법륜스님의 즉문즉설


[법륜스님의 즉문즉설] 공식 팟캐스트입니다. https://www.youtube.com/법륜스님의희망세상만들기 https://www.youtube.com/c/JungtoOrg *저작권법에 의해 보호를 받는 저작물이므로 무단전재와 복제를 금합니다.

분당우리교회 주일예배 설교 (이찬수 담임목사)


분당우리교회(이찬수 담임목사) 주일예배 설교입니다

베이직교회 Sermon


Podcast by 베이직교회

두란노 이야기성경 [CGNTV]


'두란노 이야기성경'은 어린 아이들, 그리고 성경을 이해하는 데 어려움을 겪는 이들을 위한 쉽고 재밌는 성경입니다. '두란노 이야기성경' 도서와 함께 들으시면 더욱 좋습니다. 도서는 두란노몰 (http://bit.ly/1eB6Kfg)에서 만나보실 수 있습니다.

김양재 목사의 큐티노트 (극동방송)


극동방송에서 방송중인 (김양재 목사의 큐티노트)로 방송시간은 월~금 08:30~08:40 입니다. 본문 말씀은 말씀묵상지 (큐티인)으로 진행됩니다. / 유튜브에서 보기: 큐티엠 채널 https://www.youtube.com/큐티엠

Timothy Keller Sermons Podcast by Gospel in Life

Tim Keller

우리들교회 주일설교 (김양재 목사)


우리들교회(김양재 담임목사) 주일설교입니다. / 에피소드가 없는 이전 설교는 우리들교회 홈페이지(https://www.woori.cc) 주일설교에서 들으실 수 있습니다. / 유튜브에서 보기: 우리들교회 채널 http://www.youtube.com/wooridlechurch

김홍주 신부의 짧은묵상 [ 천주교 / 가톨릭 / 성당 ]


하느님을 향한 하루 2분, 평화를 찾는 소중한 시간에 천주교 서울대교구 김홍주 신부가 여러분과 함께 합니다. 복음과 내 삶을 이어주는 짧은묵상!

[두란노] 조정민 목사의 무엇이 성숙인가?


Ask Pastor John

Desiring God

John Piper answering tough theological and pastoral questions.



Joel Osteen Podcast

Joel Osteen, SiriusXM

Welcome to the Joel Osteen Daily Podcast.  Joel & Victoria Osteen inspire people to reach their dreams, find fresh beginnings and live their best life. Both he and Victoria live in Houston, TX. Visit Joel’s website at joelosteen.com.

만나교회 팟캐스트


사/명/선/언/문 - 하나님의 임재를 경험한 예배자들이, 예수님의 말씀으로 훈련된 제자가 되어, 성령의 능력으로 지역과 세상을 섬긴다.

The Jesus Podcast


Dive into the extraordinary life of Jesus like never before with PRAY.COM's groundbreaking podcast, 'The Jesus Podcast'. This comprehensive series stands as a pinnacle in Christian storytelling, meticulously unfolding the magnitude, impact, and depth of Jesus Christ. Get daily Jesus devotionals at https://www.JesusPodcast.com This podcast takes listeners on a journey through the different stories, teachings, and parables of Jesus with Hollywood production and captivating storytelling. Immerse yourself in the emotional events of the crucifixion and resurrection. Hear the parables come to life like never before. Stand in awe and wonder at Christ’s miracles. And witness Jesus’s power over mental illness, demons, and the corruption of sin. Each episode is a masterful blend of storytelling and theology, resonating with themes of doubt, faith, shame, and new beginnings. It's not just a podcast; it's a transformative experience that offers hope and entertainment to deepen your faith. Whether you're a devoted Christian or someone curious about the Bible, 'The Jesus Podcast' is more than a podcast—it's a daily companion in your spiritual journey, offering a unique blend of storytelling and faith that promises to enrich, inspire, and ignite a deeper understanding of Jesus' enduring legacy. Join us on this epic journey and see how the timeless story of Jesus can bring a new perspective, give you chills, and offer value to your life.



