Se Regalan Dudas

Dudas Media

Somos Lety & Ash y juntas creamos Se Regalan Dudas, un proyecto que nació como un podcast entre dos amigas y se convirtió en un ecosistema de herramientas para cuestionar todo lo que está a tu alrededor, tomar decisiones más informadas y acompañarte en este camino sin fin llamado amor propio.  Invitamos al podcast personas especialistas en temas diversos y personas que admiramos para poner sobre la mesa distintos puntos de vista que nos ayuden a abrir nuestro espectro. Si te gustaría participar en el podcast o conoces a alguien, llena este formulario. ¡Anúnciate en nuestros podcasts! Contáctanos en ¡Escúchanos todos los martes y jueves en plataformas de audio o con video en YouTube!   Mándanos un audio con tus dudas, historias o preguntas existenciales aquí Complementa los episodios del podcast y platica con nosotras en todas las redes, estamos como @seregalandudas e inscríbete gratis a nuestro Newsletter. Si bien no somos profesionales de la salud mental, contamos con directorio de ayuda en el que puedes encontrar apoyo de profesionales para todo tipo de situaciones, encuéntralo en y recuerda que ¡no estás a solx!   Tenemos un Club del Libro en el que todos los meses leemos un libro y lo comentamos una vez a la semana en comunidad con gente de todo el mundo. Inscríbete a nuestras pláticas semanales aquí y consigue todos nuestros libros recomendados aquí. Encuéntranos como @libros.seregalandudas en redes.  Hemos publicado dos libros: Se Regalan Dudas y Despertando.   Consigue nuestro merch de amor propio en Ámate.   Creamos otros podcasts que son parte de nuestra productora Dudas Media. Encuéntralos como: Despertando Podcast, Durmiendo Podcast y 10 Mujeres. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

El llindar

Catalunya Ràdio

"El llindar" és un programa d'entrevistes i una ficció dramàtica al mateix temps: el convidat entra en una història en què és el protagonista i en què ha de prendre decisions que revelen realment la seva personalitat. Creat per Toni de la Torre i amb Jordi Boixaderas com a narrador.

Date Yourself Instead

Lyss Boss

You’ve made it to Date Yourself Instead, a podcast intended to inspire you to become the best version of yourself. In 2021, social media personality Lyss started a self-love series on TikTok which amassed over 100+ million views on her videos and counting. In this podcast, she gets candid about her relationship experiences, and touches on other topics including business, beauty, wellness, and so much more. Welcome to the #dateyourselfinstead movement. Episodes every Monday.

Love Life with Matthew Hussey

Matthew Hussey

Relationships are for heroes. Join bestselling author—and host of the #1 YouTube channel for women’s relationship advice—Matthew Hussey and his brother Stephen Hussey, as they offer tips and insights on how to make sense of the beautiful mess that is finding and maintaining love, while nurturing the relationship you have with yourself. In weekly episodes, they share practical advice, hard-won wisdom, and the occasional musing on relationships and the increasingly confusing world of modern dating. No matter your relationship status, the Love Life podcast will meet you where you are. About the Hosts: Matthew Hussey is the New York Times bestselling author of Get the Guy, and host of a YouTube channel that has received 400+ million views. Get the Guy co-writer and YouTuber Stephen Hussey holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Oxford University.

Si hablo la cago, si no también

¡Si hablo la cago, si no también!

Héctor Sánchez y Laura Rodriguez dos actores que llevan catorce años juntos, encontraron en el humor la forma de contar conflictos cotidianos de pareja. Nos unimos a Sergio Cuervo terapeuta y transformador de vidas, para desmenuzar esos líos. Matar al Ex, defraudar a tu pareja, divorciarte del niño o aprender a irte. ¡Cositas que vas a vivir, vives o ya viviste!. Esto es para ti si has sentido que ¡si hablas la cagas, si no también!

Te vas a morir

Diego Dreyfus

Podcast sin filtros para cuestionarnos todo, filosofar, divertirnos y recordar que… ¡Te vas a morir!

Hot Mess with Alix Earle


Join your favorite hot mess, Alix Earle, as she invites you to listen in on a weekly recap of her life revealing all the in-depth, exclusive details that has everyone watching, talking, and wanting more. For the first time ever, Alix will be letting you in on what is actually happening, beyond her trending TikToks. From friendships to family, relationship updates to rumors, traveling and navigating life after college, get ready for all the behind-the-scenes details that you've been waiting for. Let's be honest, life is messy, and Alix is here to remind you that we're all on this journey together. So welcome, you are now officially invited to the debrief.

Parem l'antena

Catalunya Ràdio

Un podcast de Manel Alías que trena entrevistes amb diferents persones al voltant d'un únic concepte triat perquè pot resultar inspirador per a gent molt diversa.

Unlocking Us with Brené Brown

Vox Media Podcast Network

I’ve spent over 20 years studying the emotions and experiences that bring meaning and purpose to our lives, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s this: we are hardwired for connection, and connecting requires courage, vulnerability, and conversation. I want this to be a podcast that’s real, unpolished, honest, and reflects both the magic and the messiness of what it means to be human. Episodes will include conversations with the people who are teaching me, challenging me, confusing me, or maybe even ticking me off a little. I'll also have direct conversations with you about what I’m learning from new research, and we'll do some episodes dedicated to answering your questions. We don’t have to do life alone. We were never meant to. Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

Women of Impact

Impact Theory

WARNING: Subscribing to this podcast will lead to feeling like a badass with total confidence, zero excuses, and living life on your frikin terms! Before becoming the co-founder of the billion-dollar company Quest Nutrition, before writing the best-selling book Radical Confidence, before becoming president of Impact Theory Studios, I had ZERO confidence. I was playing small, trying to be a good Greek housewife, but totally lost myself and her hopes and dreams in the process. And so with this podcast, no matter where you are on your journey, I have gotchu covered, homie! I interview some of the most successful, inspiring, and badass people in the game to bring you the straight-up, no-BS approach to build your confidence and get you from where you are to where you want to go! So get ready for a dose of badassery! Get ready to be motivated. Get ready to be empowered to stop waiting for someone to come and save you and finally become the hero… of your own life!

