
Yuru Gengogaku Radio

ゆるく楽しく言語の話をするラジオです。「springはなぜ春もバネも意味するの?」「『象は鼻が長い』の主語は象?鼻?」などの身近なトピックから、コトバの奥深さを感じましょう!「言語学の二歩くらい手前の知識が身につくラジオ」を目指しています。 YouTubeとPodcastで配信中! 第3回Podcastアワード、ベストナレッジ賞&リスナーズチョイスの2部門同時受賞。2022年に日本一多く票を集めたPodcastです。 ※ゆる言語学ラジオは、Amazonのアソシエイトとして、適格販売により収入を得ています


Yuru Minzokugaku Radio

ゆるく楽しく民俗の話をするラジオです。 「民俗学の二歩くらい手前の知識が身につくラジオ」を目指しています。 YouTubeとPodcastで配信中!



ゆるく楽しく音楽の話をするラジオです。「ドラゴンクエスト序曲から交響曲が分かる!?」「ベートーヴェンの交響曲第9番は彼の人生を表している?」など音楽がより身近に感じられるようなトピックを扱います! ※ゆる音楽学ラジオは、Amazonのアソシエイトとして、適格販売により収入を得ています。

Real English Conversations Podcast - Learn to Speak & Understand Real English with Confidence!

Real English Conversations: Amy Whitney & Curtis Davies - English Podcast

Welcome to the Real English Conversations podcast, your ultimate destination for immersive English learning! If you're eager to elevate your English proficiency beyond the basics, you've landed in the perfect spot. Our mission is to empower you to master listening, speaking, and comprehending English in real-world scenarios, regardless of your location. From casual discussions to professional dialogues, we cover a wide spectrum of topics, ensuring you're prepared for any context. Learning with us is not only effective but also enjoyable! Our episodes are packed with engaging content designed to captivate your interest while enhancing your English skills. Whether you're pursuing personal growth or aiming to excel in your career, we've got your back. Our podcast is custom-tailored to support your goals and boost your confidence in English communication.


Yuru Tenmon Radio

ゆるく楽しく天文学の話をするラジオです。「クリスマスの星は"夏の星座"」「地球以外に住むならどの惑星?」などの身近なトピックから奥深さを感じましょう!「天文学の二歩くらい手前の知識が身につくラジオ」を目指しています。 ※ゆる天文学ラジオは、Amazonのアソシエイトとして、適格販売により収入を得ています。


Yuru Seitai Radio

ゆるく楽しく生態について話すラジオです。「サイパン島をハチで救った無名の英雄」「非モテのための参考にならない動物の行動」など、生き物の凄さ・可愛さ・面白さをこれからどんどん伝えていけたらと思います。毎週水曜日20時更新! できるだけ正確な情報を話せるよう心がけていますが、自由闊達な生態トークですので、情報に誤りが含まれている可能性があります。 ※ゆる生態学ラジオは、Amazonのアソシエイトとして、適格販売により収入を得ています。


いしはら きむら

★公式キーホルダーメルカリで販売中★ パーソナリティは宅建士の いしはら と 宅建知識0の きむら 宅建の勉強と雑学を兼ね備えたコラム的番組。勉強や仕事のモチベーションUPに、通勤通学やジョギングのBGMに、運転や家事のながら聴きにと幅広くご利用頂いています 毎週木曜午前6時リリース! = 番 組 構 成 = ○本編(稀に両方おまけ) 宅建の問題を1問解けるように実例や例え話を駆使し楽しくお話。紹介の問題は番組HPに掲載しています 第095回「借地権の歴史 地主と借地人のせめぎ合いがアツい」 第132回「農地法はGHQの意向を維持するための法律だったという衝撃」 ○おまけ 最近気になる事を話題。内容は幅広くなぜか本編よりも人気?! 第176回「毎日楽しく酒を飲んでいたら死にたくなってしまった」 第184回「全ての出張は遊びだったという隠された真実」 ○お便り リスナーさんからのお便りを紹介しています ▼番組HP&お便りの宛先 https://takudan.com/ #たくだん



「FMフェスティバル 未来授業~明日の日本人たちへ」のレギュラー番組。日本が世界に誇る各界の「知の巨人」「次世代の知のフロントランナー」を講師に迎え、未来の日本人たちへ送るアカデミックな授業をお届けします。若い世代が社会の主軸となる「10年後の日本」を生き抜く智恵を探ります。



聖書の雑学やおもしろエピソードを、まったり、ざっくり、楽しく語る番組です。世界のベストセラーといわれ、誰でも存在を知っている「聖書」。キリスト教の聖典? 宗教的な戒律が書いてある……? そんなイメージがある聖書ですが、実はたくさんのおもしろエピソードに満ちているんです! 牛糞で焼いたパンを神に食べさせられる預言者や、ヘンテコ名づけ、聖書の言葉に奮い立った人々のエモい話など、わくわくする聖書の世界(沼)へと、リスナーの皆さまをご案内します! シートベルトをお締めください! 聖書の解釈や考え方にはさまざまな立場があります。ご了承のうえお楽しみください。 番組の聖書の引用は「口語訳1955年版」を用いていますが、人名などはパーソナリティの習慣に合わせて「揺れ」があります。ゆるしてね。 <Twitter> https://twitter.com/seisholab ※「まったり聖書ラボ」は、Amazonのアソシエイトとして、適格販売により収入を得ています。