两位有故事的女性跨洋对话,东方占星和西方灵媒的温柔碰撞,话题涉及女性、玄学,疗愈,修行,灵性成长。 Coco微信:cocohealing 离珠官网: www.ireadstars.com

새로운교회 한홍 목사 설교 (NEW)


새로운교회 한홍 목사 설교 (NEW) 입니다 - 2019년부터

혜안스님의 불교명상 가이드


성서학 연구소 비블리아


열방교회 Zoe Ministry


열방교회 설교 팟캐스트 "생명사역 교회연합" 한국어 공식 팟캐스트

Girls Gone Bible

Girls Gone Bible

Podcast hosted by Angela Halili and Arielle Reitsma. All things Jesus, all things life. A couple of imperfect girls serving an absolutely perfect God. We love you!-Ang & Ari@angelahalili@ariellereitsma Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/girlsgonebiblepod/support

Hearing Jesus: Daily Bible Study, Daily Devotional, Hear From God, Prayer, Christian Woman, Spiritua...

Hearing Jesus

The Hearing Jesus Podcast will encourage and equip you to step into the calling God has for your life, living out your faith in the everyday. Together we will break down walls that keep us from growing spiritually. We will dig deep into our Bibles to understand and connect the Scriptures to our lives. We will boldly obey what God calls us to do, walking through doors that only He can open.

박동호 신부의 사회교리


우리 사회 이슈를 사회교리로 풀어보고 사회교리의 원리와 원칙 정의에 대해 살펴봅니다.

[두란노]김기석 목사의 마태복음 산책


Kinh Thánh Tiếng Việt 1925

Bible Society Vietnam

Thánh Kinh Hội Việt Nam (tên chính thức: Cty TNHH Bible Society Vietnam) hoạt động với sứ mạng phân phối Kinh Thánh và các ấn phẩm giúp nâng cao khả năng đọc và hiểu Kinh Thánh cho cộng đồng tín hữu Cơ Đốc tại Việt Nam. Thánh Kinh Hội Việt Nam là thành viên của Liên Hiệp Thánh Kinh Hội và có cùng chung sứ mạng “Kinh Thánh cho mọi người” với hơn 200 Thánh Kinh Hội địa phương ở các quốc gia và vùng lãnh thổ khác.

Questioning Christianity with Tim Keller

Tim Keller


BibleProject Podcast

The creators of BibleProject have in-depth conversations about the Bible and theology. A companion podcast to BibleProject videos found at bibleproject.com

잘잘법 : 잘 믿고 잘 사는 법


CBS가 만드는 삶과 신앙에 관한 이야기입니다. 사소한 것에서부터 진지한 의미까지, 신앙에 관한 궁금증을 기독교를 대표하는 목사, 신학자에게 대신 물어봐 드립니다.

청파교회 설교

chungpa podcast

기독교대한감리회 청파교회(담임 김기석) 주일예배 설교입니다.



질문과 대답 대화를 통한, 열린 형식으로 만나는 하나님의 말씀들 기존의 성경 공부가 가진 한계를 뛰어넘는 생명력 있는 말씀 전달로 이 시대의 참된 양식을 맛보게 될 새로운 프로그램, CBS 성서학당!

Life.Church with Craig Groeschel


Each week on the Life.Church podcast, you’ll hear teaching from senior pastor Craig Groeschel or a Life.Church pastor. Get practical, relevant, biblical perspectives on topics that matter to you. Visit us at www.life.church or download the Life.Church app.

수영로교회 (이규현 목사)


수영로교회 설교 (이규현 목사)

큐티인과 함께 하는 새벽큐티설교


안녕하세요. 새벽큐티설교 팟캐스트 서비스가 종료되었습니다. 새벽큐티설교는 유튜브에서만 서비스됩니다. 많은 이용 부탁드립니다. 아래 유튜브 바로가기 입니다. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC2TbiZou_9zWeA3ccU1bTs-aAoQU99Sq

지구촌교회 이동원 원로목사 설교


민족을 치유하고 세상을 변화시키는 지구촌교회 이동원 원로목사의 설교를 청취하실 수 있습니다.

성경읽기(메시지성경통독 오디오북)


Light + Truth

Desiring God

Classic sermons from John Piper to help you see Christ clearly and treasure him truly. Five days a week, 20 minutes per episode. Hosted by Dan Cruver.

용화선원 - 송담스님 법문


한국선의 중심도량 용화선원은 경허선사로 시작되어 만공선사 전강선사로 이어지는 한국 정통 선불교의 중심이며 정통 활구참선도량입니다.