I Will Teach You To Be Rich

Ramit Sethi

Imagine listening in on these raw, unfiltered conversations with real couples… One partner is in $300,000 in debt, but shrugs it off. The other cries at night, anxious about the future. A couple that’s so worried about money, they never feel they’ll have enough. When they eat out, they order chicken instead of steak to save $10. Their household income: $600,000. Two parents who feel overwhelmed by work, kids, and debt. When I ask them how they’d describe their lives, they instantly say the same word: “Stuck.” Ramit Sethi asks the questions we wish we all could ask, presenting a totally different philosophy on money: • Spend extravagantly on the things you love, as long as you cut costs mercilessly on the things you don’t. • Ask $30,000 questions, not $3 questions. • A Rich Life is more than math -- it’s mastering your money psychology. From the author of the bestselling book, ‘I Will Teach You To Be Rich,’ learn how money psychology affects these couples… and how to create your own Rich Life.

Falaciones Públicas

Falaciones Públicas

Falaciones Públicas es el podcast que nadie se ha atrevido a hacer hasta el momento. Los convencionalismos no existen cuando se trata de abordar temáticas del colectivo LGTBIQ+ y siempre se debe hacer con un toque distintivo de sal, pimienta y una implicación total. En la mesa, Óscar Repo y Pablo Polo charlan con invitadas, invitados e invitades sobre amor, sexo, vida, derechos conquistados y metas por alcanzar. El humor es la clave, pero si la ocasión lo requiere, no dudan en aportar un toque serio para tratar cualquier asunto delicado que haya quedado pendiente. Óscar Repo (@oscarrepo) es un artista madrileño que ha sabido fusionar sus capacidades musicales, teatrales y comunicativas con la ironía y vis cómica que le caracteriza. En una palabra, “mocatriz” en toda regla.  Pablo Polo (@polopabl0) es un periodista y presentador enamorado de la radio y la televisión desde que presentaba programas con una cuchara en su habitación con solo tres años. Por sus venas corre un 50% de sangre seria y formal y la otra mitad es picante y gamberra a más no poder.  Encuéntranos en: Este podcast es parte del Talent Hub de Podimo 🙌🏽

Психология с Александрой Яковлевой

Александра Яковлева

Александра Яковлева, автор и ведущая подкаста, психолог, журналист, создала уникальную экспертную платформу, куда она приглашает авторитетных психологов и педагогов, разговаривает с ними на самые разные и важные темы — от стресса и зависимостей до поиска пары и причин семейных конфликтов. «Психология», в первую очередь, образовательный проект, где гости выпусков делятся своими знаниями, которые могут быть полезны каждому. Взгляд конкретного гостя не является истиной в последней инстанции, но позволяет задуматься и обратить внимание на некоторые аспекты нашей жизни. Реклама и сотрудничество:

Fairly Odd Sisters

Lo and Sarah Beeston

The Fairly Odd Sisters Podcast is for the girls. It's a fun and honest podcast that gives listeners a deeper look into our lives! Oh, and we’ve got A LOT of unfiltered opinions on topics ranging from relationships, to empowering women, to just everyday life. Your hosts, Sarah and Lo, are sister-in-laws turned best friends. Tune in every Thursday for new episodes.

Pareja que suma

Pareja que suma

Nuestra intención es compartir lo que nos ayuda a vivir nuestra relación de manera plena y feliz. Consejos de psicología de pareja para ayudarte a vivir la relación que siempre quisiste, porque cuanto mejor sea tu relación, más éxito tendrás en tu vida.

Curioso De Todo

Eduardo Sanz Murillo

La curiosidad no mató al gato, lo liberó. Bienvenidos a Curioso De Todo formato videopodcast con un servidor, Edu Sanz Murillo. Charlaremos de todo con gente muy diversa y sobre diferentes temas.


Radio es el programa de Podcast sobre Dinámicas Sociales, Seducción y Red Pill más completo de habla hispana. Analizamos al detalle todos los conceptos que te ayudarán a convertirte en un experto en psicología femenina para seducir y ligar con las mujeres más atractivas. Además, respondemos preguntas de la audiencia sobre seducción, relaciones y dinámicas sociales. ¿Quieres aprender cómo atraer y mantener mujeres en tu vida? ¿Quieres aprender a desarrollar una personalidad masculina y magnética? Este es tu Podcast.

Il était une (première) fois


Chacun d'entre nous possède une histoire unique. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsque deux de ces histoires se rencontrent et se frôlent pour la première fois? Il était une (première) fois est le nouveau podcast de récits intimes du Elle, qui explore des histoires de chairs singulières. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Die Lösung - der Psychologie-Podcast

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Was ist da manchmal los in unserem Kopf? Verhaltenstherapeutin Maren Wiechers und Host Verena "Fiebi" Fiebiger gehen dieser Frage jede Woche auf den Grund. Mit Empathie und Sachverstand sprechen sie über die großen und kleinen Themen der Psychologie, die uns umtreiben: Was macht der Alltagsstress in der Rushhour des Lebens mit uns? Wie ist das mit unserer Persönlichkeit: Bleiben wir ein Leben lang gleich? Wie sehr prägen unsere Eltern uns – und wir damit wiederum unsere Kinder? Welche Werte sind mir wirklich wichtig und wie komme ich möglichst unbeschadet durch echte Krisen? "Die Lösung" ist der Psychologiepodcast für alle, die ein wenig Ordnung ins Gefühlschaos bringen wollen. Denn gemeinsam grübeln ist immer besser als alleine. Und klar: Die eine große Lösung gibt es selten - aber jeder Schritt zählt!

Чуть не развелись

Ne razvelis

Герои и ведущие этого подкаста — Маша и Лёня. Они женаты, вместе уже 10 лет, у них есть дочка Кира. В 2022 году они пережили большой кризис в отношениях и чуть не развелись. Но не разводиться — это их осознанный выбор. В этом подкасте Лёня и Маша будут говорить про кризис: как поняли, что они в нем, куда обращались и какие инструменты пробовали. Они расскажут про измены, про влияние родственников и роль дочери. Присылайте ваши вопросы и истории нам в соцсети или на почту:

The Baggage Reclaim Sessions

Natalie Lue

All humans have emotional baggage, and yet, so many of us are unaware of what we're carrying until we hit a low point, experience a health crisis, or recognise that we're in a painful pattern with our relationships or how we feel about and treat ourselves. Natalie Lue expands her popular blog Baggage Reclaim into podcast form with a weekly show about how to live and love with more self-esteem by unpacking, decluttering and tidying up our excess emotional baggage. It's time to reclaim yourself and experience more love, care trust and respect.

