
El Extraordinario

Terrores Nocturnos

Terrores Nocturnos

Historias de terror, misterio, casos reales, hechos inexplicables... Cada martes te traemos una nueva historia que no te dejará dormir. Con Emma Entrena y Silvia Ortiz. Realizado por Yes We Cast. Ilustraciones TheGray.Art Hazte con una suscripción de pago:

Gemelos digitales

Podium Podcast

Un podcast de ensayo ficción (o ficción ensayística) sobre la tecnología de los gemelos digitales o digital twins, ambientado entre Barcelona y China, que explora la condición humana en el contexto de los metaversos, los clones virtuales y la inteligencia artificial. Ciencia ficción sobre un fenómeno que podría volverse pura realidad.  Escrito por Jorge Carrión (Solaris), con diseño sonoro de Teo Rodríguez y la voz protagonista del actor Pablo Derqui. 

La esfera

Podium Podcast

La Esfera parte de una premisa real. Varios pilotos del ejército americano han publicado una carta en el New York Times haciendo público que llevan años viendo objetos voladores no identificados en sus maniobras de vuelo. Una producción original de Podium Podcast. Idea de Polo Menárguez. Escrita y dirigida por Polo Menárguez y Daniel Romero, con diseño sonoro de Teo Rodríguez, Jesús Blanquiño como jefe de proyecto y Lourdes Moreno Cazalla en la producción ejecutiva. "La Esfera" ha sido galardonada en los I Premios Ondas Globales del Podcast a mejor diseño sonoro y Luis Zahera, mejor actor por la esfera.

La firma de Dios

Podium Podcast

En 2024, un nuevo virus asola la población mundial. Su comportamiento, que parece responder a una voluntad consciente, no tarda en hacer añicos el paradigma de la ciencia. Será el principio de una crisis que pondrá en cuestión todo lo que creemos saber sobre la naturaleza y cambiará por completo a la humanidad. 'La firma de Dios' ha sido galardonado en los II Premios Ondas Globales del  Podcast a Mejor guion y Mejor podcast de ficción.

El Gran Apagón

Podium Podcast

El 11 de abril de 2018 se produjo la tormenta solar más intensa jamás registrada. Dos días después, el planeta quedó en completa oscuridad. Este evento fue conocido como El gran apagón. Una serie de Podium Podcast.

Malas Decisiones

La Maldita


Podium Podcast Chile

Un colegio de elite en el sur de Chile está bajo amenaza. Un misterioso audio anuncia que una masacre se aproxima: los “corderos impíos” no seguirán con vida. Por lo tanto, se encarga una investigación entre los alumnos. Victoria García, psicóloga forense especialista con adolescentes, por medio de una serie de entrevistas a la comunidad develará diversas sombras que los acechan. Su misión será que la amenaza anónima del audio no se vuelva una realidad.

Easy Stories in English

Ariel Goodbody, Polyglot English Teacher & Glassbox Media

Learning a language is hard, but Easy Stories in English makes it easy! Ariel Goodbody introduces each story, explaining difficult vocabulary and talking about their life. Thanks to their high energy and clear pronunciation, the stories are entertaining and simple to understand. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced learner, there’s something for everyone. The stories cover a wide range of genres, such as fairy tales, myths and legends, drama, comedy, romance, horror, science fiction and action. There is a balance of children’s stories, as well as more mature themes for adults. While listening to the stories, you can read the transcript at and get both reading practice and listening practice. With enough time, you’ll find that your reading and writing skills improve as well. Ariel Goodbody has a strong background in linguistics and language acquisition, and they base the podcast on Stephen Krashen’s theory of comprehensible input. Ariel changes the level of grammar to suit each level, but prioritise comprehension and good storytelling over anything else. Vocabulary is described using paraphrase, cultural references, pictures, intonation and sound effects. British culture, especially English culture, is naturally introduced throughout the episodes. Ariel also has experience in theatre, and treats every episode like an audiobook performance. With character voices, dramatic timing and a range of accents, adults and kids alike will soon forget that they’re ‘learning’ at all! Some of the most well-known stories from the podcast are: the Doggo and Kitty stories, Grimm Brothers’ Fairy Tales, The Very Hungry Dragon, Sleeping Beauty, The Perfect Pet, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Why Blood is Red, Saint George and the Dragon and Pioneers of the Continuum. Many stories are adapted from famous authors, such as Edgar Allan Poe, Hans Christian Andersen, Isaac Asimov, Josef Čapek, Margery Williams and Ryuunosuke Akutagawa. Ariel studied linguistics at the University of Cambridge and started teaching in 2018. As a language teacher, they use comprehensible input techniques such as TPRS and story listening. In 2021 they published a series of graded readers. These easy readers allow fans to get their favourite stories in a physical format. Apprendre l’anglais facilement avec des contes de fées et histoires racontés en anglais britannique. Méthode pour étudier les vocabulaires, la prononciation, la grammaire et la lecture en anglais. Les livres audio en anglais pour les niveaux débutant, intermédiaire et avancé. Einfach Britisches Englisch lernen mit Märchen und Geschichten. Methode, um Vokabeln, Aussprache, Grammatik und Lesen auf Englisch zu studieren. Hörbücher auf Englisch für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Imparare l'inglese facilmente con fiabe e storie in inglese britannico. Metodo per studiare vocabolario, pronuncia, grammatica e lettura in inglese. Audiolibri in inglese per i livelli principiante, intermedio e avanzato. Aprender inglés fácilmente con cuentos de hadas e historias en inglés británico. Método para estudiar vocabulario, pronunciación, gramática y lectura en inglés. Audiolibros en inglés para todos los niveles: principiante, intermedio y avanzado. 童話、メルヘン、物語でイギリス英語を学ぶことがやさしくさせるイージー・ストーリーズ・イン・イングリッシュ。アリエル・グッドボディはきれいなブリティッシュイングリッシュの発音で新しい単語を説明して、毎週のストーリーを語る。初級、中級、上級の生徒にむかうオーディオブックで英語文法や英語読書をアップさせる勉強取材。 通过英国英语的童话故事和故事轻松学习英语。学习英语的词汇、发音、语法和阅读。为初学者、中级和高级学生提供英语的有声读物。 Легко изучать английский

Relatos de la Noche

Sonoro | RDLN

En la tradición de los clásicos de la radio, aquí se cuentan las historias, relatos y leyendas que habitan las calles de México e Iberoamérica.



Canal de investigación y difusión de fenómenos no humanos (OVNI extraterrestre), duendes, fantasmas, clarividencia, médiums, brujería y demás anomalías paranormales que suceden dentro y fuera de nuestro planeta. Creado y conducido por: @fepomx

Guerra 3

Podium Podcast

Jimena Torres (Adriana Ugarte) es una experimentada reportera de guerra que, tras años intentándolo, por fin consigue un permiso para entrar en Corea del Norte. La periodista pretende desenmascarar lo que ocurre bajo la superficie del país más opaco del mundo.

