SUX - The Sustainable UX Podcast

SUX - The Sustainable UX Network

Hello and welcome to SUX - The Sustainable UX Podcast, the podcast for designers, UX people and digital product builders who want to make an impact for a sustainable future. We are Bavo and Thorsten and we are two of the founding members of “SUX - The Sustainable UX Network”, a non-profit initiative and community, that drives sustainable and responsible UX based on the UN SDGs in various ways. With the SUX Podcast we invite you to meet wonderful people from around the world and to get inspired by their way of trying to save the world through and within UX, Design and Tech.

EFP Perio Talks

European Federation of Periodontology

Our leading experts in periodontology discuss on a monthly basis scientific topics related to periodontology and implant dentistry

PositivaMente AVIS

AVIS Nazionale

Le notizie positive per un mondo migliore selezionate da AVIS, Associazione Volontari Italiani del Sangue

Rotary Voices

Rotary magazine

The Rotary Voices podcast features in-depth interviews with thought leaders, Rotary news updates, and immersive stories from Rotary magazine. Learn more about Rotary International, and how to participate in Rotary clubs at

From CEO to CEO

Valore D

From CEO to CEO – Il Valore D condividere. Pochi minuti, il tempo di un caffè, per scoprire un altro punto di vista su temi attuali legati a Diversità, Equità e Inclusione. Un podcast nato dai CEO del network di Valore D e per i CEO. Per ascoltare e farsi ascoltare. Ogni mese, un nuovo appuntamento che fa dell’ascolto il canale privilegiato per aprire nuovi spunti di riflessione su tutte quelle tematiche che riguardano non solo il business, ma anche e soprattutto il benessere delle persone che lavorano nelle e per le imprese. Ad ogni puntata un CEO o una CEO, che fa parte del nostro network, porterà la sua testimonianza, aprirà nuovi fronti di discussione su come la DEI può cambiare il mondo delle organizzazioni. Con questo nuovo format, Valore D conferma il suo impegno nel mettere in atto un vero cambiamento nel ruolo dei CEO: leader trasformativi, reattivi, pronti ad operare con obiettivi di lungo periodo, con la capacità di mettere in discussione gli approcci tradizionali. Essere dei veri change makers e Ambasciatori di un nuovo modo di intendere il business e le imprese verso altri CEO.

Impact Journey with Julia S

Julia S

Conversations with hidden heroes making big societal change. Many of us want to make life better for others and the planet. Few people devote their life to it. Even fewer try to tackle the big systemic issues, like climate change and inequality. In years working at the intersection of impact and strategy, Julia has been fascinated by these hidden heroes. Beyond what they’re doing, we explore how they got here, how they keep going, what they’re still learning. Join the conversation, and inspire your own impact journey.



If you are passionate about all things humanitarian and you are looking for new answers, you will enjoy listening to Trumanitarian's smart, honest conversations

Vita podcast

Vita Podcast

La voce del sociale, della economia civile, della sostenibilità. Da

Six Degrees with Kevin Bacon

iHeartPodcasts and Warner Bros

A singular star, everyone ( and we mean everyone! ) is connected to ...KEVIN BACON.  He has starred in some of the biggest films of the last 30 years – and after years of hearing his name used alongside ‘Six Degrees’ (the idea that everyone is separated by six people or less), Kevin decided to embrace it and turned the concept into a non-profit – - in 2007.  Now, in his new podcast “Six Degrees with Kevin Bacon,” he will use his fame to feature celebrity guests and highlight their favorite charitable organizations! Each episode will feature inspirational conversations with extraordinary changemakers and how they are making a difference in the world every single day. Get ready to lean in, learn and be inspired to act. Tune in Tuesdays for your weekly dose of #dogooders. The 'Six Degrees with Kevin Bacon' podcast. Dancing will NOT be banned.

CoROM cast. Wilderness, Austere, Remote and Resource-limited Medicine.

College of Remote and Offshore Medicine

The College releases a new podcast each Friday discussing wilderness medicine, austere healthcare and emergency medicine. We have four presenters including an MD PhD cardiologist, COL(ret) anaesthetist burns and pain specialist, a critical care paramedic and an offshore medic.

ITAS Academy

Attiviamo Energie Positive

ITAS Academy offre alle realtà appartenenti al mondo del Terzo Settore contenuti formativi su misura, con l’obiettivo di potenziarne le competenze. Gli approfondimenti spaziano dalle normative vigenti al tema dell’innovazione sociale, passando per la co-progettazione e il fundraising. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di contribuire alla crescita e allo sviluppo della società, sostenendo l’operato di enti e associazioni no profit.

OSHO : Rebellious Spirit


The Rebellious Spirit podcast is built on the Osho notion of the rebel and rebellion, about the individuals who chose not to live like robots conditioned by the past - who walked the path according to their own light and risked everything for their individual freedom. These contemporary stories are fueled by the science of the inner - meditation.

