Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas

Sean Carroll | Wondery

Ever wanted to know how music affects your brain, what quantum mechanics really is, or how black holes work? Do you wonder why you get emotional each time you see a certain movie, or how on earth video games are designed? Then you’ve come to the right place. Each week, Sean Carroll will host conversations with some of the most interesting thinkers in the world. From neuroscientists and engineers to authors and television producers, Sean and his guests talk about the biggest ideas in science, philosophy, culture and much more.

Entropy - Das Universum als Podcast

Entropy, Roma Perezogin

Entropy - Der wissenschaftliche Podcast. Faszinieren dich die Sterne? Fasziniert dich das Universum? Fragst du dich immer wieder mal, wie das alles funktioniert? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Schalt' ein für den Wissenschafts-Podcast! Aber wer steckt hinter Entropy? LInk zum Youtube-Kanal, auf dem die Hauptfolgen hochgeladen werden:

ALLwissen - Große Fragen, kurze Antworten

ALLwissen Podcast

ALLwissen ist ein Podcast zu großen Fragen aus dem Bereich Physik. Warum ist der Himmel blau? Warum ist das All so kalt? Und warum sehen wir nie die Rückseite des Mondes? Fragen wie diese werden in unserem Podcast so einfach und kurz wie möglich beantwortet.

Die großen Rätsel der modernen Physik

Alexander Wolf

In diesem Podcast sprechen wir über die großen Rätsel und offenen Fragen der modernen Physik. Über Raum und Zeit, den Inhalt des Universums, seinen Anfang und sein Ende, über Wahrheit und Schönheit. Wir, das sind Thomas Naumann, viele Jahre Professor für Teilchenphysik an der Uni Leipzig und Physiker am Deutschen Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY sowie am Europäischen Zentrum für Kernforschung CERN in Genf sowie Buchautor, und Alexander Wolf, Ex-Physiker, Physiklehrer und Podcaster. Neu hinzugekommen ist Sven Ramelow, Quantenoptiker und Emmy-Noether Gruppenleiter an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.

Spacewalk with Everyday Astronaut

Tim Dodd

The Origins Podcast with Lawrence Krauss

Lawrence M. Krauss

The Origins Podcast features in-depth conversations with some of the most interesting people in the world about the issues that impact all of us in the 21st century. Host, theoretical physicist, lecturer, and author, Lawrence M. Krauss, will be joined by guests from a wide range of fields, including science, the arts, and journalism. The topics discussed on The Origins Podcast reflect the full range of the human experience - exploring science and culture in a way that seeks to entertain, educate, and inspire.

Hiçbir Şey Tesadüf Değil

Podbee Media

İnsanlık tarihini değiştiren bazı keşifler sanki bir rastlantıymış gibi anlatılır. Halbuki hiçbir şey tesadüf değil. İşte biz de bu yüzden buradayız. Cengiz Çalışkan, nam-ı diğer Bebar Bilim ve Podbee Media'nın beraber hazırladığı ve bu podcast serisinde bizi bugüne getiren tüm bilimsel, kültürel, toplumsal dönüm noktalarından geçeceğimiz büyük bir yolculuğa çıkıyoruz.

Quanta Science Podcast

Quanta Magazine

Listen to Quanta Magazine's in-depth news stories about developments in mathematics, theoretical physics, theoretical computer science and the basic life sciences. Quanta, an editorially independent magazine published by the Simons Foundation, seeks to enhance public understanding of basic research. Read more at You've learned from Quanta. Now we want to learn from you! Quanta is conducting a series of surveys to better serve our audience. Take our podcast listener survey and you will be entered to win a free Quanta book, t-shirt or tote bag:

Math & Physics Podcast

Parker Levesque, Rayhan Walia

Two University of Toronto students in the math and physics program discuss interesting topics in the field.

Why This Universe?

Dan Hooper, Shalma Wegsman

The biggest ideas in physics, broken down. Join theoretical physicist Dan Hooper and co-host Shalma Wegsman as they answer your questions about dark matter, black holes, quantum mechanics, and more. Part of The University of Chicago Podcast Network.

Physics World Stories Podcast

Physics World

Physics is full of captivating stories, from ongoing endeavours to explain the cosmos to ingenious innovations that shape the world around us. In the Physics World Stories podcast, Andrew Glester talks to the people behind some of the most intriguing and inspiring scientific stories. Listen to the podcast to hear from a diverse mix of scientists, engineers, artists and other commentators. Find out more about the stories in this podcast by visiting the Physics World website. If you enjoy what you hear, then also check out the Physics World Weekly podcast, a science-news podcast presented by our award-winning science journalists.



