Больше всех надо

Такие Дела

Шоу о том, что не так в России сегодня и что каждый из нас может сделать, чтобы завтра стало лучше.

Rotary Voices

Rotary magazine

The Rotary Voices podcast features in-depth interviews with thought leaders, Rotary news updates, and immersive stories from Rotary magazine. Learn more about Rotary International, and how to participate in Rotary clubs at https://rotary.org.



Цивиум на латыни — граждане. Это подкаст о том, как обычные люди меняют облик и суть городов, в которых живут, делают мир дружелюбнее, безопаснее и лучше Наш Instagram https://www.instagram.com/civium.podcast/ Наш канал в Telegram https://t.me/civiumru


Садхгуру — официальный канал на русском

Садхгуру, основатель Фонда «Иша», является йогом, мистиком и духовным учителем. Соединяя глубину и прагматизм, его жизнь и работа служат напоминанием о том, что внутренние науки — это не эзотерические философии из устаревшего прошлого, а современная наука, насущная для нашего времени.

Министерство наших собачьих дел

Люди и собаки МНСД

Подкаст о собаках, для людей. Министры: Вафля и Руби –– будущие собаки-помощники Астра и Джек –– заместители фандрайзера Центра "Собаки-помощники" Говорящие заместители: Волонтёрская семья министров Вафли и Руби –– Слава и Юля Прохоровы Фандрайзер Центра «Собаки-помощники» и мама министров Астры и Джека –– Элина Почуева В подкасте “Министерство наших собачьих дел” они обсуждают, как собаки становятся помощниками людей. Центр «Собаки-помощники» — одно из двух мест в России, где обучают собак-поводырей для незрячих людей по всей стране: от Калининграда до Сахалина. Поддержать подготовку собак-помощников –– https://www.guidedogs.ru/help Стать волонтёром и воспитать собаку-помощника –– https://www.guidedogs.ru/help/volontyor Следить за актуальными новостями и событиями собак-помощников –– https://vk.com/guidedogsrussia и https://t.me/guidedogrussia

ОгнеbOOkи l Огнебуки | Аудиокниги | Подкаст| Книги| Бизнес| Блог

Огнерубов Дмитрий

Меня зовут Дмитрий Огнерубов. Я кардиохирург, доцент, кандидат наук и основатель стартапа по производству медицинских изделий. Я не плохо разбираюсь в людях. А еще отлично разбираюсь в книгах, которые меня привели туда, где я есть. Книги – ответ на вопрос, а как я к этому пришел. Каждую неделю - в понедельник, я буду давать тебе три самых классных вывода (лучше всего запоминает мозг именно три факта). И немного от себя. А если ты не хочешь слушать – выводы будут отдельно в тексте. Уже без рассуждения – но очень сжато и полезно.

Сохранить как

Медиа «В ЛЕСАХ»

Подкаст о городах и градозащите от медиа о наследии регионов России «В ЛЕСАХ». Антрополог Дима Опарин говорит с градозащитниками и активистами об архитектурном облике их городов, отношениях с властью и судьбе памятников наследия. Но это не все. Для каждого города мы нашли второго героя или героиню, которые в самом деле купили себе старый дом! Сколько стоит ремонт старинного особняка? Как восстановить историю дома? И живут ли в таких домах призраки? Все это – в подкасте «Сохранить как». Градозащитники – это те люди, которые готовы бороться за свои ценности, любят свои города, хотят в них жить и сохранять их наследие. И 2023 год – самое время услышать их голоса. Дополнительные материалы к подкасту ищите в телеграме и инстаграме @vlesah Использованный в оформлении обложки подкаста шрифт VPCH_2 разработан Александрой Ботвиновой в Школе дизайна НИУ ВШЭ.