ITtalks by IT community of Uzbekistan

IT community of Uzbekistan

Series of interviews with IT professionals. We will talk about their childhood, education, and career. Interviews are conducted by volunteers in IT community in Uzbek, Russian, and English languages.Interviews with IT professionals originally from Uzbekistan. Our heroes work in IT companies all over the world or founded their own startups. Whether you're new to the IT or an experienced professional, our podcast is bound to be informative and motivational. Interviews are conducted by volunteers in IT community in Uzbek, Russian, and English languages. Join us on LinkedIn and feel free to share your suggestions for future guests there. LinkedIn -

Radio Voce Libera

Radio Voce Libera

La programmazione di Radio Voce Libera: rubriche, interviste e approfondimenti sul mondo Uici in un podcast a portata di tutti

The Bioethics Podcast

The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity

The Bioethics Podcast is an audio resource exploring the pressing bioethical challenges of our day featuring staff, fellows, and friends of The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity.

Brothers in Law

Michele D'Innella and Adrian Guess

Welcome to the Brothers in Law podcast, where we amplify diverse voices in the legal profession. Join us as we share inspiring stories from individuals who have triumphed over adversity, rising from underrepresented backgrounds to excel in their legal careers. As a non-profit organization committed to fostering friendship, mentorship, and community service, our podcast explores the journeys of legal professionals, particularly those from ethnically diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds.

Digital Islamic Reminder

zaman khawaja

Introducing Islamic thought and understanding to the masses by the illustrious scholars of our time. We will be hosting thoughtful reminders and lectures in English and Persian/Dari languages.




Wir müssen reden. Public Eye spricht Klartext.

Public Eye

Der Podcast rund um Konzernverantwortung, globale Gerechtigkeit und die Rolle der Schweiz. Ob ausbeuterische Arbeitsbedingungen in der Textilindustrie, dubiose Machenschaften in der Rohstoffbranche oder giftige Geschäfte mit Pestiziden – Nico Meier will von seinen Gäst*innen wissen, was dahintersteckt.⭐SUISSE PODCAST AWARDS Winner 2024⭐ Mehr Infos: Public Eye  Moderation: Nico Meier  Kamera & Schnitt: Planfilms  Jingle & Sound Design: Julien Matthey Studio:

k Radio Trani

Letteralmente Radio by YogaNet

Questo è il Podcast di KRM, per ascoltare Kappa Radio TV in streaming vai su


Rhea & Renee

The inspiration behind the twins Co-founding WINGS OF HOPE creating a ripple effect in the world

Them Before Us Podcast

Them Before Us

Tune in to hear Jenn and Katy from Them Before Us share how the message of children's rights can completely change how we view the world and some of the biggest issues facing it. We want this to be another resource for all of our children’s rights advocates around the globe and a place where we’ll be able to present the children’s rights-centric approach to legal and cultural news and introduce you to other amazing advocates and experts.

Associations Unplugged

Kellen Podcast

"Associations Unplugged” Podcast by Kellen is a straightforward podcast that explores the journeys, challenges, and triumphs of association leaders and industry experts. In each episode, we will sit down with influential voices from the association world to discuss their experiences and insights. We'll dig deep into the issues and opportunities facing associations today, and explore the ways that leaders are shaping the industry's future. Kellen's Website: Kellen's LinkedIn:

C-Suite Perspectives

The Conference Board

Welcome to C-Suite Perspectives, a podcast series by The Conference Board. Hosted by our President & CEO, Steve Odland, this weekly conversation will take an objective, data-driven look at a range of business topics aimed at executives. Listeners will come away with what The Conference Board does best: insights for what’s ahead™.

Carpool Chats

Fuels Institute

The transportation-energy sector never slows down, and it’s hard to keep up with the most important news in each sector. Carpool Chats are the definition of a quick update delivered directly to you. The Fuels Institute team does the necessary research and delivers the industry’s brightest minds discussing the most important topics to you ensuring you stay up to date with this fast paced industry. Carpool Chats work perfectly with your schedule; delivering content that’s brief and in a manner that everyone will understand.

Social Dallas Podcast

Social Dallas Church

Pastor Robert and Taylor Madu have a heart to see the city of Dallas introduced to the Grace and transforming Truth of Jesus. They are passionate to provide a space for all to come, with different backgrounds, and different walks of life, encountering community, spiritual growth, and simply a relationship with Christ. This is not confined only to the city of Dallas. Social crosses all barriers, and desires to reach people globally. Subscribe and share. This allows Social to meet people right where they are, with the opportunity to build the global church any and every way possible.


Ingrid Torres

Estudio de Señoras de la Biblia método Inductivo grupo miércoles en la noche

The Misfit Heroes Podcast

Misfit Heroes

This podcast is about you. Our goal is to inspire you to change the world around you for the positive. Each episode, we’ll bring you guests that are changing the world around them via ministry and outreach. We’ll speak about how they did it, what they’re doing, issues they have to deal with and overcome, and how you can get involved. These people are everyday people like you and me. They were misfits. Now they are also heroes. Hope you enjoy the show.

