Fain & Simplu Podcast

Mihai Morar


În PREMIERĂ, pe scena Operei Naționale din București, în cadrul conferinței Fain & Simplu, Paul Olteanu, fondatorul Mind Architect, ne mărturisește care sunt cele mai importante lecții pe care le-a învățat în anul în care a decis să se oprească și să se uite altfel la viața lui. Paul vorbește cu o vulnerabilitate rar întâlnită despre dificultatea de a gestiona stresul, furia, tristețea, despre boala mamei, despărțirea după o relație care a durat 10 ani, dar și despre cum l-a adus Sindromul Salvatorului în pragul epuizării.Într-o lume care trăiește adesea pe pilot automat, Paul Olteanu a descoperit antidotul: PUTEREA IUBIRII DE SINE. Astăzi e mai pregătit ca oricând să ne spună cum putem gestiona stresul pentru a ne depăși propriile blocaje interioare și a avea mai multă grijă de sănătatea noastră. De aceea, Paul a conceput două cursuri care cuprind cele mai noi resurse în

Mind Architect

Mind Architect

Sezonul 10, Episodul 12 - Cea mai importantă conștientizare din primii 36 de ani. De ce și pentru ce venim pe lume

Sezonul 10 de podcast se încheie cu singurul episod din Mind Architect pe care Paul l-a înregistrat singur.

La două zile după ziua lui de naștere, a pus în acest episod sumarizarea tuturor subiectelor discutate in Sezonul 10, dar si cea mai importantă conștientizare a primilor 36 de ani de viață.
Vă mulțumim că ne-ați fost alături în acest timp și vă invităm să ne rămâneți alături și astăzi, când vorbim despre iubire.

Huberman Lab

Scicomm Media

How to Improve Skin Health & Appearance

In this episode, I discuss skin health and appearance and why both are important indicators of the health status of your immune system, gut microbiome, and other organ systems. I explain why sunlight is essential for skin and hormone health and how excessive sunlight can accelerate skin aging and cause certain skin cancers. I discuss the different types of sunscreens (physical, chemical, and mineral-based) and potential health concerns of the chemicals found in some (but not all) sunscreens.
I also discuss the importance of getting your skin (and not just moles) checked for pre-cancerous and cancer growths, the role of nutrition and lifestyle factors that improve skin health and appearance, and how to improve your skin by reducing local and systemic inflammation and supporting your microbiome. 
I explain what works to improve your skin's youthfulness and appearance, including reducing wrinkles, sagging, and pore size

Dj Dark @ Radio Podcast

Dj Dark

Radio Podcast (22 June 2024)

Dj Dark

Știrile zilei. Pe scurt, de la Recorder

Știrile zilei. Pe scurt, de la Recorder

1 IULIE 2024. Mircea Geoană, acuzat de plagiat

Cele mai importante știri ale zilei, alese de Recorder și grupate într-un newsletter audio. În fiecare seară, de luni până vineri.


Catalin Striblea&Radu Paraschivescu


Istoria României


Ep 182 - Iluzia stabilității

În acest episod, începe guvernarea tehnocrată a României, avându-l ca șef al cabinetului pe Dacian Cioloș. Au loc alegerile locale, care transformă o inițiativă locală din București într-un partid nou, la nivel național: Uniunea Salvați România. La parlamentare, PSD câștigă confortabil, lipsind doar sprijinul unui partid mic pentru a forma majoritatea în Parlament. Printr-o alianță PSD-ALDE, această majoritate confortabilă e atinsă, preconizând o nouă perioadă de stabilitate. Dar această previziune e aruncată pe geam când guvernul Grindeanu votează o ordonanță de urgență controversată, iar protestele reîncep, mai mari ca niciodată. Finalmente, PSD depune o moțiune de cenzură împotriva propriului său guvern, iar căutarea stabilității politice și a unui guvern potrivit... reîncepe și ea.Support the show

The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett


The Sleep Scientist (NEW RESEARCH): Sleeping Patterns Can Predict Future Diseases! Sleep Deprivation Is A Silent Killer! The Painful Trick To Fix Poor Sleep - Dr Guy Leschinzer

Sleep walking, night terrors and even sleep murders, the mysteries of the sleeping brain revealed

Professor Guy Leschinzer is a world-renowned expert in Neurology and Sleep Medicine at Guy’s Hospital London. He is also the author of books such as, ‘The Nocturnal Brain’, ‘The Man Who Tasted Words’, and most recently, ‘Seven Deadly Sins’. 

In this conversation, Guy and Steven discuss topics such as, how sleep can strip belly fat, the one sleep disorder affecting up to 80% of people, the number one fix for insomnia, and the truth about sleep walking and other night time activities.

00:00 Intro
02:06 Dr. Guy's Fascination With Neurological Conditions
04:15 What Is Dr. Guy's Background
06:26 What Is A Sleep Disorder Centre?
08:01 Why Dr. Guy Ch

Psihologi la Cafea

Cristina Ursu și Lucian Negoiță

Blocaje Terapeutice II

Blocaje terapeutice - Episodul 2 tratează blocajele pe care terapeuții le au în proces și explorează pe larg vulnerabilitatea din proces.

The Joe Rogan Experience

Joe Rogan

#2172 - Sebastian Junger

Sebastian Junger is a bestselling author, journalist, and an Academy Award-nominated documentary filmmaker. His latest book, "In My Time of Dying", is available now.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Cufărul cu povești


În văzduh, de Nicola Davies

Dacă ai fi o pasăre, ce pasăre ai fi? De ce?

Ce poți învăța de la păsări? Gândește-te cel puțin la 3 idei.


Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/cufarulcupovesti/message

George Buhnici | #IGDLCC



Hidden Brain

Hidden Brain, Shankar Vedantam

Befriending Your Inner Voice

You know that negative voice that goes round and round in your head, keeping you up at night? When that negative inner voice gets switched on, it’s hard to think about anything else. Psychologist Ethan Kross has a name for it: chatter. In this favorite conversation from 2022,  we talk with Ethan about how to keep our negative emotions from morphing into chatter. Our podcast subscription, Hidden Brain+, is now available across devices and podcast platforms. You can join on either Apple Podcasts or via our Patreon page. Thanks for your support of the show — we truly appreciate it! 

Acasa La Maruta

Catalin Maruta


Știi care este ABC-ul siguranței banilor pe internet și ce trebuie sa faci sa nu cazi in capcana fraudatorilor? Cum sa-ti îmbunătățești relația cu banii? Urmăreste acest podcast "Acasă la Maruță" cu Gabriela Folcuț, director executiv Asociația Româna a Băncilor, iar la final poți intra pe
www.sigurantaonline.ro sa-ti faci un test să vezi cât de bine îți protejezi banii. Share sa-i ajuți și pe ceilalți cu informația de siguranța a banilor.