Du wolltest schon immer Astronaut werden? Raumfahrt ist Dein Lieblingsthema? Ja, wir leben in einer mega spannenden Zeit und Elon Musk hat mit SpaceX die gesamte Industrie auf den Kopf gestellt. Oder sollten wir besser sagen: endlich senkrecht gestellt? (: Auch ich wollte als kleiner Junge Astronaut werden. Seit Jahren verbringe ich unzählige Stunden auf YouTube und sauge alles auf zum Thema Raumfahrt. Auf SENKRECHTSTARTER gibt es zwei mal die Woche neue Videos über Raketentechnik und Neuigkeiten aus der Raumfahrt. Viel Spaß mit der Zukunft der Raumfahrt. Immer schön senkrecht bleiben! Dein Mo

Easy Physics

Easy Physics

"Easy Physics" is a podcast that delves into the bizarre and fascinating world of this amazing science. Join us as we use humor and plain language to explore many foundamental principles, and learn about each one of them in a few minutes. From particles that exist in multiple places at once to the immensity of the cosmos, we'll take a lighthearted look at the most mind-bending concepts in physics. If you like this podcast, please consider buying me a coffee at! Your donations allow me to continue this amazing project! Note: This podcast is generated and spoken by AI. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Shirtloads of Science

Dr Karl Kruszelnicki

Dr Karl’s a curious optimist – a great combination for a science lover. Join him and his guests for weird facts, amazing conversation and remember, it’s never too late for a happy childhood.

The Turing Podcast

The Alan Turing Institute

The Turing Podcast is an exciting new podcast from The Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s national institute for data science and artificial intelligence.

Conversations at the Perimeter

Perimeter Institute

Conversations at the Perimeter will introduce you to brilliant researchers working at the forefront of science, seeking to solve nature’s deepest mysteries – from quantum to cosmos. Learn about their motivations, the challenges they encounter, and the drive that keeps them searching for answers. Join the conversation!

Palabra Plena, con Gabriel Rolón


Physik an der TU Braunschweig

Physik Podcast

Der Physik Podcast der TU Braunschweig: In unserem Podcast möchten wir das Physik-Studium an der TU Braunschweig vorstellen, persönliche Eindrücke zeigen und Studierende und Mitarbeiter*innen zu Wort kommen lassen. Ihr wollt hören, was Studierende aus verschiedenen Semestern beschäftigt und was im Physik-Studium auf einen zu kommt? Dann hört in unseren Physik-Podcast rein.

Relativity: The Special & General Theory

Albert Einstein

This is an introduction to Einstein’s space-bending, time-stretching theory of Relativity, written by the master himself. Special and General relativity explain the structure of space time and provide a theory of gravitation, respectively. Einstein’s theories shocked the world with their counterintuitive results, including the dissolution of absolute time. In this book he brings a simplified form of his profound understanding of the subject to the layperson. In the words of Einstein: “The present book is intended, as far as possible, to give an exact insight into the theory of Relativity to those readers who, from a general scientific and philosophical point of view, are interested in the theory, but who are not conversant with the mathematical apparatus of theoretical physics.” The book is challenging at times but, when approached patiently, proves itself one of the most lucid explanations of Relativity to be found anywhere. [Due to transcription or optical character recognition errors in creating online texts, and because of less-than-clear fonts in some printed texts, the variables as read in some of the equations here are not as Einstein intended. For example, the numeral ‘one’ has frequently been printed and read as the letter ‘I.’ In addition, some equations do not translate well into the spoken word. If you require completely accurate renditions of Einstein’s mathematical formulas, we suggest that you consult a published text.] View our full collection of podcasts at our website: or YouTube channel: This is a Librivox Recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain.

Initial Conditions: A Physics History Podcast

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

Initial conditions provide the context in which physics happens. Likewise, in Initial Conditions: a Physics History Podcast, we provide the context in which physical discoveries happened. We dive into the collections of the Niels Bohr Library & Archives at the American Institute of Physics to uncover the unexpected stories behind the physics we know. Through these stories, we hope to challenge the conventional history of what it means to be a physicist.

