Chimie des processus biologiques - Marc Fontecave

Collège de France

Né le 27 septembre 1956 à Carcassonne – Marié, 3 enfants Directeur du Laboratoire de Chimie des Processus Biologiques, Collège de France (FRE Collège de France-CNRS n° 3488) -- • École Normale Supérieure de l'Enseignement Technique, Cachan (1975-1980) • Agrégation de Sciences Physiques-option Chimie (1978) • Thèse de 3e Cycle-Université Paris VI (1981) • Thèse d'État-Université Paris VI (1984) • Stage post-doctoral- Institut Karolinska, Stockholm (1985-1986) • Assistant agrégé-ENS Ulm (1980-1981) • Attaché de Recherches au CNRS-ENS Ulm (1981-1985) • Chargé de recherche au CNRS-Université René descartes (Paris V) (1985-1988) • Professeur à l'Université Joseph Fourier (1988-2008) • Membre Junior de l'Institut Universitaire de France (1991-1996) • Membre Senior de l'Institut Universitaire de France (2005-2008) • Professeur au Collège de France depuis 2008 RESPONSABILITÉS ADMINISTRATIVES • Adjoint du Vice Président Recherche de l'Université (1994-1997) • Directeur de l'École Doctorale Chimie-Biologie de l'UJF (1995-1998) • Conseiller du Directeur de la Recherche, au MENRT (1999-2001) • Vice Président de la Commission de Spécialistes n° 32 de l'UFR de Chimie (1998-2000) puis Président (2001-2003) puis Vice-Président de la Commission de Spécialistes 31-32-33 (2004-2008) • Membre élu du Conseil Scientifique de l'UJF (1998-2006) • Membre de la Commission des Finances de l'UJF (2003-2006) • Membre nommé du Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique (section 16) (2004-2008) • Membre du Conseil d'Administration de l'Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) (2004-2007) • Membre du Conseil Scientifique de l'ENS Cachan (2004-2007) • Membre du Conseil Scientifique du Centre Franco-Indien pour la Promotion de la Recherche Avancée (CEFIPRA) (2002-2005) • Président du Comité d'Evaluation du programme RIB de l'ANR (2005-2006) • Directeur de l'Institut des Métaux en Biologie de Grenoble (2003-2006) • Chef de l'Institut de recherches en technologies et sciences pour le vivant, DSV-CEA, Grenoble (2003-2008) • Directeur du Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie des Centres Rédox Biologiques (Unité Mixte de Recherches UJF-CNRS-CEA n° 5047) (1997-2006) • Directeur du Laboratoire de Chimie et Biologie des Métaux, Grenoble (Unité Mixte de Recherche UJF-CNRS-CEA n° 5249) (2007-2010) • Directeur de L'IFR 27 (UJF-CNRS-CEA-INSERM-INRA) (2003-2008) • Président du Conseil Scientifique du Fonds France-Berkeley (2008-2009) • Président du Conseil Scientifique de la Ville de Paris (2009-) • Membre du Comité d'Orientation Stratégique de VEOLIA-SARPi (2009-) • Membre du Conseil Scientifique du LEEM Recherche (2009-2010) • Membre du Conseil Scientifique de l'ENS Cachan (2010-) • Membre du Conseil d'Administration de l'IPGP (2010-2012) • Membre du Conseil de la Recherche de PSL (Paris-Sciences et Lettres) (2012-) • Secrétaire de l'Assemblée des Professeurs (Collège de France) (2012-) • Vice-Président de l'Association Franco-Suédoise pour la Recherche (2013-) DISTINCTIONS HONORIFIQUES • Membre Junior de l'Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) (1991-1996) • Prix POLICART-LACASSAGNE (Académie des Sciences) (1996) • Médaille d'Argent du CNRS (2004) • Membre Senior de l'Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) (2005-2008) • Membre de l'Académie des Sciences (2005). • Titulaire de la Chaire CV Raman de l'Académie des Sciences de l'Inde (Bangalore) (2009) • Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite (2010) • Prix Achille Le Bel de la Société Chimique de France (2012)

La Fédération Gay-Lussac fait sa chimie !

La Fédération Gay-Lussac fait sa chimie !

