Astronomía y algo más

Ricardo Garcia

Conversaciones informales con personas relacionadas al fascinante mundo de la astronomía. Nuevos episodios cada sábado. Por Ricardo Garcia Soto


WNYC Studios

Radiolab is on a curiosity bender. We ask deep questions and use investigative journalism to get the answers. A given episode might whirl you through science, legal history, and into the home of someone halfway across the world. The show is known for innovative sound design, smashing information into music. It is hosted by Lulu Miller and Latif Nasser.

Hablando con Científicos -

El conocimiento científico crece gracias a la labor de miles de personas que se esfuerzan por encontrar respuestas a los enigmas que plantea la Naturaleza. En cada programa un científico conversa con Angel Rodríguez Lozano y abre para nosotros las puertas de un campo del conocimiento.

Un Humano por Persona

Tamara Pazos Cordal

Un Humano por Persona es un espacio para conocer mejor a la especie humana. Está hecho y presentado por Tamara Pazos (@putamen_T), bióloga con especialización en neurociencia cognitiva y divulgadora científica. Cada episodio aborda una materia de relevancia social en tres secciones: EvoluciónBiología y neurocienciaÉtica Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ciencia y genios -

Las mentes más claras de la historia han ido tejiendo poco a poco la intrincada tela de araña del conocimiento científico. De aquellos y aquellas que destacaron por encima de otros hablamos aquí. En cada programa les ofrecemos la biografía de un gran sabio y todas ellas se van sumando a nuestro podcast: Ciencia y Genios.

el charco


Qué pasa! Acabas de llegar a “El Charco”, un podcast de opinión sobre Medio Ambiente. Soy Enoc Martínez, ambientólogo, y profesional del Medio Ambiente (porque trabajo y me he formado para ello). Episodios cortitos con opiniones sobre temas ambientales del día a día que posiblmente no encuentres en otros medios.

DarkHorse Podcast

Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying

On The DarkHorse Podcast, we will explore questions that matter, with tools that work. Weekly episodes of "The Evolutionary Lens" are co-hosted with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying, in which we use an evolutionary toolkit to reveal patterns in nature--including human nature. Guest episodes feature Bret hosting long form discussions. Some guests are well known, others obscure, but all are chosen because they have demonstrated unusual insight. The state and future of civilization will be a recurring theme, so buckle up!



Whether the topic is popcorn or particle physics, you can count on BrainStuff to explore -- and explain -- the everyday science in the world around us.

Quilo de Ciencia -

Jorge Laborda

El quilo, con “q” es el líquido formado por la digestión de los alimentos en el estómago, antes de su paso al intestino delgado. En el podcast Quilo de Ciencia, realizado por el profesor Jorge Laborda, intentamos “digerir” para el oyente los kilos de ciencia que se generan cada semana y que se publican en las revistas especializadas de mayor impacto científico. Los temas son, por consiguiente variados, pero esperamos que siempre resulten interesantes, amenos, y, en todo caso, nunca indigestos.

Curiosity Unbounded

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

The Curiosity Unbounded podcast brings you behind the scenes at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) through conversations between MIT President Sally Kornbluth and the people working in its labs and in the field. Along the way, Sally and her guests discuss pressing issues, as well as what inspires the people running at the world’s toughest challenges at one of the most innovative institutions on the planet.

Ciencia Nuestra de cada Día -

Ángel Rodríguez Lozano

La Naturaleza nos sorprende cada instante con multitud de fenómenos que despiertan nuestra curiosidad. La Ciencia Nuestra de Cada Día es un espacio en el que Ángel Rodríguez Lozano nos incita a mirar a nuestro alrededor y descubrir fenómenos cotidianos que tienen explicación a la luz de la ciencia.

The Biology of Superheroes Podcast

Dr. Shane Campbell-Staton and Arien Darby

Los 25 programas más recientes de CIENCIAES.COM en un solo podcast. Aquí tienen reunidos a: Hablando con Científicos, Ciencia y Genios, Ulises y la Ciencia, La Ciencia Nuestra de Cada Día, Zoo de Fósiles, Vanguardia de la Ciencia, Seis patas tiene la vida, Océanos de Ciencia, Quilo de Ciencia, Ciencia Extrema, El Neutrino, Ciencia Fresca y Cierta Ciencia.

Ask a Spaceman!

Paul M. Sutter

What would happen if you fell into a black hole? How big is the universe? Just what the heck is a quasar, anyway? You've got questions, and astrophysicist Paul Sutter has the answers! Submit questions via Twitter using #AskASpaceman or post to Every week you will come closer to COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE OF TIME AND SPACE!

Il gorilla ce l'ha piccolo

di Vincenzo Venuto con Telmo Pievani | Il desiderio sessuale è la forza che guida il comportamento di tutte le creature viventi: parleremo di come fanno sesso, come si corteggiano o si tradiscono e scopriremo che l'evoluzione non seleziona i più adatti a sopravvivere, bensì i più adatti a riprodursi. Parleremo inoltre di come il mondo degli animali vive le relazioni sociali, le alleanze, le amicizie, i rapporti familiari e, infine, la morte, per capire un po' meglio anche chi siamo noi.

