Gothic Stories’ Long History of Drawing from Everyday Monsters, featuring Isabel Cañas


Happy Halloween Week and Happy Start of NaNoWriMo. This week’s episode is a twofer because we’re bringing you a little dose of horror through our exploration of gothic stories with this week’s guest Isabel Cañas, who also happens to be a ten-year veteran of NaNoWriMo. Watch magic happen as Write-minded intertwines these two cultural events—one spooky-scary and the other downright inspiring. We’re kicking you off with some great advice and a big high-five—and if you’re still on the fence about whether you’re doing NaNoWriMo, get off and join the November writing craze. 
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Gothic Stories’ Long History of Drawing from Everyday Monsters, featuring Isabel Cañas

Gothic Stories’ Long History of Drawing from Everyday Monsters, featuring Isabel Cañas