La Parole à ...  découvrir ceux qui, grâce à la chimie, répondent aux grands défis qui attendent notre société pour un monde plus durable.   Puits de Science...  Le podcast scientifique de la Fédération Gay-Lussac. Une plongée au cœur de l’univers de la chimie, de la science exaltante et de ses applications dans notre vie de tous les jours !    Vis ma Chimie...  Le podcast grand public de la Fédération Gay-Lussac – en partenariat avec le réseau des jeunes chimistes  Partout dans le monde et loin des idées reçues, la tête dans les formules et les pieds sur terre, avec passion et ténacité mais aussi recherche d’équilibre, entrez dans l’univers d’un jeune chimiste, vous n’aurez pas fini d’être étonné ! Une interview réalisée par le réseau jeune de la Société Chimique de France. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Chimie du solide et énergie - Jean-Marie Tarascon

Collège de France

Jean-Marie Tarascon est un spécialiste de la chimie/électrochimie du solide. Il est professeur à l'université de Picardie Jules Verne à Amiens où il dirige le Laboratoire de Réseau sur le Stockage Électrochimique de l'Énergie (FR CNRS 3459). Cependant l'essentiel de sa carrière s'est déroulé aux États-Unis, d'abord à Cornell University (1980), puis à Bell Laboratory et à Bellcore jusqu'en 1994. Ses travaux ont d'abord porté sur quelques propriétés électroniques de phases de Chevrel ainsi que sur leur aptitude à insérer ou deinsérer des ions alcalins. À la fin des années 1980, Jean-Marie Tarascon dirige le groupe de chimie de Bellcore et participe aux résultats obtenus sur les cuprates supraconducteurs à haute température critique, le rôle de la non stoechiométrie en oxygène, des substitutions cationiques, du magnétisme ou de la modulation des structures. Il revient toutefois à l'électrochimie des solides et devient un spécialiste mondialement reconnu : on lui doit la mise au point d'une batterie à ions lithium, basée sur un nouveau système tout plastique, actuellement commercialisée. Ses récents travaux, démontrant un mécanisme nouveau de réactivité du lithium vis-à-vis d'oxydes, sulfures, nitrures et fluorures, illustrent son désir constant de sortir des dogmes scientifiques bien établis. Il a été professeur invité au Collège de France sur la Chaire annuelle de Développement durable-Environnement, énergie et société (2010-2011) et vient d'être nommé Professeur au Collège de France sur une Chaire pérenne.

Chimie des matériaux - Clément Sanchez

Collège de France

Concevoir et élaborer des matériaux inorganiques et/ou hybrides originaux permettant de développer des réponses innovantes aux préoccupations sociétales dans les domaines de l'environnement, l'énergie et de la médecine...

Les Dessous de la Cosmétique

Julie Magand Castel

Les Dessous de la Cosmétique c'est votre podcast qui vous dévoile et vous explique le monde de la cosmétique. Julie Magand Castel, chimiste, biologiste et cosmétologue spécialisée en cosmétique naturelle vous donne rendez vous tous les samedis pour que vous en sachiez plus sur les ingrédients que composent vos cosmétiques, sur les différents acteurs de l'industrie, sur la réglementation cosmétique et sur les différents tests faits sur les cosmétiques. Site de Mastel :

Chemistry For Your Life

Melissa and Jam

A podcast that helps you understand the fascinating chemistry hidden in your everyday life. Have you ever wondered why onions make you cry? Or how soap gets your hands clean? What really is margarine, or why do trees change colors in the fall? Melissa is a chemist, and to answer these questions she started a podcast, called Chemistry for your life! In each episode Melissa explains the chemistry behind one of life’s mysteries to Jam, who is definitely not a chemist, but she explains it in a way that is easy to understand, and totally fascinating. If you’re someone who loves learning new things, or who wonders about the way the world works, then give us a listen.


Fuse FM Podcasts

Probably Manchester's best student-run science-themed radio show and podcast! Every episode is themed around a particular chemical element. Presenters Fergus, Carys and Joe chat about what makes each element interesting and what it is used for, as well as playing science games and interviewing real-life scientists about their research. Think science and fun repel like particles with the same electric charge? Think again!

