Mangakast - Il podcast che MANGAva

Gian Marco Federico

Benvenuti e benvenute in Mangakast, il podcast che MANGAva. Un podcast per gli esperti, per i curiosi ma soprattutto per i neofiti, parleremo di manga a 360° con qualche accenno al mondo videoludico e alla cultura pop. Seguimi anche sugli altri social: Instagram | Tik Tok |

Tokyo Eyes


Uno sguardo sulle serie animate, la musica e la cultura giapponesi: Tokyo Eyes. Di e con Alessandro “Ironic74” di Ogni settimana presentiamo su RadioAnimati un nuovo titolo dal magico paese del Sol Levante, scegliendo fra quelli di maggiore attualità in base a palinsesti, pubblicazioni e successo, tanto giapponesi quanto italiani.

La storia del manga in 10 autori


Salve! Io sono Matteo Di Bella, OcelotMDB sui social, e in questo podcast andremo di volta in volta a scoprire le storie di alcuni dei più importanti autori giapponesi. E dico "importanti" ma in realtà andranno in base anche al mio amore nei loro confronti.

Trash Taste Podcast

Trash Taste Podcast

Trash Taste is the premiere anime podcast exploring anime, manga, and otaku culture with top anime YouTubers: Joey from The Anime Man, Garnt from Gigguk, and Connor from Cdawgva, and occasionally special guests. For advertising opportunities please email:   We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can:  Privacy Policy:

Friday Comic Book Podcast

Friday Comic Book Podcast

🎙Il podcast sui fumetti con il quale dare il benvenuto al weekend. 🗓Un nuovo episodio ogni due venerdì alle 18:01

ONE PIECE Fact-Checking

Bike & Raft

In questa rubrica verranno scandagliati e puntualizzati dei dettagli del manga ONE PIECE di Eiichiro Oda, che si possono cogliere con il senno di poi o con la versione giapponese sotto agli occhi.

One Piece


Il Podcast di One Piece è come un piccolo diario audio che racconta le storie di "One Piece", capitolo per capitolo. È perfetto per chi ama la serie ma ha poco tempo. Ogni episodio è breve, quindi puoi ascoltarlo mentre sei in autobus, fai una pausa o in qualsiasi momento libero. È un modo divertente e veloce per seguire le avventure di Luffy e dei suoi amici pirati.

Il Mangiadischi


Il Mangiadischi, la classifica degli ascoltatori di RadioAnimati. In ogni puntata Lorenzo ospita un ascoltatore o un'ascoltatrice che presenta le proprie 10 sigle preferite raccontando quali ricordi li legano ad esse. Se volete partecipare al Mangiadischi dovete inviare le vostre 10 sigle preferite (in ordine di preferenza) alla mail C'è una sola regola da rispettare: massimo 2 sigle per interprete o gruppo musicale.

Otaku - Pazzi per le sigle


La speciale classifica otaku di RadioAnimati con novità, rubriche speciali e, soprattutto, tanta musica in compagnia di Chiara, Tommaso e Alessandro.

Audio Novelas Ligeras Japonesas

Victor Perez

Aquí podrás escuchar novelas ligeras japonesas comenzaremos con el héroe del escudo o Tate no Yusha no Nariagari.

Farewell Evangelion

Farewell Evangelion

Keith Ramsay and Peter Akerley go through the entire Neon Genesis Evangelion series episode by episode and movie by movie as Peter experiences it for the first time, and Keith for his last. Email the podcast at



Disanime è un podcast sull’animazione giapponese contemporanea che nasce dal bisogno disperato di Alberto di parlare di anime con chiunque sia dispostə ad ascoltarlo. Un oasi felice per tuttə gli appassionatə di anime che hanno superato la fase shonen ma che ancora non capiscono Satoshi Kon e che in pratica vogliono solo sparlare degli isekai e sapere cosa c’è di bello su Netflix


Luqk D. Pev

Preparo la colazione e vedo Sanji in cucina, vado a lavoro e incontro Nami in bus, mi fermo a scambiare due chiacchiere con Usopp e ceno con Luffy. Non so se sogno o son desto ma vedo One Piece ovunque. E allora ho fatto un podcast dove parlo dei nuovi capitoli usciti (quindi attenzione possibili spoiler, ma nel caso vi avviso prima), delle mie teorie e dei misteri del Nuovo Mondo che non mi fanno dormire la notte. Buon ascolto flotta!

