Passaporte Orlando

Passaporte Orlando

Apresentado por Felipe Trindade e Juliane Serra, com dicas e notícias sobre o lugar mais divertido da terra: Orlando, Flórida

Podcast Rumo a Orlando

Rumo a Orlando

Um podcast divertido, cheio de histórias, bom humor, dicas, notícias e variedades sobre o lugar mais mágico da Terra, feito por quem ama a cidade de Orlando e todas as suas atrações. Idealizado por Felipe e Rebeca, criadores da empresa Rumo a Orlando.

Histórias de Orlando Podcast

Histórias de Orlando

Podcast com histórias engraçadas, perrengues e momentos mágicos de nossos convidados em uma viagem para Orlando FL. Aqui você fica por dentro de tudo que aconteceu na viagem do convidado com uma pitada de humor! Conheça o Histórias de Orlando.

Mountain & Prairie with Ed Roberson

Ed Roberson

Conversations with innovators of the American West. Guests include athletes, artists, adventurers, writers, ranchers, conservationists, entrepreneurs, thought leaders—anyone who’s doing inspired work that contributes to the region’s evolving and complex cultural fabric. Through informal yet substantive interviews, conservationist Ed Roberson introduces you to these fascinating characters, giving you a better understanding of their careers, influences, and outlooks, as well as a deeper appreciation for life in the American West.

The Atlas Obscura Podcast

Stitcher Studios & Atlas Obscura

An audio guide to the world’s strange, incredible, and wondrous places. Co-founder Dylan Thuras and a neighborhood of Atlas Obscura reporters explore a new wonder every day, Monday through Thursday. In under 15 minutes, they’ll take you to an incredible place, and along the way, you’ll meet some fascinating people and hear their stories. Our theme and end credit music is composed by Sam Tyndall.

豬豬隊友 Scott and Wendy

豬豬隊友 Scott & Wendy

2019 年,我們離開各自的工作, 踏上為期一年的環遊世界旅行。 比起出國玩,旅行更像是一種生活方式。 我們不想只是定點打卡,我們想當說故事的人, 或許是一個國家的故事、一段歷史的故事、一個朋友的故事,或者是我們在旅途中大大小小快樂難過的故事。 所以我們拍照、錄影、寫字、說話, 用盡全力把我們看到的世界分享給你。 🔔 加入我們,一起探險! 環遊世界|YouTube| 旅行日記|Facebook| 即時動態|Instagram| 自助攻略|WordPress| 💌 寄信給我們: 238990 樹林大同郵局第 38 號信箱 和我們分享你的旅行、你的生活、你的任何大事小事 💼 合作邀約 ❤️ 贊助我們,做更多好影片: 📍 2019-2020 環球路線:印度▶巴基斯坦▶中國▶塔吉克▶吉爾吉斯▶哈薩克▶烏茲別克▶土庫曼▶伊朗▶亞塞拜然▶喬治亞▶亞美尼亞▶俄羅斯▶芬蘭▶愛沙尼亞▶拉脫維亞▶立陶宛▶西班牙▶智利▶玻利維亞▶阿根廷▶南極 🚩 旅行經歷 亞洲|中國、日本、韓國、越南、柬埔寨、泰國、緬甸、菲律賓、新加坡、印尼、馬來西亞、印度、尼泊爾、巴基斯坦、斯里蘭卡、土耳其、伊朗、以色列、約旦、巴勒斯坦、塔吉克、吉爾吉斯、哈薩克、烏茲別克、土庫曼、亞塞拜然、喬治亞、亞美尼亞、俄羅斯 歐洲|阿爾巴尼亞、奧地利、波士尼亞、克羅埃西亞、捷克、丹麥、法國、德國、直布羅陀、希臘、蒙特內哥羅、挪威、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞、斯洛維尼亞、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、英國、芬蘭、愛沙尼亞、拉脫維亞、立陶宛 非洲|埃及、衣索比亞、摩洛哥 美洲|加拿大、美國、玻利維亞、巴西、哥倫比亞、厄瓜多、巴拉圭、秘魯、智利、阿根廷 大洋洲|澳洲、法屬玻里尼西亞、關島、紐西蘭 南極洲 #豬豬隊友 #PiggyTeammates #ScottandWendy #豬豬隊友環遊世界

聊聊东西 - Talk to Me in Chinese

Candice X

在多国生活过的两个女生的漫谈节目。 聊东西方文化,也聊很多东西! 每个月第一个星期日更新。 适合中高级汉语水平的学生收听,我的Patreon提供免费学习资料。 YouTube: Candice X Mandarin Instagram: CandiceXMandarin2022 Free study materials please visit Patreon:

Unlocking The Magic: Talking all things Disney World and Disneyland

Konstantina Irving

Disney podcast bringing you a little Disney World where ever you may be. Talking mostly Walt Disney World Orlando Disney | Disney World | Disney Podcast | Disney World Podcast|

Viagem em Detalhes

Viagem em Detalhes

Seja bem-vindo ao Podcast Viagem em Detalhes, o podcast do Blog Viagem em Detalhes. Aqui você encontra as melhores dicas e histórias sobre viagens por todo o mundo.

Excursão Compras /São Paulo /Paraguai (41) 99800-4444

Rodrigo Müller

Tudo sobre excursões para o Paraguai e São Paulo. (25 de março) e (lojas do Brás) Excursões com saídas de Curitiba - Paraná. (41) 99800-4444 (Especialista) em excursões Compras. Rodrigo Müller

The International Living Podcast

International Living

Not the world you see on the evening news: The International Living Podcast explores safe, welcoming, beautiful—and often little-unknown—spots on the planet. Places where you could live richer, travel more, invest for profit, and enjoy a jet-set life...for less than it costs to stay home. Host Jim Santos talks with IL’s magazine writers and with a cast of thoughtful characters living interesting lives abroad—from Penang to Porto, Cuenca to Madrid. Smart ideas for richer living in a bigger, better world. 