The Struggling Scientists

Suzanne and Jayron

Welcome everyone to the Struggling Scientists Podcast. This is a podcast by Scientists, for Scientists. But also for aspiring Scientists, anyone science adjacent, and perhaps even hobbyists. Together we will be trying to bring back the fun in science. We all know the scientific field can be difficult and hard at times and it is easy to lose sight of our passion and enthusiasm. In this podcast, we will talk about Science and the people behind Science. Website:



En podcastserie i 118 afsnit om Det Periodiske System. En evig kilde til vidunderlig, videnskabelig forundring og forståelse. Følg med i de mange fantastiske og vilde historier fra verden, der omgiver os. Hør, hvordan verden blev skabt, og hvor hver enkelt grundstof passer ind. Nye afsnit hver onsdag og lørdag. Udgives af Rakkerpak Productions med støtte fra Novo Nordisk Fonden

Forever Chemicals

Black-Footed Ferret Productions, LLC

From the creators of Outdoor Minimalist, a new ten-part series sets out to answer questions like: - What are PFAS? - Why is PFAS dangerous? - And how can we move forward in the outdoor industry without PFAS? Over the course of ten episodes, we’ll investigate the origins, rise, and now phase out of the forever chemicals PFAS. If you’re wondering how we can make a difference in the fight against PFAS pollution and keep our planet and our health on the forefront of producers minds, tune into Forever Chemicals, coming March 2024. Learn More:

The History of Chemistry

Steve Cohen

Chemistry is everywhere, and involves everything. But how did chemistry get to be what it is? I'm Steve Cohen, a chemist and writer, bringing you The History of Chemistry. This podcast explores the development of chemistry from prehistoric times to the present, including the people and societies who made chemistry what it is today. The History of Chemistry is for you, whether you hated chemistry in high school, or got a PhD in inorganic chemistry. We'll explore how chemistry affected art, music, language, politics and vice-versa. Whether it's ancient Greek philosophers, medieval alchemists, or modern laboratory apparatus, it's all here. Don't forget to support my series at !

Geladen - der Batteriepodcast

Daniel Messling, Patrick von Rosen

Daniel Messling und Patrick von Rosen sprechen mit Experten über Elektromobilität, Energiewende und Batterieforschung. Mit über 5,2 Mio. Downloads ist GELADEN der Energiewende-Podcast #1 in Deutschland. Vielen Dank für Ihr überragendes Feedback und die vielen Themenvorschläge! Dieser Podcast wird produziert vom Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), dem Helmholtz-Institut Ulm (HIU) und dem Post-Lithium-Storage-Exzellenzcluster (POLiS). Alle Infos:

The Eco Well podcast


In this show, Jen Novakovich, Canadian cosmetic chemist from The Eco Well, interviews international cosmetic scientists and industry leaders to bring you a fresh new conversation a week about all things beauty!

No Filter with Kobo

Kobo Products, Inc.

Unfiltered information on all topics related to the cosmetic and personal care industries such as the latest trends, innovative ingredients, formulation tips, regulations, expert interviews and much, much more.

in-cosmetics Connect


Looking for the inside scoop on the cosmetics industry? Join host Simon Pitman, Editor at CosmeticsDesign Europe, to take a closer look at some of the latest trends, best practice and key players in beauty and personal care. Covering a variety of areas from e-commerce to the future of clean beauty, Simon holds up a lens to important themes and deep dives into the details. Are you an R&D professional? Well, plug in your earphones and join us!

Science History Podcast

Frank A. von Hippel

Monthly interviews on important moments in the history of science.

Capes Physique-Chimie


Capes Physique-Chimie

Chemistry is everywhere

ton van oeffel

A podcast about chemistry in our daily lives and in the world around us

PodQ - A Química Que Você Ouve - Por Josinaldo Lins

Josinaldo Lins

PodQ. O podcast de Química, e de outras coisas. Agora às sextas, Josinaldo Lins trará para você a Química muito além do que se vê em sala de aula, com conteúdos atuais e convidados especiais. Aqui está a Química que você ouve!

Stereo Chemistry

Chemical & Engineering News

Stereo Chemistry shares voices and stories from the world of chemistry. The show is created by the reporters and editors at Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN), an independent news outlet published by the American Chemical Society.

Apparently invisible. Chemistry in ceramics.

