La Notte delle Creepypasta

Amico Diverte

Ti piacciono le creepypasta, i racconti horror? Se sì, sei nel posto giusto. Spegni la luce, mettiti comodo e premi play. Buon ascolto! — Questo podcast fa parte dell'universo di VOIS. Per scoprire di più, segui su Instagram o visita il sito — 📩 Per Collaborazioni o Sponsorship:

Il Suono degli Incubi

Little Nightmares - Bandai Namco Europe

Nessi, una ragazzina schiva, è ricoverata nell'Istituto Psichiatrico delle Contee a causa di un disturbo del sonno in continuo peggioramento. Viene affidata alle cure del Dottore, il quale ha dedicato tutta la sua vita ad aiutare i bambini a superare i propri disturbi ed è egli stesso vittima di un trauma infantile. Man mano che Nessi racconta i propri tormenti notturni, risulta evidente quanto i suoi sogni si sviluppino come se avessero vita propria. Quando il Dottore capisce che questi incubi nascondono inquietanti similitudini con quelli di qualcuno che lui amava in passato, una pericolosa ossessione si scatena in lui, mentre cerca disperatamente di scoprire quali segreti si nascondono nella mente di Nessi. ---- Questa serie è un adattamento della produzione originale "The Sounds of Nightmares", prodotta da Bandai Namco Europe e Louie Media, e diretta da Thomas Rozès. Una produzione Bandai Namco Europe e Keywords Studios Diretta da Alessandro Lussiana Musiche di Tobias Lilja e Thomas Rozès. Scritta da Lonnie Nadler, Mike Bambridge aka SuperHorrorBro, Supermassive Games, It's Just Jord e Eugene Myers. Adattamento Italiano a cura di Giuseppe D'Ercole. Lo showrunner è Lonnie Nadler. Con Veronica Cuscusa nel ruolo di Nessi e Valerio Amoruso nel ruolo di Otto. Basato su Little Nightmares di Bandai Namco Europe Little Nightmares™ & © Bandai Namco Europe S.A.S. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Titanic - Il viaggio senza fine

Alessandro Valenti - Riccardo Rosi

Il Titanic come non lo avete mai sentito. Una narrazione immersiva, con effetti sonori e musiche, che fa da sfondo al tragico percorso dell'iconico transatlantico dal giorno della sua partenza alla tragica notte del suo incidente. Per rendere l'esperienza ancora più interessante, la narrazione è accompagnata dall'intervista telefonica a Riccardo Rosi, esperto e studioso del Titanic che ha anche fornito la sua consulenza per la ricostruzione storica e cronologica dei fatti. Per godere a pieno di un ascolto ottimale è consigliato l'uso di auricolari o cuffie. Testi, voce Narrante e montaggio audio: Alessandro Valenti Consulenza storica: Riccardo Rosi (ricktok401) Prodotto da Alessandro Valenti per Image & Dreams - Voice & Dreams Registrato presso gli studi Voice & Dreams - Palermo Colonna sonora: This is violin Cinematic - Vadym Kuzniecov Serenade - AGsoundtrack Music Lost Voices Soundscape - Allen Grey Sad - Zaplotynskyi Kyrylo (BMI) Le colonne sonore sono state acquisite con regolare licenza d’uso su Envato.

Sherlock & Co.


My name is Dr. John Watson, once of the British Army Northumberland Fusilier Regiment, now a true crime podcaster based in Central London. I don't have much experience in criminology, so this is mostly a record of how I met possibly the most brilliant and bizarre person I have ever (and will ever) know. Join me as I document the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. This podcast is property of Goalhanger Podcasts. Copyright 2023. SHERLOCK AND CO. Based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The Sheridan Tapes

Homestead on the Corner | Realm

In 2018, famed horror writer Anna Sheridan disappeared, leaving behind only a box of mysterious cassette tapes. Detective Sam Bailey is tasked with piecing together what happened to Anna Sheridan from the seemingly impossible encounters she recorded, but as the scattered pieces of the puzzle come together, Bailey discovers that the picture is even stranger – and more dangerous – than it seemed.

Ravi | پادکست فارسی راوی

arash kaviani

ما روایت گر قصه زندگی افرادی هستیم که یک چالشی توی زندگیشون باعث شده قصه زندگیشون شنیدنی تر بشه. قصه های هر اپیزود کاملا جدا از اپیزود های دیگه هستش مگر اینکه اپیزود سریالی باشه. پس با خیال راحت از هر قصه ای خواستید شروع کنید. ما تلاش میکنیم هر ماه با یک اپیزود جدید مهمون گوش هاتون باشیم. #قصه زندگی #فارسی #قصه واقعی #زندگی واقعی #زندگی #ایرانی Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Raqi’s Secret Files

Love Radio Manila

The program reflects various realities of the world that may create a sense of belonging, relatability, and controversies. Raqi’s Secret files was inspired by the trend “confession” pages on Facebook. We’ve seen that there is a huge buzz created by these confessions — from its contributors all the way to its community. We’ve thought of carrying that trend from online to on-air, retaining the same level of anonymity, giving the story a voice. Listeners who desire to relieve a bit of their burden are encouraged to send their stories, making the program, Raqi’s Secret Files a safe haven to tell their secrets.


Jeff Schmidt

An anthology of horror, thrillers, and suspense brought to life with exceptional actors and vivid sound and music.  Each episode delivers a thrilling new character-driven horror story that spans genres of psychological horror, thrillers, suspense, creature features, and grounded tales where obsession, love, rage, and revenge clash in the murky worlds of the supernatural and paranormal. It’s like Black Mirror meets American Horror Story, where the monster is always close to home. Every thrilling Ominous Thrill tale is fully dramatized with exceptional voice talent and created in Dolby Atmos for stunning 3D Spatial Audio to immerse you in these creepy and devious stories fully. For the most intense experience, we recommend listening on headphones or earbuds.  Ominous Thrill is created by the acclaimed sound designer and director Jeff Schmidt, the creative force behind the vivid and immersive sounds of fiction-podcast thrillers Blood Ties and Aftershock and true crime mega-hit Dr. Death. If you enjoy OMINOUS THRILL, please leave a positive rating and a short review. Or tell a friend who loves good horror, Thriller, or Suspenseful fiction!  Learn more about OMINIOUS THRILL at Submit a story to OMINOUS THRILL at EMAIL: OMINOUS THRILL is a proud member of the Fable and Folly network of Fiction Audio podcasts. Please support our sponsors and partners here:

Voces del Abismo

Voces del Abismo

Relatos, experiencias paranormales y leyendas escalofriantes. Si tienes alguna experiencia que quieras contar, contáctanos por Facebook o envía tu experiencia al correo oficial del canal. * YouTube Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Fabio Fabiano

