Extraterrien - Sport

Barthelemy Fendt

Tu es passionné(e) de sport ? Tu es au bon endroit ! 😉 Le podcast Extraterrien est le 1er podcast de sport en français. Nous allons à la rencontre de sportifs inspirants et hors du commun pour leur faire raconter leur histoire et avoir leur conseil. Au travers de chaque interview, tu découvriras un sport, un(e) athlète, une passion, une histoire, et tu ressortiras avec une dose d'inspiration ainsi que des conseils concrets pour améliorer tes performances, tes entrainements ou ta préparation mentale et physique. Que ce soit des champions olympiques, des aventuriers, des pratiquants handisport, des explorateurs ou de simples passionnés, leurs histoires. Le Podcast est tenu par Barthélémy Fendt qui souhaite partager les valeurs des sportifs humbles et inspirants. Suis nous sur Instagram, on partage les coulisses, des résumés et pleins de conseils sportifs 😉 Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

Le Chemin de la Nature

Le Chemin de la Nature

Plongez au coeur de la biodiversité avec Le Chemin de la Nature, un podcast dédié à l'exploration des plantes sauvages comestibles, médicinales et des champignons ! 🍃🍄 👉🏼 Un voyage mené par Christophe de Hody, cueilleur expérimenté, qui partage son expertise à travers des  conseils pratiques et des anecdotes captivantes. Chaque épisode est une plongée dans le monde des plantes sauvages et des champignons, dévoilant leurs propriétés culinaires, médicinales, et leurs interactions essentielles avec l'écosystème. 🌱 Rejoignez-nous 🧑‍🌾  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

Les Frappés

Loïc Blanchard

Des récits inspirants qui vont te faire passer à l’action ! Attention, une écoute régulière peut entraîner des changements positifs irrévocables dans ta vie 😈Animé par Loïc Blanchard, ancien sportif de haut niveau en judo, ex-Apple, coach, préparateur mental et entrepreneur.

Montagne en Scène: l'Interview Verticale

Montagne en Scène

Le festival Montagne en Scène lance son podcast, avec des "Interviews Verticales" des plus grands sportifs de montagne au monde! Ces échanges captés au cœur de leurs terrains de jeu, nous permettent de partager des moments privilégiés avec les meilleurs alpinistes, grimpeurs, skieurs et autres trailers... Kilian Jornet, Vivian Bruchez, Nicolas Favresse... Et bien d'autres à suivre!

Aventure Epique

Sportcast Studios

Des aventures en plein air, à couper le souffle. A l’image du podcast Course Épique, cousin de coeur d’Aventure Épique, découvrez un format d’interview à vivre comme une histoire, qui permet de se plonger au coeur de l’intimité de mon invité.e, de ses convictions, de ses doutes, de ses aspirations et de tout ce qui nourrit son esprit d'aventure. Aventure Epique se veut être une plongée en apnée dans une aventure outdoor qui vous tient en haleine, vous émeut et vous fait vibrer. Qu’elle soit l'œuvre d’un explorateur ou sportif renommé, comme d’un amateur, aventurier du quotidien, qui a entrepris un jour de faire le grand saut. A son échelle. Les disciplines que vous pourrez retrouver dans Aventure Épique : alpinisme, exploration, escalade, parapente, vélo, natation, voile, ski-alpinisme... Aventure Épique, un podcast produit par Sportcast Studios. Contact : guillaume@sportcast.fr Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

Le Camp de base - Montagne & Transition

Skadi & Co : skadiandco.com

👋 Bonjour et bienvenue dans Le Camp de base - rencontres au sommet : le podcast du voyage et des transitions en montagne ! 📍En bref Le Camp de base, c'est le podcast pour partager et rassembler autour de la passion pour la montagne, en comprendre la diversité, en allant à la rencontre de sportif-e-s, scientifiques, d'habitant-e-s.. Ici, pas de performance, mais plutôt de l'antiperformance, de la contemplation de paysages, et des immersions sonores. Une lettre bimensuelle (http://www.campdebase-podcast.com), L'Ascension, vient compléter le contenu diffusé en podcast, dans ta boîte mail, tous les 15 jours. 🚀 Quelle est la ligne éditoriale du Camp de base ? Chaque lundi, retrouve une discussion avec un-e invité-e du monde de la montagne, que ce soit en Isère, en Savoie ou Haute Savoie. Pour interviewer ces personnes, je me suis déplacée à Grenoble, Annecy, ou encore dans le massif de Belledonne, les Bauges ou en Chartreuse. En bonus, je partage parfois un hors-série de format reportage ou documentaire pour continuer à explorer les massifs et la montagne. ▶️ A qui s'adresse Le Camp de base ? Nul besoin de pratiquer la montagne, l'alpinisme extrême, pour écouter Le Camp de base.  Il s'adresse autant aux férus de montagne qui aiment se faire mal sur leurs skis de rando tous les weekends qu'à celles et ceux qui ne peuvent y aller qu'une fois par an.  Le Camp de base est un format contemplatif à la rencontre des massifs, des paysages qu'on traverse, un hommage aux copain-es / compagnons de cordée pour rêver, apprendre et voyager. 🌈 Réseaux et communauté J'espère que ce format ta plaira. Et pour aller plus loin et rejoindre la communauté du Camp de base, c'est simple : inscris-toi à la newsletter (https://campdebase-podcast.com/newsletter-haute-montagne-camp-de-base/) :)  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

Les Trekkeurs Compulsifs

Les Trekkeurs Compulsifs

Des news, du test de matériel, des interviews et des tables rondes sur la randonnée, le bivouac et la marche longue distance. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

Le journal d’Iggy

Le journal d’Iggy

Le journal d'Iggy c'est le podcast pour en decouvrir plus sur le quotidien et la vie en tant que gardien de chevaux. Tous les 15 jours, Fanie publie un nouvel extrait de son carnet de bord, pour partager avec le plus d’objectivité possible son aventure avec sa jument Iggy et ainsi formuler a voix haute de nombreuses questions que beaucoup de (futurs) propriet  se posent a voix basses. Le journal d’iggy c’est aussi un compte Notion pour faciliter l’échange et l’entraide.  Vous y trouverez l’intégralité chapitres en transcription écrite, des conseils annexes et différents outils pour vous aider à vous aussi tenir le journal de votre équidé.