São Paulo nas Alturas

SP nas Alturas

São Paulo nas Alturas é o podcast apresentado por Raul Juste Lores sobre urbanismo, arquitetura, espaços públicos, mobilidade e cidades mais justas.

Podvir Portugal

Podvir Portugal

Canal de podcast em Portugal, mostrando a vida e jornada de pessoas comuns de diferentes áreas e culturas, e como aconteceu a vinda ao país, com desafios e histórias.

Travel with Rick Steves

Rick Steves

A weekly one-hour conversation with guest experts and callers about travel, cultures, people, and the things we find around the world that give life its extra sparkle. Rick Steves is America's leading authority on travel to Europe and beyond. Host and writer of over a hundred public television travel shows and author of 30 best-selling guidebooks, Rick now brings his passion for exploring and understanding our world to public radio. Related travel information and message boards on

上出遼平 NY御馳走帖


ドキュメンタリー番組『ハイパーハードボイルドグルメリポート』をはじめ、数々の話題作を世に出している上出遼平が、2023年9月に東京からNew Yorkへ居を移した。『上出遼平 NY御馳走帖(ニューヨークごちそうちょう)』は、慣れない土地で忙しい日々を送る上出が、一息ついて“飯を食う”瞬間を録音した番組。街ですれ違う人々の声、騒々しい車のクラクション・・・New Yorkの街の音を感じながら、上出はNew Yorkで何をしているのか、日々何を考えているのか、一人語るドキュメンタリー。 --- 番組作りの参考のため、以下のアンケートにご協力をお願いいたします。 制作:TBSラジオ 番組公式Instagram: 番組公式X: 番組の感想は #NY御馳走帖 でお願いします。 TBS Podcast: 番組メール

Moradores do Mundo

Monday Feelings

Olá, aqui é a Fernanda e o Tiago, e este é o podcast Moradores do Mundo. Há 7 anos largamos nossa vida estável em Londres para viajar o mundo. O que era para ser uma viagem, virou profissão. Já visitamos mais de 50 países e moramos em quase todos os continentes. A gente consegue fazer tudo isso enquanto trabalha remotamente. Temos um blog de viagens, o Monday Feelings, produzimos conteúdo para empresas e também fazemos documentários dos lugares por onde passamos. O mundo é realmente a nossa casa e onde tiver internet, a gente consegue trabalhar. Seja muito bem-vinde ao universo de viagens, cultura e nomadismo digital do Monday Feelings!


BBC Radio 4

Clare Balding joins notable and interesting people for a walk through the countryside

Zero To Travel Podcast

Jason Moore

✈️ The Zero To Travel Podcast has been downloaded 12+ million times and named a "Best Travel Podcast" by The Washington Post, Travel + Leisure, The Telegraph, and Forbes. Subscribe now and get everything you need to travel the world on your terms, no matter what your situation or experience. Welcome to our amazing global listening community! ABOUT THE SHOW Do you want to fill your life with more travel than you ever thought possible? Whether you're a travel newbie dying to figure out how to explore the world, an occasional traveler longing to make your holiday every day, or an experienced globetrotter seeking unique ways to keep traveling full-time, you're in the right place. Since 2013, "Travel Ambassador" Jason Moore from has been picking the brains of adventurous people living life on the road so you can discover new ways to travel endlessly. Along the way, you'll get actionable advice, life-changing perspectives, and key resources that will improve your life AND help you travel as we get down and dirty on topics like; starting and running an online business from anywhere, the best off-the-beaten path destinations to visit, travel and work opportunities, gutsy budget travel strategies, surprising ways to earn free travel, the digital nomad life, unconventional travel based lifestyles, fun travel jobs, how to plan epic adventures, backpacking, remote work, how to take a gap year or a career break, 4-hour work week inspired topics, ex-pat life, slow travel, travel hacking, sustainable travel, human powered adventures, trips worth planning, and everything in between. Host Bio: Jason wandered the planet as a nomad for over a decade and spent 15+ years on the road as a tour manager in events/music, a seasonal adventure travel tour guide, and a digital nomad. Originally from the USA, he is now a dual citizen (Norway/USA) based in Oslo. He is obsessed with helping YOU explore our planet on your terms, regardless of your current situation or experience. Follow the show (it's FREE!) and welcome to the global community. 🙏 PS - If you'd like to access our paid premium feed with ad-free shows, bonus episodes, and more for just $3/month go to

Papo Viagem Podcast

Papo Viagem Podcast

Criado em 2015, o Papo Viagem Podcast informa e diverte com suas conversas sobre destinos de viagens, apresentados por Maurílio Schmitt e Jade Marcos. Os temas abordados são relacionados a viagens, principalmente países e cidades, com muitas dicas e histórias engraçadas. A grande desafio do Papo Viagem Podcast é informar com qualidade e divertir os ouvintes. Afinal, conteúdo e entretenimento podem caminhar juntos.

Viagens Transformadoras

Banca do Podcast

Sou Juliana Reis, uma contadora de histórias apaixonada por mapas e por cruzar fronteiras. Aqui, lá, seja onde for, quero compartilhar as histórias de uma viajante buscadora de coração inquieto. Vivo a buscar pelo mundo as pessoas, os lugares e as coisas que nos transformem. Aceite o convite, entre no barco, fale o idioma errado mesmo, vá adiante, permita-se, arrisque... Enfim, atravesse! Mais histórias estão em @viagenstransformadoras e também na revista (*Em breve em E as ilustrações que você encontra aqui são da Lu Otto.

Perdidos no Brasil

Perdidos no Brasil

Tim e Paul poderiam nunca ter se encontrado. Afinal, o que um americano do New Jersey tem a ver com um francês de Paris, tirando a semelhança dos dois com o Bryan dos Backstreet Boys? Por nossa sorte (ou azar), os caminhos deles cruzaram e eles criaram o podcast (e show de stand up) Perdidos no Brasil.

