The Flyover Podcast

USAFA Aviation

Welcome to THE FLYOVER PODCAST, part of USAFA Aviation. We will explore a variety of military aviation related topics by having Air Force pilots on the podcast. Be sure to follow so you never miss the next flyover! *Views expressed are not endorsed by the U.S. Department of Defense or its components.*



我是型男機長瘋狂詹姆士...一個把高中當醫學院讀6年的傢伙。 退伍後從一個開小黃的「問講」,一路到實現開飛機的夢想,成為台灣少數擁有美國CFI飛行教練執照、在美國執教過的機師,並在30歲時當上全台灣最年輕的機長。 離開台灣成為外籍機長後...到過印度、沙烏地阿拉伯、中國大陸、以及日本,現任職於 越南航空公司 波音787機長。 2011年出版《給我搞飛機:型男機長瘋狂詹姆士飛行日記》,該年年底從深圳航空轉戰日本天馬航空,2015年再出版《又來搞飛機:暴坊機長瘋狂詹姆士の東洋戰記》 2019年網友催促之下第三部曲《誰在搞飛機:黑五機長瘋狂詹姆士的苦勞奴記》接著誕生! 近年來經常受邀各大談話性節目暢談詹姆士的經歷及故事...成為電視台固定班底名嘴! 頻道不定期提供飛機、飛行等相關資訊及直播影片。.....目前繼續搞飛機中!! Powered by Firstory Hosting

The Pan Am Podcast

Pan Am Museum Foundation

Experience the legacy of the world’s most iconic airline, Pan American World Airways! This award-winning history and humanities program brings Pan Am’s 64-year history to life through engaging storytelling and insightful interviews from Pan Am employees, passengers, pilots, journalists, historians, authors, fashionistas, and aviation enthusiasts! Hosted by historian Tom Betti, the program has won the following awards: Gold 2024 & 2023 Muse Creative Awards, Gold 2024 Vega Digital Award, Silver 2023 Vega Digital Award, Gold Award from the 2023 Hear Now Palooza of the National Audio Theater Festivals, Silver 2022 Muse Creative Award, Arcturus 2022 Vega Digital Award  (Podcast), and Arcturus 2022 Vega Digital Award  (Best Host). The Pan Am Podcast is brought to you by the Pan Am Museum in Garden City, New York and is sponsored by the generous personal support of Mr. Adam Aron, CEO of AMC Theatres and President of the Pan Am Historical Foundation. The Pan Am Museum Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization and would appreciate your consideration of tax-deductible donations.

The Vertical Space

Jim Barry, Peter Shannon & Luka Tomljenovic

A podcast at the intersection of technology and flight. Here we discuss the most important forces shaping the market of advanced air mobility, with a particular focus on why and how they matter to those building a business in this very exciting and growing industry. 

Exit Point

Exit Point

Welcome to Exit Point - A podcast about the advancement of BASE jumping and the exploration of its culture. Whether you‘re curious about getting into BASE, passionate about mountain sports, want to learn how top adventure athletes approach risk assessment or are even a 2000 jump expert, you‘re sure to pick up tidbits of actionable advice on best practices or gain new perspectives when you listen to Exit Point. Laurent Frat and Matt Blank draw on their experience and network of professional jumpers to gain a deeper understanding of all things BASE.

Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase!

Flight Attendant Betty

Travel the world with Flight Attendant Betty!!! This is a airline and travel podcast with funny stories from the airplane and around the world!! I actually have a book coming out...if go to my website you can find out more about the book and e-book!

AvTalk - Aviation Podcast


An aviation podcast by aviation geeks for anyone who looks up when they hear an airplane fly overhead. Listen in as Ian Petchenik and Jason Rabinowitz bring you aviation news, views, and special guests every Friday. If you're a new avgeek or just can't get enough aviation in your life, get your avgeek fix with us.

Airplane Geeks Podcast

Airplane Geeks

Our aim to educate and inform you, explore and develop your passion for aviation, and entertain you a little along the way.

