

仕事や目の前のことから一旦離れて、無目的に過ごす午後のひととき。 音楽に耳を傾けたり、映画やドラマを見たり、大好きな友達とおしゃべりしたり… そんな「余白の時間」を、広瀬すずといっしょに過ごしてみませんか?

あなたにQQQ ~ありがとうを伝えたい~


アオイヤマダが日々の生活の中で芽生えた"ありがとう"を伝えるPodcast。 伝えたかった"ありがとう" そういえば"ありがとう" 心に残っている"ありがとう" 今だから言える"ありがとう" たくさんのありがとうを伝えていきます。 ありがとうを伝えて、幸せと、楽しいが広がりますように。 番組へのメッセージはこちらへ https://forms.gle/qhVSaPX6MmJBZWtj9

ベルク presents 日向坂46の余計な事までやりましょう


日向坂46のラジオ番組! ラジオならではのトークはもちろん、「やらなくてもよい!?」余計なことまでやってみる!…がコンセプト。 今は余計に感じることでも決して無駄じゃない! 今後のアーティスト活動、タレント活動に、全てがつながる…そんな未来を見据えたラジオ番組です。 (メインパーソナリティ 日向坂46 丹生明里/金村美玖)


ホワイエ Podcast

豊田エリーが『演劇』と『ライフスタイル』をメインテーマにお送りするPodcast番組。 リスナーの方々からのお便りなどを頼りに、独り言の様でいて、リスナーの人たちとの対話でもある様なそんな番組作りをしていきます。 ⚫︎お便り、質問、トークテーマなど、番組へのメッセージはこちらまで。 番組のメールアドレス : et.hitorigotalk@gmail.com Google form : ⚫︎豊田エリーのSNS Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ellie_toyota/ ⚫︎ご感想や、ご意見は、「#ひとりごとーく」を付けてつぶやいてください!



仕事のこと、友達のこと、大好きな音楽のこと… 俳優・鈴鹿央士が自分のコトバでゆったり語りかける25分。 ちょっと寄り道するくらいの気持ちでお聴き下さい。




yes!~明日への便り~ presented by ホクトプレミアム 霜降りひらたけ


『自分にyes!と言えるのは、自分だけです』 今週あなたは、自分を褒めてあげましたか? 古今東西の先人が「明日へのyes!」を勝ち取った命の闘いを知る事で、週末の ひとときをプレミアムな時間に変えてください。 あなたの「yes!」のために。

The Moth

The Moth

Since its launch in 1997, The Moth has presented thousands of true stories, told live and without notes, to standing-room-only crowds worldwide. Moth storytellers stand alone, under a spotlight, with only a microphone and a roomful of strangers. The storyteller and the audience embark on a high-wire act of shared experience which is both terrifying and exhilarating. Since 2008, The Moth podcast has featured many of our favorite stories told live on Moth stages around the country. For information on all of our programs and live events, visit themoth.org.






華やかなショーを終えた3人がバックステージに戻ってくる。 ピンヒールを脱ぎ捨て、メイクを落とし、 ほっと一息ついたメンバーがついつい漏らす 放送ギリギリの本音の数々。 日々のお悩み、愚痴、人生に迷った時に一筋の光をくれる!? エンガブ姉さんたちの言葉のシャワーをお楽しみください。

A Musical Theatre Podcast

Jeffrey Scott Parsons

Conversations revealing the cultural and emotional impact of our favorite musicals in theatre history. On each episode of “A Musical Theatre Podcast,” Jeff welcomes a special guest to explore one musical from theatre history. Together they get to the heart of the show’s cultural and emotional impact by looking at its creators, context, and storytelling. Always fun and heartfelt, this is the podcast to celebrate the humanity of our musical theatre art form.


Kamigata Rakugo




「大内密谈Midnightalks」是一档由“深夜谈谈Midnight Network”出品的播客节目。密而不宣,无所不谈。



If you like The Moth, This American Life or Snap Judgment, take a walk on the wilder side with RISK! Your colorful host Kevin Allison (of the legendary comedy group The State) helms this surprisingly uncensored show where people tell jaw-dropping true stories they never thought they'd dare to share in public. RISK! is hilarious, heart-wrenching and remarkably real. Think you've heard it all? Fasten your seatbelt.

Opera For Everyone

Opera for Everyone

Opera for Everyone is a radio show and podcast that makes opera understandable, accessible, and enjoyable for all. Pat Wright hosts the show, inviting guest co-hosts to participate in the mission she and Keely Herron developed after lively discussions of operas they had enjoyed seeing together. Music soars. Epiphanies abound. Hilarity ensues. The show airs Sundays from 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. on 89.1 KHOL in Jackson, Wyoming. Cover artwork by illustrator Rosie Brooks (www.rosiebrooks.com)



※本节目由播客厂牌【凹凸宇宙】出品※ 喂?贝贝! 《呼叫仙贝》是一档关于吃喝玩乐的生活方式类节目,挖掘身边有趣玩法,希望可以给业余课余的单调生活增添一些惊喜因子。 生活不仅有忙碌,更有值得探索的快乐,和呼叫仙贝一起玩耍吧!