Nonprofit Problem Solver

Kev Khayat

Kev Khayat brings 30 years of mission-driven experience to fun and engaging interviews with experts on vital topics like marketing and fundraising, time management, programming, Board development and strategy. Stuff you can do right now to improve your nonprofit's operation and impact. You'll want to take notes! Please like, share and subscribe! Watch replays at Powered by PodProAudio (, making professional podcasting easy. Check out Kev's nonprofit coaching at

Un mondo di organizzazione

Associazione APOI

Un mondo di organizzazione è il podcast di APOI Associazione Professional Organizers Italia. Un viaggio all'interno dell'universo dell'organizzazione personale e della professione di professional organizer in Italia (e non solo). Raccontato con le voci dei nostri e delle nostre associate.

Per carità! Storie dell'Italia solidale

iRaiser Italia

Questa serie di podcast vuole raccontare il Terzo Settore italiano attraverso le storie di fondazione e nascita delle organizzazioni non profit per diffondere la cultura del dono in Italia e sensibilizzare le persone al lavoro delle tante associazioni del nostro Paese. Podcast realizzato da iRaiser Italia e registrato presso gli studi Lost Gen di Roma. Si ringrazia Franca D'Amato per l'amichevole partecipazione.

Animali e Diritto: il podcast di Animal Law Italia

Animal Law Italia

Uno spazio per analizzare gli avanzamenti del diritto animale in Italia e nel mondo e per commentare le più importanti novità legate alla tutela dei diritti animali. Parleremo quindi di nuove leggi e importanti sentenze, dandovi anche gli aggiornamenti sulle campagne di Animal Law Italia per ottenere leggo eque per tutti gli animali. Abbonati per non perdere nessuna puntata. Se ti piace quello che facciamo, iscriviti alla nostra newsletter sul sito e seguici sui social network. Buon ascolto!

Radio FAville, la radio che FA scintille


"Radio FAville, la radio che FA scintille", il podcast ufficiale del Consorzio Famiglie e Accoglienza di Brignano Gera d'Adda. Siamo nati nel 1986 come cooperativa AFA, e nel 2013 abbiamo creato il Consorzio Famiglie e Accoglienza, grazie all’unione delle tre cooperative che a tutt’oggi rappresentano il cuore pulsante del Consorzio Fa. Offriamo servizi di supporto a bambini e madri con figli in situazioni di fragilità, sostegno a ragazzi disabili e reinserimento lavorativo per persone in difficoltà. Il podcast sarà pubblicato mensilmente ed è registrato e condotto dagli operatori del Villaggio Solidale. Si tratta di un nuovo quartiere all’interno del Comune di Lurano, in provincia di Bergamo. Il Villaggio Solidale è un “Incubatore Sociale” che punta a costruire una comunità per minori, nuclei monoparentali e persone disabili in cui, famiglie, volontari ed operatori, offrano supporto ed accoglienza a chi si trova in situazioni di fragilità e solitudine. Durante gli episodi del podcast presenteremo il Consorzio e tutti i suoi servizi, eventi, progetti ed iniziative, affrontando e discutendo temi sociali di attualità.

Libya Matters

Lawyers for Justice in Libya

A podcast by Lawyers for Justice in Libya (LFJL) about truth, justice, and human rights in Libya with hosts Elham Saudi and Marwa Mohamed.

The Exodus Cry Podcast

Exodus Cry

The Exodus Cry Podcast is a resource for anyone who wants to learn more about commercial sexual exploitation and how they can fight it. Join the Exodus Cry team as they discuss updates on the commercial sex industry, including sex trafficking, prostitution, pornography, and stripping. Dive into controversial topics surrounding policy, ideology, culture, gender and sexuality, and even the spiritual aspects of injustice. Hear from leading voices in the areas of abolition, prevention, restoration, and intervention—including survivors in the movement to end sexual exploitation.




"Klarheit Wahrheit"

Fabian Wirth

Bei diesem Podcast steht die Weiterentwicklung & Stärkung des Mindsets im Vordergrund, bei dem Gesprächspartner Ihre Erfahrungen teilen und man als Zuhörer an diesen Informationen partizipieren kann. Der Podcast Name ist "Klarheit Wahrheit", weil hier Tacheles gesprochen wird, der Austausch keiner Zensur unterliegt und keine "politischen Phrasen" genutzt werden. Es geht um Deep- Talk , bei dem der Zuhörer dem Gespräch auf angenehme Weise folgen, bzw. dazu lernen kann und Spaß hat.