21.FIVE - Professional Pilots Podcast

21Five Podcast

A podcast for Professional Pilots, by Professional Pilots. Join hosts Dylan and Max, both professional pilots with backgrounds in Flight Instructing, Airlines, and Business Aviation, on their quest to improve as travelers, pilots, and professionals. Expect to find interesting conversations with industry experts in a variety of aviation fields, thought-provoking discussions on hot topics, and hilarious stories from the (sometimes) wild aviation industry. Whether you’re corporate, airline, charter, or anywhere in between, you’ll love our fresh and often funny take on all things aviation. Come find us online at and connect with us via Insta/Facebook/Twitter: @21fivepodcast



Experience full flights with all of it's sounds including passenger announcements, service and of course the engines. Podcast Cover Image Source: Daniel Frese

The Thermal Podcast

Herrie ten Cate

The Thermal is a monthly podcast devoted to the sport of gliding. You’ll hear about the latest cutting-edge sailplanes and technology. We’ll also be talking about gliding safety, instructing, gliding history, cool pilot interviews, towing, winching and a whole lot more. New podcasts will be released the 1st Saturday of every month.

Ready 4 Pushback

Nik Fialka

If you're looking to enter the commercial aviation industry, we've got the right podcast for you! With pilot and interview coach Nik Fialka as your host, we will deliver exceptional and insightful content to help you understand the landscape of professional aviation. We will help you organize your thoughts, score interview points, and ace the aviation recruitment process. You will get a deep dive into all the facets of the aviation industry by hearing directly from leaders and recruiters. You’ll learn how to stay composed and articulate yourself with impact as we uncover airline-specific pilot selection demands, analyze the aviation industry's culture, and give you great interview advice. Listen to the Ready 4 Pushback podcast to transform yourself and gain valuable perspective about your dream job!


Antonio Granato

Il podcast dedicato al mondo dell'aviazione. L'aeronautica vista a 360° Un viaggio attraverso appassionati del volo, addetti ai lavori. Dagli spotter alla manutenzione, dai piloti ai controllori di volo. Dentro e fuori gli aeroporti per parlare di aeroplani, volo, e spiegazioni tecniche. A cura di Antonio Granato - in regia Valerio Granato

Abgehoben - Der Hubschrauber Podcast

Andreas Hennig und Tim Pittelkow

Zwei totale Hubschrauber- und Luftfahrtenthusiasten sprechen über alles, was mit der Fliegerei zu tun hat. Hier treffen sich nicht nur zwei Berufspiloten, Tim und Andreas sind außerdem noch Fluglehrer und Prüfer. Sie machen also aus Fußgängern begeisterte Piloten und sorgen dafür, dass diese in ihren jährlichen Checkflügen zeigen, was sie alles gelernt haben. Andreas als Rettungspilot und Tim als Polizeipilot können auf mehrere tausend Flugstunden zurückblicken und teilen hier ihre Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen, ihre Tipps und Empfehlungen für Flugschüler und solche die es werden wollen und versuchen Licht ins Dunkel für die zu bringen, die noch nie etwas mit der Luftfahrt oder Hubschrauberfliegerei zu tun hatten. Ein schöner und unterhaltsamer Mix aus Unterhaltung und Information.

Pilot's Discretion from Sporty's

Sporty's Pilot Shop

Pilot's Discretion brings you authentic conversations with some of aviation's most interesting people. From honest discussions about flight training to fascinating stories from airshow pilots, this podcast is for anyone who loves to fly. Stay tuned for our rapid-fire "ready to copy" segment at the end of every episode, where we go beyond the cliches to find out what each guest really thinks. Brought to you by Sporty's Pilot Shop, training and equipping pilots worldwide since 1961. Have a comment? Email us:

Paramotor Podcast

Sean Symons

The Afterburn Podcast

John "Rain" Waters

Strap in the cockpit as we dive into the stories of the men and women who defend the freedoms we love. From the cockpit of military jets to boots on the ground. The Afterburn Podcast dives into their stories, the planes they fly, and the missions they fight. 🎙️Afterburn Podcast Sponsors🎙️ Secure Your Digital Identity - Aura: Launch Your Aviation Career - BogiDope: For advertising, partnership, or other business opportunities, please contact:

Aviation News Talk podcast

Max Trescott | Glass Cockpit Publishing

General Aviation news, pilot tips for beginners & experts, interviews, listener questions answered, technical details on G1000 & Perspective glass cockpits & flying GPS approaches. 40 yrs experience flying general aviation aircraft. As an active flight instructor, I bring my daily experiences in the air to this show to help teach pilots and future pilots to fly safely. I'm a Platinum Cirrus CSIP instructor and work with people who are thinking about buying a new or used SR20 or SR22. Go to for my contact information, or to click on Listener Questions, which lets you speak into your phone to leave a question you’d like answered on the show.

Fighter Pilot Podcast

E. Vincent "Jell-O" Aiello, Retired U.S. Navy Fighter Pilot

The Fighter Pilot Podcast explores the fascinating world of air combat: the aircraft, the weapons systems, and most importantly—the people. Each episode typically features a guest who helps explain the topic at hand such as how ejection seats work or what it's like to fly on and off nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. If you love the roar of a high-speed flyby or are enamored by the poise and confidence of the brave men and women who pilot these aircraft, then this show is for you! For advertising, partnerships or other business opportunities, please contact:

On-Air with Dan and Alex

Nonstop Dan & Alex Macheras

Join Dan and Alex 'On-Air' for a fresh take on aviation & travel's hot topics and beyond, complete with lively discussion, listener Q&As, and a whole lot of fun along the way.

The Allplane Podcast


The Allplane Podcast is all about commercial aviation and air travel. Every episode features an aviation professional that opens up for the audience a different aspect of the aviation industry.

Air Traffic Out Of Control

Amy Tango Charlie Media

Air Traffic Out Of Control brings you the wildest air traffic control recordings you will ever hear from airports around the world. Emergency landings, stolen planes and even sightings of guys in jetpacks...we've got it all right from the control tower to your headphones!

Cloudbase Mayhem Podcast

Gavin McClurg

The Cloudbase Mayhem podcast is where you will find fascinating and educational interviews with the best free-flight pilots in the world. If you fly a hanglider or paraglider, if you fly acro or cross country, the Cloudbase Mayhem podcast is where we glean how the great pilots of the world get there. Hosted by Red Bull X-Alps pilot, National Geographic Adventurer of the Year and current holder of the North American foot launch record, Gavin McClurg. Follow me on Instagram @gavinmcclurg or on Facebook @ or Twitter on @cloudbasemayhem.

Push to Talk with Bruce Webb: A Helicopter Podcast

Bruce Webb

Bruce Webb has spent four decades flying helicopters. Now, he’s stepping out of the cockpit to learn more about the different lives lived around the industry. Each episode examines a different guest — pilots, technicians, photographers, wildlife experts and more. In the air and on the ground, every person has something unique and useful to say. contact:

Pilot to Pilot - Aviation Podcast

Justin Siems

The Pilot to Pilot podcast is a place for aviators to come for inspiration and encouragement. We aim to help all types of aviators to continue pursuing their aviation dreams, whether that be flying commercially or flying for fun.

Uncontrolled Airspace: General Aviation Podcast

Jack Hodgson, Jeb Burnside, Dave Higdon

Three times a month the UCAP gang gathers to talk about all things GA. You can listen-in as some of General Aviation's most knowledgeable, opinionated, and plain-spoken characters do some online, hangar-flying. Show-notes can be found at

Student Pilot Audio Notes

Marc Atwood

Hard Landings

Hard Landings Podcast

We are a weekly podcast here to give you insights into commercial aviation disasters and how they shape the aviation industry and make it safer to fly! Listen and check out our sources on our website at: and check out our Patreon at: Please email us at with suggestions/feedback. Support this podcast:

Pillole Meteorologiche

Marco Mascolo

La meteorologia raccontata in pillole.