The Struggle Climbing Show

Ryan Devlin

The best climbers in the world share their struggles and breakthroughs in Training, Nutrition, Tactics, and Mental Game. Hosted by Ryan Devlin. If you love rock climbing and want to get better at it, chalk up and pull on.

Team Trail Expérience

Team Trail Paris

Team Trail Expérience diffuse des histoires de courses, de trails, de stages ou de « chantiers » en montagne. Des histoires racontées par celles et ceux qui les ont vécues. Ce podcast narratif est produit par le Team Trail Paris, association parisienne qui ressemble aujourd’hui près de deux cents coureurs et de coureuses.

The Training For Trekking Podcast

Rowan Smith: Hiking and Trekking Coach

The Training For Trekking Podcast is created to help hikers, trekkers and mountaineers prepare for their bucket list adventures. Rowan shares with you the simple training strategies to get you fit, strong and resilient to tackle anything the trail will throw at you. He also dives deep into subjects such as how to prevent altitude sickness, nutrition while hiking, injury prevention and much, much more. So you can have the very best chance of a safe, enjoyable and successful adventure!

Vent Debout

Clothilde Sauvages et Sylvain Paley

Le podcast qui remet le sport à sa place politique. ventdeboutpodcast.fr Chaque mois, nous nous rendons aux côtés d’athlètes et de chercheur·ses qui s’engagent pour faire évoluer le sport et la société. Un podcast enregistré en pleine nature pour confronter nos pratiques sportives aux enjeux sociaux et environnementaux. Pourquoi ne faudrait-il pas politiser le sport ? Les milieux des sports en pleine nature sont déjà touchés par le dérèglement climatique : les glaciers fondent, les forêts partent en fumée, les cours d’eau s’assèchent et les océans s’acidifient. Nos compétitions sportives tentent de s’adapter, mais à quel prix ? On arrose les routes du Tour de France, on importe de la neige pour pratiquer le biathlon, on exploite des travailleurs sans papiers pour les Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques… Qu’on le veuille ou non, le sport est politique. Les athlètes nous confient leurs interrogations et leurs actions. Des récits intimes et contrastés qui parlent d’engagement et de mise en action. Ils et elles nous montrent qu’un autre sport est possible. Vent Debout est soutenu par l’IGN, le service public de la cartographie. Sa mission : montrer les changements rapides du territoire liés aux activités humaines. Toutes ses cartes sont accessibles à toutes et à tous en ligne, sur géoportail.fr et depuis 2021 la majorité de ses données sont gratuites. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

Allez ! Le podcast qui parle d'escalade

Allez ! Podcast

Bienvenue sur le premier podcast français qui parle d'escalade 🧗‍♀️⛰️ La vocation de cette émission est d'être une source d'inspiration et de motivation dédiée à tous les grimpeurs. Nos invités te font découvrir leur parcours, leurs anectodes et leurs secrets. Ce que tu y trouveras : des rencontres avec des grimpeuses et grimpeurs de tous horizons, leur vision personelle de l'escalade, leurs méthodes pour progresser, leurs sources de motivation, leurs récits de performances et leurs moments marquants... comme si tu y étais. 👉 https://www.instagram.com/allezpodcast/ 👉 https://www.youtube.com/@AllezPodcast  ✉️ allez.podcast@gmail.com Si tu veux continuer à écouter des grimpeurs chaque semaine, n'oublie pas de : 1️⃣ T'abonner ✅ 2️⃣ Laisser une appréciation et une note 5⭐️ 3️⃣ Partager les épisodes 🤩 Pour partager une anecdote, une histoire, une croix, une réaction à l'actu ou tout ce que tu veux en rapport à l'escalade tu peux m'envoyer un message vocal sur Instagram :) Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

Nature Aventure Survie : le podcast

Nature Aventure Survie

Retour aux fondamentaux avec des spécialistes du Bushcraft ou du Survivalisme, des conseils de lecture, des réponses aux questions des auditeurs... Alban Cambe est journaliste pour le magazine SURVIVAL et auteur de plusieurs livres sur le Bushcraft et la Navigation Naturelle. http://albancambe.com

L'instant Bushcraft

Alban Cambe

Le podcast qui vous révèle les secrets de la nature et vous accompagne en bivouac. MES OUVRAGES : https://amzn.to/3JbonEK MON BLOG : https://albancambe.com MON INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/albancambe/ #nature #bushcraft #outdoor

The Dirtbag Diaries

Duct Tape Then Beer

This is what adventure sounds like. Climb. Ski. Hike. Bike. Paddle. Run. Travel. Whatever your passion, we are all dirtbags. Outdoor writer Fitz Cahall and the Duct Tape Then Beer team present stories about the dreamers, athletes and wanderers.

Échos de Montagne

Échos de Montagne

Un podcast où l’on vous jase de tout ce qui résonne avec la randonnée.

Backpacker Radio

The Trek

From the Appalachian Trail to the Pacific Crest and everything in between. Backpacker Radio is a show all about the wonderful world that is thru-hiking and long distance backpacking. Co-hosts, Zach "Badger" Davis and Juliana "Chaunce" Chauncey muse on the backpacking life and the latest from the trail every other week. Topics include but are not limited to news, trail culture, interviews, gear, advice, and all you can eat buffets.

GRAT RAUS - Der Bergfreunde Outdoor-Podcast


“Und, auf welchem Gipfel warst du am Wochenende?” - Eine typische Frage, die an einem Montagmorgen nicht nur einmal durch das Bergfreunde-Office schallt. Und weil bei solchen Gesprächen immer spannende Geschichten herauskommen, möchten wir diese auch mit Euch teilen! Ob Bergsteiger, Kletterer, Trailrunner, Radfahrer, Wanderer oder vieles mehr: Im GRAT RAUS Podcast sprechen unsere Bergfreunde-Hosts mit all denjenigen, die draußen Geschichten schreiben! Dabei lernt Ihr einige unserer Bergfreunde-Kollegen, aber auch viele andere großartige Outdoor-Athleten kennen. Sie berichten davon, was sie antreibt und teilen ihre persönlichen Outdoor-Erfahrungen und Tipps mit Euch. Hört jetzt rein! Viel Spaß!