Zoo de fósiles -

La mayor parte de los seres vivos que han poblado la Tierra han desaparecido para siempre. Quincenalmente, Germán Fernández Sánchez les ofrece en Zoo de Fósiles la posibilidad de conocer la vida de algunas de las más extraordinarias criaturas que vivieron en el pasado y que han llegado hasta nosotros a través de sus fósiles.

Planet NOAA

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

On Planet NOAA, go behind NOAA news headlines, get up close with cool science, and stream one-on-one conversations with scientists straight from your mobile device or computer! Transcripts available at

Ulises y la Ciencia -

Desde abril de 1995, el profesor Ulises nos ha ido contando los fundamentos de la ciencia. Inspirado por las aventuras de su ilustre antepasado, el protagonista de la Odisea, la voz de Ulises nos invita a visitar mundos fascinantes, sólo comprendidos a la luz de los avances científicos. Con un lenguaje sencillo pero de forma rigurosa, quincenalmente nos cuenta una historia.

Vanguardia de la Ciencia -

Vanguardia de la Ciencia es un programa de divulgación científica que comenzó a emitirse en abril de 1995 con el objetivo de hacer llegar la ciencia a todo el mundo de manera sencilla de entender pero de contenido riguroso. Dirigido por Angel Rodríguez Lozano, creador y director del programa. A lo largo de una hora de duración ofrece noticias, reportajes, entrevistas y curiosidades científicas

Aesthetic Pollution | Contaminación Estética


Charla alrededor de ciencia , comedia y cotorreo

La Ciencia Pop

Gabriel León

La Ciencia Pop es un podcast semanal sobre historias de ciencia que está inspirado en el libro del mismo nombre, editado en Chile, España y República Checa. Si te gustó, puedes aportar en mi Patreon

Manage the Wild

Nick Madsen

Welcome to Manage the Wild podcast! In this series, we'll be exploring the fascinating world of wildlife management, covering everything from habitat restoration and predator control to population management and conservation biology. Our expert guests will share their insights and experiences on a range of topics, offering valuable information and practical advice for anyone interested in wildlife management. We'll also be discussing the latest research and innovations in the field, as well as the challenges and controversies surrounding wildlife management today. I'll throw in a story or two about my experiences working with wildlife. Whether you're a seasoned wildlife professional or just starting out, this podcast is for you. Join me as I delve into the complex and rewarding world of wildlife management!

El Método

Luis Quevedo / CUONDA

Enamorado del mundo, a pesar de la historia. Vengo aquí para aprender, a través de la conversación, de mentes que saben más que yo. Aprenderemos a ver aspectos del universo y nuestro lugar en él que, tal vez, no nos habíamos planteado antes. Esa será la mejor recompensa. Un podcast objetivamente personal, de @Luis_Quevedo, en colaboración con Cuonda.

Science Friday

Science Friday and WNYC Studios

Brain fun for curious people.

Informe Miguel del Pino


La proliferación de nuevas leyes de alto contenido ideológico que siembran dudas en la opinión pública en temas científicos y médicos, hace necesaria la reflexión y el recuerdo de las bases científicas que deben prevalecer en aspectos de tal importancia. En todo ello incidiremos en “Informe Miguel del Pino”, donde hablaremos con sencillez basada en el rigor profesional de más de cincuenta años de carrera divulgativa, docente y práctica.

The Science of Everything Podcast

James Fodor

In this podcast I discuss a variety of topics in both the natural and social sciences, exploring the many fascinating insights that the scientific method yields about the world around us.

El Neutrino -

El neutrino es una partícula esquiva, en apariencia insignificante, pero necesaria para explicar el mundo. Ni la radiactividad, ni el big bang, ni el Modelo Estandar de la física de partículas serían posibles sin él. Con El neutrino, un blog nacido en febrero de 2009, el físico y escritor Germán Fernández pretende acercar al lector, y ahora al oyente, al mundo de la ciencia a partir de cualquier pretexto, desde un paseo por el campo o una escena de una película, hasta una noticia o el aniversario de un investigador hace tiempo olvidado.

Into the Impossible With Brian Keating

Big Bang Productions Inc.

A podcast about how we understand the world, scientifically and as humans. Each conversation brings together visionaries from the worlds of arts, sciences, humanities, and technology discussing the nature of reality and how we collaborate to create the future. Hosted by Dr Brian Keating, Chancellor’s Distinguished Professor of Physics at UC San Diego. For show notes go to:

The Michael Shermer Show

Michael Shermer

The Michael Shermer Show is a series of long-form conversations between Dr. Michael Shermer and leading scientists, philosophers, historians, scholars, writers and thinkers about the most important issues of our time.

This Week in Evolution

Vincent Racaniello

This Week in Evolution is a podcast on the biology of what makes us tick. Hosts Nels Elde and Vincent Racaniello take you through the new evolution that has been revolutionized by the field of genomics and molecular biology.

Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe


A fun-filled discussion of the big, mind-blowing, unanswered questions about the Universe. In each episode, Daniel Whiteson (a Physicist who works at CERN) and Jorge Cham (a popular online cartoonist) discuss some of the simple but profound questions that people have been wondering about for thousands of years, explaining the science in a fun, shorts-wearing and jargon-free way.

Where Is My Mind?

Mark Gober and Blue Duck Media

Where does your "mind" come from? Easy answer: Your brain...right? Think again. It's hard to believe, there is no explanation in modern science how a brain could create our subjective experience of being alive ("consciousness"). Science Magazine has called this "hard problem" the #2 question remaining in all of science. Where Is My Mind? explores a revolutionary hypothesis: What if consciousness comes from outside the body? The show is hosted by Mark Gober, a consciousness researcher and author of An End to Upside Down Thinking, who happens to be a former Wall Street banker working in Silicon Valley. Why does this show matter? Well, if consciousness is not native to the brain, would phenomena like telepathy, precognition, near-death experiences, afterdeath communications, and so much more not only be possible... but be PREDICTED? Plus, what happens when we die? Are psychics real? How could a young child accurately report memories of someone else's life and death? The implications could shift our collective worldview and even impact how we treat one another... so don't miss it.

Ciencia Fresca -

Jorge Laborda y Ángel Rodríguez Lozano

La ciencia no deja de asombrarnos con nuevos descubrimientos insospechados cada semana. En el podcast Ciencia Fresca, Jorge Laborda Fernández y Ángel Rodríguez Lozano discuten con amenidad y, al mismo tiempo, con profundidad, las noticias científicas más interesantes de los últimos días en diversas áreas de la ciencia. Un podcast que habla de la ciencia más fresca con una buena dosis de frescura.

Universo Paralelo

Universo Paralelo

Universo Paralelo, una mirada al mundo desde la perspectiva científica - Programa de Divulgación Científica en RadioCí

Evidenz-Update mit DEGAM-Präsident Martin Scherer

Martin Scherer (DEGAM), Denis Nößler (Ärzte Zeitung)

Erst war dieser Podcast ein Corona-Update. Von Ende März bis Ende Juni 2020 hatten wir über die Sicht der Allgemeinmedizin auf die Coronavirus-Pandemie gesprochen. Wir, das sind Professor Martin Scherer, Präsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin, und Denis Nößler, stellv. Chefredakteur und Nachrichtenchef der „Ärzte Zeitung“ aus dem Hause Springer Medizin. Doch SARS-CoV-2 ist einer von vielen Infektionserregern, COVID-19 nur eine von tausenden Krankheiten. Wir alle waren im "Corona-Tunnel". Und da wollten wir rauskommen, also haben wir aus dem Corona-Update ein Evidenz-Update gemacht. Künftig wollen wir hier regelmäßig einmal in der Woche über sogenannte "Wahrheiten" in der Medizin sprechen. Wir schauen auf die medizinische Wissenschaft, auf Studienergebnisse und Expertenaussagen. Wir ordnen ein, was wir eigentlich wissen können und was nicht. Und wo es schlicht Grenzen gibt – auch für Ärztinnen und Ärzte.

The Humble Hoof

Alicia Harlov

The Humble Hoof is a podcast for both horse owners and equine professionals, offering discussions into various philosophies on the health of the hoof and soundness of your horse. Each episode we will explore either a topic in regards to the hoof, such as laminitis or navicular, or focus on an interview with a professional in the hoofcare world- whether it's a farrier, trimmer, vet, bodyworker, etc.Please check us out on Facebook, or at Intro/Outro Song Credit: b song by San Holo

原来是这样 Dscience

原来是这样 Dscience



MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative

Get smart quickly on climate change. This award-winning MIT podcast, Today I Learned: Climate, breaks down the science, technologies, and policies behind climate change, how it’s impacting us, and what our society can do about it. Each quick episode gives you the what, why, and how on climate change — from real scientists — to help us all make informed decisions for our future.

Sasquatch Chronicles

Sasquatch Chronicles - Bigfoot Encounters

People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this to be ignored. Join us every Sunday night as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. Listen as we speak with researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information. Additional episodes and exclusive content can be found on our website Become a Member today and receive access to additional exclusive shows posted weekly, our full back catalog of episodes, the ability to comment on Episodes and Blog entries, and access to our Forums. For the latest news, please visit our Blog. We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.

La Buhardilla 2.0

La Buhardilla 2.0

Podcast de Ciencia dónde tratamos temas que van desde las matemáticas hasta la aeronaútica pasando por Física, Química y Biologia.

Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and Bobo

Bigfoot and Beyond LLC

Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and Bobo is a weekly podcast hosted by Cliff Barackman and James "Bobo" Fay of Animal Planet's "Finding Bigfoot".