No Hard Feelings

Josh Moss & Cassidy Mcgill

Ever wondered what your boyfriend or girlfriend is thinking? What about the person you’re seeing? Cassidy & Josh give their best insights into relationships and dating… even if it’s completely wrong and they have no idea. Take their advice at your own risk.

OurPodcast by Jose y Cami


¡Hola! Somos Jose y Cami, y somos amigos, esposos y, esperamos que, futuros papás. Este es un espacio que creamos para que puedan experimentar un poco más de cerca y de manera más profunda cómo son nuestros pensamientos y personalidades. Esperamos que les encante lo que encontrarán aquí con nosotros. Muchas anécdotas por contar, risas por compartir y debates por vivir, así como amor por compartir.

Emociones Y Reacciones

PNL/Coach. Llajis Romero

Causa & Efecto. ¿Como nuestro estado de animo repercute en nuestro dia a dia? Te invito a escuchar temas relacionados con nuestra forma de pensar y el efecto que surge en nosotros a la hora de tomar desiciones. Support this podcast: Llajis Rolosa/support


David Cristina

O David Cristina divorciou-se e na sequência disso teve um período de loucuras de Tinder, dates tenebrosos e relações que bateram na trave. Então, decidiu que ia ser uma pessoa melhor, um verdadeiro Ex-Clarecido. Bem vindos ao podcast Ex-Clarecido em que o David vai convidar uma série de pessoas e falar com elas sobre porque é que é um péssimo namorado, um péssimo pai, péssimo para o ambiente, super pouco inclusivo e péssima pessoa no geral, na esperança de um dia ser um bocadinho menos horrível.

Life’s Rosie - How to heal a broken heart

Viral Tribe Entertainment

Rosie Green, author and journalist talks to famous split survivors, having honest, empowering and belly laugh-inducing conversations about how to navigate a devastating breakup. Comforting moments of vulnerability as well as some inspirational strategies, Rosie promises to help get you through your lowest moments. By the end, Rosie and guests will help you unlock a brighter future leaving you to be more inclined to think that Life’s Rosie.

Jillian on Love

Jillian Turecki | QCODE

Let’s build healthier and more fulfilling romantic relationships. Jillian is on a mission to teach people how to completely transform their love life, and where you start is by addressing the relationship you have with yourself.  Whether you’re looking to strengthen the relationship you’re in, heal your heartbreak and choose better partners, develop a stronger sense of self, or move away from dysfunctional patterns into highly functioning ones this show is for you. Jillian Turecki is a certified relationship coach, teacher and writer who for 20 years has guided others on journeys toward fulfilling relationships. ~~ Follow the show on Instagram: @jillianonlove Email the show at Subscribe to Jillian on Love+ on Apple Podcasts or Patreon Find Resources mentioned in the show at the Jillian on Love Recommendations ~~ Follow Jillian Turecki on Instagram: @jillianturecki Tik Tok: @jillian.turecki Twitter: @JillianTurecki Visit her website at ~~ Jillian On Love is brought to you by QCODE.  To advertise on the show, contact us!

Midlife Muse: Things Your Mother Never Told You

Dr. Amanda Hanson

The magnificence and rapture of womanhood are often not passed down from our mothers. We are all too familiar with stories of sacrificing, shrinking, and overcoming. The majority of women are left to feel like something is constantly missing. And what’s usually missing is the feminine essence of every single one of them. Dr. Amanda Hanson is a clinical psychologist and a global influencer who has helped millions of women to reimagine their lives, reconnect with their feminine side, and heal generational trauma. In each episode, Dr. Amanda will introduce you to concepts of womanhood that will ignite your radiance, ease the confusion, and help you craft an unshakeable foundation of self-worth. Whether you are seeking guidance, inspiration, a deeper reflection on your life, or knowledge for making your lifetime of being a woman more fulfilling ~ The Midlife Muse podcast is for you. For women of all walks of life, regardless of their origin, religious views, age, or previous experiences, this is a universal platform that unites safe women across the globe.

Estas Rica

Sonoro | danisayan

Recién graduada de psicología, Dani nos trae una perspectiva nueva sobre la vida. Es bonito sentir, sobre todo por unx mismx. La vida está para que la tomes por las astas, cumplas tus metas y te dediques todo el amor a ti. Este podcast está dedicado a convertirte en tu mejor versión, tu versión más RICA por dentro y por fuera. Dedicado a mujeres, hombres, personas no binaries, y cualquier ser que quiera mejorar en todo aspecto. Dani esta respondiendo mensajes por instagram (se demora porque son muchos pero llega): @danisayan Sigue al Podcast en Instagram para reflexiones de los episodios, sneak peaks y mucho más! @estasricapodcast


Tatiana Franko

Soy Tatiana Franko y esto es vos podés, el podcast. Un espacio de inspiración que nació con el propósito de contar historias de mujeres poderosas. Cada miércoles conocerás famosas y no famosas, que están dispuestas a abrir el corazón para compartir experiencias de su vida que las marcaron y las transformaron positivamente. Vos podés, es un frase que se convirtió en mi bandera y es también el mensaje que quiero dejar a quienes lleguen hasta aquí, porque creo en el poder femenino y en la capacidad que tenemos las mujeres de transformar obstáculos en oportunidades.

Простими словами

The Village Україна

«Простими словами» – це подкаст про психологію та науку від The Village Україна, який виходить із 2019 року. Ведучі: письменник Марк Лівін і клінічна психологиня Софія Терлез. Сподобався подкаст? Підтримайте роботу нашої команди й отримайте доступ до бонусних епізодів! • Долучитися до 500+ друзів подкасту на Patreon: • Подякувати, пригостивши кавою на Buy me a coffee: Придбати наші книги про те, як розібратися у своїх емоціях і поведінці: Цінуємо підтримку кожного й кожної.