El Desván de los Cuentos Perdidos - Audiolibros

El Desván

Relatos clásicos, Audiolibros de misterio y terror, de autores como Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Allan Poe, Ambrose Bierce, .. y muchos más, narrados e interpretados con música y efectos. Locutado por Ander Vildósola Música Ander Vildósola, JM Lluch, Kevin MacLeod ( Fuente: Ciudad Seva Soy locutor y actor de doblaje. Admirador incondicional de los Cuenta Cuentos de Salvat y llevado por las sugerencias de grandes amigos, me animé a crear este lugar, este desván.... donde poder encontrar y escuchar cuentos clásicos de misterio y terror que han quedado ocultos tras la polvareda creada por el tiempo y el olvido. Un lugar secreto donde acudir los días lluviosos, las noches en vela, los largos e interminables viajes, o quién sabe, incluso escondido como hiciera Bastian leyendo "La historia interminable" No sabes lo que encontrarás, pero una cosa está clara,...siempre será tu lugar...tu Desván de los Cuentos Perdidos.


Podium Podcast

Alicia no está satisfecha con su vida. Tiene un trabajo cómodo, una buena relación de pareja y un sobrino al que le encanta cuidar, pero a pesar de todo, siente que algo no encaja. Una llamada de teléfono lo cambia todo, convirtiendo a Alicia en el blanco perfecto de un ciberdelito. A partir de ahí, su vida dará un giro y no volverá a ser la misma: engaños, manipulaciones, robo de datos, suplantación de identidades… Alicia se adentra en una trepidante trama con elementos conspiratorios e inteligencia artificial de fondo, que la llevarán a comprender qué clase de persona es y la realidad sobre el mundo feliz en el que creía vivir. Titania es un thriller sonoro ambientado en un mundo donde las tecnologías han cambiado las reglas del juego. Prepárate para descubrir que todo lo que hacemos queda registrado, se convierte en datos, en información útil para los hackers, y averigua cómo puedes proteger tu identidad digital en un mundo cada vez más hiperconectado. Titania ha sido galardonado como el mejor del año por “elevar el género de la ficción sonora” y su “impecable diseño sonoro” por los Premios Ondas 2023 y Mejor Branded Podcast en los Premios Ondas Globales del Podcast 2023.


SKY Airline | Posta

Un podcast de ficción original de SKY Airline y Posta. Lo que comienza con un vuelo de SKY Airline para encontrarse con su hermano Andrés hace que la vida de Rita Ullman dé un giro sin precedentes: se adentrará en una trama por ciudades y cuevas, aventuras que destapan secretos sobre su familia y sobre la civilización como la conocemos. Protagonizado por Antonia Zegers como Rita Ullman y Nicolás Poblete como Andrés Ullman.


Podium Podcast

Boletín informativo de Biotopía, centro de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico avanzado. En Biotopía, lo imposible perdió su significado hace mucho tiempo. Una ficción sonora creada, escrita y producida por Manuel Bartual.

Tentación a Medianoche

Podium Podcast

Un viaje a Rumanía repleto de anécdotas e historias paranormales

Decisiones Desparejas

La Maldita

Decisiones Desparejas, un thriller doméstico con Laura Paredes, Marcelo Subiotto y Benjamin Otero, y la participación especial de Dolores Fonzi, María Marull, Valeria Correa y Esteban Lamothe. Una serie para especular, deliberar y confundir acerca de los matrimonios, mandatos y demonios. Una ficción sonora original de La Maldita. Creada por Azul Lombardía y Lucas Mirvois. #comedia #ficcionsonora #serie #ficcion

Comedy Con.

Comedy Con

Tu programa favorito de comedia. Friki, lleno de cosas, nuevo, y sobre todo, divertido. Únete a Fer, a Evencio, y a su elenco y bienvenido a la Comedy Con. Bravo J***r.


Podium Podcast

Adaptación sonora de la novela de Ray Loriga, Premio Alfaguara 2017



Este programa es dedicado a lo paranormal, disfruta su contenido con responsabilidad, no apto para personas sensibles.

Muerte Súbita


Intriga, corrupción y un amor imposible. Muerte Súbita es una serie de ficción inspirada en un rumor que ha persistido en la política mexicana, y que pone en evidencia que el dinero y el poder no cambia quienes somos, sólo lo revela. A sus 27 años, Michelle es una periodista española cuya carrera va en ascenso y a la que la vida le dará la oportunidad de cumplir sus sueños más ambiciosos. Al conocer a Emilio Villarreal, un poderoso gobernador mexicano y próximo candidato presidencial, no puede evitar ser seducida por sus desmedidas atenciones y la opulencia del mundo político. Sin embargo, todo cambiará con la llegada de un carismático entrenador de ping-pong. Una producción original de Sonoro y Bengala. *Esta es una audio serie de ficción. Los personajes, diálogos y hechos retratados son completamente ficticios. Cualquier parecido con personas reales (vivas o muertas) o con hechos reales es pura coincidencia. Conoce más: Web: Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: Facebook:

Blum (Español)

El Extraordinario

Clara Pastor, estudiante de Historia del arte, desaparece mientras realiza su tesis sobre Ursula Blum, una pintora vanguardista del siglo XX. Cinco años después, la periodista Emma Castillo decide viajar a Suiza para continuar la investigación de Clara y narrar en un podcast lo que va descubriendo sobre el misterio que envuelve a ambas mujeres. Para más información visita: Blum es una ficción sonora de El Extraordinario, creada, escrita y dirigida por Carmen Pacheco y Manuel Bartual. Protagonizada por Vicky Luengo, Jacinto Bobo, Nikki García y Anahí Di Santo.

AudioSerie La Que Se Avecina

Comunidad Montepinar

NUEVO: Las divertidas historias de la Comunidad Montepinar llegan en Exclusiva en formato AudioSerie Audible. 4 Horas de LQSA en Podcast. Disfruta de un total de 10 Capítulos ubicados en la Temporada 12 de la Serie con las voces de sus Protagonistas. Pablo Chiapella (Amador), José Luis Gil (Enrique Pastor), Jordi Sánchez (Antonio Recio) o Nathalie Seseña (Berta), entre otros, llevarán a tus oídos las desternillantes aventuras de esta Comunidad de vecinos nada convencional. Sumérgete en todo un universo de nuevas tramas fuera de la Comunidad, en el que Amador cumplirá al fin su promesa de llevar a su Familia a Disneylandia o en el que Menchu (Loles León) y Fina (Petra Martínez) acompañarán a Yoli (Miren Ibarguren) a Turquía para que se haga un injerto de pelo en su zona genital.