Além do Olhar

Além do Olhar

Um podcast sobre viagens para te fazer pensar além do olhar! Episódios novos nas quartas-feiras a cada quinze dias, disponíveis nas principais plataformas de áudio. Por Amanda Trintim, @asviagensdetrintim, e Mariana Bueno, @marianaviaja.

Milhas 360 - Muito Além das Viagens!

Marco Cesar Silva

Nosso podcast vai tratar, principalmente, de diversos aspectos do mundo das milhas aéreas. Mas não só isso, abodaremos também outras formas de termos economia em nossos gastos do dia-a-dia e ajudar a todos nós pararmos de deixar tanto dinheiro na mesa. Vamos começar a economizar e também lucrar?



高校を卒業してから34年間、一つの会社で働き続けて順調に出世もしてきましたが、人生は一度きり、趣味の旅行で積み上げた実績を世の中に発信したい!という思いから脱サラ。 会社員の時に積み上げた仕事の経験は転職においては全くプラスにならず、人脈もまるでなし、本当のゼロスタートでした。 コロナ禍を経て旅行会社の業務サポートをする傍ら、列車の走行音、特に各駅停車にこだわりをもっています。 鉄道路線は日本全国100%完全制覇、空港も国内の定期旅客便のある空港全て制覇。

L'isola a forma di banana

Nicola Valletta

Erick racconta le sue esperienze di viaggio in Giappone a Nicola che però odia viaggiare. Vi raccontiamo “L’isola a forma di banana”, tra esperienze bizzarre e domande scomode. ----- Per supportarci --> Donazione Ko-Fi Per contattarci --> Scritto da Erick Simionato e Nicola Valletta Montaggio e produzione audio di Alessandro Dimatteo Prodotto da Nicola Valletta Nicola Valletta - Erick Simionato - Alessandro Dimatteo -

Amateur Traveler Travel Podcast

Chris Christensen

Since 2005 Amateur Traveler has been talking about a different destination every week. It covers destinations all of the world with an emphasis on culturally rich travel. Learn more about your world. Amateur Traveler won its creator Chris Christensen a Travel+Leisure award as the "best independent travel journalist".

planDisney Podcast

Disney Parks

Each day planDisney panelists answer Disney vacation planning questions for guests around the world on If guests have questions about Walt Disney World Resort, Disneyland Resort, Disney Cruise Line, Disney Vacation Club or even Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa, these panelists have the answers. And now the panelists are offering their great tips and advice in a completely new format on the planDisney Podcast. Whether you’re a seasoned Disney-goer or a first-visit family dreaming of a Disney Destination, you know there’s always something new to discover. Not sure where to pick up a DOLE Whip or just need a little Disney magic in your day-to-day routine? Then add our podcast to your list of favorites. Each can’t-miss-episode will be jam packed with insider tips to help you make your Disney vacation the trip of a lifetime – filled with magic and memories! Every month a few panelists will join host, influencer, and former panelist Amiyrah Martin, to share their knowledge. Plus, get behind-the-scenes insights from special guests, like from Cast Members and Walt Disney Imagineers.


Um podcast para quem ama a África

Embarque conosco nesta jornada pela África, onde aventura, curiosidades, viagens e a vida no exterior se entrelaçam em histórias fascinantes. Prepare-se para se apaixonar por esse continente deslumbrante, descubra a diversidade de espécies, mergulhe nas histórias de Tamy Yasue, Alex Freire e convidados que dividem um pouco de sua experiência vivendo na África do Sul. Siga-nos no Instagram: Conheça mais sobre o podcast e entre em contato conosco em nosso site:

Viajante sem pauta

Cainã Ito

Basta uma mochila nas costas pra falarmos de viagens. No mochileiros sem pauta, abordamos desde temas profundos, até papos descontraídos para relaxar enquanto pega aquele busão de horas. Aqui pode relembrar lembranças de estrada , ou mesmo incentiva-lo a se jogar na estrada. Apresentando por Cainã Ito @caina.ito

Despachados Podcasts

Mind7 Digital

Ser Despachado é se sentir desafiado frente a um caminho inexplorado. É não se assustar frente ao desconhecido e, acima de tudo, é jamais se contentar com a mesmice. Nós acreditamos que o mundo é muito grande para limitarmos nossa visão ao próprio quintal e que para ver o mundo não é preciso muito. Nossa receita? Uma dose de coragem, um tablete de espírito desbravador, duas colheres de conteúdo de qualidade e um punhado de bom humor.

Embarque na Viagem

Rádio JBFM

As melhores informações para te ajudar a planejar sua viagem, com dicas relevantes, experiências pessoais e tendências pelo mundo. Apresentação: Naira Amorelli

Les Baladeurs

Les Others

Récits d'aventures et de mésaventures en pleine nature. Avez-vous déjà poursuivi un loup dans les étendues sauvage d'Alaska, greloté au beau milieu des icebergs ou dormi le long d’une paroi d’escalade à plusieurs centaines de mètres de hauteur ? Tous les 15 jours, découvrez des récits et témoignages d'aventures et de mésaventures en pleine nature. Un podcast du magazine Les Others (  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Untold Italy travel podcast

Katy Clarke

Untold Italy is a travel podcast full of practical tips and advice to help you plan your trip to Italy. Travel expert Katy Clarke interviews special guests and answers your questions to help you plan and uncover your own, as yet untold adventures in Italy. On our show we share highlights of the major destinations, off the beaten path secrets, best ways to get around, favorite food spots, cultural insights and much more. You’ll learn how to plan your Italy itinerary to include the places and experiences you’ve been dreaming of. And create memories to last a lifetime. Our goal is to help you plan a vacation in Italy that suits you and your travel style. We love Italy and hope that by crafting incredible trips there you’ll be inspired to return again and again. Hit subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and get ready to be transported to bella Italia! Make sure to visit our site for show notes, resources and more >> Interested in sponsoring or advertising on this podcast? Contact us at For programmatic ads, reach out to the Spreaker team below.

