Cráneo: Ciencia para niños curiosos

Cumbre Kids

💡 Sumérgete en el fascinante mundo de la ciencia con el podcast que responde a las preguntas curiosas de los niños con la ayuda de científicos 🧑‍🔬🔬. Disfruta en familia 🌎 mientras inspiramos a los niños hacia un futuro en la ciencia 🌳💧🦖 #CienciaParaNiños 🤔 ¡Envíanos sus preguntas por WhatsApp! +57 305.370.6603 🫂 ¡Apóyanos en Patreon! "Cráneo" es un podcast de la familia de Cumbre Kids, junto con "Buenas noches, Cráneo", "Camaleón" y "Los Negocios de Barren"

The Ten News, News For Curious Kids

Small But Mighty Media

Interested in what's going on around you? 🤔 The Ten News podcast is a bite-sized podcast for kids and their adults that explains what’s going on in the world. 🌎 Each episode explores topics kids care about most including events, sports, science, gaming, pop culture, entertainment, and more! 🗞️ The Ten News also features some pretty awesome guests; LEGO Masters Judge Amy Corbett, America’s top doctor Dr. Anthony Fauci, Sarah Natochenny, the voice of Ash Ketchum for Pokemon fans, and many more. 🤩 It’s a great way for you and your family to stay connected with what’s going on in the world. 😊 The Ten News is also a Common Sense Media Selection as a great podcast for kids!

Camaleón: Mundo animal para niños

Cumbre Kids

El podcast que explora la vida silvestre 🐅🦜🦎 ¡Para niños y familias apasionados por el mundo de los animales y sus misterios! Cada episodio destaca a un biólogo o investigador de los zoológicos más importantes del mundo, ¡y responderemos a las curiosidades de los niños! 🤔❓🔍 🤔 ¡Envíanos sus preguntas por WhatsApp! +57 305.370.6603 🦕 Nuestro Patreon: Un podcast de la familia de Cumbre Kids, junto con "Cráneo" y "Buenas noches, Cráneo" y "Los Negocios de Barren"

Déjame contarte la Historia : History Stories in Spanish for Kids & Families

Bedtime History

“Déjame contarte la Historia” es una serie de historias educativas y relajantes de la vida real para niños y sus familias. Nuestros temas incluyen a Jacques Cousteau, Frida Kahlo, La Mona Lisa, La gran Muralla China, entre otros. Si deseas, puedes hacer una Donación a este programa en:, menú: Donate.

Super Simple Imagination Time With Caitie!

Super Simple Songs

Close your eyes and take a deep breath... it’s Imagination Time! Imagination is an important part of child development driving creativity, problem-solving, and joy! Join Caitie and her piano-playing pal Zach on an imagination audio adventure filled with play, music, and social-emotional learning moments. Each episode is inspired by a Super Simple Song and begins with a mindfulness activity before we dive into our imaginations to explore and learn together. What do you do for Imagination Time? New episodes are released at the beginning of every month!

Tumble en Español

Tumble Media

¿Te has preguntado por qué hacemos caca? ¿O qué pasaría si la Luna desapareciera? Tumble en Español es una versión en tu idioma de Tumble, el podcast para toda la familia sobre descubrimientos científicos. Usando preguntas de niños como punto de partida, acompaña a Nuria y Alvaro en este viaje por la curiosidad. Disponible en tu plataforma favorita de podcasts y en Suscríbete y no te pierdas ni un episodio. Una coproducción de Tumble Media y Shake it Easy Media.

5 Minute Mysteries with Kiddy Casey

ABF Creative

Welcome to 5-Minute Mysteries, a podcast that explores every kind of mystery there is - from the wonders of everyday science to captivating complexities of history, fantastical myths, and otherworldly oddities! Join The Mysterious Minds Agency’s finest detective, Kiddy Casey, as she investigates fascinating mysteries and myths! 

Big Kids Quiz


Grab a pencil, get your brain in gear and join Quizmaster Cassie for the Big Kid's Quiz! Part of the award-winning catalogue of junior podcasts for kids from RTÉ.

Hada de Fresa


Hada de Fresa es el podcast infantil y familiar basado en el famoso canal de YouTube. Un podcast para niños y padres con cuentos educativos y divertidos donde entrevistaremos además a expertos de diversas áreas relacionados con el bienestar, la educación y el desarrollo infantil.

Brains On! Science podcast for kids

American Public Media

Brains On!® is a science podcast for curious kids and adults from American Public Media. Each week, a different kid co-host joins Molly Bloom to find answers to fascinating questions about the world sent in by listeners. Like, do dogs know they’re dogs? Or, why do feet stink? Plus, we have mystery sounds for you to guess, songs for you to dance to, and lots of facts -- all checked by experts.

Полтора землекопа


Биолог Илья Колмановский отвечает на вопросы детей о том, как устроен мир вокруг нас.

Allegro Mágico

Claudia Ortiz

Podcast familiar sobre compositores de música clásica, cuentos musicales, y piezas famosas de música clásica.

The Week Junior Show

Fun Kids

The Week Junior Show takes you behind the scenes of the award-winning magazine for 8 to 14-year-olds. Each week, Bex from Fun Kids is joined by members of The Week Junior team to discuss their favourite stories, debate the week’s hot topic and discover whether the ‘Real or Rubbish?’ report is fake news or the real deal.

Mysteries of Science

Fun Kids

The team behind The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine investigate unexplained phenomenon with the help of expert guests.

How We Explore

National Geographic

How do you become an explorer? And what does an explorer do? These are questions we get all the time. In this National Geographic Kids podcast, we’ll talk to eleven explorers who contribute to science and exploration through different fields. Learn about the challenges and inspirations they find along the way. From digging for ancient artifacts to gazing at the stars, these National Geographic Explorers have had adventures in the farthest-flung reaches of the world, and in their own backyards. They are scientists, explorers, and leaders who took risks and overcame problems to become who they are today. We want to share some of their amazing stories with you—and show you How We Explore. 

