Dude Cinema to watch all the ‘classic’ movies that dudes can't BELIEVE they haven't seen, and give their funny, insightful, and most importantly NOT film-bro takes.

Whats Happenin' Podcast

Danny Davies

Whats Happenin' Podcast is hosted by Danny, Bobby, Matty and Gary and they just have a laugh talking about all kinds, from time to time they will have a guest on and talk about their field of work, they end the episodes with a game of would you rather or a game of everyone has their price.


Camila tiktok


Teachers Off Duty

Bored Teachers

Your favorite teacher-comedians from the Bored Teachers Comedy Tours sharing stories and experiences from the classroom and beyond, brought to you by Bored Teachers. Episodes drop every Sunday!

Ho Ho Hong Kong

Mohammed Magdi & Vivek Mahbubani

Everything you need to know about Hong Kong. Each Monday local comedian Vivek Mahbubani and Egyptian comic Mohammed Magdi dive into something great about the city.

Misery Loves Mandy

Mandy Martino

Misery Loves Mandy a Mostly Happy Podcast, where comedians discuss miserable moments and whether or not they made them into jokes.