Compagne di Branco

Valentina Tridente & Lia Begani

Avere un cane è bellissimo, avere un cane in maniera responsabile e consapevole è sempre bellissimo ma anche un enorme sbatti. Ne sa qualcosa Vee Tridente - podcaster e content creator (Il Podcast del Disagio - La Segreteria dell’Astrodisagio) che 5 anni fa, alla sua prima esperienza di adozione, sul suo cammino incontra Panda: un mix di Amstaff e Jack Russell reattiva, mordace ed estremamente tenerotta che le ruba il cuore e sconvolge l’esistenza. Ed è a questo punto del racconto che entra in gioco - proprio come una cavaliera senza ombra e senza macchia - Lia Begani educatrice cinofila con esperienza decennale e portatrice sana di un branco composto allegramente da 6 cani, 4 gatti e 4 umani. Compagne di Branco nasce come rubrica di divulgazione e sensibilizzazione del complesso e meraviglioso mondo dei nostri amici a quattro zampe ma nel tempo diventa molto di più: in questo podcast infatti scoprirete che per ogni nuovo comando insegnato al vostro peloso ci sono mille sfumature di conoscenza, tutela e rispetto che noi esseri umani per primi dobbiamo imparare se vogliamo sperare di vivere serenamente nel mondo con le altre persone e i loro cani. Il tutto condito da gradevolissimi incidenti di percorso come sempre legati alla sfiga, all’ansia (nostra e dei nostri cani) e alla disinformazione che regna sovrana. Per tutte le info e domande segui Compagnedibranco su Ig o manda una mail a Diventa un supporter di questo podcast:

Cani, capirli per educarli

Andrea Bonfrate

Un podcast rivolto a chi desidera capire meglio il proprio cane e a chi vuole adottarne uno con consigli pratici e semplici di Andrea Bonfrate, educatore cinofilo. Se vuoi vedere video, foto, conoscere i cani di cui racconto e ricevere informazioni sulla cinofilia iscriviti al canale whatsapp Cani, capirli per educarli Hai domande che vorresti farmi? Vorresti lavorare con me? Scrivimi!

Cinofilia Rock'n'Roll

Cinofilia Rock'n'Roll, Andrea Mettifogo

UN ABBAIO FUORI DAL CORO Tutto quello che gira attorno al meraviglioso mondo dei cani, raccontato dalla voce di Andrea Mettifogo, consulente del comportamento animale, un professionista con esperienza decennale che ha fatto di questo mondo non solo la sua professione ma la sua scelta di vita. Un viaggio a 360° in tutto quello che riguarda la vita, l'educazione, la filosofia e molto altro, che una persona che condivide la sua vita con un cane dovrebbe conoscere. Buon ascolto!!!

strane storie di stranimali

livia marin

Strane storie di stranimali è una raccolta di dodici storie su animali fantastici, metà vegetali e metà animali. Oltre ai buffi patatroccoli ci sono le laboriose noccinelle, il saggio e pigro meleone, il brontoloso pomodorso e ancora le melanzare, le catrote, le limellule e tanti altri. In primavera scoprirai quanto possono essere puzzolenti le Fetide Foglie Fetenti di cui sono ghiotti i patatroccoli; in estate andrai a caccia di una stella caduta con Leo il meleone; in autunno vedrai cosa succede alle catrote quando il loro Aranciolago, il laghetto gusto aranciata, resta senz’acqua. In inverno, infine, curioserai nelle tane degli stranimali e aiuterai il cicoriccio con un piccolo problema di insonnia. Ascolta le storie e scopri la vita nel bosco di Ghiandalafoglia al passare delle stagioni! Scritto e prodotto da Livia Marin Musiche, registrazione e montaggio di Francesco Imbriaco Letto da Chiara Donada Si ringraziano i musicisti: Davide Raciti – Violino; Margherita Cossio – Viola; Jacopo Cesaratto – Violoncello; Marta Di Lena – Flauto; Tiziana Luca – Clarinetto; Samuel Peressutti – Fagotto; Giovanni Orecchia - Tromba; Francesco Imbriaco - Fisarmonica, pianoforte, chitarre

Spirit Dog Training Podcast

Steffi Trott

Spirit Dog Training brings you science-based, modern and effective dog training advice, explaining why your dog acts the way he acts, and how to approach training efficiently.

Anders mit Hund by Anne Bucher

Anne Bucher

Anders mit Hund - Dein Podcast für ein zufriedenes Leben mit Hunden. In diesem Podcast dreht sich alles um den Alltag mit Hunden, die ihre Menschen herausfordern. Sei es durch Angst, Aggression, Stress oder andere Dinge, die zu Verhaltensproblemen im Alltag führen. Als Fan von Verhaltensbiologie, einem bedürfnisorientierten Leben und persönlicher Weiterentwicklung triffst Du bei mir nicht auf das klassische "Sitz, Platz, Fuß". Meine Inhalte richten sich an alle, die es ANDERS machen wollen. An alle Menschen, die Lust haben sich weiterzuentwickeln, über den Tellerrand zu sehen und mit ihrem Hund auf Augenhöhe als starke Teampartner:innen durch das Leben zu gehen. Willst Du mehr über mich und Anders mit Hund wissen? Abonniere meinen Newsletter: Folge uns:

Spiegel Reef

Dennis Spiegel

Ich möchte Euch mitnehmen, in meine Gedankenwelt rund um die Meerwasseraquaristik und Euch zu 60 Minuten konzeptionelles Meeresrauschen pro Episode einladen. In der Regel werden mindestens 2 Episoden pro Monat veröffentlicht, wobei mein neues Aquarienprojekt  diesem Podcast den Rahmen gibt. Natürlich bemühe ich mich aber auch immer wieder interessante Gäste mit einzubeziehen. Habt Ihr Lust auch mal als Gast bei einer Episode mitzuwirken, dann bucht gerne einen Slot unter

Tierisch menschlich - Der Podcast mit Hundeprofi Martin Rütter und Katharina Adick

RTL+ / Martin Rütter, Katharina Adick / Audio Alliance

Im Podcast „Tierisch Menschlich“ sprechen Hundeprofi Martin Rütter und Wissenschaftsreporterin Katharina Adick über ihre Lieblingsthemen: die Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Hund, das merkwürdige Verhalten mancher Zweibeiner, Neues aus der Forschung und skurrile Geschichten aus dem Leben mit Haustieren. Hörer:innen erfahren viel über den Hundeprofi persönlich, seine Ansichten zu Lakritzschlümpfen, Strafzetteln und Talkshows und natürlich immer wieder Privates über den inoffiziellen First Dog Deutschlands: Martins Hündin Emma! +++ Alle Rabattcodes und Infos zu unseren Werbepartnern findet ihr hier: +++ Credits: "tierisch menschlich" ist ein Podcast von RTL+, produziert von der Audio Alliance. Hosts: Martin Rütter, Katharina Adick. Redaktion: Martin Rütter, Katharina Adick. Postproduktion: Wei Quan. Executive Producer RTL+ : Andrea Zuska, Christian Schalt.