Flight Safety Detectives


World-renowned aviation-industry consultants and former NTSB investigators John Goglia and Greg Feith have 100 years of worldwide aviation safety experience between them. In this hard-hitting podcast series they talk about everything aviation -- from the behind-the-scenes facts on deadly air crashes to topics of interest such as tips and tricks for navigating through airports and security, traveling with infants and children, unruly passengers, and packing your bags to ease through security.



Saftschubse!? Von wegen! Der Job als Flugbegleiterin beinhaltet viel mehr als nur Getränke und Snacks zu servieren. Sophie bietet euch in diesem Podcast einen exklusiven Einblick in die Welt der Luftfahrtbranche und nimmt euch mit, auf ihrer Reise um die Welt. 
Sie räumt mit Vorurteilen auf, gibt wertvolle Tipps für alle, die davon träumen, in der Airlinerbranche zu arbeiten und berichtet von ihren eigenen Erfahrungen als Flugbegleiterin. 
Das klingt interessant für euch? Dann schnallt euch an und genießt den Flug in der Höhenluft!

Pilot Briefing - Aviation Podcast


Get your top five general aviation news updates each week right here! A quick aviation update for pilots or anyone who enjoys aviation, flying, airplanes, aircraft, or just your average #AvGeek!

I Learned About Flying From That

Flying Magazine

Tune in for the rest of the story—with exclusive interviews with pilots who have shared their emergencies, crises, and mistakes over 950-plus installments of Flying's iconic series, "I Learned About Flying From That." Host Rob Reider relates the tale as told by the author, then catches up with that pilot to ask the questions we know have been on your mind.

Cockpit Diaries

Julia und Anna

Wir sind Julia und Anna, ziemlich beste Freundinnen und angehende Pilotinnen mit ordentlich Kerosin im Blut. Wir freuen uns, euch in unserem Podcast auf unserem Weg ins Cockpit und darüber hinaus mitzunehmen. In Cockpit Diaries quatschen wir mit euch über unsere Pilotenausbildung, teilen unsere Erfahrungen und unsere Höhen und Tiefen des Flugschullebens. Wir sprechen über stundenlanges Klicken und den Theorie-Stoff, das Kribbeln im Bauch vor der ersten Flugstunde und auch, wie es ist, als Frau in einer männerdominierten Branche durchzustarten. Zeit zum Anschnalle, wir sind ready for departure!


#航空 #機師生活 #飛航知識

✈Ladies and gentlemen, welcome on board. This is captain speaking. 各位聽眾您好,歡迎來到機長廣播。 無論你是對於航空產業有興趣、或是想了解許多有趣的航空冷知識、飛行小故事等等,都歡迎收聽我們的頻道。 同時、機長廣播也會向各位航空迷們介紹,在台灣究竟有哪些管道及方式可以成為一位飛行員呢?想坐在駕駛艙中,看盡令人難忘的無敵美景,那一定不能錯過我們!節目中也會不定時邀請線上飛行員們一起來分享航空知識和趣聞,跟你聊聊神秘又讓人嚮往的機師生活! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

100 anni di noi - Aeronautica Militare

Aeronautica Militare

100 anni di noi, i reparti raccontano il primo secolo di storia dell’Aeronautica Militare

The Aerospace Advantage

The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

The Aerospace Advantage podcast hosts real discussions with the world‘s top aerospace power leaders, both military and civilian, to tackle the most pressing aerospace issues that we face.

PPG Grandpa’s Paramotor Podcast


Warning: May talk about paramotors! Live stream at every Monday night at 7p C/ 8p E or listen that week on your favorite podcast player

Behind the Wings

Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum™

Wings Over the Rockies has a new podcast! Based on our hit YouTube and PBS series of the same name, the Behind the Wings podcast will cover everything from aviation history to the future of space exploration with thought leaders and experts in the industry. This one's going to be cool!