Gaëlle Dobignard

Votre passion devient une relation unique et complice...

The Gravel Ride. A cycling podcast

Craig Dalton

The Gravel Ride is a cycling podcast where we discuss the people, places and products that define modern gravel cycling. We will be interviewing athletes, course designers and product designers who are influencing the sport. We will be providing information on where to ride, what to ride and how to stay stoked on gravel riding.

Waterpeople Podcast

Lauren L. Hill & Dave Rastovich - surf stories & ocean adventures

Stories about the aquatic experiences that shape who we become back on land. Listen with Lauren L. Hill and Dave Rastovich as they dive into essential conversations of our global ocean culture through storytelling with some of the most adept waterfolk on the planet. Waterpeople is a gathering place for our ocean community to dive into the common themes of watery lives lived well: ecology, adventure, community, activism, science, egalitarianism, inclusivity, meaningful play, a sense of humour. And, surfing, of course. 

KM350 - Objectif Gravelman

Bertrand Soulier

Avec KM350 je vous raconte mon défi personnel de participer à mon premier Gravelman. Problème : comment se préparer à une aventure de 350km de gravel quand on n’a pas fait de vélo depuis des années… et qu’on a pas de vélo. Le Gravelman c’est le concept d’aventure créé par Steven Le Hyaric. Une trace de 350km et un esprit : « Start with legs, finish with mental. » Bon je dois le dire, j’ai aussi besoin de mental pour commencer et me dire que c’est possible. Toutes les semaines je vais donc vous raconter ce défi avec mon esprit de débutant qui doit tout apprendre pour être prêt.  Je vais vous parler de mes entraînements, mes questions, mes expériences. Je vais aussi aller prendre des conseils auprès de ceux qui roulent déjà, des cyclistes des vrais. De ceux qui ont fait un Gravelman ou des aventures à vélo. Et aussi de ceux qui ont fait la même expérience un peu avant moi. L’histoire longue Je m’appelle Bertrand Soulier. Il y a quelques années j’étais un gros hamster dépressif de 105 kilos. Scotché entre mon canapé et ma chaise de bureau je n’imaginais pas que le sport changerait ma vie. J’ai entrepris un rééquilibrage alimentaire avec ma femme. J’ai repris la course à pied, je me suis lancé dans le trail avant de m’offrir un marathon pour mes 42 ans. Maintenant je poursuis mon rêve de devenir sportif professionnel à ma manière, champion du monde de mon monde.  J’ai décidé de me remettre au vélo. Une envie, mais aussi une nécessité pour préparer mon rêve de devenir Ironman en 2023. Alors je dois pédaler. Mais pédaler sur la route ne me tente pas plus que ça. Et en même temps j’ai aussi envie d’un peu d’aventure. Alors j’ai décidé de me lancer dans un défi Gravelman. Twitter : http://twitter.com/bertrandsoulierMon blog : https://bertrandsoulier.comInstagram : https://www.instagram.com/bertrandsoulierMe retrouver sur Strava : https://www.strava.com/athletes/bertrandsoulier Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

Dans la roue

Move in Silence

WINGMASTER Débrief, La première chaîne qui parle de parapente

Wingmaster Masterclass www.wingmaster.top

Life in the Peloton, presented by MAAP

Mitch Docker

Ever wondered what life is like as a professional cyclist? Australian ex-professional cyclist Mitch Docker takes you inside the world of Professional Cycling. Bringing you the stories behind the individuals in the sport - from the pros in the peloton to staff behind the teams, to commentators & legends, plus training insights & debriefs on major races throughout the year. It’s all here! Newly retired from the professional peloton, Mitch is exploring his new pelotons - all the pelotons that exist outside of the world tour - bringing you fresh new stories from within the cycling community. His spin off series, Talking Luft - a bit like the DVD Extras - is where cycling style & culture takes centre stage. Talking cycling caps, bikes, kit, coffee stops, training loops and all the best things about riding a bike. Listen to all episodes here weekly! Find all our episodes, merch and more at lifeinthepeloton.com

Fly Fishing Journeys

Rob Giannino

The Fly Fishing Journeys Podcast's mission is have you join us in the journey. We speak to industry professionals on a grass roots level to bring you fun, entertaining and informative podcasts. We want you on the journey with us.

Eric Hörst's Training For Climbing Podcast

Eric J. Hörst

Training and performance podcasts by Eric Hörst, the internationally renowned author, researcher, climbing coach, and climber of 40 years. Monthly podcasts detail the latest training techniques to improve strength, power, endurance, as well as mental and technical skills. With his unique combination of veteran experience and knowledge of the cutting-edge research, Eric presents practical, effective guidelines to climb harder, reduce injury risk, and maximize the experience of moving over stone. Eric is one of the world’s most knowledge climbing coaches and his eight books (and many foreign translations) have sold more than 300,000 copies worldwide. His latest book release is the 3rd edition of Training For Climbing. Learn more at: http://www.trainingforclimbing.com

Ron Spomer Outdoors

Ron Spomer

For 44 years, I’ve had the good fortune to photograph and write about my passion – the outdoor life. Wild creatures and wild places have always stirred me – from the first flushing pheasant that frightened me out of my socks in grandpa’s cornfield to the last whitetail that dismissed me with a wag of its tail. I invite you to join me for a nostalgic and sometimes revealing look back through the trials and tribulations of a freelance outdoor writer.