Jokermen Podcast is your spirit guide to the wonderful world of Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys. Every song, every record: It’s All Good Music :: Subscribe on Patreon for access to all episodes ad-free, plus the full back catalog of Bob Dylan, Velvet Underground, Steely Dan, Lou Reed, and John Cale goods at patreon.com/jokermen :: @jokermenpodcast on Instagram and Twitter




Mind Juice Podcast

Mind Juice

A dose of inspiration to inspire, motivate, and give a fresh perspective to dancers, teachers and studio owners. We tackle real life issues, with real life perspective and solutions for topics relatable to the life of a dancer in todays dance studio.

The Broadway Cast

Stretch Run Media

The Broadway Cast is the weekly talk show that brings your favorite theater personalities together for fun and inspiring roundtable conversations. From Jeremy Jordan to Joel Grey, and Laura Bell Bundy to Billy Porter — the brightest stars come together to share intimate stories and get real about the business that we call show. These are the moments that you won’t hear anywhere else! The Broadway Cast also gives a voice to theater fans like they’ve never had before: Fans get to share their own stories and dialogue directly with their Broadway idols. Follow us @TheBroadwayCast Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-broadway-cast/support

Blueprint For Living - Full program

ABC listen

Your weekly expedition to the heart of modern life through buildings, design, gardens and food.

The Movie Musical Shakedown

Klamor Media

A weekly deep dive into the treasure trove of movie musicals. We cover the greats and not-so-great.

The Kiss Me Quick's Erotica

Rose Caraway

Fueled by art, sexuality, playfulness, adventure, and imagination, Rose & Dayv Caraway will arouse your senses with libidinous tales of love, loss, action, adventure, romance, suspense, horror, science fiction, paranormal, and fantasy. Brimming with limitless creativity and moxie these erotic stories are sure to seduce your thoughts and leave you and your partner(s) wanting more! This show is for adults only.


ホワイエ Podcast

劇団時代から苦楽を共にした池谷のぶえとブルー&スカイがお酒を飲みながらゆったりと話す番組。 劇団の話、ひいては演劇の劇団の歴史の話など、お酒を飲んで飛び出すトークをお楽しみください。 毎週金曜日17時頃に配信 ⚫︎お便り、質問、トークテーマなど、番組へのメッセージはこちらまで。 番組のメールアドレス: nibs.kittoforever@gmail.com Google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNaW-fSfMCIzd9QNp8f7LAUa8KnY84K5d6iiqzHO9JqHY0oQ/viewform ⚫︎ご感想や、ご意見は、Twitterで「#きっとフォーエバー」をつけてつぶやいてください。

Snap Judgment Presents: Spooked

Snap Judgment

Spooked features true-life supernatural stories, told firsthand by people who can barely believe it happened themselves. Be afraid. Created in the dark of night, by Snap Judgment Studios, in partnership with KQED & PRX. It is hosted by Glynn Washington.Episodes drop every week on Friday! Spooked is available for free on ALL podcast platforms. Featuring brand NEW stories -- along with episodes previously available only by subscription.For Luminary subscribers, previously released episodes are still on Luminary.







The Stories of Mahabharata

Sudipta Bhawmik

A serialized story-telling of the ancient epic of India - The Mahabharata Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


WNYC Studios

WNYC, New York Public Radio, brings you Soundcheck, the arts and culture program hosted by John Schaefer, who engages guests and listeners in lively, inquisitive conversations with established and rising figures in New York City's creative arts scene. Guests come from all disciplines, including pop, indie rock, jazz, urban, world and classical music, technology, cultural affairs, TV and film. Recent episodes have included features on Michael Jackson,Crosby Stills & Nash, the Assad Brothers, Rackett, The Replacements, and James Brown.



ミュージカル好きの2人が、幕間のロビーの隅っこで気ままにおしゃべりする『わたしのミュージカル・ノート』。 往年の名作から近頃話題の新作について、様々な切り口でミュージカルの魅力をお届けします。 ミュージカルが大好きな方やこれから触れてみたい方、どんな方にも楽しんでいただける番組作りを目指しています! 私たちと一緒に、ミュージカルの世界を覗いてみませんか?




