O Jesus, Thou Art Standing


A painting and a poem sparked a hymn.  William How studied Holman Hunt's painting The Light of the World, and later read from Jean Ingelow's poem Brothers and a Sermon.  These so moved him that he was able to pen O Jesus, Thou Art Standing.  We often use Revelation 3:20 as an evangelistic or witnessing tool when speaking to someone about committing their life to Christ.  That verse is contained in the admonition to the church at Laodicea concerning their lukewarm commitment to Jesus.  While being an excellent evangelistic verse, do we see the context of Jesus standing at the door of our church, looking for us to let Him into our church?  Let us be praying for revival in our churches, moving to advance the kingdom, and be fully committed to Christ.  In that vein, I encourage you to do a search for Hunt's painting and study it in light of this hymn.
Article taken from Living Stories of Famous Hymns by Ernest K. Emurian. Copyright © 1955 by Baker Book House Company. Used by permission of Baker Book House Company.

O Jesus, Thou Art Standing

O Jesus, Thou Art Standing
