Modus Operandi


Podcast de true crime feito por Carol Moreira e Mabê Bonafé.

Só no Brasil


Crime, caos e confusão acontecem em qualquer lugar no mundo, mas certos golpes, mutretas e rebuliços são tão únicos do Brasil que mereciam o seu próprio podcast. Junte-se aos comediantes Pedro Duarte e Victor Camejo enquanto eles dissecam algumas das histórias mais inacreditáveis cometidas por empresários, palhaços, valets, espiões forrozeiros e muito mais neste verdadeiro true brazilian crime. Episódios novos toda quarta-feira.

Quinta Misteriosa

Jaqueline Guerreiro

O Quinta Misteriosa é um quadro no canal da Jaqueline Guerreiro, onde toda quinta-feira ela conta um caso real. Então bora começar o caso de hoje! *Caso você seja sensível ao conteúdo apresentado nos episódios, não recomendamos que você assista.

Café Crime e Chocolate

Tatiana Daignault - Crimes e Mistérios Brasil

Sua dose quinzenal de coisas que viciam em forma de podcast. Coloque seu café na xícara, abra o chocolate, acerte os fones de ouvido e prepare-se. Todas as quarta-feiras, um caso diferente de crimes chocantes que abalaram o mundo contados com fidelidade aos fatos e respeito às vítimas. Clique neste link para se tornar assinante/apoiador:" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">

Caso Bizarro


Às 3h00 de toda segunda-feira e quarta-feira o horror chegará na sua casa. Histórias bizarras que aconteceram no mundo ou casos enviados por ouvintes. Tem um caso assim? Manda pra Ouça às segundas-feiras no seu serviço favorito e às quartas-feiras os episódios são gratuitos e exclusivos no Amazon Music.

Café Com Crime

Café Com Crime

O podcast onde você pode ser o aficionado por crimes reais que você é sem julgamentos.

Casos Reais

Érika Miranda

Casos reais, o podcast, entra de cabeça em todos os tipos de casos criminais. Desde grandes assassinos em série, a assombrações, mistérios perturbadores e basicamente qualquer coisa que desperte nossa fantasia assustadora. Então, junte-se a nós, conecte-se, relaxe e se prepare para sustos.

Fábrica de Crimes

Mari & Rob

Podcast que te conta alguns dos crimes mais intrigantes do Brasil e do mundo. Novos episódios todo os dias 1º e 15 de cada mês!

Colecionador de Ossos

Bryan Emmendörfer

Podcast de crimes reais apresentado por Bryan Emmendörfer com novos episódios às segundas ao meio-dia. Roteirizado por Alexander Bertoti, professor de filosofia e pesquisador de crimes violentos. Alguns episódios podem contar com a presença de convidados especialistas em psicologia/psiquiatria. Ressaltamos que, seguindo os parâmetros de classificação indicativa determinados pelo DEJUS, este é um programa não recomendado para menores de 14 anos. Instagram: @cdossos Facebook: @cdossos Youtube: @cdossos E-mail:

A Mulher da Casa Abandonada

Folha de S.Paulo

A Mulher da Casa Abandonada é um podcast narrativo da Folha que investiga a história de vida de uma figura misteriosa. Uma mulher que mora em uma mansão em pandarecos em Higienópolis, um dos bairros mais ricos de São Paulo, e se apresenta como Mari. Mas Mari não é quem diz ser. É o que descobre o repórter Chico Felitti, em uma apuração de seis meses que passa por uma praça de São Paulo, por um subúrbio de Washington e por uma empresa que faz foguetes e satélites para a Nasa. Por trás do nome inventado e de uma camada de pomada branca que passa na cara, Mari esconde a acusação de ter cometido nos Estados Unidos, vinte anos atrás, um crime hediondo. Essa pessoa escapou de um julgamento nos EUA e do FBI, e tem sua história contada pela primeira vez. - Este podcast é uma reportagem que se baseou em registros de um caso de notório interesse público, procurou ouvir todos os envolvidos e deu espaço às versões dos que se manifestaram. Esta série não é uma investigação policial nem um processo judicial. A Folha condena qualquer tipo de agressão e perseguição contra as pessoas retratadas aqui.

Má Influencia


Se já é difícil dizer que se conhece bem alguém, imagina na internet. O poder dos influenciadores é maior do que nunca, mas e quando ele não é usado para o bem? Junte-se a Maria Bopp e Babu Carreira em investigações semanais sobre casos nacionais e internacionais inacreditáveis em que influenciadores enganaram toda uma legião de seguidores, seja aplicando golpes, montando esquemas ou até cometendo crimes mais graves. Baseado na premiada série Scamfluencers, da Wondery. Episódios novos todas as quintas-feiras. 

Detetive do Sofá

Marcela Souza

Um programa sobre casos reais e misteriosos que nunca foram solucionados.

The Downfall Of Diddy | The Case Against Sean 'Puffy P Diddy' Combs

True Crime Today

In "The Downfall Of Diddy," Tony Brueski, renowned host of the Hidden Killers Podcast and True Crime Today, delves into the tumultuous saga of Sean 'P Diddy' Combs, a figure whose life of glamour and success is marred by shadows of controversy and accusation. This gripping series uncovers the layers of legal battles, the intricate web of allegations, and the stories of those who've found themselves in the orbit of one of the music industry's most enigmatic figures. Join Tony as he navigates through Diddy's rise to fame, exploring how a mogul's empire stands amidst swirling rumors of misconduct, questionable associations, and legal skirmishes that have raised more questions than answers. Featuring exclusive interviews, expert legal analyses, and voices from those who've walked the corridors of Diddy's world, "The Downfall Of Diddy" promises to be an investigative journey that peels back the veneer of celebrity to reveal the complexities and challenges lurking beneath. Whether you're a die-hard fan of hip-hop history, intrigued by the complexities of celebrity culture, or a true crime aficionado, this podcast series offers a compelling look into the trials and tribulations facing one of music's biggest names. "The Downfall Of Diddy" isn't just about unraveling a narrative; it's about seeking the truth in the cacophony of the court of public opinion and the legal system. Tune in to witness how legacies are tested and what it takes to stand in the spotlight's harsh glare.

Vamos aos Fatos

Marcos Campos

O podcast apresentado por Marcos Campos é um mergulho no mundo do true crime e mistérios reais. Desde 2020, o podcast produz episódios envolventes que cativam uma comunidade de fãs apaixonados pelo gênero. Toda semana tem 2 episódios novos, então junte-se a essa audiência e descubra histórias insólitas, instigantes, emocionantes e cheias de informação, suspense e mistério.

Arquivo Mistério

Fabio Carvalho

Crimes e mistérios reais implementados com efeitos sonoros, músicas temáticas e vozes incríveis na interpretação de alguns dos personagens. Seja bem vindo(a)!

Linha Direta - O podcast


O ‘Linha Direta Podcast’ traz conteúdo extra, com impressões de Pedro Bial e depoimentos de bastidores vivenciados por roteiristas, pesquisadores e pela produção do programa. Além disso, tem versão estendida dos casos e mergulha no círculo familiar de pessoas que tiveram ligação com as vítimas. Com publicações semanais, sempre nos dias seguintes à exibição na TV, o ‘Linha Direta Podcast’ estará disponível no Globoplay e nas plataformas de áudio.