Poďme spolu lietať


Zákulisie leteckej dopravy ako nikdy doteraz! Brutálne storky z lietadiel a letísk od pilotov a pilotiek, letušiek a stewardov, mechanikov a iných zamestnancov letiska a leteckých spoločností. Zoznámte sa s posádkou tohto podcastu... Filip je spotter s licenciou PPL, Maťo je pilot, ktorý lieta na Boeingoch, a Palo, majiteľ leteckého simulátora, to celé vymyslel a dal túto bláznivú partičku dohromady.Tešiť sa môžete vždy na nové príbehy z kabín a kokpitov.

The Essence Of Safety

The Essence Of Safety Podcast

Hosted by airline pilot and safety investigator Nicolaus Dmoch (M.Sc.), the Essence of Safety podcast takes deep dives into accidents to uncover the often overlooked underlying causes. In the first season, we are going to look at the accidents of a Ju-Air Junkers Ju-52 in the Swiss Alps, a deadly, inadvertent activation of an ejection seat that killed one of the pilots of the famous Red Arrows aerobatics team, and the accident of Rescue 116, an Irish helicopter that was lost during a search-and-rescue missue - and many more.

Concorde l'aeroplano supersonico civile

Nur El Gawohary

Gli autori presentano "Concorde, l'aeroplano supersonico civile", la più completa monografia in italiano mai dedicata a uno dei miti dell'aviazione civile mondiale.

Just Wanna Fly

Jade Lear

This is now just Jade’s podcast called Just Wanna Fly, join us on Wednesdays show as we have now opened it up to everyone. We interview guys & gals from all over, who have interest, or do fly, or get into the sky! From Paramotoring, Paragliding, Skydiving, Hot Air Ballooning or flying air planes. This show is to let others know that they aren't alone out there, and there are some amazing people that do some crazy fun stuff in this world. So listen in or join our show on Wednesday nights at 7pm central at

British Pilot Podcast

Aaron Henriques

Hosted by Aaron Henriques, a former British police officer and private pilot licence holder since 2010. Aaron has decided to start his professional flying training and will be sharing his own experiences throughout his Commercial Pilots training course, ATPL exams, his flying experiences, aviation industry news, job opportunities and much more. Follow Aaron on Instagram @AaronHenray or visit his website If you'd like to be on the podcast, email DISCLAIMER: (Because I have to really...) I'm only sharing my own personal experiences and beliefs which may not always be 100% accurate but I will try to make it as accurate as possible. You should seek advice from professional sources yourself and not try to sue me or anything if it doesn’t work out for you in the same way as it has for me or any guests on the podcast!

Hangar Talk - An Aviation Podcast


Every other week the experts at AOPA bring you up to speed on all things flying.



I m here to spread love

UK Paramotor Podcast

Ric Womersley

Talking all things Paramotor related. Hints and tips, new gear, events and interviews.

The JetLife Uncovered

Fernando Contreras

An insightful podcast that explores the intersection of living a purposeful life and reaching your peak performance, all while embracing this exhilarating world from the air and on the ground. Join your host Fernando Contreras, airline pilot, personal trainer, and intervention coach as you takeoff into insightful conversations of inspiring stories, and expert advice, from individuals who and excel both in the skies and in their personal journeys towards fulfillment.

Aircrew Interview

Mike Young

Interviews with past and present aircrew of both military and civilian types. © Aircrew Interview, all rights reserved

The Helicopter Podcast

Halsey Schider

Welcome to The Helicopter Podcast, with your host Halsey Schider!This podcast is for helicopter pilots, maintainers, and enthusiasts! Whether you've been in the industry for 30 years or are just someone that loves helicopters, this podcast is for you! The podcasts will feature guests from a wide array of industry sectors to have casual conversation, answer questions, give sound advice, and talk shop. Finally, a podcast produced by helicopter professionals for all types of helicopter people!

