Ram Dass Here And Now

Ram Dass / Love Serve Remember

Ram Dass shares his heart-centered wisdom in each episode featuring excerpted lectures given throughout the last 40 years, with an introduction from Raghu Markus of Ram Dass' Love Serve Remember Foundation.

Guided Meditations for The Inner Journey - A Course in Meditation Archives - Arsha Bodha Center

Swami Tadatmananda

piritual Teachings of Ancient India by Swami Tadatmananda resident Teacher

60 Minutes of Kundalini Meditation Music

Sandeep Khurana

Mantra, Kirtan and Stotra: Sanskrit Chants

Sukadev Bretz

Mantra-Chants from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. Sometimes enthusiastic, sometimes in a more meditative mood; sometimes classical, sometimes more modern. Sivananda tradition. Mantras, Kirtan, Recitations of Shlokas, Stotras, Suktams.

Wisdom of the Sages

Raghunath Cappo & Kaustubha Das

Truths about life from the timeless wisdom of the Bhakti-yoga tradition - fun, relevant, and deep. Learn about dharma, yoga, bhakti, and how it relates to all the basic questions of life. This show is about how to live your best life, let go of the external distractions, and uncover the spiritual happiness that lies within the heart as the true nature of the soul. Raghunath and Kaustubha's connection goes back to their teens in the New York Hardcore Punk Scene of the early 80s, through serving together as Bhakti-yogi monks in the 90's, to sharing their experiences in the world of yoga in the 21st century.

Veda Mantra Recitations

Sukadev Bretz - Joy and Peace with Mantra Chanting

Recitations and Chanting of the Ancient Veda Mantras. To uplift the mind, to invoke Divine Blessings. Feel the Power of these sounds. Recordings from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany: Some are from Indian Pandits, some from Germans trying to recite...

Om Nama Shivaya - Shiva Mantra Chants recited by Sandeep Khurana

Sandeep Khurana

Om Namaha Shivaya - Shiva Mantra Chants recited by Sandeep Khurana

Sri Ramana Teachings

Sri Ramana Center of Houston

Philosophy and practice of self-investigation (ātma-vicāra) and self-surrender (ātma-samarpana) as taught by Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi.

2020-2023 Swami B.P. Padmanabha en Español

2020-2023 Swami B.P. Padmanabha en Español

Swami Padmanabha es uno de los más reconocidos practicantes de la milenaria tradición del bhakti en Sudamérica. Su versatilidad se despliega en distintas áreas, siendo un destacado conferencista, músico prolífico, erudito en diferentes disciplinas y líder de comunidades espirituales. Nació el 15 de noviembre de 1980 en el seno de una familia afectuosa y sencilla que le entregó una formación con bellos valores e ideales. Desde muy joven se despertó en él la sed por la búsqueda de la verdad, lo que lo llevó a recorrer diferentes caminos. Su inquieto intelecto lo llevó a abrir diferentes puertas en la búsqueda de respuestas, a la lectura profunda y a contactarse con diferentes prácticas ascéticas. En esa búsqueda se pone en contacto con el mensaje de la cultura hindú, y con el sagrado Bhagavad Gita que llega a establecer un antes y un después en su vida. Encuentra finalmente allí, las respuestas a las preguntas que venía haciéndose y mucho más. Decidido a buscar genuinos practicantes de esa profunda filosofía conoce la comunidad Vaishnava en 1999 y es en ese marco donde comienza, a los 19 años, su vida sacerdotal. A partir de allí y hasta el momento presente, Swami Padmanabha se encuentra abocado a llevar adelante una amplia campaña de concientización social a través de múltiples conferencias que dicta alrededor del mundo, videos y artículos de Internet, revistas y diversos medios de comunicación. Asimismo y por instrucciones de sus diversos maestros, ocupa gran parte de su tiempo en guiar y nutrir el sendero de otros practicantes del bhakti. Actualmente reside en Godrum, un idílico ashram ubicado en Tigre, provincia de Buenos Aires, desde donde inspira con su ejemplo de vida a los miembros de la comunidad y visitantes que llegan desde distintas partes del mundo. Esta noble labor se ve complementada a su vez con un amplio y continuo peregrinaje alrededor del planeta, difundiendo a través de sus palabras y ejemplo las valiosas enseñanzas de la revelación de Oriente, en una perfecta consonancia con los paradigmas contemporáneos que acompañan a la humanidad hoy en día. Su humildad, calidez y sencillez son características que le distinguen en cada una de sus intervenciones. Su incansable labor de difusión así como profunda integridad personal, lo convierten en un referente espiritual innegable para estos tiempos.