Podcasts – ESL Teacher Talk – ESL Podcasts for Teachers

ESL Teacher Talk

ESL Teacher Talk provides free broadcasts for ESL teachers on topics such as classroom management, lesson planning advice, job search tips and more. Listen on-line or download to your iPod or mp3 player and go! You will also find interviews with the top names in ESL. Each broadcast contains a feature game or activity that you can use in your lessons with supporting downloads, materials and videos. ESL Teacher Talk is hosted by 2 veteran ESL teachers that run a combined 4 ESL teaching sites. With almost 15 years of ESL teaching experience, your hosts look at teaching English from the trenches and provide insight and fresh ideas for the beginner teacher to the ESL pro.

TED Talks Education


What should future schools look like? How do brains learn? Some of the world's greatest educators, researchers, and community leaders share their stories and visions onstage at the TED conference, TEDx events and partner events around the world. You can also download these and many other videos free on TED.com, with an interactive English transcript and subtitles in up to 80 languages. TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading.

Talk To Me In Korean

Talk To Me In Korean

The key to learning Korean is how easy it is to stay motivated to learn the language. At TalkToMeInKorean.com, we provide a systematic curriculum of easy-to-follow lessons, and a wide selection of self-study Korean-learning books!

高效磨耳朵 | 最好的英语听力资源


感谢大家的喜爱和支持!不知不觉,《高效磨耳朵》已经陪伴大家走过两年半时间,相信通过坚持不懈的练习,每个人都已经有了进步。 高效磨耳朵,每周一三五七的7:30更新一期,下面调整后的内容分类。 周一:单词造句磨耳朵 10个单词 每个单词2-5个句子 从字母A带头的单词开始,每期列10个单词,每个单词配2-5个句子,适合练习听力的初学者。 周三:句子反复磨耳朵 10个句子 经典的句子磨耳朵材料,词汇和句子相对简单,适合多听练语感。 周五:英文名著分级阅读 一篇 精选经典的英文名著,配以精彩演播,剧情前后连续,表演生动有趣。 周日:level 4短文 一篇 关于各类话题的断篇文章,难度相对较高,适合听力进阶,觉得太难的朋友可以先去听level1到level3。

IELTSCast | Weekly shadowing exercises for IELTS Speaking

Ryan Higgins

This show publishes 'Repeat After Me' IELTS Speaking lessons. All speaking scripts are written by active examiners, and all questions are taken from real exams. For full lessons, visit: http://www.ieltsspeakingblog.com Contact Ryan at ryan@ieltsspeakingblog.com

Slavoj Žižek - Collected Recordings

Slavoj Žižek - Collected Recordings

A collection of lectures, debates and speeches of Slavoj Žižek

Learn Japanese with Masa sensei!

Masa Sensei

This is the Japanese Grammar Complete Beginner Course that will teach you Japanese Grammar from the scratch. If you would liket to be abe to construct your own sentence by yourself, use Japanese for daily conversation, be independent and able to communicate with the Japanese people, this is the best course for you! I will also be talking about the topics that my Patreon supporters requested, as well as some topics about Japanese culture. Check out my Youtube Channel! https://www.youtube.com/c/MasaSensei/videos Wanna support me? https://www.patreon.com/maasasensei

Talk To Me In Korean

Talk To Me In Korean

The key to learning Korean is how easy it is to stay motivated to learn the language. At TalkToMeInKorean.com, we provide a systematic curriculum of easy-to-follow lessons, and a wide selection of self-study Korean-learning books!

The Clinical Problem Solvers

The Clinical Problem Solvers

The Clinical Problem Solvers is a multi-modal venture that works to disseminate and democratize the stories and science of diagnostic reasoning Twitter: @CPSolvers Website: clinicalproblemsolving.com

» Divine Intervention Podcasts

Divine-Favour Anene

Podcasts/Vodcasts relevant to the USMLE Step 1-3 exams and 3rd year shelf exams.





苦悩を乗り越えろ ~ブランディング脳の鍛え方~


この番組は、日々挑戦を続ける経営者の皆さんに向けて、会社のブランディングに関するお役立ち情報をお届けしていくトーク番組です。これまで200社以上の相談・支援をしてきたコーポレートブランディングの専門家 宮前 実幸が、分かっているようで分からない、ブランディングのポイントについて、わかりやすく解説してゆきます。企業のファンづくりをお手伝いするビジネスツール「Fanstep」の提供でお送りいたします。

Podcasts for the UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations

Podcasts for the UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations

Podcasts of public lectures on the contemporary world and the role of the United States in global security, military, political, social and economic affairs.