A Little Light Listening

IPIC, The SFI Centre for Photonics

A Little Light Listening is a new podcast by IPIC, The SFI Centre for Photonics, where we cover the latest developments in light-based science and technology. This regular podcast features STEM and non-STEM experts from Ireland and around the world. We explore a broad range of technology areas including how light is used in medicine, space and communications.

Beyond our Universe - Ein Podcast des P-Seminar-Teams des Gymnasiums Fürstenried

Turning Points in der Geschichte der Physik

Wir, das P-Seminar Turning Points in der Geschichte der Physik, haben uns mit den Fragen des Multiversums auseinander gesetzt und beantworten sie in unserem Podcast auf eine lustige aber dennoch informative Art. Mithilfe des BRs erstellten wir, 12 SchülerInnen des Gymnasiums Fürstenried, die Podcastfolge „Beyond our Universe “ und würden uns freuen, wenn ihr mal reinhört!


Alan Zamboni

Curiuss è un canale di divulgazione scientifica che si occupa di storia della scienza, in particolare Fisica e Astronomia.

Physics World Weekly Podcast

Physics World

Physics World Weekly offers a unique insight into the latest news, breakthroughs and innovations from the global scientific community. Our award-winning journalists reveal what has captured their imaginations about the stories in the news this week, which might span anything from quantum physics and astronomy through to materials science, environmental research and policy, and biomedical science and technology. Find out more about the stories in this podcast by visiting the Physics World website. If you enjoy what you hear, then also check out our monthly podcast Physics World Stories, which takes a more in-depth look at a specific theme.

The Amp Hour Electronics Podcast

The Amp Hour (Chris Gammell and David L Jones)

Chris Gammell and Dave Jones' voices span the chasm of thousands of miles each and every week to speak to each other and industry experts about where the field of electronics is moving. Whether it be a late breaking story about a large semiconductor manufacturer, a new piece of must-have test equipment or just talking through recent issues with their circuit designs, Chris and Dave try to make electronics more accessible for the listeners. Most importantly, they try and make the field of electronics more fun. Guests range from advanced hobbyists working on exciting new projects up through C-level executives at a variety of relevant and innovative companies. Tune in to learn more about electronics and then join the conversation! Visit The Amp Hour website for our back catalog of 150+ episodes.

The New Quantum Era

Sebastian Hassinger & Kevin Rowney

Your hosts, Sebastian Hassinger and Kevin Rowney, interview brilliant research scientists, software developers, engineers and others actively exploring the possibilities of our new quantum era. We will cover topics in quantum computing, networking and sensing, focusing on hardware, algorithms and general theory. The show aims for accessibility - neither of us are physicists! - and we'll try to provide context for the terminology and glimpses at the fascinating history of this new field as it evolves in real time.

Physics Frontiers

Jim Rantschler

Jim Rantschler and Randy Morrison discuss physics from elementary particles to cosmological effects at the limits of our theoretical knowledge or have recently emerged. 

Nonlocal: a quantum computing podcast

Vincent Russo, William Slofstra, and Henry Yuen

This podcast takes you behind the scenes into the world of quantum computing research: through conversations with researchers, we explore the latest and most exciting ideas in the field. The podcast is aimed at anyone interested in quantum computing. About the hosts: Vincent Russo ( has a PhD in computer science. Software engineer by day and quantum engineer by night. William Slofstra ( is a mathematician at the University of Waterloo. Henry Yuen ( is a computer scientist at Columbia University.

The Joy of x

Steven Strogatz and Quanta Magazine

The acclaimed mathematician and author Steven Strogatz interviews some of the world's leading scientists about their lives and work. You've learned from Quanta. Now we want to learn from you! Quanta is conducting a series of surveys to better serve our audience. Take our podcast listener survey and you will be entered to win a free Quanta book, t-shirt or tote bag:

Physik des Alltags leicht erklärt


Elektromagnetische Induktion

The Hifi Podcast with Darren and Duncan

Duncan Taylor, Darren Myers

Hi-Fi engineer Darren Myers (Parasound) and marketing guy Duncan Taylor (YG Acoustics) discuss all things HiFi audio, covering such audiophile topics as speakers, amplifiers, DACs, preamplifiers, vinyl, cables, music, stereo soundstages, tweaks, adjustments and a whole lot more.