Zschimmer & Schwarz Ceramco

Aware of how complex the problems related to the world of chemistry applied to ceramic production processes can be, we want to share our knowledge with those who want to orient themselves or train for passion or profession. Through a simple and direct language, the podcast aims to be an educational space with a focus on products, applications and processes. The journey unfolds along the ceramic production lines. At each stage a topic. At each topic a critical issue. At each critical issue, when possible, a solution.

Under the Surface Podcast

Chemical Computing Group

Under the Surface is a podcast hosted by Chemical Computing Group, where we have in-depth discussions on computer-aided techniques in drug discovery. Chemical Computing Group (CCG) is a leading supplier of computational chemistry and drug discovery software. CCG's main software platform is the Molecular Operating Environment ("MOE"), which is a single package for visualization, molecular modeling, computer-aided molecular design ("CAMD"), cheminformatics, bioinformatics and methodology development. CCG also produces PSILO, a protein structure repository. For additional information, please visit:



Varios temas

It's a Material World | Materials Science Podcast

Punith Upadhya and David Yeh

"It's a Material World" is a podcast that uncovers why materials science will change the world. We explore how materials are engineered to make an impact all around you and how they will play an even bigger role in your future. We also invite experts onto the show to share high-level insights on how MSE can make a difference in nearly any industry. The field of materials science and engineering is new and exciting, so hop on board now and you won't get left behind. For additional updates, soundbites, and bloopers, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn @itsamaterialworldpodcast. Feel free to connect with Tom Miller and Punith Upadhya on LinkedIn as well! We'd love to chat with you to discuss the latest breakthroughs in MSE, what you'd like to see from our podcast, and how to get more involved in the field of materials science and engineering.

Safer Chemicals Podcast

European Chemicals Agency

Whether you work with chemicals, have an interest in how chemicals affect us and the environment or work as a journalist or decision-maker in the field of manufactured chemicals, the Safer Chemicals Podcast is for you. We give you the latest updates on how chemicals are being regulated in the EU and what harmful chemicals are being phased out. Listen to expert views on chemical safety in the EU and join the scientific discussion on key topics including microplastics, glyphosate, endocrine disruptors, chemicals used in tattoo inks, and much more.  Hosted by Adam Elwan and Päivi Jokiniemi from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). Visit our website:  Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.

What is graphene?

Carbon Waters

Graphene is only composed of carbon, like diamond, graphite, and amorphous carbon. However, graphene is a 2d material where one single layer of carbon atoms – that is less than a nanometer, one hundred thousand time thinner than a hair -, is arranged in a honeycomb structure. This sets it apart from other carbon forms because its unique structure leads to exceptional properties.


University of Oxford Chemistry Department

Periodically, the podcast that covers all things periods and chemistry! Each week, over this series of six episodes, we here at the University of Oxford will be taking a deep-dive into just how periods have affected us in tutorials, exams, labs and just generally studying at undergrad. We want to talk about how periods can sometimes just get in the bloody way! Periodically is funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry Equality and Diversity fund.


Carlos Ramos


Pathways Podcast - Warwick Chemistry

Warwick Chemistry

A co-created podcast from students and staff in the Chemistry department at Warwick University. We discuss all things student experience, careers, and wellbeing, and will try to give our best tips and advice on making the most from your degree!

Alles Chlor!


der Chemie Podcast des JungChemikerForums der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker

The Deadly Dose

Harini Bhat & Megan Gesner

A pharmacist and her longtime friend walk into a bar. What emerges is a dotty little science podcast, with a taste for toxicology. Poisons, medical mysteries, political assassinations, healing rituals, environmental disasters, pandemics & more - nothing is off the lab table here. This is the science of storytelling at its finest. 

Materialism: A Materials Science Podcast

Taylor Sparks and Andrew Falkowski

In this podcast, Taylor and Andrew investigate the past, present, and future of materials science and engineering. Topic areas ranging from cutting edge materials technology, the history of different materials, the commercialization of new materials, and exciting advances in processing and characterization are all covered in detail. Our episodes include things like the unlikely discovery of superglue or teflon, the fascinating backstories about modern biomaterials like dialysis filters, and updates on new technologies including wearable electronics, next generation batteries, and nanomaterials. In short, we hope to help listeners understand the critical role that materials have played in society and even glimpse into what the future may hold for new materials.