Littérature française moderne et contemporaine : Histoire, critique, théorie - Antoine Compagnon

Collège de France

Antoine Compagnon est professeur au Collège de France depuis 2006, chaire de « Littérature française moderne et contemporaine : histoire, critique, théorie ». Depuis plus de trente ans, son enseignement et ses recherches portent sur quatre domaines : la Renaissance et en particulier Montaigne ; la fin du XIXe siècle et le début du XXe siècle, notamment Baudelaire et Proust ; la théorie de la littérature et l'histoire de la critique de Sainte-Beuve à Roland Barthes ; enfin l'histoire culturelle, depuis l'affaire Dreyfus jusqu'à Vichy. Tous ses travaux ont une même ambition: comprendre la modernité et l'antimodernité. Il écrit aussi sur des questions de culture contemporaine. Antoine Compagnon has been a Professor at the Collège de France since 2006, chair of "Modern and Contemporary French Literature: History, Criticism, Theory." For more than thirty years, he has taught and researched in four main fields: the Renaissance and particularly Montaigne; the late 19th century and early 20th century, specifically Baudelaire and Proust; theory of literature and history of criticism from Sainte-Beuve to Roland Barthes; cultural history, from the Dreyfus Affair to Vichy. A single ambition runs through all his enquiries: understanding modernity and antimodernity. He also writes on questions of contemporary culture. Les enseignements sont diffusés avec le soutien de la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller


James Smith


Histoire culturelle des patrimoines artistiques en Europe, XVIIIe-XXe siècles - Bénédicte Savoy

Collège de France

Distinctions Prix Pierre Grappin de l'Association des germanistes de l'Enseignement supérieur, 200 Membre, Junge Akademie, Académie des Sciences de Berlin-Brandebourg, 2007-2012 Prix Walter-de-Gruyter del'Académie des Sciences de Berlin, 2008 Prix Richard Hamann d'Histoire de l'Art, Philipps Universität, Marburg, 2011 Prix Opus Magnum de la Fondation Volkswagen, 2013 Chevalier de l'Ordre national du Mérite, 2013 Prix de l'Académie de Berlin, 2015 Prix du Rayonnement de la langue et de la littérature françaises de l'Académie française, Paris, 2015 Prix Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz de la Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 2015 Membre, Académie des Sciences de Berlin-Brandebourg, 2016

Création artistique (2016-2017) - Philippe Manoury

Collège de France

Né à Tulle en 1952, Philippe Manoury jouit non seulement d'une reconnaissance incontestée en tant que compositeur mais est aussi considéré comme l'un des pionniers dans la recherche et le développement de la musique avec électronique en temps réel. Malgré sa formation complète de pianiste et de compositeur (il étudie à l'École normale de Musique et au CNSMDP, avec Max Deutsch – élève de Schönberg, Gérard Condé, Michel Philippot et Ivo Malec), il se dit autodidacte. Ainsi, c'est parallèlement à ses études musicales qu'il fait ses premiers essais sur le terrain de la composition et participe dès l'âge de 19 ans aux principaux festivals et concerts de musique contemporaine. La création de son œuvre pour piano Cryptophonos par Claude Helffer le fera connaître au public en 1974. Son intérêt pour la musique électronique le conduit à l'Ircam, après deux années d'activités d'enseignement au Brésil : à partir de 1981, il y participe activement au développement de MAX-MSP, un langage informatique pour électronique interactive en temps réel avec le mathématicien Miller Puckette.

吉村ジョナサンの高校古典講義/Jonathan Yoshimura's Classical Literature Lecture at High School

吉村ジョナサン/Jonathan Yoshimura

This podcast will introduce Japanese classical literature (Makura no Soshi, Hojoki, Tsurezuregusa, etc.). You can learn what Japanese high school students learn. 高校古典のトピックスを紹介するポッドキャストです。古文や漢文の、高校で勉強する内容を学ぶのに最適です。古典について語るフリートーク回もあります。 【Official Site】https://sites.google.com/yoshimuraart.com/home 【Official LINE】https://lin.ee/QmxvVkS



\武藤十夢×経理ではたらく人/ この番組は、会社の総務や経理部ではたらく人やこれから働こうとしている皆さんに、経理や会計に役立つ情報を、ゆるっと楽しくお届けする会計TIPSポッドキャスト番組です。(※2023年4月から隔週配信) 武藤十夢と、CPAラーニングの若手社員・蔭間梨花が、毎回、実務経験豊富なCPAラーニングの講師をゲストに迎え、経理経験者がついつい「わかる!」と共感してしまうトークや、経理初心者の役に立つ会計知識をお届けします! ●お便りフォーム【https://onl.la/L38qEip】 ●番組Twitter【https://twitter.com/tomutokeiribu】 ●武藤十夢 Twitter【https://twitter.com/tommuto1125】 ●武藤十夢 Instagram【https://www.instagram.com/tommuto_official/】 ●supported by 経理や会計が学べる「CPAラーニング」【https://www.cpa-learning.com/】 ●CPAラーニングTwitter【https://twitter.com/Cpa__learning】

The Special Ed Strategist: Learning Disabilities & IEP (Dyslexia, Executive Function) Tips with Wendy Taylor, M.Ed., ET/P

The Special Ed Strategist Podcast

The IEP process and the world of special education can be confusing and overwhelming for parents, teachers, and students, alike. But it doesn’t have to be! Learning Essentials has teamed up with experts to give you valuable insights into the IEP process and the world of special education —and it’s free! Join Wendy Taylor, M.Ed., ET/P as she hosts educators, psychologists, and other medical providers who provide pro tips on what to ask, what to bring, and what to take away from your next special education interaction. This is a podcast series you will not want to miss!