FillCast | فیل کست


داستان فیل در تاریکی مولوی را احتمالا شنیده باشید. داستان فیلی که توی یه اتاق تاریک ایستاده و مردمی که به عمرشون فیل رو ندیدن با دست زدن به بخشی از بدنش، یه نظر متفاوت درباره ماهیتش می‌ده. یکی دست به گوش فیل می‌کشه و می‌گه این یه بادبزنه، یکی دست به پاهاش می‌زنه و میگه دارم به یه ستون عظیم دست می‌زنم. ماهیت واقعی فیل رو هیچ‌کس نمی‌دونه، چون نوری توی اتاق وجود نداره که تمام بدن فیل رو نشون بده. شبیه این اتفاق توی زندگی روزمره ما هم می‌افته. مردم یک پدیده عجیب رو می‌بینن که ماهیتش رو نمی‌شناسن و شروع می‌کنن به نظر دادن درباره ماهیت اون پدیده. گاهی این نظر گسترش پیدا می‌کنه و اون‌قدر بزرگ می‌شه که تعداد زیادی از مردم بهش باور پیدا می‌کنن، بدون این که تلاش کنن اتاق رو روشن کنن و واقعیت فیل رو ببینن. کاری که توی فیل‌کست قراره انجام بدیم انداختن نور روی فیل و نشون دادن ماهیت اون براساس شواهد و فکت‌های علمیه. فیل‌کست حاصل چندین ماه ماه بحث و تبادل نظر چندتا دوسته که تصمیم گرفتن بعد از مدت‌ها دوباره برگردن به کاری که بی‌اندازه دوستش دارن، یعنی نقد شبه‌علم. توی فیل‌کست قراره در اتاق‌های تاریک رو یک به یک باز کنیم و نظرهای مختلف رو درباره موجودی که داخل اتاق ایستاده بشنویم. بعد چراغی رو روشن کنیم که ماهیت اون موجود رو بهمون نشون بده. چراغی به اسم فکت و شواهد علمی که سایه‌های اسرارآمیز رو کنار می‌زنه و موجود داخل اتاق رو اونجوری که واقعا هست بهمون نشون میده...

Great Mysteries of Physics

The Conversation

Host Miriam Frankel delves into some of the great mysteries still puzzling the world's top physicists in this new series from The Conversation. This podcast will take you on a mind-blowing journey from the smallest to the largest conundrums, exploring curled-up dimensions, consciousness and parallel universes on the way. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Fire Science Show

Wojciech Wegrzynski

Fire Science Show is connecting fire researchers and practitioners with a society of fire engineers, firefighters, architects, designers and all others, who are genuinely interested in creating a fire-safe future. Through interviews with a diverse group of experts, we present the history of our field as well as the most novel advancements. We hope the Fire Science Show becomes your weekly source of fire science knowledge and entertainment. Produced in partnership with the Diamond Sponsor of the show - OFR Consultants

THIS IS Quantum Technology - Thales Group

Thales Group

Just as we are starting to understand the real potential of the digital revolution, along comes the next one – this time driven by quantum technology. It will be highly disruptive, opening the floodgates to spectacular and bewildering applications that we can barely imagine right now. In this podcast, Marko Erman, Chief Scientific Officer at Thales, explores the fascinating world of quantum physics and explains how Thales is readying itself to lead the upcoming revolution from the front line. Discover all episodes : Learn more about Quantum:

Biyografik Bilim: Bilim İnsanlarının Ağzından Hayatları (Evrim Ağacı)

Evrim Ağacı

Bu proje, Aklın Yolu Düşünce Topluluğu ( tarafından hayata geçirilmiş ve Evrim Ağacı'na hediye edilmiştir. Projede ses sanatçısı olarak yer alan Okan M. Cinemre, Murat Ercanlı, Talat Turhan Türkeli, Emre Ozan Yıldız ve Demet Çetin'e; kayıt konusunda katkı sağlayan Bad Production Stüdyoları ve Yamaç Alkan'a teşekkür ederiz. Ayrıca tüm projeyi tarafımıza ileten, her türlü yardıma koşan Okan Cinemre'ye ayrı bir teşekkürü borç biliriz.


Marvin Müller

Podcast über den Beruf als Astronom

Physique statistique - Bernard Derrida

Collège de France

Les cours des trois premières années (2015-2018) ont été consacrés aux développements récents de la physique hors d'équilibre, d'abord dans l'optique de la thermodynamique stochastique (théorèmes de fluctuation, relations de Jarzysnki, grandes déviations), puis dans une analyse des propriétés de modèles de transport (processus d'exclusion, chaînes d'oscillateurs anharmoniques) ou de croissance (équation Kardar Parisi Zhang, matrices aléatoires, polymères dirigés). L'année 2018-2019 a présenté une introduction aux idées de renormalisation en physique statistique (universalité, calcul d'exposants) et l'année 2019-2020 a porté sur la dynamique des fronts, en particulier sur des résultats récents relatifs à l'équation de Fisher-KPP. Les cours des années qui viennent (2020-) porteront sur la théorie des systèmes désordonnés (localisation, verres de spins, réseaux de neurones) et ses applications.

