A Grande Fúria do Mundo


O filósofo Mario Sergio Cortella e seu filho, o jornalista Pedro Mota Cortella, promovem um debate entre gerações sobre temas universais e também arte, literatura, psicologia e, claro, filosofia. Da Wondery, A Grande Fúria do Mundo é um podcast Amazon Original.

Boa Noite Internet


Entendendo o mundo através de histórias interessantes. boanoiteinternet.com.br

Palestras Filosóficas Nova Acrópole

Palestras Filosóficas Nova Acrópole

Oferecemos voluntariamente conteúdo cultural e filosófico contido no nosso Curso de Filosofia à Maneira Clássica. Além de palestras diponibiizamos "lives", músicas, poesias, entrevistas, etc, para que possam nos conhecer e, caso queiram, ingressem na Filosofia! São amostras dos temas/ abordagens que aprofundamos de forma pedagógica, dialética, individual e prática na Nova Acrópole. Aproveite nossas reflexões, e busque a escola mais próxima de você! =D Sugestões, colaborações, observações pelo instagram  @palestrafilosoficanovaacropole, ou whatsapp 61 9 8361 57 53 - Voluntários Membros da Nova Acrópole Asa Sul Nova Acrópole é uma organização filosófica presente em mais de 50 países desde 1957, e tem por objetivo desenvolver em cada ser humano aquilo que tem de melhor, por meio da Filosofia, da Cultura e do Voluntariado. http://www.acropolis.org http://www.acropole.org.br (Brasil - Centro-Oeste, Norte e Nordeste, exceto Bahia) http://www.nova-acropole.org.br (Brasil - Sul, Sudeste e Bahia)

Filosofia Pop

Filosofia Pop

Podcast sobre Filosofia com pitadas de referências culturais. Marcos Carvalho Lopes recebe convidados em conversas sobre temas filosóficos.

Nova Acropole Podcast Filosofia

Nova Acrópole do Brasil

Nova Acrópole. Escola de Filosofia à Maneira Clássica. A Filosofia atemporal aplicada no cotidiano para viver melhor.

Imposturas Filosóficas

Razão Inadequada

Filosofia não se faz sozinho: toda sexta-feira dois amigos se reúnem para conversar e pensar juntos.

Filosofia Vermelha

Filosofia Vermelha

Podcast de filosofia, política e psicanálise. Produzido na Alemanha por Glauber Ataide, mestre e bacharel em Filosofia. Todos os nossos links: https://linktr.ee/filosofiavermelha Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Mario Sergio Cortella - No Meio do Caminho - Mario Sergio Cortella


Reflexão filosófica das notícias mais comentadas da semana.

Philosophize This!

Stephen West

Beginner friendly if listened to in order! For anyone interested in an educational podcast about philosophy where you don't need to be a graduate-level philosopher to understand it. In chronological order, the thinkers and ideas that forged the world we live in are broken down and explained.

Le Précepteur

Charles Robin

Charles Robin est professeur de philosophie à Montpellier. Il a créé le podcast "Le Précepteur" pour partager sa passion pour la philosophie et la transmission. Dans ses podcasts, Charles vous présente la pensée d'un philosophe ou il vous invite à la réflexion sur un sujet d'actualité en lien avec la philosophie. Ses podcasts sont conçus pour être accessibles au plus grand nombre. Cela signifie que même si vous n'avez jamais fait de philosophie, vous serez capable de comprendre son propos et d'y réagir.


Renan Sukevicius

Renan Sukevicius mergulha em questões de vida e morte. Assine a newsletter: finitude.substack.com/

Filosofia Comprimida

Alexandre Bomfim

Nosso objetivo aqui é apresentar de modo conciso os mais variados temas vinculados a história da filosofia. Focando nos temas que estão vinculados aos conteúdos do ensino médio, temos por meta expor desde a biografia de autores clássicos da filosofia até os seus principais conceitos.

Avec philosophie

France Culture

Curso Livre de Filosofia Política

Curso Livre de Filosofia Política

Aulas ministradas por Amaro Fleck, adaptadas ao formato podcast em razão da pandemia do covid 19. 2020/1: Filosofia Política (Graduação em Filosofia) 2020/2: Introdução à Filosofia: Ética (CICH) 2021/1: O Capital de Marx: uma introdução (Graduação em Filosofia)

Academia Christiana

Academia Christiana

Academia Christiana est un institut de formation politique chrétien, un laboratoire d'idées et un réseau d'initiatives. Depuis 2013 nous organisons des conférences, des émissions et des ateliers autour de la formation spirituelle, philosophique et politique, afin de mieux appréhender le monde contemporain et inviter la jeunesse à servir le bien commun. Pour nous aider : https://www.academiachristiana.org/dons  Vous retrouverez sur cette chaine nos conférences et émissions qui traitent de sujets philosophiques, spirituels ou politiques. Nos invités s'efforcent de transmettre avec pédagogie des concepts et des idées utiles pour analyser notre monde. Academia Christiana n'a pas de ligne idéologique gravée dans le marbre, nous nous efforçons de faire réfléchir et de proposer des idées. S’enraciner pour s’élever, telle est notre aspiration profonde. Conscients que le patriotisme n’est qu’un conservatisme stérile s’il n’est accompagné d’un désir de justice sociale, nous plaçons le combat contre les puissances d’argent et le désordre matérialiste au cœur de notre engagement. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

Além da Ordem e do Caos

Douglas Lisboa

Análise sobre a origem da alienação dos nossos tempos, como se livrar dela e viver uma vida real e consistente.