The Pirate of Prague

Apple TV+ / Blanchard House

A charming young Czech promises staggering returns. An entire country’s oil industry is up for grabs. America’s top investors want in. Sounds too good to be true? Damn right it is.  This is a story of private jets, $20,000 dinners, and suitcases stuffed with cash. It’s also a tale about the collapse of communism, the free-for-all that followed, and the birth of the oligarchs. And it’s a story of plain-old human greed...of just how far the rich may go to get even richer. Viktor Kožený smooth-talked his super-wealthy Aspen neighbors and a Wall Street titan into investing huge sums of cash to snap up Azerbaijan’s state-owned oil company. Host Joe Nocera and investigative journalist Peter Elkind follow the trail, beginning in the Bahamas, where the charismatic financial genius has been lying low.  The Pirate of Prague is an Apple Original podcast, produced by Blanchard House. Follow and listen on Apple Podcasts.

Sem Rastros

Luciana Piffer

O Sem Rastros Podcast conta histórias de pessoas desaparecidas.

P.A. Criminal - Um Podcast de True Crime

Pátria Amada Criminal Podcast

Natália e Renata são brasileiras que moram no exterior e descobriram um interesse comum em True Crime, sobre o qual conversam de forma descontraída e despretensiosa. Se você gosta de tudo que é mórbido, obscuro e estranho, junte-se a elas todas as segunda-feiras!

A Coach


Em 2022, a internet brasileira presenciou um fenômeno. Milhares de pessoas tentavam investigar por conta própria um mistério. E os trending topics tinham todos uma personagem central: Kat Torres, também conhecida pela alcunha Kat A Luz. A Coach é um podcast narrativo da Wondery que documenta a inacreditável vida dessa brasileira que saiu da pobreza e conquistou a fama com sete carreiras diferentes, para depois ser acusada de um crime. Em uma investigação inédita que percorre o Brasil e os EUA em busca de contar uma história surreal, mas 100% real. A trajetória de Kat Torres é um conto sobre busca por fama e sucesso, a qualquer custo. A Coach é apresentado por Chico Felitti, criador de A Mulher da Casa Abandonada e O Ateliê.

Missing Niamh

Casefile Presents

When 18-year-old Niamh Maye went missing in 2002, her family did everything they could to help the police find her. But, like so many missing persons cases, there comes a time when the leads dry up and there’s nowhere left to look. Researching what was to be a single episode, the Casefile host found so many intriguing elements, he took four years to make this incredible series.


Investigação Criminal

Confira o Investigação Criminal em podcast.


Apple TV+ / FunMeter

Welcome to Scamtown! It’s a place where the true crime is stranger than fiction and the stories are filled with quirks and moral ambiguity. Join the mayors of Scamtown, Emmy-nominated filmmakers and Signal Podcast Award winners James Lee Hernandez and Brian Lazarte (McMillion$ and The Big Conn), as they take you through stories ranging from the strange to the unbelievable. Wild scams, surprising heists, forbidden love, and massive explosions are just a little taste of what’s in store. Scamtown is an Apple Original podcast, produced by FunMeter. Follow and listen on Apple Podcasts.

Dateline NBC

NBC News

Current and classic episodes, featuring compelling true-crime mysteries, powerful documentaries and in-depth investigations. Follow now to get the latest episodes of Dateline NBC completely free, or subscribe to Dateline Premium for ad-free listening and exclusive bonus content:

In The Dark

The New Yorker

In the Dark, hosted by Madeleine Baran, is an award-winning investigative-journalism podcast that started in 2016. Its first season looked at the mysterious abduction of Jacob Wetterling in rural Minnesota and the lack of accountability that sheriffs face when they fail to solve cases. Season 2 examined the case of Curtis Flowers, who was tried six times for the same crime. In 2020, In the Dark released a special report on the coronavirus pandemic in the Mississippi Delta. In 2023, In the Dark joined The New Yorker and Condé Nast. “The Runaway Princesses,” a four-part series that asks why the women in Dubai’s royal family keep trying to run away, came out in January. In the Dark is a two-time Peabody Award winner and, in 2019, became the first podcast to win a George Polk Award, one of the top honors in journalism. The program has also received an Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Award and a Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award.

Crime Junkie


If you can never get enough true crime... Congratulations, you’ve found your people.

Clube dos Detetives

Rodolfo Brenner

Esse é o podcast Clube dos Detetives e toda semana nós te convidamos para debater um caso de crime real, desaparecimento, serial killer ou mistério.

Casefile True Crime

Casefile Presents

Fact is scarier than fiction. Subscribe to Casefile Premium to receive ad-free episodes released one week early, along with access to bonus Q&A’s, our exclusive show ‘Behind the Files’, and more.


Morbid Network | Wondery

It’s a lighthearted nightmare in here, weirdos! Morbid is a true crime, creepy history and all things spooky podcast hosted by an autopsy technician and a hairstylist. Join us for a heavy dose of research with a dash of comedy thrown in for flavor.

Caso das 10 Mil

Folha de S.Paulo

Em 2007, uma reportagem denunciou a Clínica Planejamento Familiar onde, durante duas décadas, abortos clandestinos foram feitos em Campo Grande, em Mato Grosso do Sul. Era o início de uma investigação que expôs os dados de 10 mil mulheres e se tornou o maior processo criminal de aborto do Brasil.  “Caso das 10 Mil” conta a história da vida dessas milhares de pacientes, de como o acordo silencioso entre uma médica e uma cidade foi rompido, e de como o aborto foi para o centro de uma disputa política que dura até hoje.  Em seis episódios, as jornalistas da Folha Angela Boldrini e Carolina Moraes investigam os desdobramentos pessoais, políticos e sociais do que ficou conhecido como “Caso das 10 Mil”.  Os episódios são publicados às quartas-feiras nas principais plataformas de podcasts e no site da Folha. 

Where's Dia?

Pushkin Industries

In the beautiful mountain town of Idyllwild, a wealthy widow named Dia Abrams suddenly vanishes from her home. She leaves behind her idyllic ranch, estranged children and a messy legal battle. Two men in her life, her son and a man who claims to be her fiance, launch public campaigns to find her. But soon, their efforts – and stories – begin to unravel. Hosted by Lucy Sherriff and co-produced with iHeartPodcasts. 

Rotten Mango

Stephanie Soo & Ramble

Rotten but still a little sweet! Rotten Mango is a true crime + all things spooky podcast. We love doing deep dives into the darkest crimes and we tend to not leave out any details - which can get a little rotten at times. If you want deep dives in the psychology of killers, no holding back storytelling of crimes, and stories of lesser known criminals from around the world this is the place for you. Welcome to Rotten Mango but don’t worry it all comes with a seasoning of comedy/sweetness.