Boof Media

ELISABETA LIPĂ: "Vom ajunge la 100 de sportivi la Jocurile Olimpice!" | VREAU SĂ ȘTIU Ep 201

Una dintre cele mai mari sportive din istoria României, cu opt medalii la Jocurile Olimpice din șase participări, președintele ANS, Elisabeta Lipă povestește cum e să începi cu Los Angles, 1984, și să ajungi la Atena, 20 de ani mai târziu. Cum s-a oprit de trei ori și tot de trei ori a luat-o de la capăt, cum și-a scris pe ușă "Imposibilul nu există!" și cum suntem aproape de a duce 100 de sportivi la Jocurile Olimpice de la Paris. VREAU SĂ ȘTIU, un podcast cu Cătălin Oprișan, pentru că omul, cât trăiește, învață!Invitat: Elisabeta Lipă #201? ABONEAZĂ-TE ca să știi și tu:  @vreausastiutv Vrei să fii parte din comunitatea "Vreau Să Știu"? Urmărește-ne și pe... ? Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/vreausastiu.net? Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/vreausastiu.tv? TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@vreausastiu.tv? LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/comp

Rotten Mango

Stephanie Soo & Ramble

#371: 9 University Students Hijack A Japanese Plane to North Korea

There’s this fascinating little town called ‘Little Japan.’ It’s a gated community with cookie-cutter houses, though they boast beautiful chandeliers and heated floors, and all of them have a matching set of priceless portraits hanging on their walls.
The residents are nine Japanese families, hence the name, and they have their own private chefs, maids, even chauffeurs in black Mercedes. A small movie theater, a massive sauna house, and a grocery store where they never have to pay. The catch? If they ever want to leave the community ‘gates,’ they must ask for permission from the Supreme Leader… The town itself is not even an hour outside of North Korea’s capital.
The families themselves are neither Japanese nor North Korean royalty, nor are they diplomats or even government officials either.
They’re a gang of hijackers. Hijackers who stole a plane and flew it into North Korea—and now the distin

Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

Esther Perel Global Media

Impotent is No Way To Define a Man

This is a classic session, from the first season of Where Should We Begin? A husband hasn’t had an erection in 12 years and struggles with acknowledging it openly. His wife, in despair over her feelings of hopelessness in the bedroom, seeks relief from her sexual frustration and feelings of resentment. Esther reinforces to both of them that defining him as “impotent” is only making things worse.

Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther: https://www.estherperel.com/newsletter
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Vocea Natiei

Starea Natiei

Podcast #VN Vocea Nației #201

Un episod ca un semnal de alarmă pentru cele patru rânduri de alegeri care urmează. Povestim despre:
- Cum stă România la capitolul siguranță în trafic pentru copii. Prost. Foarte prost.
- Măsura de creștere a natalității: prioritatea la casele supermarketurilor.
- Părinții-taximetriști.
Server Config: https://www.server-config.ro/outlet
Raport cu privire la siguranța pe șosele în UE: https://road-safety.transport.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2022-08/ff_children_20220706.pdf
Not Just Bikes - https://www.youtube.com/@NotJustBikes

Mâncarea și telefonul. Cum le distrugem atenția copiilor | Vocea Nației #194 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_O1WXYr0Ts

Elogiul plictiselii. De ce e important să-ți lași mintea să rătăcească | Vocea Nației #195 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qia_ycBtSyY&t=2s

Alexandru Solomon. Arsenie, ortodoxie, OZN-uri. Găleț

Modern Wisdom

Chris Williamson

#804 - Dr Mike Israetel - Exercise Scientist’s Masterclass On Losing Fat

Dr Mike Israetel is a Professor of Exercise and Sport Science at Lehman College and the Co-Founder of Renaissance Periodization.
If you’ve ever wondered “is this diet actually working” then you're probably not alone. However there are now scientifically proven optimal methods for losing fat in the most efficient way possible. And today we get a full breakdown of the optimal approach for fat loss from the best teacher on the planet.
Expect to learn how the physiology of fat loss actually works, whether calories actually matter in your weight loss journey, if you need to count macros when trying to lose fat, how to actually build and keep 6-pack abs, whether there are any fat loss supplements worth your time to take, how long you should stay on a diet for before taking a break and much more...
See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com

#TeAscult cu Ilinca Vandici

Ilinca Vandici

#TeAscult cu Ilinca Vandici


Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal

Starbucks (with Howard Schultz)

Starbucks. You’d be hard pressed to name any brand that’s more ubiquitous in the world today. With nearly half a billion global customer purchases per week across its stores and 3rd party retail channels, a significant portion of the human population gets their daily fix in the green and white paper cup. (Including our own Ben Gilbert who famously enjoys his daily spinach feta wrap. :)But it wasn’t always this way. Long before the frappuccinos and the PSLs and the cake pops, Starbucks was just a small-time Seattle roaster that only sold beans — and was started not by Howard Schultz but rather the guys who later ran Peet’s (!). Starting from six tiny stores when Howard took over in 1987, this quirky coffee company named after a character from Moby Dick has scaled to nearly 40,000 locations worldwide.Today, in a first for Acquired, the protagonist himself joins us as a third cohost to tell the whole story of Starbucks. And Howard i

The Rest Is History

Goalhanger Podcasts

465. The Murder of Franz Ferdinand: The Killer (Part 1)

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to one of the world’s greatest empires, in June 1914, set in motion a series of events that would culminate in the First World War, where more than 15 million people would lose their lives. Franz Ferdinand’s assassin, Gavrilo Princip, did not share the same illustrious lineage. A Bosnian serb of humble origins who dreamed of a greater Yugoslavia, he was prepared to do anything to help advance his cause, and free his country from the clutches of the Austro-Hungarian Empire…

Join Tom and Dominic in the first part of our series on history’s most consequential assassination, as they dive into rural Serbia, early 1900s Sarajevo, and the life of Gavrilo Princip, a boy who would join the Black Hand, a sinister, mysterious underground organisation, and sow the seeds of world war with two shots of his gun.


*The Rest Is History LIVE in th

Global News Podcast

BBC World Service

Japan top court rules forced sterilisation unconstitutional

The court has also ruled that Japan's twenty-year statute of limitations does not apply in such cases, paving the way for thousands to seek redress. Also: the United Nations says aid sent to the people of Sudan has been looted on an industrial scale, a mother says she killed her terminally ill seven year old son to end his suffering, and voters in the UK go to the polls on Thursday, we look at the issue of immigration.

Podcastul de Istorie

Dorin Lazăr, Sergiu Motreanu

Podcastul de Istorie

Lex Fridman Podcast

Lex Fridman

#436 – Ivanka Trump: Politics, Family, Real Estate, Fashion, Music, and Life

Ivanka Trump is a businesswoman, real estate developer, and former senior advisor to the President of the United States. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:
- Cloaked: https://cloaked.com/lex and use code LexPod to get 25% off
- Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial
- NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour
- Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get $350 off
- ExpressVPN: https://expressvpn.com/lexpod to get 3 months free

Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/ivanka-trump-transcript

Ivanka's Instagram: https://instagram.com/ivankatrump
Ivanka's X: https://x.com/IvankaTrump
Ivanka's Facebook: https://facebook.com/IvankaTrump
Ivanka's books:
Women Who Work: https://amzn.to/45yHAgj
The Trump Card: https://amzn.to/3xB22jS



1 - 20240628 6 óra

1 - 20240628 6 óra by Balázsék

Call Her Daddy

Alex Cooper

He Wants More Sex Than Me [VIDEO]

Join Father Cooper in the studio for a saucy summertime solo episode. Alex is here to cure your summer FOMO and hit you with the reality of what it’s really like on those Italian beaches you’re seeing all over social media. She then opens up about her own sex life and shares a revelation she had after her honeymoon on what is required in order for her to have more consistent sex. Alex hits us with the PSA that summertime situationships are officially in and reminisces on two of her most successful summer flings (shoutout rooftop pool man). Finally, she debriefs a recent conversation she had with a friend and gives her take on when it’s okay to gossip and when it actually turns to shit talking.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

România în direct - Europa FM

Cătălin Striblea

România în Direct: Actrița Viorica Vodă: ”Am fost hărțuită sexual de regizori și directori de teatru”. Cât de răspândită este hărțuirea sexuală în România?