Süß und Salzig - Aquaristik neu interpretiert!

izzi und Jonas Stratmann

Hier dreht sich alles um das Thema Süßwasser- und Meerwasseraquaristik im 21. Jahrhundert. Aktuelle Themen und Relikte der Vergangenheit. Jonas und izzi räumen auf!

Positively Dog Training - The Official Victoria Stilwell Podcast

Victoria Stilwell

World-renowned dog trainer Victoria Stilwell (It’s Me or the Dog) talks pet topics, answers fan questions, and gives dog training and behavior advice.

Help! My Dog: The Podcast. Dog Behaviour & Training Strategies that Work!

Dr Tom Mitchell

The Brand New podcast from vet, behaviourist and trainer, Dr Tom Mitchell! We'll be covering all things dog behaviour to unlock the life you dream of with your dog, transforming behaviour struggles and levelling up your relationship with your dog. If you get excited about learning about dog behaviour and want the practical, effective (and fun) strategies that we know transform struggles from barking to reactivity to separation anxiety to simply not listening, welcome home!

Sexier Than A Squirrel: Dog Training That Gets Real Life Results


In Sexier Than a Squirrel, the Official AbsoluteDogs Podcast, join us here at Absolute Dogs as we talk training your dog, transforming your dog training struggles and getting real-life results through GAMES!

Comportamento Cane, il Podcast

Mary Veg

Ciao, sono Mary Veg e questo è il Podcast che ti aiuterà a comprendere meglio il tuo cane per vivere la miglior vita possibile insieme!

Bark n Wag 15 Minute Vet Talk

Polly ReQua

Bark n Wag 15 Minute Vet Talk teaser

MicioGatto - Tutto sui gatti!

Elisa Bertoldi

Nel podcast di MicioGatto e oltre mi occupo di gatti e di ciò che li rende felici, ma anche di esseri umane e della loro felicità.

I cavalli: parliamo di salute e benessere

Carlotta Caminiti

Questo podcast è dedicato a chi ha interesse a saperne di più sulla salute e il benessere dei cavalli. A chi piace ascoltare invece di vedere le dirette su YuouTube e su Facebook, magari in macchina mentre va o torna dal lavoro. Ogni momento è buono per imparare qualcosa di nuovo.

Research Bites Podcast

Kristina Spaulding, PhD, CAAB

The goal of Research Bites is to bring the science of applied animal behavior to non-scientists. In each episode, Dr. Kristina Spaulding interviews an animal behavior researcher and talks about how we apply science and research to working and living with dogs. Research Bites members get access to full-length episodes, as well as monthly webinars and chats about current research in dog behavior. Visit for more details or to become a member.

Amici Animali


Il podcast sugli animali e sul profondo legame che si crea con la loro famiglia umana. Un viaggio in otto episodi per raccontare fatti e curiosità sul mondo degli animali domestici: informazioni, approfondimenti e consigli pratici direttamente dai veterinari e professionisti del settore. Realizzato da Andrea Ciraolo e Matteo Scandolin insieme a MyLav, Laboratorio di Analisi Veterinarie. L'informazione affidabile per prenderti cura del tuo animale. Canale Youtube ► Profilo Instagram ► Canale Telegram ► I podcast Amici Animali e Salute Animale ►

Der Reefer‘s Podcast by SANGOKAI

Jörg Kokott, Dominik Ringen

Hier hörst Du einen Podcast rund um die Meerwasseraquaristik, mit fachlichen Themen, praktischen Tipps, Berichten und prominenten Community-Gästen. Mit Jörg Kokott und Dominik Ringen.

Dog Cafe

Fabrizio Collovà

Sono Fabrizio e ho fondato la prima scuola online per imparare la lingua del cane. Qui ti aiuterò a gestire il tuo. 👇Il servizio più adatto a te.

Reefing made simple

Tolga Güldaglar Wallenwein und Oliver Pritzel

In diesem Podcast erhältst du praktische Tipps und nützliche Information, wie du dein Meerwasseraquarium einfach und effizient betreibst. Viel Spaß beim Hören wünschen dir Oliver Pritzel von ATI Aquaristik und Tolga G. Wallenwein von Reef Art & Design.

Canine Hoopers World

Carrie-Anne Selwyn

Have a dog? Train dogs? Like dogs? if your answers are yes to any of these then you are in the right place. Carrie talks to trainers, vets and pet professionals about all things dog, This is Canine Hoopers World the podcast.

Anna und die wilden Tiere

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Ihr kennt "Anna und die wilden Tiere" aus dem Fernsehen? Auch hier im Podcast kommt Anna wilden Tieren ganz nah - egal ob Pferden, Haien, Elefanten oder Schlangen. Ihr erfahrt dabei vieles über Tiere, das ihr garantiert noch nicht wusstet - zum Beispiel über superstarke Abwehrtechniken gegenüber Feinden oder mit welchen schlauen Mitteln sie an ihr Lieblingsfutter gelangen. Und an Annas Seite ist immer: die Hyäne. Sie erzählt Witze, puh, die sind manchmal richtig schlecht und ... ach, hört einfach rein!

The Agility Rose - Talk n’ Train Podcast

Elise Finney

Hi there and welcome to my podcast. My names Elise and here I’ll be sharing my thoughts and discussions on all things Dog Agility in the UK! Having started the sport at 13 years old I’ve felt privileged to learn and experience lots over the years. So if you’re as agility obsessed as I am this is the podcast for you! With group discussions, interviews and lots more planned!