Los Negocios de Barren

Cumbre Kids

¡Crear el negocio más exitoso de America Latina al lado de Barren y Pedro! 👨🏻‍💼💰📈 ¡Tú y tu pequeño emprendedor van a reírse mientras que aprenden sobre la economia 🏛️, finanzas personales 💳, y el emprendimiento 🛒! "Los Negocios de Barren" es un podcast de Cumbre Kids, junto a "Cráneo: Ciencia para niños curiosos", "Camaleón: Mundo animal para niños" y "Buenas Noches, Cráneo". 🌐 Nuestro sitio web: 🦕 Nuestro Patreon:

Наука и смелость


Что пришлось пережить ученым, прежде чем их признали великими: от проблем в школе и насмешек до нищеты и преследований. Второй сезон подкаста выходит при поддержке госкорпорации «Росатом» и ее просветительского проекта Homo Science, а ведущий сезона — директор Музея истории науки и техники Дмитрий Якубов. Это подкаст проекта «Гусьгусь». «Гусьгусь» — детское приложение с лекциями, подкастами, сказками и колыбельными. В нем лучшие ученые и эксперты рассказывают о Древнем мире и космосе, «Гарри Поттере» и муми-троллях, классической музыке и мемах. А еще в приложении можно послушать первый сезон подкаста «Наука и смелость» — про астронома без носа Тихо Браге, физика-революционера Альберта Эйнштейна, польского монаха Николая Коперника и других замечательных ученых. Приложение «Гусьгусь» можно скачать в App Store или Google Play.

Noodle Loaf - Music Education Podcast for Kids

Dan Saks

Noodle Loaf is an interactive music education podcast for kids that has received the Common Sense Media Selection seal for creating high quality kids content. Episodes contain fun music for kids, movement activities, rhythm games and plenty of learning through play! The show is created by musician, early childhood music educator and best selling children's book author, Dan Saks.

Coaching para familias pre-ocupadas

Jordi Soler Pueyo

"Coaching para familias pre-ocupadas" es el pódcast que deberías escuchar si, como familia, vas a tope con tu día a día, hay cosas que te preocupan en la educación de tus hijos/as y quieres aprender nuevas maneras de acompañarlos. Porque a ser madre o padre no se enseña en ningún lado y para ello hemos creado esta comunidad para compartir el camino que, en algunos momentos, puede hacerse cuesta arriba. Te invito a que me sigas en instagram (@jordisolercoach) y que construyamos esa comunidad que necesitas para compartir tus preocupaciones y ocupaciones en la educación de tu hijo/a. ¿Lista para dar el primer paso? ¡Te espero en nuestro próximo episodio!

Moment of Um

American Public Media

Moment of Um is your daily answer to those questions that pop up out of nowhere and make you go… ummmmmmm. Brought to you by your friends at Brains On at APM Studios.

Французские сказки

Детское Радио

Всем - Ку-ка-ре-ку! В этом подкасте знаменитый галльский петух, символ Франции, рассказывает забавные истории, которые так любят французские мальчишки и девчонки. Скорее включайте и слушайте сказки про Пьера и Жана, фею из грота и хрустальный мост. А вообще на Детском радио можно услышать сказки и других народов мира! Например, индийские сказки, которые рассказывает волшебный белый слон Айравата. Или китайские сказки, которые знает мудрый Панда. Или ирландские сказки в исполнении смешных Лепрекон. Находите через поиск, слушайте и подписывайтесь, чтобы не пропустить новые выпуски: Бразильские сказки Еврейские сказки Индийские сказки Итальянские сказки Карело-финские сказки Китайские сказки Нигерийские сказки Французские сказки Чешские сказки Японские сказки Сказки народов мира

Smash Boom Best: A funny, smart debate show for kids and family

American Public Media

Smash Boom Best is a funny, smart debate show for kids and families from the makers of the award-winning podcast, Brains On! from APM Studios. Every episode takes two cool things, smashes them together and lets you decide which is best: Pikachu vs. Mario, Lollipops vs. Popcorn, Flamingos vs. Axolotls, Mermaids vs. Bigfoot, Cats vs. Dogs, Spiderman vs. Batman, Refrigerators vs. Toilets, Minecraft vs. Lego… the list goes on. Our star-studded line-up of debaters use facts and passion to make their case, teaching listeners how to defend their opinions along the way! Past debaters include Tim Platt, cast member of the comedy narrative play podcast Rude Tales of Magic, comedian and writer Jenny Yang, Minneapolis-based rapper NUR-D, comedian and creator of the Story Pirates Peter McNerney, Radio Ambulante’s Daniel Alarcón, journalist and host of Into It Sam Sanders, host of Terrible, Thanks for Asking Nora McInerney, food-writer Kenji Lopez-Alt and many, many more. To top it off, our State of Debate segment shows listeners how to identify logical fallacies in the wild. Ad hominem attacks and bandwagon fallacies, be gone! So if you’re looking to ignite a funny, feisty debate on your next roadtrip, or just want some amusing arguments for your kids to consider while they fall asleep… tune into Smash Boom Best, where we make debate – a blast!


Petit Sàpiens

Benvingudes i benvinguts al pòdcast de la revista Petit Sàpiens. En cada episodi de la sèrie Van fer història, els infants descobriran la vida apassionant de dones i homes de totes les èpoques que van perseguir el seu somni i van deixar petja.

Forever Ago

American Public Media

Brains On presents Forever Ago®, a history show for the whole family! Every episode looks into the surprising and fascinating history of things we think are ordinary, but they’re not -- like ice cream flavors, video games, baths and more. We make learning about the past fun while teaching listeners to think critically about history.

Sleep Tight Science - A Bedtime Science Show For Kids

Sleep Tight Media

We’ve got bedtime down to a (Sleep Tight) Science! Sleep Tight Science is an engaging bedtime show that makes science accessible and enjoyable for the whole family. Snuggle in and drift off to sleep while learning about science topics submitted by listeners! Designed for curious young minds (but simple enough for grown-ups to understand), Sleep Tight Science uses big words to answer big questions that kids wonder about, like why do we feel icky sometimes and how do our legs help us move? Learn something new about the natural world while drifting off to dreamland. Have an interesting science question or a topic you’re curious about? Email us at, and it might just be the focus of an upcoming episode!

Kids Quiz - By Fun Fables

Horseplay Productions

A fun quiz for kids (and grown ups) with a bit of learning along the way. Make sure you listen through to the end to hear the very fishy bonus question. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Bedtime History: Inspirational Stories for Kids and Families

iHeartPodcasts and Mr. Jim

Bedtime History is a series of educational, relaxing stories for kids and families. Learn about inspirational characters such as Jackie Robinson, Sacajawea, Neil Armstrong, and Maya Angelou. Other topics include space exploration, current events, and great feats of engineering such as The Transcontinental Railroad.

Lucy Wow: STEM Stories for Kids Who Love Inventing

GoKidGo: Great Stories for Kids

Lucy Wow is a brilliant 11-year old tinkerer and maker driven by the question “what if?” as she designs and makes cool mechanical inventions with her sidekick Kapow, a mechanical pigmy goat. Some of Lucy's inventions are epic...others are epic fails! But she never stops trying. Lucy Wow, part of the GoKidGo universe of shows for kids, is written and directed by NY Times bestselling children's author Patrick Carman, starring Michaela Dietz (Steven Universe), Daniel Cohen (Lego City Adventures), and Ian James Corlett (The Loud House, Vampirina, Dragon Ball Z). For ages six and up.