The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

460. AI, Internet Scams, and the Balance of Freedom | Chris Olson

Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with cybercrime expert and CEO of The Media Trust, Chris Olson. They discuss the key targets for cybercrime, dating and other online scams, what legislative measures for internet safety might look like, and the necessary sacrifice major companies need to make for a better digital ecosystem. Chris Olson is the CEO of The Media Trust, a company founded with the goal of transforming the internet experience by helping technology and digital media companies create a safer internet for people. Under his leadership, the company invented the world's first digital data compliance, Children's Online Privacy (COPPA) and website/mobile-app malware scanning technologies. Through infrastructure in 120 countries, The Media Trust protects billions of people every month from digital attacks. Fortune 10 to hundreds of small and medium-sized tech and digital media companies leverage The Me

#EpicTalk – The Podcast

Pagina de Psihologie

#EpicTalk – The Podcast

Lingokids: Stories for Kids —Learn life lessons and laugh!


Bedtime Story with Lingokids

Join the Lingokids crew in this episode of "Stories for Kids". When Billy needs a new bedtime story, the friends invent a thrilling tale of Billy the Brave and a friendly dragon. ?✨ Discover how teamwork and creativity can help us relax and get ready for sleep. Plus, learn some calming breathing exercises that even a dragon loves! Don't forget to share your own bedtime stories and drawings with us at podcast@lingokids.com. Sweet dreams, Lingokids! ?? Episode Transcript. ☀️ Parents, Inside the Lingokids app, we have 1,600+ fun, interactive activities, games, songs, and videos to help kids learn academics and modern life skills in today’s world. It’s free to try. Story by L.X Mitev. Voices: Robin Reed. Music and Sound Design: Juan Delgado.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

On Purpose with Jay Shetty


Rob Dial: How to Break the Cycle of Procrastination & 3 Ways to Change Your Repeated Thoughts

Why do we always put things off until the last minute? How can we stop the habit of procrastinating? Today, let's welcome Rob Dial, host of the Mindset Mentor Podcast and author of "Level Up." Jay and Rob reminisce about their seven-year friendship, sharing how their mutual interests in mindset and Eastern spirituality brought them together.  The conversation delves into the role of fear in holding people back, with Rob distinguishing between primal fears (like pain and death) and intellectual fears (like failure and rejection). He offers strategies to overcome these fears by focusing on positive outcomes instead of negative possibilities. They also explore the topic of procrastination, with Rob emphasizing the importance of having a strong "why" to drive motivation and action.  Rob reflects on his spiritual journey and how silence and introspection have

La Fileu


#50 "CONFRUNTAREA" - LA FILEU cu Catalin Bordea

Pauza de Bine

Cristina Oțel

Pauza de Bine



Episode 899

CLUBLIFE by Tiësto Episode 899 Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The School of Greatness

Lewis Howes

Prof G: “Men Are Being DESTROYED!” How Men Can Deepen Relationships, Boost Sex Drive & Win Respect

Have you bought your tickets to Summit of Greatness 2024 yet?! Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/ticketsToday, Lewis welcomes Scott Galloway, a renowned professor and author, to discuss his book, "The Algebra of Wealth." Scott delves into the concept of an economic war on the young, explaining how policies over the past few decades have shifted wealth from younger to older generations. He emphasizes the importance of financial security, discussing strategies like finding your talent, exercising financial discipline, and understanding the value of time. Scott also touches on the emotional aspects of life, sharing personal experiences about fatherhood, emotional growth, and the importance of building a fulfilling life beyond material wealth. The conversation provides a deep understanding of the economic landscape and offers practical advice for achievi

Morning Glory, cu Răzvan Exarhu

Rock FM

Show-ul „Morning Glory cu Răzvan Exarhu” e difuzat de luni până vineri, de la 7:00 la 10:00. Matinalul, realizat și prezentat de Răzvan Exarhu, e inclus chiar în programul de dimineață de la Rock FM. Coincidență? Nu credem!

The History of Byzantium


Episode 300 - The 10 Greatest Byzantine Emperors

For our 300th episode I decided to do something different. I chose my 10 greatest Byzantine Emperors. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Ma is tanultam valamit


Ma is tanultam valamit

The Mel Robbins Podcast

Mel Robbins

5 Fun Ideas to Shake Up Your Life & Get Out Of A Rut

Want to know the secret to make your life exciting again? By the end of this podcast, you are going to have a plan to shake things up in your life, starting today. In this fun and engaging episode, Mel is leading you through an exercise that will prompt you to find more adventure and passion in your life. She will walk you through 5 different questions that will help you start your “Never Been There, Never Done That” adventure. You are going to learn the surprising benefits of trying something new, and it doesn't have to cost a thing or take up very much time.For more resources, including links to the studies mentioned in the episode, click here for the podcast episode page. If you liked this episode, you’ll love listening to this episode next: Transform Your Life at Any Moment: The Surprising Science of HappinessConnect with Mel: Watch the episodes on YouTubeGo deeper with Mel’s free video course, Make It HappenF

Deutsche im Alltag – Alltagsdeutsch | Audios | DW Deutsch lernen


Auf den Spuren des Rattenfängers von Hameln

Fast in der ganzen Welt kennt man die Sage vom Rattenfänger. Davon profitiert Hameln bis heute, wollen doch zahlreiche Touristen den Ort kennenlernen. Die malerische Altstadt bietet ihnen eine perfekte Kulisse.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast

Mark Manson

How to Know When to Give Up on Goals

A lot of people treat goals like some kind of sacred self-improvement law, where the most important thing you can do is set and achieve your goals.

But goals are simply tools we use to point us in the right direction. Your goals should serve you—and so you shouldn’t be a slave to some arbitrary goal you set when it’s no longer serving you. So how do you know when a goal is no longer pushing you in the right direction?

In this episode, I talk about why I gave up a pretty big goal I set at the beginning of the year. I discuss what I think are the criteria you should use when deciding whether to give up on a goal or stick it out.