The Mark Groves Podcast

Mark Groves

Jam out with Mark Groves as he takes you on a journey to explore the juiciest parts of the human experience and what it’s like to live authentically in the modern world. You’re invited to lay down what you were taught and explore new viewpoints and discoveries in mental and emotional health, physical health and wellness, relationships and the human connection, and hot topics of the world. Open your ears and your eyes to The Mark Groves Podcast.

Narcissistic Abuse Unwound: True Love Scam Recovery

Jennifer Smith

Resolving confusion and restoring your life after coercive control. Support this podcast:

On Attachment

Stephanie Rigg

Join relationship coach Stephanie Rigg in On Attachment, where she delves deep into all things attachment theory, love, relationships & intimacy - sharing her wisdom and experience to help you start making real changes in your life & relationships.

Dear Future Husband

Christian Bevere

As women, we Pinterest and plan nearly every detail of our wedding day long before it arrives, but what if we better focused our time and energy to prepare and pray for our future marriage. On the Dear Future Husband Podcast we’ll enter the taboo to tap into the transformative; discussing topics such as strategic singleness and positioning yourself for a thriving marriage.


ABC listen

Spend an hour in someone else's life. Conversations draws you deeper into the life story of someone you may have heard about, but never met.


Radio es el programa de Podcast sobre Dinámicas Sociales, Seducción y Red Pill más completo de habla hispana. Analizamos al detalle todos los conceptos que te ayudarán a convertirte en un experto en psicología femenina para seducir y ligar con las mujeres más atractivas. Además, respondemos preguntas de la audiencia sobre seducción, relaciones y dinámicas sociales. ¿Quieres aprender cómo atraer y mantener mujeres en tu vida? ¿Quieres aprender a desarrollar una personalidad masculina y magnética? Este es tu Podcast.


Idiot, inc.

Welcome to my podcast where I tell you more than you ever asked about. I will make you laugh until you pee, always tell you the truth, share with you my most vulnerable thoughts and all of my BEST, juiciest stories. Sometimes we'll even invite a guest to join us. We'll talk mental health, relationships, sex, parenting, motherhood, sobriety and whatever the the hell else comes out of my delirious mouth. Ok yay. Talk soon.

Heal Your Heartbreak

Break Up Bestie

Heal Your Heartbreak with your Break Up Bestie is a weekly podcast where each week I walk you through a topic as it relates to healing your heartbreak and helping you move through your break up. Topics include breaking up, healing, dating, and moving into happier and healthier relationships. The goal of this show is to provide hope, support, tips, and to remind you that you're not alone and don't have to go through this alone.


Agathe Lecaron

Dans ce podcast produit par Agathe Lecaron, vous trouverez des témoignages d'anonymes qui ont vécu des histoires d'amour qui ont tout changé dans leurs vies : ils ont vibré, parfois énormément souffert, il ont été déçus, parfois trahis, ont vécu des passions destructrices ou au contraire fondatrices, mais quoiqu'il en soit, même si ce ne sont pas que des histoires d'ex..., elles sont ex...traordinaires. Merci à notre sponsor The Bradery. Avec le code promo EX15, tu bénéficies de 15€ de réduction sur ta 1ère commande dès 60€ d'achats. Alors, n’attends plus et télécharge l’application The Bradery >> Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Fratelli Tutti +Carta encíclica del Papa Francisco sobre la fraternidad y la amistad social+

Audio, punto por punto, capítulo a capítulo, de la Carta encíclica del Santo Padre Francisco sobre la fraternidad y la amistad social. Completamente gratuito para que todos los que no leen y los que no pueden ver escuchen esta carta encíclica del Papa Francisco. Producido por

Rádio Comercial - Poucos Mas Bons

Pedro Ribeiro

Todas as semanas, a história de uma Amizade, e tudo o que acontece à volta, na vida de duas pessoas que se encontram na vida. E ficam para sempre. Ou não.

Kinda Dating

Natasha Chandel

Welcome to the comedy dating podcast that's flipping the script on relationships! Join comedian and dating expert, Natasha Chandel, along with influential guests as they dissect the complexities of modern dating and tackle the proverbial question: Why the fuck do we all have commitment issues?? Get ready for insightful discussions, side-splitting anecdotes, and a refreshing, practical take on contemporary love and commitment made for Millennials and Gen-Z, but that applies to everyone whether you’re single, married, or “it’s complicated.” Prepare for candid conversations with a diverse array of guests, ranging from New York Times best-selling authors like Mark Manson to global comedy sensations like Russell Peters. Our episodes feature expert therapists, seasoned dating coaches, talented actors, musicians, influencers, Showrunners, and even Natasha’s parents and exes spill the tea! This is not your typical dating podcast. Kinda Dating is a lighthearted podcast that often gets deep into the heart of relationships. As seen in AskMen, Bustle, Refinery29, and Elite Daily, this podcast has also earned the prestigious title of Apple New & Noteworthy. So join us on this hilarious and enlightening journey through the maze of modern romance.  Let us help you “get it in.” Errr… find love!

L'aventure Sésame, l'audace de sortir de son célibat

Marie-Liesse Malbrancke

Sésame propose aux femmes (et aux hommes) célibataires ou en début de relation, de tout mettre en place pour construire leur vie amoureuse de manière audacieuse ! Un véritable tremplin pour s'aimer, se révéler et oser. Dans ce podcast, Marie-Liesse donne des clés concrètes pour choisir d'être heureux aujourd'hui dans l'objectif de construire une vie amoureuse épanouie ! Marie-Liesse est coach en intelligence émotionnelle et amoureuse, et accompagne depuis 2019 de nombreuses personnes vers leur bonheur affectif !

Ce que j'aurais dû dire à mon ex


Participez à Ce que j'aurais dû dire à mon ex Pour participer au podcast, contactez-nous à l'adresse en vous présentant, et en nous envoyant votre lettre ouverte. Précisez-nous aussi si vous seriez disponible pour vous déplacer jusque dans notre studio d'enregistrement situé à Paris ! Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.


Paulina Millán

Programa informativo y entretenido que trata temas relacionados con la sexualidad, el amor y la pareja. ¡Sin censura! Conducido por Paulina Millán y Jon Altamirano.

King of Hearts by Chiara King

Chiara King/W!ZARD Studios

Welcome to King of Hearts, the new podcast by artist and content creator Chiara King exploring what it means to wear your heart on your sleeve. Join her every week to follow her journey to true love, helping to solve your relationship troubles along the way, and joined by special guest experts. Full of honesty, vulnerability and real tangible advice - Chiara King has got your back. New episodes every Wednesday.