Otaku's Anonymous

Nick Conner & Danny Motta

An anime themed podcast for all the fellow weebs out there.

That One Piece Talk

That One Piece Talk Show

Chop it up every week with the TOPT boys as they review the latest releases in the world of One Piece.



由射手座的萌仔,白羊座的Mikasa和狮子座的罗宾,三人一起制作的自媒体节目。 我们是真实的三次元好朋友。 也在不同的二次元世界愉快的玩耍。 聊一切我们感兴趣的话题。 希望你也能感受我们的快乐! 爱大家!

Crunchyroll Presents: The Anime Effect


Sure, you like anime. But do you KNOW what's happening in the anime world? Go beyond your current watchlist and discover all there is to enjoy with your friends at Crunchyroll. Each week, we’ll dig into the latest anime headlines, examine our favorite shows, chat with guest stars, and explore how anime affects everything. The Anime Effect is brought to you by Crunchyroll and Sony Music Entertainment. To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email

Sembra Talco


Il primo quiz su cartoni animati, telefilm e film cult dove vinci senza sapere il perché e comunque, male che va, passi uno spensierato lasso di tempo. Con Francesco Lancia, Emilio Gatto e Tania Mattei

Spy x Family Manga Reading Club / Weird Science Manga

Manga, Spy x Family, anime, comics, comic books, Spy x family manga, indie comics, dc comics, marvel, marvel comics, pop culture, movies, television

The Spy x Family Manga Reading Club Podcast goes through a chapter of Spy x Family every Monday and is part of the Weird Science Manga Podcast Family. Keywords: Manga, Spy x Family, Spy Family, SpyxFamily, Anime, Manga Podcast, Anime Podcast, Spy x Family Manga, Comics, Comic Books, Pop Culture, Shonen Jump, Indie Comics, movies, television, DC Comics, Marvel Comics

Vitamin X - der Podcast

Salim Samatou & Marvin Endres

Vitamin X, so heißt der politisch inkorrekteste Comedy Podcast Deutschlands. Satire-Nachrichten, gefährliches Halbwissen & Meta-Sarkasmus von Salim Samatou & Marvin Endres. Die beiden bewegen sich irgendwo zwischen Comedy und Wahnsinn.. und definitiv am Rande der Legalität. Forscher betonen immer wieder, dass Vitamin X gut für die Ohren sei! - Jeden Sonntag!

La Tana del Drago


Benvenuti al podcast "La Tana del Drago" un luogo dove parleremo di anime e manga! Tratteremo insieme le nuove uscite, analizzeremo gli anime di tendenza (e non) e intervisteremo soprattutto molti creator di questo settore! Un luogo dove si può dare spazio alla nostra passione ed essere noi stessi, questo è l'obiettivo della tana, perciò mettiti comodo, rilassati e goditi il podcast!



Parlo di anime :D Anime ITA 🇮🇹

Non il classico Shojo

Micaela C.

Non e' il classico shojo. Quante volte avete sentito questa frase, detta anche dagli amanti del target? Fin troppe volte! In questo podcast si parlera' di shoujo e josei manga editi in Italia. Di generi da esplorare ce n'e' molti. Spero di convincervi non esista un classico shojo, ma solo lo shoujo classico. Ogni mese, con un ospite diverso, chiacchiereremo di un manga a scelta, di ship, dei nostri momenti preferiti e di tutto quello che e' manga e anime. Ci saranno episodi speciali, in cui vi parlero' di manga inediti in Italia, curiosita' e altro ancora!



台灣動漫通2.0節目中會介紹一些有關於動漫的內容 像是國內外的動漫推薦或是幫大家科普一些動漫小知識 偶爾還會介紹一些動漫產業的事情, 讓大家在聽節目的同時還能夠吸取一些動漫知識哦! (目前首播會在復興廣播電台每周三晚上播出,Podcast版本會在之後釋出! 另外網路上的版本因為版權等等問題會刪減掉時事新聞內容以及歌曲播放的部分, 如果想要點播歌曲或是收聽完整版的內容到復興廣播電台收聽節目) -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

The One Piece Podcast

Maji Media

We are The One Piece Podcast! Since 2009, we’ve gone through the latest installments of One Piece every week, and we’re not stopping until the end! New episodes publish every Monday!