Bêtes de science


Bêtes de Science, c'est le podcast de l'intelligence animale pour les enfants et la famille (et pour les grands qui n'ont pas oublié de rester curieux !). Un mardi sur deux, partez à la découverte d'un nouvel animal et de ses comportements les plus étonnants en compagnie de Gaby Fabresse et Agatha Liévin-Bazin. Rencontrez des oiseaux architectes, des poissons dessinateurs, des insectes cartographes et bien d'autres créatures, suivez la trace des scientifiques qui les étudient, et apprenez à protéger cette incroyable biodiversité dans Bêtes de Science ! 👉Abonnez-vous sur votre apps et plateformes audio préférées 🎙️

Pawsitively Dog-Powered

Chelsea Murray

A podcast that dives deep into the real world of positive reinforcement training and dog-powered sports. If you're like me, your life revolves around your dogs and you can be found on the trails every chance you get. We never know what challenges we might encounter while running dogs, but knowing you're not alone, helps! Join us here for inspiring stories and positive reinforcement training tips so that you can have a better time chasing tails on the trails.

A Dog's Life with Anna Webb

Anna Webb, Mike Hanson

Dogs. They’re companions, guardians, and much much more – they complete us. And they just might save us from ourselves. Anna Webb explores all levels of modern dog ownership and brings to life why every dog is extraordinary. She speaks to scientists and experts - people who have and are changing our understanding of dogs - on everything from emotional intelligence to nutrition to behaviour, delving deep into subjects like homeopathy, telepathic communication and the pet food scandal. It's thought provoking, alternative, and not a little subversive. Cover photo by @Gruffpawtraits

Mystic Dog Mama

Dr Alexia Mellor

Mystic Dog Mama is the podcast for soul-led dog mamas where you will discover how to best nourish your dog - and yourself - mind, body, and soul. Join me, Dr. Alexia Mellor, as I talk with some of the most inspiring pet experts, spiritual leaders, health professionals, and more, as we explore how our dogs are teaching us about what it means to be human. This is the place for inspiring stories, along with practical tips and tricks on how to lead a more holistic, nourished, and soulful life with your canine companion.

PAWCRACY: Animali Rivoluzionari

Michela De Paola

Un podcast per raccontare gli esempi virtuosi del mondo del volontariato cinofilo e gli aspetti legati alla gestione del cane e del gatto a tutto tondo, nonché un punto di incontro e di discussione per confrontarsi insieme.

Løype podcast


Jsme Løype. E-shop, prodejna a kavárna pro psy a jejich lidi. V podcastu pro vás máme rozhovory ze psího světa (s lidmi) a tipy, aby byl váš život se psem (ještě) lepší. Mrkněte na nebo na Instagram @loype_cz. Na živo nás najdete v Budečské 14 v Praze na Vinohradech nebo v našem Loype hubu v Jizerkách.

Infovegana, podcast de veganismo y sostenibilidad


¡Tu podcast de información y noticias veganas! Nuestro viaje empezó en enero de 2016 cuando, tras ver el documental Earthlings, nos dimos cuenta de que vivíamos en una disonancia cognitiva: mientras nos sentíamos grandes amantes de los animales, nos los comíamos y estábamos financiando industrias que los explotaban y mataban. Así pues, decidimos dar el cambio juntas y de un día para otro nos hicimos veganas. Tiempo más tarde nos dimos cuenta de que con el veganismo habíamos dejado de participar en el sufrimiento animal, pero no estábamos haciendo nada activamente para ayudarles. Así pues, nos hicimos activistas por los animales. Algo que nos llena como nada. Fue en este punto en que nos dimos cuenta de la importancia de estar bien informada. Cuando dimos nuestro primer paso hacia el veganismo buscamos mucha información para asegurarnos de que lo hacíamos de forma correcta y segura y de que seríamos capaces de defender nuestro punto de vista delante de amigos y familiares. Pero fue al hacernos activistas cuando supimos que nuestros conocimientos ya no sólo nos servirían a nosotras mismas, sino que eran una herramienta muy poderosa para empoderar a otras a dar el paso. Un portal que reuniera información veraz y actualizada sobre el veganismo. Accesible a cualquiera que permitiera encontrar, en un solo lugar, la verdad sobre la explotación animal, así como el problema ético, medioambiental y de salud que esta supone. Pero no nos basta con esto, no queremos que la gente reciba sólo información estática y atemporal, porqué el veganismo va avanzando y evolucionando día tras día y así tiene que reflejarlo nuestra web. Revisión y actualidad Por esto vamos revisando y actualizando todos los artículos y contamos con una sección de novedades y noticias que nos ayuda a entender en qué punto se encuentra el movimiento. En resumen, estamos creando el espacio que nos hubiera gustado encontrar cuando escuchamos la palabra “veganismo” por primera vez. Ayúdanos a mejorar comentándonos cualquier sugerencia en el formulario que encontrarás más abajo. ¡Muchas gracias!

Frog of the Week

Frog of the Week

Every week we'll choose and highlight one frog to be the frog of the week! Doesn't that sound fun?

McCann Dogs Agility - After Class Podcast

Kayl McCann

Welcome to the McCann Dogs Agility Podcast with your hosts Kayl McCann and Jamie Moreau. Best Friends, Professional Dog trainers, Members of Agility Team Canada and together they've been teaching dog agility for nearly 20 years. Most nights after teaching classes, they will spend HOURS talking about training, different trends, future goals, current challenges and how they plan to conquer them! These talks are often accompanied by some red wine and lots of laughs! So, whether you're new to Agility or competing at a World Class level, they are excited to have you join their conversation!


Leonardo Mazzeo

Un podcast bestiale sugli animali

Consigli Veterinari

Centro Veterinario Santa Lucia

Dalla rubrica i consigli del vostro vet nasce il podcast consigli veterinari. Il Dott. Sergio Abbondanza direttore del Centro Veterinario Santa Lucia vi darà gratuitamente tantissimi consigli per la cura e il benessere dei nostri amici animali.

What The Bark - The RightPaw Podcast


The dog world. Done differently. Join Nathan Olivieri of RightPaw and George Sofronidis of Orivet as they discuss the latest news, topics, and content that matters to dog breeders and owners. RightPaw is on a mission to help every dog and owner start off on the right paw. This podcast will see us provide dog breeders and owners with the latest education on health, behaviour, socialisation, the latest advocacy news, and much more! We'll also have special guests - both animal and human - coming along for the ride!