L’Ispettore Capo Giovanni Di Falco, in servizio presso il Commissariato di pubblica sicurezza di una cittadina marinara della Sicilia occidentale, possiede un suo personale archivio. Si tratta di un armadio di metallo, dove all'interno il poliziotto conserva gli incartamenti ufficiali, in copia, dei casi di cui si è occupato. Ogni caso ha una sua cartella. Per identificare l’indagine, nella copertina di ognuna, di Falco di solito scrive una parola o una frase. Diventa un supporter di questo podcast:

Barrancoscuro | serie audio

Marco Morana - Emons Record

Diego Cisnero, ex giornalista di cronaca nera radiato dall’albo, ci racconta la storia di Maria Luisa Mangano, una sua compagna di scuola scomparsa durante la Settimana Santa del 1971. Questa storia, Diego, la sta registrando dopo trent’anni: per otto giorni, ogni volta che verrà premuto il tasto rec, ci ritroveremo insieme a un ragazzo di quindici anni alle prese con il suo primo amore e con il suo primo grande dolore. Ci ritroveremo a Lilibeo, nella Sicilia degli anni Settanta, una terra dominata da una rigida gerarchia sociale, fondata su una parvenza di integrità dietro cui si nasconde la violenza di una profonda ingiustizia. Una cultura e una società in cui le donne che non si adattano alla norma sono trattate come streghe, merce sacrificabile da chi quella società la controlla. Un mondo in cui, per diventare adulti, i ragazzi sono chiamati a diventare complici. Un mondo contro cui Diego prova a ribellarsi. Il Barrancoscuro è una cava di tufo in cui durante l’Inquisizione venivano bruciate le donne condannate per stregoneria. Nel 1971 era utilizzata come discarica, il luogo in cui smaltire ciò che non era tollerabile. Barrancoscuro è un noir mediterraneo, un’opera letteraria concepita per la voce, che attraverso un viaggio nel ricordo interroga il baratro del passato e del presente. Barrancoscuro è una ferita che ricomincia a sanguinare. Una serie audio originale scritta da Marco Morana Una produzione Emons Record Voce narrante Paolo Briguglia Con la partecipazione di Ninni Bruschetta e Elena Radonicich Per il cast completo visita il sito





Lucky Red

Diari da un esorcismo si ispira ad autentici diari compilati dal direttore del reparto psichiatrico di un importante ospedale dell’Italia del Nord a metà degli anni Settanta. Quei fogli ripercorrono i misteriosi eventi che si manifestarono nel reparto quando una paziente, refrattaria ad ogni trattamento, manifestò segni evidenti di possessione diabolica, costringendo lo psichiatra a una singolare alleanza con un esorcista. Una vicenda che assunse un aspetto ancora più fosco con l'arrivo in reparto di un'altra giovane donna, completamente immemore, e latrice degli stessi inquietanti sintomi.

The Archers

BBC Radio 4

Contemporary drama in a rural setting.

Uncanny Valley

DWM | Realm

When anyone asks Audrey why she moved to Alaska, she tells them for a fresh start. But a lot of the people in Alaska are hiding from something. And Audrey is no different. When she journeyed to Alaska, she found something even more dangerous. Maybe we feel the uncanny valley because long ago, we had to fear something that pretended to be human. 

The Antiquarium of Sinister Happenings

Bloody FM

Step into a mysterious shop, where every relic has a sordid tale to tell. A weekly multi-award winning full cast horror anthology featuring Mike Flanagan, Kate Siegel, David Dastmalchian, Devon Sawa, Jocelin Donahue and more. Contact The Antiquarium at (646) 481-7197 or Explore our unsought goods, including decoder pins and fine garments at Join Us:

VIVI: Storie di qui e d'altrove

Lucia Laura Ferrari e Federica Baj

Fantasmi, storie, leggende e misteri. Seguimi su Instagram e TikTok! @lucialauraferrari

SWR3-Krimi: Tod am Kanzleramt (Director’s Cut)

Klaus Sturm

Eine Leiche in der Berliner Spree, direkt unterhalb des Bundeskanzleramtes. Wer ist die Person? Wie ist sie gestorben? Und wie kam die Leiche in die Spree? Hört jetzt alle Folgen des SWR3-Krimis Tod am Kanzleramt.


Overtones Media

A fiction show about a Korean American son (Joel Kim Booster) who wants to come out to his mom (Esther Moon), but can't because they don't speak the same language. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

LE REGOLE DEL VENERABILE - La storia del tutto autentica, tranne le parti in cui è menzognera, di Licio Gelli, il capo della

Lucky Red

Le regole del Venerabile è l’autobiografia fittizia di Licio Gelli, il capo della Loggia P2, sotto forma di confessione privata, ma completamente aderente alle risultanze storiche e documentali, resa a un carceriere durante la sua permanenza in una prigione svizzera. In dieci episodi, corrispondenti ad altrettante regole di vita da lui stesso inventate, il maestro massonico che convinse molti di avere in pugno le sorti dell'Italia racconta la sua vita più avventurosa di un film, mischiando realtà, bugie e perle di ineguagliabile saggezza nella comica demistificazione di un personaggio Larger than life.

Call Jonathan Pie

BBC Radio 4

Political journalist Jonathan Pie gets a radio phone-in show and as his personal and professional worlds collide we see why he's so incredibly angry about absolutely everything.

The White Vault

Fool and Scholar Productions

Explore the far reaches of the world’s horrors in the audio drama podcast The White Vault. Follow the collected records of a repair team sent to Outpost Fristed in the vast white wastes of Svalbard and unravel what lies waiting in the ice below. This Fool and Scholar production is intended for mature audiences.

Woodbine: A Parkdale Haunts Production

Alex Nursall & Emily Kellogg

Beatrice Ashe has a quiet life as an assistant at the Woodbine Agency, a small detective firm in the east end of Toronto. But things change for her quickly when she is brutally attacked and left near death. Now, her boss Grace Hawthorne has a choice to make: Let Bea die... or give her a second chance. A second chance that brings Bea into a new world of shadow. Woodbine is a show about monsters, mysteries, new beginnings, and new bodies. What would you do if you found yourself in a world you never knew existed? What would you do if you had another chance to get justice? How far would you go to find the truth? And are you willing to figure all these out on your lunch break, because there are cases coming in and the Mothman can only wait so long for answers... WOODBINE is a new podcast by the creators of the award-winning horror fiction podcast Parkdale Haunt. Listen to Parkdale Haunt seasons 1-3 below, and subscribe for new episodes of Woodbine. PARKDALE HAUNT: Ever since Judith’s lifelong best friend, Claire Sterback, inherited a house from a biological family she never knew, things have begun to change. Claire has begun to change. It isn’t just that the house is full of cryptic notebooks, ominous scribblings on the wall, and has a basement that is colder than it should be. It isn’t just that Claire abruptly up and left her live-in boyfriend and is now being stalked by a psychopathic realtor. Claire is… off. As she gets closer to a secret at the heart of the old house in the Toronto neighbourhood of Parkdale, she is also getting closer to losing herself. After Claire goes missing - with the help of co-worker-turned-friend-Owen - Judith vies to track her down, even if it means diving into a history that may have been better left untouched.