El Desván de los Cuentos Perdidos - Audiolibros

El Desván

Relatos clásicos, Audiolibros de misterio y terror, de autores como Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Allan Poe, Ambrose Bierce, .. y muchos más, narrados e interpretados con música y efectos. Locutado por Ander Vildósola Música Ander Vildósola, JM Lluch, Kevin MacLeod ( Fuente: Ciudad Seva Soy locutor y actor de doblaje. Admirador incondicional de los Cuenta Cuentos de Salvat y llevado por las sugerencias de grandes amigos, me animé a crear este lugar, este desván.... donde poder encontrar y escuchar cuentos clásicos de misterio y terror que han quedado ocultos tras la polvareda creada por el tiempo y el olvido. Un lugar secreto donde acudir los días lluviosos, las noches en vela, los largos e interminables viajes, o quién sabe, incluso escondido como hiciera Bastian leyendo "La historia interminable" No sabes lo que encontrarás, pero una cosa está clara,...siempre será tu lugar...tu Desván de los Cuentos Perdidos.

Les Grands Classiques


Le nouveau podcast de l'INA vous propose des chefs-d’œuvre intemporels de la littérature, à suivre chaque vendredi à 18h. Ces adaptations issues des trésors de la radio prennent le temps, en quinze, vingt ou quarante épisodes, de vous replonger dans les grands classiques de la littérature française et étrangère. « Le Comte de Monte-Cristo », « Moby Dick », « L’Éducation sentimentale »… après avoir passionné plusieurs générations de lecteurs et de cinéphiles, ces récits, servis par une réalisation et une distribution exceptionnelles, vont captiver les auditeurs de tous âges. Chaque semaine, petits et grands pourront vivre des aventures fascinantes, des quêtes existentielles et des passions folles avec Edmond Dantès, Le Capitaine Achab, Frédéric Moreau et autres héros de roman. *** Saison #1 *** « Le Comte de Monte-Cristo » - L’histoire débute en 1815 à Marseille. Le Pharaon, un trois-mâts marchand, retourne au port après un long périple. À son bord, un jeune officier à dû remplacer au pied levé, le capitaine décédé pendant la traversée. Ce marin de dix-neuf ans se nomme Edmond Dantès. Il est fiancé à une Catalane, Mercédès et leur mariage est prévu le lendemain de son retour à Marseille. Mais rien ne se passe comme prévu et un grand drame va frapper le destin de ce jeune héros, qui va se retrouver emprisonné au Château d'If, au large de Marseille, d'où il est impossible de s'évader. Trahisons, vengeances, amours et rédemptions, cette adaptation d'Alexandre Dumas diffusée en 1980 et 1981, plonge l’auditeur dans une aventure exaltante.


Paco Arias | Genuina Media

Hola! Bienvenido a este tu espacio, donde pasaremos muchas horas hablando de temas extra anormales que mis seguidores me hagan llegar, prepárate y disfruta de mucho terror.! Distribuido por Genuina Media

Cita con Rama - Podcast de Ciencia Ficción

Motor y al Aire

Cita con Rama es un podcast para los amantes de la Ciencia Ficción en todos sus aspectos: libros, películas, series, cómics, juegos de rol. Cualquier formato que nos haga conocer otras realidades y otros mundos de la mano de la imaginación... Únete a nosotros y preprárate a abrir tu mente

Модель для сборки

Модель для сборки

Первая и крупнейшая группа МДС, работает с 2007 года. Литературно-музыкальный симбиоз лучших произведений зарубежной и российской литературы и музыки таких модных направлений, как электроника, психоделика, эмбиент, даб, трип-хоп. «Модель для сборки» - уникальный, культовый проект, популярность программы неуклонно растет. В ноябре 2015 МДС отметила свое двадцатилетие. Раз в 1-2 месяца проходят живые концерты в Москве, а также было несколько питерских и один в Иваново.

Bienvenido a la vida peligrosa

Podium Podcast

La narconovela sonora de Arturo Pérez-Reverte.

Stories from the Village of Nothing Much


In the Village of Nothing Much, everyday life is full of glimmers of ordinary magic. From the Inn on the Lake to the Farmer’s Market, from the bookshop in downtown to the cabin in the woods, enjoy soothing stories that lean into small pleasures and celebrate community. Based on the enormously popular podcast Nothing Much Happens, these family-friendly stories are an antidote to anxiety and a dose of simple goodness. Listen on your commute, on a walk, or whenever you want to visit a place where people are kind and simple things are enjoyed.



Всім привіт, я Катя і це подкаст Балакуча, де у форматі домашнього книжкового клубу я розповідаю про авторів та їх героїв, ділюся своїми роздумами та асоціаціями від прочитаних книг. Якщо вас цікавить література, приєднуйтесь та бажаю приємного прослуховування! Телеграм канал:

U.Me: The Complete Musical

BBC World Service

Stephen Fry narrates a new musical romance, a love story between two people who connect online across the world’s time zones. Sung by Anoushka Lucas and Martin Sarreal, composed by Theo Jamieson and performed by the BBC Philharmonic.

1001 Sherlock Holmes Stories & The Best of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle

A truly enjoyable and growing collection of Sherlock Holmes Adventures and the best stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, one of Britain's greatest storytellers. Narration by master storyteller Jon Hagadorn (1001 Stories Network).


Imaginary Comma

Feature length, atmospheric, spooky stories told on the 13th of each month. Explore an eerie universe of supernatural and occult tales 

Pollito Tropical Podcast

Pollito Tropical

Regreso con este proyecto de Podcast donde estaré conversando con amigos, enemigos, artistas e influencers. Acompáñame en cada capítulo. Espero verlos por acá y me cuentan sus opiniones en mis redes sociales.

Moriarty: The Devil's Game

Charles Kindinger

Audible’s bold new addition to the Sherlock Holmes universe, Moriarty: The Devils Game, dares to ask: What if Holmes’ most villainous nemesis was actually an innocent man? Featuring Dominic Monaghan (Lord of the Rings, Lost) in a riveting lead performance, Moriarty turns one of literature’s most famous rivalries on its head, recasting Professor James Moriarty as a desperate fugitive framed for murder–and hunted by dark forces who will stop at nothing to exploit his brilliance. Moriarty finds the professor on the heels of an earth-shattering mathematical breakthrough–a formula so powerful, it can predict the future–and at the scene of a gruesome murder he must solve to prove his innocence. With London’s sprawling underworld as their battleground, Moriarty and Holmes match their peerless intellects to gain the ever-shifting upper hand. But as their duel escalates, so does the deadly cost of pursuing the truth. “What will it take to get your justice?” Dr. Watson asks an utterly ensnared Moriarty, “And if you do get it… what will you become?” Vividly brought to life by a sensational cast and meticulously crafted sound design, Moriarty is a heart-pounding series filled with biting wit and shocking twists at every turn. Listen closely–and assume nothing. The game is afoot.