Press F

Francesco Triscari

Manga, Fumetti, Videogiochi e animazione saranno solo alcuni degli argomenti trattati da questi giovani virgulti. Faffo : Appassionato di Anime, Manga e Videogiochi fin dalla tenera età Frank : Cinico e spietato divulgatore di opinioni sul mondo di Manga, Anime e Videogiochi e tanto altro Malta : Amante di tutto ciò che è nerd sin dall'infanzia, gioca e legge un po' di tutto

I Racconti del Vecchio Nerd

Il Vecchio Nerd

Abbonati: Chiacchierate su tutta la cultura NERD.

Ventenni Paperoni

Ventenni Paperoni

Ventenni Paperoni nasce nel 2013, con la pagina Facebook “Ventenni che piangono leggendo la Saga di Paperon de’ Paperoni”. Principale salotto online per lettori di fumetti Disney di tutte le età, in realtà siamo molto di più. Il fumetto Disney ha abbracciato qualsiasi tema. La nostra specialità è comunicare gli argomenti più diversi, sfruttando l’aggancio amichevole e universale dei fumetti che ci hanno cresciuto fin dall’infanzia.

Demon Slayer Podcast

Toonami Faithful and Manga Mavericks

A fan-made podcast dedicated to discussing Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, as well as a broad range of anime and manga through our podcast network! Affiliated with and .

Demon Slayer Manga Reading Club / Weird Science Manga

Demon Slayer, Manga, demon slayer podcast, Comics, Comic books, demon slayer manga, Anime, dc comics, marvel comics, indie comics

The Demon Slayer Manga Reading Club, where we go through a chapter of the Demon Slayer Manga every Wednesday. Keywords: Manga, Demon Slayer, Demon Slayer Manga, Demon Slayer Podcast, Anime, Pop Culture, Comics, Comic Books, Shonen Jump, Indie Comics, Movies, Television, DC Comics, Marvel, Marvel Comics

Over Soul: Shaman King Podcast

Manga Mavericks

A podcast dedicated to discussing the classic anime and manga Shaman King by Hiroyuki Takei!

The Samurai Pizza Cast

Andrew Power

A deep dive dissection into anime’s most dubious dub. Andrew, AJ, and Miriam explore Little Tokyo one episode at a time. Email: Twitter: @pizzacast

Only The Avatar: An Avatar The Last Airbender Rewatch

Christina And Veda

Christina O'Handley and Veda Kumarjiguda started watching Avatar The Last Airbender in 2005. Now that Avatar is streaming on Netflix, they decided to re-experience the magic. Support this podcast:




JJ Anime

Jotaro e Joji

JJ Anime è il podcast dedicato all’animazione giapponese dagli anni 90 ad oggi. Ogni puntata sarà dedicata ad un anime giapponese e insieme vi parleremo della trama svelando le curiosità che si celano dietro ad ogni anime.

Manga e Anime Episodio 01

Luigi Marti

Podcast per gli appassionati di Manga e Anime, con le uscite delle case editrici sul nostro territorio nazionale, oltre le fiere ed eventuali curiosità. Iscrivetevi anche alla nostra pagina Facebook @mangaeanimepodcast !

Cartoon Pod


Cartoon Pod analizza i cartoni animati di varie generazioni relazionando gli aspetti tecnici a quelli sentimentali e passionali.

Anime Degens Podcast

The Anime Degens

Join Bass, Dan, & Tyler every Tuesday & Thursday as we discuss all things Anime! Our Degen Episodes focus on Fun Anime Topics & Discussions. We Also do Movie Reviews & First Looks on anime! (Videos for the Degen Episodes are on our Youtube) Our Weekly Rundown Episode is where we discuss New Episodes of 4-6 currently airing anime weekly. Spring Lineup for the Weekly Rundown includes: One PieceKaiju No. 8Go! Go! Loser Ranger! (Ranger Reject) Spice And Wolf Remake We’re on Twitter, Insta, YT, Threads, TikTok , BlueSky, FB & More: Join Our Anime Discord: ALL RATINGS & REVIEWS ARE APPRECIATED & Super Helpful! Also, don't forget to tell your friends about us! Don’t like social media? Shoot us an email: Message Us / Tyler on Discord, Twitter or any of the socials if you wanna be a guest on our podcast or vice versa!? Music: All Music provided by Sakagami Souichi - Website: Rainy Day By Souichi Sakagami Usotsuki Shira - Yuri Junka Amaoto and Souichi Sakagami - Enkon Hakuchuumu Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