Histoires de chasse et pêche

QUB radio

Le journaliste et animateur Philippe-Vincent Foisy rencontre des chasseurs, chasseuses, pêcheurs et pêcheuses pour entendre leurs aventures parfois incroyables, parfois touchantes. Croiser des milliers de caribous, sauter nu dans l’eau pour attraper son poisson, avoir un ours au-dessus de la tête... êtes-vous prêts à entendre ces histoires de chasse et pêche?  Animation : Philippe Vincent-Foisy Recherche : Florence Lamoureux Montage : Philippe Séguin Réalisation : Bastien Gagnon-Lafrance  

NHS Strength and Flexibility

NHS Choices

Download the NHS Strength and flexibility podcasts and get your own personal trainer without the expense. Featuring Laura from the NHS Couch to 5k programme, these podcasts talk you through a series of equipment-free exercises to improve your strength and flexibility. Your goal is to work your way up to podcast 5 in five weeks, by doing each podcast three times a week. By week 5, you’ll be doing press-ups, squats and stretches with ease, feeling stronger, more flexible and full of energy. For those who want to start running, NHS Couch to 5K is another great podcast series to try.

ROUGE ET BLANC - 1er podcast dédié à la protection de la biodiversité en Savoie Mont Blanc

Thierry Barret - Cabinet Barret Conseil Podcasts

Rouge et Blanc est la première plateforme de diffusion de podcasts dédiée aux acteurs de la protection de la biodiversité en Savoie Mont Blanc. Produit par le Cabinet BARRET Conseil, les épisodes diffusés sur Rouge et Blanc mettent en valeur les femmes et les hommes qui œuvrent en faveur du changement climatique, de la préservation de l’environnement, du développement durable, de l’économie circulaire, sociale et solidaire etc.  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

The Enormocast: a climbing podcast

Chris Kalous

Sorta famous climber Chris Kalous delves into the climbing life with discussion, interviews, tributes, and more on the Enormocast. Rock climbing. alpine climbing, and just climbing, climbing, and more climbing.

Wet Fly Swing Fly Fishing Podcast

Dave Stewart

Dave from the Wet Fly Swing Fly Fishing Blog interviews the biggest names in fly fishing and fly tying today. He digs out all of the best fly fishing tips and tricks to help you understand how to choose the right gear, find fish, present the fly, discover new patterns and much more. Find out about new rods, lines, techniques, knots, tying tools and unheard of tips along with great stories about life and the times of some of the most knowledgeable guides, shop owners, and fisherman from around the world. Season 1 covers all things steelhead fishing. Better understand topics like spey casting, nymphing vs. swinging flies, intruders, finding fish, conservation and finding new waters. Come join us for the current season and share the stories and great memories told by amazing people.

Trail Correspondents

The Trek

Trail Correspondents is a teleportation machine to the trail- in audio form. Every other week, a select handful of thru-hikers on the Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, Continental Divide Trail, and the American Discovery Trail, give us a glimpse into the world of long distance backpacking. Through their eyes and vocal cords, we learn all about the highs, lows, and nitty gritty details that go into a half-year, cross-country trek. Trail Correspondents is the next best thing to being on trail yourself.

3 minutes survie

Maryan Guide-de-Survie.com

Un jour, ce podcast te sauvera la vie... ou pas. Aventure, survie dans la nature et bushcraft. Collapsologie geek et apocalypse zombie : 3 minutes décalées pour apprendre une astuce survie, une fois par semaine. Je ne suis ni un expert ni un pro, mais blogueur survie depuis bientôt 10 ans, ma démarche est celle d'un curateur d'information. Et si la forme est parfois loufoque, le sujet sera toujours traité sérieusement. Par le site : www.guide-de-survie.com

The Rich Froning Podcast

Rich Froning Jr.

Podcast with 10x CrossFit Champion on Earth Rich Froning.

Grimper Malin: Le podcast

François BELLET

Fieldcraft Survival

FieldCraft Survival

The guys from Fieldcraft Survival host this informative series in survival, tactics, defense, gear, fitness, overlanding, mobility, military, and more. All things preparedness and survival from Fieldcraft Survival.

TFB Behind the Gun Podcast

The Firearm Blog

The Behind The Gun podcast from The Firearm Blog is a recurring series of conversations with influential individuals within the firearms community. TFB Editor In Chief Pete Interviews industry leaders about their successes, failures and glimpses into the future of firearms and equipment development. The Behind The Gun podcast series is politically non-partisan and is a free-flow of information regarding a wide range of topics including self defense, sport shooting, firearms technology and more. Visit www.TheFirearmBlog.com and www.TFB.TV for additional quality content updated daily.

The Orvis Fly-Fishing Podcast

Tom Rosenbauer, The Orvis Company

The Orvis Fly Fishing Guide Podcast provides weekly tips from acclaimed fly fishing author and lifelong fly fishing enthusiast, Tom Rosenbauer. Get the most from your time on the water!

Uphill Athlete Podcast

Uphill Athlete

The Uphill Athlete Podcast provides educational material for all mountain sports. Our goal is to inspire and encourage you to be the best mountain athlete you can be. 

Written in Stone: Climbing’s Most Important Ascents

Plug Tone Audio

Written in Stone tells the (mostly) true stories of the most groundbreaking ascents in rock climbing history. Hosted by Kris Hampton, you’ll hear the narrated, sound designed stories about what led to new levels in climbing, alternated with conversations with today’s top climbers about what inspired them about what went down way back then. Season One is focused on the 1990s, and will tell the stories of how sport climbing came to dominate, how women climbers made their mark, and explore the characters who made it all happen. Moon, Skinner, Gullich, Hill, Nicole and more! Like Todd Skinner always said, ”never let the truth get in the way of a good story.”

Downtime - The Mountain Bike Podcast

Downtime MTB

On the Downtime Podcast, we speak to athletes, trainers, mechanics, brands and many others, to take us behind the scenes of the world of downhill and enduro mountain biking, inspire you and give you some hints and tips to help you improve your own MTB riding. Give it a listen and we're confident you'll find something to help you go faster and have more fun on your mountain bike! Don't forget to subscribe, give us a review, and follow us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter to keep up to date with new episodes.