12 Hour Sound Machines for Sleep (no loops or fades)

12 Hour Sound Machines for Sleep | Achieve Restful Sleep, Soothe a Baby, Mask Unwanted Noise, Calm Your Anxiety

The #1 Sound Machine Podcast in the world, downloaded over 180 million times 😴 Brought to you by Dwellspring. 🗣️ Follow Us on Instagram & TikTok neighbor sufferers...rejoice! 12 hours of uninterrupted Sound Machines to help achieve deep & restful sleep, soothe a baby, mask unwanted noise, or calm your anxiety. All episodes are available for free in their entirety whether you are a premium subscriber or not. All 12 hours are offered with zero interruptions once the episode gets started. If these Sound Machines have been helpful for you, I'd be so grateful if you'd rate the show on either Spotify or Apple Podcasts 🙏 If you’d like to remove the intro & ad at the beginning, you can subscribe to the Podcast at --- 👉 IF YOU'RE EXPERIENCING ISSUES WITH EPISODES NOT LOADING/PLAYING, just give it a bit more time. Sometimes the episode plays immediately, and other times, unfortunately, it can take upwards of 1 minute or more for it to begin streaming to your device. My Podcast Hosting Platform has some trouble with the file size since the tracks are so long. Most times you hit play you'll be just fine, but if you find it lagging, just give it a bit more WILL eventually start to play 😊. --- My most popular Sound Machines are Brown Noise, Pink Noise, and White Noise. People use the Sound Machines for all sorts of applications but I hear most frequently from people using them to help them fall and stay asleep at home or when they travel, to help them get their baby to sleep and stay sleeping through the night, to help quiet their tinnitus, to mask unwanted noises while sleeping, traveling or studying, and to help calm their anxiety or ADHD. I have also heard from many parents who use it as ambient noise for their children on the Autism spectrum to help mask other anxiety-inducing or stressful sounds. I hope that, however you use them, my Sound Machines are helpful for you and your loved ones as you sleep, meditate, study, or otherwise tune out the world. 😴🧘👨‍🎓 --- Keywords: Sleep | Insomnia | Brown Noise | White Noise | Pink Noise | Baby | Ambient Noise | Sound Machine | Sound Masking | Noise Masking | Insomnia | Relax | Relaxing | Study | Focus | Concentrate | Concentration | Water | Rain | Thunder | Ocean | Ocean Waves | Stress | Soothing | Colic | Dr. Harvey Karp | 3 S's | Shh | Shhh | Pregnancy | Pregnant | Tinnitus | Travel | Meditate | Meditation | Dohm | Marpac | Panic Attack | ADHD | Anxiety | Peaceful | Mindful | Mindfulness | 8 hours | 10 hours | 12 hours

Веснушка и Кипятоша. Новые приключения

Детское радио

Веснушка – весёлая и любознательная девочка с рыжими волосами. У неё есть мама, папа и любимый котёнок Барсик. А ещё есть лучший друг – медный чайник Кипятоша. И это - не обычный чайник, а волшебный и очень умный! Он умеет разговаривать, ведь предок Кипятоши волшебный сосуд – лампа Аладдина! Кипятоша всегда угостит вкусным чаем, расскажет что-нибудь интересное, поможет советом. Вместе Веснушке и Кипятоше никогда не скучно, ведь на свете столько всего удивительного!

CheckPod - Der Podcast mit Checker Tobi

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Der Checker zum Hören! Tobi checkt zusammen mit einem Kind drei Fragen zu einem Wissensthema. Lustige Experimente, kluge Expertinnen und Experten sowie die schlaue Datenbank helfen ihnen dabei. Und am Schluss jeder Folge verrät Checker Tobi ein persönliches Geheimnis. Ob es um Bäume, Märchen oder Schleim geht, im CheckPod macht Wissen Spaß und gute Laune. Alle neuen Folgen gibt es immer eine Woche vorab exklusiv in der ARD-Audiothek!

Charm Words: Daily Affirmations for Kids

American Public Media

Charm Words is a daily affirmations podcast for children of diverse backgrounds that will help to inspire and bring self-worth to the forefront of young minds at the start and end of their day. Help your kids deal with feelings of emotional distress while learning new self-care abilities. These simple Ph.D.-approved charming affirmations free kids from invasive troubling thoughts, build resilience to stressful situations and help them develop positive ways of coping. Also a perfect classroom meditation for students.

Вот ведь! Удивили!

Детское Радио

Каждый из нас периодически попадает в истории – занятные, смешные, удивительные… А иногда – в истории, в которые просто невозможно поверить! Именно такие - в эфире Детского Радио рассказывает Алексей Лысенков. Слушайте и удивляйтесь! А если вам тоже есть что рассказывать, присылайте свои истории сюда: Расскажем их в эфире!

Tumble Science Podcast for Kids

Tumble Media

A Common Sense Selection! Exploring stories of science discovery. Tumble is a science podcast created to be enjoyed by the entire family. Hosted & produced by Lindsay Patterson (science journalist) & Marshall Escamilla (teacher). Visit for educational content.


Yadira Hernandez

Película el expionaje

Китайские сказки

Детское Радио

Старая Панда давно живет в горах Китая. Больше всего на свете этот черно-белый мишка любит лакомиться вкусным зеленым бамбуком и рассказывать интересные истории… В этом подкасте мы собрали самые интересные сказки из Китая. А вообще на Детском радио можно услышать сказки и других народов мира! Например, индийские сказки, которые рассказывает волшебный белый слон Айравата. Или ирландские сказки, которые знают смешные Лепреконы. Или французские сказки в исполнении гальского Петуха! В общем, находите через поиск, слушайте и подписывайтесь, чтобы не пропустить новые выпуски: Бразильские сказки Еврейские сказки Индийские сказки Итальянские сказки Карело-финские сказки Китайские сказки Нигерийские сказки Французские сказки Чешские сказки Японские сказки Сказки народов мира

Nadie Sabe Nada

Jose Luis

Funciones del lenguaje



Детский подкаст о странах мира. Катя Ламм и ее соведущие — школьники — расспрашивают иностранцев о том, как живется в их странах, а заодно проверяют, какие наши стереотипы об их жизни верные, а какие — нет. Правда ли, что во Франции все завтракают круассанами? Зачем в Индии ставят точки на лбу? Какие сказки рассказывают в Нигерии? Будет интересно детям от 6 лет. Это подкаст проекта «Гусьгусь». «Гусьгусь» — детское приложение с лекциями, подкастами, сказками и колыбельными. В нем лучшие ученые и эксперты рассказывают о Древнем мире и космосе, «Гарри Поттере» и муми-троллях, классической музыке и мемах. Если вам нравится подкаст «Урубамба», то, скорее всего, и приложение тоже понравится! Приложение «Гусьгусь» можно скачать в App Store или Google Play.