Om Mantra


Mahakatha's Meditation Mantras

Mahakatha Meditation Mantras

"Meditation Mantras Podcast - Ancient Chants from India by Mahakatha" by Mahakatha is an immersive and enlightening journey through the ancient chants of India. The podcast delves into the rich history and origin story of these powerful mantras, which have been used for centuries to promote sound healing and personal transformation. Each episode features a different mantra, such as Shiva mantras, Buddha mantras, Krishna mantras, and devi mantras, with an in-depth exploration of the lyrics and meaning behind each one. The host, Mahakatha, is an expert in the field, and provides valuable insights and guidance on how to incorporate these mantras into your own meditation practice. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the world of meditation and mantras, this podcast offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to deepen your understanding. Additionally, it will enhance your spiritual journey. Discover the ancient wisdom and transformative power of these sacred chants from India through the "Meditation Mantras Podcast" by Mahakatha.

Wisdom of the Sages

Raghunath Cappo & Kaustubha Das

Truths about life from the timeless wisdom of the Bhakti-yoga tradition - fun, relevant, and deep. Learn about dharma, yoga, bhakti, and how it relates to all the basic questions of life. This show is about how to live your best life, let go of the external distractions, and uncover the spiritual happiness that lies within the heart as the true nature of the soul. Raghunath and Kaustubha's connection goes back to their teens in the New York Hardcore Punk Scene of the early 80s, through serving together as Bhakti-yogi monks in the 90's, to sharing their experiences in the world of yoga in the 21st century.

Pilgrim Heart with Krishna Das

Be Here Now Network

The Krishna Das Pilgrim Heart Hour features Krishna Das’ no-nonsense take on everyday struggles for finding balance on the spiritual path. Through the honesty, humility and humor of his own personal experiences, he points to the possibility of navigating life’s trials with a true inner yearning for truth. His own practice of kirtan or chant is the well stone of his ability to share from his spiritual heart. As KD says, “Love is a disease - we catch it from those who have it.”

Gita For Daily Living

Neil Bhatt

Gita for Daily Living is a weekly podcast that distils the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita and presents it in a way that is action-able and relevant to daily life

The Authentic Valmiki Ramayana

Ramayan Podcast

This podcast includes an authentic Sanskrit recitation and the reading of a genuine translation in English by Gita Press, Gorakhpur, India. This is not a western translation of the Valmiki Ramayana, nor a re-telling in any form. It is translated by Hindus from within the tradition, and it is thereby recommended as the most authentic recitation and English reading available. The Ramayana recitation by Sriram-ghanapaathi HariSitaramamurti-ghanapathi is taken from archive.org. The reading is from the English version of Srimad Valmiki Ramayan translation by Gita Press, Gorakhpur, India.

AstroVed’s Astrology Podcast


Get timely insights on Vedic Astrology, Horoscope & important events from our AstroVed Astrology experts!

Swami Vivekananda: Raja Yoga

Swami Vivekananda

The complete seven (7) beginner classes that Swami Vivekananda gave on Raja Yoga in New York City, 1895-96. Narrated by Varun Narayan. Recorded with permission from Advaita Ashrama, publisher. For more information about Swami Vivekananda: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swami_Vivekananda To order books by or about Swami Vivekananda: https://www.vedanta.com If you would like to make a donation to help fund the recording and production of this and all four series of yoga classes, please email info@vedantaworks.com for more information.

Sadhguru Deutsch

Sadhguru Deutsch

Sadhguru, der Gründer der Isha Foundation, ist ein Yogi, Mystiker und spiritueller Meister der besonderen Art. Sein Leben und sein Werk sind eine beeindruckende Mischung aus Tiefgründigkeit und Pragmatismus und erinnern daran, dass die inneren Wissenschaften keine esoterischen Philosophien aus einer überholten Vergangenheit sind, sondern eine zeitgenössische Wissenschaft, die für unsere Zeit von großer Bedeutung ist.

Shanti Mantras

Sukadev Bretz - Joy and Peace through Mantra

Recitations and Chanting for the Peace of the World, for Inner Peace, for Peace with everybody around you. Most of these Shanti Mantras are taken from the Upanishads. Mostly Chanting from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany.

Srimad Bhagavatha Mahapurana

Raghu Guda

Reading of the English translation of Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurana published by Gita Press Ghorakpur Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/raghu-guda/support

Shiva Mantras

Sukadev Bretz - Joy and Peace through Kirtan

Shiva Chants, Mantras and Kirtans. To elevate mind and spirit. Develop devotion, feel joy of heart. Recordings from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany.

