Mitologia Gettata

Manume - Look At Me Podcast

Mitologia gettata, il podcast più pagliaccio sulla mitologia greca! Le avventure degli eroi e degli dei della mitologia raccontate nel tempo di un caffè. Le loro storie come sapete sono tragicomiche e forse, per chi ha avuto la sfiga di studiarle a scuola, non è stato proprio chiaro che questi ragazzi non avessero "mai una gioia"!. Manuela, in arte Manume è qui per distruggere la brutta fama che si sono fatti sui banchi di scolastici e per raccontarvi le loro peripezie in modo ironico e divertente. Sarà un podcast divertente ma alla fine di ogni puntata rifletteremo sul vero significato di ogni storia. Un nuovo episodio ogni Mercoledì alle 06:00 Questo podcast è stato creato in collaborazione con Look At Me. Link:

Sognando RDS

RDS 100% Grandi Successi

Cosa succede dietro le quinte di RDS? Sognando RDS è la prima radio sitcomedy che racconta il backstage di una radio con conduttori, artisti e situazioni esilaranti, tutti attraverso occhi di un buffo barista aspirante conduttore.


Sirene Records

Emma (Pilar Fogliati) non cerca l’amore, anzi, è sicura di non meritarselo ed è per questo che finisce a letto con uomini improponibili, a cui nessuna darebbe neanche il numero. Ma in questo raffinato meccanismo di auto sabotaggio sentimentale qualcosa si rompe quando Emma incontra Matteo, un ragazzo così giusto per lei, da farla scappare a gambe levate. Perché se c'è una cosa da cui Emma vuole tenersi alla larga a tutti i costi è la felicità. Attraverso i suoi messaggi vocali, i suoi incontri, ma soprattutto i suoi “casini” entreremo nella sua vita fatta di incertezze lavorative, difficoltà economiche, bicchieri di troppo, amicizie complicate e serate che finiscono sempre molto tardi. Emma infatti, cura la direzione artistica del Rope, un locale di Roma che i giovani considerano "casa" più della stanza in fitto in cui vivono. Quella di Emma è mansione importante, com’è importante prevedere, prima degli altri, cosa possa piacere al pubblico. Molte saranno le Guest star a salire sul palco del Rope: da Carl Brave, ad Aiello, passando per Michela Giraud, Margherita Vicario e Motta. Emma è l’amica “disperata” che tutti abbiamo, quella che non sappiamo come aiutare, quella che si merita molto di più, quella che ci invia “alcolici” messaggi vocali che spesso, molto spesso, non sappiamo decifrare, eppure ascoltiamo sempre con il cuore in mano. E se non avete un’amica Emma, vuol dire che Emma siete voi. Da un'idea di Virginia Valsecchi e Daniela delle Foglie Una produzione Sirene Records Instagram @sirenerecords Email:

Worlds Beyond Number

Fortunate Horse, Worlds Beyond Number

Brennan Lee Mulligan, Erika Ishii, Aabria Iyengar, and Lou Wilson hang out together and use games to make up stories. It's pretty good.

قصه‌های ایرانی

محسن سعادت

قصه‌های شفاهی که تا امروز دوام آورده‌اند میراث فرهنگی، هنری و خیال‌پردازی اجداد ما هستند. باید آواها، معناها و روایت‌های جان‌سختی باشند که هنوز از خلال قرن‌ها بر زبان آدم‌ها جاری می‌شوند. ما در این پادکست برخی از آنها را که بازمانده‌اند، انتخاب و برای شما نقل می‌کنیم.این پایان ماجرا نخواهد بود. از فصل چهارم یعنی از اپیزود 125 به بعد، دربارۀ کارکردها، مضامین، ویژگی‌های زبانی، هنجارها و ناهنجاری‌ها و در برخی موارد ریشه‌های اساطیری این قصه‌ها صحبت خواهیم کرد. گاهی ویژگی‌های فرهنگی و فکری ساکنان این سرزمین از میان کلمات این قصه‌ها بهتر قابل ردیابی و شناسایی است تا از خلال ابیات شاهنامه، رباعیات خیام، بوستان یا گلستان سعدی. پس این شما و این خیال و اندیشۀ اجداد عوام ما.

Unglaubliche Geschichten (Deutsch/German)


Hier kommen spannende Geschichten von verschiedenen Leuten erzählt. Jeden Tag um 15:00 Uhr eine neue Folge

Die Schokofrösche - Der Harry Potter Podcast


Du magst Harry Potter und möchtest mehr über die Figuren, Personen, Wesen und Orte  des Potter Universums wissen? Du willst Anregungen für Diskussionen haben und Charaktere durchleuchten und analysieren? Du magst FanFictions, Harry Potter Spiele und Quizze? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig. Mit viel Spaß und Leidenschaft widmen wir uns den von JKR geschaffenen Charakteren der Harry Potter Büchern. Jeden Mittwoch erscheint eine neue Folge. Hört rein! Unseren Merch gibt es hier: Ihr wollt uns FanArt schicken oder Sticker von uns bekommen? Schreibt uns an: Postfach 710532 81455 München

Barjory Buffet: The Cruise Detective

Brad Beideman & Rachel Crowe

Cruises are the murder capital of the sea and the sea is the murder capital of the world. One human has jurisdiction over international waters and she's here to tame the seas and water the skis.

Uncharted Territory : Isekai Gaming Adventure.

Teleported Into His Favorite RPG | Isekai Fantasy

Welcome to Uncharted Territory, a podcast that will take you on a heart-pumping adventure beyond the limits of your imagination. In this series, we follow the story of a fast food worker who finds himself in a world beyond his wildest dreams or worst nightmares. After a long shift at work, he decides to escape reality by diving into his favorite video game. But as soon as he downloads a new update, he's transported into the game itself. What he discovers is shocking! he's not in a virtual reality experiment, but in a real-life version of the game. Subscribe now so you never miss an episode!Uncharted Territory's new Twitter account: Contact:

Juha | جحا

Sowt | صوت

جحا مسلسل روائي جديد يحكي قصص حكيم الحمقى المشهورة وقصص لم تسمعوها من قبل. يروي لنا راوٍ مميز جدًا حكايات عجيبة عن عباءة تأكل، وسحر يحول الرجال إلى حمير، وحركات بهلوانية تذهل العقول، في محورها كلها الماكر المحبوب، جحا.