4 Consigli Manga

Michele Mari

4 Consigli Manga è un podcast tematico sul fumetto Giapponese, in ogni puntata insieme a KuroTeo, Mind e un nuovo ospite vi consiglieremo 4 diversi titoli per quanto riguarda uno specifico tema o che hanno qualcosa in comune. Se siete curiosi di scoprire il mondo del manga e non volete perdervi chicche nascoste e grandi classici... dovete per forza Ascoltare! Io Sono Michele Mari e mi trovi su YouTube: Twitch: Instagram: VI ASPETTO!

Sin Guión & Sin Filtro

Kinary Y Citla Rodsan

Un poquito de todo, OJO, un poquito no un poco. Aquí no somos expertos en nada que no sea cagarla una y otra vez.




Fumetti e altri rimedi

Andrea Tomasini Gruppo Telegram del podcast: Parlare di fumetti in pochi minuti è difficile. Farlo bene, è difficilissimo. Qui ci proviamo, esaminando ciò che manga, fumetti occidentali e a volte anche altro lasciano dentro di noi dopo che abbiamo provato a capirli e a farli nostri.

John Constantine: A Hellblazer Podcast

Matthew Hansen

Comics enthusiast Matt Hansen takes you on a deep dive through every issue of the DC comics John Constantine: Hellblazer series. *Logo art by Tim Bradstreet on Hellblazer #189. *intro music after Hellblazer #30 by @Pastacat

Anime Trap House

Anime Trap House

On a mission to watch every single anime in the known universe with as many people as possible, and throw our opinions at them episode by episode. No cops.... Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Maria Fernanda Colin Perez

Eres bienvenido a mi poscast

Not Just Tentacles

Rachael Eyre

Not Just Tentacles is an anime and animation podcast by a newbie for newbies, talking about all things manga and anime in a straightforward, non gatekeepery way.

Anime x Listener and Comfort Audios


Helloooo!!! Thank you for listening. 🌸 Every Sunday I make an episode to comfort or just entertain you guys. 🌸 I also have polls to get a clear answer as to what to post next. 🌸 I post everything in Nonbinary Y/N and I don’t do 18+ stuff or Lemons. Only fluff :).

Бака! Подкаст об аниме


Подробное обсуждение нового и классического аниме! Большие аниме мы разбираем подробно в нескольких эпизодах (по аркам): «Наруто», «Атака Титанов», «Стальной алхимик». На другие картины мы тратим один выпуск. В специальных эпизодах с гостями можно подробнее узнать о культуре аниме в России и мире: как озвучивают аниме, чем интересен косплей и как издается манга. А в формате «Врата аниме» — мы помогаем разобраться в сложных терминах японской анимации и даем практические советы, с чего начать погружение в аниме. Наш канал в телеграме: Бонусные эпизоды можно найти: — в группе ВК: — или на Бусти:



Anime with friends, that's exactly what the podcast is about.

Rant Café Anime Podcast

Rant Cafe

Weekly Anime Podcast featuring prominent Anime YouTubers and Memers. Business inquiries:



【我们回来啦~~锣鼓喧天 鞭炮齐鸣 红旗招展 人山人海~~以后每周六更新哟!每周六哟!】 《仙境之桥》是永远“18岁”的逗比女主播们,在二次元世界的叨B叨 播出时间:每周六上午9:43 微博ID @-未小央- 微信ID weiyang6390(欢迎来组团讨论二次元的新鲜事~) 努力分享那些有趣的,经典的,直到现在还持续影响我们的动漫作品。 在成长的过程中能遇到这些作品,我们觉得特别幸运。 如果能跟你有所共鸣,那就足够了。 (特别感谢Shawn设计的logo,特好看,叉会腰(ૢ˃ꌂ˂ૢ))

BUBBLE Подкаст

Издательство BUBBLE

Это подкаст старейшего в России издательства периодических Это подкаст самого крупного в России издательства оригинальных комиксов Bubble и одноимённой киностудии. Мы придумали и нарисовали Майора Грома, Бесобоя, Красную Фурию и Игоря Угря. А ещё сняли фильмы «Майор Гром: Чумной Доктор», «Гром: Трудное детство» и «Майор Гром: Игра». В нашем подкасте мы говорим о творческих индустриях, вдохновении, кино, комиксах, книгах и гик-сообществе.