David Horgan

Dr Kennedy is a guilt-ridden psychiatrist, who is reviewing old recordings of his former patient Alisha, in the hopes of solving the mystery of Ravenscourt. At the time he easily dismissed Alisha's assertion that Ravenscourt was bound to evil. However, many years later his singular faith in that assertion and even reality itself, is starting to crumble. Because somehow the deserted asylum has now started calling to him in his dreams... "Ravenscourt" is a gothic horror influenced #audiodrama #audiofiction ghost story about a psychiatrist who is haunted by past mistakes, the patient he failed and the place he now believes may have played a role in all of it. The story is inspired by St Anne's Asylum in Cork City. The now derelict building was built in the 1850s and the "corridor asylum" is said to be one of the longest buildings in Europe. This Lovecraftian tale, written by David Horgan, is brought to life by thespian actor Mark D'Aughton and Irene Kelleher (Game of Thrones). With special thanks to Sean MacGearailt for the introduction and credits. Produced and edited by Epic Productions and proudly distributed by Cornucopia Radio.

Les polars de Pleine Vie

Pleine Vie

Frissonnez avec nos polars sélectionnés pour vous par Pleine Vie ! Pleins de suspense et mystère, ils sauront vous captiver du début à la fin.

Passenger List

Passenger List and Radiotopia

Atlantic Flight 702 has disappeared mid-flight between London and New York with 256 passengers on board. Kaitlin Le (Kelly Marie Tran), a college student whose twin brother vanished with the flight, is determined to uncover the truth. Passenger List is a mystery thriller podcast from PRX’s Radiotopia.

The Hidden People

DWM | Realm

A creepy modern fantasy that begins as a murder mystery and becomes a dark fantasy adventure filled with action, Irish and Norse folklore, and fae. At the middle of season one, the world of the Hidden People is revealed, complete with magic and monsters. Come for the creepy mysteries and stay for the fantasy action. Discover the world of the Hidden People.

ARD Radio Tatort

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Beim ARD Radio Tatort sorgen spannende und unterhaltende Originalhörspiele prominenter Autorinnen und Autoren für akustischen Nervenkitzel. Jeden Monat ein neuer Fall aus einer anderen Stadt - immer zuerst in der ARD Audiothek! Lust auf mehr? Das ganze Archiv des ARD Radio Tatort und viel mehr gibt es ebenfalls exklusiv in der ARD Audiothek!


Aaron Reardon

Step into Selene, a city cloaked in darkness and teeming with horrors – from evil headmistresses to murderous marionettes, black worm parasites, haunted hotels, and eerie sleepwalkers. Meet the Paranormal Investigators of Needle Street, newly arrived to battle the encroaching malevolence. Inspired by Poe, Edward Gorey, and Agatha Christie, their adventures promise twisted mysteries and unforgettable characters. Immersive audio brings the city to life, blending dark humor with bone-chilling suspense. Join the investigators as they navigate Selene's shadows, where mystery and intrigue await at every turn. Now, experience the thrill of Selene in Dolby Atmos. Join us on Patreon for music, art and more. A Clever > Than Production Hosted on Acast. See for more information.



每晚一个故事 夜深了,放下重重的壳 让我的声音和故事伴你入眠 晚安 好梦~ 每天更新一个小故事,不定时加更 小可爱们有建议可以写在评论区哦~ 我会耐心看完~ 最后记得 关注 订阅 哦~ 别把我弄丢了~

Radio Detective Story Hour

Dennis Humphrey

Listen to radio's famous gumshoes and well-remembered cops. From the fog-bound shores of San Francisco to the insurance investigations of radio's famous expense account investigator; from the riotous actions of famous gang busters to the reality based exploits of Los Angles detectives.

Undertow: Hovering


Undertow is Realm’s premier showcase of original audio horror. Hosted by audio horror pioneer and creator Fred Greenhalgh, each season presents a spooky standalone story, so you can dive in anytime... if you dare! Current Season: Hovering In the sleepy seaside town of Durham, Junior Constable Kyle Grinham is stumped one night when he receives four desperate calls about a strange metallic object hovering in the night sky. As he interviews the witnesses and tries to figure out who’s lying and why, Kyle realizes each of the people he talks to have a stark choice. They can keep what they saw in the sky a secret, or tell the truth and change the way people in the town look at them forever. Hovering is an independently produced, limited series fiction podcast from Melbourne-based Plot Twist.  Craving More Frights? Explore Past Seasons: Season 1: Simpson Falls - A reporter awakens malevolent forces in his haunted hometown. Season 2: Blood Forest - Every 20 years, werewolves descend for a night of horror. Starring Jack Falahee. Season 3: Dark Tome - A teen unleashes a terrifying story from a spooky bookshop. Season 4: The Well - Family secrets resurface, setting loose horror from an old well. Season 5: The Pulse - A meteorite awakens animalistic instincts in a group of treasure hunters. Season 6: The Sisters - True events inspire a chilling tale of occult & possession. Starring Mae Whitman. Season 7: Last Call - A hustler gambles for his life against the Grim Reaper. Season 8: Narcosis - A rescue dive turns deadly beneath the waves. Season 9: The Harrowing - A barbaric crime heralds the rise of an ancient evil. Binge Ad-Free & Early! Subscribe at

The Saints

The Merry Beggars

🏔️ Adventures of Faith and Courage A daily podcast bringing the Saints to life with award-winning actors, writers, and sound designers. 🌐 Subscribe for Free Daily Episodes: Get free daily episodes delivered to your email inbox, along with coloring pages, activity sheets, and more! 🔥 Ignite your Family’s Faith In a culture that has abandoned God, families struggle to find beautiful, faith-affirming stories to inspire their children. The Saints: Adventures of Faith and Courage provides thrilling and inspiring stories to ignite your family’s pursuit of virtue and holiness. 🗺️ A New 5-Episode Adventure Every Week.  Join Joan of Arc as she leads the French army, Patrick of Ireland as he escapes slavery, Saint George as he stands up against the Roman Empire, and many more. Professional actors, award-winning writers, and cinematic sound design that are guaranteed to leave you and your family eagerly waiting for tomorrow’s episode.