Criminal Attorney


Paul Bergrin is a hotshot criminal defense attorney in Newark, New Jersey. Seemingly unstoppable and with unorthodox methods, he’s built a reputation for getting his clients off the hook. But as Paul's legend grows, so do the suspicions swirling around him.  When FBI Agent Shawn Brokos starts investigating a major drug ring, she makes a shocking discovery: the gang's most powerful player is none other than Newark’s star attorney. Has the ex-federal prosecutor crossed the line and started committing crimes himself? From Wondery, comes a new series about a lawyer who breaks all the rules, the FBI agent determined to take him down at all costs, and the people caught in the middle who paid the ultimate price. Follow Criminal Attorney on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to new episodes early and ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting now.   

Serial Killers

Spotify Studios

Get a rare glimpse into the minds and methods of sadistic murderers. From notorious names like Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy to lesser-known killers like “Death House Landlady” Dorothea Puente, what turns a regular person into a predator? Serial Killers is a Spotify Original. New episodes Mondays.

Podcast Composição De Um Crime

Podcast Composição De Um Crime

🖤 Podcast de true crime com pitadas de análises psicológicas por Daiane Polizel Episódios novos todo dia 01 e 15 de cada mês!! Sigam no Instagram @podcastcomposicaodeumcrime para acompanhar fotos e esquemas dos episódios!

Terror e make PODCAST

Karol Kaepstick

Os episódios de 'Terror e make' agora estão mais terror e menos make! hehe

Ficha criminal


A primeira temporada (eps 1 a 8) tem histórias de criminosos marcantes, enquanto a segunda (eps 9 a 16) conta casos policiais que provocaram comoção nacional. Já a terceira temporada traz a trajetória de dois assassinos mais conhecidos da história policial brasileira: Pedrinho Matador e Francisco de Assis Pereira, o Maníaco do Parque.

Operation: Tradebom

Apple TV+ / Truth Media

Everybody remembers the morning of September 11, 2001, when two passenger jets flew into the World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan. But the idea of toppling the towers was not new. Thirty years ago, a group of men set off a bomb in the garage beneath the North Tower, hoping it would tumble into the South Tower. At the time, this was the largest improvised explosive device ever ignited on American soil. It killed six people and injured thousands, leaving behind a 100-foot crater five stories deep. Investigators from New York City’s Joint Terrorism Task Force—a ragtag team of FBI paper-pushers and NYPD detectives—found themselves conducting a new type of international investigation, called Operation: Tradebom. It became their job to find the bombers and bring them to justice before something even worse happened. Operation: Tradebom is an Apple Original podcast, produced by Truth Media in partnership with Brillstein Entertainment Partners. Listen and follow on Apple Podcasts.

MrBallen Podcast: Strange, Dark & Mysterious Stories

Ballen Studios

The Strange, Dark & Mysterious delivered in podcast format. Follow the MrBallen Podcast on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. New episodes publish twice a week—every Monday and Thursday. Prime members can listen to new episodes 1-month early and all episodes ad-free on Amazon Music. Wondery+ subscribers can listen ad-free in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts.

48 Hours

CBS News

“48 Hours” uncovers the narrative behind crime and justice cases that have left a lasting mark on society. Award-winning CBS News correspondents thoughtfully examine the complexities of each crime by transporting you to the heart of the investigation through key evidence and gripping interviews with critical figures from the case. The unmatched reporting has made a tangible difference in countless lives, leading to the exoneration of wrongly convicted individuals and the reopening — and resolution — of previously closed cold cases. Listen to a new “48 Hours” episode every Monday and then go deeper into the case on Tuesdays with the immersive “Post Mortem” series — producers and correspondents join host Anne-Marie Green to discuss key evidence, dead ends, mishaps, and stranger-than-fiction twists they faced in the field. Plus, every Thursday, we’ll revisit a classic “48 Hours” episode.  Get ad free access to "48 Hours" podcasts by subscribing to 48 Hours+ on Apple Podcasts: Watch “48 Hours” Saturdays 10/9c on CBS and Paramount+. 48 Hours listeners can use discount code "HOURS20" for 20% off all 48 Hours products on

Casefile True Crime – Edição Oficial em Português

Casefile True Crime

A realidade é mais assustadora do que a ficção. Edição Oficial em Português.

Carruagem Sobrenatural

Thais Messora

Um podcast dedicado a casos reais, mas que poderiam facilmente ser parte de um filme de terror: crimes terríveis, fantasmas, lendas urbanas e casas assombradas. A cada episódio, a carruagem leva vai te levar em uma assustadora viagem por histórias reais que vão alimentar seus pesadelos. Novos episódios dia 15 e 30.

The Deck


For years, some law enforcement agencies have replaced the faces of traditional playing card decks with images of missing and murdered people and distributed those cards in prisons hoping inmates would come forward with information needed to crack these cold cases wide open. Now, audiochuck is dealing you in. Each week, we will be working with investigators and family members to bring you the details of some of the coldest cases from around the country in hopes that someone listening can finally bring these victims the justice they deserve.

My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark

Exactly Right Media – the original true crime comedy network

My Favorite Murder is a true crime comedy podcast hosted by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark. Each week, Karen and Georgia share compelling true crimes and hometown stories from friends and listeners.  Since MFM launched in January of 2016, Karen and Georgia have shared their lifelong interest in true crime and have covered stories of infamous serial killers like the Night Stalker, mysterious cold cases, captivating cults, incredible survivor stories and important events from history like the Tulsa race massacre of 1921.   My Favorite Murder is part of the Exactly Right podcast network that provides a platform for bold, creative voices to bring to life provocative, entertaining and relatable stories for audiences everywhere. The Exactly Right roster of podcasts covers a variety of topics including historic true crime, comedic interviews and news, science, pop culture and more. Podcasts on the network include Buried Bones with Kate Winkler Dawson and Paul Holes, That's Messed Up: An SVU Podcast, This Podcast Will Kill You, Bananas and more. 

Nenê da Brasilândia


Um distrito periférico na Zona Norte de São Paulo deu nome a uma grande personagem: Nenê da Brasilândia. Floripes Souza de Oliveira comandou o maior esquema de tráfico de drogas na cidade de São Paulo entre as décadas de 1970 e 1980. Sua história é desconhecida pelo grande público. Mas ainda vive no imaginário e na memória do bairro da Brasilândia. Para alguns, uma comerciante ponta-firme, que protegia e cuidava da comunidade. Para outros, uma bandida cruel que teve o que mereceu ao ser assassinada na porta da própria casa, em 1989. Nenê fez amigos e inimigos no crime, na polícia e na política. E conciliava a vida no crime com o cuidado e carinho com os filhos. Ao longo de 8 episódios, este podcast, produzido pela Rádio Novelo, resgata a história de Nenê da Brasilândia, a fim de entender o que a vida dela nos conta sobre a história do Brasil.


Tenderfoot TV, Resonate Recordings & Audacy

Explore unsettled true crime cases where culpability has yet to be established. Host Dennis Cooper covers new cases in Culpable: Case Review. In season one, Dennis explored the case of Christian Andreacchio, whose death in 2014 was ruled a suicide after a 45-minute investigation, despite substantial evidence that points to murder. Season two explored the 2013 death of a young mother, Brittany Stykes, who was shot and killed while driving on an Ohio Highway with her 1-year-old daughter seated next to her. New season coming soon!