The Queendom Podcast - A SIX: The Musical Podcast

Broadway Podcast Network & Theatrically Loud

Queens! Welcome to court! Have you ever wondered how the Queens get crowned? How the show gets made? Or if your favourite Queens animal is a giraffe? Well, luckily I have all those answers and more! My name is Josh (@joshontheair)! I have spent the last year of my life in the Queendom having all the fun in the world, and now I am bringing here to your ears!Join me each week as I chat to the cast, crew, producers and creative team of SIX: The Musical. We unpack the musical genius of the show and give you a behind the scenes look at what goes into creating the show that you love!Part of the Broadway Podcast Network.

The Archers Omnibus

BBC Radio 4

The week's events in Ambridge



皆様こんばんわ、この度は当番組へお越し頂き誠にありがとうございます。 この番組はインターネットラジオ形式で宝塚歌劇団に関する話題をお届けしていきます。 それでは東京タカラヅカ話劇談、今宵も優雅に開幕です。


ホワイエ Podcast

演劇に纏わる話、日常で異常に気になる事、今気になっている人。 俳優の薬丸翔が自身の神経質でネガティブ性格をポジティブな形で活かす為に、考えすぎながら話す番組です。     毎週火曜日、木曜日、土曜日の17時に配信     ⚫︎お便り、質問、トークテーマなど、番組へのメッセージはこちらまで。 メールアドレス : sy.kangaesugiruhito@gmail.com     ⚫︎薬丸翔のSNS Twitter: https://twitter.com/shoyakumaru Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shoyakumaru_official/?hl=ja     ⚫︎ご感想や、ご意見は、Twitterで「#考えすぎる人」をつけてつぶやいてください。

ドラマチック・リーディングの扉 ★ Dramatic Reading


役者 北村青子が名作を朗読するポッドキャスト。 「Dramatic Readingとは何か?」の、探求宣言!

Applied Theatre Podcast

Tom Craig

Applied Theatre Podcast Hosted by Applied Performance maker Tom Craig (plus guests). Each episode features interviews with Applied Artists, Educators and Practitioners. Our mission is to create a community for Applied practitioners to share their practice and raise the profile of the work they produce. Latest episodes available on Apple/Spotify/Google Follow us on: YT/Twitter/instagram - appliedtheatrepod


National Theatre

The Young Chekhov plays were performed as a trilogy at the National Theatre in 2016, offering a unique chance to explore the birth of a revolutionary dramatic voice. This collection offers an insight into the productions with the cast and creatives.

Actors in Conversation

National Theatre



由 街聲 StreetVoice 音樂總監 小樹 擔任主持人,邀請與華語流行文化有關的多位知名歌手、演員、導演、作者、幕後等工作者,在輕鬆的言談中,道出創作者的心路歷程,還有原本不為觀眾所知的那些與那些。 本節目由「聲聲入耳」團隊製作播出。 https://sounds.tw/ 監製|李穎、陳柏屼 專案經理|水晶 社群創意|AA 品牌設計|湯六 設計|林奐岑 Jingle 製作|柯智豪、同根生 協力製作單位|韁河媒體:王伯維、孫聖峰 Powered by Firstory Hosting


Caesar 郝旭烈

隨時更新!驚喜陪伴大家每一天! 『財務思維專家』郝哥與各領域的頂尖朋友腦洞大開, 與你開心聊! Powered by Firstory Hosting




NT Talks

National Theatre

Welcome to our collection of conversations recorded live from the National Theatre stages, including interviews with actors, directors and playwrights.

Every Musical Ever

Richard Carroll

Each week, host Richard Carroll discusses a different musical with smart and hilarious guests, including Joel Creasey, Lucy Durack, Leigh Sales, David Campbell, Virginia Gay and Julia Zemiro. Each musical gets an in-depth going-over – from deconstructing the minutiae of the plot, to fan-girling over the songs, reminiscing about the impact of the musical on our lives, and interrogating the unanswered questions we’ve always wanted resolved.

Vintage Classic Radio

Vintage Classic Radio

Welcome to Vintage Classic Radio where we bring to life timeless classics from the golden age of radio. Check out our website at https://vintageclassicradiopodcast.com for episodes and more. Please email questions and comments to hello@vintageclassicradiopodcast.com Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089956927420&mibextid=LQQJ4d Please share this podcast with your friends and family. You can also subscribe to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pandora, Amazon Alexa, Amazon Music and anywhere else you get your podcasts.

National Theatre: What's on

National Theatre

This is a collection of short films looking at current and upcoming National Theatre productions, including The James Plays by Runo Munro and Here Lies Love, a revolutionary musical experience from David Byrne and Fatboy Slim.