Это вам не сказки


Правдивы ли сказки? Степа Калитеевский — школьник, который не верит в волшебство. А Тата Зарубина — биолог, и она в волшебство верит! В каждом выпуске они проверяют, что в сказках правда, а что — нет. Бывают ли змеи с тремя головами? Ленивцы действительно такие медленные, как в «Зверополисе»? И можно ли спуститься с башни по косе, как Рапунцель? «Гусьгусь» — детское приложение с лекциями, подкастами, сказками и колыбельными. В нем лучшие ученые и эксперты рассказывают о Древнем мире и космосе, «Гарри Поттере» и муми-троллях, классической музыке и мемах. Приложение «Гусьгусь» можно скачать в App Store или Google Play. Если вы тоже хотите проверить какую-то сказку, мультфильм или фильм, напишите нам свой вопрос на почту!

Mikado Zeitreise - NDR Info Kinderradio

NDR Info

Geheime Verschwörungen, gemeine Belagerungen, irre Entdeckungen, wirre Verwicklungen - reist mit Moderatorin Cleo Punkt Patra und den Zeitreportern in die Vergangenheit!

Монгольские сказки

Детское Радио

По бескрайним степям Монголии мчится Золотой конь. Ветер развивает его гриву, звонко стучат копыта. На спине он несёт магический кристалл Чинтамани, который исполняет любые желания. Быстрее ветра Золотой Конь - сверкнет искрой и скроется вдали... Поэтому пока он не отправился в путешествие дальше, давайте попросим его рассказать сказку, да самую интересную...

Curieux de sciences

Images Doc et Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle

Curieux de sciences est un podcast du magazine jeunesse Images Doc, pour les enfants de 7 à 12 ans. Coproduit par Bayard Jeunesse et le Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, il fait découvrir et aimer les sciences de la vie, de l’homme et de la Terre, en répondant à de vraies questions d’enfants : pourquoi les hommes préhistoriques dessinaient-ils des animaux ? Pourquoi les girafes ont-elles un long cou ? Ou encore : qui est apparu le premier, l’œuf ou la poule ? En dix épisodes d’une dizaine de minutes, les jeunes auditeurs de 7 à 12 ans suivent les petits curieux de sciences au Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle où ils rencontrent des chercheurs.  Cette nouvelle aventure sonore du magazine Images Doc, réalisée avec les élèves d’une classe de CM2, entraîne les enfants – et leurs proches – dans un univers fascinant, qui stimule leur imaginaire tout en leur dévoilant la rigueur et les surprises qui accompagnent la découverte scientifique.  Crédits : Ce podcast est co-produit par le magazine Images Doc ( (Bayard Jeunesse) et le Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle.  Direction éditoriale : Bertrand Fichou. Comité scientifique du Muséum : Ronan Allain, Line Le Gall, Jean-Jacques Bahain. Directeur de production : Julien Moch. Journaliste et hoste : Grâce Leplat. Production exécutive : Billy the Cast. Réalisation : Benoît Laur. Musiques : Emmanuel Viau et Benoît Laur. Création visuelle : Fred Sochard, Evan-James Duvinage et Juliette Banquet. Productrice : Hélène Devannes.  Un podcast de Bayard Jeunesse 2022 - Droits réservés.   Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Tiny tails for tiny trails


”Tiny Tales for Tiny Trails” is a heartwarming podcast dedicated to sparking the imaginations of preschool children as they embark on their daily journeys. Designed for young listeners on the move, each episode delivers a bite-sized story filled with adventure, learning, and fun. Whether they’re on the way to school or coming back home, our tiny adventurers will find themselves immersed in a world of magic, learning, and discovery. From whimsical tales of animals on daring quests to gentle stories that teach the values of kindness and friendship, ”Tiny Tales for Tiny Trails” transforms every car ride into an exciting adventure. Perfect for preschoolers and their families, our podcast encourages listening, learning, and imagining together. Join us on these tiny trails, and let’s make every journey memorable with stories that inspire and entertain.

Японские сказки

Детское Радио

Далеко на востоке, посреди самого большого в мире океана стоит белоснежный мост, что соединяет небеса и землю. Имя ему – Фудзияма, достопочтенная Фудзи-сан, священная гора. Глупец тот, кто ни разу не попытался на неё взобраться – так говорят в Японии. И если вам будет дарована встреча с мудрым духом Фудзи-сан, то он расскажет вам немало удивительных историй… В этом подкасте мы собрали самые интересные японские сказки. А вообще на Детском радио можно услышать сказки и других народов мира! Например, индийские сказки, которые рассказывает волшебный белый слон Айравата. Или ирландские сказки, которые знают смешные Лепреконы. Или китайские сказки в исполнении мудрого Панды! В общем, находите через поиск, слушайте и подписывайтесь, чтобы не пропустить новые выпуски: Бразильские сказки Еврейские сказки Индийские сказки Итальянские сказки Карело-финские сказки Китайские сказки Нигерийские сказки Французские сказки Чешские сказки Японские сказки Сказки народов мира

Ужасно интересно

Детское Радио

Как обычная кошка стала шефом полиции? Что умеет делать «умный стул»? Где находится самый необычный почтовый ящик в мире? Об этом и многом другом – в выпусках программы «Ужасно интересно»! Слушайте в эфире Детского радио и в этом подкасте! Познавательно, увлекательно, развлекательно!