The Bakersfield Three

Casefile Presents

When two friends go missing back-to-back, and in between their disappearances, a third friend is murdered, their mothers begin their own investigation. As the connections between the three cases are explored, the mothers navigate devastating twists and turns, including one revelation that shakes the community to its core. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Sob Investigação

Sob Investigação

Um podcast dominical de True crime para quem sabe que a realidade é muito pior que a ficção. Considere se tornar um apoiador Instagram Telegram Blog

Sala do Júri


SEJAM BEM-VINDOS! Eu sou o João e esse é o Podcast Sala do Júri, onde eu conto casos sobre crimes reais, com episódio novo toda terça-feira! Me segue no instagram pra conferir fotos sobre o caso de cada episódio e também pra saber sobre novidades do podcast! Instagram: @podsaladojuri Email: Apoie o Sala do júri para ouvir episódios exclusivos:

Os Crimes da Ditadura

Os Crimes da Ditadura| Podcast

Relatos das atrocidades cometidas pelo estado brasileiro em nome do regime militar, que existiu oficialmente no Brasil no período de 1964 a 1985. Episódios novos a cada 15 dias, sempre às segundas-feiras

Vamos aos Fatos

Marcos Campos

O podcast apresentado por Marcos Campos é um mergulho no mundo do true crime e mistérios reais. Desde 2020, o podcast produz episódios envolventes que cativam uma comunidade de fãs apaixonados pelo gênero. Toda semana tem 2 episódios novos, então junte-se a essa audiência e descubra histórias insólitas, instigantes, emocionantes e cheias de informação, suspense e mistério.

Dead Sleep True Crime for Bedtime

Nancy Miller

Gripping, not graphic. Suspenseful yet soothing. Dead Sleep: True Crime for Bedtime is a mindful mystery show made for nighttime listening. No gore. No 911 calls. No loud ads. Listener supported and ad-free. Created by award-winning journalist Nancy Miller ("Love & Death" "I'll Be Gone in the Dark" "The Staircase" podcasts)

Interrompida: o caso Araceli

Viviane Maciel

Vitória, 18 de maio de 1973. Uma menina desaparece depois de sair da escola. Seu corpo é encontrado dias depois com sinais de tortura e violencia sexual. Um crime durante a ditadura militar no Brasil, cercado de mistérios e silencios, que motivou a criação de um dia nacional para o combate a violência sexual infantil. Uma produção feita por Viviane Maciel, dividida em quatro epísódios que narra atráves de entrevistas e reportagens como o caso Araceli foi contado pela imprensa da época.

Terror Talk - Unraveling Criminal Psychology thru True Crime, Documentaries and Horror Films

Shannon Calder | Cathy Barrett

Have you always been interested in dark psychology and the criminal mindset? Do you want to explore the shadow side of our society? Look no further. We discuss psychology through our passion for true crime, psychopathology including psychopathy, sociopathy, narcissism and many other aspects of the mind. Join us in unveiling and interpreting the darker side of ourselves and humanity. We include a lot of horror films in our discussions for additional shadow exploration and just good passionate fan fun. Doctors in Psychology who love horror films and have a sense of humor! Support this podcast:

Um Espião Silenciado


Uma história tão misteriosa quanto a vida de um espião deve ser. Um Espião Silenciado resgata a vida de José Nogueira, um espião brasileiro que aparentemente sabia demais. Nossa história começa em 1963, um ano antes do golpe militar, e até hoje fica o mistério do que aconteceu naquela noite no terceiro andar do pequeno prédio da Cinelândia. Uma vida entre pessoas importantes, figuras políticas como João Goulart. Mas qual seria a relação dele com José Nogueira? Por que José é citado na CPI que antecedeu o golpe? José caiu ou foi atirado? São esses mistérios envoltos em política, ameaças à democracia e segredos que Raphael Alberti traz para vocês. Uma história que já tem 49 anos, mas que nunca esteve tão atual. ________________________________________________________________________ Criador e apresentador: Raphael Alberti Diretor: Gus Lanzetta Roteirista: Vitor Garcia Consultoria: Sarah Azoubel Editor: Henrique Machado Trilha original: Victor Oliveira Produtor: Elias Silva Produtores Executivos: Lidia Ronconi e Guilherme Sagas Direção de Arte: Pedro Lucas Moreira _______________________________________________________________________ Sigam a gente em: Raphael Alberti Instagram: @rapha_alberti Facebook: Raphael Alberti HD1 - Instagram: @hd1pod Twitter: @hd1pod Facebook: @hd1pod TikTok: @hd1pod

Crime Mania


Histórias verdadeiras, apresentadas por Rafa e AP. Para quem é maníaco por crimes reais e true crime. Siga-nos no instagram @crimemania e para episódios extras, seja um membro do clube em *necessário copiar e colar o link no navegador

The Fight of My Life

Cadence Productions

**WINNER of Australian Podcast Awards: "Best New Podcast 2023"****WINNER of Shorty Impact Award: "By Content (Human Rights) 2023"****GOLD HONOR (2nd place) in Shorty Impact Awards: "Best Podcast"****FINALIST of Australian Podcast Awards: "Best True Crime Podcast" & "Best Documentary",****FINALIST in Anthem Awards: Humanitarian Action & Services**----"Finding Ruby", the first season of The Fight of My Life is a 6-part immersive true-crime tale. Join Ruby on her remarkable true story; a journey from the protection of the mountains to the nightmare of an online sex-trafficking den, from the heat of the courtroom to the cool of the aftercare shelter, from fear to freedom, from captivity to restoration. From being lost to being truly found. Through in depth interviews with International Justice Mission (IJM) personnel, police, experts in the law, and experts on the ground, listeners are given an backstage pass to see just what is involved in a rescue operation of this sort, what it takes to fight for justice, and how we can all play a part in stopping this crime hidden in plain sight. Finding Ruby tackles the hard issues and questions head on: just who are these perpetrators of OSEC, and why do they do what they do? Is OSEC a crime of poverty? What is the role of technology in all this? Is there a solution, in our time? Make no mistake, this isn’t a story of a victim, but one of a fierce survivor. Today, Ruby is a leader, an advocate, and a woman with a story and a mission. Ruby has words to say to us all. And we need to listen. One thing is for sure, by the end of Finding Ruby you won’t think the same way about the world we live in… or those who fight to make it better. *The online sexual exploitation of children 

Last Podcast On The Left

The Last Podcast Network

The Last Podcast on the Left covers all the horrors our world has to offer, both imagined and real. From demons and slashers to cults and serial killers, The Last Podcast is guaranteed to satisfy your bloodlust. Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to ad-free new episodes and get exclusive access to bonus content.

Cult Liter with Spencer Henry

Spencer Henry | Morbid Network | Wondery

Cult Liter Podcast Host Spencer Henry brings the bizarre every Tuesday. Each week we'll dive into a new story of cults, crime, televangelists gone wild, you never really know what you're going to get, just a guaranteed good time.