Meet Cute Rom-Coms

Meet Cute

The Official Source of Rom-Coms. Meet Cutes are original romantic comedies told in 15 minutes. Here you’ll discover all of our 6-part series – the perfect pick-me-ups – with new episodes for free, twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays. Subscribers get early access to binge the latest series in full when it launches, our Meet Cute Singles feed, and after 3 months, each series will also be featured in its own feed, for subscribers only.

Não Inviabilize

Déia Freitas

O canal Não Inviabilize é um espaço de contos e crônicas, um laboratório de histórias reais. Aqui você ouve as suas histórias misturadas às minhas! Quadros do canal: Amor Nas Redes - histórias de amor, afeto, saudade; Picolé de Limão - histórias do cotidiano, ciladas, trapaças, muita história revoltante; Luz Acesa - histórias de terror, suspense e mistério; Ficção da Realidade - histórias ficcionais interativas; Mico Meu - histórias engraçadas; Alarme - histórias que servem de alerta, gatilhos emocionais. Site: E-mail:

Le Barzellette di Sfumetto

Sfumetto barzellette

barzellette battute freddure divertenti per ridere o piangere dei nostri giorni con umorismo



「不止读书」是魏小河发起的一档文化类播客。在这档节目里,我希望和所有听众一起,从读书开始,抵达更广阔的世界。每周五更新。 你也可以在公众号「魏小河流域」或微博@魏小河找到我。


Elisa & Francesca

La magia delle fiabe classiche magistralmente scritte e meno magistralmente raccontate. Turpiloquio e disturbo audio QB. Ci trovate anche su Instagram @fuorytales /Theme "Dreams are Made of Light by Ergo Phizmiz" - Non modificata. Distribuita con licenza CC-BY-NC-SA

The Adventure Zone

The McElroys

Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy from My Brother, My Brother and Me have recruited their dad Clint for a campaign of high adventure. Join the McElroys as they find their fortune and slay an unconscionable number of ... you know, kobolds or whatever in ... The Adventure Zone..

Dispersa y alocada

Tuti Ramos

Hola! Soy Tuti @nutricontuti y te invito a que conversemos un rato de cosas random jeje.

Midnight Burger

Business Goose Media

When Gloria took a waitressing job at a diner outside of Phoenix, she didn't realize she was now an employee of Midnight Burger, a time-traveling, dimension-spanning diner. Every day Midnight Burger appears somewhere new in the cosmos along with it's staff: a galactic drifter, a rogue theoretical physicist, a sentient old-timey radio, and some guy named Caspar. No one knows who built Midnight Burger or how it works, but when it appears there's always someone around who could really use a cup of coffee. "When the waves of the universe crash unrelentingly, when the stars seem indifferent to your plight, suddenly there is a diner." We open at 6.

The Amelia Project

Imploding Fictions

The Amelia Project is a secret agency that fakes its clients' deaths, then lets them reappear with a brand new identity! A black comedy full of secrets, twists... and cocoa. The series starts as a succession of interviews with clients who want to fake their deaths, then slowly a larger narrative begins to emerge... Each episode tells its own story, but we recommend starting with Season 1.


Luca Carano

Dentro è una serie fiction audio con Matilda De Angelis e Federico Cesari. L'Italia è in isolamento. Chiara e Claudio sono coinquilini e si trovano bloccati in casa. Ci sono tutti gli ingredienti per una storia d’amore mozzafiato, c’è un solo problema: sono entrambi omosessuali. COME VA A FINIRE? SCOPRILO NEL LIBRO Dentro di Luca Carano (Sperling&Kupfer), in libreria e in digitale.

Mockery Manor

Long Cat Media

Summer, 1989, somewhere in deepest darkest England. Mockery Manor is a theme park where people disappear, and it's up to a pair of chaotic teenage twins to catch a killer. British Podcast Awards 'Best Fiction' Nominee 2020. If you like Hot Fuzz, The White Lotus and Scream, then Mockery Manor is for you. Mockery Manor is a full-cast production best enjoyed using headphones.

Absolutely No Adventures

Destiny Howell

Absolutely No Adventures is a fantasy (un)adventure podcast that follows Sig, the owner of Signature Eats bakery, as he aggressively avoids becoming embroiled in any daring quests or chosen one shenanigans even though the universe really seems to want him to do just that. Follow Sig as he chills with his friends and stays far, far away from the slightest whiff of adventure. And bakes. He also bakes.

Connor Pugs

Connor Pugs

Here are all the storytime videos from Connor Pugs. Connor Pugs makes stories on a variety of topics, and his main inspirations for storytime videos are scrubby aka scrubs and Luna. Support this podcast:

Aurelius Whitlock's Murder Museum

Marcus Richardson and Nathan Hicken

Join Marcus Richardson and Nathan Hicken as we play through murder mysteries of our own devising, playing curator, murderer, and detective. Listen along as we unravel the Museum's many secrets... What mysteries will you be able to solve?

The Monster Hunters

Definitely Human

Take a trip back to swinging London in the early 1970s and meet Roy Steel, ex-big game hunter, and Lorrimer Chesterfield, a brain in the shape of a man. Together they are The Monster Hunters. Their mission: to protect the country from vampires, werewolves and a whole pantheon of unmentionable terrors! Taking its cue from the classic period of British horror and adventure, the 1960s and 70s, The Monster Hunters is a comedy adventure series written by and starring Peter Davis and Matthew Woodcock. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Latest Peppa pig Stories

Rimpi Garg

Hi Everyone, I am three and I love to read books. Me and my dad are starting to share this time with everyone across world. I have read all the stories so now my dad is writing the stories and making new stories with different characters. Read Along with Peppa pig, Pig the pug, pete the cat and many more You can follow me & my other fun content on Youtube: Support this podcast:

Alo! Kam Nje Pytje (Podcast Shqip)

Pod Hub 2.0

Debate më të nxehta se fotot lakuriq të Margot Robbie. Humori më i zi se Obama (qeni i Ilir Shaqirit tek BBV) Çdo te hënë ne te gdhire del podcasti më i mirë. Nese jeni te pangopur dhe nje ne jave nuk u mjafton atehere Ju inkurajojmë të na mbështesni në Patreon: ku do të keni akses pa limit të çdo episodi pa reklama, 4 episode më shumë se në platformën bazë dhe të gjitha episodet BONUS* dhe shume episode eksluzive te padegjuar më parë Asgjë nuk ka imunitet ndaj humorit apo pyetjeve kritike. Ju rikujtojmë që episodet tona janë telefonata të vërteta spontane të painskenuara, apo paramenduara dhe si pasojë varen nga cilësia e internetit. Ne punojmë cdo ditë për të rritur kualitetin e cdo podcasti te rradhës. Faleminderit për mirëkuptimin. Ti vetëm dëgjo dhe na mbështet duke na ndjekur dhe duke e shpërndarë Instagram: alo_kam_nje_pytje Youtube: Alo! Kam nje pytje

Oz 9

Gated Galaxies

It's Spring 2142 (a Tuesday), and Gated Galaxies has launched its 400 Oz-8000 ships, each carrying 50,000 "resting guests" to, hopefully, a new home on a shiny, brand-new planet. Except this whole "terraform and take over" idea isn't actually the plan; the real plan is far more nefarious and involves a great deal of cackling. But those aboard the ships don't know that, so off they toodle (those that make it out of Earth's atmosphere, at least), all shiny and optimistic. This is the story of one of those ships – the Oz 9 – and its tiny crew of hopeless incompetents. So far, they've been in space half an hour and several hundred people are dead. So... bright future, clearly.