Cane&gatto: le domande più frequenti

Deborah Fratucello

👩‍⚕️Le risposte alle domande più frequenti che mi vengono poste su alimentazione e comportamento di cane e gatto👩‍⚕️ Mi chiamo Deborah Fratucello, sono un medico veterinario, lavoro online e mi occupo di alimentazione e comportamento di cane e gatto. Finalmente in partenza in questo 2023 anche il mio secondo mio progetto: il podcast dedicato a te che magari viaggi molto, in macchina o sui mezzi pubblici e investi questi "tempi morti" dedicandoti all'ascolto di contenuti audio per te interesssanti Il primo podcast ha come argomento "Le domande più frequenti" che mi vengono poste: ogni puntata del podcast sarà dedicata alla risposta ad una domanda. Sicuramente il contatto con il proprio veterinario di famiglia è l'opzione migliore, ma alle volte non è così semplice per diverse ragioni. Il mio intento è quello di dare informazioni, strumenti che permettono alla persona di capire quanto importante sia approfondire la causa di quel comportamento, di quella manifestazione fisica (prurito, diarrea, lacrimazione eccessiva, bisogni in casa, abbaio, distruzioni, ...) cercando il professionista più adatto (veterinario, educatore o istruttore cinofilo). Personalmente lavoro online nel campo dell'alimentazione e del comportamento di cane e gatto attraverso consulenze telefoniche o via video e diversi corsi e percorsi in diretta o sempre disponibili nell’area riservata. Nel campo del comportamento aiuto le famiglie a risolvere i problemi comportamentali di cane e gatto lavorando molto sulla prevenzione.Nel campo dell’alimentazione formulo diete casalinghe e BARF anche e soprattutto direi per animali con patologie e, se necessario, accompagno nella scelta delle migliori crocchette pressate a freddo e del miglior cibo umido. Iscriviti alla newsletter per vivere al meglio la relazione con il tuo Animale, per assicurarti di dargli tutto ciò di cui ha bisogno e per ricevere speciali approfondimenti solo per gli iscritti (un esempio: "La cassetta del pronto soccorso per la diarrea dei tuoi Animali") Da qui avrai anche accesso a tutto il mio sito con anche la sezione "Consulenze" e "Risorse gratuite". Se hai particolari domande a cui desideri risposta, scrivimi! Quindi, sei pronta? Partiamo!

No Bad Dogs Podcast

Tom Davis

Hey, there dog folk! Welcome to the No Bad Dogs Podcast, hosted by Tom Davis. Do you often wonder what your dog is thinking? Join Tom as he teams up with dog trainers, dog lovers, dog enthusiasts and EVERYTHING in between to bring you the No Bad Dogs Podcast! Each episode will be PACKED full of dog training information and tips. Don't miss the weekly Q&A segment where you can call in and ask your own dog-related questions! Some of the topics we'll cover include dog/puppy training, dog/canine behaviors, advanced training techniques, teaching and more! Follow Thomas on Instagram - @tomdavis @nobadogs Youtube -

Barks from the Bookshelf

Barks from the Bookshelf

Steve Goodall, Natalie Light & Corrin Goodall delve deep into some of the greatest and influential books about Dog Training and Behaviour as well as informative and entertaining interviews with the worlds best animal professionals.

Salute Animale


L'informazione affidabile per prenderti cura del tuo animale. Canale Youtube ► Profilo Instagram ► Canale Telegram ► I podcast Amici Animali e Salute Animale ►

The Animal Control Report

The Animal Control Report

Welcome to the Animal Control Report! Hosts Daniel Ettinger & Ashlee Bishop delve into animal control and animal shelters spotlighting officers, experts, and cases. From heartwarming rescues to cases studies, we cover it all, analyzing trends and sharing insights. Whether you're an animal lover, shelter worker, vet tech, veterinarian, officer, or curious listener, join us as we change perceptions, connect officers, and celebrate the vital role of animal control and animal shelters. Tune in to discover how we're helping people help animals! Support this podcast:

Be Right Back! The Separation Anxiety Podcast

Julie Naismith

How do I get my dog over separation anxiety? How can I leave my dog without him constantly barking or me coming back to destruction? These are just some of the big questions that dog separation anxiety specialist, Julie Naismith, tackles in her podcast. The podcast episodes are packed with how-to guides, step-by-step training blueprints, and tips and tricks to survive separation anxiety. Each episode is packed with tips, tricks and actionable steps. And Julie also shares her story of how she and her dog survived separation anxiety.

The Pet Behaviour Chat

Dr Katrin Jahn, DrMedVet, CertVA, MANZCVS (Veterinary Behaviour), MRCVS

Every week, experienced Veterinarian and Veterinary Behaviourist Dr. Katrin Jahn provides evidence-based solutions for pet behaviour problems, delivered with kindness, passion, and empathy. The podcast features up-to-date, informative advice on behaviour problems in dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, and other companion animals in a variety of episodes, including interviews with some of the leading minds in Pet Behaviour Medicine. In our Case Study and Case De-Brief episodes, Dr. Katrin demonstrates how she and her team approach and treat Clinical Behaviour Cases on a practical level, and we hear from pet owners who have achieved fantastic results in treating their pet’s behaviour problem. If you are a pet owner, pet care professional, veterinarian, or veterinary nurse/technician interested in pet behaviour, pet mental health, and pet wellness, this is the podcast for you! This podcast will provide answers to the following questions and so much more! • Why does my dog bite? • How can I stop my dog from soiling in the house? • How do I toilet-train my new puppy? • Why does my cat not use his litter tray? • How can I stop my cat from spraying in the house? • How can I help my dog with Separation Anxiety? • How can I help my pet be less scared of fireworks or thunderstorms? • Why is my pet so anxious and fearful? • How can I stop my rabbit biting me? • Why does my dog not listen to me? • How can I stop my parrot from feather-picking? • How can I get my cat to stop meowing at night? • How do behaviour medications work, and are these an option for my pet? • How do I use behaviour medications as a veterinarian?