In utero

France Inter

SERENDIPIA-Divulgación Científica

SERENDIPIA-Divulgación Científica

Sebastian y Anaís buscan acercarte al mundo de la ciencia y sus autores. A través de explicación de temas, respuesta de preguntas y entrevistas a cientificos e investigadores. Un nuevo episodio cada semana. Síguenos en Instagram como @Scserendipia para seguir en contacto y descubras muchas cosas más.

Tiny Matters

The American Chemical Society

From molecules to microbes, Tiny Matters is a science podcast about the little things that have a big impact on our world. Every other Wednesday, join hosts and former scientists Sam Jones and Deboki Chakravarti as they answer questions like, 'what is a memory?', 'is sugar actually addictive?' and 'are we alone in the universe?'

Hablemos de perros


Soluciones sencillas para problemas de conducta de perros complicados

The Science Show

ABC listen

The Science Show gives Australians unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate, from the physics of cricket to prime ministerial biorhythms.

Infectious Disease Puscast

Vincent Racaniello

A review of the infectious diseases literature from the previous two weeks.

Буде тобі наука


Ми обговорюємо проблемні питання науки, які кидають виклики сучасному суспільству. Щонеділі розкриваємо нову історію.

Origin Stories

The Leakey Foundation

Explore human evolution one story at a time. This award-winning show blends storytelling with science that will change your understanding of who we are.

Große Fragen in zehn Minuten von MDR Wissen

Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk

Es gibt Themen, über die die Menschheit zum Teil seit Jahrhunderten diskutiert - MDR WISSEN-Reporter Karsten Möbius erklärt sie mit Hilfe der Wissenschaft in zehn Minuten!

Synapsen – ein Wissenschaftspodcast

NDR Info

Wissenschaft ist mehr als eine Schlagzeile. In diesem Podcast bekommt ihr Fakten und Geschichten aus der Forschung: Seit Corona weiß jeder, was ein PCR-Test ist, was aber macht Long Covid mit Kindern? Hilft veganes Essen wirklich gegen den Klimawandel? Wir fragen Klimaforscher. Alle zwei Woche treffen sich die "Synapsen"-Hosts Maja Bahtijarević und Lucie Kluth mit Journalist*innen, die aktuelle Fragen der Wissenschaft recherchiert haben. In den anderen Wochen präsentieren die beiden Hosts in diesem Kanal unseren Science Slam. Wissenschaftler*innen präsentieren ihre Forschungsthemen in einer knackigen Viertelstunde, unterhaltsam und auf den Punkt.

A Través del Universo

Podcast que contiene los programas de divulgación astrofísica y astronómica A Través del Universo, del Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía. Presentado por Emilio García y Pablo Santos.

New Books in Mathematics

Marshall Poe

Interviews with Mathematicians about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member!

Night Science

Itai Yanai & Martin Lercher

Where do ideas come from? In each episode, scientists Itai Yanai and Martin Lercher explore science's creative side with a leading colleague. New episodes come out every second Monday. 

Main Engine Cut Off

Anthony Colangelo

MECO is opinion and analysis of spaceflight, exploration, policy, and strategy, by Anthony Colangelo.

Jungla de Asfalto


Animales y plantas son los protagonistas de Jungla de Asfalto. Miguel del Pino, reconocido biólogo y periodista, y el Padre Mundina, todo un experto en botánica, nos dan los mejores consejos sobre animales y plantas respectivamente. Cada semana el Padre Mundina analiza a fondo una planta mientras que Miguel abre su arca para contarnos los secretos de una especie. Además nos invitan a dar un paseo por la naturaleza en Abre la ventana.


Juan María Arenas

Un podcast entorno a la Comunicación científica en el ámbito de la ecología. Dirigido por Juan María Arenas, Doctor en Ecología y Restauración de Ecosistemas y CEO de Oikos MSP empresa de Comunicación y Marketing especializado en Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente. Juan conversa cada día sobre un tema concreto con una persona invitada experta en dicho tema. Si te vas a los programas antiguos igual te encuentras otros formatos, pero todo proyecto evoluciona y actualmente es lo que es. ¡Esperamos que lo disfrutes! Desde el programa 40 también están los programas como videopodcast en el canal de Youtube de OikosMSP en esta lista.

Exploration Radio

Ahmad Saleem, Steve Beresford

Welcome to Exploration Radio, a podcast focusing on the past, present and future of exploration. Featuring interviews and discussions with explorers about the challenges they have faced, what we stand to learn from them and how we can better prepare for the future. Ultimately these are stories about exploration...and the people, places and issues prevalent within it. Come join us and let's explore.

The Big Beard Theory

Anton Pozdnyakov

«Теория Большой Бороды» выходит каждый четверг с 2015 года. Автор: Антон Поздняков

Tom Nelson

Thomas Nelson

Interviews and presentations on climate and energy realism, with guests including Will Happer, Jerome Corsi, Marc Morano, Carl-Otto Weiss, Valentina Zharkova, Christopher Essex, Henrik Svensmark, Patrick Moore, Ross McKitrick, Willie Soon, Susan Crockford, Peter Ridd, Christopher Monckton, and Richard Lindzen.