The Lesbian Romantic

Sigrid Dufraimont

Lesbian romance stories brought to you as an immersive podcast. Created to make you smile, blush or keep you on the edge of your seat. Listen with headphones to immerse yourself fully! New wlw story chapter every other Tuesday.

Monologhi di una pianta... grassa

Simona Zecca

Ovvero: di come, da quando ho messo vaso a casa di Marta, ho dovuto imparare a confrontarmi con una specie che in tutta franchezza mi sconcerta e neanche poco. La vostra. "Monologhi di una pianta... grassa" è una divertente serie ad episodi che racconta semplici episodi di vita quotidiana in cui tanti si potranno riconoscere... dal punto di vista di una pianta grassa, ironica osservatrice. Soundtrack: Dreaming di Jordan, tratto dall'album "8". Ascoltalo su Spotify:

The Flash: Escapar del Circo de Medianoche

Blue Ribbon Content

Barry Allen está en su máximo esplendor en cuanto a poderes y fama, y se siente muy cómodo siendo el héroe favorito de Central City; pero ser Flash le obliga a decepcionar a Iris una vez más y ella, harta, termina por dejar la relación. Entonces, un Barry decidido, descubre que puede usar el poder de su velocidad para volver atrás en el tiempo y hacer las cosas bien. Pero algo sale mal y cae en una nueva dimensión, dentro de un pequeño cuarto junto a Capitán Frío, y sin poderes. Frío le dice a Barry que es un participante involuntario de un concurso de televisión, “El Circo de Medianoche”, donde humanos, superhéroes y canallas de todo pelaje se enfrentan a vida o muerte en desafíos de pura suerte. Si sobrevive a esta competición, Barry será libre, recreará las condiciones del viaje original y volverá a su línea temporal. Pero para hacer eso, tendrá que confiar solo en su sentido común. Y por si no fuera suficiente, pronto acabará enfrentándose a su rival más difícil: Iris West.


Marco Bassi

RACCONTISENZABUCCIA è un podcast che raccoglie una selezione di brillanti e divertenti racconti. Sei uno scrittore? #raccontisenzabuccia è un progetto aperto e gratuito che ti permette, qualora il tuo racconto avesse le caratteristiche, di promuoverlo in una veste nuova. Voce e editing: Marco Bassi Musica ed effetti sonori: Info mail: #racconti #storytelling

Un Disco, Una Storia

Guido 2B

Cosa vi succede quando ascoltate un disco? A me vengono in mente delle storie. Ed in questo podcast ve le racconto, insieme alle canzoni che le hanno ispirate. Ogni venerdì una nuova puntata.

Sports Horn


Sports Horn – it’s the UK’s third most talked about sports radio network! Join ex-footballer and current pundit Ian Fiveankles with co-host Anthony Richardson as they tackle the biggest sporting stories in their brand new breakfast show, only on SPORTS HORN. Dishing out the sort of insight one can only acquire from playing LDV Vans Trophy fixtures against both Jamie Cureton and Jamie O’Hara, this is a breakfast show not to be missed...  Sports Horn is a weekly sports radio parody from Stak and the comedic minds of The Exploding Heads (Mark Davison and Anthony Richardson) who can be found here! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Pounded In The Butt By My Own Podcast

Night Vale Presents

Celebrity guests perform the unique erotic stories of world famous author Chuck Tingle in an attempt to prove that love is real. Whether you’re new to the Tingleverse or have lived there for years, this is the podcast about love that you never knew you needed.

Il teatro alla radio

Radio Back Home

Teatro alla radio, Radio Back Home ti propone uno dei lavori interamente realizzati dall'Associazione Culturale Arte e Spettacolo che è l'ente no profit che gestisce Radio Back Home, in questo periodo abbiamo pensato di adattare e o creare dei lavori teatrali di nostra produzione interamente dedicati alla radio e al podcast nella nostra produzione vi sono diversi tipi di spettacoli teatrali ma tutti realizzati con il solo scopo di divertirci e divertirci riducendo cosi le ansie da costrizione a casa e dal divieto di palco scenico.

Дневники Пираньи


Я - p_i_r_a_n_y_a - поэт и автор книг. Этот подкаст - обо мне, о людях и о текстах - моих и чужих. В общем - о жизни. Пишу стихи, прозу, фотографирую, рисую вектор - просто так и на заказ, делаю сайты. Я разносторонняя =) Стихи я пишу примерно двадцать лет. Мой самый известный стих - " Какое счастье быть красивой женщиной", этот подкаст я уже традиционно начала с него. Первая же моя книга в прозе "Блёсны", написанная в 2020 году, в 2021 году вошла в лонг очень престижной премии "Русский детектив" в номинации "Открытие года". Надеюсь, когда-то и до побед на крупных конкурсах дорасту. Классику всю перечитала в детстве, а сейчас открываю для себя современных авторов и хочу познакомить с ними и вас. Вы тоже автор? Пишите, познакомимся =) Мой личный сайт: Ссылка для донатов:

Draco Malfoy und die demütigende Tortur des Verliebt seins | Dramione | Harry Potter Fanfiction

Mrs Cowly

Schließe ein Abo ab: Hallihallöchen an meine lieben Dramione-Fans und die, die es noch werden wollen! Willkommen zur Vertonung der Fanfiktion "Draco Malfoy und die demütigende Tortur des Verliebt-Seins"! Die Fanfiction ist ursprünglich aus dem Englisch von Isthisselfcare und wurde von meiner liebsten Daedalean ins Deutsche übersetzt. Ich lese euch hier die Dramione-Harry Potter- Fanfiction Kapitel für Kapitel vor und hoffe, ihr habt ganz viel Spaß ^^ Weitere Features: Schließe ein Abo ab:

Death by Dying

Evening Post Productions

The Obituary Writer of Crestfall, Idaho finds himself deeply in over his head as he investigates a series of strange and mysterious deaths… when he is supposed to simply be writing obituaries. Along the way he encounters murderous farmers, man-eating cats, haunted bicycles, and a healthy dose of ominous shadows. Support us on Patreon:

Radio Hogwarts | Ein Harry Potter Podcast

30 Lustige Minuten Harry Potter

Dieser Harry Potter Podcast ist ein Remake vom ,, Ein paar lustige Minuten Harry Potter " Podcast. Wir, Bruno und Jakob, sprechen hier über diverse Themen der Harry Potter Welt. Instagram: radio_hogwarts

Small Victories

WGC Productions

A recently recovered drug addict tries to start her new lease on life, too bad life has it out for her. This dramatic comedy follows Marisol through the ups and downs of a year in her life.

His Royal Fakin' Highness

Tandon Productions

Alo! Kam Nje Pytje (Podcast Shqip)

Pod Hub 2.0

Debate më të nxehta se fotot lakuriq të Margot Robbie. Humori më i zi se Obama (qeni i Ilir Shaqirit tek BBV) Çdo te hënë ne te gdhire del podcasti më i mirë. Nese jeni te pangopur dhe nje ne jave nuk u mjafton atehere Ju inkurajojmë të na mbështesni në Patreon: ku do të keni akses pa limit të çdo episodi pa reklama, 4 episode më shumë se në platformën bazë dhe të gjitha episodet BONUS* dhe shume episode eksluzive te padegjuar më parë Asgjë nuk ka imunitet ndaj humorit apo pyetjeve kritike. Ju rikujtojmë që episodet tona janë telefonata të vërteta spontane të painskenuara, apo paramenduara dhe si pasojë varen nga cilësia e internetit. Ne punojmë cdo ditë për të rritur kualitetin e cdo podcasti te rradhës. Faleminderit për mirëkuptimin. Ti vetëm dëgjo dhe na mbështet duke na ndjekur dhe duke e shpërndarë Instagram: alo_kam_nje_pytje Youtube: Alo! Kam nje pytje

Giuseppe Monsieur Vincenzi

Giuseppe Vincenzi

Monologhi, pensieri, opere e omissis



A detective comedy drama || Even Greater London, 1887. In this vast metropolis, Inspector Archibald Fleet and journalist Clara Entwhistle investigate a murder, only to find themselves at the centre of a conspiracy of impossible proportions.

Michelle Rojas Is Not Okay

Audible Originals

Michelle Rojas is not okay. In fact, she’s burnt out. With a PsyD from Yale and a job at a renowned Connecticut therapy practice, Dominican psychologist Michelle Rojas is a Washington Heights success story. When she gets fired for lashing out at co-workers and giving patients questionable advice, Michelle returns home. Ashamed yet bullish, she lies to her family and friends: Michelle—voiced by Dascha Polanco (Orange is the New Black, Samaritan) —opens a therapy practice in a local bodega under the false pretense of expanding the therapy practice from Connecticut to New York. But where she’s from, people just don’t go to therapy. It’s a struggle to pierce the tough resistance from the community, even with support from her free-spirited cousin Dora (Darlene Demorizi) and her quick-witted childhood friend Niño (The Kid Mero). Michelle Rojas is Not Okay follows Michelle as she struggles to grapple with both her professional and personal identities. Throughout her journey, she faces setback after setback before it slowly becomes clear that she’s there not only to offer help to her community, but also to receive it. Michelle Rojas is not okay, but will she be?

Forgive Me!

Rogue Dialogue

Forgive Me! tells the story of Father Ben, a try-hard young Catholic priest who was recently reassigned from Binghamton to St. Patrick’s, a new parish in an unnamed Upstate New York town, under mysterious circumstances. Each episode follows Ben into the confessional with another eccentric parishioner from around town, exploring the intertwined lives of this new community and the funny, sad, and sometimes painful experiences that come out of the Catholic experience.


Fan Friction Podcast

il podcast in cui Jean-Claude, Kaoru e Steve si leggono a vicenda fanfiction brutte. ogni due settimane di domenica alle 18 vi aspetta un nuovo episodio! cercateci su Instagram (con buone intenzioni)

Cop Doctors

7 Lamb Productions LLC

A comedic vignette that explores the careers of Justin Case and Justin Time, who just happen to be cops by day, and doctors by night.

Gli atti unici del teatro classico


Nell'ambito del progetto DramaLab - Laboratorio di recitazione online, composto da studenti non vedenti e normovedenti, la DramaBooks ha realizzato alcuni atti unici di autori del teatro classico, quali: Anton Cechov, Tennessee Williams, Eduardo De Filippo, Achille Campanile e Jean Tardieu.

Batman: The Audio Adventures


In partnership with Warner Bros. and DC, this scripted audio original, Gotham City comes to lurid life in the theater of your mind…with a sensational pageant of technicolor villainy unlike any other on Earth. Mafioso Penguins. Thieving Catwomen. Terrorist Riddlers. Killing Jokers…a city where some problems can only be solved by a billionaire in a bat costume. Starring Jeffrey Wright as Batman, Rosario Dawson as Catwoman, John Leguizamo as the Riddler, and a who’s who of incredible “Saturday Night Live” alums, the series draws inspiration from the vintage noir atmosphere of the celebrated “Batman: The Animated Series,” the spirited fun of the classic 1960s “Batman”TV series, and the entire 80-plus year history of the BATMAN franchise. This rollicking, over the top Batman adventure is written and directed by Emmy®-winner Dennis McNicholas, features an A-List cast, and devilishly delightful original music.

Murder in HR

Caspian Studios

It’s Jemma’s (Kate Mara) first day as Employee Experience Manager at Peace of Ship, an AI-powered tech startup. When her colleague Larry is electrocuted during the company All-Hands, she uncovers a terrible secret. It was murder! Now, she and her Chief People Officer, Nicholas (Brett Gelman), are tasked with finding the killer. She must use her HR skills to investigate her toxic colleagues – without becoming the next victim. Murder in HR. Presented by Gympass. Starring Kate Mara and Brett Gelman.  A Caspian Studios Production.