The Edtech Podcast

Professor Rose Luckin

The mission of The Edtech Podcast is to improve the dialogue between ‘ed’ and ‘tech’ through storytelling, for better innovation and impact. Hosted by Rose Luckin, Professor of Learner-Centred Design at UCL and Founder and CEO of EDUCATE Ventures Research, using AI to measure the unmeasurable in education. The Edtech Podcast audience consists of education leaders from around the world, plus startups, learning and development specialists, bluechips, investors, Government and media. The Edtech Podcast is downloaded 2000+ each week from 145 countries in total, with UK, US & Australia the top 3 downloading countries. Podcast series have included Future Tech for Education, Education 4.0, and The Voctech Podcast, Learning Continued, Evidence-Based EdTech, and the upcoming AI in Ed: Our Data-Driven Future series on AI. Send your qs and comments to @PodcastEdtech, @knowldgillusion, theedtechpodcast@gmail.com, hello@educateventures.com or https://theedtechpodcast.com/ or leave a voicemail for the show at https://www.speakpipe.com/theedtechpodcast



幼児教育講師の経験から0〜12歳の『子どもを成長させる子育て』にフォーカスして、無駄なことは一切話さず【最短最速】で本当に大事なことだけをまとめていきます! 皆さんに伝える用というより、半分自分の確認用という感じです。 メインの発信はYouTube・Twitter・Instagramですので、そちらもぜひご覧下さい! YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/TERUeducation Twitter: https://twitter.com/TERUkyoiku Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teru_kyoiku

Masters of TESOL

Andrew Bailey

The biggest brains in TESOL, ESL, EFL spill the beans on the most effective way of teaching English as a Foreign Language.

大阪大学「外国語+IT講座」中国語 基本語彙200



Law School

The Law School of America

The Law School of America podcast is designed for listeners who what to expand and enhance their understanding of the American legal system. It provides you with legal principles in small digestible bites to make learning easy. If you're willing to put in the time, The Law School of America podcasts can take you from novice to knowledgeable in a reasonable amount of time. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/law-school/support

Let's Master English! An English podcast for English learners

Coach Shane

The Let's Master English podcast is for ESL (English as a Second Language) learners! This podcast has many features--news, Q&A, English learning advice and other fun sections. You can join the Let's Master English community on Google+ and see the full transcripts. Transcripts are made by you, the listeners! I hope you enjoy my podcasts and please visit my website--www.letsmasterenglish.com!

English listening


learning English every day

Andante: beginners' Italian - Audio

The Open University

Do you want to learn the basics in Italian? The audio tracks in this collection are devised for learning simple Italian, including expressions for greetings, ordering food and drinks, booking into a hotel and talking about a recent holiday. The tracks contain sample recordings with suggestions for how to pronounce Italian sounds, along with some activities to help improve your listening and speaking skills. This material forms part of The Open University course L195 Andante: beginners' Italian."

HemeTalks: Conversations in Hematology Education

American Society of Hematology

HemeTalks: Conversations in Hematology Education is the latest podcast channel by the American Society of Hematology (ASH)! Explore educational content crafted by subject-matter experts from ASH, tailored to fulfill your professional education requirements. Whether you are a clinician or researcher, HemeTalks provides innovative education designed for every career stage and subspecialty.

The Creative Classroom with John Spencer

John Spencer

I want to see teachers transform classrooms into spaces of creativity and wonder. So, here's where I explore what it means to make this a reality.

Study and Work in Canada

Tamsin Plaxton

Welcome to Study and Work in Canada. In this podcast, through interviews with subject matter experts and international students, host Tamsin Plaxton provides answers to questions prospective international students have about opportunities to study and work in Canada. Get valuable information and tips about career training and immigration opportunities in Canada and how to qualify for and fund your studies in Canada. Join us for deep conversations with experts, and current students and graduates of Tamwood Careers College‘s work and study programs. If you like what you hear, we’d love to get your feedback. Email us at home@tamwood.com.

Chuckle English


Why do podcasts for learning English have to be boring and academic? If you are and adult with an intermediate or advance level of English, learn English with funny comedy podcasts at Chuckle English. The natural way to learn a language is to listen. If something is interesting, you naturally want to try and understand. So why not listen to funny and interesting stories? How to do it? 1. Listen once or twice (it doesn't have to be the same day). 2. Look at the text AFTER (not before listening). 3. Make a list of any words that you didn't understand when listening, but did understand when reading, make a list of them; these are words that either you don't pronounce well or don't identify. 4. Look all the words in your list up in an online dictionary, try and reproduce the sounds or use the phonetics to learn the pronunciation. 5. Once you have practised all the words that you didn't understand, listen again. You can listen another day or another week. You should start to recognise these words. MORE IMPORTANTLY ENJOY AND LAUGH

LSE: Public lectures and events

London School of Economics and Political Science

The London School of Economics and Political Science public events podcast series is a platform for thought, ideas and lively debate where you can hear from some of the world's leading thinkers. Listen to more than 200 new episodes every year.