Sasquatch Odyssey

Sasquatch Odyssey-Bigfoot Encounters

In each episode, we bring you riveting interviews with individuals who have had encounters with the elusive Sasquatch. Each one of these stories will leave you wanting more. But that's not all. We go beyond the encounters and explore the realm of Bigfoot research from a critical thinking perspective. We bring you interviews with field researchers who dedicate their lives to unraveling the mysteries surrounding Sasquatch. These dedicated individuals use hard science and rigorous methodologies to investigate the existence of this legendary creature. Through thought-provoking discussions, we aim to shed light on the truth behind the Sasquatch phenomenon. Our show highlights the boots-on-the-ground researchers who tirelessly pursue evidence and employ scientific methods to answer the age-old question: Does Sasquatch truly exist? Join us each week as we embark on a thrilling journey into the unknown, uncovering compelling stories, and examining the scientific evidence that surrounds the mystery of Sasquatch. Get ready to challenge your beliefs and expand your understanding of this captivating subject. If you have had an encounter with Bigfoot or any other cryptid and would like to be on the show, email Please make sure to subscribe to or follow the show wherever you listen. If you have the option, turn on those automatic downloads and never miss an episode. Now. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Become a supporter of this podcast:

BirdNote Daily


Escape the daily grind and immerse yourself in the natural world. Rich in imagery, sound, and information, BirdNote inspires you to notice the world around you.


Nico Johnson

Nico Johnson takes you into conversations with those at the forefront of Renewable Energy. SunCast gives an inside look into what is happening in renewable energy. From conversations with the biggest Solar Panel manufacturers in the world to the small startups creating the future of renewable energy, such as carbon capture and battery technology breakthroughs. SunCast is dedicated to providing the knowledge, research, tools and expert guidance you need to understand, grow and be ahead of the curve in the fastest-growing markets in the world. Featuring over 600 conversations, Nico has interviewed people from Tesla, SolarCity, Trina Solar, Meyer Burger, Conergy, SunEdison, Energy Vault and even the US Government... to name a few. Covering topics such as Solar Power, Wind Energy, Batteries, Electric Vehicles, Carbon Capture, Finance, Hydrogen, and more. You can watch SunCast on YouTube: ...or view the full archive of SunCast episodes here:

UFO Chronicles Podcast

Nik Hunter

First-hand witness encounters of the Strange and unexplained. The host Nik will take you head first down the rabbit hole in a refreshing and different podcast format. Witness accounts from everyday people from all over the world with uninterrupted monologues of their encounters. The phenomena that people experience shared here range from sightings of UFOs to traumatic alien abductions, scary heart stopping stories of ghosts, demons and the Occult. Accounts of crossing paths with Bigfoot, Sasquatches and all manner of dark entities that lurk and dwell in the dark woods and remote areas. Psychic abilities of precognition, premonitions, and the people who have journeyed to the other side with their near-death experiences. The encounters in this podcast will stay with you long after you have finished listening. Want to share your encounter on the show? Email: Or Fill out Guest Form: Podcast Website: Become a supporter of this podcast:


Kai Kuperschmidt, Laura Salm-Reifferscheidt

Was hat die Stechmücke mit der Unabhängigkeit Schottlands zu tun? Wieviel Macht haben Parasiten über uns? Wo droht die nächste Pandemie? Das ergründen die Journalisten Kai Kupferschmidt und Laura Salm-Reifferscheidt. Sie recherchieren in Regenwäldern und Wüsten, Giftküchen und Hochsicherheitslaboren und beschreiben, wie alles zusammenhängt: Von den kleinsten Mikroben zum großen Ganzen.

The Common Descent Podcast

Common Descent

Join David and Will as they explore the paleontologists’ perspective on various topics in life and earth history. Each episode features a main discussion on a topic requested by the listeners, presented as a lighthearted and educational conversation about fossils, evolution, deep time, and more. Before the main discussion, each episode also includes a news segment, covering recent research related to paleontology and evolution. Each episode ends with the answer to a question submitted by subscribers on Patreon. New episodes with new topics every fortnight!

What The Duck?!

ABC listen

The show with a mission to explore the mysteries of nature - especially the ones that make you go What the Duck?!


Лучшее Радио

Ваша любимая передачка про науку. Новости израильской и мировой науки, последние открытия, новые технологии и разоблачения антинаучных мифов.

eanCast: Weekly Neurology

eanCast: Weekly Neurology is your source for education, research and updates from the European Academy of Neurology. Regardless of experience level, you are invited to join expert moderators and guests in reviewing, discussing, and debating various topics within the 29 EAN sub-specialties. New neurological topics every month, and new episodes every Monday.

In Defense of Plants Podcast

In Defense of Plants

правило 34


Подкаст про секс на экране и в жизни. Гости и ведущие обсуждают, что смотрят только в режиме «инкогнито». По вопросам сотрудничества —

Ciencia EXtrema -

Vemos y sentimos el mundo como si estuviera hecho a nuestra medida. Sin embargo, la Naturaleza se muestra a escalas muy distintas, en ella se combina lo diminuto y lo inmenso, lo invisible y lo visible, el frío absoluto y el más tórrido e inimaginable infierno. El podcast "Ciencia EXtrema", elaborado por José María Campos Cánovas, nos invita a conocer los récords más sorprendentes de la Naturaleza.