Mahabharata Teaching Archives - Arsha Bodha Center

Swami Tadatmananda

Spiritual Teachings of Ancient India by Swami Tadatmananda resident Teacher

The 5-Minute Gita

Milind S. Pandit

Each episode includes a recitation of one verse from the Bhagavad Gita, a breakdown and reordering of the words, a translation, and a brief commentary. Swami Gambhirananda's translation is available at https://www.amazon.com/Bhagavad-Gita-trans-Gambhirananda-Commentary-Sankaracharya/dp/8175050411. Swami Chinmayananda's translation is available https://www.amazon.com/Holy-Geeta-Swami-Chinmayananda/dp/817597074X. Dr. Sundar Hattangadi's गीता संधिविग्रह अन्वय is available at https://sanskritdocuments.org/doc_giitaa/gitAanvayasandhivigraha.pdf.

Bhagavad Gita

Spydor Studios

Support Us Shrimad Bhagwat Gita is a sacred Hindu scripture that is widely revered for its spiritual and philosophical teachings. It is considered one of the most important texts in Hinduism and is often referred to simply as the "Gita". The Gita is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and his disciple Arjuna on a battlefield, where Arjuna is faced with the dilemma of fighting his own relatives in a war. Through their conversation, Lord Krishna offers Arjuna profound teachings on various aspects of life, including duty, morality, self-realization, and the nature of the universe. The text consists of 18 chapters and is written in Sanskrit, with numerous commentaries and translations available in various languages. It is a timeless guidebook for spiritual seekers, and its teachings are considered relevant even today, thousands of years after its composition. The Bhagwat Gita has had a profound impact on Indian culture and has also inspired countless individuals around the world to seek spiritual understanding and self-realization. Its message of peace, love, and wisdom has touched the hearts of people of all ages and backgrounds and continues to be a source of inspiration and guidance for millions of people today. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.



Беседа между Кришной и Арджуной, которая происходит на поле битвы Курукшетра непосредственно перед началом Битвы на Курукшетре между двумя воюющими кланами Пандавов и Кауравов. Арджуна - воин и один из пяти братьев-принцев клана Пандавов - перед решающим сражением впадает в сомнение о целесообразности боя, который приведёт к смертям многих достойных людей, в том числе его родственников. Однако его колесничий - Кришна - убеждает Арджуну принять участие в битве, разъясняя ему его долг как воина и принца и излагая перед ним различные философские системы веданты и процессы йоги. Во время беседы, Кришна раскрывается перед Арджуной как Верховная Личность Бога, даруя Арджуне внушающее благоговение видение Своей божественной вселенской формы.

Hindu Mantras

Sandeep Khurana

Guided Meditation

Swami Guruparananda

Meru Media

Meru Media

Your home for all things related to Indic Culture, Tradition, History, Philosophy & Religion

Yoga, Meditation und Spirituelles Leben - Tipps und Kurzvorträge

Sukadev Bretz, Yoga Vidya e.V.

Kurze Überlegungen zu allen Aspekten von Yoga, Meditation und Spirituelles Leben. Von und mit Sukadev Bretz, Günder und Leiter von Yoga Vidya. Antworten auf vielfältigste Fragen, kurze Inspirationen, Tipps für Hatha Yoga, Tiefenentspannung und Vertiefung der Meditation.

Bhagavad Gita Hindi

Yatharth Geeta

This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective. 5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.

Geeta Girl: Evolving Through the Bhagavad Geeta

Geeta Girl

Geeta Girl simplifies Lord Krishna’s advice in the Bhagavad Geeta and helps us learn how and when to use this advice, in order to handle our challenges with greater wisdom and success. We will discuss everyday issues, how to apply the Bhagavad Geeta’s advice, and how we can make choices for maximum benefits to our lives.

That's So Hindu

Hindu American Foundation

The podcast that interviews entrepreneurs and activists, politicians and professors, journalists, entertainers, spiritual teachers, and more on how Hinduism shapes their work and lives. All American. So Hindu. Brought to you by the Hindu American Foundation. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Atma Bodha Archives - Arsha Bodha Center

Swami Tadatmananda

Spiritual Teachings of Ancient India by Swami Tadatmananda resident Teacher

Dall'India con amore

Andrea Bossari - PodClass

Il programma di radio classica dove l’oriente incontra l’occidente.