Le Cœur sur la table

Binge Audio

Parce que s'aimer est l'une des façons de faire la révolution. Des épisodes documentaires pour réinventer nos relations amoureuses, nos liens avec nos ami·es, notre famille, nos amant·es. Le Cœur sur la table est un podcast documentaire de Victoire Tuaillon produit par Binge Audio. À écouter aussi : des hors-séries documentaires par Anaïs Volpé, Ovidie, Judith Duportail et Lolita Rivé. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Mark Narrations - Reddit Stories

Mark B

Welcome to the Mark Narrations Reddit Podcast where we cover a whole host of reddit stories. From AITA stories, Revenge stories and Relationship stories. With 2 episodes posted daily weekdays you'll find plenty to listen to. I hope you enjoy your stay! Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.



#EntreNosotros con Mate Guasconi, Martu Ortiz, Manu Dons y Domi Faena I Escuchanos en vivo todos los lunes, miércoles y viernes de 17 a 19hs por YouTube y Twitch de Luzu TV.

Life Matters - Full program podcast

ABC listen

Helping you figure out all the big stuff in life: relationships, health, money, work and the world. Let's talk! With trusted experts and your stories, Life Matters is all about what matters to you.

La Verdad Sin Filtro

Jessica Lorc

Los consejos más profundos para que sepas todo acerca de relaciones amorosas interpersonales, introspección, sanación, amor propio, psicología, espiritualidad, temas filosóficos, y siempre revelando detalladamente las cosas como son: sin filtro. - Sígueme para más contenido: YouTube: IG: @jessicaalorc | @lvsfpod TT: @jessicaloorc | @lvsfpod FB: La Verdad Sin Filtro

The Madelyn Moon Show (Previously Mind Body Musings)

Maddy Moon

Hi, I’m Madelyn Moon… your mythic relationship magician. The Madelyn Moon Show is a dating and relationship podcast that explores the deeper questions about love that most women are dying to be let in on: how do I become a match for my dream king? What does it feel like to live with devotion yet lead with sovereignty? Is it possible to transmute my most painful wounds into my biggest gifts in love? How do I make my relationship the most expansive, expressive and exciting place for me to pour my heart into? We'll treat relationships as if they are a yoga itself — you will learn how to take the posture of love through storytelling, myth, personal experience, human behavior and personal expression. Through solo explorations and immersive, heartfelt, deep AF conversations, I bet my bottom dolla you'll be looking forward to your bi-weekly dose of modern love, ancient practice and artful intimacy.

The Mothership

Jeana Donovan, Amy Keller

An Audio Collection from the Village

We Can Do Hard Things

Glennon Doyle and Audacy

Life is freaking hard. We are all doing hard things every single day – things like loving and losing; caring for children and parents; forging and ending friendships; battling addiction, illness, and loneliness; struggling in our jobs, our marriages, and our divorces; setting boundaries; and fighting for equality, purpose, freedom, joy, and peace. On We Can Do Hard Things, Glennon Doyle, author of UNTAMED; her wife Abby Wambach; and her sister Amanda Doyle do the only thing they’ve found that has ever made life easier: Drop the fake and talk honestly about the hard things including sex, gender, parenting, blended families, bodies, anxiety, addiction, justice, boundaries, fun, quitting, overwhelm . . . all of it. We laugh and cry and help each other carry the hard so we can all live a little bit lighter and braver, free-er, less alone.

Sleep Deprived with Indy Clinton

CW Media

Welcome to sleep deprived with Indy Clinton. From the leaky tits, to haemorrhoids nothing is off limits. Each episode you will get to know more about Indy with special guests appearances we know you will love. You can ask Indy anything and even the infamous Big Eddy will be making his debut. Sleep Deprived with Indy Clinton is a podcast that covers it all, life unfiltered and keeping it real. Indy is an Australian content creator with over 2.3 million followers and beloved for her chaotic life. You might know her from her new found popularity on TikTok, she recently won TikTok Creator of the year, and her daily vlogs or you might have grown up with her since she was the 15 year old surfer girl on instagram. Now a 26 year old Mum in the thick of it with 3 kids under 3 Indy’s life pure chaos. People love her authenticity and ability to keep it real. Each week Indy brings you an unfiltered episode, where Indy dives into all the unspoken parts of life, relationships, parenthood and more. This podcast is brought to you by Chemist Warehouse Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Liesbeth Rasker


Podimo Spain

¡BIENVENIDXS A LA OFICINA DEL AMOR DE SHIPPEO! En la cultura pop, shippear es como echarle leña al fuego de la fantasía romántica entre dos (o más) personas. En este podcast de citas a ciegas (literalmente) cada semana seremos testigos de encuentros amorosos entre desconocidos y de cómo el amor aflora, o no, entre nuestros románticos pretendientes. ¿Y quién está trabajando en la Oficina del Amor? Patricia Castillo y Sendy Palomino, las vecinas que se hicieron amigas, hoy se convierten también en las celestinas de Shippeo (y empleadas de Afrodita), para traeros las mejores citas y ayudaros a tener relaciones afectivas saludables. Risas, sorpresas y, por supuesto, un toque de romance a la antigua.  Este podcast forma parte del Talent Hub de Podimo 💜 No olvides seguirnos en nuestras redes sociales @shippeopodcast y apuntarte al casting enviando un mensaje al 601 760 004. ¡NUEVO EPISODIO / NUEVA CITA CADA LUNES!

Derecho y Animales

Derecho y Animales

El primer podcast sobre Derecho Animal en español en el que entrevistamos a expertas y expertos sobre su experiencia - personal y profesional - con casos de maltrato animal desde una perspectiva jurídica. Proyecto ganador de la beca 'Culture & Animals Foundation' 2020. ¿Nos ayudas a defender más y mejor a nuestros compañeros de planeta?

If I Speak

Novara Media

Ash Sarkar and Moya Lothian-McLean sort the personal from the political, tackle listener dilemmas and air their opinions on the frustrations of modern life.

Women Being Loved

Todra Payne

Women Being Loved is a podcast series that provides encouraging love & life advice for women 35+ who are ready to attract deep, passionate, lasting love. The insights and wisdom shared is from research interviews with women in successful, fulfilling love relationships for my upcoming book. Publication is set for late spring 2024.