The Cows Are Mad

BBC Radio 4

The Covid-19 pandemic has been one of the weirdest things any of us has lived through. But there was another sickness that once stalked the nation and turned things very strange for a while. In the 1990s Britain was hit by an epidemic of a fatal neurological disease in cows that also killed 178 humans. Science was split between government assurances of safety and dissidents warning of disaster. Trust in officials took a battering. Facts became blurred. And the grisly truth about our global industrialised meat industry was revealed. 30 years on, scientists and activists are still searching for answers to two big questions - where did mad cow disease originally come from and how did humans get infected? This crazy tale of cannibal cows, competing origin theories, and scientific dead ends lives on as the madness continues to spread.

FAZ Wissen

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung F.A.Z.

So spannend kann Wissenschaft sein: Die beiden F.A.Z.-Redakteure, Astrophysikerin und Wissenschaftsphilosophin Sibylle Anderl und Biologe Joachim Müller-Jung, sprechen in jeder Folge des Wissenspodcasts über relevante wissenschaftliche Themen und aktuelle Studien. Sie stellen Bahnbrechendes, Nützliches, Überraschendes, Spannendes und Skurriles aus der Welt der Forschung verständlich vor. Die Bereiche reichen von Medizin und Ernährung, über Weltraum, Leben und Gene, Geist und Soziales, Erde, Wald und Klima, bis hin zu Archäologie und Altertum. Immer am Ende der Woche erscheint eine neue Episode. Alle Folgen können jederzeit auch hier angehört werden: Anregungen, Themenwünsche und Feedback nehmen wir gerne per E-Mail mit dem Betreff „Podcast Wissen“ an entgegen.

Océanos de Ciencia -

Los mares y océanos han motivado desde siempre a los científicos. La necesidad de orientarse en un entorno cambiante nos ha hecho mirar al cielo y conocer los astros y sus movimientos, hemos creado instrumentos de navegación en los que se dan la mano arte, ciencia y tecnología, y han tenido lugar grandes expediciones científicas que han cambiado la visión del mundo y de nosotros mismos. De todo ello nos habla Manuel Díez Minguito.

The Stem Cell Podcast

The Stem Cell Podcast

Join Drs. Daylon James and Arun Sharma as they discuss the latest stem cell research, and interview some of the brightest minds in the field.

Cierta Ciencia -

Josefina Cano

En Cierta Ciencia, de la mano de la genetista Josefina Cano nos acercaremos, cada quince días, al trabajo de muchos investigadores que están poniendo todo su empeño en desenredar la madeja de esa complejidad que nos ha convertido en los únicos animales que pueden y deben manejar a la naturaleza para beneficio mutuo. Habrá de todo como en botica; historias de la biología, diversas en contenido y extensión aunque amarradas por esa grandiosa idea de la evolución.



【サイエントークとは?】 おしゃべりな研究者レンと普通のOLエマが科学をエンタメっぽく語るポッドキャストです。 学校では教わらない科学の歴史や日常に潜む「なぜ?」という疑問、個性豊かな研究者のストーリーを深堀り! 世界にあふれる科学の魅力を声で伝えるべく、たまに日常と併せておしゃべりしています。 ▶詳細プロフィールやおたよりは公式サイトへ! → 【パーソナリティ】 研究者レン:おしゃべりな野良研究者。話し手と企画担当。趣味は科学者の逸話やクセ強めな研究をネタとして集めること。化学を習得すれば何でも作れるのでは?と考え研究者の道へ。現在は企業の研究職として働く化学博士。 OLエマ:自称普通のOL。番組のイラスト製作と聞き手を担当。学生時代にカナダに留学していた。よく間違えられるが実は理系で、研究室に所属していたこともある。 お問い合わせメールアドレス → サイエントークはAmazonのアソシエイトとして適格販売により収入を得ています。

The Confessionals

Merkel Media

The truth is stranger than fiction. The Confessionals Podcast explores the true stories of witnesses to the world of unexplained phenomena. As an interview-based podcast, host Tony Merkel holds conversations with everyday individuals who share their unique experiences crossing paths with the unexplainable and with dedicated researchers delving into realms of high strangeness.

omega tau - English only

Markus Voelter, Nora Ludewig

How do scientists uncover phenomena and explain their connections? How do engineers design machines, methods and infrastructure? At omega tau, experts give detailed answers. Over the last ten years, we have produced over 350 episodes in which we dug deeper, until we ran out of questions. Join us on our journey through the world of science and engineering: the closer you look and listen, the more interesting things get.

El Método

Luis Quevedo / CUONDA

Enamorado del mundo, a pesar de la historia. Vengo aquí para aprender, a través de la conversación, de mentes que saben más que yo. Aprenderemos a ver aspectos del universo y nuestro lugar en él que, tal vez, no nos habíamos planteado antes. Esa será la mejor recompensa. Un podcast objetivamente personal, de @Luis_Quevedo, en colaboración con Cuonda.

L’Ovella Verda & L´Ovella Verda

En aquest Pòdcast descobriràs per què ens diuen l'ovella verda de la família. Connecta amb la natura a través d'episodis curts sobre biodiversitat i sostenibilitat

Dive In with NOAA Fisheries

NOAA Fisheries

NOAA Fisheries conducts world-class science to support sustainable marine life and habitats. We manage millions of square miles of ocean (almost 100,000 miles of coastline), support a $244 billion fishing industry, and protect and rebuild endangered marine species and habitats. It’s a huge job. Our podcast is about the work we do and the people behind it. Join our host, John Sheehan, for new episodes every other Thursday.  Transcripts available at

Wissenschaft auf die Ohren


Wissenschaft auf die Ohren - Audiofundstücke rund um die Forschung, kuratiert von der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Deutschlands größter Wissenschaftsorganisation




Cheap Astronomy Podcasts

Steve Nerlich

Cheap Astronomy offers you 10 minute weekly podcasts on a wide range of astronomy and space exploration topics.

ژرفا - Zharfa

Alireza Payandeh

ژرفا صدایی است از ژرفای اقیانوس ها. ما در ژرفا سعی میکنیم توجه شما رو به طبیعت خصوصا دریاها و اقیانوسها جلب کنیم. همچنین ما شما رو تشویق می کنیم به ژرف اندیشیدن و انتخاب سبک زندگی پایدار. سبکی که نتیجش حفظ طبیعت و زیباییهاشهآدرس سایت ژرفا:حامی ژرفا باش:

Grazing Grass Podcast : Sharing Stories of Regenerative Ag

Cal Hardage

The Grazing Grass Podcast features insights and stories of regenerative farming, specifically emphasizing grass-based livestock management. Our mission is to foster a community where grass farmers can share knowledge and experiences with one another. We delve into their transition to these practices, explore the ins and outs of their operations, and then move into the "Over Grazing" segment, which addresses specific challenges and learning opportunities. The episode rounds off with the "Famous Four" questions, designed to extract valuable wisdom and advice. Join us to gain practical tips and inspiration from the pioneers of regenerative grass farming. This is the podcast for you if you are trying to answer: What are regenerative farm practices? How to be grassfed? How do I graze other species of livestock? What's are ways to improve pasture and lower costs? What to sell direct to the consumer?

Talk Nerdy with Cara Santa Maria

Cara Santa Maria

Cara Santa Maria is a science communicator, television host, producer, and journalist. She is excited to present "Talk Nerdy," a place for conversations with interesting people about interesting topics.

Zoo Logic

Dr. Grey Stafford

Zoo Logic with animal trainer, zoo advocate, and ZOOmility author, Dr. Grey Stafford, is a weekly conversation with zoo, aquarium, and animal experts about Nature, wildlife, pets, animal training with positive reinforcement, health and welfare, research, conservation, and education, sustainability, zoo politics, activism and legislation, and all things animals! On Zoo Logic, we’ll go behind the scenes with animal professionals and influencers from around the world to explore the latest Zoos News and issues affecting wildlife, wild places, and people. Communicating with humor, cool stories, and candor, we’ll discover the interdependent connection between civilization, conservation, and commerce.

Fossils and Fiction

Travis Holland

Conversations about prehistoric life and palaeomedia.