New Year's Day

Atypical Artists

New Year's Day is a yearly fiction podcast from the team behind The Bright Sessions that comes out every January 1st. Out of the billions of human beings in the world, there are just two that share an earth-shattering secret. Charles Chambers and John Fogg are immortal; since making this discovery, they meet up every 13 years to discuss the world, their lives, and the unique challenges of living forever. It is written and directed by Lauren Shippen, starring Andrew Nowak and Briggon Snow. For more information and to receive monthly missives, please visit

Relatos de la Noche

Sonoro | RDLN

En la tradición de los clásicos de la radio, aquí se cuentan las historias, relatos y leyendas que habitan las calles de México e Iberoamérica.

Drama of the Week

BBC Radio 4

Every Friday we bring you a new drama from BBC Radio 4 or Radio 3. Exercise your imagination with some of the best writers and actors on radio. Storytelling at its very best.

Close Your Eyes

Cryptic Radio

A man’s search for his missing brother leads him to a mysterious cult. A mind-bending mystery/thriller from Cryptic Radio. Fiction



Futuro. Emisfero settentrionale. La perdita dei sensi colpisce indiscriminatamente adulti e anziani, donne e uomini lasciando indenni i bambini. Il contagio avviene nell’arco di pochi mesi. Alcune persone perdono la vista, altri l’udito, l’uso della parola, altri ancora la memoria. Nei boschi di conifere della Val di Sole, i gemelli Bruno e Benji fanno una scoperta sensazionale. Una scoperta che li porterà a confrontarsi con un mondo in conflitto con sé stesso e con gli equilibri naturali. Un eco-thriller in 9 episodi che è una corsa contro il tempo e contro il pensiero ad una sola dimensione, per ritrovare il Senso del vivere all’interno di una comunità. 🎲 SENSO non è solo un podcast, è anche un gioco di carte in cui non c’è spazio per l'individualismo e lo spirito competitivo: si vince o si perde tutti insieme. La sua meccanica collaborativa lo rende imprevedibile e divertente, perfetto sia per le serate con gli amici, che per fare team building o educare alla cooperazione. Per saperne di più:



天子守国门,君王死社稷——题记 “那一夜我也曾梦见百万雄兵。” 明朝,我们纵看历史,和尚皇帝朱元璋横扫六合,建立明朝,而胡惟庸案的爆发,使得老朱废丞相,设三司。相权,作为中国古代对抗皇权的产物,在老朱的手上终止了。但存在即合理,消失的相权会以另外一种方式出现。惠文帝,小小少年怎么斗得过永乐帝。靖难之役,皇权顺利过度,修永乐大典、迁都北京、疏通大运河、郑和下西洋、五征漠北、征服安南。可能朱棣的精力不如老朱,太累了,于是,内阁出现了内阁,最终,内阁代表了丞相行使了相权。由于朱瞻基的存在,也就是蛐蛐皇帝。但他老爹,没什么能耐,在位不到一年便去世了,号仁宗。因为休养生息的缘故,仁宣之治也成为明朝初年的一大盛世。 “莫须有”杀掉了岳飞,“意欲”杀掉了于谦。 提起明朝,人们都会想起“太监”。没错,太监,就是除去皇帝和内阁的第三方势力。皇帝太小,文官集团势大,皇帝只能信任陪伴他们的太监,但由于某些皇帝的不作为, 太监成为了王朝的直接掌控者。朱祁镇就听信太监谗言,导致土木之变,明王朝一时间朝不保夕。在这个时候,于谦挽留了大明王朝,也就是著名的北京保卫战。也就是这段时间,哥哥变成太上皇,弟弟坐上了皇位,直至夺门之变,重新掌权,夺门功臣徐有贞以“意欲”立藩为由冤杀于谦。 “性格上的缺陷,往往来自于自身的过往经历。” 皇帝并不好当,朱见深由于各种原因,皇帝不喜,废而后立专宠年长 17 岁的万贵妃。万贵妃由于年龄无法生育,也吃不上葡萄说葡萄酸,不希望其他人吃葡萄。所以朱见深没有后代。这时候,一个吃百家饭穿百家衣的皇帝出现了,朱祐樘, 他在一群太监宫女的照顾下长大。在张敏,怀恩的保护下继位。他能活下来真是一个奇迹,简直充分说明了人性之善。童年时被人性的光辉环绕的朱佑樘,自然是一片感恩励精图治。不得不说,正是一些小人物的保护,才有了后来卓越的表现。但是历史会记住他们。但要说谁最会玩,还是要讲明武宗,号毅帝。 说它毅,他坚持热衷于玩,玩世不恭,以娱乐百官追求,个性解放。谥号武,因为玩,玩打仗, 有了明武宗大败蒙古小王子, 武宗杀一人的结果。百因必有果! “致良知,知行合一” 王守仁小朋友,非常热衷于做圣贤。他无心仕途,却总能在险恶官场化险为夷, 终身居高位。他是一介书生,却多次替朝廷平叛,从无败绩,成为明朝杰出的军事家之一。他一心想格物致知,终走向理学的对立面,创立心学,桃李满天下,成为儒学又一宗。参考朱熹朱圣人,守仁格竹,穷理格物。由于被贬,龙场顿悟,发觉,天理即是人欲。这时候,作为巡抚开始了江西剿匪, 剿着剿着发现,匪徒的背后是宁王朱宸濠(宸濠之乱),于是到了王守仁自己一生中最辉煌的时刻,宁王谋反,守仁平叛。王阳明,他继承了程朱理学,发扬了阳明心学。无善无恶心之体,有善有恶意之动。知善知恶是良知,为善去恶是格物。或许以后再看,还有新的理解,一生伏首拜阳明。 “嘉靖一朝,权臣辈出,更迭交替” 初来乍到的嘉靖陷入了大礼仪事件(认爹风波)。英明的嘉靖却很自私,在压制了百官势力之后没有励精图治,我要修道,我要长生,他的思维就是这么的简单,我长生不老了多好,天下永远是我的,没钱用严嵩,有钱就修道,也出现了党锢之争。而胡宗宪带领着徐渭和戚继光继续抗倭。第一清官海瑞的坚持,由于

قصص غريبة مسموعة


زهقان ؟ تحب تسمع قصة تخرجك من المود اللي انته فيه ؟ لا لا لأ, مش قصة واقعيه , قصة خيالية , ممكن تعتبرها حكايه من حكايات قبل النوم وبرده ممكن تسمعها و انت بتذاكر او تسمعها و انت بتتمشي او في الجيم او حتي وانت قاعد مع نفسك بتفكر في النظام المحكم المسيطر علي الكون , طيب القصص نوعها ايه ؟ هل هيه قصص رعب و جن و اشباح و لا قصص زومبي و مصاصين دماء و قتله متسلسلين , ولا يمكن قصص خيال علمي او قصص عن الدارك ويب ولا قصص رومانسيه ولا ايه بالظبط ؟ إحممم بص هوه انا مقدرش اضمنلك , ممكن تكون اي حاجه من الحاجات ديه, انت و حظك, اللي انا اقدر اضمنهولك ان القصة حتبقي غريبة


Harlan Guthrie

Do not fear the dark, fear what darkness brings... Arkham Private Investigator Arthur Lester wakes up with no memory of who he is or what has happened, only a nameless, eerie voice guiding him through the darkness. Blind, terrified, and confused, his journey will lead him towards a series of mysteries in the hopes of understanding the truth of what has transpired. As cosmic horrors seep into the world around, Arthur must ask himself whether this entity truly seeks to help him, or are its intentions more… Malevolent Malevolent is produced, written, edited, performed, scored & created by Harlan Guthrie. This podcast contains mature themes, explicit language, bodily horror, violence, otherworldly terror and death. Listener discretion is advised. Full transcripts of every episode are available here. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Phoebe Reads a Mystery

Vox Media Podcast Network

Phoebe reads a mystery novel. Our other shows are Criminal and This is Love.