[가톨릭] 십자가 위에서 웃다 - 복음묵상을 통한 신앙 성장 프로젝트


천주교 오늘의 묵상

한국천주교중앙협의회,강수원 베드로 신부 / 대구가톨릭대학교 신학대학 교수

원빈스님-매일15분 행복명상


여여법사의 불교와 삶


벧샬롬교회 PODCAST (김형익 목사)

김형익 목사 http://www.jmcusa.org

죠이선교교회 (미국 버지니아 소재) http://www.jmcusa.org Twitter @haggaikim

Good Morling Australia

Good Morling Australia

This podcast is currently on a hiatus, we will let you know when we are up and running again. Thoughtful conversations with Christian leaders, scholars, creatives, and practitioners from Australia and beyond. A Morling College Podcast.

Brian Houston Podcast

Hillsong Church

Brian Houston is the Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church. Our hope and prayer is that you'll be encouraged, blessed and inspired through these free podcasts. You can find more information and other resources by Pastor Brian at brianchouston.com

ch.절오빠 절언니


카페 : http://templebrothersister.com 페이지 http://www.facebook.com/templebrothersister 그룹 http://www.facebook.com/groups/templebrothersister 불교를 사랑하는 절오빠,언니,형님,누나 모두 모이세요.^^ 그리고 불교가 궁금한 2030 청년들 함께해요.

Hillsong Church London

Hillsong Church London

Sunday messages from Hillsong Church in London - we hope you are challenged & inspired. To find out more about our service times & locations visit hillsong.co.uk

다드림교회 이태희목사의 잠언 강해


잠언은 신학과 인간학을 다 포함하고 있는 책으로서 성도가 사회 속에서 살아갈 때 어떻게 조화를 이루고 살아가야 하는가에 대한 지혜를 다루고 있습니다.

Рав Ашер Кушнир — Секреты семейного счастья


В этом популярном цикле аудиоуроков известного раввина и лектора, автора множества книг, аудио- и видеодисков рава Ашера Кушнира речь идет о семейном счастье. Не миф ли это, бывают ли по-настоящему счастливые семьи? Способен ли эгоист построить счастливую семью? Как узнать, чего ждет от нас «вторая половина»? Можно ли обойтись без ссор, скандалов и обид? Должны ли семейные будни быть скучными, рутинными, полными недоразумений? Да и откуда они произрастают, эти недоразумения? Как построить дом любви, мудрости, душевного тепла и… счастья?

Kajian Ustadz Khalid Basalamah

Kajian Islam

Podcast kajian dari video Ustadz Khalid Basalamah

Citylight Church | Omaha, NE

Citylight Church

Citylight Church's mission is multiply disciples and churches in order to make much of Jesus. Visit us at citylightomaha.org.

Worship Wakers 워십웨이커스


워십웨이커스 예배실황, 워십웨이커스 크리에이티브 콘텐츠 팟캐스트 입니다.



“玄”起源于《老子》中的一句话“玄之又玄,众妙之门”,于是我们的节目名字-玄妙之门 由此诞生,这是引经据典的部分; 而生活的背景则是: 很不幸,在18年-19年,劣运的洪水冲击了我的生活、感情和事业,把我冲击得支零破碎; 很幸运,19年底遇到宗妙美丽,从此走向能量提升和自我探索之路,收获了很多神奇能量以及学会更恰然地与世界、与自己相处; 但最最幸运的是,今天我把她邀请进了生活里,我们一起做一个节目,她以专业的玄学学者身份,我以最落地的玄学受众身份,一起探讨生活的意义、神奇的现象、困境的哲学以及自救之路,希望每一位跟我们有缘的朋友,都能在我们的陪伴下获得各自意义里的高能量和幸福感。

Алексей Прокопенко - Проповеди

Алексей Прокопенко

Проповеди, семинары и другие материалы Алексея Прокопенко



어디에도 있지만 어디에도 없는 이야기 우리 주변 도시 속 괴담부터 해외에 미스터리한 괴담까지 실화를 바탕으로 괴담을 이야기 한다.

예수회 팟캐스트

Ignatius Media Communication

세계복음화강단 주간전체메시지


최근 다시보기를 제공합니다. 홈페이지로 가시면 더 많은 컨텐츠를 보실 수 있습니다.