Dormir para Vivir

Alicia Marqués

Dormir para Vivir es el podcast que necesitan todos esos padres que tienen un pequeño o una pequeña que no les deja dormir. Os compartiré, periódicamente, todo lo que sé sobre el sueño infantil: ventanas de sueño, horarios, rutinas, trastornos del sueño infantil, transiciones de siestas, etapas madurativas, casos prácticos, etc. También os resolveré las dudas que tengáis para mejorar su descanso. Aquí encontraréis variables, pautas, análisis y métodos probados para ayudar a vuestro pequeño a conciliar su sueño tanto diurno como nocturno. Hablaremos con pediatras, fisioterapeutas pediátricos, nutricionistas infantiles y entrevistaré a familias que han pasado por este proceso de mejora del sueño infantil. Soy Alicia Marqués Experta Infantil con una certificación como Asesora del Sueño Infantil y un Postgrado de trastornos sobre el sueño-vigilia en la edad pediátrica además son una obsesionada y apasioada de la prevención y la divulgación del buendormir. Estoy encantada de compartir contigo todo mi conocimiento y experiencia para que consigas 🔹Dormir para Vivir🔹 Puedes encontrarme también en Instagram: 📲 @soyaliciamarques y en la web: 📩



El programa de vídeo per a nenes i nens grans. Pares, fora d'aquí! David Its Me i Farners Pei Hong us posen al dia de les coses més potents a les xarxes socials i de les novetats més curioses.

Bedtime Explorers

Kinderling Kids

Slow down and snuggle down with Kinderling's relaxing meditation series, specially designed to soothe kids to sleep. Join mindfulness coach Amy Taylor-Kabbaz, as she guides kids on wonderful, imaginative journeys to magical places, visiting animals with super powers, and meeting up with some very friendly dinosaurs. Check out Amy's website at

Audiocuentos para Niños

Mundo Mágico

Audiocuentos cortos y originales

Disciplina Positiva Audiolibro Jane Nelsen

Liliana M. Rodriguez Reyes

La guía clásica de padres y maestros para ayudar a los niños a desarrollar autodisciplina, responsabilidad, cooperación y habilidades para resolver problemas.

Die Maus zum Hören

Westdeutscher Rundfunk

Die Maus zum immer wieder hören. Jeden Tag mit einer neuen Folge, die eine Stunde lang ist. Mit dabei viel Lach- und Sachgeschichten, viel Musik und natürlich mit der Maus und dem Elefanten.

Dis moi pourquoi / Question pour enfants / savoir / culture / réponses / Podcasts pour enfants


Les enfants se posent toujours d’innombrables questions dont nous n'avons pas toujours les réponses. "Dis moi pourquoi ?" propose de répondre simplement à certaines d'entre elles. 🙋 ❔

GEOlino Spezial – Der Wissenspodcast für junge Entdeckerinnen und Entdecker

GEOlino / Audio Alliance / RTL+

»GEOlino«, das Magazin für junge Leserinnen und Leser, gibt's jetzt auch als Podcast. Auf Entdeckungsreise durch unsere Welt gibt es viel zu sehen – und zu hören! Der Podcast »GEOlino Spezial« macht sich auf und nimmt euch dabei mit: Moderatorin Ivy spricht mit Angstforscherinnen, Fake-News-Entlarvern und Fridays for Future-Aktivistinnen. Warum ist Angst eine gute Sache? Warum gab es Falschmeldungen schon im alten Rom? Und was haben morgendliches Vogelgezwitscher und große Musikfestivals gemeinsam? Dazu gibt’s jede Menge Basteltipps, Spiele und Experimente mit aufs Ohr. Eine Produktion der Audio Alliance. Hostin: Ivy Haase Sprecher: Tim Pommerenke Audio-Produktion: Aleksandra Zebisch Redaktion: Bernadette Schmidt

Planeta Mercúrio - Curiosidades

Arthur Quadros Gamer - Tuturoi

Curiosidades sobre o planeta Mercúrio

Mate Cocido

Mate Cocido

Mate Cocido es un podcast dedicado a los niños y niñas más curiosos, en el que vamos a divertirnos, aprender y explorar nuestra creatividad. Desde escuchar relatos de mujeres que marcaron la historia, hasta conocer culturas y países que quedan muy muy lejos. ¿Te animás?

Historias divertidas para Niños

Ana María Eligio Barrios

Cuentos, para aprender de todo. Valores, matemáticas, cuidado del ambiente,etc

Worldcast - Great Pacific Garbage Patch


Today, I have an interview with Jenny about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Like You: Mindfulness for Kids

Perpetual Motion

Like You is a mindfulness podcast for kids. We use breathing, affirmations, music, and imagination to explore feelings, relieve anxiety, encourage self-esteem, and grow empathy, all while having fun! Our podcast creates a safe, calming, and relaxing audio experience for children as they learn to find beauty and wonder in themselves and the world. Subscribe so you never miss an episode. We create the podcast with kids in mind, but we welcome listeners of any age, including parents, grandparents, or grown-ups who just want to get more in touch with themselves and their inner-child.

Who Smarted? - Educational Podcast for Kids

Atomic Entertainment / Starglow Media

The funniest educational show kids love, parents adore, and teachers use in their classrooms. "Who Smarted?" is an engaging and entertaining educational podcast for kids and families that combines humor with learning in a way that captivates curious young minds. With four new episodes released weekly, this show offers a delightful blend of kids' trivia and fascinating facts, making it the perfect educational tool for both home and classroom settings.  Created by the minds behind BRAIN GAMES and BRAINCHILD, "Who Smarted?" is not just another podcast; it's an adventure in learning that kids can't get enough of! Join the fun and discover why "Who Smarted?" is the go-to podcast for kids (and even adults) eager to listen, laugh and learn a whiff about science and history! Introducing "Who Smarted?" - the podcast that's not just educational but also hilariously fun! Perfect for kids, adored by parents, and embraced by teachers for its engaging content that seamlessly integrates into classroom learning. With a dynamic schedule of four new episodes each week, "Who Smarted?" offers a treasure trove of knowledge disguised as entertainment. This podcast takes learning to a whole new level by infusing it with humor, creativity, storytelling, interactivity and excitement. It's a journey through hilarious history, surprising science, fascinating trivia, mind-boggling facts, and captivating stories designed to spark curiosity and ignite a love for learning in young minds. Whether you're a parent looking for an educational yet entertaining podcast for your kids, or a teacher seeking fresh and engaging content for your classroom, "Who Smarted?" has got you covered. Each episode offers a unique adventure that is guaranteed to lead to meaningful discussions afterwards while leaving listeners craving more. Kids trivia becomes an exciting quest for knowledge, and every fact is a stepping stone on the path to discovery. With topics ranging from the wonders of the natural world to the mysteries of the universe, "Who Smarted?" ensures that learning is never boring but always a thrilling ride. Join the millions of families who have made "Who Smarted?" their favorite podcast for learning and laughter. With its free and easily accessible format, it's the perfect companion for car rides, family gatherings, bedtime, meal times, bath times, or just quiet afternoons at home. Transform screen time into quality time, and marvel as your child's imagination soars and their thirst for knowledge grows with each episode. In a world where educational resources abound, "Who Smarted?" stands out as one of the best podcasts for kids, offering a unique blend of entertainment and enlightenment. Don't miss out on this opportunity to turn learning into an adventure with "Who Smarted?" - the podcast that's smart, funny, and loved by all!