Outside Podcast


Outside’s longstanding literary storytelling tradition comes to life in audio with features that will both entertain and inform listeners. We launched in March 2016 with our first series, Science of Survival, and have since expanded our show and now offer a range of story formats, including reports from our correspondents in the field and interviews with the biggest figures in sports, adventure, and the outdoors.

The Northern Hunter Podcast

The Northern Hunter

Hunters have existed from the beginning of time. Homo sapiens, tracking and killing their prey as their only means of survival. For us, today, it is a lifestyle of choice, born of passion. On this podcast we will explore who we are as hunters, the reasons we hunt, the thrill of the stalk, and tell the tales of our own experience. We’ll deep dive into the science of the shot, the importance of quality gear, the mindset and methods that make the hunter. Our goal is that you, in the pursuit of our shared passion, will be as prepared and educated as possible before your next adventure. Alaska is our home, and we have been blessed to hunt some of the most sought-after species’ right in our own backyard. Thanks for tuning in, we’re excited to give you a look into our experiences as Northern Hunters!

EquiRatings Eventing Podcast


The Eventing Podcast squad bring you on a weekly, data-fuelled journey through the world of eventing. Previews, reviews and analysis - all supported by EquiRatings' data.

Cyclist Magazine Podcast

Cyclist Magazine

From the team behind Cyclist Magazine, this is a podcast for lovers of all things cycling, whether you’re a sucker for a sportive, a carbon fibre connoisseur or just Bernard Hinault’s biggest fan. Hosts James Spender and Emma Cole bring you in-depth conversations from within the world of cycling by the people that know it best, with new episodes every other Thursday. Guests have included the likes of Greg LeMond, Tyler Hamilton, Sean Kelly, Krishnan Guru-Murthy and more. Make sure to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts to listen first! Join us for the ride on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Check out our website at cyclist.co.uk and be sure to subscribe to Cyclist Magazine here. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Overland Archive Podcast

Lewis Ciddor

Host Lewis Ciddor (winner of the 2018 Tour Divide) brings you interviews with guests from all over the world to talk bikepacking, ultra endurance racing and adventure cycling!

La Voix du Chemin

Les Editions du Vieux Crayon

La Voix du Chemin, c'est le podcast de référence pour évoquer la randonnée sur les chemins de Compostelle - un podcast créé par l'équipe du Miam Miam Dodo, guide pratique de randonnée vers Compostelle. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

Podcast FullAttack


Il y a quelque temps, Yaël s'est présentée à nous avec des idées, et un projet. Celui d'animer un podcast pour le compte de FullAttack. Une proposition qui a retenu notre attention parce qu'elle nous donnait le sentiment qu'on passerait de bons moments à l'écouter - en compagnie de ses invités - parler VTT mais aussi des dimensions sociétales qui entourent notre pratique.  Son parcours - entre études de Lettre et athlète de la scène VTT gravity - et les sujets qui lui tiennent à coeur - la passion, le partage, les relations humaines, mais aussi le rapport à la compétition, la pression sociale, la place de la femme, les enjeux économiques - nous ont convaincus de saisir l'occasion de prendre le temps d'aller au delà de l'actualité chaude et fugace.  Écouter Yaël dresser des portraits, des parcours, des enjeux, des regards, des avis... En compagnie d'athlètes, de managers, de coachs, de figures du milieu... Au sujet de la passion, la pression, les regards, les échanges, le partage, les rôles... La place que notre pratique occupe dans la société d'aujourd'hui. C'est tout l'objet du Podcast FullAttack, tel qu'il vous est proposé ! 

The RunOut Podcast

Andrew Bisharat & Chris Kalous

Chris Kalous (The Enormocast) and Andrew Bisharat (Evening Sends) are talking to the best and most interesting people in climbing. Now clip your last piece and dig in...

The MeatEater Podcast


Building on the belief that a deeper understanding of the natural world enriches all of our lives, host Steven Rinella brings an in-depth and relevant look at all outdoor topics including hunting, fishing, nature, conservation, and wild foods. Filled with humor, irreverence, and things that will surprise the hell out of you, each episode welcomes a diverse group of guests who add their own expertise to the vast world of the outdoors. Part of The MeatEater Podcast Network.

The Just Bikes Podcast

The Mettleset

The Just Bikes Podcast is a new podcast from The Mettleset, hosted by ultra-cyclist Dawn Barnable and friends.  As the name suggests, the podcast is all about bikes. From ultra- to adventure, the pain cave to the peloton and lots of type-two fun, The Just Bikes Podcast will feature a host of guests from all over the world to talk about all things cycling and cycling culture.  Follow us on IG at @justbikesthepodcast. Don’t forget to subscribe, like and leave a review wherever you get your podcasts. Five stars only! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The Firn Line

Pod Peak

A podcast about the lives of mountain climbers.

The Ride Companion

TRC Media House

The mountain bike podcast that sometimes forgets to talk about mountain bikes... Hosted by Olly Wilkins and Davi Birks #theridecompanion

The Podcast on alanarnette.com

Alan Arnette

Alan Arnette is a renowned mountaineer and Alzheimer's advocate. He is well-known in the mountaineering community for his extensive climbing experience and his blog at alanarnette.com, which chronicles his expeditions and provides insights into mountaineering. He summited Mount Everest in 2011, Mount Manaslu in 2013, and K2 in 2014 at 58, making him the 18th and oldest American to summit the second-highest peak in the world. https://www.alanarnette.com Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/alan-arnette1/support

Always Another Adventure

Simon Willis

Great adventurers share their great adventures. Please Subscribe & Review.

Between The Mountains Adventure Podcast

Chris Kilworth

Adventure Podcast: Expeditions, Interviews, & Must-Do Adventures!

Fat-bike Radio

Fat-bike Radio

Fat-bike Radio's Weekly Dose of Fat is an irreverent look at news and happenings in the world of fat-bikes. Bike and product reviews, interviews, travel news and bikepacking are all part of the show!