가톨릭 매일 복음


주님께서 여러분과 함께. 복음과 함께 하루를 시작하십시오. The day with Jesus Christ. Vada con Dios, Vai con dio.

찬양으로 토닥토닥 [CGNTV]


심신이 지쳐있는 당신에게! 들으면 들을수록 힘이되는 찬양을 선물합니다. * 위 콘텐츠는 개인소장의 목적으로만 사용 가능합니다.

주일설교수요설교 (Voice)


거듭난 그리스도인에게 꼭 필요한 영의 양식

Mishary Rashid Alafasy

Muslim Central

Audio Library and Podcast Publishers

강헌의 라디오 좌파명리


[철공소] 만인의 명리학자화를 꿈꾸는 라디오 좌파명리

Second's Grace

Covenant Studio

Join countless Christian creatives around the world in sharing God's grace. Hey! I'm your host Eugene with Covenant Studio. We'll be sharing a new Bible based theme each week to share God's message, Scripture, and prayer five days a week, Monday through Friday. Tune in - as you commute or get ready for the day, to arm yourself with the filling of the Holy Spirit and ultimately be used for evangelism and missions. May God grant you his peace, comfort, and healing as you follow us on this covenantal journey of world evangelization.

Our Daily Bread Podcast | Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread Ministries

The audio version of Our Daily Bread is an effective resource for those who desire constant awareness of God's Word and its significance in the life of the believer.

Tara Brach

Tara Brach

Tara Brach, Ph.D is an internationally known meditation teacher and author of bestselling Radical Acceptance and True Refuge. Tara shares a weekly guided meditation and talk that blend Western psychology and Eastern spiritual practices. The podcast addresses the value of mindfulness meditation and self-compassion in relieving emotional suffering, serving spiritual awakening and bringing healing to our world.

신약학 개론


신학관련 도서를 읽어주고 해설해주는 방송입니다.

Bright On Buddhism

Nicholas Bright Haight

Welcome to Bright on Buddhism, a podcast where we discuss and explain topics of Buddhism in a casual, conversational, question and answer setting. My name is Nick Bright, scholar of East Asian Buddhism. I am currently studying for my Master’s degree in Religion at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, where I am specializing in pre-modern Japanese Buddhist architecture history. I have researched topics such as Japanese Buddhist responses to the Covid-19 pandemic, Buddhist Haiku poetry, and the Japanese history of science and religion. I will be joined by my friend Proven Paradox.

온누리교회 새벽기도회 - preach [CGNTV]


[월~금] 오전 11시 업데이트

مصحف القارئ : شيخ ابوبكر الشاطري | صفوة تلاوات التروايح والقيام

القارئ شيخ الشاطري

مصحف القارئ : شيخ ابوبكر الشاطري | صفوة تلاوات التروايح والقيام


주창훈, Sunnie, 송재호

CCM과 크리스챤 문화에 관한 다양한 이야기들을 나눠보는 방송. 멤버: 주창훈, Sunnie, 송재호



无灾无难,科学玩命。 有吉有庆,能治百病。 欢迎收听,吉星高照~ 这是一档纵贯东西方的泛玄学杂谈播客,我们浅谈八字、塔罗、风水,意在通过多维视角,助你趋吉避凶,百无禁忌。

Let God Podcast

Let God Podcast

Hey wonderful people! Welcome to Let God Podcast 💕 We are 3 young women that give cultural commentary through a Christian lens. We want to keep it real, keep it relevant, and most of all Let God do the talking!

The Bible Channel - Discover the Bible. (By Christadelphianvideo.org)

Christadelphians Talk

Christadelphians Talk about various subjects concerning True Bible Teaching.

Chapter-A-Day Audio Bible

John Stange, Pastor and Audio Bible Reading Plan

Are you looking for a daily bible reading plan? Join Pastor John Stange each morning as he reads one chapter of Scripture, followed by a time of prayer. Together, we'll dive deep into the Bible and discover the riches that God has for us. If you're looking for an audio bible podcast, this is the one for you. Study the Bible with Us! 📖 Go Deep into Each of the Psalms 📖 Study Proverbs in-depth 📖 Work through the entire Old Testament and New Testament 📖 Listen to all the Major and Minor Prophets 📖 Unpack the Gospels in a dynamic, prayerful way Find more resources, devotionals and bible studies from John at https://desirejesus.com/.