Green Chem Pod

Dan and Elsa

If we tell you “chemistry”, you may think of crazy bubbling and explosions in labs, or a picture of big industries releasing dirty chemicals in rivers may come to your mind. In short, nothing compatible with the environment! That’s where we (Dan and Elsa) come in to immerse you in the world of green chemistry, the science finding the sustainable solutions to the global environmental challenges of today and on in to the future!

Chemistry in its element

Chemistry World

A weekly tour of the periodic table, from Chemistry World, the magazine of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

"Lecture-casts"- A Lecture Series on General Chemistry

Mr. David Joshua Ferguson, MRSB MRSC

Are you interested in learning about General Chemistry ! Are you passionate about science and want to learn about it in a fun and engaging way! Check out " Lecture-casts"- A Podcast Lecture Series in Chemistry" on Spotify! Don't forget to subscribe! We are grateful to have some of the best science educators and thought leaders! Thanks.

English Practice

Melany Nur intan


Battery Generation

Patrick von Rosen, Lennart Peters

Europe's #1 Battery Podcast 🔋🚗⚡ for European Battery Research & Emobility. We are on a mission to find batteries that are powerful, safe, sustainable, long-living, as light and small as possible, cheap and easy to recycle. Is that even possible? Let's find out. Patrick Rosen and Lennart Peters are talking to leading experts and scientists working in the battery field. The podcast is produced by the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) and CELEST (Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage Ulm & Karlsruhe) and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). All infos:

" La química de tu cuerpo"

Ivonee Alondra

En este podcast podrás encontrar temas muy interesantes acerca de las reacciones que ocurren ene le cuerpo y que en la mayoría de las veces no se perciben. Pero los efectos están presentes a veces buenos a veces no.


Josh Boutilier



Bianca Cassia

Trabalho De Química🧪👩‍🔬

Formula Girls

Formula Girls

This podcast highlights various formulations that have been created in our labs at Colonial Chemical. Hosted by Christine Anderson, Molly McEnery and Megan Gibson.

Bringing Chemistry to Life

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Conversations with the brightest chemical minds — Join Dr. Paolo Braiuca, Director of Global Market Development at Thermo Scientific Chemicals, as he chats with some of the most fascinating and influential scientists in the world. Learn about their personal stories, notable contributions, and an enthusiasm for discovery that unites them all. Covering various fields and industries, this is a podcast for anyone who wants to learn more about science and the brilliant minds advancing it.

Advanced Materials Solutions

DSM Subject Matter Experts, Michael Kriek, Candace Roulo

The Advanced Materials Solutions podcast is for material engineers and designers. From new mobility, electronics and connectors solutions to food and water contact safety and medical solutions and sustainability initiatives, DSM Engineering Materials drives the conversations about advanced materials solutions.

Back of the Napkin - Inspiring Stories from Biotech Pioneers


Back of the Napkin is a podcast series from Bio-Techne that meets scientific pioneers. It goes beyond the publications to hear the untold stories from innovation corner, where ideas and discoveries are conceived.

Mahasiswa Kupu ( Kuliah Pulang )

Alexander Siahaan

Penilaian saya dalam menjiwai teman teman di kampus.

Chem Talks

Devin Gelband

This podcasts talks about 13 major discoveries in chemistry. Ranging from the discovery of oxygen to discovering practical applications for C-60 in nanotechnology. So it back, relax, and thanks for coming to my chem talk.

Let's Talk Chemistry- a science podcast by ChemTalk

The ChemTalk Team

ChemTalk ( is a brand-new non-profit, whose mission is to make chemistry more fun, easier to learn, and more accessible to people around the world - in the safest manner possible and also to be perceived in a more positive way. On our podcast, we interview chemists, scientists, and educators from across the globe who show the many career paths that involve chemistry, and how a love for chemistry can manifest itself in many unique ways.

Chemistry Made Simple

Matthew Macariou

Helping you understand chemistry topics from A-Level and Advanced Higher. Get more guidance, deeper resources and a helpful community at If you want to demystify chemistry, yearn for a simpler explanation and want to hear all the tips that will help you at exam time you're at the right place. I'm a chemistry tutor who is used to explaining chemistry in simpler terms, and I love to use an analogy to help with the understanding. Each episode tackles a topic, explaining it as simply as possible - well it is chemistry! The end-of-episode summary will make sure you have useful takeaways to help you on your way.