National Theatre

The National Theatre Company gave it's first ever performance in 1963 of Hamlet, directed by Laurence Olivier and starring Peter O'Toole. Hamlet is one of the most performed, filmed and reinterpreted plays ever written. The Hamlet collection includes interviews with the artists from Nicholas Hytner's 2010 production, Richard Eyre discussing his vision of Elsinore, a background pack to John Caird's 2000 production starring Simon Russell Beale and voice work films that explore key speeches from the play with Jeannette Nelson Head of Voice at the National Theatre.


National Theatre

Othello, newly married to Desdemona who is half his age, is appointed leader of a military operation to defend Cyprus from the Turks. Iago, his ensign, passed over for promotion in favour of young Cassio, persuades Othello that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair. This is a collection of content around the 2013 National Theatre production of William Shakespeare's play, directed by Nicholas Hytner and starring Adrian Lester and Rory Kinnear. Included in this collection is a background pack, an interview with the director and films looking at specific areas of the play.

The National Theatre Podcast

National Theatre

If all the world’s a stage, we’re the programme notes. The National Theatre Podcast explores how theatre connects to the big issues of our time: sex, death, politics, and everything in between. We take you behind the scenes to investigate the artists and the ideas behind some of today’s most interesting productions, and go out into the world to find theatre at play in our everyday lives. It’s a show about theatre, without the drama.


National Theatre

Costumes are crucial to any production. They can be sewn from scratch, bought on the high street, or made by altering other clothes. In the National Theatre's Costume Department, a staff of designers, dyers, tailors and buyers work together to produce outfits for every character in every show.

Beyond the Stage Podcast by SRT Learning & Engagement

SRT Learning & Engagement

The Beyond the Stage podcast is brought to you by the Learning & Engagement team at Singapore Repertory Theatre (SRT). The podcast aims to inspire and inform young people and professionals to pursue and learn about the arts, igniting conversation amongst industry peers. The programme focuses on Arts Education, Careers, Community, Access and Professional development.

The Magnus Archives

Rusty Quill

“Make your statement, face your fear.” A weekly horror fiction podcast examining what lurks in the archives of the Magnus Institute, an organisation dedicated to researching the esoteric and the weird. Join Jonathan Sims as he explores the archive, but be warned, as he looks into its depths something starts to look back… New episodes every Thursday produced by Rusty Quill, featuring guest actors, short stories, serial plots and more. The Magnus Protocol launches in January 2024. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.



演劇体験が生活の中や、人間関係にどのように役立っているのか、対話を通して学んでいく番組です。 演劇を相手とのコミュニケーションや、自分を知るためのツールとしてとらえて、さまざまな発見を語っていきます。 【ご感想】 ツイッター #演劇教育ダイアローグ で投稿をお願いします! 【演劇教育ダイアローグコアメンバー/ツイッターアカウント】 まあさ(パントマイミスト)@maasaTw 金澤洋之(より良く生きる探求者・表現者)@zawaaaaru しゃび(ポッドキャスター)@xavher06 とも(農民役者)@tsukiko1979 ゆっこ(俳優・インプロバイザー)@yukko_otsuka くぼっち(お絵描きカウンセラー)@kubochi___



客席の女Sと客席の女Aがお届けする ゆるゆる宝塚歌劇談♡


ai sato


Snap Judgment

Snap Judgment and PRX

Snap Judgment mixes real stories with killer beats to produce cinematic, dramatic radio. Snap’s raw, musical brand of storytelling dares listeners to see the world through the eyes of another. It's storytelling... with a BEAT.

두말하면 잔소리

hemtube 햄튜브

햄튜브의 첫 팟캐스트 도전입니다. 고정게스트 루케씨와 늘 함께합니다.

長塚圭史がお届けするWEBラジオ RADIO KAAT


2022年よりYouTubeでスタートしたRADIO KAAT。ポッドキャストでもお聴きいただけるようになりました! KAAT神奈川芸術劇場 芸術監督の長塚圭史が毎回素敵なゲストをお迎えし、主催公演の裏話や見どころをお聞きします。


France Culture

Horn Notes Podcast

Horn Notes Edition

Hosted by John Ericson, this podcast looks at a variety of topics related to the French horn and music.

The Dance Physio Podcast

Erika Mayall

A podcast designed to explore ideas and foster discussion around dancer health and wellness. We aim to challenge the status quo, bridge the gap between dance science and the studio, and help change the landscape of the dance industry for the better. 

The Jimmy Dore Show

Jimmy Dore

“ Jimmy Dore is outrageous and outraged, bothersome and bothered, a crucial, profane, passionate voice for progressives and freethinkers in 21st century America.” -Patton Oswalt

Cork In The North

Cork in the North Podcast

Comedian Andrew Ryan originally from Cork has moved to Northern Ireland. In this podcast Andrew talks to people from all across Ireland about this really interesting part of the island. www.andrewryancomedy.com

Broadway Breakdown

Matt Koplik

Matt Koplik is the most opinionated, foul-mouthed, and passionate theatre geek with access to a mic. Every week, Matt and a guest explore Broadway history by diving into the careers of the artists who shaped it. Whether discussing Sondheim and Sweeney or Herman and Dolly, Matt is sure to give you fun facts, deep analysis, and lots of four letter words. Tune in!!