We also discuss what we learned from the goals survey we did for podcast viewers and listeners. How many stuck with their goals and how many have moved on? What are the most effective tactics people used to stick to their goals? What are the most important lessons they learned about

Ologies with Alie Ward

Alie Ward

Disability Sociology (DISABILITY PRIDE) with Guinevere Chambers

Sexuality and disability! Invisible illnesses! Airline frustrations! How many of us are disabled! July is Disability Pride Month, and professor, researcher, activist, and Disability Sociologist Guinevere Chambers joins to bust myths and provide perspective on everything from the history of ableism to sign language to eyeglasses, the criminal justice system, caregiving, how to ask for what you need, handling curious strangers, disclosing disabilities, where ADHD and autism come into play, and how to follow this study path. Follow Guinevere Chambers on LinkedIn and YouTubeA donation was made to HEARD (Helping Educate to Advance the Rights of the Deaf) and The Trevor ProjectMore episode sources and linksSmologies (short, classroom-safe) episodesOther episodes you may enjoy: Attention-Deficit Neuropsychology (ADHD), LIFE ADVICE: For anyone who is tired & needs some hacks, Traumatology (PTSD), Addictionology (ADDICTI

Vast and Curious, cu Andreea Roșca

Andreea Roșca

Vasile Dîncu. Relația noastră complicată cu viitorul. De ce nu credem că putem schimba ceva

Vasile Dâncu este sociolog şi profesor universitar. A deținut trei mandate de ministru și este senator în Parlamentul României. Ca sociolog, are o lungă experiență de explorare a  societății românești, a mentalităților și instituțiilor din societate. Este fondatorul revistei Sinteza și al săptămânalului Transilvania Reporter.  Discuția noastră a plecat de la un interes comun legat de felul în care noi, românii, ne raportăm la viitor. O recentă cercetare arată că suntem de părere că țării îi va merge mai rău, dar nouă ne va merge mai bine.  Credem că, în mare parte, viitorul nostru nu e în mâinile noastre. Avem îngrijorări în fața cărora părem, adesea, lipsiți de putere. Ne-am pierdut, pare-se percepția progresului.  Ce înseamnă și cum am căpătat această atitudine?  Am vorbit cu Vasile Dîncu despre ce arată cifrele, de ce ne raportăm astfel la viitor, care sunt consecințele și cum și d

Magyar Kultúra Podcastok

Petőfi Media Group

A "legtalpigabb" magyarok | TALPIG MAGYAR ep.69. (záróepizód)

69 epizód, közel 2400 percnyi tartalom és több mint 200 vendég és téma - ez a Talpig magyar – ahogy a reformkor nyomot hagy podcastsorozat mérlege számokban. A Petőfi-bicentenárium hivatalos podcastműsorát egy rendhagyó záróepizóddal búcsúztatjuk. A tartalomból: "A reformkor legnagyobb vívmánya az áprilisi törvények voltak.""Mennyire máshogy alakult volna nemzetünk történelme, ha Arany Jánosra építünk nem Petőfi Sándorra.""Magyarország addig nem lesz polgári nemzet, amíg Deák Ferencnél népszerűbb Kossuth Lajos."Vendégeink:Katona Csaba történészNényei Pál író, irodalomtanárVaderna Gábor irodalomtörténész TALPIG MAGYAR – ahogy a reformkor nyomot hagy. A Petőfi-emlékév hivatalos műsorában vasárnaponként betekintettünk a reformkor kulisszái mögé: megelevenedtek a korszak emblematikus figurái és megismertük a korabeli hétköznapokat. Műsorvezető: Rédl ÁdámKöszönjük,

Easy German: Learn German with native speakers | Deutsch lernen mit Muttersprachlern

Cari, Manuel und das Team von Easy German

495: Deutschland trägt Pink

Cari ist noch immer im EM-Fieber und erzählt, warum Fußball für sie so emotional ist und warum die pinken Trikots der deutschen Mannschaft für gemischte Gefühle in der Gesellschaft sorgen. In "das nervt" sprechen wir über den Rechtsruck in Europa und wie die AfD versucht, ihr wahres Gesicht zu verschleiern. In "Manuels Manual" erklärt Manuel, wie Tageslicht am Morgen für besseren Schlaf am Abend sorgt. Außerdem erklären wir den Ausdruck "Bergfest" und beantworten Hörerfragen zu deutschen Märchen und zum Siezen.   Transkript und Vokabelhilfe Werde ein Easy German Mitglied und du bekommst unsere Vokabelhilfe, ein interaktives Transkript und Bonusmaterial zu jeder Episode: easygerman.org/membership   Sponsoren Hier findet ihr unsere Sponsoren und exklusive Angebote: easygerman.org/sponsors   Ausdruck der Woche: Bergfest Bergfest (Metapher)(Wikipedia)   Das ist interessant: Schwarz-Pink-Gold DFB-Trikot: Schwarz-Pink-G

O Chilie Athonită - Bucurii din Sfântul Munte

O Chilie Athonită

De ce nu se sfințesc creștinii – p. Varnava Iankou

Ascultați un cuvânt scurt și clar în care părintele Varnava Iankou ne explică de ce nu se sfințesc creștinii.Vizionare plăcută!Pentru Pomelnice și Donații accesați: https://www.chilieathonita.ro/pomelnice-si-donatii/Pentru mai multe articole (texte, traduceri, podcasturi) vedeți https://www.chilieathonita.ro/

The Intelligence from The Economist

The Economist

Rule and divide: Donald Trump is judged immune

The US Supreme Court has granted the former President immunity from prosecution for official acts committed while in office. We ask what that means for future Presidents and the 2024 American election. Humanity is standing by while sea levels rise. Now scientists want to geo-engineer polar ice to stem the flow (10:45). And why a hot sauce beloved by many suddenly disappeared from our shelves (19:45).  Listen to what matters most, from global politics and business to science and technology—Subscribe to Economist Podcasts+For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our FAQs page or watch our video explaining how to link your account. 

Happy Place

Fearne Cotton

Iwan Thomas: Self-loathing, hard graft, and soft play

It can feel awful when other people judge you, but it can be even worse when you judge yourself. Despite his immense achievements, Former European, Commonwealth and World Champion 400m medallist Iwan Thomas is no stranger to self-loathing. In this chat with Fearne, Iwan talks about the innate need to make our parents proud throughout our lives, as well as how becoming a dad himself has changed his outlook on life. They also try to figure out the balance of pushing your kid to believe in themselves, without stressing them out with too much pressure. Iwan is honest about the reality of feeling he couldn’t talk to even his closest friends about his mental health during his lowest moments, as well as how he’s learnt to open up. Iwan’s memoir, Brutal, is out on July 4th. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Even the Rich


Spice Girls: Viva Forever | Spice Up Your Life with Drag Icon Ella Vaday | 4

Drag queen and actor Ella Vaday joins Brooke and Aricia to dish on all things Spice Girls! While competing on RuPaul’s Drag Race UK, Ella performed a girl group number in front of Emma Bunton (a.k.a. Baby Spice), and served a Sporty Spice look that was so good, Mel C. herself called Ella one of her all-time favorite Sporties. Ella’s telling us more about that competition, and the connection between the Spice Girls and drag culture. Plus, she spills her true feelings about the Viva Forever musical…it’s a spicy good time.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

The Daily

The New York Times

The American Journalist on Trial in Russia

Evan Gershkovich, an American journalist for The Wall Street Journal, was detained in Russia more than a year ago. He has been locked up in a high-security prison and accused of spying for the U.S. government.His trial, held in secret, is now underway.Anton Troianovski, the Moscow bureau chief for The New York Times, discusses the complicated geopolitics behind Mr. Gershkovich’s detention and the efforts to get him home.Guest: Anton Troianovski, the Moscow bureau chief for The New York Times.Background reading: Russia opened its secret trial of Mr. Gershkovich, who is accused of espionage.A United Nations panel said he was being punished for his reporting on the war in Ukraine.For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

Love Life with Matthew Hussey

Matthew Hussey

(Matt Monday): Get Too Obsessed, Too Soon? WATCH THIS

Do you get obsessed too quickly in the early days of dating? This is often dangerous because it places WAY too much of our happiness in trying to attract and keep someone (even when we don’t really know them yet).    Thankfully, this kind of “anxious dating” is something you can actually solve. In today’s episode, I dive into where this obsession comes from, and give you 5 things you can do to stop falling for someone too quickly and self-sabotaging in early dating. >>> Transform Your Relationship with Life in 6 Magical Days... Learn More About My Live Retreat at → http://www.MHRetreat.com >>> Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http:// www.LoveLifeBook.com >>> FREE Video Training: "Dating With Results" → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

Podcastul lui Damian Draghici

Damian Draghici

Podcastul lui Damian Draghici ?️ Invitat: Cezar Ionascu

Credinta, conexiuni si extaz. Dialog cu Cezar Ionascu.