Dummy & Co

Susanne Reinke von der Hundeschule Jagdfieber

Im Podcast Dummy & CO dreht sich alles um das Dummytraining! Ich verrate dir meine Tipps und Tricks für einen strukturierten und erfolgreichen Aufbau deines Dummytrainings und gebe dir Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitungen an die Hand, um Baustellen im Dummytraining zu vermeiden und richtig viel Spaß zu haben. Hier findest du mehr über mich: Website: Facebook: Instagram:

Perros De Raza Pomerania

maria delta May ucan

En este podcast hablaremos de uno de las razas de perros pequeños. Los perros de raza pomerania

The Space Coast Pet Podcast

Roger L Welton DVM

Dr. Roger Welton is an experienced practicing veterinarian, successful author, blogger and media personality. Airing every Thursday at 8 AM EST, Dr. Roger discusses the pertinent pet issues of the day and addresses listener emails.


Andrea Gollin

Rumor d'acque è un podcast di Andrea Gollin dove vengono intervistati esponenti del settore acquariofilo e non solo. Allevatori, esportatori, importatori, negozianti, studiosi, ma soprattutto appassionati si raccontano a Rumor d'acque.

Dog Tails: Conversations with the Pet Dog Trainers of Europe

Pet Dog Trainers of Europe

Honest, in depth conversations with dog experts around the globe. Join hosts Sarina and Harriet as we explore the amazing relationship between dogs and humans and delve into the canine point of view. We'll go beyond basic training and help you deepen your understanding of your dog.

Wisspresso - Tierwissen am Morgen

Tierisches-Wissen, c/o Sonja Tschöpe

Den tierischen Start in die neue Woche schenkt dir am Montagmorgen das Team Tierisches-Wissen mit ihrem Wisspresso am Morgen. Deine Online-Schule seit 2013 zu den Themen Tiergesundheit, Tierernährung, Tierheilkunde und Tierverhalten. Du erfährst in wenigen Minuten leicht verständlich etwas über Haustiere, aber auch kuriose Anekdoten aus der Tierwelt ansich.

Mazraeye Sabz | پادکست مزرعه سبز


داستان‌ها در این مجموعه رادیویی به صورت نمایشی و برای گروه سنی ۴ تا ۹ سال تهیه شده است؛ این مجموعه با تکیه بر فضایل و ارزش‌های اخلاقی نگارش شده و برای اجرای شخصیت‌های داستان، از صداپیشه و فضاهای کودکانه و نیز موزیک متن بهره گرفته شده است. هر قسمت، موقعیتی که فضیلت مورد نظر را معرفی می‌کند، به تصویر کشیده و چالش‌هایی که کودکان در آن موقعیت خاص با آنها مواجه می‌شوند را بازگو می‌کند. امید است که در خلال داستان‌ها و لحظات موزیکال، راهنما و راهگشای کودکان باشد و اوقات خوشی را برایشان به ارمغان بیاورد.

Soul Touched by Dogs

Anke Herrmann

Welcome to the Soul Touched by Dogs Podcast, the show for dog lovers who see dogs not as toys or tools, but as wise souls worth our respect and care. The 15-minute interviews with "Pawsome Humans", people who do great work for dogs and their people, you're listening to here on the podcast are one of the ways we celebrate the human-canine connection and advocate for holistic approaches to canine health, well-being and education.

Enlightened By Dogs: Living with Cooperation, Not Obedience

Kathy Kawalec

Welcome to our podcast where we dog moms discuss modern, enlightened dog parenting! Each week, we’ll take a dive deep into the human-dog connection and explore strategies that will inspire you to create connection and cooperation with your obedience training needed! We meet up at the intersection where training and behavior meet Heart and Soul...and where we leave behind the 'power over' obedience training paradigm we inherited and lead the way to an enlightened 'power with' approach. Join us for an inspirational and educational journey as we explore what living in cooperative partnership with our beautiful dogs looks like in real life. Brilliant Partners are kind, loving, calm, clear, confident, and cooperative ... and when WE learn how to be a Brilliant Partner, our dogs do too. Kathy Kawalec is an author, writer, the founder of Dancing Hearts Dog Academy and creator of the Brilliant Partners Academy, The Foundation Formula, Herding Partners Academy, and Creative Alchemy Passion Plan.

Perretes | Las razas de perros

Toñi Martinez

Puede que creas que las distintas razas son solo una cuestión estética, pero nada más lejos de la realidad. Todas tienen una funcionalidad y por tanto un carácter que determinará sus necesidades físicas y emocionales, de la misma manera que su adaptación social y comportamiento. ¿Sabes cuál es esa raza con la que compartes estilo de vida y carácter? El podcast está conducido por Toñi Martínez, amante de los perretes desde que abrió los ojos a este mundo, a la que acompañan Monica Sanchez Marina, monitora-formadora de la Real Sociedad Canina de España, experta en conducta canina y valoradora del zoosanitario. David García Suárez, juez internacional de trabajo deportivo y experto en conducta canina y Rafael Fernández de Zafra, juez de la Real Sociedad Canina de España, estudioso de los perretes en general y en particular de las distintas razas. En Perretes, cada sábado, te contarán su historia, carácter, cuidados y, por supuesto, esas anécdotas tan divertidas que te sacarán más de una sonrisa.

Drinking From the Toilet: Real dogs, Real training

Hannah Branigan

A behind-the-scenes look into the reality of dog training, behavior, teaching, and learning. We love our dogs, we love our jobs, but sometimes it's not all unicorns and rainbows. Sometimes at the end of the day, you just need a drink and friend who gets it. We'll keep it fun, and keep it real.

Shaped by Dog with Susan Garrett

Susan Garrett

Susan Garrett, world-renowned dog trainer, multi-time champion of dog agility, and leading educator on all things canine shares everything related to dogs! Susan understands dog behaviour and wants you and your dog to have the best life together possible.