The Hyperfine Physics Podcast

Derek Padilla and Zak Espley

Physics puzzles and deep dives into physics topics.

Quantum Physics for Kids

Subatomic Tanvi

Tanvi Gopalan is a 10 year old member of American Mensa who loves Quantum Physics. She teaches all about quantum physics in a fun and simple way. Quantum physics is the study of the smallest things in the universe, and it's one of the most fascinating and important branches of science. But it can also be very confusing, especially for kids. In this podcast, Tanvi explains complex concepts like entanglement, superposition, uncertainty principle and a lot more, in a way that anyone can understand. So whether you're a kid, a parent, or just someone curious about quantum physics, subscribe NOW!

Sports Biomechanics Lecture Series

Stuart McErlain-Naylor

A series of online guest lectures on sports biomechanics topics, suitable for all sport science students. @biomechstu

The Titanium Physicists Podcast

Brachiolope Media Network

Dr. Ben Tippett and his team of physicists believe that anyone can understand physics. Black Holes! Lightning! Coronal Mass Ejections! Quantum Mechanics! Fortnightly, they explain a topic from advanced physics, using explanations, experiments and fun metaphors to a non-physicist guest. Visit the website to see a list of topics sorted by physics field.


Josua Göcking

Dies ist der offizielle Podcast von Sci-Faith. Hier erscheinen in wöchentlichen Abständen Folgen rund um das Thema Glaube und Wissenschaft. Sci-Faith ist ein Ausdruck für die Überzeugung, dass Glaube und Wissenschaft ohne Probleme vereinbar sind. Die Vision von Sci-Faith ist es, zu zeigen, dass eine auf den Glauben aufgebaute Wissenschaft mehr Frucht bringen kann als eine den Glauben leugnende. Mehr über Sci-Faith erfährst Du unter

Nauka XXI wieku

Borysław Kozielski

Dzielenie się wiedzą i doświadczeniem powoduje, że świat, w którym żyjemy staje się lepszy, a życie przyjemniejsze. Moją misją jest przenieść słowa tych, którzy wiedzą i mają do tych, którzy chcą wiedzieć. Marzy mi się tworzenie audycji co tydzień, ale to praca na pełny etat i dlatego bardzo jestem wdzięczny patronom, bo przybliżają mnie swoim wsparciem do realizacji tego marzenia. Audycja wspierana przez słuchaczy już od 3 zł miesięcznie. Kontakt z autorem: Borys Kozielski Zadaj pytanie nagrywając się na sekretarkę numeru 737 893 825 #polskipodcast

Under the Microscope

The Science Talk

Every week Dr. Pranoti Kshirsagar speaks with leading materials and nanoscientists from around the world. Guests speak about their research, career journey, their favourite research project, 3 wishes to improve their research experience and their life as a scientist. Powered by The Science Talk.

The Last Theory

Mark Jeffery

The Last Theory is an easy-to-follow exploration of what might be the last theory of physics. In 2020, Stephen Wolfram launched the Wolfram Physics Project to find the elusive fundamental theory that explains everything. On The Last Theory podcast, I investigate the implications of Wolfram's ideas and dig into the details of how his universe works. Join me for fresh insights into Wolfram Physics every other week.

Befangene Sachverständige

Stefan Lange & Marc Schütt

"Willkommen zum 'Befangenen Sachverständigen' Podcast, wo wir uns mit den heiklen Themen des Bau- und Immobiliensektors auseinandersetzen - mit einer Prise Humor und einer kräftigen Portion Voreingenommenheit. Denn wer braucht schon objektive Meinungen, wenn man auch einfach seine eigene Agenda durchdrücken kann? Begleitet uns auf dieser emotionalen Achterbahnfahrt durch die Welt des Baugewerbes, wo wir mit unseren Gästen diskutieren, welche Wahrheit am bequemsten ist."