The Disney Dish with Jim Hill

Jim Hill Media Podcast Network

Learn more about the latest doings at Disney with TouringPlan's Len Testa & Jim Hill of as they talk about upcoming projects as well as look back at Mouse House history.

DIS Unlimited


The DIS Unlimited podcast is a weekly roundtable discussion that discusses all aspects of planning a Disney vacation. Our show is unbiased and presents honest opinions of every part of a Disney experience - from dining and theme parks to attractions and hotels. Each week we discuss various topics related to Walt Disney World, Disney Cruise Line, and Disneyland, including the top Disney news stories, upcoming events, Disney vacation planning tips, listener questions, plus much more! Our Orlando experts include Craig WIlliams, Ryan Clavin, Erica Resnick, Corey Martin, John Magi, and Kevin Klose. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.



“壮游者”是一档人文旅行声音游记播客。苹果播客(Podcasts)“2022年编辑精选节目”;喜马拉雅 2022百大播客;2022单向街书店文学奖年度播客提名;2023CPA年度城市旅行类播客奖。 “壮游”译自“Grand tour”,它盛行于18世纪的欧洲。保罗·福塞尔说:“典型的18世纪观点是,勤奋的观察者游遍外域,向那些不幸留在家中者报告他对人性的发现,以及对社会叙述自己的观察结果,这是一种义务”。 本节目由旅行50+国的前媒体人Yang主持,人文、地理、历史……不同身份和视角的旅行者,将分享他们的参与式观察体验。

The China Show

The China Show

A video and audio podcast dedicated to bringing you China current events, and breaking them down for you, hosted by 2 guys that lived in China for over a decade. In fact, the hosts, Winston and Matt, were the first YouTubers in China. Join The China Show every week, for a detailed view on what is happening in China. Join the secret show - Xiaban Hou every Monday on

Too Niche?

What’s Your Journey?

From the minds of veteran podcasters, Elizabeth Kott and Lara Marie Schoenhals, comes a trend haul show for geniuses. Where every topic is a thrill (to them) and nothing is too niche.

All Things Iceland

Jewells Chambers

Giving travelers the inside scoop on Icelandic culture, nature, history and language through the eyes of an expat. You'll hear interviews, quirky facts, useful travel advice, and what it is like to live in the land of fire and ice. Additionally, there is a segment of the show dedicated to teaching you an Icelandic word or phrase. Extra resources shared during the episodes can be found at Jewells Chambers, the host of the podcast, fell in love with Iceland back in 2013 after her first visit. She moved to the country in 2016 and has been on an epic journey ever since.

Un gran viaje

Un gran viaje

En "Un gran viaje" hablamos de viajes largos, muy largos (de meses o años), entrevistando a personas que los han llevado a cabo. Conversamos de sus miedos, anécdotas, experiencias y, también, del regreso. 🎙️Dirigido por Pablo Strubell, coautor del blog y libro "Cómo preparar un gran viaje" (👉 y organizador de las Jornadas de los grandes viajes (👉 ❤️ Si te gusta este programa, apoya nuestro trabajo a través de Patreon (👉 o iVoox, pulsando el botón "Apoyar" en nuestro perfil. ⚠️ Toda la información adicional de los pódcast en 👉 🤩 Síguenos en redes sociales: ▪︎ Instagram: ▪︎ Facebook: ▪︎ Twitter:

Disney BR Podcast

Lu Pimenta

Sou Lu Pimenta, mãe solo, escritora, editora, revisora, diagramadora, administradora, advogada, mestranda, disneymaníaca assumida e podcaster. Não necessariamente nesta ordem. Semanalmente, converso com convidados sobre tudo e mais um pouco de Disney. E já que assunto é o que não falta, vem falar de Disney comigo!

Journeys With Elliott

Elliott T J

A podcast set up by YouTuber/teacher Elliott, from ETJ English. Come with me on my travels from the past, present, and future. Share your travel stories with me and ask for advice. Enjoy the journey.

Travel Tales

Mike Siegel

Comedian and TV host Mike Siegel sits down for a lighthearted chat with his friends: comedians, actors, writers producers, and travel professionals, about the joys and and nightmares of travel.

Tiny House Lifestyle Podcast

Ethan Waldman

Conversations on how to plan, build, and live the tiny life. Ethan Waldman from gives you the chance to get inside the heads of tiny house luminaries and every day tiny house dwellers so you can plan, build and live the tiny house life you’ve been dreaming of. Discover how you can create a tiny lifestyle that includes owning your own home, whether it’s a tiny house on wheels, van, or camper that you can take with you, or just a sweet tiny cabin in the mountains. Ethan built his own tiny house on wheels in 2012 and has been educating other tiny house hopefuls ever since. His flagship resource, Tiny House Decisions has been widely recommended by tiny house experts as a must-read how to guide to planning a successful tiny house. From tiny house heating, plumbing, and composting toilets, to building a tiny house for cheap, DIY techniques and more. Subscribe if you are ready to start YOUR tiny house journey.

The Daily Drop Podcast

Daily Drop

Daily Drop is a newsletter that teaches you how to earn and redeem miles and points in under 5 minutes a day (witty commentary, gifs and memes included 😉). Join Mike and Megan for The Daily Drop Podcast to extend the conversation that earns you free(ish) travel. Expanding some of your favorite miles and points topics, answering your questions... and we promise to not skip on the witty commentary.