Josh Matusenos

slowed reverb/ not in apple music or spotify songs

The SPE Podcast

The SPE Podcast

Learn more at https://www.spe.org/

Understanding IP Matters

The Center For Intellectual Property Understanding

‘Understanding IP Matters’ is a podcast series in its third season that enables successful entrepreneurs, creators and experts to share their IP story. The series is brought to you by the Center for Intellectual Property Understanding, an independent non-profit established in 2016. CIPU provides outreach within an educational framework to improve IP literacy, enhance value and promote sharing.  www.understandingip.org

Marketing School

Anant Mishra

Six Degrees with Kevin Bacon

iHeartPodcasts and Warner Bros

A singular star, everyone ( and we mean everyone! ) is connected to ...KEVIN BACON.  He has starred in some of the biggest films of the last 30 years – and after years of hearing his name used alongside ‘Six Degrees’ (the idea that everyone is separated by six people or less), Kevin decided to embrace it and turned the concept into a non-profit – SixDegrees.org - in 2007.  Now, in his new podcast “Six Degrees with Kevin Bacon,” he will use his fame to feature celebrity guests and highlight their favorite charitable organizations! Each episode will feature inspirational conversations with extraordinary changemakers and how they are making a difference in the world every single day. Get ready to lean in, learn and be inspired to act. Tune in Tuesdays for your weekly dose of #dogooders. The 'Six Degrees with Kevin Bacon' podcast. Dancing will NOT be banned.


Ainel Amirkhan

OY-DETOX - менің авторлық подкастым. Түрлі саладағы маман-замандастарыммен бірге ақпарат ағынында адасып кетпей, ой, сана тазалығын сақтау жолдарын іздейтін боламын. Жоба авторы және жүргізушісі - Әйнел Әмірхан Телеграм - https://t.me/oydetox Инстаграм - @ainelkai Қандай да бір сұрақтарыңыз, ұсыныстарыңыз болса, маған akainazar1@gmail.com электрондық поштасына хабарласа аласыздар. Подкастты қолдау https://www.patreon.com/oydetoxbyainel Подкаст барысында қонақтар айтатын ойлар олардың жеке пікірі болып табылады, сәйкесінше менің пікіріммен сәйкес келмеуі мүмкін.

Business Analysis Live!

International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA)

Business analysis is one of the top trending skills today. From problem solvers to change agents to advocates, business analysis professionals perform many roles in organizations and governments all over the world. Join us biweekly on Tuesdays, with hosts Scott Bennett, Business Analysis Manager, and Susan Moore, Community Engagement Manager from the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®), for a candid practitioner chat breaking down hot topics in business analysis. If you like to listen to lively discussions, interviews, and some great career advice, this podcast is for you.


Strong Towns

Join Abby Kinney, Chuck Marohn, and occasional surprise guests to talk in depth about just one big story from the week in the Strong Towns conversation, right when you want it: now.

QIC/Quemule Insider Club



Data Points: A Podcast by Berkeley Earth

Berkeley Earth

Exploring the context behind the numbers, Data Points takes an impartial look at the people, places, and issues surrounding climate science. Hosted by Berkeley Earth, an independent non-profit climate science research organization, we supply comprehensive open-source environmental data that is accessible, timely, and verified. Grounded in science, rich in context.

Human Rights Survival Guide


How can human rights survive and thrive in the 21st century? Which mechanisms can we create to make states and large corporations respect the fundamental rights of citizens? What can global civil society do today? International Partnership for Human Rights presents the Human Rights Survival Guide - a series of podcasts aimed at tackling these questions. The IPHR team will interview experts, HRDs, journalists and civic activists to discuss how you, your local NGO, your state can use existing human rights instruments and principles to empower, to protect, and to bring perpetrators to justice.

Inside the Boiler Room

American Boiler Manufacturers Association (ABMA)

If you are working with boilers, this podcast is for you. Inside the Boiler Room is a podcast presented by ABMA - the American Boiler Manufacturers Association. Since our founding in 1888, ABMA has advocated for the safe production and operation of boilers, facilitated advances in energy efficiency, and partnered with our members to continue to progress. Our podcast has been established to raise awareness of today’s boiler industry and share important issues impacting our sector.

Digital Islamic Reminder

Digital Islamic Reminder

Introducing Islamic thought and understanding to the masses by the illustrious scholars of our time. We will be hosting thoughtful reminders and lectures in English and Persian/Dari languages.

ESTIEM Podcast


Hello people from IEM Europe, welcome to the ESTIEM podcast, a podcast where you will get to know and discover the IEM world and its students. ESTIEM is a non-profit organization for European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management combining technological understanding with management skills. Besides following the same degree, we are one big European family. ESTIEM is a strong network represented by 76 Local Groups across Europe, reaching more than 60 000 students. All these independently-functioning local student associations organize international and local activities while representing ESTIEM in their universities. If you want to learn some insights of the IEM field, students' life in an European association, listen to testimonials from alumni or experienced ESTIEMers, you are at the right place! Stay tuned for more and see you somewhere in Europe!