Der CANIS-Podcast – Hundeexpert:innen ausgefragt

Miriam Warwas, Michael Grewe, Iona Teichert

Von CANIS-Zentrum für Kynologie Es geht um Hunde, Hunde, Hunde! Die CANIS-Absolventin Iona stellt Fragen rund um die Mensch-Hund-Beziehung und deren bunten Facetten. Iona spricht neugierig mit ihren Dozent:innen über deren jeweiligen Schwerpunkte, Überzeugungen oder über gerade angesagte Themen. Dieser Podcast widmet sich den Expert:innen in der Hundewelt und bietet Wissen über Erziehung, Gesundheit, Beschäftigung und vieles mehr! Umfangreiche Informationen über CANIS findest du unter

Zampe in Famiglia

Ester Memeo

Come prendersi cura di cani e gatti domestici su temi di educazione, salute e alimentazione. Una serie realizzata in collaborazione con Mondofido, editoriale online dedicato agli amici a quattro zampe, con la partecipazione di medici veterinari e professionisti del settore, scritta e prodotta da Ester Memeo. Un podcast del network Podstar



寵物溝通師維尼與Leslie嘰嘰喳喳的聊天室, 聊所有跟毛小孩有關的話題,但可能參雜許多垃圾話及幹話, 請帶著愉悅的心情跟我們一起開心度過! 好窩寵物溝通合作連絡 維尼 想聊更多歡迎來粉絲專頁找我們呦~ -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

That Corgi Blog

That Corgi Blog

A podcast all about corgis.

La Píldora Felina

Esther Mercadé Torné

¿Es feliz tu gato? ¿Le gusta estar contigo? ¿Tiene todo lo que necesita? ¿Sabes cómo hacer que esté bien? ¿Conoces los principales problemas que puede tener? ¿Has estado alguna vez con un veterinario especializado en gatos? ¿Quieres que tu gato viva más tiempo? ¿Te preocupa su salud? ¿Y su alimentación? ¡Bienvenidos a La Píldora felina! El podcast donde te ayudamos a cuidar más a tu gato, hacer que viva mejor, más tiempo y más feliz. Yo soy Esther Mercadé, soy veterinaria especializada en Medicina Felina y cada semana te traigo un episodio con trucos, consejos y recomendaciones para cuidar a tu compañero de vida.  Suscríbete y no te pierdas ninguno de estos consejos que pueden ayudar a tu gato a ser más feliz. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Consulente Cinofilo con AI

Fabrizio Zerbo

In questa serie interroghiamo l'intelligenza artificiale circa i temi di cinofilia più cercati da voi utenti. Perché il cane lecca, perché trema, perché morde i piedi, etc. Sfrutteremo Google ADS per avere idee sulle ricerche. Open Ai con la chat GPT-3.5 per rispondere alle domande. La voce di Google Text to Speech per ascoltare. Con Il Software CrazyTalk animiamo un avatar 3D. Tutto l'argomento è confermato, smentito e approfondito da Fabrizio Zerbo, Addestratore ENCI, Dott. in Scienze Cinotecniche e Programmatore informatico.

All About Cats


In this podcast I love to talk about cats. I actually have four cats in my house. So do you want to learn more about cats then this podcast is for you!

Las Nietas de Pavlov

Las Nietas de Pavlov

Educacion animal, perros, peliculas, noticias y memes: mientras sea un tema relacionado con animales, probablemente lo comentaremos. Tres profesionales de la educación canina comparten sus conocimientos de manera entretenida, fácil y aplicable.

Cuccioli&Crocchette: crescere un cucciolo di cane in famiglia. Storie, consigli, alimentazione sana.

Mirco Di Marcello

In questo podcast vogliamo raccontarvi la nostra quotidianità e le nostre esperienze di famiglia con cane. Parleremo di consigli pratici, di alimentazione sana per cani, prodotti per la cura, accessori che possono aiutarci. Benvenuti su Cuccioli&Crocchette!

Tails of the Dog Park

Tails Of The Dog Park

A weekly podcast that talks about dogs, shares stories, and discusses what is happening at the local dog park. Told by humans. Loved by dogs.

Pod to the Rescue

Summit Dog Rescue

Our society has a mythologically-based approach to bringing companion pets into our homes, which can lead to all sorts of conflicts, and sadly, failed adoptions. This podcast is for dog rescues, fosters, adopters, and dog lovers desiring to smooth out the bumps of adoption and rescue. Hosts Emily and Libby provide evidence-based information on how to assimilate dogs into our human lifestyles in a way that is a positive experience for all species involved. Emily is a certified professional dog trainer; and between them Libby and Emily have over 2 decades rescuing dogs (and a few cats!). Support this podcast:

Bernese Mountain Dog


My podcast is about the Bernese Mountain Dogs origin, exercise, and what they eat and what they can't eat. I chose this topic because I have my own Bernese Mountain dog and I wanted to learn more about him so did and decided to make a podcast about it.

Mad About Horses

Mad Barn

Mad About Horses is the definitive podcast from Mad Barn for all equine enthusiasts. Presented by Dr. Chris Mortensen, a renowned equine scientist and educator, this podcast delves deep into the multifaceted universe of horses. Dr. Mortensen brings his wealth of knowledge to diverse topics ranging from the ancient history of horse domestication to the latest advances in equine health, training and management. Whether you're a professional rider, a horse breeder, or someone who simply loves the sound of hooves on a morning trail, Mad About Horses is your weekly dose of all things equine.

Hundepraxis - der Podcast

Kristina Räder

Hier geht es um Themen, die den interessierten Halter von aktiven Hunden bewegen. Du hörst Interviews mit Experten aus den verschiedensten Bereichen der Hundewelt. Für vielfältigste Blicke auf die Hundewelt bist du hier genau richtig!

Passione Cane

Passione Cane

Sei un amante dei cani? Allora sei nel posto giusto! Benvenuto su Passione Cane, il nostro canale dedicato al meraviglioso mondo dei nostri amici a quattro zampe. Qui troverai tutto ciò che desideri sapere sulle razze di cani, l'importanza dell'educazione e dell'addestramento, consigli per i viaggi con il tuo fedele compagno, informazioni su come adottare un cane e trovare la struttura Pet Friendly adatta alle tue esigenze. Inoltre, ti terremo costantemente aggiornato con le ultime news sul mondo canino. Iscriviti al nostro canale e unisciti alla nostra comunità di appassionati di cani!

Disorderly Dogs!

Rachel Laurie Harris CPDT-KA

Living with dogs is a major joy and also a major pain in the you know what sometimes. I share easy to implement, real life training advice with an emphasis on kindness and compassion.

