You Are Your Results


Hello, courageous leaders! In this episode, we dove deep into the concept that "You Are Your Results." We explored the idea that our actions, or lack thereof, directly reflect the outcomes we achieve in our fundraising efforts.Many of you are leading incredible organizations and have the potential to make significant impacts. However, there's often a disconnect between what we say we want and the actions we take. If your goal is to grow and scale your impact, your calendar should reflect the necessary steps to achieve that growth. But for many, there's a mismatch between aspirations and actions.We discussed the importance of asking for unrestricted revenue and major gifts. If you're not seeing the results you want, it's time to ask yourself when you last requested the funds you truly need. It's not enough to hope for million-dollar donations; you must actively seek them out and ask for them.I challenge you to consider whether you've genuinely tried everything to raise the funds your organization needs. Have you reached out to that one donor who could make a transformative contribution? Have you been honest with your donors about the full extent of your financial needs?This episode was a call to action. It's time to align your talk with your walk, to take bold steps, and to embrace the discomfort that comes with asking for more. You have the power to change your results by changing your actions. It's about integrity, courage, and the willingness to be vulnerable.Next time, we'll discuss what it means to become a badass fundraiser. Until then, remember that changing the world starts with changing ourselves. Visit for more resources, and if this episode inspired you, please leave a review. Keep striving for greatness, and let your actions reflect your ambitions.

You Are Your Results

You Are Your Results