ਭਗਵਤ ਗੀਤਾ ਸਰਲ - ਸਵੇਰ ਦਾ ਸਤਿਸੰਗ ਪੋਡਕਾਸਟ!!! || Bhagavad Gita Simpli

Punjabi Golok Express

ਸਰਲ ਭਗਵਤ ਗੀਤਾ ਦਾ ਸਵੇਰ ਦੇ ਸਤਿਸੰਗ ਦਾ ਪੋਡਕਾਸਟ ਗੋਲੋਕ ਐਕਸਪ੍ਰੈਸ ਦਾ ਇੱਕ ਅਧਿਕਾਰਤ ਪੋਡਕਾਸਟ ਹੈ ਜਿਹੜਾ ਰੋਜ ਸਵੇਰੇ 5:30 ਵਜੇ ਹਿੰਦੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਨਿਖਿਲ ਜੀ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਕਰਵਾਇਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ। ਇਹ ਉਸ ਦਾ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਹੈ ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਗੋਲੋਕ ਐਕਸਪ੍ਰੈਸ ਟੈਲੀਗ੍ਰਾਮ ਨਾਲ ਜੁੜਨਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋTelegram_GE ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਗੋਲੋਕ ਐਕਸਪ੍ਰੈਸ ਫੇਸਬੁੱਕ ਨਾਲ ਜੁੜਨਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋFacebook_GE To watch GolokExpress videos, click on the link below https://www.youtube.com/c/GolokExpress Mob No-7018026821 email info@golokexpress.org

Ganesha Mantra and Kirtan

Sukadev Bretz - Joy and Peace through Kirtan

Elevating Mantras, Kirtans and Shlokas in praise of Ganesha, the elephant-headed God. Recordings from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany.

Kali - Mantra Chanting and Kirtans

Sukadev Bretz - Joy and Peace through Kirtan

Powerful Mantras and Kirtans to invoke the Blessings of Mother Kali. Recordings from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany.

Ganesha Mantra and Kirtan

Sukadev Bretz - Joy and Peace through Kirtan

Elevating Mantras, Kirtans and Shlokas in praise of Ganesha, the elephant-headed God. Recordings from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany.

Sleep Stories

Rohith Aswarth

This podcast tells you about the stories that we have been listening since childhood.

Om - Chanting and Recitation

Sukadev Bretz - Joy and Peace through Mantra

Feel inspiration by listening to the Om, the Pranava Mantra, the Cosmic Sound. Use Om to start your meditation, to uplift your spirit, to feel new energy. Recitations from various sources, mostly from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany.

Thinking about It

Swamini Supriyananda - Chinmaya Mission

Do you ever stop and think about why you do what you do everyday? Australian psychologist turned Hindu Monk, Swamini Supriyananda, provides insightful answers to your contemporary questions and challenges. Her captivating anecdotes, infused with the philosophies of the ancient Hindu teachings, are guaranteed to inspire us to think about it!

Kirtans and Mantras in Praise of Swami Sivananda

Sukadev Bretz - Joy and Peace through Kirtan

Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, was a god-realized Saint. His Blessings inspire millions of disciples. By chanting His name, by singing his Mantras, you can feel his Divine Presence. Feel inspired, open your heart. Live recordings from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany.

Bhagavad Gita - 2021 Archives - Arsha Bodha Center

Swami Tadatmananda

Spiritual Teachings of Ancient India by Swami Tadatmananda resident Teacher

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18

Swami Guruparananda

Néctar del Bhagavad Gita & Bhakti Yoga

Bhaktin Melanie Ramos

Become a Subscriber: https://anchor.fm/nectardelbg/subscribe En este podcast encontraremos temáticas de interés espiritual, desde investigaciones científicas hasta periodismo de la vida cotidiana; inspirado en los Hare Krishna y el Bhagavad Gita, una filosofía con más de 5,000 años de antiguedad que nos brindará una visión fresca y filosófica sobre el servicio amoroso del alma. vancha-kalpatarubhyas ca kripa-sindhubhya eva ca patitanam pavanebhyo vaishnavebhyo namo namah

Beauty of Real Love


Teaching of Sadhu Maharaja in His Special Sweet Style. Bhakti Yoga, Raganuga Bhakti and Radha Dasyam. Gaudiya Vaishnava Tradition.