Teorías y Conspiraciones

Oculus Mentis

Oculus Mentis es un proyecto realizado por estudiantes del 4° año de la Licenciatura en Comunicación Social de la Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Lo que buscamos es recrear las teorías conspirativas más conocidas a partir del relato, el suspenso y el lenguaje radiofónico. Te invitamos a abrir tu mente a otra visión de la realidad. Y recordá, las conspiraciones no tienen límites.


BBC World Service

Season 1: Fall of the Shah A tale of power, betrayal and fear. Taking you back to the 1970s, when the Iranian Revolution would change the world forever. A nine-part drama. Season 2: Fukushima A tsunami hits the Japanese nuclear plant. The disaster told in a seven-part drama. As the energy company and politicians in Tokyo lose control, the reactors become unstable and a “suicide squad” of older workers is sent inside. This drama follows the heroes who fight to contain the disaster and those whose mistakes led Japan to catastrophe. Years later, some seek atonement. Fukushima Cast: Suto: Togo Igawa Akiko: Ami Okumura Jones Yoshida: Eiji Mahara Saito: Sadao Ueda Ito: Matt McCooey Shimada: Akira Koieyama Narrator: Romola Garai Reporter: Kevin Shen Reporter: Naoko Mori Worker: Nino Furuhata Written by Adrian Penketh Sound design is by Peter Ringrose Produced by Toby Swift and Sasha Yevtushenko Commissioned by Simon Pitts for BBC World Service.

I Hear Fear


Nothing is as terrifying as the sounds we hear in the dark. The slow creak of a door opening late at night... or a whisper in a room when you thought you were alone... or a distant scream in the wind. One noise at the wrong time or place can scare us for days. Each episode of I HEAR FEAR plunges the listener into a tale inspired by real events, from a deadly dance party to a cursed film set. Join host and two-time Oscar nominee Carey Mulligan for six immersive stories designed to jangle your nerves and haunt your dreams. Listen to I Hear Fear early and ad-free right now with Wondery+, or wherever you get your podcasts on 10/16.

The Archers

BBC Radio 4

An intense and gripping week of events unfolds in Ambridge. Listen to all the drama here.

Case 63

Spotify Studios

CASE 63 IS OUT NOW Season Two of Case 63 transports us back to 2012 where Eliza Beatrix Knight wakes confused and naked in a bathroom at JFK airport, having failed her mission. Taken to a hospital, she is treated by Dr. Vincent Caldwell - a resident psychiatrist with a familiar voice. Beatrix is now Case 63. With the future of humanity ever more at risk, Beatrix and Vincent must race to unravel the past to save an uncertain future. Season 2 of CASE 63 is created and written by Julio Rojas. Adapted by Mara Vélez Meléndez. Directed by Mimi O’Donnell and stars Julianne Moore and Oscar Isaac.

Sherlock & Co.

Goalhanger Podcasts

My name is Dr. John Watson, once of the British Army Northumberland Fusilier Regiment, now a true crime podcaster based in Central London. I don't have much experience in criminology, so this is mostly a record of how I met possibly the most brilliant and bizarre person I have ever (and will ever) know. Join me as I document the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. This podcast is property of Goalhanger Podcasts. Copyright 2023. SHERLOCK AND CO. Based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Leyendas Urbanas

Podium Podcast

Historias inquietantes llenas de misterio y terror.

Gente Inmunda

Gente Inmunda

En este programa hablaremos de personas que han llegado a la cima de la inmundicia por cualquier motivo. Todo personaje variopinto que tenga que ver con la cultura trash, el faranduleo charro o el inframundo de internet tendrá su lugar en este podcast desenfadado que se asemeja mucho a una charla entre vecinas desquiciadas en el patio de luces. De la mano de Silver y Hector, sumérgete en un universo de estrellas conocidas y no tan conocidas del que quizá no sabías que eras fan.

La asamblea de los muertos

Podium Podcast

Entre bromas y pullas, cuatro parejas inician un viaje al norte de África en un minibús alquilado. A primera vista, parecen unos turistas con ganas de disfrutar a tope de sus vacaciones, pero en realidad los hombres forman parte de una banda de delincuentes madrileños de poca monta y se dirigen a Marrakech con un encargo muy concreto: desvalijar un banco durante la feria de orfebrería que se celebrará en la ciudad. Con coproducción con la editorial Salamandra, adaptamos a ficción sonora la novela \u0022La asamblea de los muertos\u0022 de Tomás Bárbulo.

SED: La Advertencia

Sonoro | Xook Audio | SF 110

¿Cómo sería tu ciudad el día que se acabe el agua? SED: La advertencia es una serie en podcast donde una ciudad como la tuya se queda seca. Protagonizada por Tenoch Huerta, Alejandra Robles Gil y Manuel Balbi.


Nostromo Audio

Toda especie se enfrenta a la extinción alguna vez en su historia. “El Club Darwin” es más que una novela científica. Es una historia donde la ciencia-ficción se mezcla con el misterio y la intriga, con diálogos profundos, traiciones, acción y drama. Descubre las narraciones en primera persona de los protagonistas de esta aventura de ciencia-ficción que te enganchará desde el primer minuto.


Ice Murdock

Experiencias PARANORMALES. Creepypastas. Relatos de HORROR. Historias de TERROR. El Miedo nunca habia sido tan Relajante.

Six Minutes

GZM Shows

Discover the most downloaded family audio drama in history. Eleven-year-old Holiday is pulled from the icy waters of Alaska with no memory of who she is or where she comes from. And when she begins to develop incredible abilities, she’ll soon learn she’s not alone in the world. From Peabody Award-winning Gen-Z Media, creators of The Unexplainable Disappearance of Mars Patel and The Big Fib, Six Minutes is a thrilling adventure for the whole family. New episodes of Season 3, Six Minutes: Out of Time release every Tuesday and Thursday. Produced by Gen-Z Media. For more great Gen-Z shows visit

El Club Del Terror

Podium Podcast

Disfruta de tus temores

Teatros Del Aire

Podium Podcast

Grandes clásicos, en las ondas

Informe Z

Podium Podcast

Claudia, una niña de once años, encuentra un perro de apenas dos meses abandonado en el bosque. El animal está infectado con un agente biológico. El centro se llena de militares y lo declaran en cuarentena.