Josie's Lonely Hearts Club

Good Story Guild, Maximilian Clark, Rachel Music

Josie’s Lonely Hearts Club is a semi-scripted audio drama set in the studio of New Mexico’s 3rd-best romantic advice call-in show.  On-air, listeners eavesdrop as Josie squares off against top improvisers and is only occasionally helped by her puckish engineer Frank. Off-air, witness her journey from melancholy Joanne Holtzinger to nationally syndicated sensation Josie Heller. What results is an often hilarious and surprisingly human show exploring the risks we idiots take every time we fall in or out of love.   Josie’s Lonely Hearts Club was created by Maximilian Clark (Superhuman Public Radio)  and Rachel Music. Our story editor is Aliza Brugger. This podcast is brought to you by the Good Story Guild ( . Keep track of us at and stay cozy, cuties.  Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.

Bad Influencer

Emerald Audio

A wannabe nobody makes a wish and wakes up a famous influencer only to find herself caught in non-stop scandals. Featuring Deuxmoi, Kristen Doute, Perez Hilton and Christy Carlson Romano, Bad Influencer is a romantic comedy for your ears set in the current New York City Influencer world. Supported by: First Round’s On Me (FROME), a dating app for people who want to date intentionally and actually meet in person for a real date. First Round’s On Me is now available for Android and iOS! Bring back real dating. Learn more: If you like Bad Influencer, find us on IG and TikTok @emeraldaudionetwork and try out these other titles!  The Royals of Malibu The Key of Love Rainbow Girl

Storia di un pornodipendente letto da Daniele Russo

Giorgio Caruso

La storia di un pornodipendente disadattato, incapace di costruire rapporti sinceri, se non con la propria mano. Omosessuale latente, si è costruito un bel castello di sicurezze sull'unica cosa che conosce: il porno. Tra le quattro pareti di un monitor si sente sicuro, potente, capace di appagare tutte le sue perversioni. Delle quali, però, si vergogna. Testo Giorgio Caruso Letto da Daniele Russo Sonorizzazione Alessio Foglia Grafica Raffaele de Martino


Red Fathom Entertainment

Hannahpocalypse is a comedy/horror audio drama that follows living dead girl Hannah; a zombie ‘living’ her best life long after the zombie apocalypse has come and gone.



ما در رادیو سیتکام براتون یه قصه روایت می‌کنیم. قصه‌ای که از یه کلبه‌ی لعنتی کنار دریای شهر تهران شروع میشه. دریایی که البته به اقیانوس هم راه داره! کاراکترهای زیادی درگیر این قصه هستند صداپیشه‌ها (به ترتیب حضور در قسمت پایلوت): آلاله بهرامیان (راوی)، آرش زمانیان (آرش)، سیاوش صفاریانپور (مشاور: آقای شعاری)، آیدین سیارسریع (بیوک)، بورژین عبدالرزاقی (بورژین)، مرتضی قدیمی (مرتضی)، مهرداد نعیمی (بیژن)، علی دریاکناری (مُراد)، بهزاد قدیانلو (بهزاد)، امیرقباد فرهی (هومن)، نادر رحمانی (عمو عابد)، مونا زارع (عسل)، علی رمضانپور (سیاوش)، احسان بیاتفر (کیارش)، پدرام سلیمانی (پدرام)، حمید حیدری (سیامک)، ع

Why Can't We Be Wizards

Kevin Rizza, Mike Turley, Alie Turley, Mitchell Cassidy, Charlotte Cassidy, Elliot Kelley

A wizarding comedy improv storytelling podcast fated by dice. Six friends craft an original story with new characters set at a modern and inclusive Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Come be wizards with us! New episodes fortnightly on Fridays. ✨ Twenty-two years after the Battle of Hogwarts and Harry Potter's triumphant victory over He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, five young friends retrace the steps of thousands of students to discover magic, friendship, and perhaps a bit of mischief at Hogwarts. From sorting in the Great Hall to the awarding of the House Cup, these inquisitive new wizards must discover their own destiny amid the twisting walls and moving staircases of a school full of secrets not even Dumbledore claimed to know. ✨ Why Can't We Be Wizards is an all new wizarding story improvised by Kevin Rizza, Elliot Kelley, Alie and Mike Turley, and Charlotte and Mitchell Cassidy. We play a simple tabletop roleplaying game called Witchcraft and Wizardry created by Tablestory. As game master and producer, your resident Potter nerd Kevin magically transfigures our hours of tabletop nonsense into a tight, atmospheric, story-first listening experience. Come along on an adventure with Caleb, Skyler, Allison, Leo and Freya every other Friday as they cast spells, roll dice, uncover mysteries and find themselves through their time in school.

Contes merveilleux pour enfants

Caracolivres Editions

Caracolivres Editions propose cette première collection de podcasts pour les enfants: des dizaines de contes merveilleux pour enfants, proposés un par un, contes issus de la littérature classique jeunesse, mondiale, ou issus de différents folklores à travers le monde.😀 On y rencontrera des fées, des lutins, des enfants sages ou pas sages, des animaux extraordinaires, des histoires drôles, des histoires graves, des histoires pour les petits, et les plus grands: on y trouvera des contes russes, des contes africains, des contes indiens, des folklores, du folklore anglais, etc  .😀 Interprétation: Fabienne Prost Retrouvez tous nos livres audio sur:  (      Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Il ContaStorie

Bobo Pernettaz

Bobo Pernettaz pesca dal suo zaino storie ed aneddoti di questi ultimi 70 anni e li racconta, episodio dopo episodio, attraverso il suo sguardo immaginifico e fantasioso. Il ContaStorie è un viaggio nel mondo di Bobo da cui si esce più ricchi, più sereni e con il sorriso sulle labbra. Ci sono tanti modi di raccontare la propria terra e le proprie origini, in questo podcast Bobo Pernettaz, scultore e pittore, sceglie di usare la parola. Storie che hanno il sapore antico delle favole e che graffiano con l'ironia di chi vive il proprio tempo.


