Noise, El Pionero Científico, Liceo Guatemala and Pablo Elvio Pérez Cabrera School of Cuba


Noise and its environmental pollution. Causes, effects and actions to combat it, By Adolfo Jorge Díaz Morgado. 9-C From the Pablo Elvio Pérez Cabrera School in Cuba, "Noise can originate in numerous ways and even involuntarily in today's world. As such, there are so many emission sources that we are going to focus on the main and/or most famous ones. " #mars, #universe, #science, #space, #nasa, #galaxy, #science, #space, #mars, #future, #technology, #culture, #chemistry, #physics, #mathematics, #dimension, #theory , #movie, #humor, #intelligence, #string theory, #drone collision, #environment, #ecology, #elements, #globalwarming, #covid, #pandemic, #robot, #artificialintelligence #mathematics #mathematics # logic #calculus #polynomials #division

Noise, El Pionero Científico, Liceo Guatemala and Pablo Elvio Pérez Cabrera School of Cuba

Noise, El Pionero Científico, Liceo Guatemala and Pablo Elvio Pérez Cabrera School of Cuba