The Good Dog Pod

Good Dog

Good Dog is on a mission to build a better world for our dogs and the people who love them by educating the public and advocating for dog breeders. The Good Dog Pod will help us achieve our mission by providing dog breeders and the public with the latest updates in canine health and veterinary care, animal legislation and legal advocacy, canine training and behavior science, and dog breeding practices.

Fatti aseizampe

Fatti di Montagna

Ami i cani e la montagna? Allora non puoi perderti il podcast in cui, Anna Randazzese, istruttrice cinofila, ci spiega tutto sul mondo dei nostri fedeli compagni pelosi. Si può e si deve imparare tantissimo perché la nostra attività in montagna, qualsiasi sia, sia davvero piacevole e di soddisfazione per entrambi i componenti del nostro binomio a sei zampe! Fatti Aseizampe è un podcast di Fatti di Montagna in collaborazione con Aseizampe.

The Animal That Changed You

Katya Lidsky

The Animal That Changed You explores how extraordinary people have been changed by extraordinary animals. In this weekly show, Katya (writer and Life Coach for Dog People) and Jenny (founder and president of Better Together Dog Rescue) share their stories about soul-level relationships with animals or listen to a guest talk about how loving an animal has led them to where they are today. This co-hosting duo is not afraid to dive into the ups and downs that come with caring about animals or to be vulnerable and real about why increasing our compassion for them is good for the whole world.

Гном и Дом

Детское Радио

В обычном многоэтажном доме в одной из квартир живет… Гном. Спросите, как там оказался? Случайно! Гном всё время хлопочет по хозяйству, пытаясь помочь хозяевам, пока тех нет дома, но справиться со всеми делами не так-то просто! Хорошо, что по соседству живет ученый кот Рыжик, готовый всегда прийти на помощь!

Le podcast qui piaille

sophie wilford

Comment mieux soigner nos animaux au quotidien. Une vétérinaire au parcours original, Sophie Wilford, interview différents acteurs entrants de la santé animale pour aider les parents d'animaux de compagnie et les professionnels de la santé animale à mieux choisir et mieux soigner.

OsteoDressage - Reiten, wie es Pferde lieben


Hier erfährst du alles rund um Trainingsplanung, Ganganalyse und Reiten, wie es Pferde lieben: Wir vermitteln hier und in unserem erfolgreichen Onlinecollege alles, was wir selbst gern früher gewusst hätten.

Alvin and the Chipmunks

Fun Kids

Meet the chipmunks, listen to interviews and loads more here.

SITZ. PLATZ. HIER. FUSS. LAUF. – Der etwas andere Hunde-Podcast mit „Hundeflo“ Florian Günther

Servus in Stadt & Land

Sie haben einen Hund, denken darüber nach, sich einen nach Hause zu holen? Oder möchten einfach mehr über die beliebten Vierbeiner erfahren? Dann sind Sie bei diesem Podcast genau richtig. Florian Günther, auch bekannt als der „Hundeflo“, beschäftigt sich seit vielen Jahren mit dem richtigen Umgang mit Hunden. Ihm liegt vor allem am Herzen, die Sprache der Hunde zu verstehen und ihr Verhalten richtig zu deuten, damit der Vierbeiner zu einem zuverlässigen Partner im Alltag wird. Er soll schließlich eine Bereicherung und keine Belastung sein. Mesi Tötschinger, auch bekannt aus dem Kulinarik-Podcast „Servus Gute Küche“, liebt Hunde genau so sehr, wie gutes Essen. Aber vielleicht geht die Tierliebe manchmal zu weit. Bereits beim Lesen von Flos Buch „Verhundst“ wurden ihr mehrmals die Augen geöffnet. Bei einem gemeinsamen Spaziergang mit Flos holländischer Schäferhündin Trudi stellt Mesi alle Fragen, die ihr auf der Seele brennen. Warum meint Flo etwa, dass der Hund nicht wie ein Mensch behandelt werden soll, und wie profitieren davon beide Seiten? Welche Kommandos sind die wichtigsten und wie kann man diese etablieren? Was hat es mit der Hunde-Etikette auf sich?

In salotto con la Vane

The Life of Yoda

“In salotto con la Vane” è un podcast che nasce dalla voglia di scoprire qualcosa di più del mondo dei nostri cagnoloni. Una bella chiacchierata insieme a professionisti: veterinario, vet. nutrizionista, educatore, psicologa, ecc… La Vane forse la conoscete meglio come la mamma di Yoda e Bali, conosciuti sui social come The life of Yoda.

Your New Puppy: Dog Training and Dog Behavior Lessons to Help You Turn Your New Puppy into a Well-Behaved Dog

Debbie Cilento: Dog Trainer | Dog Behavior Consultant | Owner of Playtime Paws | Belly Rub Specialist

Your host, Debbie (owner of Playtime Paws), is a positive trainer with a passion for dogs, their behavior and helping you create a well-behaved dog. This is a dog training and behavior podcast that with help you and your new puppy build good healthy habits right from the start. It will also help you understand your dog’s behavior and build a strong, fulfilling, and fun relationship for years to come.

Dog Talk Where we train through the eyes of our dogs

Dog Training 360

Joe Dickinson and Rebecca Dixon will be talking everything dogs. From Dog Training and behavior modification to grooming and even traveling with your dog. We will be talking everything dog! We will also take you on a journey where dogs are connecting women and their story.

Combats (Baleine sous Grav... SUR le front)

Marc Mortelmans

Combats est le podcast de celles et ceux qui s'engagent au quotidien pour défendre le Vivant, l'environnement, les animaux et la planète en général. «Vient un moment ou parler, débattre, ne suffit plus. Il faut agir» disait Victor Hugo.   Combats diffuse 4 épisodes thématiques de 20 minutes, tous les 15 jours, en alternance avec son grand frère BSG. _______   Combats est un podcast de la famille Baleine sous Gravillon. Les 3 autres sont Baleine sous Gravillon, Nomen et Petit Poisson deviendra Podcast. _______   Nous cherchons des partenaires, et nous proposons / animons des conférences dans les écoles et les universités, les entreprises et les institutions. _______   Tous les liens : _______    Contact: Marc Mortelmans 06 52 49 13 71 _______  Toutes les infos : Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

The Pawsitive Post in Conversation by Companion Animal Psychology

Zazie Todd PhD and Kristi Benson CTC

The show about how to have a better relationship with your dog or cat. Get tips on dog and cat behaviour and training, learn about the science on dogs and cats, and find out which books we're reading (animal-related and more generally). Hosted by Zazie Todd PhD and Kristi Benson CTC of Companion Animal Psychology blog. 