Brand USA Talks Travel

Brand USA

This podcast elevates the conversation concerning international travel to the United States by speaking with leaders in the travel industry. Subscribe to hear key answers to timely questions every week. Brand USA is the nation’s destination marketing organization. We work closely with more than 900 partner organizations to invite the world to explore the exceptional, diverse, and virtually limitless travel experiences and destinations available in the United States of America.










Educational Alpha

CAIA Association

Listen in on conversations with host Bill Kelly, CAIA Association’s CEO and an eclectic group of guests within the world of finance. Hear about their professional or personal journeys, career and life advice, and perspectives on the industry. There’s always more to the story …

Confessions with Jess and Cindy

Cindy Wagman and Jess Campbell

Ever wish you could pull back the curtain and see how other nonprofit consultants run their businesses? Well, we’ve got you covered! Welcome to the Confessions podcast, hosted by Jess Campbell and Cindy Wagman. We are two former in-house nonprofit pros turned coaches and consultants to purpose driven organizations.  In this podcast, we are giving you access to the business leaders who serve nonprofits as their clients - you know - the people who truly get it. No more gatekeeping, no more secrets - this podcast is going to give you an inside look at what running a successful nonprofit coaching and consulting business looks like. Basically, we’re asking people how much money they make, how they get paid and what has and hasn’t worked in their businesses. After building our own successful 6-figure nonprofit coaching and consulting businesses, we are on a mission to help other nonprofit coaches and consultants looking to start or scale their own businesses by pulling back the curtain.  Whether you are still working inside a nonprofit and thinking of one day going out on your own or have been running your consulting business for years - you understand that working with nonprofits is just different. Listen in as sector leaders and other experts share their insights, their numbers, and the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to building a nonprofit coaching or consulting business.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Klosters Forum Podcast

The Klosters Forum

Hannah MacInnes joins some of the participants and guests of The Klosters Forum to discuss some of the key environmental issues of today including themes of plastic pollution, biodiversity and food systems. The Klosters Forum is a neutral platform that brings together disruptive and inspirational minds to address some of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges. Hannah MacInnes is a Freelance Journalist and a regular interviewer and Podcast Host for the How To: Academy, chairing interviews, panels and debates across a wide range of subjects and current issues. Before going Freelance she worked for over 7 years at BBC Newsnight as Planning Editor and as a Producer / Filmmaker. The Klosters Forum is a neutral platform. The views and opinions expressed by the participants during these podcasts are that of the participant and may not necessarily represent the views of The Klosters Forum. Music by IB Audio




Legami di parole

Insieme con Humanitas

Le voci dei volontari "Tessitori di voce" leggono brani di autori noti al grande pubblico. I Tessitori di voce sono volontari di Fondazione Insieme con Humanitas e il progetto "Legami di parole" nasce per dare continuità all'abituale attività che i Tessitori svolgono nelle degenze degli ospedali Humanitas di Rozzano e di Bergamo, nel rispetto delle restrizioni dovute all'emergenza sanitaria da Coronavirus. Il progetto si svolge in collaborazione con La Compagnia Teatrale la Piccionaia di Vicenza che forma i volontari alla lettura ad alta voce.

Unione Ciechi Torino

UICI Torino

Notizie e contenuti dall'UICI (Unione Italiana Ciechi e Ipovedenti) di Torino


Kayla Emery


Change Church Podcast

Change Church | Pastor Dharius Daniels

Check our website at! The mission of Change Church is to help as many people as possible live, love, and lead like Jesus so they can CHANGE the world.

Slow Food, the podcast

Slow Food Youth Network

Our food chain is full of surprises and our food is handled by people you will most likely never meet. Where did your coffee come from? Who grew your cocoa for your chocolate? Who made your bread? We are about to start a journey together, finding our way through the food systems. In every step we take, we’ll walk side by side with one of our activists around the world. These are farmers, chefs and everyone in between. These people are all contributing to a more sustainable food system and they try to enhance access to good, clean and fair food. But we will also listen to stories of indigenous culture and knowledge, which can inspire us to think in a different way. We want to give a stage to the people, whose voices are often not taken into consideration, or who are simply overlooked in the debate around food. We want to demonstrate that we all contribute to a more sustainable food system, that everyone has a story to tell and that there's a lesson in every single one of them.

The APSCA Podcast

The APSCA Podcast Team

Podcast focused upon continuing the conversation about the activities of the Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors (APSCA) & the Social Compliance Industry.

Central Bark: A Guide Dogs for the Blind Podcast

Guide Dogs for the Blind

Central Bark shares the stories and conversations that make Guide Dogs for the Blind's life-changing mission so unique. Join our host, Theresa Stern, and special guests as they discuss how lives are changed every day through the special partnerships created between people, dogs and communities. Learn everything you ever wanted to know about our pups (from guide dog DNA to training techniques), and we’ll introduce you to the amazing people in our community, including clients, staff, volunteers and supporters.