What Would You Believe?

ponnie rezaee

~ The Mandela Effect ~

Física a los 40

Balaguer + Corbi

David Balaguer y Alberto Corbi repasan, a sus 40+ tacos, conceptos de física tirando de lo que recuerdan, un poco de wikipedia y mucha pasión.

Out of the Gray (Gy) - Standard Imaging

Traci Conley, Matthew Payne

A look at the world of Radiation Oncology through the eyes of those on the front lines of cancer care. Interviews with the best minds in the field to discuss the best in new ideas, research and the future of Radiation Oncology Technology. Join us as we chat with members of Medical Physics, Medical Dosimetry, Radiation Therapy, Radiation Oncology Industry, Physics Professors, Educational Program Directors and more!



ngobrol tentang dunia pokokna👍

Strong Interactions

Maria Żurek and Markus Diefenthaler

Strong Interactions is a podcast about exploring a new frontier in nuclear physics at the upcoming Electron-Ion Collider, by Maria Żurek and Markus Diefenthaler.

The Field Guide to Particle Physics

Sean Downes

This is your informal guide to the subatomic ecosystem we’re all immersed in. In this series, we explore the taxa of particle species and how they interact with one another. Our aim is give us all a better foundation for understanding our place in the universe. The guide starts with a host of different particle species. We’ll talk about their masses, charges and interactions with other particles. We’ll talk about how they are created, how they decay, and what other particles they might be made of.


Marilia Alencar

O que é

Interaxion | 物理系ポッドキャスト

Interaxion Podcast

物理を中心とした科学やテクノロジーなどを肴にゆるく話すポッドキャストです。 #interaxion

What is rapport?


In NLP rapport is an unconscious feeling of trust to someone. This is the very moment when we only see a person, start communicating with him and suddenly we begin to treat him much better than an ordinary stranger. This is such a state in which we become much more loyal making decisions. This state can be created. It's a skill. This competence can be learned. Anyone can train it. This ability can be developed, and we'll show you how to do it in this podcast. The principles of creating a ringing rapport here - on NLP Radio. Radio NLP and Aleksandr Gerasimov presents: Ringing rapport.

icqpodcast's Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast

ICQ Podcast

The premier podcast for Amateur Radio / Ham Radio users. News, views, features, upcoming events and Amateur / Ham Radio training. ICQ Podcast is a podcast for you and including you

People doing Physics

Cavendish Laboratory

As fascinating as physics can be, it can also seem very abstract, but behind each experiment and discovery stands a real person trying to understand the universe. Join us at the Cavendish Laboratory on the first Thursday of every month as we get up close and personal with the researchers, technicians, students, teachers, and people that are the beating heart of Cambridge University’s Physics department. Each episode also covers the most exciting and up-to-date physics news coming out of our labs. If you want to know what goes on behind the doors of a Physics department, are curious to know how people get into physics, or simply wonder what physicists think and dream about, listen in! Join us on Twitter @DeptofPhysics using the hashtag #PeopleDoingPhysics. This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Chartable -

Albert Einstein


Things you may not know about Albert Einstein


Steve Cassidy

EOD Gear IMPROVISED brings in the top people from the EOD community and the communities working with or around us.



Vi ser nærmere på ulike måletekniske prinsipper og måleinstrumentet. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Uncovered Witness: Fire Science Revelations

Wojciech Wegrzynski

In this podcast, I am joining HALLIWELL Fire Research to provide a fundamental insight into fire science. With content that does not require any prior knowledge, we hope to guide the listener from the basics into the real fire science revelations. With an in-depth discussion of past catastrophic fires and the most impactful research, we build a sound foundation on where the knowledge on fire comes from. We also take a look into the future and how the field may change in the coming years."Uncovered Witness" aspires to foster a deeper appreciation for fire science, highlight the critical role of fire safety in architectural and engineering design, and encourage a multidisciplinary approach to improving fire safety standards. By making fire science accessible to a diverse audience, including lawyers, investors, architects, and others, the podcast underscores the universal relevance of fire safety knowledge and its impact on society. Through education and awareness, it aims to inspire improvements in fire safety practices and designs, contributing to the prevention of fire-related tragedies.

ML4Q&A - from the lives of quantum physicists

ML4Q Cluster of Excellence

Nature is fascinating and so is physics let alone quantum physics! Join us as we delve into the lives of scientists and the complexity of their research topics. Grab a drink, hop on a bus or go for a walk and listen to the many different stories about being a scientist and basically doing something for a living only a few can understand. Our guests are all involved in the research mission of ML4Q, a German consortium dedicated to develop the best hardware platform for quantum information technology, and provide comprehensive blueprints for a functional quantum information network. #ML4QnA


Ashish Gupta

Introduction of gravitation for class 9th.