Airline Pilot Guy - Aviation Podcast

Capt Jeff

The View from Our Side of the Cockpit Door

"There I was..." An Aviation Podcast

AOPA Air Safety Institute

There I was…, presented by the AOPA Air Safety Institute, invites you into the cockpit with pilots across the aviation community. We fly with them as they encounter unpredictable scenarios and we learn from the knowledge and skills they utilize to fly safely out of them. This podcast honors the tradition and heritage in aviation to leverage “hangar flying” as an avenue to pass along knowledge and experience.

Paragliding Banter

Sajid Khan

This podcast is related to all things Paragliding. The idea is to have a fun time sharing knowledge and information. I will be inviting my friends and fellow pilots with years of flying experience and other Pilots arround the world to share their ideas and thoughts. We will discuss flying techniques, manouveres, weather, equipment, psychological aspects, safety related topics and discover more subjects as we move ahead. Welcome on board !

Generazioni a confronto - Aeronautica Militare

Aeronautica Militare

Generazioni a confronto, gli aviatori di ieri e di oggi raccontano l’Aeronautica MIlitare

Cancelled for Maintenance

Six, MBP, and Shoreline

A behind-the-scenes look into the gritty, non-glamorous hate-fueled life of the aircraft maintainer.

Airchats with Airmacs

Samuel Macadam

Welcome to Airchats with Airmacs, a series that opens doors to reveal the captivating stories of aviation professionals. Join us, your hosts from Airmacs Aviation, the air transport specialists, as we embark on a journey through the skies and into the lives of the people who keep the aviation industry soaring. We sit down with industry experts to explore their unique experiences, challenges, and insights. From navigating the complexities of air travel to the innovations shaping the future of flight. Buckle up for a behind-the-scenes look at the human side of aviation & business. Whether you're a seasoned aviation enthusiast or just curious about the world above the clouds, Airchats with Airmacs is your ticket to a diverse range of perspectives within the dynamic world of aviation. Welcome aboard!

Goof en Goot Praten Piloot

Leo van der Goot

De podcast die niet altijd to the point is of blijft, die vaak ergens over gaat maar regelmatig ook niet, die soms de kant èn de wal raakt en geregeld geen van beide, en die u thuisbezorgd wordt door airshow-commentator Goot en stukjesschrijver Goof, en die u nederig ter beoordeling wordt voorgelegd, in afwachting van uw commentaar via

The STOL Collective

Maxime Compagnon

The STOL Collective is a podcast about STOL, backcountry and mountain flying in Europe. But most of all, about the people sharing this passion. Presented by Maxime Compagnon aka vieux_bandit .

Gyroplane Flying

Gyroplane Flying

Flying gyroplanes is fun and exciting! We discuss everything gyroplanes in our podcasts produced as a live program with listener interaction, and also prerecorded on-demand episodes you can download right now. Subscribe to the Gyroplane Flying podcast by clicking "follow" so you don't miss a new episode. The podcast is produced by Air Command Gyroplanes and Skywheels Rotor Blade Systems. Visit the website at

Team PIN/Katharina VC-Vorstand 2024

Dr. Andreas Pinheiro

Dr. Andreas Pinheiro (Präsident) und Katharina Dieseldorff (Vizepräsidentin) treten mit ihrem Team zur Vorstandswahl 2024 der Vereinigung Cockpit e.V. an. "Team PIN/Katharina" für die Vereinigung Cockpit Konsequent. Professionell. Verlässlich

10 Percent True - Tales from the Cockpit

Steve Davies

Interviews and anecdotes from military pilots and aircrew from across the globe. As the rule says, so long as it's 10 percent true, you're allowed to tell the story! Head over to the 10 Percent True YouTube channel to listen and watch at the same time. 