Shoujo Sundae

Shoujo Sundae

Shoujo Sundae is a delectable podcast safe haven for fans of shoujo anime and manga. If you have a strong love for shoujo, but no place or people to talk about it with, welcome to your new favorite ice cream parlor. Your hosts, Giana Luna and Chika Supreme, invite you to come get a scoop and add as many sprinkles as your heart desires! Each episode of anime is broken down into categories to reflect on the symbolism, positive/negative aspects, and hot takes of each show they review. New episodes every other Sunday. Let’s dig in!


Leticia Castro


Armani Talks Anime


We will discuss anime topics discussion predict outcomes of new episodes (also manga) dove deeper into new vs old school anime and have a great time doing so!! So join the channel you won’t regret it!! Support this podcast:

I Predatori del tempo


Valentina, Kinoppi e Lorenzo ritornano con I Predatori del tempo, un viaggio attraverso la storia dello spettacolo, della TV, del cinema, della musica, del costume, dei giocattoli… ed ovviamente delle sigle TV. Ogni puntata è interamente dedicata ad un anno ripartendo dal 1988. Siete pronti a viaggiare con loro?



Become a Paid Subscriber: This Station🌐 is all about Gaming 🎮and Anime💞 and I’m it’s Host “Roose”. I’ll be talking on both 🤞subjects bringing you guys the latest of news/content on Anime Episodes or Anime shows you should be watching ☝️💯and what I think🧐 to Game Reviews 🤓and what game everyone should be playing. 😎. Make sure to Tune in ✌️ Subscribe For AD Free Content:

Ki Moments

DotoDoya & Nanogenix

Ki Moments is an anime podcast hosted by DotoDoya & Nanogenix.

Miraculous ♥️♥️



Pedro Simões

Podcast sobre a cultura pop Japonesa.

Dragon Ball Manga Reading Club / Weird Science Manga

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Manga, Dragon Ball Podcast, Dragon Ball z, Manga, Anime, Comics, Comic Books, DC Comics, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Movies, Television

The Dragon Ball Manga Reading Club is a Manga Podcast where we go through a chapter of the Dragon Ball Manga every Sunday. eywords: Manga, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, Manga Podcast, Manga Reviews, Dragon Ball Manga,Anime, Dragon Ball Anime, Dragon Ball Podcast, Pop Culture, Comics, Comic Books, Shonen Jump, Indie Comics, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, movies, television

JoJo's Bizarre Podcast

JoJo's Bizarre Podcast

Three friends (and occasional guests) discuss the various adaptations of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, as well as lots of other animes, and public transit in New York and New Jersey. We sometimes get explicit.

The Danville Discussion - A Dwampyverse Podcast

Caleb Doerksen

The Danville Discussion is a podcast that talks about Phineas and Ferb and its two sister shows Milo Murphy’s Law and Hamster & Gretel. Join your host Caleb Doerksen as he looks at each episode in release order (or in Disney+ order for P&F or MML), and discusses his favorite moments, songs, jokes, and characters, plus some allusions and references to other media (and maybe some fun facts!). When it’s all done, each episode is given a "Rollercoaster Rating". Get an episode of P&F, MML, or H&G ready on platforms like Disney+, and then let the fun continue by listening to The Danville Discussion!

Demon Slayer Chronicles

Popped Off!

A weekly podcast dedicated to all things about the Demon Slayer anime! Every episode we recap an episode and then dive into the characters, lore, world and more!

We Are! Reading One Piece Podcast

Pirate King Codex

My friends and I are reading through One Piece from the very beginning. Some of us have read the series before, some multiple times, and some not at all! Each episode will be a discussion focusing on the series of One Piece, one volume at a time. The podcast is meant to be spoiler free beyond what we have covered up to this point so new fans can come along without fear of spoilers or returning fans can revisit the series! New episodes on Mondays at 11am EST/8am PST.