Khalid Duale

Halkan kala soco Muxadirooyinkii Sheekh Mustafe Xaaji Ismaciil Haaruun

어린이 기도력 - 재림교회


생명의 양식은 매일 아침 청취자 분들께 예배와 묵상을 위한 은혜의 말씀을 제공해 드립니다.

Practicing the Way

Practicing the Way

How do we live with a greater level of intentionality in our apprenticeship to Jesus? The Practicing the Way podcast is the new podcast by Practicing the Way. Each season includes conversations about apprenticeship to Jesus in the modern world. In season one, John Mark Comer and Tyler Staton explore key themes from John Mark’s book Practicing the Way, now available wherever books are sold. John Mark and Tyler discuss apprenticeship to Jesus, what it means in everyday terms to be with him, become like him, and do as he did, and how to make space for your spiritual life to flourish by building a personalized Rule of Life. To learn more about the book, visit www.practicingtheway.org/book. To begin building your personalized Rule of Life, go to www.practicingtheway.org/ruleoflifebuilder. To learn more about Practicing the Way, visit www.practicingtheway.org.

사랑의교회 주일예배설교 Podcast AOD

오정현 목사

사랑의교회(오정현 담임목사)의 주일예배설교를 매주 청취하실 수 있습니다.

Homilies of Fr Ambrose Young

Orthodox Christian Teaching

Welcome to ‘Orthodox Spirtuality’ - a 6-part series on the teaching of the Orthodox Church with Fr Alexey Young (now Fr Ambrose). Hieromonk Ambrose is the author of numerous books and articles about Orthodox Christian life. Born in 1943, Fr Ambrose, at the age of 27, converted from Roman Catholicism to Orthodoxy, and, in 1979, became a presbyter of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR). After the death of his wife, A spiritual son of Fr Seraphim Rose, Fr Alexey was tonsured a monk and became Hieromonk Ambrose. For the last ten years, Fr Ambrose has been limited by illness.

The Best Changed Plans

Aleigh Porter

Life is an amazing journey, but it often doesn’t go the way you planned. Join Aleigh Porter on Wednesdays as she shares practical wisdom and lessons learned about navigating the unexpected in life. Each episode will help you face change and uncertainty while building trust and confidence in God’s plan for your life.

Storyboard: Faith | Witness | Transformation


What does it mean to #BeUMC? Each episode of this podcast series we explore that question: with clergy and laity of the East Ohio Conference sharing stories of how lives are being transformed through the ministries of The United Methodist Church. This is Storyboard: Faith Witness Transformation.

Colorado Community Church

Colorado Community Church

Catch up on last weekend’s sermon, listen to guided meditations, and tune in to hear extended interviews! Colorado Community Church is an interdenominational, multi-cultural church located in Aurora, Colorado.

Colorado Church

Colorado Church

Know God | Find Freedom | Discover Purpose | Make a Difference

24시간 찬양방송-와우씨씨엠


열방을 향한 복음방송! 와우씨씨엠 방송이 전하는 찬양과 말씀을 통해 오늘 하루도 복되고 은혜 가득한 하루되세요.

성경 꿰뚫어 읽기 (전기철 목사)


Pastor Rick's Daily Hope


Rick Warren is an innovative pastor, renowned author, and global influencer.


신천지예수교 증거장막성전

The Audio Bible

The Audio Bible

The Audio Bible Podcast is a daily reading of the Word of God. We read one chapter a day, one book of the Bible at a time. We alternate between the Old Testament and New Testament, reading one book at a time, until we read through every one of the 66 books of the Bible. If you have feedback or questions, email me at benjamin.alan.marshall@gmail.com Become a Paid Subscriber to access exclusive content and AMA podcast episodes: https://anchor.fm/theaudiobible/subscribe

Return to the Word Bible Study

Pastor Mark Fontecchio

Study the Bible with Pastor Mark Fontecchio on the Return to the Word Podcast. Advancing the message of God's amazing grace to the world one verse at a time.