De Luchtbrug

Vereniging Nederlandse Verkeersvliegers

De Luchtbrug is de periodieke podcast van de VNV. In deze podcast gaan we dieper in op de laatste belangrijke ontwikkelingen voor jou als vlieger en als VNV-lid.  Wil je reageren? Stuur een bericht naar  Deze podcast is uitsluitend bestemd voor de leden van de Vereniging Nederlandse Verkeersvliegers. Hoewel de inhoud zorgvuldig is samengesteld, kunnen er geen rechten aan ontleend worden. De inhoud van de podcast weerspiegelt niet noodzakelijkerwijs de visie van het bestuur. Voor de positie van de VNV wordt verwezen naar formele bestuurlijke communicatie of woordvoering. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

🅓🅔🅩🅗🅒🅐🅢🅣|پادکست دژ🎙


دژکست - دژ دانستنیهای نظامی سلام به پادکست دژ ( دژکست ) خوش آمدید مجموعه دژ با هدف دانش افزایی و انتقال تجریبات دنیای نظامی ( میلیتاری ) به ساده ترین زبان ممکن ایجاد گردیده ، پس با ما همراه باشید با تجربه ای جدید از دنیای دانستنیهای نظامی


Lovefly Paul Tizzard

Bringing over 25 years’ experience of helping nervous flyers into each episode. Paul Tizzard, fear of flying coach brings experts and fear of flying insight together.

The Finer Points - Aviation Podcast

Jason Miller

The Finer Points is the original educational aviation podcast. Launched in 2005, TFP delivers expert CFI wisdom from award winning certified flight instructor, Jason Miller. Over the last 20 years Jason has been working to perfect the art of flight instruction. He was named FAA Wester Pacific CFI of the year in 2009 and 2016, works as an AOPA Air Safety Institute instructor, and writes monthly columns for FLYING magazine. Jason is passionate about conveying accurate, meaningful information to pilots.

The Damcasters - The Aviation History Podcast

Matt Bone

Welcome to The Damcasters, a podcast covering aviation history from when Pontius was a Pilate to today and beyond, brought to you in association with the Pima Air and Space Museum.Every week, we will be taking a fresh look at the history of both civil and military flying, from the earliest days of people jumping off of rocks and hoping to survive to the latest in unmanned flight. While it is inevitable that we will we can get a bit avgeek-y, we aim to be as inclusive as possible so that if you have even a passing interest in flight, we will have something for you. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Porta de Hangar, o canal da aviação!

Ricardo Beccari

O fotógrafo de aviões Ricardo BECCARI o "Becca" convida pessoas da aviação ou especializadas em algo relativo com a área para bater um papo agradável e trazer muita informação a você!

Parlons Aviation


Parlons aviation est un podcast qui a pour objectif de parler tout ce qui s'approche de près ou de loin de l'aviation. Lors de chaque épisode, nous regarderons l'actualité des semaines passées avant de proposer une rubrique thématique puis nous conclurons sur la vidéo de la semaine. Les sujets traités iront du sujet technique aux sujets moins techniques en passant par des interviews de passionnés d'aviation et des récits de voyage en avion

Complete Aviation

Nick The Aviation Fan

Get Ready for a new Podcast! Boeing vs. Airbus where we compare the two and teach you about both and we will determine which one we think is better! And You can do the same tell us which you think will win and why! Complete Aviation is named Complete Aviation because it covers a lot of aviation topics and that makes them all Complete.

Flaps - Podcast aéreo

Flaps - Podcast aéreo

El podcast en español donde hablamos del mundo de la aviación comercial, la simulación de vuelo, y en general cualquier tema relacionado con los aviones.

On the Step with thatmallardguy

Dan Bolton

On the step is the ultimate one stop podcast for all thing’s floatplanes and flying boats. It’s my mission, to interview people within our industry to get you the most interesting, amazing and relevant stories.


THE SKY IS NOT THE LIMIT - The Aviation Data podcast by Skywise

“The Sky’s not the Limit” invites you on a journey to understand the power of data in the airline industry.     In today’s world, data is everywhere, enhancing every industry. And aeronautics is no exception. In this new series of podcasts for aviation professionals, we share inspirational conversations with top industry experts on the role big data can play in managing the challenges of aircraft operations today.   Subscribe to the channel to join the Skywise Community and be the first to know when a new podcast is online. Don’t miss any of our special guests sharing their experience and expertise on a vast range of digital transformation topics. We’ll be covering the importance for airlines of managing and monitoring operational data; the essential role of data in aircraft health monitoring, and much, much more!     This new series is brought to you by Skywise - the Airbus Industry data platform purpose-built to address aircraft operations challenges.  For more information, check out our website ! (  Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.