The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Audio Drama

Michael Andrew Dinan

From the imagination of Tim Burton, comes "The Nightmare Before Christmas" in the form of an audio drama, fully immersing every listener into the world of Halloween Town. Follow Jack Skellington and his spiral into obsession with Christmas, with more than scary results. Date TBD Directed & Adapted By: Michael A. Dinan Broadwayman23...... Jack Skellington Thea Solone...... Sally Presto Pasta...... Dr. Finklestein, The Mayor, Lock, Various roles Bumbl3bee...... Shock, Various roles Michael A. Dinan...... Barrell, Various Roles Zharth...... The Oogie Boogie Man, Various roles Shane Davis...... Santa Claus (PLEASE NOTE: The following Audio Production is a fan-made project, & is made as a tribute to the 1993 film. No one involved within this production was paid, and is volunteer only. Also, no one involved holds any rights to "The Nightmare Before Christmas", the production, the original movie, & anything connected to the IP in anyway is owned by Walt Disney Pictures & Touchstone Pictures. The following content & other works on this channel fall under FAIR USE, and & SECTION 107 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT.)

Alice Isn't Dead

Night Vale Presents

A truck driver searches across America for the wife she had long assumed was dead. In the course of her search, she will encounter not-quite-human serial murderers, towns literally lost in time, and a conspiracy that goes way beyond one missing woman.

Poe: Evermore

Bloody FM

Poe: Evermore is a gothic horror podcast from Bloody Disgusting. Each week, we blend Edgar Allen Poe's actual life with his stories, characters, and the supernatural. Tune in, if you dare... New episodes every Thursday.

Terror para llevar


"Pride | Hablemos de Terror" es un canal de youtube dedicado a narrar historias de terror, creepypastas, etc. Aquí encontrarán esas historias en audio para que puedan escucharlas con facilidad donde quieran ^^ Este podcast se encuentra disponible en: Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts y muchos sitios más. No olviden seguirme en youtube para las más recientes historias y en mis redes sociales. Me pueden encontrar como YoSoyPride en: Twitch, Facebook, Twitter e Instagram. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Witch Farm

BBC Radio 4

It's 1989, rural Wales, a lonely old farmhouse in the shadow of the imposing Brecon Beacons mountains. Young, pregnant Liz Rich and her artist husband Bill rent an isolated farmhouse in the Welsh countryside, with Bill's teenage son Laurence. They're hoping for a fresh start, but the house holds dark secrets, and the family's new life becomes a terrifying ordeal that will change them forever. Their dream home has become a haunted nightmare - but what is real and what is in their minds? Written and presented by Danny Robins, creator of The Battersea Poltergeist, Uncanny and West End hit 2:22 - A Ghost Story, The Witch Farm stars Joseph Fiennes (The Handmaid's Tale) and Alexandra Roach (No Offence), with original theme music by Mercury Prize-nominated Gwenno. This 8-part series interweaves a terrifying supernatural thriller set in the wild Welsh countryside with a fascinating modern-day investigation into the real-life mystery behind what has been called Britain's most haunted house.

Mysteries at Midnight - Mystery Stories read in the soothing style of a bedtime story

Sleep Cove

Relax to Mysteries read in the soothing style of a bedtime story. Mysteries at Midnight is a Podcast exclusively dedicated to classic mystery stories featuring the likes of Agatha Christie's Poirot, Sherlock Holmes and Father Brown, as well as a whole array of other classic short story and novel mysteries. So, whether you want to sleep to a classic bedtime story or simply listen, Mysteries at Midnight is the Podcast for you. Brought to you by Sleep Cove the number one Sleep Podcast globally. So please get comfortable as Christopher reads a mystery.

Drew Blood's Dark Tales - A Horror Anthology and Scary Stories Podcast

Chilling Entertainment, LLC & Studio71

Drew Blood has a tale to tell. With immersive, full-production, and an indelible flavor all his own, you'll hear the finest horror in captivating fashion. For advertising opportunities please email   We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can:   Privacy Policy:

Tower 4

Bloody FM

Mike Archer is a newly appointed fire watcher in the Wyoming woods. While he's never done anything like this before, he needed something new after his mom passed. Now he hopes to spend his days in a tower above the trees looking for fires and working on his new book. But things aren't as quiet and peaceful as he hoped. Strange interference blasts over his radio at night and he starts seeing and hearing creepy noises in the woods. But are these odd occurrences actually happening or is he just going stir crazy?

Gli uomini per essere liberi - Sandro Pertini il Presidente


reading teatrale sulla figura di Sandro Pertini

Re: Dracula

Bloody FM

Re: Dracula takes the famous horror tale, breaks it up chronologically (every entry of this epistolary novel has a date), and sends the story directly to your podcatcher as it happens. Every time something happens to the characters, Re: Dracula will publish an episode, in as close to real time as it happens. Some entries will be brief, and others will be long and intense.

Spicy ASMR by Dipsea


Ready for a romantic audio escape? Explore a whole new world of sounds with Spicy ASMR. This podcast is intended for adult listeners and headphones are highly recommended. If you can’t wait to hear more, you can use promo code SPICYASMR or go to to get 30 days free.