Qui potrete trovare tutti gli audio-articoli e i podcast pubblicati su VDossier è una piattaforma digitale, ma anche un magazine cartaceo nato nel 2010 e oggi diffuso su abbonamento a cadenza semestrale, con una tiratura di 10.000 copie. Un luogo editoriale dove le persone che lavorano per il Bene Comune sono i protagonisti e raccontano le sfide, le fatiche e le soddisfazioni che sperimentano sulla loro pelle. Un luogo di discussione sul Terzo settore con addetti ai lavori e voci provenienti da mondi altri, sfidate a intervenire sui volontariati. Un luogo generativo che mette al centro le persone e i volontariati, con il loro impegno e le loro difficoltà, con l’esplicita ambizione di innescare pensiero, porre domande e andare alla ricerca di soluzioni attuabili. Un luogo dove abitano contenuti che parlano a tutti, soprattutto fuori dal Terzo settore e che prova a fare la sua parte portando sul tavolo del dibattito pubblico i temi che ben conosce e lo fa con i registri più disparati, forzando gli steccati narrativi che di solito standardizzano, agli occhi del mondo, la narrazione sui volontariati e sull’impegno civico. Il progetto, per essere tutto ciò, è curato da un team editoriale composto da professioniste e professionisti dei Centri di servizio per il volontariato di Abruzzo, Bologna, Lazio, Marche, Messina, Milano, Padova-Rovigo, Palermo, Romagna, CSVnet Lombardia e CSVnet, con la Direzione editoriale di Pietro Raitano, per dodici anni direttore del mensile Altreconomia. SEGUI VDossier SU: © headphone icon by Icons8



Siamo il Wecare, una rete nazionale di associazioni giovanili provenienti da diverse città d’Italia: l’associazione “21marzo” di Verbania (VCO), l’associazione “Ser.Mais” di Novara (NO), l’associazione “L’Egalitè” di Sarzana (SP), l’associazione “Le Discipline” di Firenze (FI), l’associazione “Share” di Foligno (PG), l’associazione “Rime” di Trieste, l'associazione "GetUp" di Udine. Questo podcast racconta di noi, delle nostre iniziative e dei temi che stanno a cuore!



#LondonLife is the show that meets the people who make our capital the most dynamic and diverse place to live and play on the planet via ZoneOneRadio!

Get Under My Skin

Champs - Stop Afrofobia

Champs- (Champions of Human rights And Multipliers countering afrophobia and afrophobic Speech mira a prevenire e affrontare il razzismo anti-nero in Italia, trasformando potenziali bersagli di discriminazione in A.F.A.R. – Afrodescendants Fighting Against Racism, giovani moltiplicatori di una contro narrazione. La serie di sette puntate “Get Under My Skin” approfondisce tematiche anche trasversali al razzismo anti-nero e all’afrofobia in Italia, attraverso le voci di ragazzi e ragazze coinvolti dal progetto.

Do One Better with Alberto Lidji in Philanthropy, Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship

Alberto Lidji

Listen to 250+ interviews on philanthropy, sustainability and social entrepreneurship. Hosted by Alberto Lidji, ex-Global CEO of the Novak Djokovic Foundation and Visiting Professor at Strathclyde Business School.

Present Perfect

Marbely Trujano

Present perfect

Podcast AdventistasUPS

Unión Peruana del Sur

Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día en el Perú / Zona Sur -Unión Peruana del Sur.

Umpukan sa Nayon

Nayong Pilipino Foundation

The Nayong Pilipino Foundation's Umpukan sa Nayon Project is under its Heritage Space Program and was designed as a series of multi-sectoral consultations for the development of programs for the future Nayong Pilipino Cultural Park and Creative Hub in the City of Parañaque, Philippines.

The Sustainability Story

CFA Institute

The Sustainability Story features intimate conversations with thought leaders from the world of ESG investing and sustainability. The topics include anything and everything about where finance intersects with the environment, governance, society, climate change, biodiversity, human capital management, regulations, standards, and more. Now reimagined with three hosts, each focused on a unique aspect of the investment industry, we will continue to tell the story of how we got here and where we are going in the journey to financial sustainability. To reach our hosts regarding sustainability-related topics, please email Andres Vinelli at for topics related to capital markets and regulation, Josina Kamerling at for all things EU, and Deborah Kidd at for topics related to investment analysis and portfolio management.

Climate Talks by Porto Protocol

Porto Protocol

Climate Talks by Porto Protocol are a series of digital dialogues on matters relevant to the wine world in a changing climate. From sustainable packaging to the role of nature and technology in building a climate response, different topics have been debated at our virtual roundtable with speakers from different corners of the world, that share their expertise, experience and challenges, thus inspiring those who listen to act further.