Geschichten zum Einschlafen

Julep Studios

Pssssssst. Hey, Du schläfst ja noch gar nicht? Das ist gar nicht schlimm. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Du hier bist. Wir erzählen Dir in diesem Podcast jeden Mittwoch Geschichten zum Einschlafen - von einer Wanderung durch majestätische Gebirgsketten, einer Erkundungstour durch den einzigartigen Dschungel und einem Spaziergang entlang eines plätschernden Bachs, umgeben vom blühenden Leben. Wir, das sind Nale und Balto, möchten Dich auf eine Reise schicken, damit Du die Sorgen des Tages hinter Dir lassen kannst. Unsere Geschichten sollen Dir dabei helfen, zur Ruhe zu kommen und langsam in einen verdienten und erholsamen Schlaf zu gleiten. Wir wünschen Dir eine gute Nacht, schlaf schön! Konnten wir Dir beim Einschlafen helfen? Hast Du eine Idee, wo die nächste Reise hingehen soll? Dann schreib uns gerne an Wir freuen uns sehr, von Dir zu hören!

El tigre

Podium Podcast / Estela Producciones

En mitad de la noche, José Luis, un porquero extremeño, llega a casa cubierto de sangre y afirmando que ha visto un tigre. ¿Dice la verdad o todo es la rocambolesca excusa de un vulgar ladrón a punto de ser descubierto? Así arranca una historia de ricos inocentes y pobres envidiosos. ¿O era al revés? Una historia que corre a lomos de un tigre hasta sacudir por completo la tranquila vida de Fregenal de la Sierra, un pequeño pueblo de la provincia de Badajoz. “El tigre” es un thriller sonoro que ruge con acento castúo y se adentra en los motivos que tenemos para creer en aquello que no podemos ver.  EL TIGRE es una ficción sonora presentada por PODIUM PODCAST y ESTELA FILMS con guion y dirección de María Ballesteros y José Antonio de Pascual y narración de Aitana Sánchez-Gijón.

L'última bruixa

Catalunya Ràdio

Les veus de Mercè Arànega, Sergi Vallès, Chantal Aimée i David Verdaguer protagonitzen aquest podcast de ficció en àudio immersiu escrit per Anna Maria Ricart Codina i amb música original de Rafel Plana. Una bruixa perseguida per un caçador de bruixes viatja per pobles i èpoques diferents mentre viu històries que es convertiran en llegendes. Paral·lelament, en l'actualitat, un home està confinat a casa amb la seva gata i viu obsessionat per una presència estranya al pis del costat.

La torre de vidre

Catalunya Ràdio

Pere Arquillué, Nausicaa Bonnín, Lluís Marco, Pep Anton Muñoz i Artur Busquets protagonitzen aquest podcast dirigit per Santi Faro, a partir d'una història original d'Albert Sánchez Piñol. Una inquietant sèrie de ficció, en àudio immersiu, ubicada en una Barcelona postapocalíptica farcida de soledat, perills inquietants, criatures amenaçadores i intrigues existencials.

پادکست رخ

Rokh Podcast

داستان زندگی کسانی که قسمتی از تاریخ ایران و جهان را رقم زدند Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Berícid Sulfúric

Berícid Sulfúric

Ficció sonora

Midnight Burger

Business Goose Media

When Gloria took a waitressing job at a diner outside of Phoenix, she didn't realize she was now an employee of Midnight Burger, a time-traveling, dimension-spanning diner. Every day Midnight Burger appears somewhere new in the cosmos along with it's staff: a galactic drifter, a rogue theoretical physicist, a sentient old-timey radio, and some guy named Caspar. No one knows who built Midnight Burger or how it works, but when it appears there's always someone around who could really use a cup of coffee. "When the waves of the universe crash unrelentingly, when the stars seem indifferent to your plight, suddenly there is a diner." We open at 6.

The Encounter Table

Encounter Co.

A D&D real play podcast where three best friends "encounter" guest(s) each campaign, strive to entertain, make you laugh, and make a positive impact on the world! CURRENT CAMPAIGN: Marvin's Game FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES:

The Other Stories | Sci-Fi, Horror, Thriller, WTF Stories

Hawk & Cleaver | A Digital Story Studio bringing you the best new stories to watch, read, sniff, and absorb.

These aren't the stories your mother used to tell you ... no, these are The Other Stories. The Other Stories is a weekly short story podcast. A modern take on The Twilight Zone, Tales From The Crypt, or The Outer Limits. Sci-Fi, Horror, Thriller, WTF stories delivered right to your podcast feed every Monday morning. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Nazis: The Road to Power

BBC Radio 4

The story of how in just 13 years, Hitler led a fringe sect with less than a hundred members and outlandish ideas to be the dominant force in German politics.

Bons baisers de partout


INA Podcasts présente un trésor des archives de la radio : « Bons baisers de partout », en version restaurée. Avis aux amateurs de calembour et de création sonore ! “Bons baisers de partout”, la série totalement loufoque de Pierre Dac et Louis Rognoni est de retour en version restaurée, sur INA Podcasts. Cette parodie de série d’espionnage diffusée de 1966 à 1974 met en scène le Service de Documentation Unilatéral et de Contre-espionnage (le SDUC) dirigé par le Colonel Hubert de Guerlasse, interprété par Pierre Dac lui-même. À retrouver tous les mercredis à 18h.

Nuremberg: The Trial of the Nazi War Criminals

BBC Radio 4

The story of the trial of the most notorious Nazi war criminals through dramatic reconstruction, telling it from ground-level up, through the eyes of a Russian interpreter, the American prison psychologist, a French reporter, the British Court Liaison Officer and others from the thousands of individuals tasked with fighting 'the last battle of WWII'. Starring Natalie Dormer, Freddie Fox, Kate Phillips, Alex Kingston, Ed Stoppard and Henry Goodman.


Olga Paraíso

A través de la voz, soy capaz de dar vida a un sinfín de personajes y emociones en el mundo de la locución y la narración de audiolibros. Un podcast de Terror y Ciencia Ficción dirigido por Olga Paraíso

Охотницы за привидениями

Русский аудиосериал

Фэнтези аудиосериал о том, как два блогера Маша и Таня выдают себя за борцов с потусторонними силами. Неожиданно, для самих себя, они сталкиваются с реальными паранормальными явлениями и, вместе с призраком Благомиром, начинают сражаться со злом.