Language Latte: A Podcast for World Language Teachers

Becky Morales

Language Latte is a conversation about teaching world languages. Becky Morales looks at research and speaks with teachers from around the globe to find out the best and most efficient methods, materials, and tips to help students gain fluency. Topics include educational technology, getting students to speak in the target language, teaching vocabulary, using films and popular games in class, bringing in culture, using IPA’s, TPRS, CI, the role of grammar, and more. More educational resources, plus show notes and links can be found on kidworldcitizen.org.


Yatzil Marrero

Duolingo what is it and how can I incorporate it into my classroom ? Find out on today's episode.

Earmark Podcast | Earn Free Accounting CPE

Blake Oliver, CPA

This show is brought to you by Earmark, your source for podcast-based continuing education for accounting and tax professionals. You can earn CPE by listening to the episodes on this podcast and more! Sign up for our mobile app to earn free CPE whenever you want, wherever you go. Learn more at https://earmarkcpe.com.

Inglês em 5 Minutos

Agência Diferent

Aprenda falar inglês de uma forma simples e prática! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/agenciadiferent/support

Accounting 101 with Jimmy Stewart

James Stewart

Accounting 101 Podcast by James Edward Stewart, CPA/ABV, CFE


Russ Roberts

EconTalk: Conversations for the Curious is an award-winning weekly podcast hosted by Russ Roberts of Shalem College in Jerusalem and Stanford's Hoover Institution. The eclectic guest list includes authors, doctors, psychologists, historians, philosophers, economists, and more. Learn how the health care system really works, the serenity that comes from humility, the challenge of interpreting data, how potato chips are made, what it's like to run an upscale Manhattan restaurant, what caused the 2008 financial crisis, the nature of consciousness, and more. EconTalk has been taking the Monday out of Mondays since 2006. All 900+ episodes are available in the archive. Go to EconTalk.org for transcripts, related resources, and comments.







Python for Everybody (py4e.com)

Dr. Charles Russell Severance

These are the lectures to supplement the textbook 'Python for Everybody: Exploring Information' and its associated web site py4e.com



同志社女子大学の教員を迎えて、日々を豊かにするヒントをお届けする「ひとつぶラジオ」。くらしにまつわる身近なことから、少し視野を広げて文学や芸術まで、幅広いテーマで、京都にある本学スタジオから発信します。ナビゲーターと一緒に、ラジオ感覚で最新の情報に触れてみませんか。 ▼番組の公式HPはこちら https://hitotsubu.dwcla.jp/

The Philosophy of Descartes

La Trobe University

René Descartes, the ‘father of modern philosophy’ wrote his essay Meditations (published 1641) not long after Shakespeare published the Sonnets (1609). The change from Shakespeare to Descartes represents the shift from the Renaissance to the era of Modernism. The humanism of the Renaissance gives way to rationalism and a faith in the emerging sciences.

Русский язык за 10 минут


Кратко про русский язык В этом подкасте мы рассказываем про основные правила, ударения, термины русского языка, которые могут встретиться в ЕГЭ и ОГЭ по русскому языку. Проект Studybell направлен на качественную подготовку к экзаменам, а также расширению знаний по основным предметам Телеграм канал - https://t.me/studybell_russian Группа ВКонтакте - https://vk.com/studybell_russian



初めまして。レムケなつこです。「オーガニックが、あたりまえ。」な社会の創造を目指して、ドイツからオーガニック専門番組をお送りしています。 このチャンネルではオーガニックが大好き、またオーガニックを推進したい起業家のあなたへ、欧州の学術論文などを元に日本では入手できないオーガニック専門情報を毎週木曜日に配信しています。 当教育番組では、知識に自信がない、本物を見極められないでいる、そんな方が知識ゼロからでも自信を持ってオーガニックを武器にできるようサポートしています。 -------------------------------- 🎁プレゼント -------------------------------- \自信を持ってオーガニックを武器にできる/ ✅オーガニックの知識に自信がない ✅本物を見極めたい ✅お客様から信頼されたい ✅オーガニックで起業できるか不安 そんな【起業家】のあなたへ。 オーガニック最先端のドイツから 日本では絶対に学べない! エビデンスに基づいた、 オーガニックの本格知識が学べる! 動画講座を無料プレゼント中。 LINEから受け取ってください❣️ https://lin.ee/oltVExb​