柳家三之助の「STAY HOME and TUNE」 Podcast

柳家 三之助

コロナ禍でお家から出られない状況をきっかけに始まったPodcastです。まずは「うちにいろ 世界と繋がれ」「落語のことでも話してみようか」、そして10年ぐらい前に配信していた「柳家三之助のまめさを鍛える場所Podcasting版」、毎週のClubhouseでのおしゃべりを音源化した「噺家二人でさあなに話す?」Twitterで収録している「噺家一人でなんか話す」、神出鬼没に更新される「その他の危険」、落語に関連した新しい番組「笑点からの脱出 ライブで落語を聴こうぜ」など多彩な番組をお送りしています。どうぞお楽しみください。

Strange Tales (Old Time Radio)


RelicRadio.com presents tales of the strange and bizarre, the weird and the wicked. Stories not necessarily of the supernatural, but of the unnatural. Join us for Strange Tales, featuring radio drama at its most mysterious and unusual. Abnormal old time radio!

Choice Classic Radio Drama & Horror | Old Time Radio

Choice Classic Radio

Choice Classic Radio brings to you old time radio tales sure to keep you on the edge of your seat! Tune in for the most thrilling mystery, suspense, drama and horror stories the Golden Age of Radio has to offer! Our current line-up Monday: Lux Radio Theater Tuesday: The Mysterious Traveler Wednesday: The Whistler Thursday: Escape Friday: Suspense Saturday: The Haunting Hour Sunday: The Hall of Fantasy Please rate us on Apple Podcasts/iTunes. Thanks for listening!

Rakugo - Japanese traditional style comedy -


Japanese traditional style comedy~is a program featuring Shinoharu Tatekawa,a famous Rakugo performer. He will introduce to us what Rakugo is, the history, and how to enjoy it. Once in a while he will even perform us a Rakugo episode. RAKUGO ~Japanese traditional style comedy~は、落語家立川志の春さんが日本の伝統的な大衆芸能である『落語』の歴史、魅力、楽しみ方、などを紹介する番組です。ときには、英語で落語も披露します。



舞台役者・石井舞が配信 4つのコンテンツでやってます。 🔻みつけやすい各アーカイブへの飛び方👇 ① 月曜日はえほんのはなし(2022〜) 好きな絵本のはなしをします 過去配信一覧↓ 50音順:https://mai141.exblog.jp/33621899/ 配信順 :https://mai141.exblog.jp/30922437/ ② 水曜日は音楽のはなし 好きな音楽のことをしゃべります。 過去配信一覧↓ https://mai141.exblog.jp/30664812/ ③ 今週はこれでおしまい 毎週金曜配信 今週起きたこと考えてたことおもむくままにつらつらと。 ④ 小劇場リモートーク【アーカイブのみ】 小劇場の人をゲストにお呼びしてリモートトーク 過去配信一覧↓ https://mai141.exblog.jp/30664813/ おたよりやギフト、お待ちしてます。 「質問を送る」「ギフトを贈る」からどうぞよろしくお願いします。 こちらもよろしくです https://radiotalk.jp/program/97644



stand.fmにて配信中の「エマの今日はこんな感じで…」俳優 保坂エマがゆるっとトークしたり、ボイスドラマや朗読などしたりしております。

Play On Podcasts

Next Chapter Podcasts

Play On Podcasts are epic audio adventures reimagining timeless tales, featuring original music composition and the voices of extraordinarily gifted artists. This is where Theatre meets Podcast, combining the modern-day audio phenomenon with the power of live performance.

Epic Fail with Jenna Ushkowitz


Actress Jenna Ushkowitz talks to performers about the time they failed on stage, on scene, and on set.



The Horror! (Old Time Radio)


Be afraid! Be very afraid. Old Time Radio is filled with ghost stories, monsters, creatures who walk the earth, and other tales of the unexplained. Join me as we explore these stories born from the depths of hell itself. But leave those lights on!

