Morale della Favola: Fiabe per Grandi e Piccini

Berto il Cantastorie

Morale della Favola è un podcast di storie e favole del passato con una morale moderna. Semplici ma preziosi insegnamenti sia per grandi che piccini. Se ci ascolti su Apple Podcasts puoi supportarci abbonandoti al nostro show. Avrai così accesso a contenuti esclusivi e in anteprima early access. Prossimamente inizierà la seconda stagione. RSSVERIFY

Little Stories for Tiny People: Anytime and bedtime stories for kids

Rhea Pechter

Little Stories for Tiny People features original stories the whole family will love. Filled with endearing characters and inventive story lines, LSFTP is sure to spark your child’s imagination and to delight the entire family. Lovingly crafted to appeal to all ages, LSFTP is perfect for car rides, bedtime, or any time! Little Stories Premium offers even more stories, an ad-free listening experience, and access to Little Stories for Sleep, an exclusive bedtime podcast. Visit to learn more.

English Kids Story with Katrina

Katrina Hao

✨Simple stories for children and English learners. Fairytales 🧚 folktales 🧙‍♀️ and original stories by Katrina Hao from U.S.A. Watch on Youtube @mskatrinahao 📚 S16: Emotions S15: Grimm's (video) S14: British Fairy Tales S13: Lucy the Cat: Summer Vacation S12: Winnie the Pooh S11: Farm Animals S10: Lucy the Cat: Food S9: Hans Christian Andersen S8: Mother Goose S7: Lucy the Cat: Countries S6: Happy Holidays! S5: Grimm's Fairy Tales S4: My Father’s Dragon - beginner S3: My Father's Dragon - advanced S2: Scandinavian Stories S1: Aesop’s Fables

Conte-moi l'aventure !

Cherie FM France

Le podcast d'histoires pour les enfants de Chérie FM. Mondes merveilleux et émotions fortes : bienvenue dans l’univers de Conte-moi l’aventure ! Catalogue musical : Extrême Musique. Un podcast écrit par Marion Lemoine, interprété par Léa des Garets Production : Anne-Cécile Kirry

Libri E Storie Per Bambini


Le più belle storie per bambini. Support this podcast:

Favole, Fiabe e Storie per Bambini-Favolandia


Favole e Fiabe in stile classico ma nuove e originali. Storie per Bambini con un pizzico di magia. Animali parlanti, mondi fatati, avventure meravigliose offerte dagli autori del Progetto Favolandia. TI PIACE QUESTO PODCAST? VUOI AIUTARCI A CONTINUARE? Diventa uno dei nostri supporter, bastano 2 caffè al mese. Per noi sarà un grande aiuto e tu avrai accesso a tutti i contenuti esclusivi: - storie esclusive solo per i supporter - tutte le nuove storie disponibili un giorno prima - approfondimenti sul mondo delle favole e delle fiabe Vai qui per donare 2,50 euro La donazione arriverà direttamente a noi di Favolendia, non ci saranno aumenti a sorpresa e potrai decidere di interrompere quando vuoi. Vuoi saperne di più? Vai qui Vuoi imparare a scrivere favole e fiabe? Vai qui Grazie dell'ascolto! :-)

Lingokids: Stories for Kids —Learn life lessons and laugh!


Tune into our award-winning podcast, Lingokids: Stories for Kids. Discover rich storytelling combined with traditional learning and modern skills for kids. For ad-free listening, exclusive content, and early access to new shows and episodes, join Lingokids Plus on Apple Podcasts. With your Lingokids Plus membership, you'll get an unlimited, all-access pass to the Lingokids app and podcasts—only available on Apple Podcasts. Questions? Contact us at Follow @lingokids on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. 💙

Storynory - Audio Stories For Kids


Beautifully read and written audio stories for kids. The original stories podcast, founded in 2005.


Dalla storia della mitologia del mondo

Storie fantastiche che narrano il trascorrere di migliaia e migliaia d’anni, perpetrate in un susseguirsi di eventi fissati in un tempo senza tempo e trasformati nella storia del mondo; narrazioni tra lotte di potere, guerre, amorose vicende, tradimenti, vendette e invidie degli dei.

FILA A NANNA! - Fiabe della Buonanotte


L'appuntamento con FILA A NANNA è ogni giovedì alle ore 21 con una nuova fiaba della buonanotte, letta e interpretata dagli attori della Fondazione TRG di Torino. Un tuffo nella fantasia con un unico requisito: la fiaba va ascoltata con la testa sul cuscino :)

Fiabe, Favole e Racconti dall'Africa

Uno straordinario mondo di storie fantastiche provenienti dall'antica tradizione popolare d'Africa.

Dall'antico continente d'Africa ci giungono fiabe, favole, leggende e racconti che non finiscono mai di stupire. L’immaginario fantastico viaggia tra magiche virtù e lotte per la sopravvivenza in una terra sconfinata, ricca di colori e tradizione.

Das Geheimnis – Musikalische Rätsel und Krimis zum Mitraten

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Rätselkrimis für Kinder: Wer hat die wertvolle Geige gestohlen? Warum ist Bach fast blind geworden? Und was will eigentlich dieser fiese Zwerg Alberich? Hier wird jede Woche ein neuer, spannender Rätselfall aus der Welt der Musik gelöst. Und das Beste ist: Ihr könnt bei allen geheimnisvollen Abenteuern mitraten. Und wenn ihr uns eine Nachricht schreiben wollt, dann könnt ihr das hier tun:


Dalla storia della mitologia del mondo

Storie fantastiche che narrano il trascorrere di migliaia e migliaia d’anni, perpetrate in un susseguirsi di eventi fissati in un tempo senza tempo e trasformati nella storia del mondo; narrazioni tra lotte di potere, guerre, amorose vicende, tradimenti, vendette e invidie degli dei.

Fiabe per bambini - Audio storie

Artisti Fuori Posto

Audio storie per grandi e piccini di ogni età.