I Know Dino: The Big Dinosaur Podcast

Garret and Sabrina

New dinosaurs are discovered all the time. Have fun and relax with hosts Garret and Sabrina each week as they explore the latest dinosaur news, chat with paleontology experts, dive deep into a “dinosaur of the day,” go down Oryctodromeus burrows with their fun facts, answer your burning questions, and connect dinosaurs to topics ranging from chocolate to the Titanic and more! Educational and entertaining, I Know Dino is a must listen dinosaur podcast for experts and newcomers alike. Dinosaurs have been found on every continent of planet earth: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America, in places like the Badlands in Black Hills, the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, Haddonfield, New Jersey, Munich, Germany, Hateg Island and more. Dinosaurs lived in the north and south hemisphere, in forests, swamps, and more habitats. The podcast talks about types of dinosaurs that lived in the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous—all of the Mesozoic. Different kinds of dinosaurs covered include Allosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Apatosaurus, Archaeopteryx, Baryonyx, Brachiosaurus, Brontosaurus, Diplodocus, Dilophosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Oviraptor, Parasaurolophus, Spinosaurus, Stegosaurus, Therizinosaurus, Triceratops, Troodon, Tyrannosaurus (sometimes known as t-rex), Utahraptor, Velociraptor, and many raptors. Past interviewees include Brian Engh, Bolorsetseg Minjin, Darren Naish, Dustin Growick, Glen McIntosh, Gregory Paul, Hans Sues, Jack Horner, Jim Kirkland, Jingmai O-Connor, Matt Lamanna, Michael Benton, Mike Gunton, Nizar Ibrahim, Phil Currie, Phil Tippett, Riley Black, Steve Brusatte, Tim Walker, Thomas Carr, Tom Holtz, and Victoria Arbour. Topics covered include paleontology (paleo), natural history, history (and prehistory), geology, art, mathematics, geography, earth sciences, life science, zoology, evolution, and culture. Past dino episodes have dealt with dinosaur armor, big dinosaurs, small dinosaurs, bones, cannibalism, cartilage, carnivorous animals and predators, herbivorous animals and prey, claw, crest, courtship, dueling, facial features, feathers, being flightless, gliding, natural disasters (like with a volcano and lava, which forms igneous rock, and tsunami), natural science, opals, sail, sedimentary layers, skeletons, skulls, smell, species, spikes, termites, mating, microscopes, the last days of the dinos (and how the asteroid impact crater made them go extinct). Also, the atmosphere, bacterial infections, a cabin made of fossils, calcium, charcoal, comets, dinosaur hunter, and common misconceptions. Past episodes about dinosaurs in the media include topics like how accurate the dinosaurs are, computer animation, Arlo from The Good Dinosaur, science fiction movies, Rexy, Jurassic Park, Jurassic World, King Kong, Gertie, Victorian sculptures like Crystal Palace, dinosaur animatronics, dinosaur game, dinosaur world, and Prehistoric Planet. Famous people in history covered in the podcast include Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins, Charles Knight, Charles Marsh, Edward Cope, Franz Nopsca, J. R. R. Tolkien, Richard Owen (who coined the term Dinosauria), Roy Chapman Andrews (who indirectly inspired Indiana Jones), and Thomas Jefferson. Museum of science covered include the American Museum of Natural History, Yale Peabody Museum, Royal Tyrrell, Field Museum, and more, as well as state parks. Additional past topics include different animals of the animal kingdom like the armadillo, sloth, crocodile, birds (like hummingbirds, the kiwi, ostrich, wild turkey, the dodo bird, and vulture), turtles, marine mammals like Mosasaurus, pterosaurs like Pteranodon, and other prehistoric reptiles.



Flâneur and irrepressible commentator, Rick Edwards, and "Indiana Jones in a lab coat" Dr. Michael Brooks, delve into the science behind popular culture.

The Plant Report- Every Plant Has A Story

Jill Cloutier

Learn about the botanical world one plant at a time. The Plant Report is a new educational podcast from Sustainable World Radio about plants, herbal medicine, heirloom seeds, ethnobotany and the human/plant relationship. Learn from experts and the plants. Thanks for listening to The Plant Report....Because Every Plant Has A Story.

The Plant a Trillion Trees Podcast

Eva Monheim

The purpose of our podcast is to encourage tree planting and proper tree care for our urban forest which includes neighborhoods, parks, and other open spaces. We will also cover a myriad of tree topics including the important role trees play in relationship to the climate crisis. The show is hosted by Eva Monheim and Hal Rosner certified arborists through the International Society of Arboriculture. Support this podcast:

The Immunology Podcast

The Immunology Podcast

Join Drs. Brenda Raud and Jason Goldsmith as they discuss the latest in immunology research, and interview some of the greatest minds in the field.

Real Ghost Stories Online

Real Ghost Stories Online | Paranormal, Supernatural & Horror Radio

Get ready to have your spine tingling and your hairs standing on end with the Daily Paranormal Podcast hosted by Tony Brueski. This show is no joke - it's packed with real-life horror stories of ghosts, demons, haunted houses, possessions, shadow people, and all things supernatural that will leave you quivering with fear. Our listeners can't get enough of our bone-chilling tales, describing them as the "best ghost story podcast out there." Don't expect the same old cliché zombies, vampires, witches, and werewolves here - we go way beyond that to deliver a solid, spooky experience that even puts Coast to Coast AM, George Noorey, and Art Bell to shame. Tune in to Real Ghost Stories Online today and experience the ultimate in paranormal storytelling. Got a scary story of your own to share? Call us anytime at 1-855-853-4802 or submit your ghostly encounter via our website at ( - we're waiting to hear from you, if you dare.

Paranormal Portal

Brent Thomas

The world is full of mystery. Man's hubris would have you believe that the world is mapped, it is explained, it has been conquered. But many would disagree. We believe the world still has mystery. That there are layers upon layers of the world that remain unexplored and unexplained. That there is still magic and mystery all around us.. if only we would open our eyes and our hearts to understand. Paranormal Portal explores the many mysteries that still persist. Discussing theory, testimonial and possibility in an open forum for all to take part.. ENTER THE PARANORMAL PORTAL.. if you dare!



A free webseries exploring the fossil record and the evolution of life on Earth.

The Orbital Mechanics Podcast

David Fourman, Ben Etherington, and Dennis Just

Every week we cover the latest spaceflight news, discuss past, current and future exploration efforts, and take a look at upcoming events. Tune in to hear about how humans get to space, how they stay in space and how unmanned craft reach farther and farther into the universe around us.