The Engineered Network

Neutrium is a knowledge base of engineering topics, centred mainly around chemical engineering design challenges faced by engineers in their daily work. We created Neutrium to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Our Future In Space

Our Future In Space

Our Future In Space is a forum to to facilitate a dialogue on how to successfully build a human space civilization, whether on orbit or surfaces throughout the solar ecosystem, that will serve as the focal point of future human society. Sponsored by Orbital Assembly Corporations, the world's only company developing artificial gravity space stations.

For the love of Astrophysics

Aditya Sundar

Welcome to "For the love of Astrophysics", where you will learn about the mysteries of the universe. In this podcast, we will dwell into a wide range of topics ranging from black holes, to the big bang theory, to Quantum Physics as well. If you've ever wanted to learn about space, and all the mysteries and enigmas that engulf it, this is the podcast for you!

Exploring Astrophysics

Vikram Bhamre

Join me as I learn about the world of Astrophysics. My name is Vikram Bhamre and I am 18 years old. On my podcast, Exploring Astrophysics, I chat with some of the most incredible astrophysicists around the world on the most interesting questions left unanswered in astrophysics. What's amazing is how helpful and forthcoming they all are and I hope you too are inspired when you listen to them.

My Nuclear Life

Shelly Lesher

On July 16, 1945, in a New Mexico desert, the Trinity Test ushered in the Nuclear Age. No other piece of technology has penetrated the American consciousness like the nuclear bomb and found a place in everything from culture to medicine. This podcast explores how nuclear science has impacted and changed our world in both beneficial and destructive ways. We explore the intersection of nuclear science and society using interviews with historians, policymakers, experts in their fields, and first-hand accounts to weave a picture of your nuclear life.

My Journey as a Physicist

Bryan Stanley & Huey-Wen Lin

What is life as a physicist is like? It is a little bit different for everyone. On each episode, a different physicist discusses their research, what got them interested in physics, obstacles they overcame, and what a typical day as a physicist looks like. They also provide tips and suggestions for students who may be interested in studying physics and becoming physicists. Physicists are people with lives outside of the lab too! Guests share about their interests and hobbies outside of research. Be sure to listen if you are interested in becoming a physicist too!


Helin sayaca

Es geht um die Wärmelehre mit physikalischen und biologischen Hintergründen

Colors of Noise

Jiali Qian

In this podcast, I will talk about different colors of noise.

Mastermind Discussions Podcast

Matthew LaCroix

Exciting new podcast series that focuses on the nature of reality, ancient history, lost civilizations, conspiracies, and the multiverse.

Resonance Rising : Healing with Energy and Alternative Medicine

Ben Dadbin

Welcome to Resonance Rising, where you’ll learn from leading scientists, doctors, and experts on cutting-edge ways to heal chronic disease and biohack for longevity using sound, light, energy, and alternative medicine. Most of us go around thinking that our world is physical. But quantum physics tells us that it’s actually all energy that just appears to us as physical. Through this podcast, you’ll learn how these fundamental principles can be harnessed to help you recover from chronic pain, relieve mental or emotional distress, and optimize your health for peak performance. I’ll be keeping you on the forefront of the latest advancements, share how you can apply them in your own life, and discuss what they mean for our collective future.

После физики

Posle fisiki

Меня зовут Аня Грушина. Я физик, научная журналистка и специалистка по маркетингу/продажам научного оборудования. После физики - подкаст про то, как может развиваться научная карьера, и куда она может вас привести. Я делюсь историями и конкретными идеями как выстроить карьерную стратегию, подходящую именно вам. Ещё я говорю о ментальном здоровье и бережном отношении к себе. Мой подкаст (и его название!) содержит нецензурную лексику. Если вам меньше 18 лет, спросите разрешения у родителей, чтобы его послушать )) Я веду инстаграм @anya_grushina и канал в телеграме @noncompact. Подписывайтесь!

Emmy Noether

Yasmin Galante

Nesse podcast podemos conhecer mais sobre Emmy Noether.