Otis Jiry's Scary Stories Told in the Dark: A Horror Anthology Series

Chilling Entertainment, LLC & Studio71

A multiple story, horror-themed audio storytelling podcast, spun-off from Chilling Tales for Dark Nights and its popular YouTube channel of the same name. The show features master storyteller Otis Jiry, and the work of dozens of independent and previously-published contributing authors. Find this and our other great programs at: We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can:  For advertising opportunities please email    Privacy Policy:

红楼梦 原著 全文 有声书 男中音YZ


第一回 甄士隐梦幻识通灵 贾雨村风尘怀闺秀 第二回 贾夫人仙逝扬州城 冷子兴演说荣国府 第三回 托内兄如海酬训教 接外孙贾母惜孤女 第四回 薄命女偏逢薄命郎 葫芦僧乱判葫芦案 。。。。 第一百一十九回 中乡魁宝玉却尘缘 沐皇恩贾家延世泽 第一百二十回 甄士隐详说太虚情 贾雨村归结红楼梦

Nuremberg: The Trial of the Nazi War Criminals

BBC Radio 4

The story of the trial of the most notorious Nazi war criminals through dramatic reconstruction, telling it from ground-level up, through the eyes of a Russian interpreter, the American prison psychologist, a French reporter, the British Court Liaison Officer and others from the thousands of individuals tasked with fighting 'the last battle of WWII'. Starring Natalie Dormer, Freddie Fox, Kate Phillips, Alex Kingston, Ed Stoppard and Henry Goodman.

We’re Alive: Scout’s Honor

Wayland Productions Inc

Lord of the Flies, meets Zombies…. Stranded on Catalina Island after the outbreak, a small group of Venture Scouts confront the “Infected", testing their mettle and the strength of their friendships. This immersive audio drama is a heart-pounding blend of horror and adventure as these preteens, armed with only determination and their Scout Rules, navigate the rugged island, discovering the essence of courage and sacrifice in the face of an apocalypse. Bonds are tested, innocence is lost, and the scout motto “Stay Alert, Stay Alive” takes on a whole new, dark significance in this stand-alone new audio drama from the creators of We’re Alive. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Rebel Robin: Surviving Hawkins (A Stranger Things Podcast)


October, 1983. There’s a monster lurking in Hawkins, Indiana. Chewing people up, spitting them out, changing them in terrible ways. Yet for some reason, everyone is acting like it's all perfectly normal. Except for Robin Buckley. She alone knows exactly what this monster’s name is: Hawkins High School. Starring Maya Hawke as Robin and Sean Maher as her favorite teacher, Mr. Hauser, Surviving Hawkins is the podcast companion to the YA novel, Stranger Things: Rebel Robin, by A.R. Capetta. Written and Directed by Lauren Shippen.

CreepsMcPasta Creepypasta Radio

Creeps McPasta

'Creepypastas' are the urban legends of the internet. A new age of horror told through digital word of mouth.

Sezione Mitologia

Biblioteca dei Passi Perduti

Hai smarrito la strada inseguendo un sogno e ora ti trovi in una strana biblioteca, ma non preoccuparti: presto una guida ti condurrà fra questi scaffali polverosi, fino ad un luogo sicuro, e lì ti terrà compagnia con racconti di tempi lontani, dimenticati dall'uomo! Chiudi gli occhi, indossa gli auricolari, e immergiti in un mondo di miti e leggende. ► CHI SIAMO - Interpretato da: Filippo Carrozzo ( - Scrittura e sound design: Federico Gallinari ( - Illustrazione in copertina: Linda Aquaro ( ► CONTATTI Vuoi inviarci un messaggio? Utilizza il seguente link per avere un contatto diretto con noi: ► VUOI SUPPORTARCI? Consiglia questo podcast agli amici. Non ti chiediamo altro.

Sapphic Stories - Spicy WLW Fiction


Sapphic Stories is the spicy fiction podcast for queer women. Each season features a new storyline, swoon-worthy characters, and enough spice to keep you hooked. Lose yourself in a world of sapphic romance. This podcast is for adults only, so headphones are highly recommended. Can’t wait till the next episode drops? Want more WLW romance? Get access to 1,000+ original audiobooks on the Dipsea app. Use promo code SAPPHIC or go to to get 30 days free.

Life Lines

BBC Radio 4

Al Smith's award-winning series set in an ambulance control room.

WDR Hörspiel-Speicher

Westdeutscher Rundfunk

Hörspiele ohne Ende: Literatur, aktuelle Storys und spannende Geschichten - hört doch, was ihr wollt! Serien und Doku-Fictions mit prominenten Stimmen, bekannten Büchern und besonderen Themen. Lasst das Durchhören beginnen. // Holt euch jede Woche Tipps von unserem Team: // Schickt uns Feedback an:

Visionaries Audio Drama

Richard Seneque

In the year 2185, the world is distinguished by two races – the Visionaries and the Dead-eye slaves. The Visionary race is the next step in human evolution. They have unique eyes which endows them with special abilities. Humans unable to evolve are slaves to the Visionaries because of their powerless eyes. These Dead-eye slaves open rebellion against the Visionaries.

Nazis: The Road to Power

BBC Radio 4

The story of how in just 13 years, Hitler led a fringe sect with less than a hundred members and outlandish ideas to be the dominant force in German politics.

Chilling Tales for Dark Nights: A Horror Anthology and Scary Stories Series Podcast

Chilling Entertainment, LLC & Studio71

Chilling Tales for Dark Nights is a horror fiction anthology podcast, with each weekly episode featuring several creepy tales from talented authors, brought to life by professional voice actors, and accompanied by SFX and music. For advertising opportunities please email   We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can:  Privacy Policy:

Soft Voice


Lydia was perfect, because Soft Voice told her exactly what to do and what to say. But one day, Soft Voice left. SOFT VOICE is an immersive audiodrama about imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and self-loathing starring Naomi Scott, Bel Powley and Olivia Cooke, written and directed by James Bloor.



某男 星眸微眯,“姑娘,我们是否在哪里见过?”   某女眼角一抽,“怎么可能,小女子从未踏出这大山半步。”   某男摇头,“不对,你很像我一个故人。”   某女否认,“小女子从未接触过陌生人。”  



【强烈推荐】 本书由喜马拉雅授权播出,正版免费。 多人有声剧 短篇古代言情 【作品简介】 洞房花烛,沐锦欢看着自家王爷相公,嫣然一笑。“相公,光明正大娶不到便使手段,不太好吧?”七王爷笑的更加嫣然:“非也非也,为了能娶到娘子这般‘贤妻’,耍耍王爷的牌子也是必要的!” 【作者】阿小呆 【主播简介】 多人小说剧:参与人员如下 KK四姑娘----------旁白 沐锦欢 城北九爷-----------洛云绝 庄非离 等 悦音漫漫-----------韵梅 赵贵妃 等 七加一的戒-------叶芊芊 丫鬟 等 咪言啸语----------绿漪 亦娉婷 等 圣人座下----------莫不凡 剑尘 等 君宝宝-------------萧清 剑云 等 城北小乔----------曹中雅 苏春姚 等 汐瑶姑娘----------汐念瑶 竺雨菲 等 铃儿响你个叮当----------剑雨 从安 等 闻道秀秀----------赵绯衣 小皇帝 等 梦回瑾年----------洛意君 恭亲王 等 轻声飞语----------审听 来呀,订阅评论打call 走起!