EL chiquero - Podcast Infantil

Ultrasonido Estudio

Bienvenido al podcast infantil “El chiquero” un espacio creado especialmente para todos los niños y niñas donde vamos a aprender y divertirnos.

Desarrollo Infantil- Educación Socioemocional

Andrea Monserrat García Hernández

El presente podcast nos habla sobre la importancia del desarrollo infantil, la importancia de la neurociencias y se hace mención de algunas teorías del desarrollo infantil.

Geology Rocks: Exploring the Earth Sciences

Fun Kids

This is the perfect way for kids to start learning about geology and earth sciences, only on children's radio station Fun Kids. Listen on DAB Digital Radio across the UK online at


Emma Pérez i Laura Pardo

Laura i Emma

MausZoom – Kindernachrichten

Westdeutscher Rundfunk

Kindernachrichten gehen schnell ins Ohr und sind oft schnell wieder weg. Um sie richtig zu verstehen braucht man Zeit. Die Maus nimmt sich diese und schaut im MausZoom auf ein Thema wie eine Kamera, die sich langsam reinzoomt und immer mehr Details entdeckt. Unsere Nachrichten für Kinder.



跟著我們一起聽故事,有歡笑有知識! 本節目優質有肯定🏆 廣播金鐘雙料入圍【兒童節目獎】【兒童節目主持人獎】 Apple Podcast 【2023 年度編輯精選節目】 媒體觀察教育基金會【台灣兒少優質節目】【年度最佳票選獎】 💌 歡迎活動邀約 商業合作 推廣提案。聯絡我們 這裡有哥哥姐姐弟弟妹妹,還有一隻機器人。我們改編經典故事,生動演繹劇情,帶領孩子進入想像力世界。故事前後討論思辨,賦予經典童話新觀點,分享科普語文、安全教育、歷史地理、國際知識。輕鬆之餘減少用眼時間,深植核心素養。 ✈️ 邀請您加入天際Club給我們支持 除了給我們實質的支援,每月還可收聽四篇以上的訂閱限定故事,享受實體線上福利 ✨天際Club專享福利✨ 專屬連載故事 限定抽獎抽書抽電影票 午安點點名&生日祝福 實體活動優先報名資格 各類消息搶先於專屬節目公布 ☀️來粉絲專頁與島民同樂 🏝一起在透中島蓋兒童樂園

Education Research Reading Room

Ollie Lovell: Teacher, author, podcaster, blogger, PhD candidate. @ollie_lovell

The most in-depth education podcast available. Each episode host Ollie Lovell takes a deep dive into an important area of education with an educational thought leader from around the world, from practicing teachers to university professors and everyone in-between. If you're looking to build deep knowledge about education and how learning happens, this is the podcast for you.

Future of Education Podcast: Parental guide to cultivating your kids’ academics, life skill development, & emotional growth

MacKenzie Price

The Future of Education Podcast guides parents eager to enrich their children’s academic journey, life skills, and emotional wellness. Hear conversations with educational innovators as they share what parents can do to help their kids thrive. Discover tools, methods, and resources through discussions exploring today’s educational practices and ways to support your children’s growth at school and home.  Our host, MacKenzie Price, is the Co-Founder of 2hr Learning ( and Alpha School ( – two groundbreaking ventures that are reshaping the landscape of K-12 education. 2hr Learning is a learning program powered by AI technology, enabling schools to provide personalized curriculum to students. is a K-12 school that performs in the top 2% nationwide by leveraging the 2hr Learning model to help students love school, learn twice as much, and build life skills. MacKenzie is at the forefront of educational transformation, striving for a balanced and enriching learning experience for every child.  She graduated with a BA in Psychology from Stanford University and resides in Austin, Texas, with her husband and two daughters.  The Future of Education podcast is produced by I Hear Everything ( Please send press inquiries to

ילדי טבע

עמרי גלבר

ילדי טבע - פודקאסט לילדים בנושא טבע וגיאוגרפיה. בשפה פשוטה אך מאתגרת. להאזנה משפחתית (מומלץ ברכב). נכתב לגילאי 4+ וגם להורים

Activity Quest: Days out and crafts for kids

Fun Kids

Join our presenters from across the UK as they give you interesting and fun things to keep you busy out-and-about and at home. It's the weekly kids entertainment show from the UK’s children’s radio station Fun Kids. Plus, when you become a Fun Kids Podcasts Plus subscriber, you get this show – and 30 others! – ad-free and support the work Fun Kids does in bringing you high-quality, entertaining, and safe content for your family. Find out more at

Raising Lifelong Learners

Colleen Kessler

The Raising Lifelong Learners podcast helps parents -- especially homeschooling parents -- encourage their differently-wired kids to learn, explore passions, cultivate creativity, and become fascinated by the world around them. Join host Colleen Kessler -- educational consultant, gifted specialist, author, and speaker -- for interviews, audioblogs, tips, and encouragement to help your differently-wired kiddos become lifelong learners -- children who know that they can find the answers to anything they want to know if they can just view their world with play, passion, and fascination.


Soundsington Media

Unspookable is a family friendly look at the histories and mysteries behind your favorite scary stories, myths and urban legends. Each week host Elise Parisian digs into the history, brain science, and power dynamics behind such topics as Bloody Mary, Charlie Charlie, and Ouija Boards to find the stories behind the scares. (Recommended for ages 8+) Unspookable has been called one of the "Best podcasts for kids of all ages" by Time Out New York, one of the “7 Podcasts Big Kids Will Love” by The New York Times, one of the "5 Spooky Podcasts to Check Out Right Now" by Vulture, one of the "10 Best Podcasts for Children" by the Irish Examiner, and is an official Common Sense Media Selection. The show has appeared multiple times across Canada on CBC Radio's Podcast Playlist, on NPR station WHYY's Kid's Listening Hour, has been featured by Apple Podcasts, Romper, The AV Club, Fast Company, The Week Jr, Podcast Magazine, and more

Porque los hijos no vienen con instructivo

Mony Urdapilleta

Un espacio dedicado a padres de familia rodeados de dudas, por que los hijos no vienen con instructivo, conducido por: Mony Urdapilleta.

environmental theories // By Daicy Recalde

Daicy Recalde YZ

✅In this podcast we will cover the most important environmental theories in language acquisition.