Marie Curie

Mari Pessale

Entrevista com Marie Curie

Эмма Шпедт: беседы с психологом

Эмма Шпедт

Как и зачем я делаю то, что я делаю. Вдохновение для тех, кто хочет начать свое дело

Kanazawa University NanoLSI Podcast

Adarsh Sandhu

The Kanazawa University NanoLSI Podcast offers updates of the latest news and research at the WPI-NanoLSI Kanazawa University. The Nano Life Science Institute (NanoLSI) at Kanazawa University was established in 2017 as part of the World Premier International (WPI) Research Center Initiative of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Researchers at the NanoLSI are combining their cutting-edge expertise in scanning probe microscopy to establish ‘nano-endoscopic techniques’ to directly image, analyze, and manipulate biomolecules for insights into mechanisms governing life phenomena such as diseases. Further information WPI-NanoLSI Kanazawa University website

OSA Podcast

The Optical Society

The Optical Society (OSA) podcast features leaders in the optics and photonics community at the forefront of innovation. Scientists and engineers are leveraging optical technologies to push boundaries and address global challenges. To learn more visit Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Physics Rules

Physics Rules

Brief explanations of the concepts that puzzle first-time physics students.

Why This Universe?

Dan Hooper, Shalma Wegsman

The biggest ideas in physics, broken down. Join theoretical physicist Dan Hooper and co-host Shalma Wegsman as they answer your questions about dark matter, black holes, quantum mechanics, and more. Part of The University of Chicago Podcast Network.

ML4Q&A - from the lives of quantum physicists

ML4Q Cluster of Excellence

Nature is fascinating and so is physics let alone quantum physics! Join us as we delve into the lives of scientists and the complexity of their research topics. Grab a drink, hop on a bus or go for a walk and listen to the many different stories about being a scientist and basically doing something for a living only a few can understand. Our guests are all involved in the research mission of ML4Q, a German consortium dedicated to develop the best hardware platform for quantum information technology, and provide comprehensive blueprints for a functional quantum information network. #ML4QnA

Scotland's Secret Space Race


Scotland's Secret Space Race takes you into government departments, research labs, launch sites and even into orbit.Dr Murray Collins and Kim McAllister interview politicians, astronauts, space scientists and satellite experts to unveil the incredible innovation going on in Scotland.Wonder where the growth is going to come from post-Covid?The space industry in Scotland is likely to be worth £4bn by 2030 - and the country will soon have launch capacity.


James Robinson

Coffee table conversations with people thinking about foundational issues.  Multiverses explores the limits of knowledge and technology.  Does quantum mechanics tell us that our world is one of many?  Will AI make us intellectually lazy, or expand our cognitive range? Is time a thing in itself or a measure of change? Join James Robinson as he tries to find out.

Podcasts de Física


Canal de divulgación de física, con los avances más importantes de las últimas décadas. Dirigido por Rodrigo Soto, académico del DFI de la Universidad de Chile. El programa "Premios Nobel: Conversaciones sobre física", va revisando uno a uno los distintos premios Nobel de física, entrevistando a expertos y expertas en cada tema para entender en qué consistió el descubrimiento, cuáles son sus implicancias y cuáles son loa desafíos futuros en el área. Gráficas por ¡Ayúdanos a mejorar nuestros podcasts!

Particle Mysteries: The Coldest Case

Particle Mysteries is an in depth look at the biggest unsolved questions of particle physics. Produced by the Interactions Collaboration, experts from across the globe weigh in on what we are still yet to unmask about our deepest questions... like how did we get here? What are we made of? The first subject, the ever elusive, Dark Matter.

Curating Wellness

Dr. Isabel Perez & Dr. Jyun Shimizu

Quantum Decoders has been formed to bring awareness to the art of truly living extraordinary, fulfilling, happy lives. As part of a growing community and evidence for alternative medicine grows, we remain at the forefront in providing the most updated education and practices to our community. Biological Decoding identifies when a person locates the exact moment in which the biological conflict occurred.

Teoría De la Relatividad.

Eros Axel Romero Tello

Teoría de la Relatividad de Albert Einstein, antecedentes, proceso y Comprobación.



This is about logic gates for B sc iind year students.

Friendly Physics

Gabriela Gallego

Physics should be simple. It is all around us, relevant in math, biology, sports and space. Let's break it down and listen to ~10 minute episodes on topics ranging from speed to parallel universes. Friendly Physics is produced by a high school physics teacher and steps listeners through kinematics, simple machines, electromagnetism and more.

Datos Curiosos

Monserrat Mena

Son temas de mi escuela

Physics Chemistry Math 🔥❤️

Sumit Sahu

Revision of physics chemistry math