号外号外!精品有声书《总裁追妻太凶猛》已加急上线,欢迎大家收听,更多优质有声作品制作中,希望大家能够喜欢! 长篇免费穿越古言甜宠腹黑双播剧,星空文学倾力制作,每日8点准时更新,不定时加更!欢迎订阅分享好评! 作品简介: 21世纪的女法医,一穿越就惹了一个帅男人。 不仅跳入杀人的迷案,还丑得惊天地泣鬼神。 生父不喜,姐妹伪善,太子毁婚! 那能怎么办?当然是重操旧业,披荆斩棘的活下去! 气死渣爹,手撕白莲花,踹掉渣男,破尽奇案,从此走上人生巅峰。 喂,那个妖孽的男人是怎么回事? 嫌她身材!嫌她脸丑! 却又总会缠上来! 她对他怒吼,滚滚滚,老娘的世界不需要男人! 作者简介: 王妃凉凉,星空文学网女频作者,古言穿越资深写手,代表作品《法医丑妃:王爷,晚上见》,《法医王妃:我给王爷养包子》 主播简介: 猴十四&乔木

رادیو جاده | داستان و نمایش های صوتی

رضا صفوی

به دنیای رنگارنگ قصه ها خوش آمدید. رادیو جاده پادکستی نمایشی است که در ژانرهای عاشقانه، طنز، مهیج، ترسناک، جنایی و رازآلود، شبیه به فیلمی سینمایی بر پرده ی ذهن شما نقش میبندد. نمایش های این کانال برای افراد کمتر از پانزده سال مناسب نمی باشد. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Think Fast

DWM | Realm

Finley is a normal teenager; she stresses about school, boys, and her future. But when she gets the power to think fast, nothing in her life will be the same again. She might find this ability useful at first, but she will soon learn that having superpowers can be just as stressful as real life. Subscribe or follow the show today. Think Fast contains mature language, content and themes. Brought to you by Realm and Dayton Writers Movement. Created by the makers of The Hidden People podcast. #AudioDrama #FictionPodcast #DaytonWritersMovement For more information about the show, visit رادیو شعر پارسی

محمد مصدق

سلام دوستان همراه.......شاعران پارسی زحمات زیادی جهت خلق اشعار بی نظیر و بی بدیل پارسی نمودند اما به دلایل مختلف از جمله ضیق وقت در جهان مدرن امروز بسیاری از این آثار خارج از دسترس دوستداران فرهنگ و ادبیات فارسی قرار گرفته است . در این پادکست سعی براین است تا بقدر بضاعت از این سرچشمه ی عسل نوشیده به دوستداران شعر و غرل بنیوشانم .💖💖 محمد مصدق فروردین ۹۹ کانال تلگرام جهت دسترسی به فایلهای صوتی : تماس با ادمین :



Il 18 gennaio del 2017 durante le operazioni di svuotamento del Lago di Molveno, emerge un corpo; è quello di una donna, ma i tratti sono irriconoscibili. L’unico elemento distintivo è che addosso le è stato trovato un vestito da damigella, con un’enorme gonna rossa orlata di pizzo.

The Forgotten Detectives of Old Time Radio

Adam Graham Radio Detective Podcasts

What do a Prohibition-era Speak-easy clarinetist, a boys school headmaster who looks like William Shakespeare, a piano player, and a criminologist have in common with tough cops, an assistant DA, private eyes, and defense attorneys? They're all among the forgotten detectives of old time radio. Join your host Adam Graham and rediscover these long-forgotten programs. Some of them may have aired for years, others for a single Summer, but all have left less than ten episodes behind. Together we'll take a listen to these obscure crime solvers. Note: This is part of the larger Great Detectives of Old Time Radio podcast.

Guerra 3

Podium Podcast

Jimena Torres (Adriana Ugarte) es una experimentada reportera de guerra que, tras años intentándolo, por fin consigue un permiso para entrar en Corea del Norte. La periodista pretende desenmascarar lo que ocurre bajo la superficie del país más opaco del mundo.

The Heresies Of Radulf Burntwine

Zachary Golden

A Horror anthology and medical mystery. Contained herein are The Heresies of Radulf Burntwine. Follow the Titular monk-turned-medical-investigator as he uncovers the blasphemous truth of a plague ridden world: ours is not a loving God and we are not its favored children.

June's Journey: The Lost Diaries


An all new June's Journey story... Autumn Driver is living an unremarkable existence as a 30-something in the 21st century. Trapped in a job she hates and a lackluster love life, she finds solace, wisdom, and a little rebellion in an old, dusty diary from her great-grandmother, June Parker. She discovers that things weren’t so different in the 1930s, and that a woman from another era can help us navigate the problems of the modern age. Play the #1 Hidden Object Game for free on all mobile and tablet devices. Search for "June's Journey" on any app store!


Tercera Frecuencia Podcast

Podcast dedicado a la creación de contenido paranormal. Historias, leyendas, mitos y eventos perturbadores serán narrados por nuestro equipo especializado

پادکستِ هرروز

Harrooz Team

هرروز می تونی به این فکر کنی که تا هدفت چه قدر فاصله داری ؟ چه کار خلاقانه ای از دستت بر میاد؟ چه قدر اونجوری که دلت می خواد زندگی می کنی ؟ اصلا چه قدر خودتی ؟ هرروز منتظر اتفاقای جدید باش منتظر ایده های نو هرروز می تونه همون روز بزرگی باشه که دنبالشی

Il Canto di Natale

Bottega Miller

Raccolti Festival presenta "Il Raccolto di Natale". Da un'idea di Alessandro Barbaglia, una staffetta di lettura del Canto di Natale di Charles Dickens con 14 voci eccellenti degli amici del Festival a cura di Raccolti Festival Ideazione: Alessandro Barbaglia Supervisione: Matteo Bellizzi Coordinamento: Lara Giorcelli Social: Massimo Benedetti Grafica: Eugenia Brini Musica: Carlot-ta


Marco Trabucchi

Le storie di persone, in bilico tra la vita e la morte, che sono rimaste in piedi grazie ad una resilienza fuori dal comune, guidate dal più primordiale degli istinti. di Marco Trabucchi

The Milkman of St. Gaff's

Christopher Scott McClure

Lovecraft meets Kafka in this serialized fantasy/horror podcast about Howie, a troubled young man who joins the milkmen on the island of St. Gaff’s, only to discover that the milkmen harbor a dark and dangerous secret. Be sure to start with episode one! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Camlann - An Audio Drama

Tin Can Audio

Camlann is a post-apocalyptic fantasy by Ella Watts from Tin Can Audio. It’s a serialised fiction podcast inspired by folklore and Arthurian legends. Alternatively - it’s about three idiots and a dog in Wales, fighting for their lives. This series was funded by Creative Scotland and the Inevitable Foundation.