Awakened to Reggio

Sandy Lanes

Educators around the world are studying the work of the Reggio Emilia preschools and infant-toddler centers. Their approach is rooted in a belief that children are capable citizens who are curious, full of knowledge, and interested in connecting to the world around them. Hosted by Sandy Lanes, this podcast is a series of conversations with remarkable people who are changing the landscape of early childhood education through the lens of the Reggio approach. For professional development and consulting, go to Music composed and performed by the amazing Jack Gruber

Newsy Pooloozi - The News Pod for Kids

Leela Sivasankar Prickitt, Lyndee Prickitt

Newsy Pooloozi is a weekly, world news podcast for smart kids and curious adults, covering science, animals, space, tech, culture, entertainment, sports… and even politics! The family friendly podcast is presented by a British-Indian-American mother-and-daughter duo, covering the world in a fun and engaging way. Newsy Pooloozi also has kid correspondents from all over the world — Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. The New York Times calls us a "news variety show." We're also on the NYT's Top 30 Podcast For Kids list (under our former name, Newsy Jacuzzi)! We are a proud Kids Listen member too. @newsypooloozi

دارما کودک، پادکست مدیتیشن، مراقبه و قصه‌ی کودکان | Dharma Kids, Meditation And St

Ali Delshad Tehrani

دارما، مجموعه پادکست‌هایی برای بهبود سلامت فیزیکی، روانی و داشتن سبک‌ زندگی سالم است. دارما به هدف رشد و ارتقای سطح فکری و آموزشی عمومی، بنیان گذاری شده است. دارما کودک با رویکرد تمرین تکنیکهای اولیه تمرکز و آگاهی از لحظه اکنون طراحی شده تا ابزار قدرتمند آرامش رو به کودکان قدم به قدم آموزش بده ماموریتی که تیم دارما از ابتدا برای خودش در نظر گرفته پر کردن خلا های آموزشی بوده و امیدواریم در این مسیر تا اندازه ای به این مهم نزدیک شده باشیم ازینکه به ما اعتماد میکنید و همراه مایید ممنونیم و میبالیم که کودکان توانایی فردای کشورمون رو بسازن منابع مورد استفاده در این پادکست :

NOS Jeugdjournaal

NPO Zapp / NOS

Ben jij nieuwsgierig en wil je meer weten over wat er in de wereld speelt? In de podcast van het NOS Jeugdjournaal beantwoorden Bart Tuinman en Malou van der Starre elke week vragen van kinderen bij een nieuwsonderwerp. Wil je reageren of een vraag insturen: WhatsApp ons op 0626586701



GK爸爸原創IP角色串聯故事宇宙,橫跨經典童話、日常養成、科普知識、自我認同,育兒神器之家長的優閒時光交給GK爸爸,深受小朋友們喜愛的節目,累積超過四千萬下載,連續獲選兩屆KKBOX年度Podcast百大風雲榜。 請注意~加入VIP會員有"兩種"管道 【透過 Apple Podcast 公司】 建議"iOS系統"選擇這個方式,可使用 iPhone、iPad 或 Mac 上打開 Apple Podcast App 來播放VIP專屬故事 🎧訂閱連結 【透過 Firstory 公司】 建議"安卓系統"使用這方式,"註冊"完成並且"付款"後,可綁定下列APP播放專屬故事 ( Spotify、Google podcast、Apple Podcast...等等) 🎧訂閱連結 ▲請千萬要記得觀看綁定APP教學影片▲ 【加入VIP故事王國專屬福利】 每月至少更新兩集故事 1.原創系列《QQ俠2》 2.原創系列《阿拉豬神燈》 3.原創系列《QQ偵探》 4.GK爸爸各種全新原創故事 5.節目中優先唱名祝賀生日歌 6.會員限定抽獎送繪本活動 7.獲得加入臉書VIP社團資格 (社團福利 例如:獨享抽獎繪本、交流互動、限定著色圖、搶先消息...等 福利多多多 ) VIP會員唱名表單填寫 生日祝賀請申請加入VIP社團 每月招募中 - ❤️快來關注GK爸爸臉書動態 歡迎商業合作支持GK爸爸創作 洽談信箱 Powered by Firstory Hosting

Everything Under The Sun

Molly Oldfield

Children are full of curiosity and questions about the world. Each Friday, join Molly Oldfield, write of the weekly kids quiz in the Guardian each Saturday, the original QI elf and author and host of Everything Under The Sun (both the book and podcast) as she answers questions sent in by children around the world with the help of experts including Neil Gaiman, Heston Blumenthal, Grayson Perry, Lauren Child, Richard Branson and Sophie Dahl to the fish curators at the Natural History Museum. If you're a kid - big or small - with questions you want answered or if you want to learn interesting facts about life on earth, this is the award winning podcast for you. Do check out Everything Under The Sun - a curious question for every day of the year, published by Ladybird books now!

Bust or Trust: A Kids' Mystery Podcast

Small Wardour

Calling all Chief Detectives! Bust or Trust is a podcast for curious kids’ who’d like to get to the bottom of some of the world’s most interesting mysteries. From Big Foot to the Lost City of Atlantis, “Myth Truster” Tiernan Douieb and “Myth Buster” Athena Kugblenu take you through each case. It’s up to the Chief Detectives listening to decide if they bust the myth or trust it! A real family listen, full of fun facts and silly jokes, this podcast encourages young listeners to think critically about “evidence” and how to debate and disagree in a playful and productive way.  Fun for ages 6 - 106. Brought to you by Small Wardour, makers of some of the best podcasts for kids.

Your College Bound Kid | Admission Tips, Admission Trends & Admission Interviews

Mark Stucker

Each Thursday, the "Your College-Bound Kid" podcast will discuss a hot college admissions article; answer a question from a listener; interview a "thought leader" in the world of college admissions and do a Spotlight on a college. Every Monday, we will have a second episode with announcements and an interview with a "thought leader" in the world of college admissions or college life. YCBK combines in-depth knowledge and insights about college admissions with a lighthearted, easy-to-listen-to style. The six co-hosts have over 150 years' experience in college admissions, college counseling and professional counseling.

Wild, le podcast animalier

Ambre Gaudet

Suis la formidable exploratrice, Ambre, pour une folle rencontre avec des animaux à travers la planète, en compagnie du Professeur Sapions, un vieux scientifique bougon, puits de science intarissable qui sympathise avec tous les animaux. Wild, le podcast animalier est pour tous les enfants. Créé par Ambre Gaudet, avec Tristan de la Fléchère et mis en musique par Morgan Peyrot. Un podcast d'Unique Heritage Media et de la Maison du Podcast Retrouvez tous nos podcasts sur Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Тайны старой карты

Детское радио. Сказки

Хотите отправиться в настоящее морское путешествие? И узнать о хитрых корсарах, отважных мореплавателях и первооткрывателях? Нет ничего проще! Всего-то и нужно – пройти сквозь волшебную карту-портал, что висит на стене в мастерской Старого Боцмана. С помощью этой карты кто угодно может оказаться где угодно. Осталось только найти мастерскую! Дорогу туда вам покажут воспитанники Академии парусного спорта Света и Витя. Вперед! Слушайте «Тайны старой карты» в эфире Детского Радио и этом подкасте!