선한목자교회 주일설교


선한목자교회 주일설교 동영상

[두란노]유기성 목사의 예수 소망


Morning Prayer and Worship

Ben Ward // Steady Stream

Join me, Ben Ward, as we pray, sing, and worship together. We'll read a Psalm and Scripture passage from the Daily Office in the Book of Common Prayer. We'll also say the Apostles' Creed and Lord's Prayer as we pray for ourselves and others and give thanks to Jesus. All accompanied by my guitar. Monday through Friday from Mobile, Alabama, USA.

예수가족교회 백금산 목사의 십계명시리즈


A Chapter a Day Bible Reading

Rev Sean Conry

A simple idea... reading a chapter of the bible each day. Who knew the transformational power of such a small habit?! Join Sean each day as he reads through the books of the bible, from both the Old and New Testament, one chapter at a time. You’ll hear God’s word and share a prayer, to keep you going through your day... Rev Sean Conry has worked among other things as a psychologist and in church ministry, but these days you’ll find him leading a team of hospital pastoral care practitioners in southern Tasmania and caring for soldiers as an Army Chaplain... and of course... reading his bible.

[잠들성] 잠자리에서 들려주는 성경이야기


잠자기 전 7살 아들에게 들려주는 성경이야기 입니다.

Max Lucado Daily Devotional

Max Lucado

It doesn’t matter if it’s a good day, a hard day, or somewhere in-between—we need the hope God offers every day. Max shares words of hope and help through simple, one-minute daily devotionals to encourage you to take one step closer to Jesus.

【可聽的耳】An ear to hear


【可聽的耳 An ear to hear】 用聲音,陪你聊信仰。 節目列表: 每週一 為你點播《欸!我要點歌》 每週二至週四 陶弟兄的飛行日誌《欸!我在哪裡?》 每週三 小瑀和語箴陪你一起《打開天窗》 每週四 劉弟兄的生命故事集《你可以過得更好》 每週五 張弟兄的詩歌賞析《天山那靈》 每週五 小魚媽媽的《兒童繪本時間》 每週六 陪你唱詩歌《合聲響應》 每週日 邱弟兄幫你整理當週晨興聖言《五分鐘好時光》 臉書:https://reurl.cc/yervVy Instagram:https://reurl.cc/RbreZn Powered by Firstory Hosting

The Influencer

Ace Mason


Coffee and Bible Time Podcast

Coffee and Bible Time

The Coffee and Bible Time podcast offers a source of encouragement and spiritual growth for your Christian faith journey. Our episodes delve into subjects that can evoke laughter, provoke profound thoughts, reveal lesser-known aspects of the Bible, spark your curiosity about contemporary Christian music and entertainment, and provide an enjoyable experience of listening to engaging discussions. Our guests include book authors, pastors, Bible scholars, filmmakers, musicians, and missionaries like Max Lucado (author/Anxious for Nothing), Dr. Gary Chapman (author/The Five Love Languages), Lee Strobel (author/The Case for Christ), Tiffany Dawn (YouTube/speaker), Chrissy Metz (actress/This is Us), Sam Sorbo (actress/Underground Education), Trudy Cathy White (Chick-fil-A), Dr. Heather Holleman (author/The Six Conversations), Zach Windahl (author/The Bible Study), Dr. Juli Slattery (clinical psychologist/author), Alex & Stephen Kendrick (directors/producers - Courageous, Fireproof, War Room), Karl Clauson (pastor/Moody Radio host), Asheritah Ciuciu (One Thing Alone Ministries), Bethany Beal (Girl Defined), Ryan Whitaker Smith (author/filmmaker), Ben Fuller (CCM Artist), Dr. Charlie Dyer (Bible professor), Tara Sun (Truth Talks podcast), Dannah Gresh (author/And the Bride Wore White), Sharon Jaynes (author/The Power of a Woman's Words). Ashley, Taylor, and Ellen are the founders of the Coffee and Bible Time ministry, which started on YouTube. Their passion is to inspire people to delight in God's word and thrive in Christian living. We would be overjoyed if you would join our loving and caring community!

Mustafa Hosny - مصطفى حسني

Mustafa Hosny

الحساب الرسمي للداعية مصطفى حسني، يمكنك الاستماع للبرامج والبودكاست والخواطر

CGNTV 라디오 드라마


CGNTV의 다양한 라디오 드라마가 한자리에! 생생한 이야기 놓치지 마세요

순일스님 금강경유통본