Rotary Wing Show - Interviews from the Helicopter Industry

Mick Cullen

Capturing stories of helicopter pilots and crew from around the world. Find out about different helicopter career paths, pick up some tips and learn more about what life as helicopter aircrew has to offer.

Fly Cool Shit - An Aviation Podcast About Flying Cool Shit

Mark Pollard & Jeff Petrocelli

Popopropeller Podcast

Florian Rauls

Björn Lürßen und Florian Rauls behandeln Inhalte aus dem Paramotorfliegen gemeinsam mit verschiedenen Gästen und interessanten Themen. Instagram Flo: @tonspion88 Instagram Björn: @east_west_flying Web: /

Opposing Bases: Air Traffic Talk

Air Traffic Talk

RH and AG are two experienced air traffic controllers and pilots that host a weekly show answering listener questions, breaking down complex aviation topics, and relating their experiences to everyday occurrences in the national airspace system. The hosts and guests do not represent the FAA or NATCA and express their own views and opinions.


Leon Mael

Hier besprechen wir Interessantes und Aktuelles aus der Luftfahrt. Flugzeugkäufe, Durchstartmanöver, was bestimmte Teile am Flugzeug tun und auch Abstürze. Mehr Informationen unter: unter „Weitere Informationen“ und jegliche Fragen bitte an:


PlanesUnlimited 87

I do podcasts about airplanes. I partner with Hydro_K (Tech Stuff) and we both may sometimes become guests on each other's shows.

CFI Podcast by

CFI Podcast by

A Good Pilot Is Always Learning

Tuesday Night Hangout AKA: Paramotor Hangout

Will Fly

Paramotor talk – Once a week Shane, Will Fly, and sometimes even a special guest, get together to talk paramotors, life, current events, or anything else that may pop up. Heck, we don't even know what we're going to talk about. Join us every Tuesdays at 8pm EST.

The Mover and Gonky Show

C.W. Lemoine

Every Monday, Mover (F-16, F/A-18, T-38, 737, helicopter pilot, author, and wanna be race car driver) and Gonky (F/A-18, T-38, A320, dirt bike racer, and aspiring author) discuss everything from aviation to racing to life and anything in between. *The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.* *Views presented are my own and do not represent the views of DoD or its Components.*

CAA Safety files

UK Civil Aviation Authority

This series looks at occurrence, incident or accident reports that have been published throughout the different areas of the UK aviation industry. Each episode will focus on a different report. We'll talk about what can be learned from it, and also hear from experts who will cover the relevant safety guidance.

Top Landing Gear

Top Landing Gear

A fun and entertaining new podcast aimed at anyone with an interest in flying and aviation.

AIRCRAFT Stories - Der Podcast über Flugzeug-Legenden und Ihre Geschichten

Fightertown Productions mit Unterstützung von Wikipedia in CC Lizenz

Herzlich willkommen bei AIRCRAFT Stories – der Podcast über Flugzeug-Legenden und Ihre Geschichten. In jeder Podcast Folge widmen wir uns einer Flugzeug-Ikone! Wir erzählen Dir ihre Geschichten: viele spannende Details z.B. zur Entwicklungsgeschichte, technische Details wie z.B. zu Design, Aerodynamik aber auch Einsätze und Varianten. Du bist Flugzeugfan und willst Dir ein breites Flugzeugwissen aufbauen? Dann bist hier genau richtig - willkommen bei AIRCRAFT-Stories - dem Podcast über Flugzeug-Legenden! #Flugzeugpodcast #Luftfahrt #Fliegerei #Flugzeug