Animator's Breakfast


Animator's Breakfast has the simple mission of providing a raw and honest space for animation professionals to discuss what work inspired them to follow their dreams.

Shonen Flop

David Weinberger & Jordan Forbes

Not every manga can make it in Shonen Jump like Dragonball Z, One Piece, or Naruto. Listen in to David and Jordan discussing the manga that got canceled, and what they could have done to have stayed afloat instead of becoming a Shonen Flop. Learn more at You can reach us at



I will talk about my favorite manga characters and the Manga we’re mainly going to be focus on is my hero academia

More Than Hentai | An Anime Appreciation Podcast

More Than Hentai

Welcome to More Than Hentai, the podcast where we delve into the vibrant and ever-evolving world of anime. Join your host, Brendan, along with a diverse array of guests, as they explore the first episode of a carefully selected anime, tailored to each guest's unique preferences and interests. In each episode, you'll meet a fresh guest and delve into a brand new anime, dissecting its merits and potential drawbacks while sharing overall impressions. From the highs to the lows, expect candid and unfiltered conversations about whether the series leaves a lasting impression worthy of further exploration. As a friendly FYI, spoilers are sprinkled throughout as a courtesy to enhance the discussion and hammer home those big moments. Whether you're a seasoned anime aficionado or embarking on your maiden voyage into this captivating realm, More Than Hentai invites you to join our journey of anime appreciation and discovery.

Il Salotto dei Giganti

Carlo Croce

Il Salotto dei Giganti è il peggiore podcast italiano dedicato a L'Attacco dei Giganti. Lo sappiamo, la serie meritava di meglio. Benvenuti nel nostro salotto, da cui potete ascoltare analisi e caciara sulla saga colossale. L'obiettivo del podcast è quello di raccogliere fan della serie in una comunità in cui discutere, analizzare, fare gossip e scherzare sui giganti. Questo progetto nasce dalla collaborazione di Carlo Croce, residente a Tokyo, con i suoi amici italiani e l'occasionale incursione del suo coinquilino giapponese. Dato che siamo tutti studenti, se vi stiamo simpatici potete sostenerci per migliorare le nostre attrezzature e darci una chance di ampliare gli spazi del salotto, fino ad arrivare a casa vostra. Il Salotto dei Giganti resta idealmente così grande da offrire spazio a chiunque. Vuoi venire a fare un giro con noi? Area aperitivo: Area apericena: Salotto Rotary Club:

My Hero Academia Podcast


The My Hero Academia Podcast discusses the My Hero Academia manga, anime, and spin offs as well as news and more!

My Hero Academia Manga Reading Club / Weird Science Manga

My Hero Academia, Manga, Anime, Comics, Comic Books, dc comics, marvel, marvel comics, indie comics, movies, television, pop culture

A My Hero Academia Manga Podcast where we go through a chapter of My Hero Academia every Tuesday! Keywords: Manga, My Hero Academia, Anime, Manga Podcast, Manga Reviews, My Hero Academia Manga, My Hero Academia Podcast, Pop Culture, Comics, Comic Books, Shonen Jump, Indie Comics, movies, television, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Marvel

BEFORE SLEEP - Anime, Manga, Webtoon and more


Hello everyone! Do you ever get bored? HAve you ever looked for something different? would you like to discover other worlds? Welcome to BEFORE SLEEP where we talk about anime, manga and other awesome stories to get you right to amazing worlds full of entertainment.



YATTA! - Luoghi (non) comuni sui cartoni giapponesi: la trasmissione di Kinoppi, Valentina e Lorenzo per chi ha guardato i cartoni giapponesi negli anni ‘80 e per chi non ha mai smesso di farlo.

Nijhum Rater Dak Bungalow - Horror Story - Bangla - Episode 01

Jibonto Animation

Horror Bungalow Story of Two friends. Name : Nijhum Rater Dak Bungalow Writer : Sujiv Voice : Sujiv Animation : Sumit Background : Sumit Label : Jibonto Animation Support this podcast:

Blake and Spencer Get Jumped!