Não Inviabilize

Déia Freitas

O canal Não Inviabilize é um espaço de contos e crônicas, um laboratório de histórias reais. Aqui você ouve as suas histórias misturadas às minhas! Quadros do canal: Amor Nas Redes - histórias de amor, afeto, saudade; Picolé de Limão - histórias do cotidiano, ciladas, trapaças, muita história revoltante; Luz Acesa - histórias de terror, suspense e mistério; Ficção da Realidade - histórias ficcionais interativas; Mico Meu - histórias engraçadas; Alarme - histórias que servem de alerta, gatilhos emocionais. Site: E-mail:

SCP Archives

Bloody FM

Secure. Contain. Protect. There are things that go bump in the night. Fantastic things. Horrible things. Redacted things. The SCP Foundation was built to keep humanity safe from a world of beings it doesn’t want to know exists. Things of wonder. Things of destruction. And these things have files. A LOT of files. New episodes weekly. * * * Content related to the SCP Foundation, including these podcasts, are licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0. Concepts originate from works on the SCP Foundation Wiki

Ficciones sonoras de Jesús Matsuki

Jesús Matsuki

Ficciones sonoras: "Recursos humanos", "Saetas" y "Que la suerte te..." son ficciones sonoras que han sido realizadas por: Jesús Agudíez: Diseño sonoro, edición y montaje. Jesús Matsuki: Dirección, guion y producción. Síguenos en redes sociales y en las plataformas para estar al día de los siguientes estrenos.

vale ok podcast

Guillem Camós i Marc Sarrats

Vídeopodcast on t'expliquem tonteries en plan històries de misteri, llegendes urbanes, creepypastas, conspiranoies, etc. Com un Cuarto Milenio però de rissa i amb menys pressu. Cada dilluns de 23h a 00h en directe per Twitch i Youtube. La resta de la setmana també a Spotify o a la teva plataforma d'audio preferida. Per sempre més al teu cor.

Welcome to Night Vale

Night Vale Presents

Twice-monthly community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, where every conspiracy theory is true. Turn on your radio and hide. Never listened before? It's an ongoing radio show. Start with the current episode, and you'll catch on in no time. Or, go right to Episode 1 if you wanna binge-listen.

Passenger List

Passenger List and Radiotopia

Atlantic Flight 702 has disappeared mid-flight between London and New York with 256 passengers on board. Kaitlin Le (Kelly Marie Tran), a college student whose twin brother vanished with the flight, is determined to uncover the truth. Passenger List is a mystery thriller podcast from PRX’s Radiotopia.

Terrores Nocturnos Podcast

Terrores Nocturnos Podcast

Si te gustan las situaciones paranormales, si tienes un agudo sentido que percibe el más allá o simplemente te gusta lo inexplicable este Podcast es para ti. Este es un espacio donde contaremos historias reales de sucesos paranormales y donde el protagonista eres tu. Así es que no esperes más y mándanos tu historia al correo electrónico y sé parte de este proyecto. Support this podcast:

Terror en la Oscuridad

Herr Dunkelheit

Sumérgete en Terror en la Oscuridad, donde cada video es una puerta a experiencias reales de terror. Descubre historias escalofriantes vividas por militares, psicólogos, y personas comunes atrapadas en situaciones extraordinarias. Desde fenómenos paranormales hasta encuentros con criaturas extrañas e inquietantes, nadie está a salvo del miedo que acecha en lo desconocido. Explora con nosotros el lado más oscuro y misterioso de la realidad. ¡Disfruta del miedo! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Les Maîtres du mystère


Version restaurée de la plus connue des fictions radiophoniques. Retrouvez un nouvel épisode chaque mardi, à 21h. Émission culte de la radio française, “Les Maîtres du mystère” ont captivé chaque mardi soir des millions d’auditeurs fidèles de 1957 à 1965. L'émission de Pierre Billard et Germaine Beaumont profitait alors de la mode du polar, à une époque où la télévision n'était pas encore implantée dans tous les foyers. Une pléiade de comédiens, Rosy Varte, Michel Bouquet, Roger Carel, Jean Topart… y ont joué dans des adaptations de classiques de la littérature policière et des récits inédits. Son générique reconnaissable entre tous, composé par André Popp, a contribué au succès de la plus célèbre série radiophonique d’histoires à suspense.

The Edge of Sleep

QCODE & Wood Elf

When a night watchman finishes his shift at work, he is terrified to discover that everyone in the world who went to sleep the previous night has died. Now he and a band of survivors must stay awake and uncover the secret of this global epidemic, before they fall asleep. Starring and produced by Markiplier. Created by Jake Emanuel & Willie Block.



What happens when a truck driver picks up a loaded trailer, but has no idea what’s really inside? Tony, Grammy, and Emmy award winner Cynthia Erivo journeys down a dark and lonely highway in this seven-part original scripted thriller. With immersive audio techniques that create a dimensional listening experience, the audience is strongly advised to use caution, wear headphones if possible, and listen... carefully. Produced by QCODE. Starring Cynthia Erivo. Written and Directed by Dan Blank.

Moan Audios – Spicy ASMR


Moan Audios is an auditory ASMR escape. Listen in on secret sex, pleasure sounds, whimpers and moans. Because sometimes, no words are necessary…. Listen during bedtime or me time. This podcast is intended for mature listeners…Headphones highly recommended. Created by Dipsea. Can’t wait to hear more? Get access to 1,000+ spicy audios on the Dipsea app. Use promo code MOAN or go to to get 30 days free.

The Foxes of Hydesville

QCODE | Criminal Content

Inspired by the true story of the Fox Sisters. This 9-episode swirling family epic (starring Carey Mulligan) follows the infamous mediums as they rise to fame in the 19th century when they begin conjuring up the dead... and inadvertently spawn a new religion: Spiritualism. ~~~ All 9 episodes will be available for free, but QCODE+ subscribers get early, uninterrupted access to new episodes. Learn more at ~~~ Produced by Criminal Content and distributed by QCODE. Starring Carey Mulligan, Phoebe Tonkin, Mckenna Grace, and Christina Brucato. Directed by Shawn Christensen.

The Northern Bank Job

BBC Radio 4

It was the biggest bank heist in British and Irish criminal history. Belfast writer Glenn Patterson has unfinished business with the 2004 Northern Bank robbery.

The Saints

The Merry Beggars

🏔️ Adventures of Faith and Courage A daily podcast bringing the Saints to life with award-winning actors, writers, and sound designers. 🌐 Subscribe for Free Daily Episodes: Get free daily episodes delivered to your email inbox, along with coloring pages, activity sheets, and more! 🔥 Ignite your Family’s Faith In a culture that has abandoned God, families struggle to find beautiful, faith-affirming stories to inspire their children. The Saints: Adventures of Faith and Courage provides thrilling and inspiring stories to ignite your family’s pursuit of virtue and holiness. 🗺️ A New 5-Episode Adventure Every Week.  Join Joan of Arc as she leads the French army, Patrick of Ireland as he escapes slavery, Saint George as he stands up against the Roman Empire, and many more. Professional actors, award-winning writers, and cinematic sound design that are guaranteed to leave you and your family eagerly waiting for tomorrow’s episode.



Hannah (Lana Condor) finds herself trapped inside her boss Fin Gorale’s (Alan Cumming) subterranean biosphere named Evergreen, alongside seven of the world’s greatest minds. When Fin informs the group that an asteroid has destroyed the surface of the Earth, they find themselves – forced survivors – tasked with rebuilding society. As our characters vie for control of Evergreen, alliances form and fracture as heroes turn into villains. But when Hannah discovers that Evergreen is malfunctioning, can she convince the group to work together to fix Fin’s creation before the utopia that was meant to save them.. kills them? Created by Chloe Stearns and John Wynn (Last Known Position), Evergreen is a 9-episode psychological sci-fi thriller rooted in ego, deceit and the power of choice.