Rhodri Davies

Philanthropisms is the podcast that puts philanthropy in context. Through conversations with expert guests and deep dives into topics, host Rhodri Davies explores giving throughout history, the key trends shaping generosity around the world today and what the future might hold for philanthropy. Contact:

Resilient Conversations


A podcast by PartnersGlobal that explores different facets of individual, organizational, sectoral, and systemic resiliency. Hosted by Aly Lyons.

VIP Talking Newspapers of Herald Scotland, Evening Times, The National, Kirkintilloch Herald

Cue and Review Print Speaking to the Blind

During lockdown Cue and Review Print Speaking to the Blind is using video and audio interviews with similar organisations to promote their Access to Audio campaign, Please listen and share the interviews so as we can raise awareness of these great services

Shaping Santo Domingo

Global Shapers Santo Domingo

Shaping Santo Domingo es un espacio para reflexionar sobre lo que ocurre, lo que queremos y la forma en cómo construimos el país y el Santo Domingo inclusivo, participativo y activo para responder ante las oportunidades y desafíos actuales. Creado por el equipo de Global Shapers Santo Domingo.


Edson Herrejon

Explicación del sap

Sociedad Civil, Política & Negocios

José Castro

Temas de interés para contribuir con Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil, Gobiernos & Empresas a fortalecer sus capacidades y habilidades, de forma que generen impacto pretendido en cada una de sus iniciativas.

Business Analysis Live!

International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA)

Business analysis is one of the top trending skills today. From problem solvers to change agents to advocates, business analysis professionals perform many roles in organizations and governments all over the world. Join us biweekly on Tuesdays, with hosts Scott Bennett, Business Analysis Manager, and Susan Moore, Community Engagement Manager from the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®), for a candid practitioner chat breaking down hot topics in business analysis. If you like to listen to lively discussions, interviews, and some great career advice, this podcast is for you.

AFS Youth Assembly

AFS Youth Assembly

A unique global gathering of young leaders and changemakers addressing the world's greatest challenges, an initiative by @afsprograms


Ainel Amirkhan

OY-DETOX - менің авторлық подкастым. Түрлі саладағы маман-замандастарыммен бірге ақпарат ағынында адасып кетпей, ой, сана тазалығын сақтау жолдарын іздейтін боламын. Жоба авторы және жүргізушісі - Әйнел Әмірхан Телеграм - Инстаграм - @ainelkai Қандай да бір сұрақтарыңыз, ұсыныстарыңыз болса, маған электрондық поштасына хабарласа аласыздар. Подкастты қолдау Подкаст барысында қонақтар айтатын ойлар олардың жеке пікірі болып табылады, сәйкесінше менің пікіріммен сәйкес келмеуі мүмкін.



Wonderspace is a call to re-wonder and to hear and tell our stories of hopefulness. Once a week, people from around the world are invited to answer these six questions that revolve around: 1. Place 2. Life 3. Reset 4. Wonder 5. Hopefulness 6. Insight We look forward to orbiting with you.

Mein Uganda


Mein persönlicher Podcast zum Leben in Uganda, meiner Kinderhilfsorgansation und wie sich auswandern anfühlen kann. Wenn du mit uns Kontakt aufnehmen möchtest, dann kannst du das gern tun: oder schau mal auf unseren Webseiten vorbei. Wir freuen uns auf dich.




Steve Jobs

Dayren Sixto


Sada Mujer

Brenda Ruiz

Seres humanos redescubriendo su amor propio, su esencia, su valor, su integridad para vivir PLENOS Asociacion sin fines de lucro NONPROFIT Aceites y Sprays para el bienestar de tu cuerpo, mente y alma, son de grado terapéutico

Thrive Co-Living Podcast

Thrive Co-Living Communities

Thrive Co-Living is a new concept in creative community building. Sustainable, multicultural, multigenerational, and inclusive, Thrive Co-living communities are built from repurposed big box stores or other suitable buildings.  In this series, your co-hosts Jennifer Hooper and Thrive founder, Mark Stein, weave together a tapestry of topics that make up the physical and spiritual components of this new concept in community living.

Sadhguru Español

Sadhguru Español

Sadhguru, fundador de la Fundación Isha, es un yogui, místico y maestro espiritual con una diferencia. Su vida y su obra, una fascinante mezcla de profundidad y pragmatismo, nos recuerdan que las ciencias internas no son filosofías esotéricas de un pasado obsoleto, sino una ciencia contemporánea de vital importancia para nuestros tiempos.

CIPS Procurement and Supply Podcast


Get the latest procurement knowledge and insights from CIPS

When Bearing Witness: Becoming a Trauma-Informed Storyteller

Maria Bryan

The When Bearing Witness podcast is an invitation to explore trauma-informed storytelling, a safe and healthy process of gathering and telling painful stories. Join my conversations with trauma-informed experts and fellow social-good storytellers as we help shape the intersection of trauma-informed care and the storytelling process.  Stories are sacred, and we can create a safe space to tell and share them.