Cover Up: The Conspiracy Tapes

Sony Music Entertainment

The Illuminati - the infamous conspiratorial obsession - wasn't always that way. It was the work of one man that brought the illuminati from obscure to omnipresent - John Todd. In the 1970s, Todd burst into the public eye with tales of secret societies and dark rituals, claiming to be an ex-witch linked to human sacrifices among the elite. But as his tales spread and followers grew, his web of secrets unraveled, and ultimately - he vanished. 'Cover Up: The Conspiracy Tapes' exposes the twisted hidden story of a man whose myths influenced some of the most notorious events in recent history. Unlock all episodes of Cover Up, ad-free, by subscribing to The Binge. Plus, get binge access to brand new stories dropping on the first of every month. Just click ‘Subscribe’ on the top of the Cover Up show page on Apple Podcasts or visit to get access wherever you listen. Cover Up is a series of investigative stories that take us on a journey into a world of subterfuge and secrecy - a world where the truth is concealed under a blanket of lies. From corrupt individuals to clandestine institutions, Cover Up exposes deceit, deception and the abuse of power. Explore all of the Cover Up stories: SEASON 4: The Anthrax Threat In the wake of 9/11, a series of letters laced with a deadly powder called anthrax appeared on the desks of prominent journalists and politicians in New York City and Washington D.C. Five people were killed, and seventeen more were infected. It was the worst case of bioterrorism in American history, setting off a surge of finger pointing, xenophobia, and fear. But what started as an unprecedented case soon turned into an unsettling mystery. Who had sent these letters? And why? On season 4 of Cover Up, we trace the FBI’s costly investigation into the attacks, which was stacked with a seemingly endless series of false leads, damaging leaks, and embarrassing blunders. Through revealing interviews with victims, agents, and suspects, we unpack the case in its messy entirety, all with an eye toward the question that remains today: Did the FBI identify the true killer, or is this case still unresolved? From Campside Media and Sony Music Entertainment, this is Season 4 of Cover Up: The Anthrax Threat. SEASON 3: Body Brokers For eight years, Megan Hess ran Sunset Mesa Funeral Home in the small town of Montrose, Colorado. She promised clients discounts on normally expensive cremations, a seeming kindness in a town where many are poor. But in the back of the funeral home, Megan’s elderly mother Shirley was actually dismembering the dead. And then Megan was selling the body parts – heads, torsos, legs – to companies that claim to do medical research. Megan and Shirley were body brokers, trading on a dark network where people buy and sell bodies. What exactly were the two women after? Who was really buying those stolen bodies, and why? SEASON 2: The Pill Plot Back in the ‘90s, a ragtag group plotted an international drug smuggling scheme and set up a secretive lab to cook up tablets. But they weren’t trafficking narcotics—they were fighting to bring the abortion pill America. This season will take you inside the epic struggle facing activists who battled presidents, the Supreme Court, militant anti-abortionists, would-be assassins and murders. SEASON 1: The Ministry of Secrets Season one uncovers the story of The Ministry of Secrets, one of the great unsolved mysteries of the Cold War. At its heart is a missing person — a wartime hero and international celebrity. But that’s just the starting point. It involves the royal family, MI6, the CIA and the KGB. There’s conspiracies. And lies. This story is so sensitive, so secret - that the truth is being withheld for 100 years, until 2057. Presenter Giles Milton and producer Sarah Peters are on a quest to find out why…

Small Town Dicks

Audio 99

Small Town Dicks takes you behind the scenes of small town crime cases with the real detectives who investigated them. Hosts Yeardley Smith, twin detectives Dan and Dave, and forensic expert Paul Holes ask the essential questions and offer their own insights so the stories always hit close to home. All seasons are available for streaming. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

1001 Crimes

1001 Crimes

1001 Crimes é um podcast sobre crimes reais.

Something Was Wrong

Broken Cycle Media | Wondery

Something Was Wrong is an award-winning docuseries about survivors discovery, trauma, and recovery from crime and abuse.

Wicked Words - A True Crime Talk Show with Kate Winkler Dawson

Exactly Right Media – the original true crime comedy network

Welcome to Tenfold More Wicked Presents: Wicked Words, Kate Winkler Dawson's true crime talk show. On each new episode of Wicked Words, Kate interviews journalists, podcasters and authors about their fascinating behind-the-scenes stories from their investigations in the world of true crime, many of which have never been shared before.  Kate interviews Patricia Cornwell, the prolific true crime author about her book Portrait Of A Killer: Jack The Ripper – Case Closed, she heads to Texas with veteran journalist Rena Pederson to discuss her coverage of an uncatchable jewel thief during the swinging sixties, chats with podcaster and journalist Mandy Matney from the Murdaugh Murders Podcast and so much more. These are the stories behind the stories.  Also in this feed is host Kate Winkler Dawson’s true crime limited series, Tenfold More Wicked.  Season 12 - A Blessing and a Curse Season 11 - Fire and Brimstone Season 10 - Entitled  Season 9 - The Wolf Among Us Season 8 - The Morphine Murderess Season 7 - The Annihilator  Season 6 - The Echo of Murder Season 5 - Blood Feud Season 4 - Tiger Woman Season 3 - Murder in the Court Season 2 - The Body Snatcher Season 1 - All That is Wicked Wicked Words is part of the Exactly Right podcast network that provides a platform for bold, creative voices to bring to life provocative, entertaining and relatable stories for audiences everywhere. The Exactly Right roster of podcasts covers a variety of topics including historic true crime, comedic interviews and news, science, pop culture and more. Podcasts on the network include Buried Bones with Kate Winkler Dawson and Paul Holes, That's Messed Up: An SVU Podcast, This Podcast Will Kill You, Bananas and more.

Les Collections de l'heure du crime


Dans « les collections de l’heure du crime », je vous propose de retrouver les grandes affaires criminelles en séries. Disparitions mystérieuses, meurtres de célébrités, drames familiaux, cold case et serial killer… Deux lundis par mois, une thématique différente vous sera proposée et vous trouverez de nouveau récits à écouter ou à télécharger… Alors pour être tenu au courant et ne rater aucun épisode, n’hésitez pas à vous abonner aux « collections de l’heure du crime »…

Ponto Final Podcast

Tatiana Daignault

Imagine uma mistura de turismo e true crime. Este é o Ponto Final Podcast, onde eu, Tatiana Daignault te apresentarei destinos cheios de mistério, fatos inexplicáveis e é claro crimes reais ao redor do mundo. Não tem passaporte? Sem problemas, pra embarcar comigo você só precisará de fones de ouvido e coragem.

Serialously with Annie Elise

10 to LIFE & Audioboom Studios

Serialously is hosted by Annie Elise, best known for her true-crime YouTube channel “10 to Life” with over 1M subscribers. Annie Elise discusses true crime cases and gives it to you straight in an engaging, conversational way - just like having a conversation with your best friend, or hopefully your new true crime bestie! *This podcast is not affiliated with The New York Times.

L’heure du crime : les archives de Jacques Pradel


"L’Heure du crime" vous propose de redécouvrir des affaires criminelles marquantes, à travers les archives de l’émission animée par Jacques Pradel. Du vendredi au dimanche, trois épisodes vous emmènent au cœur de ces enquêtes, avec les témoignages de ceux qui les ont vécues. Une plongée dans les dossiers qui ont marqué l’histoire criminelle.