00:00 | Intro
02:20 | Cine este Cezar Ionașcu? Trecerea de la jurist la spiritualitate
05:05 | Motivația schimbării- devenirea unei voci în online
08:40 | Importanța ortodoxiei în viețile noastre
10:50 | Rolul durerii în experiența umană
13:10 | Revelații în pandemie- Cezar, produs al vremurilor
20:35 | Chimia relațiilor și provocările în cuplu
24:00 | Asemănarea cu Andrew Tate
25:40 | Scopul vieții și modalități de a-l descoperi
27:00 | Dumnezeu și prosperitatea
30:30 | “Avem tot ce ne trebuie acasă, în ortodoxie”
32:10 | Despre moda spiritualității și speakeri motivaționali
34:40 | Despre plată și taberele lui Cezar
39:40 | Săracie vs bogăție
44:15 | De cât avem nevoie pentru a ne fi bine?
46:30 | Athos și Necuratul
49:00 | Abordarea zilnică a vieții
50:35 | Pe

Sixteenth Minute (of Fame)

Cool Zone Media and iHeartPodcasts

the 65 foot hot dog in times square

what happens when public artwork becomes the main character? for the last two months, a culture war has raged around a gigantic sculpture of a hot dog in times square... and playing right into the artists' hands. jamie goes to new york to talk about the secret agenda of the hot dog with creators jen catron and paul outlaw. then, a talk with carol adams, the author of 'the sexual politics of meat,' about why the hot dog is still a subversive symbol, why i needed to go vegan a decade ago, and how harassment has evolved from right wing radio into the internet era. (did you seriously think jamie wasn't going to find an excuse to do a hot dog episode? get a grip) follow jen and paul: https://www.catronandoutlaw.com/ follow carol adams: https://caroljadams.com/ buy raw dog: the naked truth about hot dogs: https://bookshop.org/p/books/raw-dog-the-many-histories-of-hot-dogs-jamie-loftus/18785131?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwp

Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee

Dr Rangan Chatterjee: GP & Author

#466 Break Free from Burnout: How to Accomplish More by Doing Less with Cal Newport

In today's fast-paced world, the pursuit of productivity often leads to overwhelm. In fact, one report suggests that 88% of UK workers have experienced some degree of burnout over the past two years. But what if there’s a better way to work and live? This week, I’m delighted to welcome Cal Newport back to my Feel Better Live More podcast. Cal is a professor of computer science at Georgetown University and a founding member of the Center for Digital Ethics. He’s a New York Times bestselling author whose books have reached millions of readers in over forty languages. His latest book, Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout, challenges our current notions of work and offers a revolutionary approach to productivity. In our conversation, Cal and I explore the concept of "slow productivity" and how it contrasts with our culture of constant busyness. We dis

The Tucker Carlson Show

Tucker Carlson Network

Matt Taibbi: How Intel Agencies Control the Media, Putin’s Rise to Power, and 2024 Predictions

Matt Taibbi is an award-winning investigative reporter and one of America’s more recognizable literary voices. His newsletter Racket News on Substack, is popular among readers all across the political spectrum. He also co-hosts the podcast America This Week.

(00:00) Matt Taibbi
(18:30) Putin's Rise to Power
(54:15) The Twitter Files
(1:40:55) The Intel Agencies, Censorship, and the Upcoming Election
(2:06:00) Donald Trump vs. The Elites
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The History of Rome

Mike Duncan

The Storm Before The Storm: Chapter 1- The Beasts of Italy

Audio excerpt from The Storm Before the Storm: The Beginning of the End of the Roman Republic by Mike Duncan. Forthcoming Oct. 24, 2017. Pre-order a copy today!  Amazon Powells Barnes & Noble Indibound Books-a-Million Or visit us at: revolutionspodcast.com thehistoryofrome.com

Date Yourself Instead

Lyss Boss

Why solo travel will change your life forever

Solo travel is such a life changing experience, and one of the most popular questions I get asked is, WHY do you travel alone and how? So, on today's episode, I wanted to dive into this topic of traveling on my own, what it means to me, the value in traveling independently and the lessons I've learned along the way.
If you loved this episode, always feel free to message me on instagram @dateyourselfinstead and share it with a friend.

100 Best Albums Radio

Apple Music

100 Best Albums Radio

The Rich Roll Podcast

Rich Roll

Michael Chernow Is A Creature Of Habit: A Story of Sobriety, Resilience & Redemption

Michael Chernow is a restaurateur, entrepreneur, and the founder of Kreatures of Habit.  

This conversation explores Michael’s cinematic journey of sobriety, resilience, and redemption. We discuss his traumatic childhood, the depths of his addiction, the heights of culinary success, and how fitness and recovery eclipsed a life beyond his dreams. Michael emphasizes the power of daily habits, morning routines, stacking small wins, and breathwork in his transformative process.

With no-nonsense insights, Michael discusses healing one’s inner child and his unwavering belief that anyone can change their life—no matter how far gone they think they are.

Michael is an incredible individual. And this conversation is powerful. Enjoy!

Show notes + MORE
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The Genius Life

Max Lugavere

408: The Terrifying Truth About Having Toxic Mold Hiding in Your Home | Michael Rubino

Michael Rubino has become a renowned leader in the indoor air quality, mold and remediation space. As the Founder of HomeCleanse, and President of the Change the Air Foundation, Michael continues to push the conversation forward for creating better indoor air quality. 15 Daily Steps to Lose Weight and Prevent Disease PDF: https://bit.ly/46XTn8f - Get my FREE eBook now! Subscribe to The Genius Life on YouTube! - http://youtube.com/maxlugavere Watch my new documentary Little Empty Boxes - http://littleemptyboxes.com This episode is proudly sponsored by: Magic Spoon is my favorite high protein, zero sugar cereal that comes in delicious nostalgic flavors like Fruity, Frosted, and Peanut Butter. Get $5 at http://magicspoon.com/genius. LMNT is my favorite delicious, sugar-free electrolyte powder to leave you feeling charged up after a sweat sesh. Get a free 8-serving sample pack at drinklmnt.com

So True with Caleb Hearon

Caleb Hearon

Sabrina Brier Believes in Magic

Let our sponsor BetterHelp connect you to a therapist who can support you- all from the comfort of your own home. Visit https://betterhelp.com/sotrue and enjoy a special discount on your first month. If you have any questions about the brand relating to how the therapists are licensed, their privacy policy, or therapist compensation model, check out this FAQ: https://www.betterhelp.com/your-questions-answered/ (https://www.betterhelp.com/your-questions-answered/) So happy you’re here! This week’s guest is the hilarious Sabrina Brier! Sabrina and Caleb talk everything from summer camp, war, Quakers, the existence of magic, and much more! See Caleb Live! https://calebhearon.komi.io/   Join our Patreon for an exclusive extended interview with Sabrina and other bonus content! https://patreon.com/SoTruePodcast?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink   Follow Sabrina! Insta: @sabrina

The Why Files: Operation Podcast

The Why Files: Operation Podcast

557: DEEP DIVE: Ark of the Covenant

This gripping exploration uncovers the enigma of the Ark of the Covenant, a legendary artifact that has captivated imaginations for millennia. From its biblical origins to modern-day theories, the search for this sacred relic spans continents and centuries.