The Western Bubble

Balder Hageraats & Dario Hasenstab

Every Wednesday Balder Hageraats and Dario Hasenstab examine how Western countries are increasingly lost in their own delusions on the world stage, and what can be done to bring them back to reality. We discuss issues ranging from geopolitics and human rights to development aid and current affairs, all through the lens of the Western Bubble.


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The ICISF Podcast Series

The ICISF, Inc.

The mission of the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc. is to be the leader in providing education, training, consultation, and support services in comprehensive crisis intervention and disaster behavioral health services to emergency responders, and other professions, organizations and communities worldwide. Your monthly support will help this podcast series continue to operate. Consider supporting the ICISF Podcast Series each month! Support this podcast:



Es importante desarrollar la capacidad de modificar nuestra conducta ante los distintos contextos, situaciones, medios y personas, de manera rápida y adecuada.


Escarlett Castro mondaca

Hola! Pequeña reseñan del parkinson

Industrial Revolution

Isaac Quintuña

Summary of the Industrial Revolution.

Gemeinwohl Geplauder

Gregor Ruttner-Vicht und Fabian Scholda

Wir laden Sinnsuchende in inspirierende Gespräche ein, damit sie gestärkt ihren Purpose in die Welt tragen können.

DonorSearch Philanthropy Masterminds


The DonorSearch Mastermind Series is your all-access pass to the top voices in the world of social good. Every week, we feature original writing, live interviews, CFRE-certified webinars, and a deep dive podcast with thought leaders, innovators, and change-makers in fundraising, philanthropy, and civil society. You will learn how you can advance your work, organization, and positive impact on the world. For more information:

Io sono una voce

Amref Health Africa

Ogni giorno, da più di sessant'anni, Amref accompagna le donne dell'Africa sub-sahariana nel loro cammino di autodeterminazione, empowerment e accesso alla salute. Raccontiamo di donne impegnate a costruire il futuro grazie alle loro sfide quotidiane, ai loro progetti, ai grandi obiettivi. Raccontiamo le loro storie potenti, da cui distillare le parole che danno vita a questo podcast: «Io sono una voce», il racconto di un io collettivo che no, non parla di vittime. Ma di consapevolezza e di opportunità. Un progetto di Amref Health Africa, prodotto da Matteo Scandolin, Valentina De Poli e Giulia Perona. Con la partecipazione speciale di Caterina Murino e Fiorella Mannoia.

Giving Done Right

The Center for Effective Philanthropy

From the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), Giving Done Right is the show with everything you need to know to make an impact with your charitable giving. Whether you’re donating a few hundred dollars a year, a few thousand, or a few million, you might find yourself wondering: Where should I give? How do I know which nonprofits are effective? How do I know if I’m really making a difference with my donation? Join hosts Phil Buchanan and Grace Nicolette as they welcome leaders and experts from throughout the nonprofit sector to answer philanthropy’s burning questions and bust some myths that have long plagued donors and nonprofits alike. In a time when effective giving is especially crucial, Giving Done Right cuts through the noise and focuses on what you need to know to put your money to work.

Marketing School

Anant Mishra


Korado Korlević

Poznati edukator i astronom Korado Korlević stalni je gost urednik kontaktne emisije u kojoj se svakog utorka obračunava sa zagonetkama.


心潔/秋刀 | 悅夢床墊製播

📆 週五正集放飯 🙆 白心潔「贊助青春時光陪聊」 🛌「悅夢床墊」燒錢贊助播出 ~無壓試躺、健康安全的溯源好床墊 ~歡迎預約試躺~ ※ 乾爹信箱 ※ 飯友聊群 🎬 光頭與妹子s ————— ⚠️ 非專業訪問,純聊天錄音,喜歡留下,不喜歡轉台,每個選擇都是好的 🐟 平凡的生活、勞動者、職人、困境中掙扎,被主流忽視的人生,就是我們要的聲音。 這兒沒有訪綱、規矩、勵志或成功的名言佳句、只有在生活試煉的真實人聲。 人生沒有所謂正確答案,有幸福片刻,有磨難失去,我們聊天紀錄每一刻的開心、無奈、選擇與艱辛,彼此鼓勵、聆聽,然後緩步前行。 或許,您能在別人的人生中聽見不同的答案! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

Colombia, vivir en medio del conflicto

CICR en español

Este es un podcast del Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja en Colombia. Contamos historias del conflicto armado en el país gracias a sus sobrevivientes. Hasta las guerras tienen límites.

Ciao 21 la Radio con un Cromosoma in più

Web Radio Ciao 21

Perchè ascoltare il Podcast? Perché il podcast è uno strumento potente che permette di raggiungere tutti quelli che non possono (o non vogliono) restare incollati a uno schermo Ascoltare podcast è comodo. Ti fanno compagnia durante i viaggi, le passeggiate, mentre fai i lavori domestici. Sono lì disponibili. Se li lasci a metà non si offendono. Puoi riprenderli quando ti pare. Selezioni tu chi vuoi ascoltare e ovviamente chi non vuoi ascoltare più. Web Radio Ciao 21 è anche Podcast Ciao 21 radio con un cromosoma in piu'..