Crime & Comedy

Marco Champier - Clara Campi

Due comici, appassionati di Crime e Serial Killer, hanno deciso di parlarne seriamente... o quasi: Marco Champier e Clara Campi parlano dei casi di True Crime più sorprendenti, dei Serial Killer più efferati e di altre cose divertenti. Ogni domenica mattina una nuova puntata del Podcast, così potete cominciare la giornata di slancio e fare colazione con i baiocchi mentre ascoltate parlare di morti ammazzati. Patreon: Spotify: Apple Podcast: Amazon Music: Google Podcast: Telegram: Sito: — Questo podcast fa parte dell'universo di VOIS. Per scoprire di più, segui su Instagram o visita il sito — 📩 Per Collaborazioni o Sponsorship:

Bad Women: The Blackout Ripper

Pushkin Industries

The streets of wartime London are pitch black and the darkness offers cover to a murderer every bit as terrible as Jack the Ripper. During one awful week in February 1942 he viciously attacks women night after night. But the victims of the so-called Blackout Ripper are now all but forgotten.   In this season of Bad Women, historian Hallie Rubenhold and criminologist Alice Fiennes share new details from the archives to tell the extraordinary and moving stories of the women who died and why their deaths were swept from view.     And don't miss season one of Bad Women about a cold case like no other. In the fall of 1888, five women were brutally murdered in the slums of London. But everything you think you know about Jack the Ripper and those murdered women is wrong. Hallie reconstructs the lives of the five victims - revealing the appalling treatment they faced as women in the 1880s, and completely overturning the accepted Ripper story.

True Crime Deep Dive

Real Story Media

 Welcome to True Crime Deep Dive, the daily podcast that takes you beneath the surface of the latest true crime stories making headlines. Every day, our hosts unravel the intricate details behind real-life cases—from breaking updates and shocking revelations to hidden motives and courtroom drama. With a focus on in-depth analysis and expert interviews, we leave no stone unturned in our quest for justice and truth. Whether it's unraveling unsolved mysteries or dissecting high-profile trials, True Crime Deep Dive is your ultimate daily source for everything true crime. Prepare to dive deep.



Leila conta o desenrolar cheio de reviravoltas da história da atriz Leila Cravo. O podcast começa com a queda da ainda jovem atriz da varanda de um motel luxuoso no Rio de Janeiro, em 1975, no auge da ditadura militar no Brasil. O que primeiramente foi tratado como uma tentativa de suicídio se transforma em um caso chocante que marcou para sempre a vida de Leila e de sua família. Um podcast original Globoplay, produzido pela bigBonsai em coprodução com a Multiverso Produções. Narração: Leandra Leal Ideia Original, Roteiro & Direção: Daniel Pech Pesquisa & Roteiro: Sara Stopazzolli Produtores: Deborah Osborn, Camila Nunes, Felipe Briso e Daniel Pech Produção Executiva: Deborah Osborn e Camila Nunes Coordenação Executiva: Marina Cipis Assistência de pesquisa e roteiro: Thaís Mandarino Assistência de direção: Pedro Maia Coordenação de pós-produção: André Cox Montagem: Alice Furtado e Juliana Munhoz Edição de som & Trilha Sonora Original: Trilheiras Audio Músicos: Danilo Moura, Pedro Bienemann e Pedro Ascaleta Mixagem: Pedro Noizyman Captação de Áudio: Anne Santos e Raquel Lazaro Estúdio: AudioRebel Assessoria jurídica: Dra. Helena Rocca Controladoria: Luciana Martin Financeiro: Vanessa Veronezze Participações: Felipe Rocha, Bianca Joy Porte, Cristina Amadeo e Marcelo Galdino Agradecimentos: Tathiana Cravo, Ana Júlia Cravo e Novotel Leme Entrevista Leila Cravo: Ciça Guedes e Murilo Fiuza de Melo Material de Arquivo em reportagem: Rede Globo Matérias de Jornal: Última Hora / FolhaPress, O Globo, Jornal do Brasil Matérias de Revista: Manchete, Fatos e Fotos, O Cruzeiro, O Pasquim e Ele e Ela Livro: Passagem Secreta de Leila Cravo Em nossa pesquisa contamos com o Acervo da Fundação Biblioteca Nacional-Brasil e com o livro "Os Motéis e o Poder" de Ciça Guedes e Murilo Fiuza de Melo.

The Retrievals

Serial Productions & The New York Times

Dozens of women seeking to become mothers came to a fertility clinic at Yale. A (five-part) narrative series about the shocking events that unfolded there. From Serial Productions and The New York Times.

Answers for Claudia

Audio Always

15 years ago chef Claudia Lawrence went missing. Multiple men have been arrested - then released. Several lakes near her home were emptied in the search for her body. Claudia has never been found. Now her mother has asked for help.  Tom McDermott is the journalist who 80 year old Joan Lawrence asked to help her, saying this might be her last chance for answers. Tom has spent the past year immersed in Claudia’s friendship group, speaking to people in Malton and Heworth where Claudia and her family lived, but something isn’t right - even now people are frightened. Why? Now Tom looks for answers - speaking to the people who knew Claudia best, exploring the persistent rumours surrounding the case and asking why, 15 years after Claudia’s disappearance, are the people of Malton still so scared of the truth?  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.



Your Own Backyard

Chris Lambert

A documentary podcast series investigating the 1996 disappearance of Cal Poly student, Kristin Smart.

Enquêtes criminelles


Chaque semaine, le podcast "Enquêtes Criminelles" tiré de l'émission de W9 vous propose de vivre ou de revivre de grandes affaires criminelles qui font ou qui ont fait l'actualité. La récente disparition du petit Émile, l’incroyable affaire Dany Leprince, ou encore la très médiatique affaire Marion Wagon.

Chameleon: Dr. Miracle

Sony Music Entertainment / Campside Media

A wellness center some called Miracle Ranch, nestled in the scenic mountains of Southern California, promised a luxurious escape and a path to wellness through clean, alkaline living. Its leader, Dr. Robert O. Young, attracted wealthy clientele with his “groundbreaking” health protocols and friendly, family-man persona. But beneath the serene surface, Miracle Ranch harbored a dark secret. The people who stayed there didn’t get better; they got worse. Through legal documents and candid interviews with former patients and employees, law enforcement officials, and affected family members, this series unravels the chilling true story of one man who convinced scores of people that cancer is not a cell but an “acidic, poisonous liquid,” and how his popular “alkaline diet” turned deadly. Want the full story? Unlock all episodes of Chameleon: Dr. Miracle, ad-free, right now by subscribing to The Binge. Plus, get binge access to brand new stories dropping on the first of every month — that’s all episodes, all at once, all ad-free. Just click ‘Subscribe’ on the top of the Chameleon show page on Apple Podcasts or visit to get access wherever you listen. From Campside Media and Sony Music Entertainment, this is Season 8 of Chameleon: Dr. Miracle. Find out more about The Binge and other podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at and follow us @sonypodcasts.