Steven Richardson


Biblemacy Holy Of Holies Daily Prayer Meeting

RealGenesis G

This podcast is dedicated to the daily prayers held by 10pm on BIBLEMACY Holy of Holies.

Fonoteca "Annabella Palma Prado de Andrade"

Fonoteca Ecc Usac

Proyecto de recopilación de audios en diferentes formatos radiofónicos, realizado por estudiantes de la Escuela de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala como parte del Ejercicio Profesional Supervisado de la carrera de Locución. Producido por estudiantes, periodistas, profesores e investigadores de educación superior, sin fines de lucro enfocada a la creación de redes de colaboración educativa, así como al diseño y promoción de experiencias educativas innovadoras de Guatemala y del mundo. MATERIALES EDUCATIVOS SIN FINES DE LUCRO.

Polimoda Podcast


This is the Polimoda Podcast. Discover conversations with some of the biggest fashion figures in the industry. Best Jobs in the World is a behind-the-scenes look at some of the most notable professions in fashion and Polimoda Duets features the voices and stories of leading creatives. Polimoda is a Florentine fashion school founded in 1986.

We Are For Good Podcast - The Podcast for Nonprofits

We Are For Good

Nonprofit professionals are faced with more challenges to accomplish their missions and the growing pressure to do more, raise more, and be more for the causes we hold so dear. Join Jon McCoy, CFRE and Becky Endicott, CFRE as they learn with you from some of the best in the industry; sharing the most innovative ideas, inspiration and stories of making a difference. You’re in good company and we welcome you to our community of nonprofit professionals, philanthropists, world changers, innovators, and others to bring a little more goodness into the world. Get cozy, grab a coffee, and get ready to be inspired. We Are For Good. You in?--We Are For Good is an online media and education platform with an aim to revolutionize the nonprofit industry by equipping this generation of for-good leaders with the mindsets, tools and innovative ideas to make a bigger impact than any of us could ever dream to accomplish on our own. Our vision is to cultivate an Impact Uprising. Learn more at www.weareforgood.com

Look Over My Shoulder

SFC Unibadan

Look Over My Shoulder (LOMS Podcast)

CIPS Procurement and Supply Podcast


Get the latest procurement knowledge and insights from CIPS

Making Our World Better

Jay Clark

Listen in on lively conversations with people who are making our world better every day - be encouraged about how you can make our world better!



Esta es una entrevista gravada con actores y situaciones ficciticias. Hecha solamente con fines educativos

All About Supporting Philanthropy


All About Supporting Philanthropy is a podcast presented by the Association of Advancement Services Professionals where we discuss advancement services and why it is so important to Philanthropy.


Korado Korlević

Poznati edukator i astronom Korado Korlević stalni je gost urednik kontaktne emisije u kojoj se svakog utorka obračunava sa zagonetkama.

The Sustainability Story

CFA Institute

The Sustainability Story features intimate conversations with thought leaders from the world of ESG investing and sustainability. The topics include anything and everything about where finance intersects with the environment, governance, society, climate change, biodiversity, human capital management, regulations, standards, and more. Now reimagined with three hosts, each focused on a unique aspect of the investment industry, we will continue to tell the story of how we got here and where we are going in the journey to financial sustainability. To reach our hosts regarding sustainability-related topics, please email Andres Vinelli at Andres.Vinelli@cfainstitute.org for topics related to capital markets and regulation, Josina Kamerling at Josina.Kamerling@cfainstitute.org for all things EU, and Deborah Kidd at Deborah.Kidd@cfainstitute.org for topics related to investment analysis and portfolio management.

The Bankwatch Podcast

The Bankwatch Podcast

Welcome to the BankWatch Podcast by Bankwatch. We are a coalition of 16 environmental organisations from 14 countries in central and eastern Europe that expose the risks of the international finances. We will cover news, updates and in-depth analysis of how public finance impacts the environment, human rights and zero-carbon economy. We bring critical updates from the ground as well. Don’t forget to subscribe wherever you listen.

PflegeFaktisch - der Pflege-Podcast powered by MEDIFOX DAN


PflegeFaktisch - der MediFox Podcast mit Francesca. Ich rede über Wissen, Wissenswertes und Aktuelles aus der Pflege, der Politik und anderen Bereichen.