Bhagavad Gita Discourses


Stories from Hindu mythology

Anusha HS

In this podcast you can know about stories from the Hindu mythology and Here is the link to my audiobooks at audible for stories on lord ganesha https://www.amazon.com/Story-Syamantaka-Mani-Remedy-Chaturthi/dp/B08KHMY7FS/ref=sr_1_12?dchild=1&keywords=anusha+hs&qid=1615992480&s=audible&sr=1- https://www.amazon.com/Stories-Lord-Shiva-1/dp/B08FXRNY1X/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=anusha+hs&qid=1615992326&sr=8-2 I am an author who has published more than 120 books on Hindu mythology at amazon https://www.amazon.com/ANUSHA-HS/e/B07DL2MQXY?ref_=dbs_p_ebk_r00_abau_000000

Law of Attraction

Dr PS Kumar

Law of Attraction

Аудиокнига "Бхагавад Гита"


«Бхагавад-Гита — Невиданное Сокровище Безусловной Красоты» под редакцией известного бенгальского философа и богослова Б. Р. Шридхара Свами (1895 – 1988 г.г.) впервые вышла в свет в 1961 году на бенгали, а в 80-х годах была издана на английском благодаря стараниям его любимого ученика и верного соратника Б.С. Говинды Госвами, проповедующего учение «Бхагавад-Гиты» по всему миру. В книгу включены оригинальные стихи на санскрите, их транслитерация и перевод, а также разъяснения, данные Шридхаром Свами и признанным толкователем Вед Бхактивинодом Тхакуром (1838 – 1914 г.г.). Русский перевод выполнен Б.Ч. Бхарати Свами (Драгилевым А.К.), учеником Б.С. Говинды Госвами.

The Arun Pandit Show

Astro Arun Pandit

Introducing #TheArunPanditShow, where ancient Vedic science meets the blueprint for modern success. Hosted by Arun Pandit, a distinguished astrologer and renowned occult practitioner, each episode is meticulously crafted to add value to your life. Here, we embark on an unending quest for self-improvement, offering you everything from spiritual guidance and career advice to life-altering wisdom. We engage in profound conversations with some of the world's most spiritually aligned and successful individuals. Think of each episode as a goldmine of practical wisdom, drawn from the lives and experiences of our esteemed guests. From spiritual luminaries to groundbreaking entrepreneurs, we explore how spirituality can be the cornerstone of unparalleled success. This isn't just surface-level chatter; we dig deep to unearth the rich lessons and insights that have molded our guests. So if your aim is not just to succeed but to do so while nourishing your spiritual self, #TheArunPanditShow is your ultimate guide. Tune in to unlock a wealth of wisdom that's as essential for your soul as it is for your worldly achievements. Welcome to India's most spiritually enriching podcast.

Rama Mantra Chanting and Kirtan

Sukadev Bretz - Joy and Peace through Kirtan

Open your heart, feel the joy. Listen to Rama Mantras and Kirtans. Jaya Sita Ram! Recordings from Yoga Vidya Germany http://www.yoga-vidya.org

Bhagwat Darshan

Atashee Roy

It's about Lord Sri Krishna's advice for us all. Explained in a easy language to make it understandable for everyone.

Guided Meditations Archives - Arsha Bodha Center

Swami Tadatmananda

Spiritual Teachings of Ancient India by Swami Tadatmananda resident Teacher

Arsha Vijnana Gurukulam


The Sri Rudram is one of the holiest chants in the Veda. It expounds a sophisticated understanding of God, Īśvara as immanent and transcendental . All that is here in the universe is non-separate from its cause —Īśvara. Everything that is present and everything that comes to light borrows its presence and sentience from Īśvara. The air that we breathe, the sun that lights up the sky, the cool light of the moon, are all manifestations of Īśvara. The entire universe is nothing but Īśvara, but Īśvara, being limitless is not any one thing in universe. Understanding Īśvara in this manner, it is easy to see that Īśvara pervades everything including one’s own body-mind-sense complex. One is never away from Īśvara —in fact, one is Īśvara. Listening to this meaning of this hymn reduces and eliminates the sense of alienation and disconnection that one feels from the Universe, from one’s fellow-beings, and from Īśvara. This oneness is the essence of the vision of Vedanta, gaining which one is free from saṃsāra manifest as sorrow and fear.

The Hindu/Yoga Dharma.

Dharma Yoga Ashram

Exploring the profound wisdom of the Hindu/Yoga/religious/spiritual/scientific lifestyle. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dharmayogashram/support

Mantra Talks

Koushik k

Mananat-trayate iti Mantrah. Mantra means anything which protects you when you remember it constantly, think about it constantly and recollect it and recite it. Hence the supreme god also has the name Mantra. Listen to talks about Hinduism - The sanatana dharma , about pages from Puranas, upanishads and mantra shastras and everything that protects us when we think about it, discuss about it and and learn about it

Shri KRISHNA'S Nature

chaitsi Gandhi