Áudios de WhatsApp

Audios de Whatsapp

Um programa sobre nada e tudo ao mesmo tempo, mas que parece mais uma terapia em grupo. Toda semana um motivo novo para desabafar no Whats.

Tell Me What Happened


Things don’t always go as planned: Sometimes a drive in the mountains, or a swim in the ocean, suddenly turns into a dangerous situation. Other times it might be a medical emergency, or a family lost in a foreign country. These are the true stories of people helping people during the most pivotal moments in their lives. Each episode also includes a conversation with an expert to provide added advice around crisis situations. Featured guests from the first two seasons include a psychologist, a search-and-rescue expert offering practical tips for surviving a blizzard when you are caught in a remote area, an emergency management expert and many more. Tell Me What Happened is brought to you by OnStar.



「不把天聊si」是由青年媒体品牌「WhatYouNeed」出品的聊天类播客节目,每周更新一集。我们想尽量最真实地分享,二十几岁的我们正在经历着的生活是什么样子的。 在这里,可以听到编辑部的秘事杂谈、年轻人说出来太小不说又憋得慌的生活烦恼、90 后的感情职场经历、以及不同人的不同生活方式。我们的目的是,不把天聊死。以及,让你和朋友也有聊不完的天。 同时也欢迎关注我们的公众号@我要WhatYouNeed。 无论是什么形状的你,都可以在这里成为我们 | 商务联系whatyouneedoffice

Boyfriend Material with Harry Jowsey


Listen up, you naughty little chickens! Dating, sex, and relationships in your twenties—it’s messy, confusing, and sometimes you just want the male perspective. That’s where Boyfriend Material with Harry Jowsey comes in. Every Tuesday, Harry Jowsey lets you in on what the male brain is thinking—he’ll break down all of your relationship questions and situations in a manner that only Harry can bring. He’ll give you his honest advice on your friends-with-benefits situation, that late night text, or whether that fuck boy from your past even deserves a second chance. Candid, hilarious, and always ready with a story, he’ll tell you like it is before commiserating with you by sharing his own embarrassing dating anecdote. So listen to Boyfriend Material with Harry Jowsey every Tuesday to land the guy—or walking red flag, absolutely no judgment here—of your dreams.

Deeper Dating Podcast

Ken Page, LCSW

Finding love isn’t about gimmicks or games. It’s about something far more profound than we’ve ever been taught. In this podcast by renowned psychotherapist and bestselling author Ken Page, you’ll learn the most effective, research-backed tools for transforming the way you date -- and finding authentic love.

Sit With Us

Dom and Ella

Welcome to Sit With Us with Ella and Dom. This is your invite to sit with us and chat about all things Relationships, Reality TV, Pop Culture and everything in between! Hold on, it’s about to get REAL  + Come with us on instagram @sitwithusthepod

Finding The One with Danny Morel & Jen Landesberg

Danny Morel and Jen Landesberg

Finding The One is a podcast where we, Danny Morel and Jen Landesberg, share our heartfelt stories, lessons learned, and insights on the journey toward finding true love. Through each episode, we delve into the complexities of relationships, providing guidance, inspiration, and a sense of community for anyone navigating their way toward genuine connections. Whether you're on the hunt for "the one" or reflecting on your love story, join us for a relatable and enlightening experience that celebrates the power of love.

The Conways


Each week Darren Conway and his fiancée Amy Corcoran will share updates on their wedding planning journey and their relationship in general, as they prepare to say “I do” in their new GoLoud Original podcast ‘The Conways’. While Amy’s already thinking of colour schemes, venues and wedding bands, Darren is more focused on the cake and hiring Star Wars Stormtroopers as entertainment. Throughout the podcast the two will come together to make decisions on their big day.

Energy is Love

Steph & Craig Salazar

Join relationship coaches, Steph & Craig, as they aim to break the stigma of perfection by sharing the realities of their relationship. It's an inside look into what it really takes to be connected and in Love. It's messy. It's vulnerable. It's raw and it's real. They're a happily married couple doing their best to not let their past traumas get in the way of their future. Enjoy!

Inner Integration Podcast en Español

Meredith "Mera" Miller

Este es el podcast del canal Inner Integration en YouTube. Aquí aprenderás las herramientas y mentalidades para sanarte después de relaciones tóxicas con psicópatas, narcisistas y otros manipuladores. Tu presentadora es  Meredith "Mera" Miller,  coach, creadora de Inner Integration y autora del libro LA TRAVESÍA:  Una Guía de Recuperación Después del Abuso Narcisista. 

Relationships Done Different

Relationships Done Different, Access Consciousness

Wherever you are when it comes to your relationships, what if there is way more possible?! And what if that starts with having a relationship with…. you! If you are ready to let go of everything you bought as true about relationships, join us for the Relationships Done Different Podcast . Conversations and inspirations to turn your relationships into creationships. Join our hosts as they discuss the insanity we can choose when it comes to relationship and how they all see relationships now very different using the tools of Relationships Done Different and Access Consciousness..


研愷/Kai & 維維/Wayne

本節目中會幫大家『提出』某些生活中不重要但卻很有趣的問題,讓你可以有更多話題跟現實世界的家人與朋友聊天。 合作邀約 Powered by Firstory Hosting

La Feminista Enamorada

La Feminista Enamorada

Dos sociólogas y una fotógrafa, compartiendo su visión de la vida y el amor. Expandiendo la red de acompañamiento entre mujeres a través del podcast, aprendiendo y creciendo juntas. Porque igual que tú, somos feministas y estamos enamoradas.

U Up?