A gripping psychological thriller starring Cole Sprouse as Sam Walker. In the first season we followed Sam as he painstakingly recounts the summer his sister disappeared; the friends he made, the legends he heard, the pain and confusion of loss. Over nine episodes, we uncovered the unspeakable secrets of Drisking, Missouri and the people who live there. After leaving the audience with a jaw dropping cliffhanger, we are finally returning to Sam and the terrible truths of Drisking. Across seven episode of Season 2, a ghost of Sam’s past arrives to drag him back to Drisking for revenge. Back to the forests that color his nightmares. Back to the mysteries he never solved. Back… to the gates of Borrasca. Please be advised this show contains adult language, violent acts and triggering situations. It is intended for adult audiences only. Produced by QCODE. Created and written by Rebecca Klingel. Directed by Kristin Burke. Starring Cole Sprouse and Sarah Yarkin. Borrasca is presented by Mint Mobile. Mint Mobile is the affordable, premium wireless service that you buy online. To get your new phone plan for just 15 bucks a month, go to QCODE+ subscribers on Apple Podcasts will get early access to new episodes before anyone else and exclusive bonus content. Learn more at 

Last Known Position


A new mystery thriller from the makers of Blackout and The Left Right Game, Last Known Position follows a group of experts including submersible pilot Mikaela Soto (Gina Rodriguez) as they seek to recover a flight that suddenly vanished over the Pacific Ocean.  The super yacht sets off on what looks like an expedition funded by a grieving billionaire, William Cavanaugh (James Purefoy), to recover the flight that his wife and daughter were on. But the crew soon discovers that there's more to the expedition than they were let on when they start to find themselves in increasingly perilous situations that point to a saboteur among the group, and a looming threat in the deep waters. Last Known Position premieres everywhere on Monday, December 20th. QCODE+ subscribers on Apple Podcasts will get early access to new episodes before anyone else and exclusive bonus content. Learn more at Produced by QCODE. Created and written by Lucas Passmore and directed by John Wynn. Starring Gina Rodriguez and James Purefoy. 


QCODE & Endeavor Content

Academy Award® winner Rami Malek stars in this apocalyptic thriller as a small-town radio DJ fighting to protect his family and community after the power grid goes down nationwide, upending modern civilization. Season 2 picks up after Simon’s family escapes. Upon crossing paths with an old family friend, Wren (played by Aja Naomi King), recounts her experience getting out of Boston... but can she be trusted? What truths remain to be uncovered about the origins of this blackout? Produced by QCODE and Endeavor Content. Created by Scott Conroy. Season 1 stars and is executive produced by Rami Malek. Written by Scott Conroy. Directed by Shawn Christensen. Season 2 stars Rami Malek and Aja Naomi King. Written by Jeremy Novick. Directed by Stefanie Abel Horowitz and Jeremy Novick. BLACKOUT is presented by Sonos. Discover sound made easy at

The Antiquarium of Sinister Happenings

Bloody FM

Step into a mysterious shop where every relic has a sordid tale to tell. New episodes every week!!

Listening In


When her home speaker begins picking up her neighbors’ conversations and broadcasting them into her apartment, a lonely recent New York transplant, Julia (Rachel Brosnahan) becomes increasingly obsessed with her neighbors' lives. But what begins as a voyeuristic endeavor quickly devolves into a situation with real world consequences, and she quickly realizes she doesn’t know who to trust. From the makers of Last Known Position and Soft Voice comes Listening In, a uniquely modern mystery thriller. QCODE+ subscribers on Apple Podcasts will get early access to new episodes before anyone else and exclusive bonus content. Learn more at  Produced by QCODE, Automatik, and Scrap Paper Pictures. Created, written, and directed by Sabrina Jaglom. Starring Rachel Brosnahan, Manish Dayal, David Aaron Baker, Caroline Aaron, Adeline Rudolph, Bridget Regan, Daniel J Watts, and Dana Melanie. 

Soft Voice


Lydia was perfect, because Soft Voice told her exactly what to do and what to say. But one day, Soft Voice left. SOFT VOICE is an immersive audiodrama about imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and self-loathing starring Naomi Scott, Bel Powley and Olivia Cooke, written and directed by James Bloor.

Ad Lucem


The year is 2032, and the revolutionary tech company AD LUCEM O.I. has over 10 million subscribers. Their Corporeal Augmented Reality Assistant, or CARA for short, is a massive success. CARA isn’t just another listening device. It’s a virtual assistant, helmed by a live operator, who responds to the wants and needs of their clients in real time – the way only a human can. With an update to this game-changing technology on the horizon, the company’s CEO is poised to capture the fame and fortune she’s always dreamed of. But it is quickly revealed that her determination to “maintain the thread of human connection” might have unintended consequences…  AD LUCEM is a nine-episode, socio-political thriller about the ethical dilemmas that surface when the pursuit of human connection blurs the lines between technology and reality. All nine episodes will be available for free, but QCODE+ subscribers get early, uninterrupted access to new episodes. Learn more at  Produced by QCODE, Barry Linen Motion Pictures, and SALT with Executive Producers Chris Pine, Olivia Wilde, Ian Gotler, Troian Bellisario, and Joshua Close. Written and directed by Troian Bellisario and Joshua Close. Starring Chris Pine, Olivia Wilde, and Troian Bellisario with Fiona Shaw, Clancy Brown, and Joshua Close.

The Left Right Game


Tessa Thompson stars as an idealistic young journalist trying to make a name for herself by following a group of paranormal explorers, obsessed with a seemingly harmless pastime known as the Left/Right Game. The journey takes her into a supernatural world that she and the other members of the expedition can neither handle nor survive.

From Now


A famed lost spaceship, the USS HOPE, returns to Earth after vanishing thirty-five years prior. The lone survivor (Richard Madden) disembarks mysteriously​ looking the exact same age as when he left​. Following the ensuing media chaos, he finally reunites with his formerly identical twin brother (now an old man) for a one-on-one meeting. But what starts as a joyful reconciliation soon leads to dark revelations that threaten their relationship -- and the future of humanity. FROM NOW stars and is Executive Produced by Richard Madden and Brian Cox. Created & Written by Rhys Wakefield and William Day Frank.