4989 American Life


日本語ポッドキャスト。 日々のアメリカ暮らしの中で感じていることや苦労していることなどを話しています。

The WDW Radio Show - Your Walt Disney World Information Station

Lou Mongello - Disney Expert, Host, Author, and Speaker

WDW Radio: Your Passport to the Disney Parks and more! - WDW Radio is the award-winning Disney podcast dedicated to celebrating the magic of Walt Disney World, Disneyland, Disney Cruise Line, Marvel, and Star Wars since 2005. Tune in and subscribe for Disney news, Disney vacation planning, Disney travel tips, Disney trivia, contests, deep dives into Disney history, interviews, theme park secrets, as well as attraction, dining, and resort reviews. Hosted by Disney expert, author, and speaker Lou Mongello, this family-friendly show is your Walt Disney World Information Station, and has been voted Best Travel Podcast for 9 consecutive years, and also features a blog, videos, LIVE video, welcoming community, and special events including monthly meetups, group cruises, On The Road experiences and more! Over the years, WDW Radio has been graced by a plethora of esteemed guests. Disney Legends like Julie Andrews, the iconic Mary Poppins, Tony Baxter, Marty Sklar, Alice Davis, Richard Sherman, Bob Gurr, Alan Menken, Paige O'Hara, the voice of Belle, Jodi Benson, the voice of Ariel, and renowned Producer Don Hahn, have shared their stories and experiences. The podcast has also ventured into the Marvel and Star Wars universes with guests like Kevin Feige, the President of Marvel Studios, and Ashley Eckstein, the voice behind Ahsoka Tano. From Walt Disney Imagineers, dedicated Cast Members, to talented actors, writers, producers, authors, and many more, WDW Radio has been a platform for the voices that make Disney truly magical. It is also home to Lou Mongello's Walt Disney World Trivia Books, The Disney Interviews book, 102 Ways to Save Money For and At Walt Disney World, and virtual Audio Tours of Walt Disney World. Lou is also the founder of the Dream Team Project, which has raised more than $550,000.00 to date to send children with life-threatening illnesses to Walt Disney World through the Make-A-Wish Foundation of America. Whether you're planning your next trip to Walt Disney World or simply reminiscing about your favorite Disney memories, the WDW Radio Disney podcast is your passport to the Walt Disney World and the Disney Parks around the world, Disney Cruise Line, Marvel, and Star Wars! Learn more at In addition to creating content around the Disney brands, Lou is also a keynote speaker, author, coach, and founder of the Momentum series of events and workshops for those looking to build their business and brand by sharing the magic of Disney, delivering exceptional customer service, social media, podcasting, live video, and community. Learn more at

Viaje na CBN - Edson Ruy

Rádio CBN Vitória

Conheça os principais destinos do mundo e dicas essenciais de viagem!

London Walks

London Walks

London Walks is the oldest urban walking tour company on the planet. It’s the gold standard of this profession, this craft. Here you can listen to our guides' stories and anecdotes of London.

Addicted to the Mouse: Disney Podcast | Disney World, Universal, & Cruise Vacation Planning

Dan and Leslie Lowry

Dan and Leslie from Addicted to the Mouse are parents of two boys who have fallen in love with Walt Disney World so much that they are moving their family to Orlando to be close to the magic! They often hear friends and family say that Disney is only for kids, but couldn't disagree more. The couple hopes to guide families on ways to experience and enjoy Disney destinations either with or without kids. Disney can be amazing as a couples only destination as well! Join Dan and Leslie as they take you through the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Disney Springs, Disneyland, Aulani, Disney Cruise Line, Disney Vacation Club, and all of the Disney resort hotels. Join them at Addicted to the Mouse for more travel planning advice to some of their other favorite destinations, including Universal Studios and International travel.

Bolder Podcast

Fillipe Cardoso

Descubra o mundo além das fronteiras com o Bolder Podcast. Conecte-se com pessoas fascinantes enquanto exploramos a imigração e a vida fora do Brasil. Da Europa aos desafios individuais, acompanhe histórias inspiradoras e pegue insights para impulsionar sua própria jornada. Ouça o melhor conteúdo sobre a vida no exterior no Bolder Podcast.

Irmãos Prezia - Morar no Canadá - Podcast

Irmãos Prezia | Canadá

Bem Vindo(a) ao Podcast dos Irmãos Prezia, Tudo sobre Estudo, Trabalho e Imigração para o Canadá! Gravado diretamente de Calgary, AB. O Maior Canal Especializado em Imigração para o Canadá Por Caio Prezia e Guilherme Prezia


Cidadania4u - Tudo sobre cidadania Europeia

Podcast4u - Tudo sobre cidadania Europeia - por Cidadania4u


Ministério do Turismo

É impossível não amar falar sobre turismo! Por isso, o Ministério do Turismo criou o Podcast Turistando: um espaço dedicado às mais diversas discussões que envolvem o setor. E você é o nosso convidado! Vem com a gente turistar pelo Brasil!

Trekking e Travessias

Dmitri de Igatu

“Vamos falar de trekking e montanhismo? Este é o ‘Trekking e Travessias’, o podcast para todos que amam caminhar e vivenciar as montanhas, seja você iniciante, meia boca ou experiente! Aqui, cada episódio é uma jornada única, explorando destinos incríveis, compartilhando histórias emocionantes e oferecendo insights valiosos! Seja inspirado por experiências reais, dicas práticas de segurança, equipamentos, mínimo impacto e destinos incríveis!

Além dos Parques

Kiko e Francine

Seu canal de informações, dicas, novidades, instruções e muito mais sobre Orlando e outros destinos turísticos amados pelos brasileiros, além de convidados especiais falando sobre negócios, oportunidades, imigração, viagens, e mais... Sejam bem-vindos ao podcast mais mágico do mundo! O podcast do MD1.

Abroad in Japan


Independent filmmaker Chris Broad brings you his multi-award winning YouTube channel Abroad In Japan in podcast form. Aided by broadcaster Pete Donaldson, they bring you a taste of life in the most unique country in the world, from great cuisine to capsule hotels, current events and tips on how to spend your time there. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Uncanny Japan - Japanese Folklore, Folktales, Myths and Language

Uncanny Productions

Speculative fiction writer, long-term resident of Japan and Bram Stoker Award finalist Thersa Matsuura explores all that is weird from old Japan—strange superstitions, folktales, cultural oddities, and interesting language quirks. These are little treasures she digs up while doing research for her writing.