The Ride Companion

TRC Media House

The mountain bike podcast that sometimes forgets to talk about mountain bikes... Hosted by Olly Wilkins and Davi Birks #theridecompanion

The Backpacking Podcast presented by Outdoor Vitals

John Kelley, Jeremiah Stringer

Be prepared to listen to great stories, hear from incredible guests, and laugh until your stomach hurts. Jeremiah Stringer and John Kelley share from experiences and knowledge from the trail while bringing the fun back to backpacking podcasts. The main goal here is to make you smile, and you'll quickly realize that Wednesdays are the best day of the week. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/backpackingpodcast/support

Alpine Podcast

Alpine Mag

Reportages, enquêtes : le podcast d’Alpine Mag prend le pouls des montagnes, dans les Alpes et ailleurs au travers d'émissions variées. Des sons et des cimesDans ce podcast, vous découvrirez à quoi ressemblent nos massifs aujourd’hui ? Qui sont ceux qui les arpentent, à quoi rêvent-ils ? Leurs exploits sont-ils les mêmes qu’autrefois, parle-t-on d’eux de la même manière ? Et qu’adviendra-t-il de nos sommets demain ? Si, comme nous, vous aimez le bruit de la neige qui crisse sous les pas, celui du vent dans les cheveux, des ruisseaux qui chantent, des crampons qui grattent le rocher et des choucas qui traversent le ciel, branchez vite vos écouteurs, écoutez « Des sons et des cimes » et partez à l’aventure. « Des sons et des cimes » est un podcast réalisé par Pauline Boulet pour Alpine Mag. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

The Ski Podcast

The Ski Podcast

Want to know more about the world of skiing? The Ski Podcast is an award-winning podcast with over 200 episodes covering all aspects of the world of skiing and snowboarding, from resorts to racing, Ski Sunday to slush. It is hosted by Iain Martin, who is joined by guests from the world of snow to chat about wintery stuff and probe around the avalanche of ski news. The Ski Podcast was voted 'Best Wintersports Podcast' in the 2021 Sports Podcast Awards and nominated for 'Best Broadcast Programme' in the 2023 Travel Media Awards. Iain is a freelance journalist and digital marketing consultant (https://www.skipedia.co.uk/) specialising in snowsports. He is also the founder of Ski Flight Free (http://www.skiflightfree.org) - a campaign to encourage skiers to take the train or drive to their ski holiday. Before The Ski Podcast, he spent six winters working in the Alps, then founded and managed the season worker community 'Natives' from 1999 to 2011. Listen to all our back catalog at http://www.theskipodcast.com If you want to get in touch or take part you can email us: theskipodcast@gmail.com Music: http://www.purple-planet.com Logo: http://www.vexels.com


Bayerischer Rundfunk

Bergfreundinnen ist der Podcast für dein Leben mit den Bergen. Toni, Kaddi und Cathi lieben Berge. Ständig zieht es die drei hinaus und hinauf – und wenn sie nicht am Berg sind, reden sie darüber. Sätze wie "Die Berge gehören uns" oder "Mindestens 2.000 Höhenmeter am Tag" sparen sie sich. Die Bergfreundinnen sprechen sich Mut zu, halten einander und schöpfen am Gipfel neue Kraft – für die nächste Tour und fürs ganze Leben. Sie hören zu und diskutieren Fragen wie: Wie kriegt man mehr Selbstvertrauen am Berg? Wie schaffe ich es nachhaltig Bergzusteigen? Und wie ist das eigentlich mit der Menstruation, wenn ich unterwegs bin? Es sind also eher die großen Themen des Lebens, die im Bergfreundinnen-Podcast behandelt werden. Es gibt Stories vom Berg, tolle Leute zu Gast, gute Gespräche und handfeste Tipps. 1 Monat - 4 Folgen - ein Thema – und deine Geschichten vom Berg.

The Longboardarian Podcast

Tupi Cabrera

The Longboardarian Podcast objective and mission is to have conversations with the personalities of our longboarding/surf culture. My guests will be the surfers, surfboard shapers, organizers and historians who through their experiences and knowledge have interesting and important opinions and facts about our sport/lifestyle and culture. I feel like many of these conversations will have important historical value as time goes. It's part of surf history!

The Freeride Guide

RedMark Media

Welcome to The Freeride Guide with your hosts,  Mark Warner and Derek Foose. This is the only podcast where you’ll get the in depth analysis, commentary and information you need about the Freeride World Tour and your favourite, ski and snowboard freeride events. The Freeride Guide will feature special guests and athlete interviews and we’re getting you, the listeners, involved with our weekly Q&A segments.   If you’re a skier or snowboarder FIND, FOLLOW and LISTEN  listen to The Freeride Guide. #freerideguide #listentoskiing

The Everything Snowboarding, Outdoors & More Podcast

Mike Hardaker, Mountain Weekly News

The Everything Snowboarding, Outdoors & More Podcast is a monthly podcast hosted by Mountain Weekly News founder Mike Hardaker that covers all things snowboarding, outdoors, and more. In each episode, Mike interviews a different guest from professional snowboarders, to surfers, hunters, guides and anyone with a passion for the outdoors. The guests share their stories, tips, and advice, and Mike asks them questions about their gear, their experiences, and their goals. The podcast also features the latest snowboard news, gear reviews, and splitboard reviews. Mike is always on the lookout for the latest and greatest gear, and he shares his findings with his listeners. In addition to snowboarding, the podcast also covers a wide range of other outdoor activities, such as hiking, biking, hunting, and fishing. Mike interviews experts in these fields to learn about their experiences and get their advice. The Everything Snowboarding, Outdoors & More Podcast is a great resource for anyone who loves the outdoors. It's a fun and informative way to learn about the latest gear, hear the stories of amazing people, and get inspired to get outside and explore.