In Gesprek


Een podcast serie van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychoanalytische Psychotherapie. Boeiende gesprekken vanuit het psychoanalytisch gedachtegoed o.a. over ontwikkelingen in het vak, maatschappelijke veranderingen, de persoon van de psychotherapeut en de raakvlakken met kunst.

The Smart Communications Podcast

Big Duck

The Smart Communications Podcast helps busy nonprofit leaders build their communications skills and develop their organization’s voice. Every episode shares insights and practical tips to help you leverage strategic communications to advance your nonprofit’s mission.

It’s Not Brain Surgery - The AANS Practice and Business Management Podcast – Presented by the AANS


It’s Not Brain Surgery is a podcast series hosted by Paul J. Camarata, MD, FAANS, covering topics related to leadership, practice management and working as a neurosurgeon. Tune in each week to hear professional and career advice from neurosurgeon leaders.

خيرك لاحق

مبارك الزوبع

في هذا البودكاست بنتكلم عن الأوقاف الخيرية بكافة مجالاتها حول العالم، بودكاست بيعلمك تتأمل وتتأكد إن الإحسان موجود في تفاصيل كثيرة بحياتنا، وإن الخير اللي نقدمه، دائمًا وأبدًا.. لاحق.


Ulug'bek Mamatxanov

Toshkent shahar "SHAROIT PLYUS" nogironlar jamoat birlashmasi (NNT) podkasti. Internetdagi manzilimiz: www.sharoitplus.uz ( http://www.sharoitplus.uz )

Social Dallas Podcast

Social Dallas Church

Pastor Robert and Taylor Madu have a heart to see the city of Dallas introduced to the Grace and transforming Truth of Jesus. They are passionate to provide a space for all to come, with different backgrounds, and different walks of life, encountering community, spiritual growth, and simply a relationship with Christ. This is not confined only to the city of Dallas. Social crosses all barriers, and desires to reach people globally. Subscribe and share. This allows Social to meet people right where they are, with the opportunity to build the global church any and every way possible.

In Development Podcast

Infill Development in Edmonton Association (IDEA)

This is the podcast for all you city-builders, city-shapers and city-dwellers out there that care about driving change towards people- centred communities. On In-Development we talk about how Canadian cities develop in and up. We are presented by IDEA, the infill Development in Edmonton Association, a non-profit education and advocacy group bringing together like-minded people working to shape our City.


Strategic Consortium of Intelligence Professionals (SCIP)

SCIP's newest podcast, I_STREAM, features conversations about competitive strategy and the broader intelligence ecosystem with some of the most interesting professionals in business, academia, and beyond. I_STREAM is powered by SCIP, the non-profit that supports the competitive intelligence & strategy community with best practices, training, connections, and ethical guidelines. 

Кыргызча аудио жомоктор


Жомок дүйнөсүнө биз менен бирге аралашыңыз. Кыргыз тилинде жомокторду бул подкасттан уга аласыз.

Let's Go to Kenya

100 Humanitarians International

When people hear that we are doing humanitarian work in Kenya, we get flooded with a myriad of questions. Let's Go To Kenya will cast a vision for you of who 100 Humanitarians is-where we came from, what we're doing, and maybe-just maybe-how you can help. Learn more at: www.100humanitarians.org

Cultura Argentina Hecho Por Yeshua Melo Hernández

Yeshua Melo

Se habla acerca de la cultura argentina



It is our mission to rise on the wings of art and music and promote peace, love and cultural exchange throughout the world.

Facade Tectonics SKINS Podcast

Facade Tectonics Institute

FTI is a non-profit member organization intent on moving buildings an urban habitat toward resilience and sustainability goals by leveraging the pervasive influence of the building skin.




Being Grateful 😇

Rucharnel Dormeille

Being grateful!

This Hong Kong Life

KELY Support Group

This podcast by KELY Support Group (KELY) highlights stories and conversations with a variety of Hong Kong’s youths all from different backgrounds and provides a medium for young people to connect and understand each other. Each season consists of new stories by different youth discussing a new topic. There are episodes from Cantonese speakers and English speakers. Every person featured experiences our home differently, so we hope that you listen to each episode, connect with these youths, and learn about how they are adding to Hong Kong’s busy days and continuous story. KELY is a Hong Kong-based nonprofit organisation whose mission is to equip young people with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities needed to support themselves and each other. http://kely.org