Learn Polish: Kids & Beginner's Guide for How to Speak Polish

Fun Kids

Get a beginner's guide to learning Polish words, objects and other useful phrases. Fun Kids is a children's radio station in the UK. Tune in on DAB Digital Radio in London and online at

Quentin and Alfie's ABC Adventures


Join Alfie and his babysitter, Quentin, on alphabet adventures spanning A to Z. Each day, they journey down a magical sidewalk to fantastic destinations where they explore letter sounds, sing songs, and meet new friends. Parents' Choice Foundation Gold Award Winner, this fun adventure podcast introduces kids aged 3-5 to the alphabet, teaching them phonological awareness, a critical skill reading skill.

History for Kids

Fun Kids

This is THE podcast for kids that want to learn all about history. From the Victorian era to the Romans, each "History for Kids" series dives into the lives of people living back in those days and get's kids learning all about what happened in the past!

Simply Charlotte Mason Homeschooling

Sonya Shafer

Join popular author and speaker, Sonya Shafer, every week for timely encouragement and practical teaching tips to help you homeschool with the Charlotte Mason Method.

Энциклопедия Интересных Вещей

Детское Радио

Сколько интересных вещей окружает нас! Хлопушки, конфеты, фломастеры, чипсы, батарейки, лампочки… Но как и из чего они сделаны? Давайте разбираться вместе! А поможет нам в этом команда исследователей, которая прибыла на Землю с планеты Азира, - ведущий Радикс, корреспондент Брам и консультант Мудриция. Именно они выяснят и затем расскажут, как получаются все эти удивительные предметы! Слушайте «Энциклопедию интересных вещей» - в этом подкасте и в эфире Детского радио!

Boo Boo Song

gunreet mann

From cocomelon rhyme with my 2 year old sister.

Antonio Vivaldi

Daniela Bustamante

Biografía Vivaldi

Lingokids: Music to our Ears —Sing (and learn!) out loud!


Tune into the Lingokids’ podcast that is packed with music and easy-to-understand facts for kids’ entertainment exposing them to essential learning and basic knowledge of grammar, math and more. These episodes will spark your child’s curiosity, motivation to listen and learn, and will have them singing all day long. For a full interactive Playlearning™ experience explore our Lingokids app - Have any questions? Contact us at 💙

La Parabola Del Buen Samaritano

Andrea Rojas

En este poadcast podras encontrar la narracion de la parabola del buen Samaritano.

El Quijote

Chamorro Aura

Se conece como la primera novela moderna y la mejor novela universal.

Girasoles en el alma


Espacio de orientación desde el enfoque de la psicología dinámica para docentes y padres de familia frente a vínculos afectivos.

Best Day Yet: Affirmations, Meditations, & Mindfulness For Kids

Marjorie Stordeur

We lead affirmations + adventures + mindfulness tools for calmer, kinder, more confident kids. We teach meditation, mindfulness, and affirmations for kids in a way that is fun and engaging for the whole family! Learn more at For exclusive content, go to Get bonus content on Patreon See for privacy and opt-out information. Support this podcast:

The Story Seeds Podcast

Literary Safari

Our Webby Award-nominated show matches kids ages 6-12 and their story ideas with diverse, beloved children's authors. Each episode chronicles the magic that grows through author-child collaboration and features an immersive story time read aloud by the author. Bonus episodes feature author interviews with our host Betsy Bird! As a Common Sense Media Seal Selection, our show is recognized as a great choice for kids and families for its engaging stories, valuable content, and diverse voices, characters, and messages and has received an A+ for educational value. Our show has also been featured in Wired, Time for Kids, Parents, The New York Times, and CBC and wasThe Week Junior magazine's 2020 Podcast of the Year. Our theme song and music is composed and performed by Andrew VanWyngarden, the Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter/musician and co-founder of MGMT. Our companion activity book "Imagination Lab: Experiments in Creativity" is a New York Times/Wirecutter "Best Gift for 10 Year Olds" pick. This podcast is a Literary Safari Production.

Audiomoves- The podcast that gets kids moving

Peut-Etre Theatre

This podcast will get your kids moving! These short accessible episodes are designed to encourage children to move, dance and get creative with a screen-free activity. We at Peut-Être Theatre love to dance, So we created a podcast for little ones and big ones to move to! Move around the room like there is a bird fluttering in your belly Wriggle your feet as if you have jelly knees Move your arms as if you are underwater seaweed Join us as we bounce, jump and float! Recommended for ages 4+ Creative Team Creator & Director: Daphna Attias Contributing Writers: Maya Politaki, Jordan Ajadi, Rachel Bagshaw, Bridget Lappin, Ellie Isherwood, Meera Patel, Vicki Amedume, Charlie Hendren & Daphna Attias Narrator: Charlie Hendren Composers & Sound Designers: Ellie Isherwood & Yaniv Fridel Access Consultant: Amelia Cavallo Movement Consultant: Ayse Tashkiran Producer: Bridie Donaghy Podcast & Audio Content Consultant: Clare Freeman Social Media Content Producer: Vic Shead Podcast Illustration: Evie Fridel

Maddie's Sound Explorers

Magic Star

Winner of BEST FAMILY PODCAST at the 2021 British Podcast Awards – Welcome to Maddie's Sound Explorers, a new podcast hosted by Maddie Moate. In each episode Maddie will explore the sounds of science and nature, joined by experts who'll guide us on all kinds of journeys; into a beehive, down the plughole, or up into a cloud! In each episode, we'll bring you a new piece of music made from the noises we discover. Listen out for interesting sounds as we go along. We'll be going to some very interesting places because Sound Explorers can go anywhere! Maddie's Sound Explorers is brought to you by Magic Star.

Árbol Bonito Radio TV

Colegio San Juan Bosco

Podcast creado desde diversas asignaturas por alumnado del Colegio San Juan Bosco en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Ear Snacks Podcast for Kids

Andrew & Polly

Explore the absurdity and wonder of every day when kids talk about music, art, science and culture - one topic at a time. Packed with earworms and made with heart. - New York Times - One of the best podcasts for kids. - Common Sense Media