Beyond the Hedge: The People and Stories that Shape the British Countryside


Welcome to Beyond the Hedge where the writer, Patrick Galbraith, goes in search of the places, people, traditions and tales that make rural Britain extraordinary. Join Patrick as he heads out along the backroads to meet publicans, writers, hedgelayers, butchers, poets and keepers of everything from pigs to grey partridges to bees. He explores often-complex and sometimes-thorny themes with the help of real experts – practitioners with their hands in the soil and academics who’ve spent their lives thinking about things like the cultural history of fishing. Beyond the Hedge gets to the heart of rural Britain, as it was, is now and will be in the future. Subscribe to Scribehound to support independent countryside writing: https://www.scribehound.com/subscription

Trail Tales - Thru-Hiking & Backpacking

Kyle Hates Hiking

What’s it like to hike and live in the backcountry for 5 months? Host and thru-hiker & YouTuber Kyle Hates Hiking (Kyle O’Grady), who has completed every last step of the Appalachian Trail, interviews other thru-hikers, peak-baggers, and backpackers who are almost as crazy as him. Is life while thru-hiking really as glamorous as the social media stars make it out to be? Is pooping in the woods really that big of a deal? Find out these answers and more on Trail Tales.

Die Wundersame Fahrradwelt

Johanna Jahnke

Johanna Jahnke lässt sich von spannenden Menschen aus der Fahrradwelt inspirieren und inspiriert damit ihre Hörer:innen, über sich hinaus zu wachsen. Ob Gravel oder Asphalt, Bikepacking oder Ultra-Endurance-Rennen: Alles, was zwei Räder und das Herz an der richtigen Stelle hat, wird besprochen und diskutiert. www.die-wundersame-fahrradwelt.de

Out There

Willow Belden

Out There is a podcast that explores big questions through intimate stories in the great outdoors.

Singletracks Mountain Bike Podcast


Podcast host Jeff Barber, Editor-in-Chief at Singletracks.com, aims to inform and inspire with topics and interviews from the mountain bike world. Since 2015, we have been sharing weekly stories from under the helmets of the most inspiring and influential mountain bikers. Join us as we learn from top athletes, product designers, trail builders, coaches, mechanics, artists, and leaders in the mountain biking community. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/singletracks/support

L'art de l'altitude

L'art de l'altitude

Découvrez l'univers épique des Pyrénées aux côtés de Maxime et Florentin, deux randonneurs aguerris. Plongez dans des aventures à couper le souffle, explorez la philosophie de la montagne, et marchez sur les sentiers de la découverte à travers des récits captivants, des moments de réflexion profonde et des conseils d'experts pour des aventures en montagne inoubliables. Un podcast inspirant pour les amoureux de la nature et les amateurs d'évasion. #Lartdelaltitude #materielmontagne #trek #GR10

Backcountry Hunting Podcast

Joseph von Benedikt

Backcountry Hunting Podcast focuses on inspiring and teaching about deep-country hunting, with emphasis on DIY techniques, gear, prep and how-to. Lifelong wilderness hunter Joseph von Benedikt shares stories and tips for success.

Marginal Gains Cycling Podcast, Presented by Silca


The Marginal Gains Podcast, presented by Silca is the show that makes a big deal about the little things, and how those little things...can be a big deal. Josh Poertner of Silca, along with Hottie and Fatty, talk about all aspects of cycling — design, manufacturing, marketing, riding, racing, management and more, all from a thoughtful perspective. It's a podcast for the thinking cyclist.

Dropping In Surf Show Podcast

Rob Case

We drop in a little bit of math and a little bit of science with a whole lot of surfing. Rob Case, a paddling technique coach, discusses science and math in the world of surfing and how surfers can improve and progress from it. Special guest appearances and experts in their field share stories and research.

The Inside Line Podcast - Vital MTB

Vital MTB

A mountain biking podcast channel featuring in-depth interviews with world class riders and cycling industry professionals.

NHS Couch to 5K+

NHS Choices

Take your running to the next level with these podcasts designed for graduates of the NHS Couch to 5K programme. Each podcast provides a structured run with music and coaching to develop your running technique, speed and stamina. The Couch to 5K+ podcasts were produced with sports music experts AudioFuel, who specialise in making music to run to. For those who want to build some variety into their routine, another great podcast series to try is NHS Strength and flexibility.

Surf Stories by Florida Surf Film Festival

Florida Surf Film Festival

In both Q and A and narrative format, we will hear stories from local surfers, filmmakers from around the world, and inspiring and/or charismatic folks who have a story to share. John Brooks and Kevin Miller will host in-person and Zoom-recorded chats.

Horse Training in Harmony

Karen Rohlf

Do you want to advance up the levels without sacrificing your horse's welfare and your relationship with him? Do you find it confusing trying to reconcile competitive training techniques with methods that prioritize partnership? Get ready for some fresh insights and a deeper understanding of how to progress with your horse. This podcast invites an evolution in your training and learning experience. Karen Rohlf will give you specific techniques and exercises, ‘outside the box’ concepts, and perspectives from top professionals. This show will explore how you can create stronger partnerships and healthy biomechanics, and will help you be your best self for your horse and for your life; free from the fear of making mistakes and dogmatic ‘right vs wrong’ thinking. As an author, internationally popular clinician, and creator of the Dressage Naturally program, Karen has been filling in the missing pieces and catalyzing breakthroughs for amateur and professional horsemen and women around the world. This show will have something for riders of every level and discipline. Learn more at https://dressagenaturally.net/

The Water Ski Podcast

Matteo Luzzeri

The Water Ski Podcast provides weekly content related to the sport of water skiing. Join the host Matteo Luzzeri as he rambles about anything skiing related, brings in guests for interviews and conversations, provides insights into the mental aspects of water skiing, and answers listeners’ questions. Cover font provided by EdricStudio Intro and Outro music provided by Kevin MacLeod from incompetech.com

Nock On Archery

Nock On Podcast

Nock On Archery podcast are educational archery tips from Pro Archer John Dudley, an accomplished professional, top level coach and technical expert. Get great insights to new products and industry trends.

Hiker Trash Radio


Join Doc and his guests on Hiker Trash Radio, the outdoor adventure podcast that takes you on a myriad of trails. With interviews from thru hikers, skydivers, adventure athletes, big wall climbers, and more, each episode is packed with trail talk, gear tips, and hilarious misadventures. And if you thought the great outdoors was all sunshine and rainbows, think again! Tune in for tales of blistered feet, helicopter evacuations, and Type II Fun that will make you appreciate the comforts of home. Settle in and get ready to trade the city for the wilderness. It's time to embrace the suck!

Backpacking Light Podcast


The Backpacking Light Podcast explores the technology, gear, skills, and philosophy of backcountry wilderness travel through stories, interviews, and investigative reports.


Domenick Swentosky

Life on the water. Troutbitten is a deep dive into fly fishing for wild trout in wild places. Author and guide, Domenick Swentosky, shares stories, tips, tactics and conversations with friends about fly fishing through the woods and water. Explore more. Fish hard. And discover fly fishing at Troutbitten.com — an extensive resource with 1200+ articles about trout, friends, family and the river.

The Vintage Airstream Podcast

Tim Shephard

theVAP, discusses travel trailer, RV, and motorhome, repair, purchasing, restoration, and travel. Join us each episode as we talk with the nets top Airstream enthusiasts for a fun and lively discussion.

The Duffel Shuffle Podcast

The Duffel Shuffle Podcast

A new podcast covering the world of climbing and skiing in all its forms, through the eyes of mountain guides. In each episode we'll unpack exhilarating stories, share invaluable insights, and get up close and personal with some of the most experienced and passionate guides and athletes in the industry.

Climbing Gold

Duct Tape Then Beer

When climbing was a fringe sport, the epic tales of achievement were told around the campfire. As the sport continues to grow, Alex Honnold and co-host Fitz Cahall grab the mic to share stories from the people who define climbing by pushing the boundaries and challenging the status quo of the previous generation.

Noob Spearo Podcast | Spearfishing Tips, Stories and Interviews

Isaac 'Shrek' Daly

The Podcast show interviewing spearfishing experts, authorities and characters from all over the world. We dial in on the experience and wisdom from a diverse bunch of spearos from all over the globe. From spearfishing in the cold waters of the North Sea and Arctic to the clear, tropical waters of the great barrier reef, we find spearos with tips to help you improve your spearfishing. Listen into Isaac 'Shrek' Daly and Levi 'Turbo' Brown on the Noob Spearo Podcast free Find out more at http://www.noobspearo.com.

The Trail Show

The Trail Show

Less gear, more beer!

DiveFilm HD Video


High Definition videos of the underwater world for your computer, iPad, iPhone, iPod, and HDTV! Showcasing some of the best high definition underwater short films being produced today from all over the world. Featuring beautiful images of the underwater world, marine life large and small, interviews with interesting people, and updates on underwater imaging. Produced in association with Wetpixel.com.

The Polaris Podcast

Polaris Help Center

Brought to you by the Polaris Help Center, the Polaris Podcast is here to make owning a Polaris vehicle even easier. If you're not an expert, it's okay. Tune in monthly as our experts explain a variety of topics, from vehicle care to riding tips. Hear from others who share your passion for outdoor adventures. Reminder: All riders should always wear helmets, eye protection and protective clothing and footwear. Read, understand and follow your Owner's Manual. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Ride within the limits of your own abilities and never engage in stunt or exhibition driving.

The Bike Show Podcast

Jack Thurston

Podcast devoted to the art, science, politics and transcendental pleasure of cycling, in London and beyond. Presented by Jack Thurston the show has been rolling since 2004, and continues to cover and uncover the intersections of cycling, culture, society and creativity. From Tour de France to roller-racing, from Brompton commuters to bicycle messengers, from Kraftwerk to hip hop, from urban design to countryside trips. Literature, history, travel, art, music, sport in a weekly half-hour show.

Wet & Dry

Bren Orton & Adrian Mattern

In Wet & Dry, two friends and pro kayakers sit down to talk about life on and off the water. Random escapades, epic adventures and an in depth look into what it it looks like to spend your life chasing waterfalls. Join Adrian Mattern and Bren Orton each week on the Wet & Dry podcast!

Sailing in the Mediterranean and Beyond


This is about cruising Sailing in the Mediterranean but we do venture outside of the Mediterranean as well. The topics intended to be covered are about the cruising lifestyle and cruising sailor. Sailors, dreamers and armchair sailors should enjoy the great stories that are told. We will talk about sailing adventures, sailing tips, sailing gear, chartering and charter bases, local knowledge related to specific geographical areas in the Mediterranean and interviews with fellow sailors.If you have sailing stories to share or information valuable to sailors then please contact me.

The TrainingBeta Podcast: A Climbing Training Podcast

Neely Quinn

Hosted by Neely Quinn, The TrainingBeta Podcast is a weekly conversation with rock climbing’s best and brightest. Pro rock climbers, climbing trainers, and other insightful members of the climbing community offer their experiences with training for climbing, the best diet for climbing, and their personal stories with climbing. Whether you’re a beginner climber or a seasoned pro, you’ll learn something new from these conversations.

Vortex Nation Podcast

Vortex Optics

Welcome to the Vortex Nation Podcast. Brought to you by lovers of hunting, shooting, public lands, the Second Amendment and dang good food.

Mighty Blue On The Appalachian Trail: The Ultimate Mid-Life Crisis

Steve Adams

An overweight, 61-year-old retiree, with zero hiking experience, decided to hike the entire 2,185.3 mile length of the Appalachian Trail in 2014. What could possibly go wrong? As his brother, Mike, commented, "It's a bit like taking up boxing and fighting Mike Tyson in your first bout." Join Steve and his guests as they discuss all aspects of the trail, from gear to Lyme Disease, then back to trail magic and injury.


Alpinist Magazine

Since 2002 Alpinist has striven to push creative boundaries with everything we do, from award-winning climbing journalism and creative writing to photography and art. Now, with the Alpinist podcast, we aim to extend our conversations with climbers and community members into interviews and oral histories that will entertain and educate our listeners with everything from dramatic and humorous adventure tales to in-depth discussions of the most significant issues in the climbing world today. More at alpinist.com/podcast