你常常說話沒自信,不敢表達自己的想法,或覺得說話沒有說服力嗎? 那些厲害的老闆、業務、服務人員、講師們,是怎麼一開口就深得人心呢? 跟著聲音教練魏世芬一起掌握發聲技巧、練習說話的藝術,打造更自信的人生! 歡迎加入天下雜誌最新推出「聲音教練課」 無限暢聽、隨時練習、即時互動、QA解惑 每天 1 例句 × 每週 1 主題 × 每月 1 練習,讓你一開口就成功! 2024/06/27起,每天早上08:00準時開課 立即訂閱:https://bit.ly/3VUX1fz 訂閱操作手冊 各大收聽平台:https://bit.ly/3xvhuy0 Spotify:https://bit.ly/3KYgJAK 客服信箱 訂閱、APP 操作相關問題:Support@firstory.me 內容、課程相關問題:bill@cw.com.tw Powered by Firstory Hosting


弁護士 西部智子

弁護士と事務員が最新最高裁判例についてざっくりお届けします。 ※裁判所のHPにアップロードされた最高裁判所の最新の裁判例についてお話しします。




The GMAT® Strategy Podcast

Isaac Puglia

Taking your GMAT skills to the next level! For more head to http://thegmatstrategy.com/ - Please help us make our free content better with this survey: https://forms.gle/79GoJ7PAPKzPgKQ36 GMAT® is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admission Council. The Graduate Management Admission Council does not endorse or sponsor, nor is affiliated in any way with The GMAT® Strategy or the material presented therein.


London School of Economics and Political Science

LSE IQ is a monthly podcast from the London School of Economics and Political Science in which we ask some of the smartest social scientists - and other experts - to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society. #LSEIQ

Littératures comparées - William Marx

Collège de France

La littérature est un fait universel, d'extension mondiale et d'envergure transhistorique, quoique sous des modalités extrêmement diverses : l'étude de ses variations est l'objet de cette chaire, dans la lignée des enseignements de littérature comparée apparus en Europe et en Amérique dès le XIXe siècle. Lecture de textes de toutes origines et de tout statut, analyses littéraires et indispensables mises en contexte sont mises au service de ce voyage immobile et du dépaysement qui l'accompagne. L'exercice de l'admiration n'y est pas non plus interdit. L'objectif est d'entrouvrir la porte de la bibliothèque mondiale et d'en parcourir quelques rayonnages afin de faire de nous des lecteurs sans limite, capables de lire par-delà la littérature, en nous dégageant de notre propre historicité, selon un processus de défamiliarisation. Car c'est en réalité la notion même de littérature qui fait problème, avec tout ce qu'elle implique de présupposés et d'usages historiquement datés et géographiquement localisés : en gros, l'Europe des deux derniers siècles. C'est pourquoi l'intitulé de la chaire a été mis au pluriel, et il y est proposé l'étude non pas de la, mais des littératures, dont il convient de postuler d'abord la diversité, non seulement linguistique, mais culturelle et anthropologique. Les recherches de la chaire Littératures comparées portent ainsi sur l'évolution, dans la longue durée, des systèmes esthétiques et du statut de la littérature depuis l'Antiquité jusqu'à nos jours ainsi que sur leur variation selon les cultures, avec des travaux portant entre autres sur la tragédie grecque, le nô japonais et les littératures asiatiques, l'humanisme médiéval et renaissant, les Lumières, les arts classiques et romantiques, le modernisme européen et la littérature contemporaine. La critique génétique et l'édition de manuscrits sont aussi mises à contribution, avec des travaux notamment sur Paul Valéry et T. S. Eliot.

The Urban Farm Podcast with Greg Peterson

Urban Farm Team

Welcome to The Urban Farm Podcast, your partner in the Grow Your Own Food revolution! This audio only podcast features special guests like Rosemary Morrow, Zach Loeks, and Andrew Millison as we discuss the art and value of growing food in urban areas. We'll explore topics such as gardening basics, urban beekeeping and chicken farming, permaculture, successful composting, monetizing your farm, and much more! Each episode will bring you tips and tricks on how to overcome common challenges, opportunities to learn from the experience of people just like you, and plenty of resources to ensure you're informed, equipped, and empowered to participate more mindfully in your local food system... and to have a great time doing it! Support our Podcast and listen Ad-Free! Visit www.urbanfarm.org/patron for more information and see what else we include.

Sally Shi 寂静的声音

Sally Shi

Sally Shi 的传福音频道,介绍教会历史,欧洲历史,圣经历史,以及最重要的--学习圣经!

Effective Altruism: Ten Global Problems – 80000 Hours

80000 Hours

A collection of ten top episodes of the 80,000 Hours Podcast, designed to bring you up to speed on ten pressing issues the effective altruism community is working to solve.



身近なネーミングの不思議をけんきゅーするクレイジーポップなラジオです。 YouTubeを拠点に、毎週火曜17時に更新しています。チャンネル登録・通知オンして配信をお待ちください! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnekxyPzhzT71Q24qRcyHLQ







Effective Altruism: An Introduction – 80,000 Hours

The 80000 Hours team

A collection of ten top episodes of the 80,000 Hours Podcast, specifically selected to help listeners get up to speed on effective altruism as quickly as possible.

The HazMat Guys

Bobby Salvesen and Mike Monaco

From a spark of knowledge on a podcast to a comprehensive training hub, we empower responders of all levels in the ever-evolving world of hazmat response. Through hundreds of episodes, online courses, and in-person programs, we bridge the gap between novice and expert, fostering a collaborative community of continuous learning. Together, we equip responders with the skills and knowledge to navigate hazardous situations safely and effectively.