旧青年街垒是由三个来自苏南县城但不幸流落世界各地的旧青年创立的podcast,这三人分别是在瑞典斯德哥尔摩艰苦奋斗的Officer Li, 位于北美湾区的非典型程序员一横以及在苏南县城坚守阵地的民间艺术家烤肉。 做Podcast的念头最早来源于学校社团。2017年,同为摇滚青年的Officer Li和一横于社团公众号上开启了一档以夹带私货的乐评闻名的新栏目,名为反声(Anti-Voice)。反声之名取自哈利波特中的的巫师小报《唱唱反调》(The Quibbler)以及美国朋克乐队反旗(Anti-Flag),然而在用完社团储备人才库(6人以及场外嘉宾烤肉)后,反声就此终结,而Officer Li在反声某期中承诺的电台也被搁置。幸运的是,期间Officer Li通过一横结识了烤肉,经过长达数年的酝酿及拖延,终于决定于2021年12月13日重启podcast计划。 为什么是旧青年街垒? 旧青年对应创刊于1915年的《新青年》杂志,《新青年》杂志在创刊时提出的对青年的六点要求如下: 自由的而非奴隶的 进步的而非保守的 进取的而非退隐的 世界的而非锁国的 实利的而非虚文的 科学的而非想像的 曾经的新青年在时间意义上已经成为了旧青年,在这样一个日趋保守和诡谲的时代里,我们三人作为顽固的守“旧”份子,仍然将这些百年前“旧”青年提出的要求作为我们的奋斗目标,并将不遗余力地对社会发挥副作用。 街垒来自于歌曲《到街垒去》,其也反应了我们三人的基本立场:反对一切形式的压迫。我们希望在某种程度上进行有意义的讨论,并以podcast为载体在我们的听众和外部世界的喧嚣中筑起一道街垒,借此重建与我们一样的“旧”青年之间的连接。

Making sense of social housing

Tortoise Media

A new three part series looking at the UK’s social housing crisis, how we got here and what the future holds. The series charts the status of social housing from the late 1970s to the present day, explores the different solutions being offered by the public and private sector and investigates how solving the crisis could transform our society at large. Throughout the series you will hear from people on the front line of the UK’s social housing crisis - from those on waiting lists to those building homes as well as those campaigning to make a difference. Making Sense of Social Housing is hosted by Tortoise Editor Jeevan Vasagar. The producer is Adrian Bradley and the executive producer is Jasper Corbett.  Making sense of social housing is produced by Tortoise Media together with Lloyds Banking Group, who are the biggest supporters of social housing, supporting around £16 billion of funding to the sector since 2018. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Zukunftsorientiertes Wirtschaften

Enterprise Europe Network c/o Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH

Heute schon an morgen denken. Klingt sinnvoll, aber was heißt das konkret für den Mittelstand? „Zukunftsorientiert zu wirtschaften“ rückt immer stärker ins Rampenlicht, aber wie schaffen es kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen mit begrenzten finanziellen und personellen Ressourcen, ihre Zukunftsfähigkeit wirkungsvoll im Hier und Jetzt anzugehen? Wie können Unternehmen morgen Produkte erfolgreich am Markt platzieren und dabei in den planetaren Grenzen und unter Berücksichtigung sozialer Standards erfolgreich wirtschaften? Mit dem Podcast „Zukunftsorientiertes Wirtschaften“ des Enterprise Europe Networks bei der Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH (WFBB) wollen wir Sie nach Brandenburg einladen und uns all diesen Fragen gemeinsam nähern. Wir schauen hinter die Kulissen von Unternehmen, die sich bereits auf den Weg gemacht haben. Wir treffen Experten, um stellvertretend viele Fragen zu stellen und noch mehr Antworten zu bekommen. Wir machen keine lineare Reise, sondern springen auf der Wertschöpfungskette hin und her und widmen uns relevanten Stellschrauben für eine zukunftsorientierte Wirtschaftsweise: Nachhaltiges Design und Produktion, neue Mobilitäts- und Lieferkettenkonzepte, gesellschaftliche Verantwortung, neue Gesellschaftsformen und alternative Wirtschaftsmodelle sind nur einige von vielen Aspekten, denen wir uns unterwegs widmen werden. Machen Sie sich mit uns auf den Weg?

Making the Museum

Jonathan Alger

A podcast on exhibition planning for museum leaders, exhibition teams, and visitor experience professionals.


alz Monterrey

El podcast que alz Monterrey ha preparado para tí. En este podcast hablaremos de temas que facilitarán el entendimiento de la enfermedad, el proceso y la comunicación con la persona que padece demencia. Para más información de la asociación puedes entrar a esta liga:
