Understanding the Magic of Music Exchanges with Suchet Malhotra & Myriam de Bonte (Ethno)


In this episode of JM International’s ‘The Power of Music’, we will talk about music and cultural exchange with Suchet Malhotra: percussionist, music producer and program director for Ethno, and Myriam de Bonte: multi-instrumentalist, veteran Ethno organiser and Ethno artistic mentor. They talk about their experiences with Ethno, its pedagogy and ‘magic’. We will discuss making music on tour buses, unique musical instruments, and - of course - the power of music. JMI is a global network of NGOs that empowers young people through music across all boundaries. For more info go to www.jmi.net or check out all the amazing opportunities for musicians at www,mubazar.com.   For more information about Ethno visit www.ethhno.world

Understanding the Magic of Music Exchanges with Suchet Malhotra & Myriam de Bonte (Ethno)

Understanding the Magic of Music Exchanges with Suchet Malhotra & Myriam de Bonte (Ethno)