Rocket Beans TV

Pen & Paper-Rollenspiele zählen zu den absoluten Lieblingsprojekten bei Rocket Beans. Zahlreiche Abenteuer wurden bereits auf Youtube und als Podcast unter dem passenden Kanalnamen “Pen & Paper“ veröffentlicht. Warum also dieser neue Kanal hier? Ganz einfach: Die hier erscheinenden Abenteuer gibt es NUR als Podcast. Musik, Atmosphäre und Soundeffekte sorgen dabei für ein echtes Hörspiel-Gefühl. Aktuelles Abenteuer: CITY OF MIST - DAS LAZARUS PROJEKT. Neue Folgen gibt es jeden Montag. Story und Spielleitung: Steffen Grziwa Cast: Daniel Budiman, Haselnuuuss, Miriam Grziwa Redaktion: Timo Zocholl Executive Producer: Maximilian Stangl Sounddesign und Mischung: Julius Galla Cover Artwork: Jan Soucek Projektleitung Podcasts: Mark Oliver Lehmann

Bons baisers de partout


INA Podcasts présente un trésor des archives de la radio : « Bons baisers de partout », en version restaurée. Avis aux amateurs de calembour et de création sonore ! “Bons baisers de partout”, la série totalement loufoque de Pierre Dac et Louis Rognoni est de retour en version restaurée, sur INA Podcasts. Cette parodie de série d’espionnage diffusée de 1966 à 1974 met en scène le Service de Documentation Unilatéral et de Contre-espionnage (le SDUC) dirigé par le Colonel Hubert de Guerlasse, interprété par Pierre Dac lui-même. À retrouver tous les mercredis à 18h.

Non è un regno per bimbi

Erica Casati

Le fiabe nella loro versione originale, raccontate a un pubblico adulto. Ironia, sarcasmo e qualche guizzo comico.



Non aspettatevi degli spiegoni sui cocktail. Aneddoti di vita da bar di provincia legati a richieste che i clienti gli hanno fatto raccontati con stile ironico, a tratti anche pungente, ma mai superficiale. Il punto di vista di un barman che ti guarda da dietro un bancone. Un podcast scritto da Amedeo Anselmi e prodotto da Michael Buttini. Registrato negli studi di FM-world

Potrebbe Piovere

Potrebbe Piovere

L’unica cosa che accomuna Elena e sua madre Costanza è l’incapacità di instaurare un dialogo sincero l’una con l’altra. Lo scoppio di una pandemia mondiale e la quarantena le coglieranno in due città diverse e insegneranno loro come avvicinarsi e supportarsi a vicenda, tra un ex fidanzato sospettosamente disponibile e un marito da cui divorziare il prima possibile. Ci trovi su Facebook e Instagram con @PotrebbePioverePodcast. Realizzato da Camilla Carniello, Rita Funes, Mario Gioè, Stefano Skalkotos, Alessandra Scarci, Gianluca Pampagnin, Giovanni Papalia, Federica Carniello con il prezioso aiuto di Fabio Sormani; hanno contribuito Mattia Nicchio e il coro Pop Chords.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Zvočna sekcija ŽVPL

Podkast o življenju, vesolju in sploh vsem … v katerem po nekem čudnem naključju vsako epizodo obdelamo eno poglavje kultne trilogije v petih delih Štoparski vodnik po Galaksiji, ki jo je, ko smo bili (mi) še majhni, napisal Douglas Adams. Še veš kje imaš brisačo?

Whistle Through The Shamrocks

Hat Trick Productions

Whistle Through The Shamrocks - your new favourite podcast written and created by Nicola Coughlan and Camilla Whitehill. Starring: Jamie Beamish  Stephanie Beatriz Jordan Brooks Cat Cohen  Nicola Coughlan  Ed Gamble  Louisa Harland  Paul Mallon Ben Miller Brenock O’Connor  Kiell Smith-Bynoe  Jonathan Van Ness Amalia Vitale  Camilla Whitehill  Susie Wokoma  with David Ames  and Andrew Scott... Hopefully. Editors – Alexis Adimora & Diggory Waite Producer – Chris Jones Executive Producer – Claire Broughton A Hat Trick Podcast 2021 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Wooden Overcoats

Wooden Overcoats Ltd

Award Winning Sitcom || Rudyard Funn and his equally miserable sister Antigone run their family’s failing funeral parlour, where they get the body in the coffin in the ground on time. But one day they find everyone enjoying themselves at the funerals of a new competitor – the impossibly perfect Eric Chapman! With their dogsbody Georgie, and a mouse called Madeleine, the Funns are taking drastic steps to stay in business…

Steamy Stories

JC Calciano

STEAMY STORIES, your go-to podcast for m/m romance! Each tawdry tale is lovingly crafted by JC Calciano, an award-winning filmmaker and author. This gay fiction podcast brings you sweet, sexy short stories filled with love, passion, and play. Released monthly, every story is a unique exploration of LGBTQ romance, making it your best choice for gay m/m podcasts. Steamy Stories Podcast is rated #2 as the BEST GAY FICTION podcast on FeedSpot!Visit our official website, for exclusive content. 

Margaritas & Donuts

Observer Pictures | Realm

Josephine, a pediatrician, is pretty unlucky romantically. With a little coaxing from her best friend Katrina, Josephine starts a relationship with Malik, an ophthalmologist that works in the office across the hall from hers. Malik is exactly what Josephine needs, but she doesn't quite realize it...yet.

The Sword & The Stoner

Tandon Productions

The Sword & The Stoner is a modern day, stoner comedy adaptation of the King Arthur legends. Instead of a legendary King and his Court Sorcerer, 2019 ended up with an average-at-best stoner and an over-the-top reality TV magician. Join Arthur and Merlin as they try to get stoned enough to forget their destiny, even as it comes for them with a vengeance. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook @swordandstoner

Am I Old Yet? — Comedy audio drama

Flloyd Kennedy

A coming-of-age, audio fiction comedy with a difference. Our ageing heroine shares senior moments, family relationships and adventures—entertaining and a wee bit provocative. In Seasons 6 to 9 some ancient Greek deities choose her to 'save the planet' - if she only knew what her superpower was. Written, performed and produced by Aussie-born, Liverpool-based actress, singer-songwriter and performance poet Flloyd Kennedy with guest performers on 3 continents. ★★★★★ "This is delightful storytelling from Flloyd Kennedy. Gentle but deceptively sharp; underestimate the characters populating this podcast at your own peril. The writing, performance and music are all a joy."   I use Buzzsprout and it makes hosting this podcast a smooth and enjoyable process. 

Dungeons & Drimbus

Whimsic Productions

Professional actors playing unprofessional D&D characters. Professionally. Super heroes? Ok. A gang of babies? ...sure. Wait, Shia LeBeouf? And WTF is a Drimbus? Using traditional D&D mechanics to tackle non-traditional scenarios, join our cast of professional idiots as they try to roll their way out of the most ridiculous situations.

The Critshow

Critshow Studios

A group of friends have their lives turned upside down when they find themselves placed as the last line of defense between the everyday world and the things that go bump in the night. This actual play podcast uses Monster of the Week and other Powered by the Apocalypse games, all within the same dimension hopping narrative, to follow the Indiana Paranormal Task-force (IPT) as they are thrust into the front lines of a battle they didn't know existed.