Discover the surprising connections between the Ark and UFO sightings, and learn about its potential technological nature. Unravel the mysteries surrounding its disappearance and the numerous claims of its discovery.

Journey through history as we examine the Ark's possible locations, from Ethiopia to Scotland, and even hidden tunnels beneath Jerusalem. Along the way, encounter fascinating characters, from ancient prophets to Knights Templar and modern-day adventurers.

Ponder the implications of finding this powerful object and why its location might be best kept secret. This thought-provoking tale will leave you questioning the boundaries between fa

Modern Love

The New York Times

Peter Gallagher’s Marriage Advice? Don’t Get Divorced.

Actor Peter Gallagher (Sex, Lies, & Videotape and The O.C.) met his wife, Paula Harwood, over forty years ago in college in a stairwell meet-cute. Since then, they’ve maintained a loving marriage and managed to raise a family while navigating the world of show business.We talked to Peter on his 41st wedding anniversary, and he read us the Modern Love essay “Failing in Marriage Does Not Mean Failing at Marriage” by Joe Blair. Despite the essayist being kicked out of the house by his wife five times, the couple managed to remain married and learn that a relationship can mean trying together and failing together. Reflecting on the essay, Peter gave us his advice for staying the course.Peter Gallagher will be performing on Broadway this fall in Delia Ephron’s play ‘Left on Tenth.’

Eu cu cine gândesc? - Podcast de istorie și filozofie cu Theodor Paleologu și Răzvan Ioan

Casa Paleologu

Eu cu cine gândesc? - Podcast de istorie și filozofie cu Theodor Paleologu și Răzvan Ioan

Prof G Markets

Vox Media Podcast Network

Rivian and Volkswagen’s New Partnership + Scott’s Tax Strategy

Scott shares his thoughts on Volkswagen’s investment in Rivian and why he thinks the electrical vehicle industry is entering the “Valley of Death”. Then Scott and Ed discuss JPMorgan’s tax management business and Scott breaks down different tax avoidance strategies he thinks more young people should know about. 
Order "The Algebra of Wealth," out now
Subscribe to No Mercy / No Malice
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iTHINK cu Iusti Fudulu

Iusti Fudulu

iTHINK cu Iusti Fudulu

The Peter Attia Drive

Peter Attia, MD

#308 - AMA #61: Sun exposure, sunscreen, and skin health: relationship between sun exposure and skin cancer, vitamin D production, and photoaging, how to choose a sunscreen, and more

View the Show Notes Page for This Episode Become a Member to Receive Exclusive Content Sign Up to Receive Peter’s Weekly Newsletter In this “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) episode, Peter delves into two topics that have generated a lot of questions over the years: skin cancer and sunscreen. He begins by exploring the basics of UV radiation, discussing its effects on vitamin D conversion, photoaging, and its role in skin cancer. He examines various skin types, discussing their implications for sun exposure and vitamin D levels, as well as how to determine where you fall on the skin type scale. He then delves into the various types of skin cancer, with a particular emphasis on melanoma, exploring its complex relationship with UV exposure and other contributing risk factors. Additionally, he covers tann

Basically Unfiltered with Remi, Alisha, Zane and Heath

Basically Unfiltered with Remi, Alisha, Zane and Heath

15: Alisha was Rushed to the Hospital

Go to hellofresh.com/basicapps for FREE appetizers for life!

Welcome back to another episode of Basically Unfiltered… and this one is a doozy. We start the episode off with an apology from Remi for her most humbling moment on the internet. We cover who really was the ghost and expose our text chat at the time of discovery. Zane shares how hard it is to be an influencer, and Heath officially threw our first team bonding experience! It got pretty crazy and ended up with a night in hospital. Join us every Thursday for a new episodes!

Motley Fool Money

The Motley Fool

Chewy’s New Kitten

This investor is not a cat, though.
Asit Sharma and Ricky Mulvey discuss Chewy becoming a meme stock, Cedar Fair and Six Flags merging into one company, and headlines from 2029.
Companies discussed: CHWY, SIX, FUN, AMZN, WMT
Host: Ricky Mulvey
Guest: Asit Sharma
Producer: Mary Long
Engineer: Tim Sparks
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Jillian on Love

Jillian Turecki | QCODE

Lust, Love, and Limerence: Why You Can't Stop Obsessing About Them

In this long awaited and most frequently requested episode, Jillian explains in detail what limerence is and busts some myths about what it is, and isn't. She also teaches why it happens, and what to heal if it gets out of hand.

Follow the show on Instagram: @jillianonlove
Email the show at hello@jillianonlove.com
Subscribe to Jillian on Love+ on Apple Podcasts or Patreones
Find Rources mentioned in the show at the Jillian on Love Recommendations
Follow Jillian Turecki on
Instagram: @jillianturecki
TikTok: @jillian.turecki
X: @JillianTurecki
Visit her website at jillianturecki.com
Jillian On Love is brought to you by QCODE.
To advertise on the show, contact us!
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Podcastul de Filosofie

Octav Eugen Popa

52. Empirismul 5. Quine și dogmele empirismului (cu Alexandru Cârlan și Andrei Mărășoiu)

Împreună cu Alexandru Cârlan (SNSPA) și Andrei Mărășoiu (UB), facem un triplusalt în istoria filosofiei pentru a citi celebrul articol al lui Quine "Două dogme ale empirismului." Care dogme? Bună întrebare! Mulțumesc! Cu plăcere! Continuăm? OK. Întâi, spune Quine, vechea distincție dintre adevăruri analitice și adevăruri sintetice e vrăjeală. Apoi, vechea idee că înțelesul termenilor poate fi redus la date senzoriale e și ea vrăjeală. Dar oare are Quine dreptunghi? N-are? Despre toate astea plus câteva discuții adiacente despre natura numerelor naturale, în episodul care încheie seria despre empirism. 00:00 Intro02:24 Cine a fost Quine?06:28 Quine, copilașul lui Hume?12:43 Prima dogmă: analiticitatea15:58 Structura argumentativă per ansamblu29:19 Țin argumentele? E bune ele?34:54 O paralelă în filosofia matematicii43:38 Un pasaj cheie!45:55 A doua dogmă: reducționismul01:01:03

Dj Dark - Deep Sessions

Dj Dark

Private Thoughts (February 2024)

Dj Dark

TheVR Happy Hour


Kiszivárgott bankkártya adatok & Hőbörgés | TheVR Happy Hour #1548 - 12.13.

Kiszivárgott bankkártya adatok & Hőbörgés | TheVR Happy Hour #1548 - 12.13.

The Guardian's Women's Football Weekly

The Guardian

Barcelona reign and retain Champions League title – Women’s Football Weekly

Faye Carruthers and Suzanne Wrack are joined by Sophie Downey and Ceylon Andi Hickman to review Barcelona’s 2-0 over Lyon in Bilbao

Glad We Had This Chat with Caroline Hirons

Wall to Wall Media

14: Grace Dent and Caroline Hirons Answer Your Questions: What Is Your Nando's Order?