The Phosphene Catalogue

Tris Oaten

An urban fantasy podcast of tape recordings by the curator of a secretive London-based art auction house. The Phosphene Catalogue is a 1970s mail-order catalogue, specialising in those items that cannot be sold at other auction houses: Paintings of lost origin, statues that are too grotesque for public display, and books better left unread... Episodes fortnightly.

The Goblet Wire

Ester Ellis

A surreal MicroFiction Podcast. "A role playing game hums within a global network of power lines, fiber optic cables and obsolete satellites. Players who gain access to this mysterious phenomenon create a projection and are guided by the Dictator to realms not yet known to the conscious mind."

Batman: Stained Heir

Jason Ortega

Batman: Stained Heir is a non-profit fan-made audio drama written by Jason Ortega based on the characters created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger. The story follows Batman as he tackles The Executioner and faces a crumbling relationship with Jason Todd following his run as The Red Hood. Stained Heir has no affiliation with Bob Kane, Bill Finger, or DC Comics. Follow the creator on instagram @jasonomarortega

The Tower

Tin Can Audio

A young woman leaves behind her isolated, suffocating existence to climb The Tower, an abandoned relic of a forgotten age, built by a proud king who wanted to rule the sky as well as the land. It stretches up into the sky, through the smog. An experimental audio drama series from Tin Can Audio. Official Selection - Miami Web Series Festival 2022 Official Selection - Apulia Web Fest 2022 Official Selection - New Jersey Web Festival 2022 Official Selection - Minnesota WebFest 2022 Official Selection - New Zealand WebFest 2022 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Gioca Mistero

Indagini radiofoniche ambientate nel mondo di Gioca Mistero!

Gap Time

Gap Time

Conversations with Ali and Ghazaal on miscellaneous topics

Les Maîtres du mystère


"Les Maîtres du mystère" sont en pause estivale. Nous vous donnons rendez-vous le 10 septembre, avec de nouvelles énigmes. Version restaurée de la plus connue des fictions radiophoniques. Retrouvez un nouvel épisode chaque mardi, à 21h. Émission culte de la radio française, “Les Maîtres du mystère” ont captivé chaque mardi soir des millions d’auditeurs fidèles de 1957 à 1965. L'émission de Pierre Billard et Germaine Beaumont profitait alors de la mode du polar, à une époque où la télévision n'était pas encore implantée dans tous les foyers. Une pléiade de comédiens, Rosy Varte, Michel Bouquet, Roger Carel, Jean Topart… y ont joué dans des adaptations de classiques de la littérature policière et des récits inédits. Son générique reconnaissable entre tous, composé par André Popp, a contribué au succès de la plus célèbre série radiophonique d’histoires à suspense.

People Who Knew Me

BBC Radio 5 Live

Emily Morris uses 9/11 to fake her own death and run away to start a new life in California as Connie Prynne. Fourteen years later, now with a teenage daughter by her side, Connie is diagnosed with breast cancer. She will be forced to confront her past so that her daughter will not be left on her own if she does not survive. She must decide how to explain her lies, her secrets, her selfish decisions - and ultimately her 'widowed' husband. Everything she thought she had fled from when she pretended to die in New York. Starring Rosamund Pike and Hugh Laurie, Kyle Soller, Isabella Sermon and Alfred Enoch. The first audio drama from the makers of Bad Sisters, People Who Knew Me is a 10-part series, written and directed by Daniella Isaacs, adapted from the book by Kim Hooper. Written and Directed by Daniella Isaacs Adapted from the original novel and Consulting Produced by Kim Hooper Produced by Joshua Buckingham A Merman / Mermade production for BBC Radio 5 Live & BBC Sounds


Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)

Das ist SRF Hörspiel: Ob als aktuelles Dialekt-Hörspiel, als rasant inszenierter Radio-Krimi oder als intimes Hörstück, es erwarten Sie überraschende Hörgeschichten.      

Crystal Blue

Bloody FM

Crystal Blue is a sci-fi audio drama about fifteen military outcasts that evade dishonorable discharge and are instead sent to a remote grouping of planets known as the Theras. Thera II houses the base known as Crystal Blue, where each member is forced to work a specific job such as building air purifier towers, maintaining the base, or monitoring space travel. It's a boring job, but someone as to do it. But things get crazy when a mysterious shuttle crash lands on the planet, holding some secret information about an alien race. An alien race that has not been in contact with humans for centuries. What could this mean for the members of Crystal Blue?! Listen and find out!!


BBC Radio 4

The Limelight podcast - for fiction and drama serials you won't want to miss from Radio 4.




Hakkenden - Il racconto dei cani dell'Est


Hakkenden, il racconto dei cani dell'Est, narra la storia di alcuni giovani samurai e delle difficili scelte che si troveranno a dover fare. Il primo atto, intitolato "La prima estate" racconta dei pochi giorni vissuti da questi aspiranti samurai sull'isola di Haganeshima, un luogo progettato per metterli alla prova e per spremerli fino in fondo, così da testare la loro tenacia e la loro capacità di adattarsi alle situazioni più scomode. Nonostante la loro permanenza sull'isola duri solo pochi giorni, lascerà un segno indelebile nelle vite di tutti loro...

Short Story

BBC Radio 4

Brand new stories, from today’s best writers written exclusively for Radio 4 – the home of the Short Story Radio 4 is the world’s leading commissioner of new short stories. Expect excellent writing from the hottest names offering compelling snapshots of the way we live now, produced by the experts behind the BBC National Short Story Award and other in-house readings teams.

Happy Ending

Tamara Fagnocchi

“Se non sono speciale perché sto così male?” - si interroga la protagonista, una donna che a 40 anni affronta il suo più grande e imprevisto fallimento sentimentale. In una commedia dai toni irriverenti, rincorrendo a tutti i costi il suo happy ending, lei farà i conti con le tante voci della sua testa che le parlano, stretta dai sensi di colpa, dalle attorcigliate dinamiche familiari, dalle ossessioni compulsive e dagli incontri improbabili che le capitano. Cercando di rialzarsi, ma facendo più danni di prima, si ritrova in una giostra sempre squilibrata di emozioni, creme caramel divorati, magici cottonfioc e poveri piccioni, alla ricerca della leggerezza. Perché solo così si possono raccontare (e forse vivere) le storie difficili.

Crónicas Obscuras


Existe una frontera entre la fantasía y la realidad que se desdibuja para alimentar nuestro miedo, donde lo imposible es impredecible y el terror es espejo de tu realidad. Estas son nuestras Crónicas Obscuras, una serie de terror en podcast altamente inmersiva, producida por Sonoro. Este diciembre, Crónicas Obscuras lleva el terror a donde nunca creíste posible... A la Navidad. Adéntrate más en este mundo de terror entrando a: Conoce más de Sonoro y síguenos en nuestras redes sociales: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