Gruppo CAP

Gruppo CAP presenta The Source, un podcast DUDE Originals da un'idea di Pietro Cattorini. Con Fabrizio Biggio e Massimiliano Loizzi. Luglio 2035. L'Italia governata dai “nuovi influencer” si trova nel mezzo della più grande crisi idrica della storia. In tutto il Paese l'acqua smette di scendere dai rubinetti. Senz'acqua, senza elettricità e all'apparenza senza soluzioni le persone si ritrovano ad ascoltare l'unica fonte di notizie ancora attiva: The Source, un programma radio di serie B affidato a due conduttori svogliati e mediocri, Rudy Belli e Daniel Cotenna. Lo show “resiste” grazie a una tecnologia poco sfruttata in passato, che permette agli smartphone di connettersi al programma anche quando le batterie sono scariche. Rudy e Daniel, dagli studi di una Milano sorprendentemente coinvolta dalla situazione catastrofica, si ritrovano davanti a una situazione più grande di loro, cavalcando la rabbia e la frustrazione del pubblico che li ascolta. Affronteranno una sfida epocale che trasformerà per sempre la loro visione del mondo. Le voci di Rudy Belli e Daniel Cotenna sono di Massimiliano Loizzi e Fabrizio Biggio. Gli autori delle puntate sono Giuseppe Paternò Raddusa, Alessio Calabresi, Pietro Cattorini, Massimiliano Loizzi, Elettra Mauri. Il keyart è a cura di DUDE Originals. La sigla originale è a cura di SmokeLab.


Atypical Artists

GREENHOUSE is an anxious audio love story about a recluse writer and a lonely florist who learn, letter by letter, that the world is a whole lot brighter when you have someone to share your story with. It was created by Lillian Holman and produced by Atypical Artists. For more information, please visit



Praticamente un rave blasfemo fatto di black humor, odio profondo e unicorni interstellari vestiti in pelle d'alligatore che fanno sedute spiritiche per riportare in vita Giulio Andreotti. Contatti (IG): @orgasmocrvdele

Totally Appropriate

Jenna Hellberg

Tune in for gossip stories about the weird, funny, and *totally appropriate* things we do when thrown into a workplace with fellow human beings. Join me and a cast of gossip–deprived guests as we navigate listener-submitted stories that’ll hopefully have you laughing, gasping, and maybe even relating a bit too much. The stories have been anonymized, telephone-gamed, and partly fictionalized – and the purpose of the podcast is only to entertain. *Launching in spring 2024* Got a workplace gossip story that's too good to keep to yourself? Share your story at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Madame Magenta: Sonos Mystica

Long Cat Media

Madame Magenta, psychic, medium, and inventor of the ‘drink-along’ audiobook, reads her best-selling* books, with support from her adoring husband Bernard. In Magenta is the Warmest Colour, Magenta is forced into a bank heist by the ghost of her ex-husband, and in Madame Magenta & The Arcati Killer, she is pitted against a psychotic murderer hell-bent on destroying the mystic community. She also uses the ancient art of bibliomancy to help solve real problems sent in by you, her Tragic Fans. *dependent on definition of ‘best-seller’.

Misafir Odası

Podbee Media

Sevgili hayali kitlem, hayatımız nereye gidiyor? İnsan ailesinden, ölümden, çocukluk anılarından, yaşamaya çalıştığı şehrin gürültülerinden ve kafasındaki seslerden ne kadar uzağa kaçabilir? Bir pasaport, bir vize, her şeyi çözmeye yeter mi? Merhaba. Ben Umay Şen, 35 yaşındayım. Bu şehirde debeleniyorum. Kardeşim Ülgen ve annem İştar’la mutsuz orta sınıf bir aile olmanın hakkını veriyoruz. Yurt dışına çıkma planlarım, her sabah içtiğim yarım litre kahve ve bindiğim metrolarla da beyaz yakalılığın hakkını veriyorum. Bu da benim podcastim. Daha doğrusu, podcast dizim. Nasıl mı? Şöyle; beni, yani, Umay'ı Aslı İnandık oynuyor. Kardeşim Ülgen'i Güven Murat Akpınar, annem İştar'ı Derya Alabora, babam Rıza'yı da Serkan Keskin oynuyor. Volkan Çıkıntoğlu yazdı, Tunç Şahin yönetti. Gerçekten. Dinleyin anlayacaksınız. Günaydın veya iyi geceler, hayali kitlem. Unutmadan afişi de Onur Sipahi yaptı.



Pollito Tropical Podcast

Pollito Tropical

Regreso con este proyecto de Podcast donde estaré conversando con amigos, enemigos, artistas e influencers. Acompáñame en cada capítulo. Espero verlos por acá y me cuentan sus opiniones en mis redes sociales.

Ellie & The Wave

Radio Point

When a global computer virus begins deleting all digital records, 30-something Ellie (Natalie Morales, Parks and Recreation) buys an old tape recorder and begins narrating an “analog” retrospective of her life before all of her photos, videos, and correspondence are wiped out forever. “High Fidelity” meets “Seeking a Friend For the End of the World.” Written by Erin Foley-Chan, produced by April Lamb (Gimlet's Sandra), directed and produced by Daniel Powell (Inside Amy Schumer). Also starring Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, and Cyrina Fiallo.

This Sounds Serious

Kelly & Kelly

In 1991, TV producer Kirk Todd was supposed to direct his first movie, Grand Casino, but the movie was never made. Kirk disappeared with the film’s budget and was revealed to be a con man named Jeremy Weaver. We follow host Gwen Radford as she tracks down the victims and puts together the pieces of this con three decades later. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Così è la vita

Edoardo Caldarola

Così è la vita è il podcast per te, che pensi di avere una vita scialba e piatta. Poi ti guardi allo specchio e realizzi: "In effetti, pareva peggio". Perché ricordati sempre che ogni vita merita un podcast. Pure la tua, anche se non sembra. Però, se non ti dispiace, comincio con la mia. Io sono Edoardo Caldarola e tu stai per farti i fatti miei. Dietro le quinte, racconti extra e altra roba buona sul canale Telegram: Se, poi, ti va di inviami messaggi, feedback, suggerimenti e, perché no, anche le tue storie, mandami un messaggio, sempre su Telegram: Meh, mo vado che ho da fare. Ci sentiamo presto.



??? | D’après un concept original du Mago qui n’a pas été compris, puis réalisé par Richoult, enregistrée avec l'aide de La BISE (Brigade d'Improvisation Spéciale Extrême).