Partiu Morar Fora - Vagas pelo Mundo

Partiu Morar Fora - um podcast com a marca do Vagas pelo Mundo

Um Podcast para quem pretende morar fora ou já vive no exterior. Troca de experiências, boas risadas e conversas longas. Apresentado por Amanda Corrêa e Cláudio Abdo que vivem na Europa desde 2014. E aí, partiu morar fora?!

Florida Travel Pod

Tonya Denmark & Christina Sawyer

The Florida Travel Pod is a podcast to help Florida residents and visitors get the most out of the Sunshine State. Hosted by Christina Sawyer and Tonya Denmark from the Detail Oriented Traveler. Christina and Tonya are great friends, sharing their insights to great places to enjoy in Florida. From St Augustine to Sanibel Island, join us as we explore all the incredible things to do in Florida!

Disney Travel Secrets - How to do Disney

Rob and Kerri Stuart

Travel TV hosts and authors Rob & Kerri Stuart share tips, advice, and insider knowledge about everything Disney. This includes the same advice they give their travel clients who are looking for that Disney magic for their vacation. You'll learn a lot in this fun and informative show as they talk about Walt Disney World, the parks, Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, Disney’s Hollywood Studios, Disney’s Animal Kingdom, DisneyLand, or Disney California Adventure and the surrounding Disney resorts and dining options, including Disney Springs and Downtown Disney. Plus the two most popular segments: Are You Serious and Rob’s Rant. Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss any of these shows that air every Monday.

Episódio #1 - Lei de Memoria Democrática e Aquisição de Nacionalidade Espanhola

Gladys Dominguez - Consultora da ES Consultoria

Nova Lei tramitando no Senado poderá ainda este ano entrar em vigor, aqui explicamos brevemente os casos que entrariam para os descendentes. Nacionalidade para netos e bisnetos de espanhol, netos de mulheres que perderam a nacionalidade espanhola, bem como quem sofreu as consequências do exilio. Como recebemos diariamente muitas consultas fizemos essa breve explicação sobre o que se está tramitando por ela em matéria de aquisição de nacionalidade espanhola, se você já quer iniciar um planejamento para sua nacionalidade se adiantando à aprovação da lei. Contate-nos!

Armchair Explorer

Aaron Millar

The world's greatest adventurers tell their best story from the road. Each episode is cut documentary style and set to music and cinematic effects to create an immersive storytelling experience. 'Best travel podcasts 2020'- The Guardian, 'Thrilling Stuff'-Sunday Times, 'Ear Candy for Listeners' - Washington Post

Luxury Travel Insider

Sarah Groen

Do you love travel? Are you always searching for the absolute best experiences? Join us each week for an insightful chat with some of luxury travel’s most iconic people. We’ll interview travel experts like Robert Bowe who has been part of the guest experience at Ashford Castle for 33 years; Jamie Gaymer, the lead conservation manager at an ultra-luxe safari lodge; or the Owners and General Managers of some of the world’s top hotels like Amangiri, Canaves Oia, and Zannier Hotels. You’ll leave each episode with an Insider appreciation for new destinations, luxury travel, and all the heart that goes into creating these magical experiences. Luxury Travel Insider is hosted by Sarah Groen, an expert in luxury travel. Sarah has traveled to 100 countries and all 7 continents, is a contributing travel columnist for CEO World Magazine, and is the owner of Bell & Bly Travel, a top travel advising firm working with executives and entrepreneurs.

The Travel Diaries

Holly Rubenstein

The Travel Diaries is a weekly interview series where journalist Holly Rubenstein chats to a special guest about their adventures around the world, and the travel experiences and destinations that have shaped their lives. Be transported to exotic and far flung places as Holly and her diverse range of famous guests take you on a journey through the seven chapters of their life's travel diaries, from their earliest childhood travel memory and the first place they fell in love with; to their all time favourite destination, their hidden gem recommendation and what’s at the top of their bucket list. It's wanderlust, guaranteed! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Expresso Orlando

Expresso Orlando

Tudo sobre os parques de Orlando e a Disney!

Le grand podcast de voyage

France Culture

Rumble Strip

Erica Heilman / Rumble Strip, Erica Heilman

Good conversation that takes its time, hosted by Erica Heilman.

Tips For Travellers

Gary Bembridge

Want to make more of your precious travel time and money? Then the Tips For Travellers podcast is likely the podcast for you! Every week your host (Gary Bembridge, a published travel author, writer, video maker, blogger and YouTuber - his channel has over 29 million video views!) shares travel inspiration, advice, tips and money saving ideas based on his first-hand experiences of travelling every month of every year for over 25 years. Each episode features one of these (1) destinations reviews and tips, (2) answers to listener travel questions, (3) live travel reports or (4) cruise line reviews and advice on getting the most from them. Visit to follow Tips For Travellers on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Twitter and to sign up for the monthly newsletter.

Au fil de Chenonceau

Château de Chenonceau

Chef d'oeuvre de la Renaissance, le Château de Chenonceau allie l'élégance d'une architecture unique au monde, au raffinement des "Dames" qui l'ont toujours aimé et protégé. Construit sur les plans d'un palais vénitien, il est le Ponte Vecchio de la Vallée de la Loire, rêvé par Catherine de Médicis. Ses admirables collections, tableaux de grands maîtres, tapisseries et mobiliers précieux sont d’une grande richesse. Le château présente les créations, chaque semaine différentes, de son Atelier floral unique en France.      🏰 Une architecture singulière, reconnue dans le monde entier et inscrite au Patrimoine Mondial de l’Humanité.   ⚜️ Des pièces iconiques, de la Grande Galerie de Catherine de Médicis jusque dans les Cuisines du château.   ‍🌳 Des Jardins historiques remarquables, du Potager des Fleurs aux Jardins de Diane de Poitiers et de Catherine de Médicis.      🎧 Dans le podcast « Au fil de Chenonceau », embarquez dans les coulisses du château, rencontrez ceux qui le font vivre et revivez l’histoire de ce joyau du patrimoine à travers une série de reportages uniques.      Suivez toute l’actualité du Château de Chenonceau sur les réseaux sociaux  :  👉 Instagram (  👉 Facebook (  👉 Tiktok (      Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