The Geekly Grind Network

Welcome anime newbies, pro otaku, and everyone in between! This podcast releases one episode a week to give you your weekly dose of anime goodness. Each week, Blake and Spencer dive into the world of new and upcoming anime and manga titles, giving reactions and recommendations. We cover news, current season favorites, and even unreleased material! Find your next obsession here! Then, watch along with us as we rewatch episodes from a rotating cast of four ongoing shows. Relive your favorite moments or discover a new classic as we discuss the story, along with behind the scenes info, personal anecdotes, and hilarious hot takes. Plus, we throw in a heaping helping of special crossover episodes, convention coverage, and interviews with industry professionals. Anime-lovers and anime-curious alike won't want to miss an episode. Jump in!

The Anime Bar

The Anime Bar

Join Jimsta and AlleyKat as they watch their favorite anime and drink cocktails. Each month, they will go over a different series as they feature a new drink. So, sit back, relax, and prepare to be animated.

Death Note

Gina León

Team L o Team Kira

The After Show

Musiige Adrian John

Jump into the after-show with Ivy and Adrian as we give you a preview and review of all your favourite anime straight from the classics to the new school.

I fiori del male.


100% opinabile.




Miraculous Podcast - Tutto o quasi su Miraculous Ladybug


Analisi, commenti, teorie, riassunti, podfic (forse) e in generale cose che riguardano "Miraculous: le storie di ladybug e Chat Noir"


「今日も漫画の話」は、"漫画好き"な2人が『漫画』の魅力をアレやコレやをゆるっと語るPodcastです。読みたい漫画を探したい、無性に漫画の話をしたい時に覗いてみてください。あなた好みの漫画話をしているカモしれません。 ◎パーソナリティ shin & kiku ◎SNS(X / Twitter) ◎お便り #今日も漫画の話 #漫画cast #マンガ

Mobile Suit Breakdown: the Gundam Podcast

Nina & Thom

MSB is a weekly Gundam podcast for new fans, old fans, and not yet fans. Nina (a Gundam first-timer) and Thom (a lifelong Gundam fan) analyze, review, and research all 40-years of the iconic sci-fi anime mega-franchise Mobile Suit Gundam in the order it was made. We research its influences, examine its themes, and discuss how each piece of the Gundam canon fits within the changing context in Japan and the world, from 1979 to today. Part history podcast, part discussion podcast, all Gundam podcast.

The Anime Virgin

Rant Cafe

Follow along as Gozen and Briggs go through various anime series along with at least one person who has never seen that series before (the Anime Virgin). We will feature different guest virgins depending on the series that we are covering, and special guests will include our fellow youtubers and streamers. Gozen is an Anime YouTuber. You can find him on the AnimeUproar YouTube channel: Briggs is a Twitch Streamer. You can find him on the BriggsADA Twitch channel:




Kawaii Desuppointment

Weeb of All Trades

Come join Skylar and PJ as they shepherd anime newcomers and veterans through a new anime every week! Whether you're just starting your anime journey or looking for your newest obsession, we'll make sure the experience isn't a Kawaii Desuppointment!




Kanzenshuu - The Original Dragon Ball Podcast


DBZ discussions, reviews, and the latest news from the staff at Kanzenshuu ( Your one and only Dragon Ball podcast!

スタジオレイン(Studio Rain ASMR)

studio rain

癒しを目的とするシチュエーションボイスドラマ(添い寝、耳かき等)をメインに音声を制作しているスタジオレインです。よろしければコンテンツが多いyoutubeもご覧ください。 We are Studio Rain, producing audio mainly for situation voice dramas (sleeping together, ear-piercing, etc.) for the purpose of healing. If you like, please visit our youtube page, which has many contents. youtube :

The Haikyuu Summit

The Haikyuu Summit

Join us at the Haikyuu Summit - where we meet to discuss all of Haikyuu 🏐 Spoiler free! We talk about each episode without giving away what comes later New episodes every other Tuesday Email us! DM us! @thehaikyuusummit on instagram

Shiitake Podcast


Do you love anime? Got no one to talk to and discuss about it? You're in the right place. We review and discuss anime weekly sometimes we fight and debate over some nerdy stuff. Come and join us , subscribe and share it with your nakama. Most importantly let us know what shows you want to hear about. SHITTAKE!!