Crime. Investigation. Revelation. Uncover brings you explosive, high-caliber true crime year-round. From CIA mind control to serial abuse, mysterious disappearances to wrongful imprisonment. Each season features a new host who is deeply connected to the story, committed to tracking down the truth. With new episodes weekly, and over twenty seasons to choose from, Uncover represents the best in true crime. For early access to episodes, plus ad-free listening, visit

Spy Affair


A charismatic Russian woman arrives in the US on a mission to improve relations between the two countries, and she soon makes some powerful friends. But who is Maria Butina? And who is she working for? As Maria gets closer to the rich and connected she also attracts the attention of the FBI. In the politically charged world of US-Russia relations, everyone has secrets and almost nothing is what it seems. From Wondery, the makers of The Shrink Next Door and Dr. Death comes SPY AFFAIR a story about deception, appearances and betrayal. Hosted by Celia Aniskovich. Binge all episodes of Spy Affair exclusively and ad-free by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting now.

The Coldest Case In Laramie

Serial Productions & The New York Times

Kim Barker, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter for The New York Times, revisits an unsolved murder that took place while she was in high school in Laramie, Wyoming, nearly 40 years ago. She confronts the conflicting stories people have told themselves about the crime because of an unexpected development: the arrest of a former Laramie police officer accused in the murder.

Stolen Hearts


Sergeant Jill Evans is a small town cop in Wales with an impressive record in her job, and a less than impressive record in her love life. After three engagements, two divorces and one affair, she’s beginning to worry that love is only true in fairy tales. That is until she meets: Dean. He’s a wealthy beauty entrepreneur with his own range of toiletries. Girl meets boy. Boy meets girl. They kiss and fall in love. Roll credits. But that would be boring, wouldn’t it? Instead, this is a love story like no other. It’s all going so well for Jill and Dean, until Halloween night, when Dean disappears. And Sgt. Jill is left to pick up the pieces. From Wondery and Novel, comes a new series. Hosted by Kerry Godliman. Binge all episodes of Stolen Hearts exclusively and ad-free by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting now.

Con Juan

What's the Story? Sounds

Juan Carlos Guzman Betancur is a con-man like no other. He's smuggled his way into more than 50 countries, stolen millions of dollars, and deceived pretty much everyone he's ever met. In this podcast series, investigative reporter Darrell Brown teams up with former Metropolitan Police Detective Christian Plowman to take a journey through Juan's crimes - to unpack his extraordinary life - and to try and find him... it's a journey which takes two years, and spans the globe. Why does Juan Carlos do the things he does? You might not believe the answer.

The Village


In the early 1990s, as AIDS tightens its grip on major cities around the world, the relative safety of Montreal’s nightlife becomes a magnet for gay men. But when they start turning up dead in hotel rooms, beaten lifeless in city parks, and violently murdered in their own homes, the queer community has more to fear than the disease. While the city’s police force dithers over the presence of a serial killer, a group of queer activists starts making connections, and rises up to start a movement that would end up changing thousands of lives. Hosted by Francis Plourde. For the best in true crime from CBC, ad-free, visit

Persona: The French Deception

Wondery | Pineapple Street Studios

What does it feel like to pick up the phone and scam someone out of $50 million? This is the story of Gilbert Chikli, one of the greatest con artists of all time. Host and award-winning journalist Evan Ratliff investigates how Chikli duped some of the world’s most powerful people into handing over their fortunes. He explores how Chikli evaded the law for years and became a Robin Hood-like hero. More than just a tale of criminal genius, this is a show about the moment we’re living in right now — the golden age of scammers — and the power of seduction. But what happens when the fantasy we’ve been lured into finally crumbles away? Binge all episodes ad-free by joining Wondery+ on the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting now.

MrBallen’s Medical Mysteries


The human body is a miracle. But when it’s not working, it can be the stuff of nightmares. On this new series from master storyteller MrBallen, we’re sharing medical horror stories and diagnostic mysteries that are surgically calibrated to make your blood run cold. From bizarre, unheard-of diseases and miraculous recoveries to strange medical mishaps and unexplainable deaths — you’ll never hear the phrase “heart-stopping” in the same way again. MrBallen’s Medical Mysteries is a first-of-its-kind collaboration between MrBallen and Wondery, the award-winning company behind Dr. Death. Follow MrBallen's Medical Mysteries on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. New episodes publish for free every Tuesday. Prime members can binge episodes 49 - 56 early and ad-free on Amazon Music.  Wondery+ subscribers can listen ad-free--join Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts.



A stormy evening in January 2022 begins as an innocent night out for drinks with friends for a local couple in Canton, Massachusetts. But by daybreak, Boston police officer John O’Keefe turns up under six feet of snow and his girlfriend, Karen Read, is immediately suspected of striking him with her SUV - leaving him for dead.  As the investigation into John’s curious death unfurls, rumors of a police cover-up captivate the town of Canton and beyond. Is Karen Read being framed? This question soon begs answers from onlookers far and wide as Karen’s ten week trial is catapulted into the national spotlight.   Law and Crime presents the most in-depth analysis to date of this sensational case – exploring the divisive theories and more by taking you behind the scenes of both the trial of Karen Read and the investigation into John O'Keefe's mysterious death in KAREN. Listen to all episodes of KAREN exclusively and ad-free by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify. Start your free trial today by visiting now.

FRAMED: An Investigative Story

Framed Podcast | Wondery

A true crime podcast that seeks to go beyond the narrative and discover the truth. Both sides have facts, which picture comes into focus depends on how those facts are Framed.

Murder With My Husband


A true crime podcast that ventures into the darkest crimes with a wife who loves it and a husband who hates it.

Up and Vanished

Tenderfoot TV

Host Payne Lindsey heads to the edge of the arctic circle to investigate two mysterious disappearances from Nome, Alaska. Up and Vanished investigates mysterious cold case disappearances with each new season of the hit true crime franchise. Season 1: The case of missing South Georgia teacher, Tara Grinstead, led to two arrests. Season 2: The disappearance of Kristal Reisinger, a young mother who disappeared from a remote Colorado mountain town. Season 3: The North West Montana disappearance of Ashley Loring HeavyRunner, an indigenous woman who went missing from the Blackfeet Nation Indian Reservation. Season 4: The case of missing Alaska Native, Florence Okpealuk and missing 36-year-old Joseph Balderas.

So Supernatural

audiochuck | Crime House

Most mysteries can be solved by looking at the facts. But sometimes, the truth lies somewhere in the unknown… Enter the realm of true crime’s most bizarre occurrences, and unravel all the possible explanations. No matter how strange or surreal they get.

Red Thread

The Official Podcast

Welcome to The Red Thread, a podcast series where three friends (Charlie, Isaiah and Jackson) investigate the peculiar space just beyond reality. Cryptids, Conspiracies, Cults and more are on the investigation board and nothing is off limits. What will they discover? There's only one way to find out...