Betches Media

U Up? is the definitive modern dating podcast presented by Betches co-founder Jordana Abraham and comedian Jared Freid, where they discuss their take on the ebbs and flows of the crazy dating world we live in. From interpreting dating app interactions and weird sexual encounters, to defining the relationship and everything in between - they’re here to make sure you don’t die alone. For more fun dating commentary, polls, and bonus content, follow @u.up.podcast on Instagram. Become a friend (with benefits) of the podcast and subscribe to receive early release and ad-free versions of all our new episodes, plus bonus subscriber-only episodes. To sign up and become a friend (with benefits) today head to:

Les Couilles sur la table

Binge Audio

Le premier podcast sur les masculinités. Un jeudi sur deux, Victoire Tuaillon parle en profondeur d’un aspect des masculinités contemporaines avec un·e invité·e. Parce qu’on ne naît pas homme, on le devient. Les Couilles sur la table est un podcast de Binge Audio. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Les vagues


En famille, en amour, au travail, en société… trouve-t-on jamais tout à fait sa place ? Dans le podcast Les Vagues, un tout nouveau podcast de ELLE, Marion Ruggieri interroge des personnalités (Isabelle Adjani, Sophie Fontanel, Leïla Slimani…) sur le moment où elles se sont senties à leur place pour la première fois – mais aussi le moment où elles se sont senties déplacées. À partir du mardi 24 octobre, un mardi sur 2, sur toutes les plateformes de podcasts. --- Si vous aimez Les Vagues et pour ne rater aucun nouvel épisode, n’oubliez pas de vous abonner sur la plateforme de votre choix.  Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

The Just Enough Family

Sony Music Entertainment

Staggering success, unexpected loss, over-the-top parties, shocking betrayals, and profound intimacy are woven together into a high-profile family-therapy session. The Just Enough Family follows the meteoric rise and staggering fall of the Steinbergs, once one of America’s richest families, through the eyes of Liz Lange— successful fashion designer, captivating storyteller, and niece of the infamous corporate raider Saul Steinberg. Host Ariel Levy (The New Yorker, The Rules do Not Apply), Liz’s friend, gets an inside look at what happened to the once seemingly invincible clan. New money, old secrets, and the fine line between success and excess. Unlock all episodes of The Just Enough Family, ad-free, right now by subscribing to The Binge. Plus, get binge access to brand new stories dropping on the first of every month — that’s all episodes, all at once, all ad-free. Just click ‘Subscribe’ on the top of The Just Enough Family show page on Apple Podcasts or visit to get access wherever you get your podcasts. A Sony Music Entertainment production. Executive producer Melinda Shopsin (Mystery Show). Find out more about The Binge and other podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at and follow us @sonypodcasts.



我以為我的podcast是治失眠,但好多人跟我說聽了睡不著。 好吧,失眠不要聽! 🐧每週日:更新週報 🐧每週二、五:更新社會觀察(盡量啦XD) 🔎 FB:唐綺陽占星幫 🔎 YT:唐綺陽官方專屬頻道 🔎 IG:jessetang11 *本節目使用 Firstory 發佈,Firstory 讓你輕鬆被世界聽見。

exes and o's with shannon beveridge

Shannon Beveridge

Join Shannon Beveridge each week at her house, in her bed, for a weekly video podcast to talk about queer relationships and sex with a rotating influential queer guest. The podcast will feature a mix of breakup, sex, and relationship stories from our guest and host, games, and audience solicited questions and stories. Who better to give relationship advice than someone who’s going through their third public break up, right?

C'est pas toi, c'est moi.

Leslye Granaud

C’est pas toi, c’est moi est le podcast des déçus de l’amour et des cœurs fatigués de chercher leurs moitiés dans la jungle des matchs virtuels. « Ça viendra quand tu ne t’y attendras pas ! » Et si on ne s’y attend déjà plus et que ça ne vient pas… Alors que reste-t-il comme espoirs ? À chaque émission, des invités viennent se confier à mon micro, de leurs pires dates à leurs matchs les plus incongrus. Avec humour et bienveillance, entre deux rires, pour finalement se souvenir que nous ne sommes pas seuls à ne pas avoir trouvé l’amour… Et finalement est-ce si grave ? Un dimanche sur deux, un nouvel épisode ! L’occasion d’une nouvelle rencontre. Retrouvez la version filmée sur YouTube Instagram : @leslye.granaud TikTok : @dearleslye Un podcast animé, imaginé et co-produit par Leslye Granaud Co-produit et réalisé par Zachary Guerenneur (@heyzachy) Couverture illustrée par Mathou (@mathou_cdh)



⚡️¿Qué pasa gentessica?⚡️ Bienvenidx a QUE NO TE VACILEN, el podcast creado por Patricia Palombi en el que hablamos sobre las relaciones de hoy en día. ¿No has notado que cada vez que conoces a alguien te cuesta que la cosa funcione? ¿Nunca quieren lo mismo que tú? ¿Tus relaciones están estancadas? A todos nos ha pasado igual y estoy aquí para investigar por qué está ocurriendo y encontrar la solución. Envíame tus historias, dudas o temas que quieres que trate al insta del podcast @quenotevacilen y sígueme en mis redes como @patpalombi para no perderte ninguna novedad. xo Palombi 💖



Stories of crazy entitled parents, incredible tales of revenge, amusing answers to compelling questions; The Redditor Podcast has it all. If you enjoy listening to intriguing, funny and realistic tales, then this is the podcast for you! Here you will find all of Redditor's YouTube videos in podcast form, from subreddits such as r/entitledparents, r/prorevenge, and many many more. A little bit about me:  I narrate Reddit posts for your entertainment!  As a fan of Reddit myself, it was a no-brainer, and I love showcasing the best subreddits to my viewers. My favourite story-based subreddit right now is r/entitledparents. I also love the shorter format of r/facepalm, r/mildlyinfuriating, and r/woooosh among others.  Consider subscribing and following if you enjoy my content, or my British accent! You are more than welcome to join the Redditor Army!  Also, leaving a review on whichever podcast platform you listen on will be greatly appreciated! For business enquiries, please email: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Brooke and Connor Make A Podcast

TMG Studios

The Internet’s favorite dynamic duo, Brooke Averick and Connor Wood, make a podcast — and they’re not holding back. Together, the two break down pop culture's biggest moments, share their hottest takes, and push each other’s buttons. Nothing’s off limits.

Я с тобой


Это твой подкаст-поддержка, который как близкий друг — всегда рядом. Каждую неделю тебе будет приходить голосовое сообщение, которое можно переслушивать в любой момент, когда хочется, чтобы кто-то поддержал и сказал: «Я с тобой». Этот подкаст понравится тебе больше в наушниках. Подкаст создан студией Толк: По всем вопросам:

The Love Fix

Sherry Gaba and Carla Romo

Love doesn’t have to suck. We know this from overcoming our own dating and relationship horror stories, which led us to being experts in healing from codependency, dating and toxic relationships. Our 30 year age difference brings you an array of perspectives at any stage in life. If you’re dating, in a relationship or divorced, we’ve got your back. With leading experts, you'll learn the latest tools on how to navigate dating and how to thrive in a successful relationship.