おあとがよろしいようで 二ツ目

おあとがよろしいようで 二ツ目



噺家 桂あさ吉

桂あさ吉という落語家のひとりしゃべり。 三年間の内弟子中の日記を読み返していく15分くらいの番組。 毎週日曜日に更新。 日記を全て読み終われば終了。

ラジオ ウチダゴウの一周まわってソレ詩じゃん


詩人・グラフィックデザイナーのウチダゴウがお届けするポッドキャスト。「詩で生計を立てる!」と就職氷河期のなか独立開業、いつのまにかホントに詩で飲み食いできちゃっているウチダゴウが、詩なんかさておき、SF、野鳥、アイドル、クラシックカー、呪文、料理、ウィスキー、犬、ガーデニング、恋愛、ビジネス、NFTなど、時にクレイジー、時に大真面目、即興で越境なトークを繰り広げます。なんて言いながらちょっとは詩を読んじゃう、本や出版・デザインの話もきっとしちゃう、ふと実はとっても優しい楽しい番組。(だいたい)毎週水曜朝更新。 ▼お便りはこちらから https://forms.gle/Vp5dshjdPdmSATKGA ▼してきなしごとストア https://shitekinashigoto.stores.jp/ ▼してきなしごと公式サイト https://shitekinashigoto.com/



東京タカラヅカ話劇談のリスナーによる番組です。リニューアルして再始動! お便りはコチラへ↓ zukakei24-kaiju@yahoo.co.jp

LeVar Burton Reads

LeVar Burton and Stitcher

The best short fiction, handpicked by the best voice in podcasting and presented in 3D immersive audio. In every episode, host LeVar Burton (Roots, Reading Rainbow, Star Trek) invites you to take a break from your daily life, and dive into a great story. LeVar’s narration blends with gorgeous soundscapes to bring stories by Stephen King, Toni Morrison, Nnedi Okorafor, Kurt Vonnegut, Ken Liu and more to life. So, if you’re ready, let’s take a deep breath... Our immersive audio is best with headphones! If you'd prefer to listen without immersive audio, visit levarburtonpodcast.com/mono.



古今東西の海外戯曲を、有志で集まった俳優と一緒にやってみるという「海外戯曲をやってみる会」のラジオコンテンツ。 海外戯曲を演じてみる過程で出会う様々な疑問を、フレンズどうしで調べて解明! 戯曲を通して、まだ知らない世界を覗き見します。「ハロー!ストレンジャー!」  X@kaigaigikyoku https://twitter.com/kaigaigikyoku *フレンズって? 劇団員でもなく、メンバーでもなく、もうちょっと気軽に、海外戯曲に興味を持った“同志・仲間”である皆さまのことです。

LA Theatre Works


L.A. Theatre Works brings you contemporary, edgy stories from leading writers, starring name actors from stage and screen.

Up Close with Carlos Tseng

Carlos Tseng

A series of interviews led by Carlos Tseng with some of the most prominent figures in the world of theatre, arts & entertainment. The series offers an up close insight into the lives and work of our esteemed guests, often leading to surprising, poignant and humorous answers. Find out more by listening along!

The Wild Bill Hickok Radio Show

Wild Bill Hickock

The "Wild Bill Hickock" radio show was an American old-time radio program that dramatized the adventures of the historical figure James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickok, a folk hero of the American Old West known for his skills as a scout, lawman, gunfighter, and gambler. The show aired from 1951 to 1956, capturing the imaginations of listeners with tales of the frontier.Here are some key aspects of the show: Main Characters and Format: The central character was Wild Bill Hickok, voiced by actor Guy Madison, who also portrayed Hickok in a contemporary television series. His sidekick, Jingles P. Jones, was played by Andy Devine, whose distinctive, raspy voice contributed greatly to the show's popularity. Episodes typically involved the duo riding across the plains, encountering villains, and restoring justice.Target Audience: The show was particularly aimed at a younger audience, with plenty of action and simple moral lessons. It was part of a broader trend of Western-themed media produced during the mid-20th century that captivated both children and adults.Sponsorship: Like many radio shows of its era, "Wild Bill Hickok" was sponsored by a commercial entity—in this case, Kellogg's cereals, which used the program to promote their products to a nationwide audience. The show often included commercials and product placements within the episodes.Legacy: The program contributed to the lasting fame of Wild Bill Hickok and played a role in shaping the public's perception of the Old West. It is remembered for its exciting storytelling, memorable characters, and the iconic performance of its leads.The "Wild Bill Hickok" radio show is a classic example of American radio entertainment from the golden age of radio, reflecting the period's fascination with Western folklore and adventure. for more https://www.quietperiodplease.com/

Relic Radio Sci-Fi (old time radio)


Relic Radio Science Fiction brings you old time radio stories from sci-fi's greatest writers, as well as original stories for shows like Dimension X, X Minus 1, 2000 Plus, Beyond Tomorrow, and much more! Travel through space and time as they saw it all those years ago.

Case Closed! (old time radio)


Crime stories from the golden age. Old Time Radio is filled with cops, robbers, and private investigators...Lets reopen the cases and hear these great stories again!







Kodo Heartbeat Radio


普段は感じることのできない舞台メンバーの生の声をお届けしたり、リスナーの皆さんからのメッセージやリクエストにお応えしていったりと、鼓童メンバーと皆さんで楽しい時間を作っていきましょうという番組となっております。 家事をしながら、作業をしながら、ワークアウトしながら…鼓童の音や声で繋がって行けたら嬉しいなと思っております!

羽多野渉と古賀葵 コエ×コエ


この番組は、声優の羽多野渉と古賀葵が、「声」「台詞」「言葉」にフォーカス してお届けしています。 ご紹介する楽曲も“いいコエ”に着目!パーソナリティやリスナーが「格好良いコ エ」「かわいいコエ」など心に残る視点でセレクトし、邦楽・洋楽、アニソン問 わずオールジャンルでお送りします。 声優同士のコラボや、大御所俳優のコエにまつわるエピソード紹介も。 どうぞお楽しみに!

The Lone Ranger Radio Show

Lone Ranger

The Lone Ranger is a fictional masked former Texas Ranger who fought outlaws in the American Old West with his Native American friend, Tonto. The character has been called an enduring icon of American culture. He first appeared in 1933 in a radio show on WXYZ (Detroit), conceived either by station owner George W. Trendle or by Fran Striker, the show's writer. The radio series proved to be a hit, and spawned a series of books (largely written by Striker), an equally popular television show that ran from 1949 to 1957, comic books, and several films. The title character was played on the radio show by Earle Graser for some 1,300 episodes, but three others preceded him, according to The New York Times: "a man named Deeds, who lasted only a few weeks; a George Stenius [actually George Seaton according to the Los Angeles Times], and then Brace Beemer; the latter became the narrator of the program.


噺家 桂あさ吉

桂あさ吉という落語家のひとりしゃべり。 三年間の内弟子中の日記を読み返していく15分くらいの番組。 毎週日曜日に更新。 日記を全て読み終われば終了。

ドイツ宮廷歌手 小森輝彦の「うた-Labo」

KMT(Komori Management Team)

「うた」を愛する全ての人のために。 声の解放によって、「うた」がより自由になり、それによって、心も解放されて自由になれるように。 呼吸法や、音程の操作、共鳴のつくりかたなどの、TIP、コツの断片を少しずつお伝えして行こうと思います。 ドイツ宮廷歌手という称号が、歴史と伝統の鎖の中での責務について、私に課すものがある、と言う事もあり、この名前に落ち着きましたが、私としては、声楽という芸術、歌う行為、この発展のために、自分が出来る事を探し続けています。その、現時点での一つの決着が、このpodcastをはじめることでした。 歌という芸術、これは人類共有の財産、どんどんシェアして、皆でハッピーになりましょう。 ★以下に「このpodcastについて必ずお聞きいただきたいこと」をお話しています。 一度、是非聞いて下さい。 https://apple.co/3xx9zuW https://spoti.fi/3yEx05b ★小森輝彦公式Twitter「声のasobi-ba」https://twitter.com/stimmspielplatz?s=11 ★ラジオのご感想、今後のリクエストなどをこちらのアンケートフォームからお聞かせくださいhttps://bit.ly/3hWWtAp ★お問い合わせはこちらまでpodcast@teru.de

The Great Detectives of Old Time Radio

Adam Graham Radio Detective Podcasts

Are you ready for a mystery? Get ready to unleash your inner sleuth. Every day Monday-Saturday, we feature a different detective audio drama from the Golden Age of Radio. Our current mystery-solving line-up of radio detectives includes The Adventures of the Falcon, Squad Room, Dangerous Assignment, Mr. Chameleon, Yours Truly Johnny Dollar, and Dragnet. Whether you want to listen to a mystery before going to sleep or enjoy some drama while driving, or just feel nostalgia for old-school radio fiction, we have you covered with six audio dramas every week. Podcast Award finalist Host Adam Graham has been your guide through dozens of old-time radio detective series since 2009. He provides insightful commentary and humor after each episode and responds to listener questions and feedback. You can subscribe to the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio from your favorite podcast app or by visiting our website at http://www.greatdetectives.net. We are currently in our fifteenth season of provided suspenseful mystery dramas. Our podcast feed captures the last 1,000 episodes we've released including all of seasons thirteen and fourteen, and part of season twelve. We have created two archive feeds: Volume 1, which features our first three seasons and Volume 2, which will feature seasons four through six. Our feed includes old time radio recorded in Los Angeles, New York, and also Australia. The current actors featured in our old time radio detective podcast include Les Damon, Bob Bailey, Brian Donlevy, Karl Swenson, Bill Zuckert, and Jack Webb. Other actors featured within the past 1,000 include Howard Duff, Glenn Langan, Herbert Marshall, Santos Ortega, Gerald Mohr, Joel McCrea, Les Tremayne, Jackson Beck, and more.