When in Spain

Paul Burge

From tapas to trains, conquests to quesos, Franco to fiestas & bidets to bulerías - the When in Spain podcast takes you on a weekly audio journey through Spanish lifestyle, culture, history, food, people & places. Along the way we're joined by special guests - authors, comedians, guides, dancers, bloggers, activists, photographers, business owners and everyday people who call Spain home. When in Spain also offers tonnes of practical advice and insights for anyone planning to live and work in Spain. There's always something fascinating to learn about one of the world's most visited countries - España. ¡Vamos!

Minha Itália

Elvira De Tommaso

O Podcast que te traz as melhores informações sobre a Itália. Aqui conversamos um pouco de tudo sobre o país da bota. Sua cultura, seus costumes, sua gastronomia, as melhores curiosidades sobre o país e tambem algumas dicas preciosas para quem deseja visitar a Itália.

Turkey Audio Tours

Rick Steves

Rick Steves Audio Tours are leaving the podcast space. For the latest versions of these audio tours, download the (free!) Rick Steves' Audio Europe™ App — available for Apple and Android. The app also includes hours of top-quality travel talk excerpted from the Travel with Rick Steves radio interviews to add another dimension — and some different voices — to your travel planning and appreciation. Learn more at Rick Steves Turkey Audio Tours provide humorous and insightful commentary on the art and history of many of Turkey's most notable museums and historic sites. Excerpted from the Rick Steves Istanbul guidebook. All rights reserved.

Viva Viena

Viva Viena - Letícia Diethelm

Este podcast é um pouco diferente: aqui a entrevistada sou eu e é você quem vai me entrevistar. Cada episódio será uma resposta à pergunta que recebi por aqui ou pelo instagram (@vivaviena). Sou Letícia Diethelm, moro em Viena - Áustria e escrevo no, site com dicas para turistas lusófonos na capital austríaca. Envie sua pergunta em áudio clicando aqui:

How to Live in Denmark

Kay Xander Mellish

Life as an international in Denmark, one of the world's most homogenous countries, isn't always easy. In Denmark’s longest-running English-language podcast, Kay Xander Mellish, an American who has lived in Denmark for more than a decade, offers tips for enjoying your time in “the world’s happiest country” plus insights on Danish culture and how to build friendships with Danes.


TADI viagem

TADCAST é um podcast sobre viagens e turismo criado por Taty e Diogo, conhecidos como TADI viagem, criamos conteúdo para o YouTube e Instagram e agora estamos também nas plataformas de podcast. Por aqui iremos trazer vários convidados ilustres com muita bagagem quando o assunto é viagem e turismo, aperte o play e venha curtir conosco.



Aperte o cinto e depois o play: você é convidado de primeira classe do comandante Bolívia Zica nesse podcast que viaja até as quatro bordas da Terra plana sem sair do lugar. Em cada episódio, uma cidade. O mascarado mais brabo do Brasil conta suas aventuras, seja de férias ou a trabalho, e recebe convidados da música, do esporte e da vida loka, que entram na resenha com suas experiências. Fica ligeiro que toda sexta-feira tem um episódio novo em algum lugar do planeta.

Disney Deciphered: a Disney World planning podcast

Leslie Harvey and Joe Cheung

Join Leslie from Trips with Tykes and Joe from asthejoeflies as we discuss how to save you money, time, and stress as you plan your Walt Disney World vacation. Visiting Disney is like visiting another country - we're here to help you understand the ins and outs of what to do, where to stay, what to eat, how to minimize your wait times for rides, Genie+ tricks, and a whole lot more!

The WDW News Today Podcast - without News Today


A source for news, information, and fun centered around the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. A weekly podcast filled with trip planning information, attraction history, current events, listener interaction, entertaining discussions, and plenty of comedy.



O AltaMontanha Podcast é para os aventureiros que buscam conhecer mais sobre o mundo Outdoor, com relatos de pessoas com experiências e vivências em todos os cenários do mundo.

Badass Digital Nomads

Kristin Wilson

Badass Digital Nomads helps you break free from old paradigms and thrive in a location-independent lifestyle. Get ready to "laugh and learn” with Kristin Wilson each week, author of Digital Nomads For Dummies and host of YouTube's Traveling with kristin, as she teaches you the art of traveling and working from anywhere. People of all ages and backgrounds will find value in how Kristin and her guests approach topics in remote work, entrepreneurship, and travel - all while staying grounded in the timeless principles of philosophy and self-development. What you’ll learn:  The best places to travel or live abroad  The many ways to make money online  Where to find high-paying remote jobs  How to start or grow an online business  How to transition from a 9-5 job to a location-independent career  And much more! Tune into Badass Digital Nomads every Tuesday for a new episode that helps you stay inspired, travel the world, and live your best life!

Caminho de Santiago Podcast: Tudo o que você precisa saber para fazer o Caminho de Santiago

Diego Davila

Tudo o que precisa saber sobre o Caminho de Santiago.

Discover Universal

Universal Destinations and Experiences

Welcome to the official podcast of Universal Destinations and Experiences. Hosts Kari and David deliver expert tips, recommendations, and overviews of Universal Orlando Resort and Universal Studios Hollywood to help you plan your next vacation to the parks. You'll hear insider insights from special guests, sneak peeks of exclusive experiences, stories behind your favorite attractions, and Kari and David will bring the mics along as they venture into the parks to experience the destinations for themselves. Get ready to Discover Universal!