Relations internationales – Drague, sexe et amour autour du monde Podcasts

L’amour, le sexe, le couple… ces concepts sont-ils les mêmes aux quatre coins de la planète ? Marion Hazout et Victor Viriot, en couple depuis quatre ans, ont voyagé dans neuf pays pour apprendre auprès de leurs habitant·es comment cela se passe, ailleurs. De l’Inde à la Colombie, du Japon au Sénégal, Relations internationales interroge les relations, amoureuses ou non, dans le monde entier.Un podcast produit et réalisé par Slate Podcasts.

Парочка уточнений

Viktoriia Rarog

Парочка уточнений — подкаст семейной пары, Вики Рарог и Вовы Гордиенко, которые общаются на самые разные темы — от чайлдфри до семейного бюджета — и о том, как все эти явления влияют на их жизнь. Это подкаст о том, что норма может быть разной и с нами все нормально (с вами тоже). Если коротко, мы своим подкастом отвечаем на вопрос “А что так можно?”. Да, можно :) Выпуски выходят каждые две недели. Ссылки на наши соцсети: - телеграм-канал подкаста, где можно читать новости и писать комментарии к выпускам: - Boosty нашего подкаста с дополнительными выпусками и эксклюзивными материалами:

Am I the Jerk?

Voice acting stories from Reddit and more! FULL VIDEOS on

Aaf en Lies lossen het wel weer op

Tonny Media

Aaf Brandt Corstius en Lies Visschedijk zijn al jaren bevriend en hebben heel wat met elkaar meegemaakt. In de podcast Aaf en Lies lossen het wel weer op bespreekt het duo de wereldproblematiek, problemen van de luisteraars maar ook hun eigen problemen. Ze geven hun week een cijfer en komen tot rust in Lies' rubriek over de natuur. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

La Ciencia del Amor


La Ciencia del Amor es el podcast de Univision y su plataforma Uforia en el que descubrirás cómo atraer a la persona de tus sueños y cómo mantener la relación que mereces con esa persona. En La Ciencia del Amor, los oyentes descubrirán cómo evitar los errores comunes que hacen fracasar las relaciones que mantienen o quisieran mantener con las pláticas que semana a semana Dafnne mantiene con expertos terapeutas, coaches, psicólogos, tanatólogos, sexólogos y más.

Death, Sex & Money

Slate Podcasts

Anna Sale explores the big questions and hard choices that are often left out of polite conversation.

We're All Insane

Devorah Roloff

We're All Insane podcast hosted by Devorah Roloff.

Abrete con Nena

Temptation Nena

Un Podcast lleno de historias reales para; Parejas: Swingers: Solteros: OpenMinds: Bisexuales: y todo aquel que tenga curiosidad!. Para contarme tu historia o promo contactarme, Email y por Instagram Temptationnena. No te olvide de suscribirte a mi canal de YouTube Abrete con nena.

Family Disappeared

Lawrence Joss

Have you lost contact with your child? What about your parent, or grandparent, sibling, or any other family member? You might be experiencing estrangement, alienation, or erasure. All of these terms speak to the trauma and dysfunction that so many families face. A family is a complex living and breathing system. Each member plays a role in the family dynamic. When families carry generational trauma and/or experience new trauma, challenges, or dysfunction, this can result in a break in the family system. These reaction strategies are habitual and very often interwoven into every aspect of how our family interacts. Hi! I´m Lawrence Joss and I’ve learned that I need to cultivate a spiritual, emotional, and physical relationship with myself in order to have healthy relationships with others and everything in my life. It is my mission to help you create and nurture that relationship with yourself first and provide you with tools that might help you heal and strengthen family relationships. This podcast is an opportunity to explore our healing journey together through the complexities of our families.Welcome to the FAMILY DISAPPEARED podcast.For more information, visit:Website: familydisappeared@gmail.comLinktree

A mi me importa

Sol Carlos

Un podcast donde hablamos sobre todos los temas que te importan a ti! Amor propio, salud mental, sobrevivir tus 20s, salir en citas y mucho mas!

Partagez vos expériences de vie - Olivier Delacroix

Europe 1

Olivier Delacroix pose un regard différent sur les sujets de société en donnant la parole aux auditeurs.

Love Strategies: Dating and Relationship Advice for Successful Women

Adam LoDolce

Welcome to the Love Strategies podcast, where we help women attract high-value men, date with strategy, and deepen their romantic relationships. We provide the latest research in dating and relationships, combined with plain old common sense, to give you insights into the male mind found nowhere else. Hosted by Adam LoDolce and Dr. Gary Lewandowski. For more, visit 

Narcissist Apocalypse: Patterns of Abuse

Abuse Survivor Network

Narcissist Apocalypse is an empowering and informative storytelling podcast that amplifies the voices of those who have experienced narcissistic abuse, coercive control, emotional abuse, domestic violence, family relationship abuse, and relationship trauma. Narcissist Apocalypse validates, educates, supports, and helps abuse survivors discover themselves. Through listening to Narcissist Apocalypse, you will gain valuable insights and understanding on topics ranging from 'Why do abuse victims stay?' to 'What is narcissism?' to 'How do I heal from abuse and relationship trauma?'. Our guests share their stories of abuse survival and resilience, providing a source of inspiration and hope for those going through similar experiences of domestic violence, narcissistic abuse, coercive control, emotional abuse, family relationship abuse, and relationship trauma. Join us and discover how you, too, can overcome the narcissist apocalypse.

К тебе или ко мне? 18+

Кристина Вазовски, Егор Егоров

«К тебе или ко мне?» — секс-подкаст, в котором Кристина Вазовски и Егор Егоров каждую неделю выбирают одну неоднозначную секс-тему, спорят и пытаются разобраться — чья правда. Инстаграм Кристины: @krisvazovsky Инстаграм Егора: @psy_chay Телеграм-канал: @ktebe_komne Инстаграм: @ktebe_komne Почта: