Morale della Favola: Fiabe per Grandi e Piccini

Berto il Cantastorie

Morale della Favola è un podcast di storie e favole del passato con una morale moderna. Semplici ma preziosi insegnamenti sia per grandi che piccini. Se ci ascolti su Apple Podcasts puoi supportarci abbonandoti al nostro show. Avrai così accesso a contenuti esclusivi e in anteprima early access. Prossimamente inizierà la seconda stagione. RSSVERIFY

Little Stories for Tiny People: Anytime and bedtime stories for kids

Rhea Pechter

Little Stories for Tiny People features original stories the whole family will love. Filled with endearing characters and inventive story lines, LSFTP is sure to spark your child’s imagination and to delight the entire family. Lovingly crafted to appeal to all ages, LSFTP is perfect for car rides, bedtime, or any time! Little Stories Premium offers even more stories, an ad-free listening experience, and access to Little Stories for Sleep, an exclusive bedtime podcast. Visit to learn more.

Racconti per bambini liberi

Follow the Sun Family

Storie differenti, inclusive e rispettose per bambini. Un podcast per stimolare l'intelligenza emotiva dei più piccoli.


Leggende provenienti dai racconti fantastici e misteriosi dei popoli del mondo.

Un viaggio meraviglioso di narrazione per conoscere e comprendere i misteri di luoghi sconosciuti. Scoprire luoghi, popoli, animali, piante e linguaggi provenienti dal tempo.

Parole Incontrate


Un podcast per bambini e ragazzi

Favole, Fiabe e Storie per Bambini-Favolandia


Favole e Fiabe in stile classico ma nuove e originali. Storie per Bambini con un pizzico di magia. Animali parlanti, mondi fatati, avventure meravigliose offerte dagli autori del Progetto Favolandia. TI PIACE QUESTO PODCAST? VUOI AIUTARCI A CONTINUARE? Diventa uno dei nostri supporter, bastano 2 caffè al mese. Per noi sarà un grande aiuto e tu avrai accesso a tutti i contenuti esclusivi: - storie esclusive solo per i supporter - tutte le nuove storie disponibili un giorno prima - approfondimenti sul mondo delle favole e delle fiabe Vai qui per donare 2,50 euro La donazione arriverà direttamente a noi di Favolendia, non ci saranno aumenti a sorpresa e potrai decidere di interrompere quando vuoi. Vuoi saperne di più? Vai qui Vuoi imparare a scrivere favole e fiabe? Vai qui Grazie dell'ascolto! :-)

Lingokids: Stories for Kids —Learn life lessons and laugh!


Tune into our award-winning podcast, Lingokids: Stories for Kids. Discover rich storytelling combined with traditional learning and modern skills for kids. For ad-free listening, exclusive content, and early access to new shows and episodes, join Lingokids Plus on Apple Podcasts. With your Lingokids Plus membership, you'll get an unlimited, all-access pass to the Lingokids app and podcasts—only available on Apple Podcasts. Questions? Contact us at Follow @lingokids on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. 💙

FILA A NANNA! - Fiabe della Buonanotte


L'appuntamento con FILA A NANNA è ogni giovedì alle ore 21 con una nuova fiaba della buonanotte, letta e interpretata dagli attori della Fondazione TRG di Torino. Un tuffo nella fantasia con un unico requisito: la fiaba va ascoltata con la testa sul cuscino :)

Le Storie del Gatto Blu | Fiabe raccontate ai bambini

Silvia Festa

Il Gatto Blu racconta storie... una nuova ogni settimana! Pensate per bambini dai 4 anni in su, disponibili anche in modalità Leggi e Ascolta sul nostro canale YouTube! Visita il nostro Canale Youtube per i video leggi e ascolta! Visita e segui la nostra pagina instagram per rimanere sempre aggiornato!

Il Contastorie: fiabe, favole, filastrocche, storie e racconti

Tiziano Dal Betto

Abbonati e avrai episodi esclusivi: Fiabe, favole, filastrocche, storie e racconti della tradizione e non solo. Consigliato per tutti i bambini da 0 a 99 anni. Ascoltate le fiabe lette e interpretate per voi: sul sito troverete i testi delle fiabe e cenni biografici sugli autori. Condividete il podcast con tutti i vostri amici e mi farete un regalo. Collezionate tutte le audiofiabe!

C'era una volta - Le Favole di Benedetta Rossi

Benedetta Rossi

“C’era una volta” è una raccolta di favole moderne. Storie che insegnano ad affrontare la paura e la solitudine, a come proteggere la natura e salvaguardarla, a come recuperare le tradizioni e a come prenderci cura degli anziani. Tante storie per imparare a riconoscere un piccolo pezzo della vita che ci circonda.

Favole, Fiabe e Storie per Bambini-Favolandia


Favole e Fiabe in stile classico ma nuove e originali. Storie per Bambini con un pizzico di magia. Animali parlanti, mondi fatati, avventure meravigliose offerte dagli autori del Progetto Favolandia. TI PIACE QUESTO PODCAST? VUOI AIUTARCI A CONTINUARE? Diventa uno dei nostri supporter, bastano 2 caffè al mese. Per noi sarà un grande aiuto e tu avrai accesso a tutti i contenuti esclusivi: - storie esclusive solo per i supporter - tutte le nuove storie disponibili un giorno prima - approfondimenti sul mondo delle favole e delle fiabe Vai qui per donare 2,50 euro La donazione arriverà direttamente a noi di Favolendia, non ci saranno aumenti a sorpresa e potrai decidere di interrompere quando vuoi. Vuoi saperne di più? Vai qui Vuoi imparare a scrivere favole e fiabe? Vai qui Grazie dell'ascolto! :-)

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls

Rebel Girls

A fairy tale podcast for kids about real life extraordinary women from all over the world. Based on the bestselling series Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, each episode explores the lives of women from the books, encouraging young listeners to ask questions and explore their interests. 

Fiabe per bambini - Audio storie

Artisti Fuori Posto

Audio storie per grandi e piccini di ogni età.

お馴染みの日本昔話 | ベビーバス | 子供向け


200万再生!日本一面白い昔話ポッドキャスト登場! ここでは、桃太郎やかぐや姫、笠地蔵など、小学校受験でよく問われる物語や、日本の古くから語り継がれる魅力的な伝説、怪談が数多く配信されています! 日本の古き良き文化と智恵に触れながら、昔ばなしの扉を開きましょう! 毎週月・金配信! #ベビーバス #babybus #おやすみ #朗読 #読み聞かせ #教育 #童話 #昔話  #子供向け  #ポッドキャスト

Audiofiabe per bambini

Walter Donegà

Fiabe e favole narrate, di autori famosi e non. Fairy tales and stories narrated in italian. Sul mio sito trovate anche i testi e altre informazioni. Le audiofiabe sono messe a disposizione gratuitamente, vi sarò grato per un vostro commento sul guestbook

寝かしつけオーディオブック | ベビーバス


200万再生!日本一面白い子供向け物語ポッドキャストへようこそ! 昔話や科学のお話、推理物語など、さまざまなテーマの物語を週六回配信中!お子様が眠りに入る前に最適! 家族みんなで笑いあり、感動ありの物語を楽しみましょう!心躍る冒険と友情、そして夢と魔法があなたを待っていますよ! #ベビーバス #babybus #おやすみ #朗読 #読み聞かせ #探偵 #推理 #教育 #童話 #昔話 #アンデルセン童話 #グリム童話 #イソップ寓話 #子供向け #科学 #動物 #サイエンス #宇宙 #恐竜 #ポッドキャスト #オーディオブック

耳で世界の童話 | 童話朗読 | 子供向け


200万再生!日本一面白い童話ポッドキャスト登場! 白雪姫と一緒に踊りたいですか? 赤ずきんちゃんの歌を聴きたいですか? ここでは、世界各地で最も有名な童話名作を取り上げています!これらの名作から生まれる教訓や喜びが、子供たちの心に深く刻まれ、勇気と希望の炎を灯すことでしょう! さあ、物語が始まりますよ!不思議な童話の世界へ一緒に飛び込みましょう! 毎週月・金配信! #ベビーバス #babybus #おやすみ #朗読 #読み聞かせ #童話 #昔話 #アンデルセン童話 #グリム童話 #イソップ寓話 #教育 #子供向け #ポッドキャスト #オーディオブック 

Figarinos Fahrradladen - Der MDR Tweens Hörspiel-Podcast für Kinder

Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk

Jede Woche neue Abenteuer in und um FIGARINOS Werkstatt: Nachbarin Frau Sparbrod nervt, Kater Long John ist mal wieder frech und immer klingelt das Telefon ... Hört, was diese Woche in FIGARINOS Werkstatt passiert!

MYTHOLOGIE - Mes histoires

Studio Kodomo

Bonjour, je suis l’Oracle et je vais te raconter des histoires fabuleuses. Elles se déroulent en Grèce, il y a très longtemps. A cette époque, les dieux, les monstres et les héros vivent parmi les hommes. Ils s'appellent Zeus, Hercule, Ulysse, le Minotaure et il y en a encore bien d’autres ! Tu découvriras leurs aventures dans notre émission consacrée aux légendes de la Grèce ancienne dans ce podcast, “Mythologies - Mes histoires” Texte : François Vermorel Interprétation : Philippe Colin & Françoise Cadol Embarquez avec nous sur les réseaux sociaux pour ne rien rater ! 🟪Instagram : 🟦Facebook :

Il Gruffalo e altre Storie per Bambini


Libri, fiabe e tante storie simpatiche e divertenti per bambini con BeneBooks4Kids

Buonanotte bambini

Le Favole della Buonanotte di Alce Nero

Le Favole della Buonanotte di Alce Nero (!

Lamplighter Kids Stories

Lamplighter Kids Stories

Join Rebecca and Momo McSquirrel as they bring traditional virtues to modern kids through fun and engaging stories! Young hearts and minds are formed by the stories they are told which is why each original episode will highlight a traditional virtue such as courage, grace, and beauty along with fun, original songs! Simple discussion questions are asked at the end of each episode to help kids think through the virtues presented in the story. If you're interested in subscribing to Letters from Momo, please visit: *We're not associated with Lamplighter Ministries

Bedtime Stories with Netflix Jr.

Netflix Jr.

Wind down with your favorite Netflix Jr. characters in these bedtime stories designed to help your little ones relax and sleep. Created with Dr. Tina Bryson, childhood development expert and author of “The Whole-Brain Child,” each episode is crafted to help children successfully transition gently to sleep, while also building skills to navigate the world.

The Holidays


Introducing a family called the Holidays. Yup, you guessed it - they run a party planning store. And they celebrate a different holiday every day. It’s their thing. There’s shoe day, the day of the banana, karaoke day, talk like a pirate day, and more! The Holidays are the coolest family ever when you’re in grade school. Every day is a party! But when you’re about to turn 12, it becomes totally embarrassing. Enter Clementine Holiday. It’s an awkward family to be a part of when you want to be a kid, but you also want to grow up. For ages 7-12

Fiabe, Favole e Racconti dall'Africa

Uno straordinario mondo di storie fantastiche provenienti dall'antica tradizione popolare d'Africa.

Dall'antico continente d'Africa ci giungono fiabe, favole, leggende e racconti che non finiscono mai di stupire. L’immaginario fantastico viaggia tra magiche virtù e lotte per la sopravvivenza in una terra sconfinata, ricca di colori e tradizione.

Das Geheimnis – Musikalische Rätsel und Krimis zum Mitraten

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Rätselkrimis für Kinder: Wer hat die wertvolle Geige gestohlen? Warum ist Bach fast blind geworden? Und was will eigentlich dieser fiese Zwerg Alberich? Hier wird jede Woche ein neuer, spannender Rätselfall aus der Welt der Musik gelöst. Und das Beste ist: Ihr könnt bei allen geheimnisvollen Abenteuern mitraten. Und wenn ihr uns eine Nachricht schreiben wollt, dann könnt ihr das hier tun:

Fiabe dei fratelli Grimm

Piccole e grandi storie fantastiche rielaborate da Jacob Ludwig Grimm e Wilhelm Karl Grimm.

Piccole e grandi storie fantastiche rielaborate da Jacob Ludwig Grimm e Wilhelm Karl Grimm.

Greeking Out from National Geographic Kids

National Geographic Kids

Oh, Muses! Hear our podcast and allow us to recall some of the greatest stories ever told. Stories of gods and goddesses, monsters, and heroes! Enjoy this kid-friendly retelling of classic ancient Greek myths for the whole family. We have two seasons a year, one starting in April and one starting in October! If you want to listen to Greeking Out early and ad free, you can do that on Wondery+! ---- Parents, Greeking Out book #2 is coming out in Sept 2024! Preorder here:

Libri E Storie Per Bambini


Le più belle storie per bambini. Support this podcast:

Fiabe Classiche e Moderne

Fiabe dalla letteratura classica, moderna e contemporanea.

Fiabe dalla letteratura classica, moderna e contemporanea.

Parole di Storie

Podcast e AudioLibri per tutti.

Fiabe, favole, mitologia, leggende, racconti e novelle. Letture ad alta voce per tutte le età. Autori classici, moderni e contemporanei. Parole di Storie vive grazie alla tua libera donazione.

Conte-moi l'aventure !

Cherie FM France

Le podcast d'histoires pour les enfants de Chérie FM. Mondes merveilleux et émotions fortes : bienvenue dans l’univers de Conte-moi l’aventure ! Catalogue musical : Extrême Musique. Un podcast écrit par Marion Lemoine, interprété par Léa des Garets - et à la rédaction en chef : Maud Ventura.

Dragonfly Tales

Emily Hanna-Grazebrook Dragonfly Tales

A story podcast for children of all ages. Join professional storyteller Emily, and her son Leo, for stories from all around the world. Tell us your own tales and share your art. Let your imagination run wild!


Dalla storia della mitologia del mondo

Storie fantastiche che narrano il trascorrere di migliaia e migliaia d’anni, perpetrate in un susseguirsi di eventi fissati in un tempo senza tempo e trasformati nella storia del mondo; narrazioni tra lotte di potere, guerre, amorose vicende, tradimenti, vendette e invidie degli dei.

Kinderhörspiel - Das Detektivbüro Frederick (Der Kinder-Podcast mit Geschichten für Kinder)

Mario & Frederick

Das "Detektivbüro Frederick" hat geöffnet: In diesem Podcast für Kinder wird, in jeder Folge, eine spannende, aber auch lustige Detektivgeschichte gelöst! Hier bekommt ihr Gespenster auf dem Dachboden, singende Monster, fliegende Kuchen, aber vor allem viel mit zu rätseln und zu lachen, wenn Mario und Frederick, die sprechende Schildkröte, die Tür zum Detektivbüro öffnen und ein neuer Auftrag für unsere beiden Detektive hereinspaziert! Frederick freut sich SEHR über deine Spende: Folge uns auf Instagram für noch mehr Quatsch: Unterstütze uns gerne durch deinen Einkauf: Eine Videobotschaft von Frederick kaufen: Die Detektivbüro Frederick-Tasse kaufen: Hier bekommst du T-Shirt und Kapuzenpulli: Anfragen für Kooperationen bitte an: E-Mail: Quiz, Malvorlagen und mehr findest du hier:

Favole di Storie Fantastiche dal genio di Leonardo da Vinci

Favole di Leonardo da Vinci, ricche di grande impegno morale. “La vera saggezza nasce dalla conoscenza della Natura e da una vita in armonia con essa” (LdV).

Leonardo fu anche scrittore di favole ricche di grande impegno morale. Esse mettono in guardia dai pericoli dell’ignoranza, dell’invidia, della superbia e della presunzione. Sono storie brevi, dove le vicende della natura e degli animali, reali e mitologiche, aiutano a comprendere meglio la storia degli uomini. “La vera saggezza nasce dalla conoscenza della Natura e da una vita in armonia con essa” (LdV).

Histoires faciles

La P'tite école du FLE

Histoires Faciles pour les enfants qui apprennent le français.  Easy stories for children learning french. Intermediate level and slow speaking pace to improve oral comprehension while enjoying a story. Transcripts and learning activities are often availbale, just follow the link in the episode description ! Adélaïde de la P'tite école du FLE.  (  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.


Chora Media

Da migliaia di anni, noi esseri umani ci emozioniamo, sogniamo e cerchiamo ispirazione nelle storie e nelle gesta di donne e uomini speciali. Un tempo li chiamavamo dei, oggi li chiamiamo supereroi. Hanno cambiato nome, ma in fondo sono rimasti come un tempo: sono figure dotate di forza sovrumana e poteri speciali, ma scosse da desideri e paure come ognuno di noi.

Super Great Kids' Stories

Wardour Studios

Supergreat Kids' Stories is a collection of fun tales to make you laugh and cry, told by some of the best storytellers from around the world. Recommended for ages 5 to 105… Buy a colouring book HERE or a T Shirt HERE We are sponsored by Indeed. Go to for £100 sponsored credit.

Masalcı Abla - Türkçe Masallar

Masalcı Abla

Çocuklara Ablalarından Masallar...

Nonno, raccontami una favola

Radio Civita InBlu

In ogni puntata la testimonianza di un nonno o una nonna, la vita e gli insegnamenti, una favola scelta, dedicata e letta in radio e in podcast per gli ascoltatori, piccoli e grandi. - * - * - * - 💲 Donazioni: 📻 Radio: 🎙️ Spreaker: 🎵 Spotify: 📸 Instagram: 👥 Facebook: 🐦 Twitter: 📷 YouTube:

Stories Podcast: A Bedtime Show for Kids of All Ages

Starglow Media / Wondery

On the Stories Podcast, we perform a new story for your children every week. The stories range from retellings of fairy tales like Snow White to classic stories like Peter Rabbit and even completely original works. Everything is G rated and safe for all ages. The perfect kids podcast for imaginative families. Whether you’re driving with your children or just want to limit your kids’ screen time, Stories Podcast delivers entertainment that kids and parents alike will love.

Circle Round


Created and produced by parents of young children, WBUR's Circle Round adapts carefully-selected folktales from around the world into sound- and music-rich radio plays for kids ages 3-103. Each 15 to 25-minute episode explores important issues like kindness, persistence and generosity. And each episode ends with an activity that inspires a deeper conversation between children and grown-ups.

Favole per bambini "Favoloso Domani"

Compagnia del Domani

Favole per bambini lette da attori della Compagnia del Domani per il format “Favoloso Domani”. Scoprici su

Le fiabe della buonanotte

Nespolo Giullare

Le Fiabe della Buonanotte sono le fiabe della tradizione, fiabe antiche per capire meglio il presente e per affrontare il futuro. Un prezioso manuale di valori codificati utile tanto all’infante quanto al senziente. Un giardino di insegnamenti dove il migliore è solo quello che ognuno di noi può cogliere. Fiabe da ascoltare e meditare in compagnia di Nespolo Giullare.

Encore une histoire

Encore une histoire

Encore une histoire est un podcast destiné aux enfants (et à ceux qui le sont encore dans leur tête) qui aiment qu'on leur raconte des histoires. Chaque semaine, vous retrouverez ici une histoire lue, tirée d'un livre de littérature jeunesse ou une création originale. Un podcast produit par Benjamin Muller, interprété par Céline Kallmann et réalisé par Alexandre Ferreira. A écouter avant de se coucher, allongé dans l'herbe, dans la voiture ou dans le train, Encore une histoire veut mettre en avant la formidable création littéraire destinée aux jeunes lecteurs (et aux moins jeunes, donc). Vous retrouverez bien évidemment à chaque fois les références des livres lus, si vous voulez aller plus loin en vous offrant le livre en question. Vive la lecture, vive la littérature jeunesse, vive les histoires Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Favole per bambini


Favole per bambini che, come Francesco, adorano le storie

Des histoires en musique d'Elodie Fondacci

Radio Classique

Découvrez les merveilleuses histoires racontées par Elodie Fondacci sur les plus belles musiques classiques.  Pour enchanter les enfants et ceux qui le sont restés… Pour ne rater aucun épisode d'Histoires en musique, n'hésitez pas à vous abonner. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Storyland | Kids Stories and Bedtime Fairy Tales for Children

Seth Williams

Storyland is a podcast with kids' stories for children of all ages. Discover new worlds, adventures, and magic that bring the imagination to life! Everything from original bedtime stories written by the podcast creator to the retelling of classic children’s books and fairy tales, Storyland is a great way to stay entertained and enchanted in a clean environment where anything is possible. Storyland is safe for kids and fun for the whole family!

Storie senza paura

Elisa Giordano

Storie senza paura. Che di paura non abbiamo bisogno, ma di favole, fiabe, racconti e poesie sì. Le storie preferite da Zeno&Nina lette dalla loro mamma, con l’introduzione musicale di Lucio Disarò.

Stoopkid Stories

Melly Victor

Stoopkid Stories is a compilation of fun and exciting stories written by Melissa Victor. We follow 7 characters every episode as they face a new adventure and will have to overcome different obstacles dealing with their friends, family, school, and community. These stories are perfect for children ages 5 and up. I hope that you will enjoy these stories and that they will be a great way for you to start conversations with the children in your life. To connect and join the #StoopkidCrew follow along on IG ,Twitter and Facebook @stoopkidstories.  Welcome to the Stoopkid Crew⭐️

Kids Short Stories: a Bedtime Show By Mr Jim

iHeartPodcasts and Mr. Jim

Welcome to Kids Short Stories, the unique podcast where your child's imagination becomes the star of the show! Dive into a world of adventure, mystery, and fun as Mr. Jim brings to life exhilarating tales inspired by story ideas submitted by kids from around the globe. Whether your child dreams up a story about space-traveling aliens, underwater adventures, or magical forests, Kids Short Stories transforms their creative sparks into captivating audio experiences. Each episode of Kids Short Stories is a new journey, tailor-made for young listeners who love to explore, learn, and imagine. With a special emphasis on kids' stories, this podcast is not just entertainment—it's a platform where children's voices and ideas lead the narrative. Listen as kids' stories about heroes, mythical creatures, and everyday challenges come to life, fostering a love for storytelling and enhancing listening skills. Kids Short Stories is more than just a podcast; it's a community where children are encouraged to be creative and where their stories are valued and celebrated. By focusing on kids' stories, we aim to inspire a generation of young thinkers, dreamers, and storytellers. Join Mr. Jim every week for a new, exciting kids' story that ignites imagination and brings joy and laughter into your child's world. Parents and educators love Kids Short Stories for its commitment to delivering engaging, thoughtful, and age-appropriate content. Each kids' story is crafted with care, ensuring that it's not only entertaining but also educational. If you're looking for a podcast that enriches your child's day with fantastic kids' stories and a healthy dose of imagination, you've found the perfect listen with Kids Short Stories. Don't let your child's imaginative ideas stay untold! Tune in to Kids Short Stories and embark on a storytelling adventure where kids' stories come to life. Subscribe now and be part of a podcast that celebrates the power of children's creativity through kids stories.

Imagina Só - Histórias para Crianças

Superplayer & Co

Histórias infantis em áudio para estimular a criatividade e imaginação dos pequenos.Quer ouvir mais histórias? Conheça o aplicativo do Imagina Só, que está disponível na Apple App Store e na Google Play Store.  Peça para algum adulto que esteja com você acompanhar a gente lá no Instagram em @imaginaso.oficial! 

Lis-moi une histoire


Albin Michel Jeunesse, en partenariat avec RTL, ouvre sa grande bibliothèque. Pour cette saison 2 de "Lis-moi une histoire", les bibliothèques et les médiathèques se mobilisent. Au programme : de l'aventure bien sûr, du suspense, mais aussi de l'amour. Ce podcast est présenté et réalisé par Laurent Marsick | Direction : Charlotte Pascal | Production : Mildray Goinard l Rédaction en chef : Sylvain Zimmermann

La grande histoire de Pomme d'Api

La grande histoire de Pomme d'Api

Les plus belles histoires pour enfants du magazine Pomme d'Api Chaque mois, les enfants vont écouter la grande histoire qui est publiée dans le magazine Pomme d'Api.  Surprise, audace, humour, tendresse et gaieté, ces histoires sont écrites par des auteurs et lues par des vrais parents, comme vous ! Pomme d'Api s'adresse aux enfants de 3 à 6 ans et à leurs familles, aux petits de la petite à la grande section de maternelle et à tous ceux qui vivent et travaillent avec eux. En savoir plus : Crédits : Ce podcast est préparé et animé par Bayard Jeunesse.   Les histoires mises en son ont été écrites pour le magazine Pomme d'Api. Réalisation, création musicale/sonore et mixage : Emmanuel Viau.  Production :  Hélène Devannes. Un podcast de Bayard Jeunesse 2019 - Droits réservés  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

We Got You

Sonic Union and TRAX from PRX

We Got You is a podcast that gives a voice to every kid out there who doesn’t have anyone to go to, with advice straight from teens who've been there before. Doesn't feel right to start a big conversation with your friends? Not the right time to take it to your older siblings or parents? We got you. Hosted by Samantha Logan (Netflix's 13 Reasons Why; Netflix’s All American, Freeform's The Fosters), We Got You is a weekly advice podcast where teens answer the biggest questions from middle schoolers across the country on life, loneliness and an uncertain future. Don’t sleep on the ultimate coming of age companion for navigating the chaos of the 21st Century. Listen, subscribe and survive today. We Got You is a production of Sonic Union for TRAX with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Find out more at

بودكاست قبل النوم

Abdelrahman Alhato

هذا البودكاست لكم ولأطفالكم. ليرافقهم قبيل وقت النوم بقصة تسمّى بالعادة (قصة ما قبل النّوم) يأتيكم مساء كل خميس وأكثر

Alice nel paese delle meraviglie - Libro


Alice nel paese delle meraviglie Audiolibro Dodici puntate per dodici capitoli L'immortale favola di Lewis Carroll del 1865 nella traduzione di Silvio Spaventa Filippi con accompagnamento al pianoforte di Aakash Gandhi. Per chi preferisce seguire audio e video contemporaneamente, sul mio canale Youtube sono a disposizione questi e molti altri videoracconti.

Favole Per Bambini Da 0 a 99 anni

Rosy Garda

Ho pensato di creare diversi audiolibri con le favole più belle da ascoltare

Ab ins Bett - Die tägliche Gute Nacht Geschichte

Marco König

Willkommen beim Familien-Podcast 'Ab ins Bett - die tägliche Gute Nacht Geschichte'! Hier nehmen wir dich mit auf eine magische Reise ins Land der Träume. Egal, ob du 3 oder 10 Jahre alt bist - unsere liebevoll erzählten Gute Nacht Geschichten sind für dich gemacht. Ich bin Marco König, ein erfahrener Radiomoderator mit einer warmen Stimme und selbst stolzer Vater einer Tochter. Zusammen haben wir diesen Podcast speziell für dich und deine abendliche Entspannung kreiert. Jede Episode erzählt eine neue Geschichte voller Abenteuer, fabelhafter Charaktere und spannender Erlebnisse. Von mutigen Drachen über zauberhafte Feen bis hin zu abenteuerlustigen Weltraumreisen - hier ist für jeden kleinen Träumer etwas dabei. Unsere Geschichten dauern etwa 5 bis 10 Minuten, damit du dich entspannt auf das Einschlafen vorbereiten kannst. 'Ab ins Bett' gehört bereits zum täglichen Abendritual vieler Kinder, und wir freuen uns, dass du dabei bist. Unsere Geschichten sind immer positiv und begleiten dich sanft ins Reich der Träume. Wenn du möchtest, kannst du auch personalisierte Geburtstagsgeschichten oder unsere Ab ins Bett Musik auf bestellen. Die personalisierten Geburtstagsgeschichten sind ein einzigartiges Geschenk für dich oder deine Freunde. Unsere beruhigende Ab ins Bett Musik kannst du auch nach dem Hören des Podcasts als entspannte Hintergrundmusik nutzen. Falls du Fragen hast oder einfach mit mir in Kontakt treten möchtest, schreibe mir gerne per WhatsApp unter 015251796813 oder per E-Mail an Ich freue mich, von dir zu hören und bin offen für deine Ideen und Anregungen. Tauche mit uns ein in fantastische Welten und lasse dich von unseren liebevollen Gute Nacht Geschichten verzaubern. Der Podcast 'Ab ins Bett' ist für dich gemacht und begleitet dich in süße Träume.

Geschichten für Kinder

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Hier findet ihr eine große Auswahl an Geschichten und Hörspielen für Kinder. Egal für welche Stimmung, hier werdet ihr fündig! Unsere Sammlung umfasst Geschichten über Abenteuer, Detektive, Tiere, Väter, Mütter und Familien. Es gibt sowohl gruselige als auch lustige Geschichten, Krimis und Science Fiction. Für Kinder zwischen 5 und 10 Jahren.

MausMix – Deine Musikwünsche

Westdeutscher Rundfunk

Dieser Podcast wird ab dem 01.05.2024 nicht mehr angeboten. Ein Podcast für Musikfans. Du bestimmst, welche Lieblingslieder Maus und Elefant auflegen! Jeden Samstag und Sonntag, 30 Minuten lang. Die kostenlose Nummer für deine Musikwünsche: 0800 5678234.

English Kids Story with Katrina

Katrina Hao

✨Simple stories for children and English learners. Fairytales 🧚 folktales 🧙‍♀️ and original stories by Katrina Hao from U.S.A. Watch on Youtube @mskatrinahao 📚 S16: Emotions S15: Grimm's (video) S14: British Fairy Tales S13: Lucy the Cat: Summer Vacation S12: Winnie the Pooh S11: Farm Animals S10: Lucy the Cat: Food S9: Hans Christian Andersen S8: Mother Goose S7: Lucy the Cat: Countries S6: Happy Holidays! S5: Grimm's Fairy Tales S4: My Father’s Dragon - beginner S3: My Father's Dragon - advanced S2: Scandinavian Stories S1: Aesop’s Fables

Cuentos Infantiles Para Dormir del ABURATON

Cuentos Infantiles Para Dormir del AbuRaton

Cuentos Infantiles Para Dormir son audio cuentos e historias para niños(as), con contenido sano y seguro. Narrados por el famoso ABU-RATON, un abuelito tierno y sabio que enseña y fomenta los valores y principios en la familia. Su vision es llegar a los todos los ninos de habla hispana en el mundo. Si tu mamita o papito deseas un cuento para tu hijo personalizado y quieres reforzar y apoyar alguna situación o emoción en tu hijo(a) , el AbuRaton te ayudará. haz parte del club del AbuRaton en Facebook e instagram Support this podcast:

Kids Animal Stories

iHeartPodcasts and Mr. Jim

Welcome to "Kids Animal Stories," the captivating kids podcast where education meets entertainment through the exploration of the animal kingdom. Hosted by the engaging Mr. Jim, this show takes young listeners on thrilling adventures into the wild, diving deep into the lives of animals from every corner of the globe. Each episode of this kids podcast is a journey, rich with learning opportunities and fun facts that spark curiosity and foster a love for nature. "Kids Animal Stories" is the perfect kids podcast for young animal enthusiasts eager to learn about the natural world. Through immersive storytelling, Mr. Jim brings to life the fascinating behaviors, habitats, and conservation stories of animals, making each episode an educational expedition. With a focus on being a kids podcast, it provides a platform where children can not only listen but also engage with the content, learning about the environment and the importance of caring for our planet. As a leading kids podcast in the realm of educational entertainment, "Kids Animal Stories" combines factual information with engaging narratives, making learning about animals exciting and memorable. Whether your child is interested in the deep sea, the jungle, or their own backyard, this kids podcast delivers stories that captivate and educate, sparking a lifelong interest in wildlife and conservation. Parents and educators value "Kids Animal Stories" as a resourceful kids podcast that complements learning with fun. Each episode is thoughtfully crafted, ensuring that the content is not only informative but also suitable for children of all ages. As a trusted kids podcast, it's an excellent way for children to expand their knowledge and understanding of the world around them, all through the power of storytelling. Subscribe to "Kids Animal Stories" and join Mr. Jim on this exciting kids podcast, where each episode is an adventure waiting to happen. Ignite your child's passion for learning and their love for animals with this engaging kids podcast, where every story is an opportunity to learn something new about our planet's incredible wildlife. "Kids Animal Stories" is more than just a kids podcast—it's a window to the world, opening young minds to the wonders of the animal kingdom, one story at a time.

Children's story told in English


Stories from around the world, told in English, for children to read along with.

Raccontastorie per caso


Libri per bambini letti da amatori. Le storie più belle arricchite da paesaggi sonori.

Sleep Tight Relax - Calming Bedtime Stories and Meditations

Sleep Tight Media

Sleep Tight Relax is a bedtime show for the young and young at heart. Every week we help you and your children prepare to drift calmly off to sleep by listening to our mix of dream inducing bedtime stories, relaxation techniques, calming nature sounds, and soothing music. Created for kids but appropriate for all ages, Sleep Tight Relax makes bedtime quality time, by helping busy minds become calm, focused, and relaxed. (Season 2: age 4+)



本節目由【如果兒童劇團】製作,每一季10集,5個故事,全新第七季上線中!每週五更新,訂閱別錯過 ◆ 豬探長推理故事集 ◆ 動物界知名偵探!偵破無數案件,獲頒警界最高榮譽「獅子王銀心十字勳章」的豬探長,出現在podcast了!讓你不論是通勤,還是走路時,都可以跟著豬探長憶起推裡解謎。 一聽就上癮的推理廣播劇,用「聽」的豬探長,明星風采立刻被圈粉,讓我們一起聽下去 小額贊助支持本節目: ———————————————— 各類合作請洽 ———————————————— 【豬探長動畫線上看】 ►WOW豬探長: ►WOW聽故事: 【豬探長也推薦】 ————————————————— 全新型態的線上互動劇場 🔍《蘿蔔蹲餐廳Go!》 . 播出時間▸2024/1/14(日) 17:00 試營運特價▸$300 馬上購票▸ ————————————————— 🐷少年豬探長《小店·小偷·小豬探》 📍 台北親子劇場 1/20(六)10:30 14:30 1/21(日)10:30 14:30 馬上購票▸ ————————————————— 🚓救援小英雄舞台劇《波力開心過好年》 📍 台北兒童新樂園 1/27-28、2/3-4、2/10-14 馬上購票▸ Powered by Firstory Hosting

Pumuckl - Der Hörspiel-Klassiker

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Hurra! Der freche kleine Kobold mit dem roten Haar spielt hier seine Streiche! Die alten Folgen der Original-Hörspiel-Serie "Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl" von Ellis Kaut stammen aus dem Radioarchiv des Bayerischen Rundfunks. Hier hört ihr Hans Clarin als Pumuckl und Alfred Pongratz als Meister Eder. Ein Hörgenuss für alle großen und kleinen Fans des liebenswerten Klabautermanns. (Ab 5 Jahren)

Le favole della buonanotte

Entheos Kids

Una serie di brevi storie adatte alla buonanotte per bimbe e bimbi dai sogni sereni.

Ohrenbär Podcast

Ohrenbär (rbb)

OHRENBÄR – das sind täglich Hörgeschichten für Kinder zwischen 4 und 8 Jahren. Von Autoren extra für die Reihe geschrieben und von bekannten Schauspielern gelesen. OHRENBÄR in Radio und Podcast. Eine Gemeinschaftssendung von rbb und NDR. Der Kinderklassiker seit 1987.

Maman Lucie lit ! - Des histoires pour petits et grands !


Histoires contées pour petits et grands de la famille

Whose Amazing Life?


You venture deep into the jungle to solve its greatest mysteries. You gaze at Earth from the surface of the moon. You write music that has the whole world humming along. WHOSE AMAZING LIFE? is the new series from the creators of Little Stories Everywhere and Adventures of Cairo. Walk in the shoes of the world’s most inspiring people, from Amelia Earhart to Lin-Manuel Miranda to Ariana Grande. Experience the challenges and triumphs they faced on their journeys — before everyone on the planet knew their names. Listen closely for clues, because we won’t reveal who the person is until the very end of each episode! Each week brings a new adventure where listeners of all ages can immerse themselves in the life of someone amazing. New episodes come out every Friday for free, with 1-week early access for Wondery+ Kids subscribers.

Le favole della buonanotte

Eugenio Ruberto

Ogni sera vi raccontiamo una bella favola, una filastrocca o una storiella per farvi addormentare fra le nuvole.

Cuentos Para Niños

alan Papa

Siempre hay un papá dispuesto a contar un cuento para sus hijos

Fiabe di Luigi Capuana

Fiabe di Luigi Capuana fiorite nel mondo meraviglioso, e a volte crudele, di maghi, fate, re e regine, orchi e incantesimi.

Fiabe di Luigi Capuana fiorite nel mondo meraviglioso, e a volte crudele, di maghi, fate, re e regine, orchi e incantesimi.

Era Uma Vez Um Podcast

Carol Camanho

Era uma vez um Podcast foi feito pra crianças com imaginação fértil. Aqui são contadas histórias infantis de todos os tipos: desde clássicos contos de fadas, à fábulas de todos os lugares do mundo e também histórias originais. Você pode ouvir tanto no carro, quanto antes de dormir, ou até mesmo durante o dia, evitando que seu filho fique por muito tempo em frente a uma tela enquanto você precisa fazer algo importante. Entre para o clube, e ouça histórias exclusivas: E siga para não perder mais nenhuma história!

Cuentos para niños

Ceci Markic

Estudiante de psicología y maestra de apoyo. Los beneficios de leer cuentos desde una edad temprana son incontables. Los cuentos estimulan la fantasía, la sensibilidad, la memoria y la expresión. Cada libro es una aventura que recorrer ✨

Histoires pour enfants : Petit Lapin / histoire du soir / Podcast enfant


Petit Lapin est une véritable petite série audio. Votre enfant va suivre les aventures de Petit Lapin qui, comme lui, se pose toujours des questions, a des sentiments ou vit de drôles d'aventures. Une série pleine de bonne humeur à écouter avec votre enfant. 🐰


Leggende provenienti dai racconti fantastici e misteriosi dei popoli del mondo.

Un viaggio meraviglioso di narrazione per conoscere e comprendere i misteri di luoghi sconosciuti. Scoprire luoghi, popoli, animali, piante e linguaggi provenienti dal tempo.

Storie di Quarantena

Daniele Cerra

Da Marzo 2020 la pandemia di COVID-19 trovava me in Germania e il resto della mia famiglia in Spagna. Ogni giorno inventavo una storiella della buonanotte per Marcello (3 anni) con personaggi scelti da lui, che gli mandavo insieme a un disegnino. A volte gli accostamenti erano bizzarri, e ne sono uscite storielle come Hulk contro una bolla di sapone o l'Uomo Tigre contro le piante carnivore.

Lingokids: Growin' Up! —Discover dream jobs!


Lingokids: Growin' Up is an award-winning podcast for kids that sparks imagination and helps answer one big question we all had once: "What should I be when I grow up?" We're kicking off season two with the Emmy-nominated presenter Emily Calandrelli and her new, young assistant Winston. From athletes to doctors to scientists, meet inspiring grown-ups and learn all about their jobs. Join us today for an interactive audio journey where we combine fun with learning to ignite kids' minds. For ad-free listening, exclusive content, and early access to new shows and episodes, join Lingokids Plus on Apple Podcasts. With your Lingokids Plus membership, you'll get an unlimited, all-access pass to the Lingokids app and podcasts—only available on Apple Podcasts. Questions? Contact us at Follow @lingokids on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. 💙

Cinque Minuti Prima di Dormire

Lorenzo Colonna

Le più belle fiabe della buonanotte

Cuentos Increíbles


¡Convierte a tu pequeñ@ en la estrella de Cuentos Increíbles! Entra a y descubre cómo tener un libro personalizado con su nombre. ¿Alguna vez has soñado con viajar a la Antártida trepado en un dragón, jugar con duendes de extraños nombres, o recibir el regalo de un hada? Cuentos Increíbles es un podcast para niñas y niños de todas las edades, en cada episodio descubrirás una historia nueva donde todo es posible. 



現在下載『媽爹講故事2.0官方版』APP 更多精彩故事 & 小知識每日更新: 【品牌簡介】 媽爹講故事是台灣知名兒童早教品牌,由親子網紅媽爹Mom&Dad為主理人,替孩子打造多樣化的精品故事與有聲內容。我們結合快樂,多元,成長三大核心理念,提供上千個原創與改編IP內容,包含繪本、童話、科普、歷史、寓言等;2-12歲孩子喜歡的故事應有盡有。 聯繫我們 Powered by Firstory Hosting

Kids Stories Podcast - Circle Round & Listen To The Best Short Stories For Kids - Kids Short Stories In a World Filled With W

Kids Stories Podcast - Circle Round & Listen To The Best Short Stories For Kids - Kids Short Stories In a World Filled With Wow - Super Great Kids Bedtime Stories - Turn Their Brains On - A Random Kids Podcast Club

The Kids Stories Podcast Is The Ultimate In Bedtime Sleeping Short Stories For Kids Of All Ages! Don't let your kids watch too much media! Our sleep stories are the perfect wind down to a busy day! If you think all sleep stories are the same, you have something coming to you! This is a story filled with adventures, that will get your kiddos all tucked in and ready to sleep tight! These short storytime fill your kids head with wondery, so much so, that they will abide by their bedtime routines to rush to their great American storytime. They will even bug you to listen to these Amazing children's stories on car rides with wonder and a longing for discovery. A fun story world with geographic wonder that both girls and boys will relate to. Your kids will make history with all the adventures they will embark on Kids Stories Podcast!

Bedtime Time Travels: Stories of Inspirational People from the Past for Kids

Bedtime Time Travels

Step into a world of wonder with ’Bedtime Time Travels: Stories of Inspirational People from the Past for Kids’. Join us as we embark on magical journeys through time to explore the incredible lives of inspirational historical figures. These enchanting tales will captivate young minds and ignite their curiosity about history. Perfect for kids and parents alike, our stories transport you to bygone eras, making bedtime an unforgettable adventure. Subscribe now for a dose of history, imagination, and the sweetest dreams.

Mikado - der Kinder-Podcast

NDR Info

Aktuelle Themen mit Aha-Effekt - zum Lachen, Lernen und Weitersagen. Bei uns kommen Kinder und Experten zu Wort, es gibt Rätsel, Witze, Reportagen, Buch- und Basteltipps, Experimente und Musik.





Nove racconti per bambini e ragazzi scritti da ricercatori, ricercatrici e personale di supporto alla ricerca della Fondazione Bruno Kessler, che si interrogano su cosa significhi avere ragione, sul perché sentiamo il vento sulla pelle e vediamo l’arcobaleno nel cielo, sul messaggio racchiuso nel DNA e su quello diffuso dal profeta Maometto, e molto altro. Tutti gli episodi, raccontati dalle voci di Maura Pettorruso e Stefano Detassis, verranno pubblicati su questa pagina. Un progetto a cura di Annalisa Armani e Matteo Serra. Regia podcast Alessandro Girardi. Iniziativa realizzata con il contributo della Provincia autonoma di Trento nell’ambito del bando «I comunicatori STAR della scienza». L'ebook gratuito è scaricabile al link

Leo lit - histoires pour les petits

Camille Mourot

“Leo lit - histoires pour les tous-petits” ce sont des récits et histoires pour aborder des thèmes importants avec les enfants. Il s’adresse aux enfants de 3 à 6 ans, et à leur entourage (parents, grand-parents, Pour en savoir plus et suivre nos aventures sur instagram: Ce podcast est préparé par Camille Mourot. Réalisation, montage, création visuelle et production : Camille Mourot. Leo la licorne - marque déposée (2022)

Pinkalicious & Peterrific

GBH & PBS Kids

Join Pinkalicious and her little brother Peter as they sing along to their favorite songs from the hit PBS Kids show, Pinkalicious & Peterrific. Each episode you’ll go on a pinkcredible adventure – dancing, singing, and making believe with the pinka-tastic sister and brother podcast hosts, Pinkalicious and Peter. Based on the bestselling picture book Pinkalicious by Victoria Kann and Elizabeth Kann, the Pinkalicious & Peterrific podcast is made by GBH Kids, the producers behind some of your all-time favorite PBS KIDS series: Arthur, Curious George, Molly of Denali, and more! Connect with Pinkalicious and Peterrific on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

ХРУМ или Сказочный Детектив


Sleep Tight Stories - Bedtime Stories for Kids

Sleep Tight Media

Sleep Tight Stories produces for you two calming bedtime stories every week. Stories that promote wonder, creativity and fire young listeners’ imagination while helping them drift off to sleep with ease. They are just the perfect length, are safe for kids of all ages, and feature originals and classics that never grow old. Our stories add a little happily-ever-after to your bedtime routine. Sleep tight! Submit your story ideas at




Disney Frozen: Forces of Nature

Disney Publishing, ABC Audio

Queen Anna has a lot on her plate – there are visitors in her Kingdom, a friend in need, and even the Duke of Weselton’s nephew skulking around – so when the Spirits of Nature start acting up, she knows she has to solve the problem – and fast – before things get more out of control. But when Anna and Elsa travel to the Enchanted Forest, they find mysterious copper machines that are disrupting the natural order of things. Who made these machines and what are they doing in the forest? And more importantly, how do Anna and Elsa stop them? Disney Frozen: Forces of Nature is a 12 episode audio-first story for kids 6-12. Two new episodes released every week, or listen early and ad free on Wondery+.

Short Stories for Kids: Bedtime ~ Car Time ~ Downtime

Short Stories for Kids

Hey Everyone! Welcome to Short stories for Kids! I’m Lucy and me and my team of writers, Simon and Alex will turn your ideas in to a magical story! We upload a new story every Tuesday and Friday! So to be in with a chance of being in one of them, write your story ideas in an Apple Review. To become a Premium member and get Ad free listening plus bonus stories! Sign up at See you soon Gang :)

Spyology Squad | Kids Podcast

iHeartPodcasts and Mr. Jim

Welcome to "Spyology Squad," the thrilling kids podcast where science meets espionage in a world of "spyience-fiction"! Join the intrepid trio—Jayden, Ava, and Mr. Jim—as they embark on gripping missions to thwart Dr. Stinkybreath and his devious Purple Ninjas. Each episode of this dynamic kids podcast is a blend of exhilarating adventure and intriguing science, perfect for young minds eager to learn and explore. Dive into the heart-pounding world of "Spyology Squad," a kids podcast that's more than just entertainment. It's a journey into the realm of science, where each episode is a new mission, combining the excitement of spy adventures with the wonders of the scientific world. This kids podcast is designed to captivate listeners aged 6-12, providing them with memorable stories that are both fun and educational. "Spyology Squad" stands out as a unique kids podcast, offering episodes thrice a week that are tailored to complement what children are learning in school. With its engaging narrative and educational content, this kids podcast is the perfect supplement to your child's learning journey, making science both accessible and enjoyable. Listeners will be on the edge of their seats, following the adventures of Jayden, Ava, and Mr. Jim in this kids podcast, where each episode is a new opportunity to learn about science, develop critical thinking skills, and be part of the team that saves the world! It's not just a kids podcast—it's an adventure into learning that your child will look forward to every week. Subscribe to "Spyology Squad," the kids podcast where science and adventure collide, and be part of a community that values curiosity, learning, and fun. Join the squad and delve into a world where kids podcast episodes are not only memorable and perfect for children aged 6-12 but also a fantastic addition to their educational experiences. Don't miss out on the action, the learning, and the chance to be part of the Spyology Squad, where every week is a new adventure in the world of "spyience-fiction"!
