Navigating the Stars: Astrology over the Next 18 Months (ft Astrologer, Rosa de Boer)


Whether you’re a well-seasoned student of astrology, or totally new to the astro world, this episode is bound to have some fantastic new insights for you.
Today, I sat down with Rose de Boer, a Netherlands-based Astrologer for a fascinating chat on all things celestial. Rosa shares her expertise as she brilliantly explains “Astrology 101”, and together, we explore the most relevant universal transits over the next 18 months. 
Tune in to understand the truth of transits like Venus Retrograde, learn more about the North and South Node, and stay for a more philosophical discussion on how the stars may be informing the development of AI and the current technological revolution our collective has found ourselves in.  

Dates for upcoming transits mentioned:

Venus Retrograde: july 22- sep 3
Nodes into Aries- Libra: july 18
Pluto in Aquarius cycle starts March 2023 (will stay there till 2044)
Saturn in Pisces: 2023 - 2026

Connect and book a session with Rosa:

Work with your host, Amanda:  Click this link to fill out an application for private, 1:! Coaching.
About Amanda: Website - Instagram - TikTok

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Navigating the Stars: Astrology over the Next 18 Months (ft Astrologer, Rosa de Boer)

Navigating the Stars: Astrology over the Next 18 Months (ft Astrologer, Rosa de Boer)