Baleine sous Gravillon (BSG)

Marc Mortelmans

Baleine sous Gravillon raconte le Vivant et nous reconnecte avec ce qui vit autour de nous. BSG diffuse, un mercredi sur deux, une série de 4 épisodes d’environ 15 minutes. Des experts reconnus et passionnés viennent y partager leurs connaissances sur un thème précis. _______   BSG est le grand frère d'une famille de 3 podcasts complémentaires: Combats, Nomen et Petit Poisson deviendra Podcast (PPDP). _______   Nous cherchons des partenaires, et nous proposons / animons des conférences dans les écoles et les universités, les entreprises et les institutions. _______   Tous les liens en un seul : _______    Contact: Marc Mortelmans 06 52 49 13 71 _______  Toutes les infos :   Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

The Aquarium Guys

Aquarium Guys Studios

Your favorite aquarium podcast that dives deep into your favorite hobby, keeping pet fish. We are bringing you expert content on species spotlights, expert aquarium hobby insights, and trade secrets. With hosts Jim Colby & Robbz Olson.

Elevated Canine Podcast

Elevate Your Mind Elevate Your Canine

This podcast is a podcast created by dog people for dog people. We want to focus on getting the best training content out there for pet owners, dog sport fanciers, and anyone interested in dogs/dog training.

Casper Dog Training

Adam Casper

Dog Training tips, behavior modification, advice and much more! CODE: casper for 20% off (except bundles) and free shipping


Elisabeth Lundholm och Ortopodden

Elisabeth Lundholm intervjuar hästsportprofiler i podden Hästfolk. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Podcast for Dog People by Pawsome University

Jaime Caponetta, John Caponetta

This is more than just a dog training podcast, it’s the podcast for dog people! We're here to help you better understand your dogs, and the wide spectrum of behaviors they exhibit. Join us in a delightful blend of insightful chats and playful segments that'll get those tails wagging. Get to know more about our crazy life with our rescue pups, and laugh along to the fun banter! Your hosts, Jaime Caponetta (Certified Dog Trainer &  Canine Behavior Consultant), and John Caponetta (former Humane Law Enforcement Officer, and former Animal Shelter supervisor) discuss all things Dogs, so leash up your curiosity and let's explore the wonderful world of dogs together, right here on 'The Podcast for Dog People by Pawsome University'!

Storie Di Gatti Famosi

Marina Di Paola

Le storie che ascolterete sono di personaggi di spicco di tutte le epoche che sono stati attratti dai piccoli felini. Molti hanno reso protagonisti I loro compagni a quattro zampe delle loro opere con piccoli citazioni o dedicando loro odi, racconti, raffigurazioni o canzoni

Dog & Talk - Auf eine Gassirunde mit Dr. Janey May Janey May

Dein Podcast für bedürfnisorientiertes Zusammenleben mit Hund. Eine Gassirunde lang Wissen über Hundetraining der heutigen Zeit. Fair, bedürfnisorientiert und ganz sicher ohne Machtgehabe. Neues aus der Forschung und viele praktische Tipps für dein harmonisches Zusammenleben mit Hund.

Petit Poisson deviendra Podcast (Baleine sous Gravillon, 100% vie marine)

Marc Mortelmans et Bill François

Petit Poisson deviendra Podcast (PPDP) raconte la vie des créatures aquatiques, de l'océan à la flaque d'eau, des banquises aux rivières, et même de celle de l'eau qui dort ... Marc Mortelmans, le créateur des podcasts Baleine sous Gravillon, invite de grands connaisseurs et passionnés : Bill François, Sébastien Moro, Michel Hignette et Jérôme Mourin, de fins connaisseurs du monde aquatique.   Cet hebdo d'environ 7 minutes sort chaque jeudi.  _______ PPDP est un podcast de la famille Baleine sous Gravillon. Les 3 autres sont Baleine sous Gravillon, Combats et Nomen. _______  Nous cherchons des partenaires, et nous proposons / animons des conférences dans les écoles et les universités, les entreprises et les institutions.  _______  Tous les liens : _______  Contact : Marc Mortelmans 06 52 49 13 71 _______  Toutes les infos :  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.


German De Jesus

first podcast

Animales Increíbles (Podcast De Zoología)

Juan Alvaro Leon Raymundo

Podcast dónde cada episodio les traeremos un nuevo animal sorprendente.

Wag Out Loud

Krista Karpowich

Coffee with the Chicken Ladies

Holly & Chrisie

Coffee with the Chicken Ladies covers all things pet chicken. Each episode includes a breed spotlight and relevant chicken keeping topics, as well as reviews of books and products, amazing recipes using home fresh eggs, interviews, and occasional chicken-themed celebrations. Please help us grow the podcast - subscribe, share, and leave reviews and ratings on Apple Podcasts. Thanks for listening!

How To Train Your Dog With Love And Science - Dog Training with Annie Grossman, School For The Dogs

Annie Grossman

Journalist-turned-dog trainer Annie Grossman, owner of NYC-based dog training center School For The Dogs and author of How To Train Your Dog With Love & Science (Sourcebooks, 6/2024), is obsessed with positive reinforcement dog training and thinks you should be, too. This podcast will help dog owners become literate in the basics of behavioral science in order to help their dogs and themselves . Tune in to learn how to use science-based methods to train dogs (and people) without pain, force, or coercion! Show notes at (Formerly known as School For The Dogs Podcast)

edogs - Dein Hunde Podcast

Michelle Holtmeyer & Julia Linke

Herzlich willkommen Hundefreunde! Wir sind, der sicherste Hundemarkt Deutschlands und mit euch als Zuhörer wollen wir eine spannende Reise in die Hundewelt antreten. Mit unserem Podcast "edogs - Dein Hunde Podcast" möchten wir über die spannende und vielfältige Welt der Hunde informieren. Michelle Holtmeyer und Julia Linke sprechen mit interessanten Gästen aus verschiedensten Themengebieten der Hundewelt. Bei Fragen, Anregungen oder Themenwünsche freuen wir uns auf Deine Nachricht: oder bei Instagram