Join Caroline Hirons, the UK’s leading skincare expert and Grace Dent as they answer all your questions!

Episodes are published weekly on Monday and Wednesdays.

Presented By: Caroline Hirons 

Ad Details: Download the Skin Rocks App for free and sign up for Premium with your exlusive code CHPOD (all capitals), to save £10 off your annual subscription. To redeem the offer: 1) Download the Skin Rocks App for free from Apple or Google Play Stores. 2) Create an account 3) Go to 'Your Subscriptions' 4) Click on 'Do you have a code?' Enter CHPOD and select your annual exclusive tier to enjoy!                                                          

Got a question to ask? Let us know at pod@carolinehirons.com

Produced by Wall to Wall Media.     

Produced by: Danielle Bondzie

Executive Producers fo

Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu pentru astăzi

Fundația S.E.E.R. România

Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu pentru astăzi

What Now? with Trevor Noah

Spotify Studios

The Heaviest Bag of Chips in Japan

Trevor’s in Japan with his good friends Anele Mdoda and Khaya Dlanga. Together they dissect cultural taboos, savor otherworldly grapes, and marvel at toilets that’ll blow your mind, all while trying to find the balance between society and self.

Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

How to Know What's Real

The Atlantic

How to be Immortal Online

With digital spaces regularly evolving and updating, and the infinite scroll beckoning to us at all times, this episode questions if we have, as a culture, fully embraced the end of endings. Hanna Reichel, an associate professor of reformed theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, helps illuminate how the emergence of godlike AI and the rise of creator culture compare with the reformations and transformations through which people lived (and died) in the past.
Write to us at howtopodcast@theatlantic.com. 
Music by Forever Sunset (“Spring Dance”), baegel (“Cyber Wham”), Etienne Roussel (“Twilight”), Dip Diet (“Sidelined”), Ben Elson (“Darkwave”), and Rob Smierciak (“Whistle Jazz”).

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Curiosity Daily


Robotic Nerve Cuffs, Orangutan Medicine, Ritual Nostalgia

Today, you’ll learn about tiny robotic nerve cuffs, an orangutan that treated its own wound with medicine, and how nostalgia encourages us to take part in rituals.   Robotic Nerve Cuffs  “Robotic nerve ‘cuffs’ could help treat a range of neurological conditions.” University of Cambridge. 2024.  “Peripheral Nervous System (PNS).” Cleveland Clinic. 2022. “Electrochemically actuated microelectrodes for minimally invasive peripheral nerve interfaces.” by Chaoqun Dong, et al. 2024.   Orangutan Medicine  “In a first, an orangutan was seen treating his wound with a medicinal plant.” by Evan Bush. 2024.  “Active self-treatment of a facial wound with a biologically active plant by a male Sumatran orangutan.” by Isabelle B. Laumer, et al. 2024.   Ritual Nostalgia  “New research reveals the psychological impact of nostalgia on rit

The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos

Pushkin Industries

Does the You of Today Hate the You of Tomorrow?

We often do things now that will make our lives more difficult or stressful in the future. We spend money, when we should save. We eat junk food, when we should exercise. We agree to commitments, when we should protect our free time. We act so thoughtlessly that it's almost like we hate our future selves.  Dr Laurie asks UCLA's Hal Hershfield to help her find the happiness balance between listening to what she wants now, and the preferences she might have in the future. And she steps into an AI time machine to get some happiness advice for herself decades from today.  Try talking to the "you of tomorrow" using the MIT Media Lab's Future You chatbot at https://futureyou.media.mit.edu/See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Gretchen Rubin / The Onward Project

Little Happier: If You Need a Hack for Finding the Right Thing to Say: 16 Suggestions

When we’re searching for the right words to say in a difficult conversation, one of these sixteen phrases is likely to help. 
Get in touch: podcast@gretchenrubin.com
Follow on social media:
@GretchenRubin on YouTube
@GretchenRubin on TikTok
@GretchenRubin on Instagram
@GretchenRubin on Threads
Get the podcast show notes by email every week: happiercast.com/shownotes
Get Gretchen Rubin’s newest book Life in Five Senses to see how she discovered a surprising path to a life of more energy, creativity, luck, and love: by tuning in to the five senses. Now available - order here.
Visit Gretchen's website to learn more about Gretchen's best-selling books, products from The Happiness Project Collection, and the Happier app. 

To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy<


BibleProject Podcast

How Is the Eye the Lamp of the Body?

Sermon on the Mount E27 – Jesus continues addressing our relationship to money and possessions with a riddle about the eye being the lamp of the body–a reference to a common cultural metaphor in which “having a bad eye” meant someone was stingy. By saying that the eye is the lamp of the body, Jesus highlights how our relationship to our possessions reflects our true character. In this episode, Tim, Jon, and Michelle explore how generosity creates possibility, while clinging tightly to our stuff causes us to lose everything.View more resources on our website →Timestamps Chapter 1: Lay Up Treasures in Heaven (0:00-6:58)Chapter 2: The Riddle Goes Like This (6:58-25:50)Chapter 3: Light and Dark (25:50-30:14)Chapter 4: The Generous Eye Creates Possibility (30:14-39:08)Referenced ResourcesLiddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon by Henry George Liddell and Robert ScottThe Sermon on the Mount and Human Flourishing by Jonathan T. Pennington

The Tim Ferriss Show

Tim Ferriss: Bestselling Author, Human Guinea Pig

#751: Elizabeth Gilbert and Jack Kornfield

This episode is a two-for-one, and that’s because the podcast recently hit its 10-year anniversary and passed one billion downloads. To celebrate, I’ve curated some of the best of the best—some of my favorites—from more than 700 episodes over the last decade. I could not be more excited. The episode features segments from episode #430 "Elizabeth Gilbert’s Creative Path: Saying No, Trusting Your Intuition, Index Cards, Integrity Checks, Grief, Awe, and Much More" and episode #300 "Jack Kornfield — Finding Freedom, Love, and Joy in the Present"Please enjoy!Sponsors:AG1 all-in-one nutritional supplement: https://drinkag1.com/tim (1-year supply of Vitamin D (and 5 free AG1 travel packs) with your first subscription purchase.)Helix Sleep premium mattresses: https://helixsleep.com/tim (25–30% off all mattress orders and two free pillows)LMNT electrolyte supplement: 

Lecturi Online- Audiobooks

Lecturi Online- Audiobooks

Lecturi Online- Audiobooks


Morbid Network | Wondery

Episode 578: Clementine Barnabet & The Church of the Sacrifice & The Louisiana Axe Murders

From about 1910 to 1912, an alarming number of axe murders were occurring across the American South and Southwest. Though many would speculate as to the identity of perpetrator, including the theory that a single individual was responsible, many of these murders would remain unsolved and contribute to macabre urban legends that endure to this day. In New Orleans, however, the brutal axe murders of at least five Black families in 1911 and 1912 are attributed to Clementine Barnabet, an African American teenager who confessed to the crimes.Despite having confessed to as many as thirty-five murders, and having been convicted and incarcerated for one, the veracity of Barnabet’s claim has long been in doubt. Tried and convicted on very little evidence, Barnabet’s story changed many times following her arrest and eventually came to include sensational and highly question

A Bit of Optimism


More Thinking About Thinking with Brené Brown and Adam Grant: Part Two

In Part 2 of our conversation, Brené Brown, Adam Grant, and I continue our journey of out loud self-reflection. We discuss identifying our values, the two types of narcissists, explanation-based parenting, and exercising judgment over our own judgment. Listen to Part 1 here or wherever you listen to podcasts. This...is A Bit of Optimism. For more on Brené and Adam's work, check out: brenebrown.com adamgrant.netSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Hot Mess with Alix Earle


Anxiety: From Hospitals to Healing [RE-RUN]

(VIDEO PODCAST AVAILABLE ON SPOTIFY AND YOUTUBE) [RE-RUN] This week Alix opens up about her struggles with anxiety. She speaks in detail about the first time she fainted, her first panic attack, and even going to the emergency room. Alix shares the tips she’s learned to take her out of that place and live a happy and adventurous life.