The Proteomics Show

Ben Neely and Ben Orsburn

Ben Orsburn and Ben Neely co-host a podcast series in a “fireside chat” format with prestigious proteomics researchers. The guests are great, the hosts are questionable.

Clinical Chemistry Podcast

Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine

The Analytical Wavelength


A podcast about chemical knowledge and data in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, and related industries brought to you by ACD/Labs. Hosts Sarah Srokosz and Jesse Harris will introduce you to a wide range of experts who are shaping the future of the chemical industry.

Lady Scientist Podcast

Jocelynn Pearl

Lady Scientist Podcast brings you into conversations with scientists. Academic research is often siloed in tough-to-read academic journals. This podcast strives to introduce you to new voices and to break down barriers, along with striking a note of positivity in an often-negative world. Support the podcast through All links are available through our website,

CMC Live - Chemistry, Manufacturing & Controls

Meranda Parascandola, Ed Narke

FDA CMC regulations and guidance simplified through examination, real life experiences and risk-based advice. This podcast hopes to educate sponsors and individuals on agency related regulatory CMC matters. We will focus on the critical CMC issues and build programs that enhance drug development. CMC topics will include Regulatory Starting Materials, API and Drug Product Process, Formulation Development, Supply Chains, Analytical Controls. Advocating and interpreting CMC Strategy, directing CMC Operations and Quality Assurance oversight in conjunction with developing CMC submission content that represents the best interests of emerging biotech. NOT INTENDED TO BE PRESCRIPTIVE ADVICE BUT RATHER INTERPRETATION THAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU. Since 2007 we have provided our partners with innovative strategies and exceptional advice intended to enhance program development, product approval, and marketing presence.

Podcast (Antoine Lavoisier)


Apresentando Sophia Freitas, Bentes e João Pedro (Episódio único)

Dose Makes The Poison: The Toxcast

Kevin G. Shanks

A podcast about forensic toxicology and chemistry. We talk about drugs, poisons, and forensic science in the news and pop culture. A NAYK Network Production.


Olga Ryparová

Chemie je láska! Rozhovory o vědě, studiu, práci a zajímavostech spojených s (bio)chemií. Autorka jsem já - Oli a varuji, pravděpodobně zjistíte, jak je chemie úžasná :)

Pharm to Table

LC Campeau & Dani Schultz

A podcast hosted by L.-C. Campeau and Dani Schultz that dives into the stories about the people behind the chemistry and science that happens at #MerckChemistry. Follow us on X (formerly Twitter) at @PharmToTablePod, @DrLCSquare, @danithechemist Email us comments and suggestions at

Pharm to Table

LC Campeau & Dani Schultz

A podcast hosted by L.-C. Campeau and Dani Schultz that dives into the stories about the people behind the chemistry and science that happens at #MerckChemistry. Follow us on X (formerly Twitter) at @PharmToTablePod, @DrLCSquare, @danithechemist Email us comments and suggestions at

Activations en chimie moléculaire - Louis Fensterbank

Collège de France

Présentation de la chaire La chimie moléculaire, et plus particulièrement la chimie organique, a une longue histoire au Collège de France avec des personnalités illustres qui ont fortement marqué la discipline (Histoire de la Chimie au Collège de France, Lettre n°26 CdF, J. Livage (2009)). Discipline singulière s'il en est, puisque comme l'a écrit Marcelin Berthelot, « La chimie crée son objet. Cette faculté créatrice, semblable à celle de l'art lui-même, la distingue essentiellement des sciences naturelles et historiques. » (M. Berthelot (1860), La Chimie organique fondée sur la synthèse, Mallet Bachelier, Paris). Effectivement, la créativité est de mise en chimie pour assembler des atomes à l'échelle moléculaire et accéder à des édifices moléculaires fonctionnels et essentiels dans de nombreuses approches transdisciplinaires, des sciences du vivant à celles des matériaux, et qui font progresser la santé publique, l'agriculture et la gestion de l'énergie et des ressources… La construction moléculaire se doit alors d'être maîtrisée pour ne pas constituer une entrave à ces développements. Cela implique une innovation constante dans les méthodes de synthèse à laquelle s'est ajouté au cours des dernières années un cahier des charges de développement durable de plus en plus pressant et qui se justifie par des objectifs de moindre consommation énergétique, de respect des ressources terrestres, de minimisation des effluents. Le levier d'action est alors le mode d'activation moléculaire qui doit promouvoir la transformation chimique désirée de façon plus efficace et sélective. Plusieurs options sont possibles : activation thermique, photochimique, mécanique, catalyse… Elles peuvent être combinées pour optimiser l'économie d'atomes et restreindre le nombre d'étapes de synthèse (chimie verte). La chaire Activations en chimie moléculaire du Collège de France se fera l'écho des avancées dans le domaine de l'activation moléculaire, qui font l'objet d'intenses recherches de par le monde, et de leurs applications pour la production moléculaire durable.

„Nauka w praktyce"

Studenckie Koło Naukowe „OrgChem"

Nauka w Praktyce to podcast prowadzony przez Studenckie Koło Naukowe OrgChem działające na Uniwersytecie Przyrodniczym we Wrocławiu. Jesteśmy grupą studentów, którzy są ciekawi nauki i pasjonują się zagadnieniami związanymi z biotechnologią. Biotechnologia to dziedzina nauki, która skupia się na zastosowaniu organizmów żywych oraz ich komórek, tkanek i molekuł do rozwiązywania różnych problemów świata współczesnego. Medycyna – nowe metody diagnostyki i terapii chorób, jak również produkcja leków i szczepionek. Ochrona środowiska - oczyszczanie wód, gleb i powietrza z zanieczyszczeń. Produkcja żywności – funkcjonalizacja produktów spożywczych. Biopaliwa – pozyskiwanie alternatywnych źródeł energii. Inżynieria genetyczna – ukierunkowanie metabolizmu roślin, zwierząt i mikroorganizmów na produkcje pożądanych przez na związków.Nasza misja jest prosta: chcemy przybliżyć słuchaczom ten niezwykle interdyscyplinarny świat łączący w sobie elementy biologii, chemii oraz technologii. Rozmawiamy z interesujących gośćmi, którzy dzielą się swoimi doświadczeniami, a na co dzień pracują w laboratoriach, ośrodkach badawczych i przemyśle. Biotechnologia to jedna z najdynamiczniej rozwijających się dziedzin nauki, która ma ogromny wpływ na nasze życie codzienne. Sprawdźcie sami!


Miriam Possar

Educação minha paixão

The Periodic Fable

Cameron & Hallam

Welcome to The Periodic Fable, the podcast where we take a dive into the world of chemistry with Bryony, Cameron & Hallam. In The Periodic Fable, we want to take complex chemistry related topics in society and the media today, humanize them and make them easy to understand. We want to have discussions about all things chemistry, whether that's the world of sustainability and cleaner living, to careers in the chemical industry. Joining us on the podcast are champions of industry who may be very junior in their careers and wanting to create change from within, to senior careerists who've got a wealth of experience. We want our guests to come on and give their side of the chemical story. We want to use this space to inform and inspire. Whether you're considering a chemical career, or whether you just want to learn more about the world of science & chemistry, The Periodic Fable will be a space for you.

Plastics Unwrapped

Maithreyi Seetharaman

Plastics Unwrapped is a podcast series supported by Dow, on the hunt for solutions to some of the biggest questions facing the plastics industry.​ ​ Join host and journalist Maithreyi Seetharaman on her quest for thought-provoking ideas on how to make plastics truly circular. This is a space where the world's leading thinkers and doers from the worlds of technology, policy-making, civil society, academia and business have honest and difficult conversations about the future of sustainability and plastics.


Calix Limited

Welcome to the Calix Podcast Series INNOVATING FOR THE EARTH, with innovation expert and radio and TV presenter James O’Loghlin.


Soccer Forever

Dimitri mendeleye

mi pequeño documental.(:

Erandi Herrera

todos los biolementos químicos que constituyen al ser humano.

Ava ❤️’s Chemistry

Ava 🧪🧬🦠

Learn about different molecules and their real life uses!


Peters Nora

Chemical unit

Exploring Analytical Science

Agilent Technologies LDA UK Limited

The new Agilent - Imperial College London podcast series focuses on Agilent's ongoing relationship with Imperial College London and discuss some of the most interesting researches carried out in the Agilent Measurement suite sited at White city campus in London (UK).