日本直販 presents WHITE SCORPIONのトリセツ


まだ何色にも染まっていない駆け出しのアイドルWHITE SCORPIONが、“表の顔”も“裏も顔”も見せびらかしていく番組です。 これを聴けばWHITE SCORPIONの全てが分かる!?かもしれない取扱説明書的ラジオプログラム!と、なっていく予定です。 ラジオ初心者の彼女たちが手探りながらも成長していく様をどうぞ、お楽しみに!



日本の苗字人口ランキングで現在4位の「田中」。 そんな田中姓を持つ声優の田中ちえ美が、日本全国“かなた先”の田中さんと繋がりながら、日本各地の様々な魅力を探し発信していく地域情報バラエティー! 田中さんじゃないあなたも、きっと田中の魅力に気づくはず! 【番組ハッシュタグ】 #たなかのカナタ 【プレミアムコンテンツ】 ・映像生配信あり(不定期) ・隔週金曜日20時更新(生配信アーカイブ、音声) ・プレミアムコンテンツは番組メンバーシッププランでの配信となります。

Modern Tatar Identity | Хәзерге Татар Үзбилгеләнүе

Marsel Ganeyev

Modern Tatar Identity is a podcast researching various parts of contemporary "Tatarlyq". Here Tatar Prince (Marsel Ganeyev), a language and queer activist, is having conversations with people who dedicated a part of their life to Tatar and Tatar tele research. Хәзерге Татар Үзбилгеләнүе – бүгенге көндәге "татарлык"ның төрле якларын өйрәнү өчен оештырылган подкаст. Монда татар принц (Марсэль Ганеев), тел һәм квир активисты, гомеренең бер өлешен татар һәм татар теле тикшеренүләренә багышлаган кешеләр белән сөйләшә. Follow us on social media: inst: @tatar.identity telegram: @tatartili

Stars on Suspense (Old Time Radio)

Mean Streets Podcasts

Presenting the biggest legends of Hollywood starring in "Suspense," radio's outstanding theater of thrills! Each week, we'll hear two chillers from this old time radio classic featuring one of the all-time great stars of stage and screen.

The 10 Minute Jazz Lesson Podcast

The 10 Minute Jazz Lesson Podcast

Welcome to the 10 Minute Jazz Lesson Podcast! Our goal on the show is to give you a quality, concise jazz improvisation lesson each and every week. These podcasts will come complete with audio examples and downloadable PDF files to make sure you get the most out of every lesson. We want all of our listeners to become better improvisers and musicians and we can promise you by listening to the 10 Minute Jazz Lesson Podcast you will do just that. Make sure you find our Facebook page as well by searching for '10 Minute Jazz Lesson.' We hope you will find our supportive community of like minded students helpful and inspiring! Need help on a concept? Post a video and ask for feedback! Want to ask a general question on a concept you're having trouble with? Post it on our wall and start a discussion with other students that might be having the same problems as you! We want to be your one stop jazz education destination. Are you ready to improve one concept per week? Then join 10 Minute Jazz Lesson Nation and start improving your playing today!

うれしい論 たのしい論

谷風作 と 鳩川七海

▼お便り・メッセージはこちら▼ https://forms.gle/x7NYwTSsLKAnHY2Q9 幸せは一日にしてならず――抜群のポジティブ思考で生きてきた谷と鳩川が、ハードモードなこの頃へシェアハピ精神をまきちらす無限肯定トーク番組。 僕たち私たちの「うれしい」と「たのしい」を集めて煮詰めて語り合う。やがてゆるゆると蟻塚のように、そこにひとつの「論」ができるやも。 舌の回ることが、銭ゴマが裸足で逃げる。ひょっと現れた隙間時間に嬉しい楽しい駄弁をどうぞ。 ▼お茶の差し入れはこちら▼ https://suzuri.jp/uretanoron?utm_source=others&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=shop_share



オペラ演出家兼指揮者、釣アンナ。NHKに小澤征爾と誘うウィーン国立歌劇場バックステージツアーコーナーなどで度々出演。ドイツの名門、国立音楽大学ハンスアイスラーのオペラ演出学科に日本人として初めて入学。これまでウィーン国立歌劇場、ニューヨークメトロポリタン歌劇場、パリ太陽劇団などで研修を重ねる。ニューヨークに本拠地のあるオペラ団体、オペラポムルージュの代表を務める。現在は南ドイツのミュンヘン在住。オペラの話、ダンスの話、ドイツ語の話、海外生活の話などお届けします。毎日日本時間7時に配信します。悩める歌手のためのオペラの寺子屋、レッスン情報は釣アンナ恵都子のオフィシャルサイト www.annaetsukotsuri.comから。
