Real Client Case Study: 2X Revenue Even After A Capital Campaign


In this inspiring episode of Nonprofit Courage Lab, I, Julie Ordonez, had the pleasure of speaking with Will Zweigert, the CEO of Flatbush Cats in Brooklyn. Will shared his transformative journey from the corporate world to the nonprofit sector, and how his passion for animal welfare led him to establish Flatbush Cats, an organization dedicated to solving the issue of overcrowded animal shelters.Will's story is a testament to the power of personal transformation and the courage to ask for more. He discussed the challenges and successes of their recent capital campaign, which raised over $3 million to open their first spay, neuter, and veterinary clinic. This achievement was made possible through intense fundraising and development work, and Will is eager to share the lessons learned with other organizations.During our conversation, we delved into the importance of building relationships with donors and the strategic decision-making that goes into fundraising. Will highlighted the value of stewardship and the joy of thanking and reporting back to supporters. He also emphasized the need to have direct conversations about financial needs, which can lead to more significant gifts and a deeper understanding of donors' passions.Will's experience with the Courage Lab, my six-week major gifts training program, has been transformative. He learned to stop censoring himself and to ask for what his organization truly needs. This shift in mindset has already led to substantial fundraising wins, including a gift that was quadruple the amount he initially considered asking for.I'm thrilled to see the impact that Courage Lab has had on Will and Flatbush Cats. If you're struggling with asking for major gifts or finding yourself avoiding the work, Courage Lab is designed to give you the strategy, training, and courage you need. For more information, visit and click on Courage Lab.Thank you for joining us on this episode of Nonprofit Courage Lab. If you've been encouraged, please rate and review the podcast, and remember, no one has changed the world without first changing themselves.

Real Client Case Study: 2X Revenue Even After A Capital Campaign

Real Client Case Study: 2X Revenue Even After A Capital Campaign