A new quick-witted mystery from the makers of Blackout and The Left Right Game, Classified follows Ivan Harris (WYATT RUSSELL), a slightly paranoid smooth talker who finds himself trapped in the mysterious Ravenholm Institute.  Ivan claims to be sane, but his cries are ignored by the imposing Doctor Bell (MONICA POTTER), who insists that Ivan be treated until he’s free of his delusions. While enduring painful procedures and under the heavy watch of the attendants, Ivan formulates a plan of escape with the other patients. Ivan yearns to get back to his partner, Odessa, but does she even exist? Is Ivan really a trained killer? He is planning his escape with the help of his imaginary friend Lark (BRENT JENNINGS), so what is actually going on? And What does Ravenholm have to do with it all? Tune in to find out what happens to Ivan and his fellow band of misfits.  Produced by QCODE. Created by Spenser Cohen and Anna Halberg. Starring Wyatt Russell, Brent Jennings & Monica Potter.


QCODE, Crooked Media

Rosamund Pike stars as Edith Wilson in "Edith!" a scripted comedy podcast exploring the untold true-ish story of America's secret First Female President. After President Woodrow Wilson suffered a massive, paralyzing stroke in the White House, Edith Wilson did the unthinkable: she told no one. And for almost a year following the end of World War I, Edith Wilson acted as the de facto unelected President. She would sign documents as him. She would fire people as him. She would even cause international incidents as him. And all along the way, enemies both internal and external, inched closer to finding out her secret. New episodes every Thursday.


Shenee Howard

Life is finally looking up for 28 year old Shayla -- She’s got a great boyfriend and is about to start her dream writing job. But when it all falls apart in the space of one day, Shayla finds herself heartbroken and struggling to make ends meet. After a chance encounter with the world’s most popular K-pop idol, Youngjae, she decides to chase the fantasy and heads for South Korea in the hopes of kindling a relationship with the star. There are a lot of ups —beautiful city, amazing food, dynamic culture and K-pop music everywhere, plus a new friend in Dal, an ex-idol with a chip on his shoulder who owns the 7-11 she lives above. But there are also downs — culture clashes, difficulty with the language, and Youngjae is a lot more popular than she realized. She likely isn’t going to just bump into on the streets of Seoul! Moving to Korea might have been a mistake, but Shayla’s committed to see it through. With time running out on her 90-day visa she enlists an exasperated Dal to help her reconnect with Youngjae, but will their friendship become something more as he helps her chase her Y/N dreams? Starring Susan Wokoma and Daniel Henney, with MeeWha Alana Lee, Amerjit Deu, Edward Hong, Joomin Hwang, Seong-Jae Kong, Hester Jean Lee, Jennifer Kim, Shawn Kim (aka Kim Goo), Lorna Laidlaw, Elsie Lovelock, Jessica Lee, Rae Lim, Helen Madelyn Kim, Eurie Nam, Jun Noh, J Sebastian Lee, Jennifer Sun Bell, Minje Sung, Marta Svetek, George Weightman, Clare Wille, MiJi Yi and June Yoon Now available in Dolby Atmos on Audible.

The Burned Photo


The hit horror show, The Burned Photo is back. This suspense-filled thriller tells the story of Felicia (Charmaine Bingwa, THE GOOD FIGHT) and Kira (Kat McNamara, SHADOWHUNTERS), two women, whose lives become intertwined when they discover they are being terrorized by the same multi-generational curse that is determined to end their family lineages. In Season 2 of The Burned Photo, Felicia and Kira dig deeper into the curse, discovering its connection to the mysterious 18th century sorcerer, Doctor Joachim and realizing the curse’s origin is more horrifying than they could ever imagine. Will they be able to face the Tanmitadore on their own terms or will the curse succeed in ending Felicia and Kira’s lives? Produced by QCODE and Vertigo Entertainment (IT, THE DEPARTED). Starring Charmaine Bingwa and Katherine McNamara. Season 2 Created by Nicole Exposito. Written by Jeremy Novick & Kwynn Perry. Directed by Jeremy Novick & Kwynn Perry.

Protagoniste: donne al centro della storia

Vera Santillo

Protagoniste è un podcast narrativo che mette le donne al centro dei racconti ideati, scritti e narrati da Vera Santillo, liberamente ispirati alle testimonianze dirette e indirette da lei raccolte. L’intento alla base della ricerca e della realizzazione del podcast è quello di raccontare le donne ammettendole tutte, senza esclusioni o distinzioni, andando oltre la narrazione dello “straordinario” e delle figure “eccezionali” o fuori della norma. Le donne di Protagoniste sono ordinariamente uniche e straordinariamente speciali per la loro diversità. Il montaggio e la post-produzione audio sono a cura di Federico Cuscunà.

Bloodthirsty Hearts

QCODE | Tenderfoot TV

Friends growing apart happens, but creatures crashing a fantasy convention… not so much.  Five high schoolers bonded over the Bloodthirsty Hearts novel series turned slightly-erotic movie franchise as kids, and now it’s what brings them back together for the first-ever fan convention. However, what starts as fun and games quickly turns into a fight-for-your-life event as creatures from the same universe invade. Will the childhood friends be able to work past their differences and survive the night? Perhaps their shared obsession will prove to be useful after all… ~~ From the makers of Classified and Ronstadt comes Bloodthirsty Hearts, a supernatural comedy premiering everywhere July 7. QCODE+ subscribers on Apple Podcasts will get early access to new episodes before anyone else and exclusive bonus content. Learn more at ~~ Produced by QCODE and Tenderfoot TV (Up and Vanished, Radio Rental). Created and written by George V. Ghanem and directed by Sam Beasley. Starring Victoria Moroles, Gus Birney, Sofia Bryant, Sivan Alyra Rose, and Cheyenne Haynes with Taran Killam, Happy Anderson, Naomi Grossman, and Ezra Buzzington.

Electric Easy


A forbidden love story about a runaway android and the human sent to hunt her down. Electric Easy is a musical neo-noir science fiction show set in a futuristic Los Angeles in which humans struggle to co-exist with robots, known as “electrics”. Created by Vanya Asher (“Shadow and Bone") and from executive producer Kesha. The all-star cast includes Kesha, Chloe Bailey and Mason Gooding alongside Frances Fisher, Happy Anderson, Jojo T. Gibbs, Benito Skinner, Lachlan Watson, Erica Ash, Sugar Lyn Beard, Sean Maguire, Jen Kober, Detox, and Brendan Jordan.  From QCODE. Executive produced by Vanya Asher and Kesha. Electric Easy is presented by Bud Light Seltzer Retro Tie Dye. Experience variety and fun with Bud Light Seltzer today.

Ghost Tape


We follow Tessa Dixon at a remote army base in Texas as she deals with the psychological and physical trauma of basic training. When she finds a tape of her grandfather’s labeled ‘Ghost Tape’ and plays the haunting audio, she unknowingly unleashes a deadly manifestation of her own family’s horrible misdeeds. Co created by Nia DaCosta and Aron Eli Coleite. Starring and executive produced by Kiersey Clemons. Written by Alexandra E Hartman and directed by Malakai.