Neurology Exam Prep Podcast

Neurology Exam Prep Podcast

Study materials for in-service and certification examinations in neurology residency.



哲学史をカジュアルに楽しくご紹介します! 難しいイメージありますよね、でも実はめちゃくちゃ哲学史って面白いので、哲学実践者のわたしがカジュアルにご紹介します! 興味ある方は是非覗いてみてください!

シスターフッド PODCAST


SISTERHOOD PODCASTへようこそ! このポッドキャストでは、ホストのナッツとヤスコが、「ジェンダー」や「多様性」を軸に、言語化が難しいけれどしないとモヤっとする話をピックアップしていきます。 ジェンダーって目に見えない課題や事象を言葉にしていくことが大事だよね?自由に、恐れず、考えをぶつけ合える空間、大人になって減ったよね?をきっかけに意気投合した2人により誕生しました。 ジェンダーやフェミニズムに関心があるけど、語り合う相手がいない!言語化空間に浸りたい!そんな人のためのポッドキャストです。 感想やメッセージ、話してほしいトピックなどがあれば、sisterhood.pc@gmail.comかTwitterアカウント @sisterhood_pc までお寄せください。

LSE IQ podcast

London School of Economics and Political Science

LSE IQ is a monthly podcast from the London School of Economics and Political Science in which we ask some of the smartest social scientists - and other experts - to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society. #LSEIQ


松崎 俊明

松崎が担当する釧路高専の物理の演習プリントを解く様子(動画・音声)を公開します.Spotify, YouTube, YouTube Podcast はビデオです.その他は音声のみですが,ラジオ英会話のノリで,演習プリントが手元にあれば意味が伝わるような話し方を目指します.

DJ Tayori

Doosub J. JAHNG

Street Professor活動の一環として、現役の大学院教授による配信です。 ライブオンラインの大学院講義と事前学習の課題、拙著、質疑応答なども加えて参ります。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。DJ 拝

轻松学粤语 | 从入门到放弃


获取本节目图文、视频和配乐请搜索公众微信号:NJ宇婷 抖音&快手号:NJ宇婷 另外现在宇婷成立个粤语速成班(添加微信:592921525咨询报名) a. 线上一对一趣味教学(包你在轻松愉快的氛围中学到一口好听流利的粤语) b. 学习时间自由且价格非常优惠(会根据你的时间安排来上课) c. 由我亲自来教,和我近距离交流。 d. 优秀学员还有机会参与节目录制,给你一个实践的平台等。 你是否心动了,心动不如行动啦! 本节目是原创作品,严禁任何形式的翻录,违者将追究其法律责任。

Oral et Communication

Michel Billières

L'univers sonore d'une langue: le français. Parler, écouter, comprendre, communiquer, interagir. Ceci semble banal. Alors que c'est d'une incroyable compexité, un exploit cognitif permanent... Ce podcast explore de multiples aspects de l'oral et de l'oralité: linguistique, psychologique, social et culturel notamment. Ce podcast est une production de Au son du fle (https://www.verbotonale-phonetique.com) Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.



In this postcast episode I talk about the importance of architecture, the most relevant and important thing in the life of the human being



皆さん初めまして、タングステンやっしと申します。 高校三年生の冬に、難関国立対応模試の化学でぶっちぎりの全国一位を取って、難関国立大に進学し、ついには理学博士まで授かっています。

Counselling Tutor

Ken Kelly and Rory Lees-Oakes

The Counselling Tutor podcast serves current and prospective students of counselling and psychotherapy, as well as qualified practitioners, supervisors and tutors. Rory Lees-Oakes and Ken Kelly examine the theory and practice of counselling and deliver academic, practice-based and CPD-related content in an easy-to-understand and fun podcast. Students and practitioners of person-centred counselling, transactional analysis (TA) and behavioural models (e.g. CBT) will find something relevant to their studies and work on the Counselling Tutor podcast.

World History

Richard Schrader

World History for my 7th grade class. This is to accompany the notes and readings in Google Classroom. Videos and questions will be on the Blogspot.

Podcast tiếng Pháp


Học tiếng Pháp online cùng VITIROUGE. Các khóa học được thông báo qua zalo 0947.2299.21 và instagram #vitirouge.

CCO Oncology Podcast

Clinical Care Options

Updates on new data and best practices in the care of patients with cancer across a wide variety of solid tumors and hematologic malignancies from Clinical Care Options. Gain practical clinical insights and strategies and earn CME/CE credit for selected episodes.

Stories to Read, Words to Know, Level A

Evan-Moor Educational Publishers

Text to Task: Simplifying Education

Gargi Sarkar

Welcome to "TEXT TO TASK: Simplifying Education," the podcast where I explore new and easy ways to literacy and share stories from teachers working in challenging environments. I'm your host, Gargi, a Fulbright Scholar and certified global digital leader. As an educator, I've been involved in over 15 local and international projects centered on digital literacy, empowering girls, and youth development. Join me as we discover the inspiring stories and new ideas shaping the future of education.