Chora Media

Da migliaia di anni, noi esseri umani ci emozioniamo, sogniamo e cerchiamo ispirazione nelle storie e nelle gesta di donne e uomini speciali. Un tempo li chiamavamo dei, oggi li chiamiamo supereroi. Hanno cambiato nome, ma in fondo sono rimasti come un tempo: sono figure dotate di forza sovrumana e poteri speciali, ma scosse da desideri e paure come ognuno di noi.

Il Contastorie: fiabe, favole, filastrocche, storie e racconti

Tiziano Dal Betto

Abbonati e avrai episodi esclusivi: Fiabe, favole, filastrocche, storie e racconti della tradizione e non solo. Consigliato per tutti i bambini da 0 a 99 anni. Ascoltate le fiabe lette e interpretate per voi: sul sito troverete i testi delle fiabe e cenni biografici sugli autori. Condividete il podcast con tutti i vostri amici e mi farete un regalo. Collezionate tutte le audiofiabe!

Figarinos Fahrradladen - Der MDR Tweens Hörspiel-Podcast für Kinder

Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk

Jede Woche neue Abenteuer in und um FIGARINOS Werkstatt: Nachbarin Frau Sparbrod nervt, Kater Long John ist mal wieder frech und immer klingelt das Telefon ... Hört, was diese Woche in FIGARINOS Werkstatt passiert!

Fiabe di Hans Christian Andersen

Hans Christiana Andersen: uno dei più importanti autori di storie fantastiche

Uno dei più importanti autori di storie fantastiche, che riutilizzò in modo originale le fiabe nordiche, adattandole in un contenuto sempre positivo e pieno di speranza.

Alice nel paese delle meraviglie - Libro


Alice nel paese delle meraviglie Audiolibro Dodici puntate per dodici capitoli L'immortale favola di Lewis Carroll del 1865 nella traduzione di Silvio Spaventa Filippi con accompagnamento al pianoforte di Aakash Gandhi. Per chi preferisce seguire audio e video contemporaneamente, sul mio canale Youtube sono a disposizione questi e molti altri videoracconti.

Pohádky a příběhy pro klidný spánek

Nikola Franková

Ahojte, užijte si chvilku klidu a nechte se unést do světa pohádek. A pokud posloucháte před spaním, přeji hezké usínání. V podcastu uslyšíte moje autorské pohádky a pak pohádky jiných autorů, které budu namlouvat. Máte také možnost okomentovat jednotlivé epizody a pokud máte nějaký dotaz, neváhejte a napište mi na instagram:) Doufám, že se vám podcast bude líbit a mějte se krásně. N. Instagram: Pohadky_a_pribehy frankovan e-mail:

Le Storie del Gatto Blu | Fiabe raccontate ai bambini

Silvia Festa

Il Gatto Blu racconta storie... una nuova ogni settimana! Pensate per bambini dai 4 anni in su, disponibili anche in modalità Leggi e Ascolta sul nostro canale YouTube! Visita il nostro Canale Youtube per i video leggi e ascolta! Visita e segui la nostra pagina instagram per rimanere sempre aggiornato!

Racconti per bambini liberi

Follow the Sun Family

Storie differenti, inclusive e rispettose per bambini. Un podcast per stimolare l'intelligenza emotiva dei più piccoli.

Histoires des prophètes (pour enfants)

Madame Karima

Histoires des prophètes pour enfants

Greeking Out from National Geographic Kids

National Geographic Kids

Oh, Muses! Hear our podcast and allow us to recall some of the greatest stories ever told. Stories of gods and goddesses, monsters, and heroes! Enjoy this kid-friendly retelling of classic ancient Greek myths for the whole family. We have two seasons a year, one starting in April and one starting in October! If you want to listen to Greeking Out early and ad free, you can do that on Wondery+! ---- Parents, Greeking Out book #2 is coming out in Sept 2024! Preorder here:

Encore une histoire

Encore une histoire

Encore une histoire est un podcast destiné aux enfants (et à ceux qui le sont encore dans leur tête) qui aiment qu'on leur raconte des histoires. Chaque semaine, vous retrouverez ici une histoire lue, tirée d'un livre de littérature jeunesse ou une création originale. Un podcast produit par Benjamin Muller, interprété par Céline Kallmann et réalisé par Alexandre Ferreira. A écouter avant de se coucher, allongé dans l'herbe, dans la voiture ou dans le train, Encore une histoire veut mettre en avant la formidable création littéraire destinée aux jeunes lecteurs (et aux moins jeunes, donc). Vous retrouverez bien évidemment à chaque fois les références des livres lus, si vous voulez aller plus loin en vous offrant le livre en question. Vive la lecture, vive la littérature jeunesse, vive les histoires Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Parole di Storie

Podcast e AudioLibri per tutti.

Fiabe, favole, mitologia, leggende, racconti e novelle. Letture ad alta voce per tutte le età. Autori classici, moderni e contemporanei. Parole di Storie vive grazie alla tua libera donazione.

Fiabe Classiche e Moderne

Fiabe dalla letteratura classica, moderna e contemporanea.

Fiabe dalla letteratura classica, moderna e contemporanea.

Favole, Fiabe e Storie per Bambini-Favolandia


Favole e Fiabe in stile classico ma nuove e originali. Storie per Bambini con un pizzico di magia. Animali parlanti, mondi fatati, avventure meravigliose offerte dagli autori del Progetto Favolandia. TI PIACE QUESTO PODCAST? VUOI AIUTARCI A CONTINUARE? Diventa uno dei nostri supporter, bastano 2 caffè al mese. Per noi sarà un grande aiuto e tu avrai accesso a tutti i contenuti esclusivi: - storie esclusive solo per i supporter - tutte le nuove storie disponibili un giorno prima - approfondimenti sul mondo delle favole e delle fiabe Vai qui per donare 2,50 euro La donazione arriverà direttamente a noi di Favolendia, non ci saranno aumenti a sorpresa e potrai decidere di interrompere quando vuoi. Vuoi saperne di più? Vai qui Vuoi imparare a scrivere favole e fiabe? Vai qui Grazie dell'ascolto! :-)

Favole per bambini


Favole per bambini che, come Francesco, adorano le storie

Sleep Tight Relax - Calming Bedtime Stories and Meditations

Sleep Tight Media

You’re getting *very* sleeeeepy…… 🥱 Sleep Tight Relax is a weekly bedtime show for anyone who needs a good sleep. Get nice and cozy as we tuck you in for bed with a mix of dream-inducing bedtime stories, relaxation techniques, calming sounds, and soothing music. Designed for kids but suitable for sleepers of all ages, Sleep Tight Relax quiets busy minds by making bedtime blissfully calm—the way nature intended. Please do not operate heavy machinery while consuming this podcast. Recommended for ages 4 and up. PJs and stuffies sold separately 😉

History Storytime - For Kids

Sophie (7) & Ellie (5) tell history for kids

History Storytime for children told by 7 year old Sophie, 5 year old Ellie and their Daddy. Exciting history stories of Knights, Tudors, Romans, World Wars, Revolutions, Explorers, Scientists and Sports. Hear amazing history stories of animals, stirring historical stories of love and betrayal, and of strong women and how they changed history. Real life narrative history as it should be told. Won Silver in the BritPodAwards. Helps support learning history for the National Curriculum with Key Stage 1 (KS1) and Key Stage 2 (KS2) and for all Elementary ages - Grades K-5. Great for supporting parents with homeschooling. Valued by teachers, enjoyed by parents, loved by kids.

AcreSoft Story Classic: 🌷 Kids Educational and Bedtime Stories for Children to Adults, in English

Luella Caudill

Whether you like a good bedtime story to unwind and relax, or a great tale during chores, or your commute to work, these great classic stories from the nineteenth, early twentieth century and before are just the thing. This is a show preserving old fashioned kids stories, of adventure, challenges, or learning, for modern day story lovers of all ages. Follow for great stories for children to adults! 1 John 2:2 Ways You Can Show Your Support: ➡️👛 Affiliate: I Receive Commissions

Le fiabe della buonanotte

Nespolo Giullare

Le Fiabe della Buonanotte sono le fiabe della tradizione, fiabe antiche per capire meglio il presente e per affrontare il futuro. Un prezioso manuale di valori codificati utile tanto all’infante quanto al senziente. Un giardino di insegnamenti dove il migliore è solo quello che ognuno di noi può cogliere. Fiabe da ascoltare e meditare in compagnia di Nespolo Giullare.

Audiofiabe per bambini

Walter Donegà

Fiabe e favole narrate, di autori famosi e non. Fairy tales and stories narrated in italian. Sul mio sito trovate anche i testi e altre informazioni. Le audiofiabe sono messe a disposizione gratuitamente, vi sarò grato per un vostro commento sul guestbook

Buonanotte bambini

Le Favole della Buonanotte di Alce Nero

Le Favole della Buonanotte di Alce Nero (!

Il Gruffalo e altre Storie per Bambini


Libri, fiabe e tante storie simpatiche e divertenti per bambini con BeneBooks4Kids

Stories Podcast: A Bedtime Show for Kids of All Ages

Starglow Media / Wondery

On the Stories Podcast, we perform a new story for your children every week. The stories range from retellings of fairy tales like Snow White to classic stories like Peter Rabbit and even completely original works. Everything is G rated and safe for all ages. The perfect kids podcast for imaginative families. Whether you’re driving with your children or just want to limit your kids’ screen time, Stories Podcast delivers entertainment that kids and parents alike will love.

Story Train: Magical Bedtime Stories for Kids

GoKidGo: Great Stories for Kids

All aboard the Story Train for weekly storytelling escapades designed specifically for children aged four and up! Dive into fantastic, G-rated tales that transport young listeners on magical journeys to far-off places across the globe. From whimsical to heartwarming, each episode is perfect for bedtime snuggles or serene quiet time. Trusted by parents and adored by children, Story Train is an imaginative oasis for families seeking enriching and safe listening. Join us as we journey through our enchanting train tunnel to discover stories from every corner of the world. Perfect for those in search of delightful bedtime tales and peaceful auditory adventures!

Storie della buonanotte


Queste sono le storie della buonanotte che racconto alla mia bambina prima di dormire. Sono storie rilassanti per aiutare i vostri bimbi ad addormentarsi. Buon ascolto e Buona notte Musica: L'alba Stefano Baldan

Children's story told in English


Stories from around the world, told in English, for children to read along with.


Cocotazo Media and TRAX from PRX

The Ventura twins are yanked into another dimension where they meet a distant cousin who gives them an extraordinary mission: travel through time to preserve their culture’s true history. Along the way, they meet people from Africa, Europe, and the Americas who have left their mark on Puerto Rican heritage. In the twenty-first century, Alexa and Beni navigate school, friendship, and family while keeping their time-traveling quests a secret. When a natural disaster devastates islands across the Caribbean, the twins understand what’s at stake for their ancestral homeland. As Puerto Rico faces an uncertain future, the twins do all they can to witness, find, and remember its past. Series Producers Dania Ramos (Creator, showrunner, writer, director) Michael Aquino (Audio engineer, sound designer, composer) Timestorm is produced by Cocotazo Media and is a proud member of TRAX from PRX. Additional support comes from the Google Podcasts creator program. Join our Patreon community and gain access to bonus content! Twitter & Instagram: @TimestormPod Facebook: Equipment sponsor: 3DioSound Series art: Hispanic Legacy Studio Proud members of Kids Listen Patreon: Episode Guides & Transcripts: Submit a Listener Share-out: More About Puerto Rico:

Histoires pour enfants : Petit Lapin


Petit Lapin est une véritable petite série audio. Votre enfant va suivre les aventures de Petit Lapin qui, comme lui, se pose toujours des questions, a des sentiments ou vit de drôles d'aventures. Une série pleine de bonne humeur à écouter avec votre enfant. 🐰 Petit Lapin va vous faire vivre de folles histoires, à l'école, en famille, à Noël, le jour de l'an, ou en visites... Une histoire pour toutes les occasions à découvrir avec Petit Lapin.



陪玩陪到頭昏腦脹? 快讓童話阿姨替你爭取一點休息放空的時間! 各種童書繪本、寓言童話,還有童話阿姨自創的爆笑故事!從說故事、角色扮演到學動物叫聲,童話阿姨全部一口包辦(動物我盡量😂)!最棒的是,每則故事都讓孩子學會一句英文會話。 每週三上午10:30更新 快來跟童話阿姨一起快樂聽故事,輕鬆學英文! Facebook|IG 搜尋:從前從前 各類合作請洽 Powered by Firstory Hosting

Bedtime Stories with Netflix Jr.

Netflix Jr.

Wind down with your favorite Netflix Jr. characters in these bedtime stories designed to help your little ones relax and sleep. Created with Dr. Tina Bryson, childhood development expert and author of “The Whole-Brain Child,” each episode is crafted to help children successfully transition gently to sleep, while also building skills to navigate the world.

Glory Stories

Nasim N Azar

Kids & Bedtime Stories in Persian Voice Director: Mehrdad Raissi VO Artist: Nasim Nejad Azar Instagram : @gloryentertainment @mehrdadraissi @nasimiana Glory Entertainment تقدیم به فارسی زبانان جهان

Favole per tutti - Adulti e Bambini


Vieni, tiracconto una storia ...

Toothbrush Stories

Mrs. Honeybee & Friends

2 minute stories with my favorite friends!! Ready, Set, Brush! 💖💖 - Love, Mrs. Honeybee

Era Uma Vez Um Podcast

Carol Camanho

Era uma vez um Podcast foi feito pra crianças com imaginação fértil. Aqui são contadas histórias infantis de todos os tipos: desde clássicos contos de fadas, à fábulas de todos os lugares do mundo e também histórias originais. Você pode ouvir tanto no carro, quanto antes de dormir, ou até mesmo durante o dia, evitando que seu filho fique por muito tempo em frente a uma tela enquanto você precisa fazer algo importante. Entre para o clube, e ouça histórias exclusivas: E siga para não perder mais nenhuma história!

The Arthur Podcast

GBH & PBS Kids

Arthur Read is back and starting his own podcast! Listen in as he shares his favorite adventures with, DW, Buster and all their friends from around Elwood City. The Arthur Podcast is produced by GBH Kids and Gen-Z Media.

Le favole della buonanotte

Entheos Kids

Una serie di brevi storie adatte alla buonanotte per bimbe e bimbi dai sogni sereni.

Super Great Kids' Stories

Wardour Studios

Supergreat Kids' Stories is a collection of fun tales to make you laugh and cry, told by some of the best storytellers from around the world. Recommended for ages 5 to 105… Buy a colouring book HERE or a T Shirt HERE We are sponsored by Indeed. Go to for £100 sponsored credit.

耳で世界の童話 | 童話朗読 | 子供向け


200万再生!日本一面白い童話ポッドキャスト登場! 白雪姫と一緒に踊りたいですか? 赤ずきんちゃんの歌を聴きたいですか? ここでは、世界各地で最も有名な童話名作を取り上げています!これらの名作から生まれる教訓や喜びが、子供たちの心に深く刻まれ、勇気と希望の炎を灯すことでしょう! さあ、物語が始まりますよ!不思議な童話の世界へ一緒に飛び込みましょう! 毎週月・金配信! #ベビーバス #babybus #おやすみ #朗読 #読み聞かせ #童話 #昔話 #アンデルセン童話 #グリム童話 #イソップ寓話 #教育 #子供向け #ポッドキャスト #オーディオブック 

WAS IST WAS - Der Podcast


Die große Wissenswelt von WAS IST WAS jetzt auch als unterhaltsamen Podcast erleben. Tauche ein in die spannenden Geschichten der beliebten WAS IST WAS Bücher. Für Kinder und Eltern.

Raccontastorie per caso


Libri per bambini letti da amatori. Le storie più belle arricchite da paesaggi sonori.

Live from Mount Olympus

Onassis Foundation

An adventure for tweens and listeners of all ages, Live from Mount Olympus weaves timeless Greek myths with the artistry of foremost contemporary theater-makers and the imaginative power of audio. Hermes, god of storytellers, travelers, and thieves (Tony Award-winner André De Shields) is our host. Season Four: Prometheus: You’d think being able to see the future would be a gift – but Prometheus’s visions are never completely clear, and he quickly learns that not everyone wants to see what lies ahead.  When he glimpses a coming war that will threaten the whole world, Prometheus knows he must forge an unlikely alliance with the young Olympian Zeus.  But their friendship is tested when they find they have very different ideas about how to restore a shattered world. Season Three: Atalanta: A tiny newborn, abandoned in the forest, is adopted by a mama bear who raises her as her own. Under the divine guidance of Artemis and Athena, the bear girl grows up wise and strong, a skilled archer ready for adventure. When she meets the greatest heroes in all Greece - who are none too happy to hunt alongside a girl - Atalanta surprises them all. Season Two: Demeter and Persephone: Persephone is eager to strike out on her own for the first time, but is immediately pulled into the underworld and must find her power in the darkness. Her mother Demeter fights to bring her back to the sunlight, and nothing can grow.  Can the Olympians stop fighting before humanity starves? Season One: Perseus: Young Perseus makes a rash promise to save his mother from the clutches of an evil king, and must strike out on a dangerous quest full of terrifying monsters, powerful gods, and a brave girl who will change our hero’s life forever. Live from Mount Olympus is a production of the Onassis Foundation. This bold and original audio drama is created and produced by Peabody Award-winning showrunner Julie Burstein, co-produced by the Brooklyn-based theater ensemble The TEAM, and directed by Tony Award-winner Rachel Chavkin, Zhailon Levingston, and Keenan Tyler Oliphant. Karen Brooks Hopkins is the executive producer. Live from Mount Olympus is distributed by PRX. Find out more at Since 1975, the Onassis Foundation has been dedicated to culture, community, and education, with projects that can effectively inspire social change and justice across borders. Learn more at

Fiabe dei fratelli Grimm

Piccole e grandi storie fantastiche rielaborate da Jacob Ludwig Grimm e Wilhelm Karl Grimm.

Piccole e grandi storie fantastiche rielaborate da Jacob Ludwig Grimm e Wilhelm Karl Grimm.

Lingokids: Growin' Up! —Discover dream jobs!


Lingokids: Growin' Up is an award-winning podcast for kids that sparks imagination and helps answer one big question we all had once: "What should I be when I grow up?" We're kicking off season two with the Emmy-nominated presenter Emily Calandrelli and her new, young assistant Winston. From athletes to doctors to scientists, meet inspiring grown-ups and learn all about their jobs. Join us today for an interactive audio journey where we combine fun with learning to ignite kids' minds. For ad-free listening, exclusive content, and early access to new shows and episodes, join Lingokids Plus on Apple Podcasts. With your Lingokids Plus membership, you'll get an unlimited, all-access pass to the Lingokids app and podcasts—only available on Apple Podcasts. Questions? Contact us at Follow @lingokids on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. 💙

Don't Break the Rules


In every episode of this comedy-improv show, four voice actors create new characters and stories featuring laughs, burps, and the occasional unicorn. Hosted by Carly Ciarrocchi, Don’t Break the Rules is a Parents' Choice Recommended Award Winner!

Gianni Rodari Cento Anni

Gianni Rodari

Storie fantastiche da e per i cento anni di Gianni Rodari



經典粵語兒歌 我們小時候唱過的粵語兒歌!你還得幾首? 那些年我們唱的童謠還記得嗎 對好多老廣而言,廣府童謠意味住歡樂與懷舊。然而時至今日,孩子們仍朗朗上口?廣府童謠可能就淨係得《月光光》、《落雨大》、《雞公仔》幾首,大部分?廣府童謠近乎絕跡。 豐富經典的快樂兒歌,多姿多彩的兒時旋律,童年時光最好的小伙伴,它是快樂兒歌的小精靈!童謠在幼兒對音樂語言學習方面的影響和作用,現在被家長們尤為重視。為大家精心整理了經典的粵語兒歌,喜歡粵語的父母可以讓孩子聽聽哦。 河马叔叔的群班&一对一粤语课(个人微信号 :hk98521018,咨询学粤语) 你愿不愿意,和我踏上粤语的旅程?


Leggende provenienti dai racconti fantastici e misteriosi dei popoli del mondo.

Un viaggio meraviglioso di narrazione per conoscere e comprendere i misteri di luoghi sconosciuti. Scoprire luoghi, popoli, animali, piante e linguaggi provenienti dal tempo.

C'era una volta - Le Favole di Benedetta Rossi

Benedetta Rossi

“C’era una volta” è una raccolta di favole moderne. Storie che insegnano ad affrontare la paura e la solitudine, a come proteggere la natura e salvaguardarla, a come recuperare le tradizioni e a come prenderci cura degli anziani. Tante storie per imparare a riconoscere un piccolo pezzo della vita che ci circonda.

Favole per bambini "Favoloso Domani"

Compagnia del Domani

Favole per bambini lette da attori della Compagnia del Domani per il format “Favoloso Domani”. Scoprici su

The Holidays


Introducing a family called the Holidays. Yup, you guessed it - they run a party planning store. And they celebrate a different holiday every day. It’s their thing. There’s shoe day, the day of the banana, karaoke day, talk like a pirate day, and more! The Holidays are the coolest family ever when you’re in grade school. Every day is a party! But when you’re about to turn 12, it becomes totally embarrassing. Enter Clementine Holiday. It’s an awkward family to be a part of when you want to be a kid, but you also want to grow up. For ages 7-12

Ohrenbär Podcast

Ohrenbär (rbb)

OHRENBÄR – das sind täglich Hörgeschichten für Kinder zwischen 4 und 8 Jahren. Von Autoren extra für die Reihe geschrieben und von bekannten Schauspielern gelesen. OHRENBÄR in Radio und Podcast. Eine Gemeinschaftssendung von rbb und NDR. Der Kinderklassiker seit 1987.


Racconti per tutti, da autori classici, moderni e contemporanei

Racconti per tutti, da autori classici, moderni e contemporanei

Patricia - Histoire pour dormir pour enfant

Patricia - Histoires pour s'endormir pour Enfants

Téléchargez l'application pour écouter vos histoires version longue de la formule Privilège+ (ici les histoires sont coupées pour vous permettre de découvrir un résumé)  et tous les avantages qu'elle apporte à votre enfant. ( --------------------------------------------------------------   Pour toutes questions, vous pouvez me joindre ici : (  --------------------------------------------------------------   Vous cherchez à endormir vos enfants tout en douceur, ces histoires sont faites pour vous. Les seules histoires où vos enfants font partie de l'histoire et ils adorent ça ! Des histoires de magies, de sortilèges, d'aventures, remplies de couleurs, de sons, d'odeurs et de douceur. Votre enfant voyagera au pays des rêves en compagnie de Soukaina la renarde, Léa la pieuvre, Hootie le hibou et bien d'autres animaux à découvrir sur cette chaine.  Vos nuits seront calmes et apaisées. --------------------------------------------------------------   La formule Privilège+ est plus longue et plus complète pour les parents qui veulent allés plus loin avec leur enfant et profiter de l’ensemble des bienfaits de cette version : --------------------------------------------------------------   Format adapté au coucher : Votre enfant a le temps de se détendre et de s'endormir paisiblement --------------------------------------------------------------   Sommeil apaisé et réparateur : Des messages de relaxations tout au long de l'histoire --------------------------------------------------------------   Enrichit le vocabulaire : Élargit le vocabulaire de votre enfant par des mots choisis avec soin. --------------------------------------------------------------   Stimule l'imaginaire : Encourage la créativité et la réflexion. --------------------------------------------------------------   Transmet des valeurs : Partage des leçons de vie essentielles (partage, entraide, courage, famille, amitié...) --------------------------------------------------------------   Réduit le stress, les angoisses et les peurs de votre enfant --------------------------------------------------------------   Immersion totale : Éveil des 5 sens --------------------------------------------------------------   Relaxation unique : Commence et finit par une séquence de relaxation différente, pour un endormissement doux. --------------------------------------------------------------   Expérience fluide : Profitez d'une écoute sans publicité ni interruption.  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Girl Tales

Starglow Media / Cordelia Studios

Girl Tales is a podcast featuring reimagined fairytales. Damsels in distress? Princesses in need of protection? You won’t find those here. The girls in our stories take control of their own destinies, turning your favorite fairytales into exciting new adventures. With energetic voice actors and professional sound design, these stories burst to life at the touch of a button. Episodes air every Monday. Recommended for ages 5-10.

Whose Amazing Life?


You venture deep into the jungle to solve its greatest mysteries. You gaze at Earth from the surface of the moon. You write music that has the whole world humming along. WHOSE AMAZING LIFE? is the new series from the creators of Little Stories Everywhere and Adventures of Cairo. Walk in the shoes of the world’s most inspiring people, from Amelia Earhart to Lin-Manuel Miranda to Ariana Grande. Experience the challenges and triumphs they faced on their journeys — before everyone on the planet knew their names. Listen closely for clues, because we won’t reveal who the person is until the very end of each episode! Each week brings a new adventure where listeners of all ages can immerse themselves in the life of someone amazing. New episodes come out every Friday for free, with 1-week early access for Wondery+ Kids subscribers.

お馴染みの日本昔話 | ベビーバス | 子供向け


200万再生!日本一面白い昔話ポッドキャスト登場! ここでは、桃太郎やかぐや姫、笠地蔵など、小学校受験でよく問われる物語や、日本の古くから語り継がれる魅力的な伝説、怪談が数多く配信されています! 日本の古き良き文化と智恵に触れながら、昔ばなしの扉を開きましょう! 毎週月・金配信! #ベビーバス #babybus #おやすみ #朗読 #読み聞かせ #教育 #童話 #昔話  #子供向け  #ポッドキャスト

Bobby Wonder: Superhero Adventure Stories for Kids

GoKidGo: Great Stories for Kids

Bobby just found out he's from another planet, he has superpowers, and Mighty Mila is out to get him! At least protecting his hometown of Pflugerville will be a little easier with Grabstack, his hilarious constant companion, at his side. Bobby Wonder, part of the GoKidGo universe of shows for kids, is written and directed by NY Times bestselling children's author Patrick Carman, starring Danny Pudi (Ducktales, Mythic Quest, Community), Kat McNamara (The Stand, Arrow, Shadowhunters), and Ian James Corlett (The Loud House, Vampirina, Dragon Ball Z). For ages six and up.

Favole di Storie Fantastiche dal genio di Leonardo da Vinci

Favole di Leonardo da Vinci, ricche di grande impegno morale. “La vera saggezza nasce dalla conoscenza della Natura e da una vita in armonia con essa” (LdV).

Leonardo fu anche scrittore di favole ricche di grande impegno morale. Esse mettono in guardia dai pericoli dell’ignoranza, dell’invidia, della superbia e della presunzione. Sono storie brevi, dove le vicende della natura e degli animali, reali e mitologiche, aiutano a comprendere meglio la storia degli uomini. “La vera saggezza nasce dalla conoscenza della Natura e da una vita in armonia con essa” (LdV).

BabyBus | 宝宝巴士·国学儿歌 | 唐诗三百首


国学唱出来,好听又好记!和奇奇妙妙一起唱国学儿歌——让宝宝快乐启蒙! 国学唱出来,好听又好记!让宝贝在潜移默化中记住唐诗、宋词、汉乐府、三字经等国学经典,和奇奇妙妙一起唱国学儿歌,领略经典的魅力! * 古诗词儿歌:有唐诗、宋词、汉乐府,从简单到复杂,从五言到七言,童音吟唱三遍+童音诵读一遍,让宝贝爱上古诗词! * 三字经儿歌:奇奇和妙妙把《三字经》唱出来,非常适合低幼小朋友识记。小朋友不用刻意... 宝宝巴士更多好故事推荐: 1.【猴子警长探案记系列】 《猴子警长探案记第1-4季》 >>> 《猴子警长科学探案之诱拐疑云》>>> 《猴子警长探案记-警察学校篇》>>> 2.【安全好习惯系列】 《安全警长啦咘啦哆》 《安全好习惯儿歌》 3.【世界科普-儿童启智系列】 《啦咘啦哆警长:世界宝藏》 《啦咘啦哆警长:中华宝藏》 《奇妙的科普》(十万个为什么) 4.【经典儿歌系列】 《宝宝巴士经典儿歌》 《宝宝巴士中文儿歌》 《宝宝巴士英文儿歌》 5.【聪明活泼小学生闹闹系列】 《别笑!这就是历史》 《闹闹脑筋急转弯》 《闹闹:爆笑闹翻天》 《闹闹猜谜语》 《我的同桌懂得多》 《成语!别闹!》

VeggieTales: Very Veggie Silly Stories

Big Idea Entertainment

The Very Veggie Silly Stories podcast is led by hosts Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber. Each episode features a montage of hilarious, original stories, surprise special guests and classic hit songs like God is Bigger than the Boogeyman. The episodes are chock full of biblical lessons, silliness and fun – all coming together into a compelling story that will keep kids listening to the very end.

Ad Alta Voce - Stories in Italian And English

Ad Alta Voce - Stories In Italian And English

Un podcast bilingue di storie per bambini in italiano ed inglese, particolari, inclusive e stimolanti per giovani menti. A podcast of bilingual stories for children in Italian and English. Different and inclusive stories to tickle the minds of young people. Follow us on Instagram too Our podcast is 100% for fun, for the joy of reading together and discover new stories.

Grimm, Grimmer, Grimmest


In every episode of Grimm, Grimmer, Grimmest, bestselling author Adam Gidwitz retells a classic fairy tale to a group of inquisitive kids, who anticipate plot twists, crack jokes, and share their own perspectives on these very Grimm tales.

Classic English Stories For Kids


From the legendary writers like Beatrix Potter, Grimm Brothers and Watty Piper to name a few, Chimes Radio brings to you children stories of Cindrella, Snowdrops and Seven Dwarfs, Puss in Boots, Alice in Wonderland, Goldilocks and Three Bears, The Tale Of Peter Rabbit, Little Red Riding Hood, Aladdin and Magic Lamp, Goose Girl, Sleeping Beauty and many more. Enjoy these all time Classic English tales in our kids bedtime stories section and let your own imagination shape your vision of the story.   For more kid's podcasts and 24x7 web radio, download the free 'Chimes Radio' apps from Apple and Google App Stores.

Puffin Podcast: Mission Imagination

Puffin Books

Get ready for the new series of Puffin Podcast: Mission Imagination.  Hosted by the hilarious Babatunde Aléshé, alongside two young Puffineers, each episode will feature one of our fantastic Puffin authors including Tamzin Merchant, Lee Newbury, and Sharna Jackson. The podcast invites young listeners into a different magical world every week - from weather-brewing workshops to magical underwater worlds and fun-fairs, listeners will be taken on an immersive journey to celebrate the Power of Imagination. New episode drops every Wednesday. Have your pen, paper and notebook ready to scribble any story ideas of your own along the way.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Favole Per Bambini Da 0 a 99 anni

Rosy Garda

Ho pensato di creare diversi audiolibri con le favole più belle da ascoltare

Circle Round


Created and produced by parents of young children, WBUR's Circle Round adapts carefully-selected folktales from around the world into sound- and music-rich radio plays for kids ages 3-103. Each 15 to 25-minute episode explores important issues like kindness, persistence and generosity. And each episode ends with an activity that inspires a deeper conversation between children and grown-ups.

Geschichten für Kinder

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Hier findet ihr eine große Auswahl an Geschichten und Hörspielen für Kinder. Egal für welche Stimmung, hier werdet ihr fündig! Unsere Sammlung umfasst Geschichten über Abenteuer, Detektive, Tiere, Väter, Mütter und Familien. Es gibt sowohl gruselige als auch lustige Geschichten, Krimis und Science Fiction. Für Kinder zwischen 5 und 10 Jahren.

Kinderhörspiel - Das Detektivbüro Frederick (Der Kinder-Podcast mit Geschichten für Kinder)

Mario & Frederick

Das "Detektivbüro Frederick" hat geöffnet: In diesem Podcast für Kinder wird, in jeder Folge, eine spannende, aber auch lustige Detektivgeschichte gelöst! Hier bekommt ihr Gespenster auf dem Dachboden, singende Monster, fliegende Kuchen, aber vor allem viel mit zu rätseln und zu lachen, wenn Mario und Frederick, die sprechende Schildkröte, die Tür zum Detektivbüro öffnen und ein neuer Auftrag für unsere beiden Detektive hereinspaziert! Frederick freut sich SEHR über deine Spende: Folge uns auf Instagram für noch mehr Quatsch: Unterstütze uns gerne durch deinen Einkauf: Eine Videobotschaft von Frederick kaufen: Die Detektivbüro Frederick-Tasse kaufen: Hier bekommst du T-Shirt und Kapuzenpulli: Anfragen für Kooperationen bitte an: E-Mail: Quiz, Malvorlagen und mehr findest du hier:

Erwischt! Zeitreise ins Verbrechen

Leonine Audio

Willkommen zum Erwischt!-Kinderpodcast! Hier geht es um wahre Verbrechen, aber keine Sorge, es wird nicht blutig. David, Jonas und Emma entdecken aufregende Geschichten von Zugüberfällen, Bankrauben, Kunstdiebstählen und mehr. Sie erklären nicht nur, wie die Verbrechen passiert sind, sondern auch, wie die Polizei sie gelöst hat. Doch das Spannendste: Sie haben ein großes Geheimnis! Mit einem magischen Buch können sie durch die Zeit reisen und die Verbrechen hautnah erleben. Komm mit auf eine spannende Reise durch die Welt der Kriminalität – aber psst, das mit dem Zauberbuch verraten wir nur dir! Jonas, David und Emma findet ihr auch unter:   Gesamtleitung: KB&B Family Marketing Experts und Leonine Kids Buch & Regie: Wolfgang Adenberg Aufnahme, Schnitt, Sounddesign & Mix: Superhearo Audio Musik: Tom Steinbrecher Schlagzeug: Marc Nathaniel   Es sprechen: David: Julian Greis Jonas: Tim Kreuer Emma: Katharina Gast

Snoop and Sniffy: Dog Detective Stories for Kids

GoKidGo: Great Stories for Kids

What happens when Snoop, an experienced dog detective from London, gets sent to small-town Pflugerville to train clueless puppy Sniffy as an undercover agent? Mystery! Adventure! And CHAOS! Seriously -- the town of Pflugerville isn’t dullsville like Snoop expected and he quickly realizes that he can’t handle all the action without Sniffy by his side. Even when they’re able to turn a blind eye to the alien superheroes and villains battling it out for control of Pflugerville, Snoop and Sniffy have their paws full on Bark Street with hilarious busy bodies like Loraine the Neighborhood-Watch duck, Poot the Groundhog and Fred the Squirrel popping ‘round! Do you love to laugh? Do you love animals? Do you have the brightest mind since Sherlock Holmes? Yes?! Then tag along with us for the fun and see if YOU can help Snoop and Sniffy solve some mysteries! For ages 5-12



本節目由【如果兒童劇團】製作,每一季10集,5個故事,全新第七季上線中!每週五更新,訂閱別錯過 ◆ 豬探長推理故事集 ◆ 動物界知名偵探!偵破無數案件,獲頒警界最高榮譽「獅子王銀心十字勳章」的豬探長,出現在podcast了!讓你不論是通勤,還是走路時,都可以跟著豬探長憶起推裡解謎。 一聽就上癮的推理廣播劇,用「聽」的豬探長,明星風采立刻被圈粉,讓我們一起聽下去 小額贊助支持本節目: ———————————————— 各類合作請洽 ———————————————— 【豬探長動畫線上看】 ►WOW豬探長: ►WOW聽故事: 【豬探長也推薦】 ————————————————— 全新型態的線上互動劇場 🔍《蘿蔔蹲餐廳Go!》 . 播出時間▸2024/1/14(日) 17:00 試營運特價▸$300 馬上購票▸ ————————————————— 🐷少年豬探長《小店·小偷·小豬探》 📍 台北親子劇場 1/20(六)10:30 14:30 1/21(日)10:30 14:30 馬上購票▸ ————————————————— 🚓救援小英雄舞台劇《波力開心過好年》 📍 台北兒童新樂園 1/27-28、2/3-4、2/10-14 馬上購票▸ Powered by Firstory Hosting

Pumuckl - Der Hörspiel-Klassiker

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Hurra! Der freche kleine Kobold mit dem roten Haar spielt hier seine Streiche! Die alten Folgen der Original-Hörspiel-Serie "Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl" von Ellis Kaut stammen aus dem Radioarchiv des Bayerischen Rundfunks. Hier hört ihr Hans Clarin als Pumuckl und Alfred Pongratz als Meister Eder. Ein Hörgenuss für alle großen und kleinen Fans des liebenswerten Klabautermanns. (Ab 5 Jahren)

Betthupferl - Gute-Nacht-Geschichten für Kinder

Bayerischer Rundfunk

So geht Gute Nacht! Mit den fantasievollen kurzen Gute-Nacht-Geschichten unter fünf Minuten wird das Runterkommen und Zu-Bett-Gehen kinderleicht. Das beste Abendritual sind Geschichten: Die Heldinnen und Helden aus den Betthupferl-Serien begleiten euch beim Einschlafen. Für Kinder ab 4 Jahren.

Papumba: Podcasts for Kids


Introducing "Papumba: Podcasts for Kids" - the podcast that inspires young minds with exciting adventures! Our stories combine history, classic tales, and modern storytelling for moments that will captivate your kid's imagination. Discover the full experience with our Papumba app (, available on the App Store and Play Store. Packed with games, videos, books and much more, it keeps kids entertained and learning all day. Contact us at with any questions or comments. Thanks for tuning in!

Storyland | Kids Stories and Bedtime Fairy Tales for Children

Seth Williams

Storyland is a podcast with kids' stories for children of all ages. Discover new worlds, adventures, and magic that bring the imagination to life! Everything from original bedtime stories written by the podcast creator to the retelling of classic children’s books and fairy tales, Storyland is a great way to stay entertained and enchanted in a clean environment where anything is possible. Storyland is safe for kids and fun for the whole family!

Gianni Rodari Cento Anni

Gianni Rodari

Storie fantastiche da e per i cento anni di Gianni Rodari

Stories For Children by We Nurture Collective

We Nurture Collective

Welcome to Stories For Children by the We Nurture Podcast. Each week we bring gentle stories to delight your child. Our stories encourage language development and strengthen the imagination. We hope you enjoy the timeless activity of getting lost in a good tale.

YourClassical Storytime

American Public Media

Welcome to YourClassical Storytime from American Public Media, offering classic stories with a classical twist. Each episode features our storytellers recounting childhood favorites along with related classical music.

Storia del mostro dagli occhi rossi

Storylands Factory

Laura Avalle, giornalista e scrittrice, è mamma di una bambina di tre anni. In piena emergenza sanitaria da Covid-19 ha scritto questa favola per la figlia, per spiegarle quello che sta succedendo, memore delle parole di Caterina Bosio, la sua maestra delle elementari: “Ai bambini si può spiegare ogni cosa, l’importante è utilizzare le parole giuste”. "Storia del mostro dagli occhi rossi" è una favola contemporanea, scritta e narrata da Laura Avalle in un momento in cui tutti noi viviamo un periodo di isolamento forzato e necessario. E' stata prodotta -a distanza- da Raflesia Group per Storylands. Questa storia è dedicata a tutti noi, grandi e piccini, con l’augurio di tornare presto a sorridere e ad abbracciarci. Scritto e Narrato da Laura Avalle Produzione Esecutiva: Elena Parretti Una produzione originale di Storylands Factory

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls

Rebel Girls

A fairy tale podcast for kids about real life extraordinary women from all over the world. Based on the bestselling series Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, each episode explores the lives of women from the books, encouraging young listeners to ask questions and explore their interests. 

I racconti di Raoul fiabe per grandi e bambini


Fiabe e racconti per grandi e piccini. Racconti tradotti da libri di fiabe nordiche o centro europa.

Paws & Tales

Paws & Tales - Insight for Living Ministries

Find adventure, fun, and music in Wildwood! Journey into an exciting world where the truths of God's Word are shared by a cast of lovable animal characters and the lessons learned are entertaining and life-changing. On the radio each week or in your podcast player app, Paws & Tales helps children grasp essential life lessons in a fun and memorable way.

A Mary Conta - Hora de Dormir

Mary Ellen Almeida

Histórias para a hora de dormir!

Le favole della buonanotte

Eugenio Ruberto

La Buonanotte di don Bosco


Tutte le sere all’Oratorio di Torino, don Bosco metteva a letto i ragazzi raccontando loro una storiella… così spalancava la porta dei sogni e gli incubi rimanevano lontani. Stasera anche noi faremo correre la nostra fantasia, affidandoci sul finire della giornata a Gesù e alla sua mamma, Maria, perchè ci concedano una notte serena e un riposo tranquillo.

Kid Stories

Phil Bechtel

An exciting collection of original stories crafted for a younger audience.