The Urbanist Agenda

Not Just Bikes

A podcast by the creator of the popular YouTube channel Not Just Bikes, The Urbanist Agenda is an exploration of the latest topics in urban planning and urban mobility from your favourite urbanist YouTubers. Each month we'll put another important topic on the agenda and pull back the curtain to discover how online urbanists plot and scheme to make cities work better for everyone.

Wild Child Radio


En recherche constante d’aventure, de liberté et de bien-être ? Vous avez sûrement, vous aussi, l’âme d’un enfant sauvage. Bienvenue dans Wild Child Radio ! Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Papo Outdoor

Papo Outdoor

Todo aventureiro tem histórias pra contar. Papos descontraídos com praticantes de atividades outdoor compartilhando suas aventuras.


ViajoCast by Viajologoexisto

Become a Paid Subscriber: Esse é o podcast do Viajo logo Existo. Demos a volta ao mundo de carro, publicamos livros, criamos projetos, inventamos coisas... E aqui contamos historias, entrevistamos amigos, dividimos risadas. Vamos juntos, Leo, Rachel e Bella

Esse Mundo É Nosso - Podcast de Viagem

Esse Mundo É Nosso

Dicas de viagem e roteiros pelo Brasil e pelo mundo pelas experiências dos jornalistas Adolfo Nomelini e Rafael Carvalho. Planeje suas próximas viagens de férias ou feriados sem erros e de maneira fácil.

Orlando no Bolso

Orlando no Bolso

Apresentado por Diego Cupello, com dicas e notícias sobre o lugar mais divertido e mágico da terra: Orlando, Flórida. Leve o #orlandonobolso com você.

ONDEM Podcasts

ONDEM Podcasts

Entrevistas relacionadas a turismo, imigração, psicologia, África, Islã, futebol, política e diversidade.

Simon Calder's Independent Travel Podcast

The Independent

Simon Calder is the Independent’s travel correspondent, the UK’s leading travel journalist. From news updates to discussions with experts, Simon Calder's Independent Travel Podcast will bring you all you need to know from the world of travel. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Miles to Go - Travel Tips, News & Reviews You Can't Afford to Miss!

Ed Pizza, Richard Kerr

Hosted by road warrior and travel expert Ed Pizza, the Miles to Go podcast serves up travel tips, news and reviews you can't afford to miss! Whether you're a points and miles newbie looking to book a dream vacation or you log 100k + miles a year and want the low down on new properties routes and planes, we're bringing you the world's top travel experts and bloggers to share their knowledge and insights with you.

Soundscapes by Here With the Magic

Jason Canapp

Immerse yourself in ambient audio from Disney spaces and inspiring locations worldwide. Relax and listen with headphones for best experience. Brought to you by Jason Canapp, creator of Here With The Magic. Watch at and follow us at

Friday Candy: The Podcast

Ashlyn and Austin Sailsbury

Friday Candy is a show about the best things in life: friendship, travel, food, romance, adventure, books, and so much more. Honestly the show is going to be a mixed bag - and every episode will be a bit different. We hope that wherever you are or whenever you’re listening, that Friday Candy will make your day just a little brighter. Friday Candy is created and hosted by Ashlyn and Austin Sailsbury.

Rettungssanitäter und Flugbegleiter

Christian Schulz Hernandez

Ich erzähle über die Berufe Rettungssanitäter und Flugbegleiter und möchte Einsicht bieten in diese speziellen Berufsbilder und meine Erfahrungen aus dieser turbulenten Zeit konservieren. Eine Reanimation vor Kindern, ein Sturz aus dem siebten Stock eines Hochhauses, ein Mord mit Enthauptung waren meine größten Einsätze. New York, Tokyo, Indien, Thailand, Australien, Kairo bleibende Reiseeindrücke. Ich habe mittlerweile begonnen Psychologie zu studieren. Die Intros und Outros sind Lieder welche ich spiele, möchte ich ebenfalls festhalten, für einen Tag an dem all das hier einmal vorbei ist.

ParkStop Podcast

Alicia Stella

Theme park news and rumors from Orlando and around the globe, including new rides coming to Universal Orlando and Walt Disney World. We dig deep into rumors of new and closing attractions for theme parks from around the world.

Seu Podcast de Turismo

Brasil Travel News

Turismo, viagens, experiências, mercado e negócios. A equipe Brasil Travel News traz até você no podcast.

The New to Canada Podcast

Kate Malcolm

The New to Canada podcast is a place for internationals from around the world to share their honest, real-life experience of moving to Canada. The host, Kate Malcolm, went backpacking solo around South-East Asia in 2016 and met a dashing Canadian... Cue an unexpected move across the world from a crowded English city to a new lake life in rural Ontario! After living and working long-term in 5 different countries, Kate is passionate about helping you adjust to your big move abroad by sharing the lessons she's learnt along the way and introducing you to others who are going through the exact same struggles that you are facing. You are not alone. Let's build a life in Canada that you love! Learn more: Instagram: @TheNewcomerCollective

シラコマ-知らなくても困らない日本(ニッポン) - 日本が楽しくなる旅番組です。


知らなくても困らないけれど、知っているとちょっと旅や人生が楽しくなる情報を、都道府県ベースで語る番組です。 日本で一番老舗飲食店を訪問し発信するブログ・老舗食堂の管理人の相川と、全国のマニアックな博物館を巡り続け、ブログ・知の冒険を運営する丹治、聞き手役である元漫才コンビ魂列車・茶々椿の3名で送る番組です。 奇数回は老舗食堂・相川が中心で、偶数回は知の冒険・丹治が中心でお話します。 毎週土曜日朝、最新エピソードを公開をしています。 47都道府県&23区を50音順で、1箇所あたり4エピソード分話をしています・



関東を中心にICレコーダーで録音した鉄道の走行音を公開。大手私鉄、JR、地方私鉄など公開していきます。 音声の編集技術が未熟なため、聞きにくい部分があるかもしれません。