GLASS | Wondery

Season 2 - Confronting: Columbine The events of April 20th, 1999 shaped our nation and altered the American narrative. One of America’s deadliest school shootings took place in a small town in Colorado, leaving thirteen dead and another twenty-one severely injured. And it was all broadcast over national tv for the nation to see.  The second season of Confronting takes on one of the most prolific tragedies in American history: the Columbine High School massacre. It was a devastating example of how easily a place of learning, familiarity and peace can descend into a war zone of chaos in a moment, the teenagers present that day are now adults who bear the mental and physical scars of the carnage they lived through. Amy Over, a Columbine survivor who is still living with its aftermath and raising her own children in its shadow, confronts many of the realities, questions and myths that surround the massacre to this day. Amy, through her own experience and by speaking with survivors, investigators, classmates, reporters on the scene and other important voices, brings a first-person account of the physical, emotional and spiritual journey that comes along with confronting the worst day of her life. Season 1 - Confronting: O.J. Simpson 25 years after the crimes that ignited the "Trial of the Century" Kim Goldman, sister of murder victim Ron Goldman, is digging deep into the vicious crime that changed her life, and many others, forever. Thrust into the public eye at the age of 22, Kim was devastated when OJ Simpson was found not guilty of the murders of his ex-wife Nicole and her brother Ron. There has been much debate and confusion about what really happened the night of those brutal murders and for the first time Kim gets answers to questions that have been haunting her since the trial. She sits down with prosecutors, investigators, and witnesses who never got to speak and jurors who voted not guilty. In this 10-part series, Kim takes you on a journey as she reclaims and reflects on the part of her life that was changed permanently.

Who Killed Jennifer Judd?


In May 1992, nine days after marrying her high-school sweetheart, 20-year-old Jennifer Judd was killed in her apartment in Baxter Springs, Kansas. The killer had used knives from Jennifer's own set, a wedding gift the couple had only just opened. Upon returning home from work, her husband, Justin Judd, finds Jennifer lying on the kitchen floor with the blade of a knife still lodged in her back. Police immediately suspect one of Jennifer and Justin’s friends. A decade later, another man confesses. However, the case is never solved. In this captivating new series from ID, investigator Sarah Cailean attempts to answer the 32-year-old question: Who Killed Jennifer Judd? She’ll speak with Jennifer’s friends and family as she seeks to understand Jennifer’s life and untimely death. Throughout, Sarah also attempts to understand why police dismissed the confession of convicted murderer, Jeremy Jones.  Also, go back and listen to Season 1, Why Can't We Talk About Amanda's Mom? On Why Can't We Talk About Amanda's Mom? host Sarah Cailean recounts her three-year investigation into the unsolved murder of Renée Bergeron that seems to leave more questions than answers.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.



In September 2014, 3-year-old Sarah and 2-year-old Jacob were last seen in the care of their mother, Catherine Hoggle, in Maryland. Sarah and Jacob have never been found. After disappearing for several days, Catherine was arrested and ultimately charged with the children’s murder. Catherine was declared not competent to stand trial shortly after and has been committed to a psychiatric facility until her competency can be restored. But plenty of people - including some of Catherine’s own family members - have suggested she’s faking incompetence, convinced it’s her path out of prison. Sarah and Jacob’s dad, Troy, and his wife, Stephanie, continue to search for the kids, desperate for both answers and justice. And now, the clock is ticking. Maryland law requires dismissal of murder charges against a defendant found incompetent to stand trial after the expiration of five years. This means that Catherine could be on the verge of release. Troy, Stephanie and their lawyer, Matt—along with police and prosecutors—are racing to stop that from happening. In addition to a compelling and tragic personal narrative, this case raises broader issues about mental health and the justice system and the unintended consequences of well-intentioned laws. Journalists Sarah Treleaven and Beth Karas examine a father’s quest for justice and one key question that overshadows this case: Can you really fake being incompetent and get away with murder?

Crime Weekly

Audioboom Studios

Join retired police detective and private investigator Derrick Levasseur and true crime Youtube creator Stephanie Harlowe as they discuss the crimes making headlines while also taking a deeper look into cases that have fascinated them both personally and professionally. They’ll give plenty of insight and safety tips along the way to help make sure that no listener becomes the subject of the next episode….


Tenderfoot TV, Resonate Recordings & Audacy

In a coroner’s report, the word “undetermined” is used to describe the cause or manner of death when there’s insufficient evidence to lend a more specific classification. In 2019, Jessica Easterly Durning went missing from her New Orleans home; her body was found days later, just two and a half blocks away. Her death was classified as undetermined, but due to evidence of foul play, her friends and family believe someone played a role in her suspicious disappearance. Investigative journalist Jessica Noll and former Detective Todd McComas dig deep into this unsolved case and search for answers to Jessica’s untimely death. From the team that brought you ‘To Live and Die in LA’ and ‘Culpable’, this is ‘Undetermined’.

Dr. Death


We’re at our most vulnerable when we go to our doctors. But what happens when we can’t trust them? Dr. Death is the award-winning series hosted by Laura Beil, now in its fourth season: Bad Magic. Need more Dr. Death? With Wondery+, you can listen to all episodes, unlock exclusive content, get early access to upcoming episodes, and enjoy an always ad-free experience. Start your free trial in the Wondery App or visit now. When a charismatic young doctor announces revolutionary treatments for cancer and HIV, patients from around the world turn to him for their last chance. As medical experts praise Serhat Gumrukcu’s genius, the company he co-founded rockets in value to over half a billion dollars. But when a team of researchers makes a startling discovery, they begin to suspect the brilliant doctor is hiding a secret. Season 3: Paolo is a smart and handsome surgeon, renowned for his ability to perform surgeries that transform his patients’ lives. When television producer Benita covers him for a story, he’ll transform her life too, but not in the ways she expects. As Benita crosses professional lines to be with him, she learns how far Paolo will go to protect his secrets. And halfway around the world, four doctors at a prestigious medical institute make shocking discoveries of their own that call everything into question. Season 2: If someone you love is diagnosed with cancer you want them to get the best treatment from the best doctors. In 2013, patients in Michigan thought Farid Fata was that doctor. Between his prestigious education, years of experience and pleasant bedside manner, Fata was everything you could want in a doctor. But he was not who he appeared to be. From Wondery, this is the story of hundreds of patients in Michigan, a doctor, and a poisonous secret. Season 1: We’re at our most vulnerable when we go to our doctors. We trust the person at the other end of that scalpel. We trust the hospital. We trust the system. Christopher Duntsch was a neurosurgeon who radiated confidence. He claimed he was the best in Dallas. If you had back pain, and had tried everything else, Dr. Duntsch could give you the spine surgery that would take your pain away. But soon his patients started to experience complications, and the system failed to protect them. Which begs the question: who - or what - is that system meant to protect? From Wondery, the network behind the hit podcast Dirty John, Dr. Death is a story about a charming surgeon, 33 patients and a spineless system.

Drink com crime podcast

Drink com crime podcast

Um podcast semanal sobre crimes reais, acompanhado de bons drinks. Episódio novo toda terça-feira. Roteiro e narração: Carla Moraes & Juliana Givisiez.

Usual Disclaimer with Eleanor Neale

Eleanor Neale

I'm Eleanor Neale…you may know me already from my true crime Youtube channel…you may even be one of the many people asking for me to release it as a podcast…well, here it is! Each week on Usual Disclaimer I'll be exploring different cases from the world of true crime, sorting the fact from fiction and delving into the psychology behind what motivates people to commit such horrific acts on others. There’ll be cases from the archive of episodes I’ve already done, alongside new episodes that you can now hear, when you can’t watch. To make sure you never miss an episode, hit ‘follow’ now, wherever you’re listening.