Alix also answers your questions in another What Would Alix Do segment. Questions this week range from cheating to staining a boys’ sheets - this is one you won’t want to miss.

Follow and connect with all things @HotMess across Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Povești pentru copii

Povesti pentru copii

Amintiri din copilărie. Partea a II-a

Povești ascultătoare: Amintiri din copilărie. Partea a II-a (de Ion Creangă). Lectura Damian Victor Oancea.

Proteine Pentru Suflet

Glen Mitori

Mesaje pentru a hrăni sufletul tău și pentru a te încuraja să-l cauți pe Dumnezeu mai mult decât ai făcut-o până acum.


Betone Studio

74. rész: Trianon a történész szémével II. rész

Ebben a részben folytatjuk beszélgetésünket a Trianon 100 kutatócsoport vezetőjével, Ablonczy Balázs történésszel, és eljutunk a román politkáig, a párizsi békekonferenciáig, a magyar diplomácia próbálozásáig, feltesszük a nagy kérdéseket arról, hogy mit lehett volna másképp, és eljutunk 1920 június negyedikéig a végére.
Együttműködés: www.betonenetwork.hu

Duolingo Spanish Podcast


Duo’s Film Club - Fresa y chocolate

For today’s episode, Duo’s Film Club has a cult classic from Cuba, Fresa y chocolate, which broke barriers in the world of cinema. It tells the story of two unlikely friends and sends a powerful message of acceptance and diversity, while showcasing Cuba’s amazing culture and the warmth of its people. A transcript of this episode is available at https://bit.ly/3UWB0g8.

ZUnivers Podcasts

ZUnivers Podcasts


Cum a fost experiența America Express pentru Laura Giurcanu și ce a schimbat în viața ei? Care sunt filmele și serialele pe care nu trebuie să le ratezi? Cum gestionezi hate-ul venit din mediul online?

Invitata de astăzi a podcastului Urban Flex este Laura Giurcanu, una dintre concurentele de la emisiunea „America Express”. Este fotomodel, influencer și vlogger. În trecut, a practicat, ani de zile, sport de performanță.

În acest episod, descoperă o nouă dimensiune a statutului de a fi influencer, ce înseamnă acest lucru și cum poți să devii și tu unul.

Very Bad Wizards

Tamler Sommers & David Pizarro

Episode 287: Gods With Anuses (The Denial of Death Pt. 1)

David faces his greatest fear as he and Tamler dive into Ernest Becker’s 1973 Pulitzer Prize winner The Denial of Death. Blending existentialist ideas within a psychoanalytic framework, Becker argues that the ultimate source of human motivation is not the repression of sexual drives (as Freud thought) but our terror of death and the yearning for an immortality we can never possess. This episode focuses on Part One of Becker’s book, and we’ll conclude the discussion in the next episode. Plus are gun owners really dissatisfied with their penis size? We look at the numbers. Hill, T. D., Zeng, L., Burdette, A. M., Dowd-Arrow, B., Bartkowski, J. P., & Ellison, C. G. (2024). Size matters? Penis dissatisfaction and gun ownership in America. American journal of men's health, 18(3), 15579883241255830. The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker [amazon.com affiliate link] The Denial of Death [wikipedia.org] Let us know where we

Vin de-o poveste

Radu Tibulca


Bogdan (Bob) Rădulescu revine la o poveste, alături de mine. Povestim despre cultura pălincii din Ardeal, cât de importantă este puterea cuvântului, cum să te comporți cu oamenii din jur, cum a trăit Bob din SUA, atentatul din septembrie 2001, cum știm că avem îndeajuns, cum treci printr-un accident de mașină, ce planuri de viitor are actorul și multe, multe altele.

Pretty Lonesome with Madeline Argy


the book that changed my life

(Video podcast available on Spotify & YouTube) In this episode of Pretty Lonesome, Madeline hosts a book club for the popular book, Women Who Run with the Wolves. In this book, the author discusses stories of women's safety -- including falling for predators, ignoring red flags, and trying to fix men. Madeline explains how much this book has already changed her life and encourages her listeners to read it too. She also discusses fashion week, aging, yacht girl summer, and her Sabrina Carpenter stan account.

Follow and connect with all things @PrettyLonesome across Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.  
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Pretty Basic with Alisha Marie and Remi Cruz

Dear Media

We got BBLs and Plastic Surgery in Korea

On this week’s Pretty Basic episode, join us as we dive into our adventures in Japan and Korea, where it felt like Vlogmas every day. We chat about the mysterious reason why Remi asked Alisha if she believes in ghosts, laugh about the time Alisha got insulted by kids and why people thought we were a lesbian couple. We also spill on Remi’s dad’s 47-year reunion with his cousin, Alisha’s jokester moments, and we reveal all about the treatments we got in Seoul, including an intense 5-hour BBL procedure that changed everything. Remi shares why she is a dog person and her vow to never cat-sit again after a fiasco involving her in-laws' cat, George Michael. Tune in for a recap of Remi throwing her best friend’s unforgettable Bachelorette party in Arizona, complete with wild stories and memorable moments. We can’t wait for you to listen to the chaos. Sponsors:Download the Kindle app and scroll to the Kindle Vell

Economist Podcasts

The Economist

Degree programme: stopping heat deaths

As heatwaves become more frequent and intense, they exacerbate existing inequalities. The poor, sick and elderly are particularly vulnerable. How should governments respond?  Universities depend on the high fees international students pay. Now Indian scholars are replacing the diminishing flow of Chinese ones (10:00). And full-body deodorant is all the rage: find out if you should be using it (16:15).Listen to what matters most, from global politics and business to science and technology—Subscribe to Economist Podcasts+For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our FAQs page or watch our video explaining how to link your account. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Banii Vorbesc

Banii Vorbesc

Stiinta de a Investi in 2024 cu Valentin Nedelcu S08E02

Valentin Nedelcu – fondatorul grupului și a blogului Știința Banilor, cea mai mari comunitate de educație financiară și investiții de pe Facebook este iar alături de noi. Valentin este un investitor cu experiență vastă pe piața de capital și este unul dintre oamenii care au un cuvânt puternic când vine vorba despre investiții în cele […]
Articolul Stiinta de a Investi in 2024 cu Valentin Nedelcu S08E02 apare prima dată în Laurentiu Mihai.

Istoria Moldovei

Natan Garștea

47. Goții

Cultura Sântana de Mureș - Cerneahov. Goții. Necropola și așezarea de la Budești. Domnia lui Maximinus Tracul. Anul celor șase imperatori. Criza secolului trei. Gordian al treilea. Philip Arabul. Decius. Primul război gotic, Ostragota și Cniva.