Jesenia Rodas

effects on saying goodbye

Ancient Greece: Myth, Art, War

Professor Chris Mackie and Dr Gillian Shepherd

In this subject students are introduced to the diversity of the ancient Greek achievement, which has exercised a fundamental and continuing influence upon later European literature and culture. The subject commences with a detailed treatment of Homer's Iliad and the myth of the Trojan war. This is one of the dominant myths in the Greek tradition and is narrated in some detail in epic poetry, in drama, and in art and architecture. We explore how myths are 'read' in their historical context, especially in the contexts of the Persian and Peloponnesian wars of the 5th Century BC. A variety of sources are treated to enable students to build up a picture of Greek society as a whole.

NCLEX High Yield - Dr. Zeeshan Hoodbhoy

NCLEX High Yield - Dr. Zeeshan Hoodbhoy

Welcome to the NCLEX High Yield Podcast, where we will be giving out daily content for your exam, tips and tricks that the boards love to ask, and overall general information on how to study, what to study, and complex topics broken down for you. Whether you're a first time test taker, or a repeat test taker, we have helped people across the globe pass their NCLEX exams. Listen to how Dr. Zeeshan Hoodbhoy and the NCLEX High Yield Team breaks this test down like no one has every showed you! Join our weekly FREE ZOOM Session by following us on Instagram @nclexhighyield! See you then! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nclexhighyield/support

Two Teachers Talking™

Tony Silva and Charles Wiz

Teachers know that when classes are done, the beer has been poured, and teachers gather around the table, the talk turns to...teaching. Great (and not so great ideas) are thrown around, argued, praised, and ridiculed. What's been missing is a microphone on the table. Until now. If you're a teacher, and especially if you're teaching in Japan, have a listen. Then let us know what you think.


Kasahara Satoru

デジタル技術が進化し、教育の現場も大きく変わりつつある今、この番組では、国語教育におけるICTの活用とその実践方法を探究します。Google for Education認定トレーナー&コーチであり、国語科の教員のKasaharaが、最新の教育現場での取り組みや自分の日常的な実践をお届けします。 この番組では、Google Workspace for EducationやAIツールなどの具体的な活用法をわかりやすく解説し、リスナーに役立つ情報を提供します。また、今の学校現場を理解し、効果的なICTスキルを身につけるためのヒントも紹介していきます! デジタル時代の教員に求められるスキルや知識を深め、一緒に未来の教育を探究しましょう。 毎週更新されるエピソードで、最新の教育トレンドと実践的なアドバイスをお届けします。ぜひお聴き逃しなく! 感想はメールでもお待ちしています! 📩 skasaharagfe@gmail.com お問い合わせGoogleフォーム https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfJO7WWWd2GMDSHMkRSOxrYBHBWputpkdFdNGN66WShYY9-9w/viewform 配信頻度: 週1回 毎週月曜配信予定(2024.08から配信開始) ポッドキャスト書き起こしサービス「LISTEN」はこちらから https://listen.style/p/digikoku?ZCFBwQT2

NeoThought 新思考


Idea and Prespect Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/neothought 历史 人文 社会



教育青春期孩子有困惑的父母,请添加微信:18332127521《申老师》 当代青春期孩子的叛逆期来的太早,父母困惑不知道如何去教育青春期的孩子,孩子会出现 一、跟父母顶嘴,不尊重父母 二、沉迷手机游戏,不理会父母的说教 三、孩子早恋,让父母头疼 四、孩子厌学,辍学。父母抓狂不知道怎么教育 五、孩子的朋友圈都是社会上的辍学学生,父母感觉多头疼 如果对于青春期孩子教育方式有困惑 请添加微信:18332127521《申老师》 讲师介绍 课程详情介绍


Apprendre le français

Annonce chaîne Apprendre le français



「人文清华播客」是清华大学官方主办的学术内容平台,兼顾学术性与大众性,力求让外行听得懂,内行有收获。 我们会遍访清华学术大家、新锐学者,聊他们的人生经历、学术经历、经典学说、独特发现。 主理人兼主播张小琴,清华大学新闻与传播学院教授 常驻主播张琳,清华大学新闻与传播学院博士生 我们有三个常设栏目: 【清华访谈录】大家学者,深度访谈 【清华大课间】清华课间,师生围谈 【清华学者沙龙】学者们的跨学科对谈 欢迎您订阅和收听!


Ayres Isobel

Summary of every geography lesson since beginning of year 9(GSCE)

Arapahoe High School Physics Podcasts

Jeff Smith

Podcasts created to aid all levels of Mr. Jeff Smith's physics classes at Arapahoe High School, including content appropriate for Intro Physics, AP Physics B, and AP Physics C students. Since some content applies to all of those levels, and some might be more specific for a particular type of class, the podcast titles all indicate for which level(s) the podcast is intended.

Reading Marx's Capital

David Harvey

A close reading of the text of Karl Marx's Capital Volume I in 13 video lectures by Professor David Harvey.