Atlas Avenue Beat

Bloody FM

Follow the adventures of P.I. James Locke as he interrogates criminals, solves cases, and fights crime in this comedy detective noir.

If I Go Missing The Witches Did It


Starring Oscar-nominated actress Gabourey Sidibe: when a Black writer goes missing, a white podcast host with a savior complex takes up the cause of finding her—and collides with a coven of influencers she suspects are responsible.  After a summer in Westchester soaking up how the other half lives with her rich, white boyfriend, Jenna Clayton has vanished without a trace. The only clue: a set of voice memos detailing an investigation into a group of influencers she suspected were using magic to achieve their means.  Elise Edgerton is outraged that no one has found Jenna yet, and decides to take up the cause. But despite believing she is using her platform for good, Elise’s mission threatens to turn her into an even worse villain than a witch: a white savior. If I Go Missing The Witches Did It is a Realm Production, starring Gabourey Sidibe and Sarah Natochenny and written by Pia Wilson. Listen Away. 

Russian For Cats

Pam Cameron

This is the story of Nadia, a bilingual cat who escapes from a secret lab, and Brian, the Minnesotan who helps her hide from the spies chasing her. It's a tale of friendship and adventure... that also teaches you Russian!

L'aquila d'oro - Il viaggio - Il tesoro

Daniele Grandi

La storia del principe Matt e del giovane Tiago che uniti viaggiano il mondo vivendo tante avventure alla scoperta di un tesoro nascosto, ma soprattutto della loro identità. Tre romanzi scritti da Daniele Grandi per giovani da 12 anni in su.

Haunted House Flippers

JD Lauriat

An original comedy/horror audio drama podcast about a couple's journey in renovating an inherited house that may or may not be haunted. Take a peak into the day-to-day life of Tom and Janet Miller as they come to terms with the vast undertaking ahead of them. With the help of their completely normal neighbor Lee, and a small cast of recurring locals, this will be an adventure for everyone. For links to our Social Media, Merch, and additional show info, head over to our website: Currently releasing monthly on most streaming services. Support this podcast:

Camp Here & There

Mayfield & Belov

Tune in to the loudspeakers of a small midwestern sleep-away camp plagued by supernatural terrors and natural disasters. Sydney Sargent, resident camp nurse, cheerfully reports on all the dangers just below (and above) our feet. Episodes air weekly starting June 10th 2021. Original music written and composed by Will Wood.

Peppa Pig

Babi Ursinha fofa

A teoria da Peppa Pig



今天在微博看到原来有这么多人喜欢听武林外传啊,好开心🥳 —————— 这是一个系列的戏说江湖的轻松喜剧。关中一个普通的小镇——七俠镇,这里有一家同福客栈。就是这间不起眼的江湖客栈,因缘巧合之下汇聚了一群性格各异又活泼搞怪的年轻人:武功高强但初入江湖的郭芙蓉(姚晨 饰)、客栈老板娘佟湘玉(闫妮 饰)、金盘洗手的神偷白展堂(沙溢 饰)、满腹经纶的吕秀才(喻恩泰 饰)、客栈厨师李大嘴(姜超 饰)等等。这群年轻人在同一屋檐下演绎了一幕幕经典的搞笑场面,在欢笑与眼泪中陪伴观众们一起渐渐成长。

Trice Forgotten

Rusty Quill Ltd

Alestes likes to keep her head down while she works as a merchant, couriering deliveries and carrying travelers to destinations across the seas. Only as her travelers gradually become permanent crewmates, she realises her ship has become a floating museum, laboratory, vault of repatriated ‘treasures’, and a chef’s kitchen. After spending most of her life with the understanding that nothing changes, no matter how hard you fight, Alestes is faced with a choice: Will she use her new network of allies to build safe harbour and potentially a future for her new community, or will she once again put her head down and drown in her sea of excuses… Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

رحلة ل 100 عبيط

Ahmad Abed

تأليف: عمر عباس- سيناريو ومعالجة درامية: سماح محمد- هندسة صوتية: سامح جمعه- إخراج: سماح محمد الممثلين: أحمد عابد بدور عماد سامح جمعه بدور فتحي إيمان عباس بدور فضيلة ولاء طارق بدور أم فتحي والحاجة أم محرز ومسعدة سماء شريت بدور طهطوشة شذا شريت بدور ولهانة يحيى عبد الفني بدور مرعي حوادث وعلي المارد وأبو فتحي وعم كرشة سماح محمد بدور هيمانة وانشراح مي إسماعيل بدور سارويل هيثم عبد السميع بدور بسيوني مصطفى سعد بدور الظابط عاصم السيد بدور الثعبان محمد مهدي بدور الظابط مجدي حازم ثروت بدور أمين الشرطة محمود عبد العزيز بدور سيد أحمد حسام بدور مصطفى

Spout Lore

Spout Lore

A series of comedy bits, loosely connected by dice rolls. Join a well-meaning barbarian, a mysterious druid, and an orphaned halfling child as they try to figure out the world they're in.

Adventures in Quilting

Dalen Keys

This podcast is a series of fun stories that are occasionally fact - but are often fiction. You don't have to be a quilter to listen . . . but if you are a quilter, or married to one, or know one, or lived with one, or passed one on the street . . . you'll certainly relate to these stories. Mimi's Quilting Emporium is the hub of activity in Bitchfield, PA . . . a common little town with uncommon characters. But when one of their own sets out on an adventure across the USA to explore the sights - and visit as many quilting shops as possible, life in Bitchfield intertwines with stories from the road as they all come together at Mimi's.

Mission Rejected

The Porch Room

The story of the world's most secret agents...the backups. For the first time in his career, Special Agent Chet Phillips has discovered that he can choose NOT to accept a mission! That means there's no choice but to send in the "B Team": A nervous pencil pusher promoted to the field, a computer hacker working off her sentence, a fading former sitcom star and a recently reassigned White House intern. A full cast comedy audio adventure with a new episode debuting each month!

In The Cards

Next Chapter Podcasts, Kevin Henderson

Connor Ratliff (“Dead Eyes”) stars as Gil, a low level ad man who is fated to lose at everything. When Nadya (Jamie Ann Romero), the beautiful niece of the psychic Bella (Laila Robins), reads his tarot cards and informs him that the universe is against him, he vows to change his destiny. Cheered on by his co-worker and best friend Lex (Steven Boyer), Gil studies philosophy under Professor Towers (Chukwudi Iwuji) and faces an epic showdown with supernatural forces.