History of Philosophy: India, Africana, China

Peter Adamson, Jonardon Ganeri, Chike Jeffers

Peter Adamson teams up with Jonardon Ganeri, Chike Jeffers, and Karyn Lai to represent the philosophical traditions of ancient India, Africa and the African diaspora, and classical China. Website: www.historyofphilosophy.net.

New Acropolis


Reading of articles published by the International Organization New Acropolis

The Gray Area with Sean Illing


The Gray Area with Sean Illing takes a philosophy-minded look at culture, technology, politics, and the world of ideas. Each week, we invite a guest to explore a question or topic that matters. From the the state of democracy, to the struggle with depression and anxiety, to the nature of identity in the digital age, each episode looks for nuance and honesty in the most important conversations of our time. New episodes drop every Monday.

Mensagens que chegam pela manhã - Flavio Siqueira

Flavio Siqueira

Um encontro semanal com Flavio Siqueira com reflexões sobre comunicação, sociedade moderna e espiritualidade.

Estoicismo na Prática

Yara Costa

Seja muito bem vindo! Aqui vamos tratar sobre diversos assuntos a respeito de relacionamento, comportamento humano e hábitos saudáveis pelo olhar estóico, filósofo e científico. Por Yara Costa

Dear Hank & John


Hosts John and Hank Green (authors and YouTubers) offer both humorous and heartfelt advice about life’s big and small questions. They bring their personal passions to each episode by sharing the week’s news from Mars (the planet) and AFC Wimbledon (the fourth-tier English football club).

Within Reason

Alex J O'Connor

For the curious. A philosophy podcast that sometimes flirts with other disciplines, Within Reason has featured guests including Richard Dawkins, Douglas Murray, William Lane Craig, Peter Singer, Konstantin Kisin, and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

The Art of Manliness

The Art of Manliness

The Art of Manliness Podcast aims to deepen and improve every area of a man's life, from fitness and philosophy, to relationships and productivity. Engaging and edifying interviews with some of the world's most interesting doers and thinkers drop the fluff and filler to glean guests' very best, potentially life-changing, insights.

Jonas Madureira

Rodrigo Galente

Reflexões sobre filosofia, psicologia, teologia e cosmovisão.

Filosofia Aleatória


Prepare-se para mergulhar em um universo fascinante de pensamentos e ideias com o podcast Filosofia Aleatória. Neste podcast, você terá a oportunidade única de explorar conceitos filosóficos intrigantes de uma maneira envolvente e acessível. Cada episódio é uma jornada conduzida pelo renomado professor Clóvis de Barros Filho, um dos expoentes contemporâneos da filosofia no Brasil. Seus insights profundos e sua abordagem apaixonada tornam a filosofia não apenas compreensível, mas também relevante para o nosso dia a dia. Duvidas e sugestões: Instagram: @edulamounierr



Conteúdo 100% Allan Kardec. avozdopodcast.com.br

Future Perfect


Future Perfect explores provocative ideas with the potential to radically improve the world. We tackle big questions about the most effective ways to save lives, fight global warming, and end world poverty to create a more perfect future.In season 3, we explore how the meat we eat affects us all. In eight episodes, Vox's Dylan Matthews and Sigal Samuel examine how the way we eat is shaping animal lives, human lives, and the future of our planet. Produced by Vox and the Vox Media Podcast Network. 

Prática Estoica

André Cicarelli

Descubra como a filosofia milenar do estoicismo pode te ajudar a lidar com os problemas do dia a dia e criar uma vida que vale a pena ser vivida!

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

Loyal Books

“A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts,” is one of the quotes from James Allen's classic self help books, As a Man Thinketh. Published in 1902, it provides many more such insightful concepts on the power of thought and its effect on a human being's personality and behavior. This volume is more of a literary essay than a complete book and its title is based on a Biblical proverb, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Taking this piece of ancient wisdom further, James Allen explores the far-reaching effects of the inner workings of a person's mind and motivation. He proposes that projecting one's own desires, goals and needs in the outer world can provide clues to a person's character. Thinking and the subconscious mind are assumed to be hidden from the outside world, and hence powerless to change the course of events or circumstances of one's life. However, in this book, Allen presents ideas that can harness this subterranean force and bend our lives to our will if we so choose. James Allen was a British writer who wrote mostly about everyday philosophy for the lay person and was in a sense, a pioneer of the self help movement. His books and poems were inspirational pieces, meant to help people realize their own powers and take charge of their lives rather than being mere tools in the hands of destiny. Born in a working class family in Leicester, England, Allen and his younger brother grew up in straitened circumstances. His father, a factory worker, traveled to America in search of a better job, but was tragically attacked and killed by criminals in New York. James, the older son, was compelled to leave school and seek work back in England. He found employment as a secretary to a stationer and later worked as a journalist. He later discovered a deep and enduring interest in spiritual matters when he began working as a writer with a magazine devoted to spiritual themes. His first book From Poverty to Power was published in 1901. Subsequently, he also launched his own spiritual magazine. As a Man Thinketh was his third and most famous book. It became an instant bestseller and the sales of this tiny volume were so great that they allowed Allen and his family to retire to the country, buy a house and live in relative comfort for the rest of their life. The book's language is very simple and the message presented here will certainly provide a basis for further thought and meditation.

Gotas de Sabedoria - Agência Radioweb

RW Cast

Mensagens positivas para o seu dia.

Pórtico de Epicteto - Estoicismo

Diogo da Luz

Comentários e debates sobre estoicismo, Epicteto e assuntos afins.

DEVIR - Minutos de Filosofia

Podcast DEVIR

Quem não gosta de uma boa conversa?! E exatamente por esta razão criamos este canal dedicado aos debates sobre as diferentes perspectivas dos filósofos, as principais questões filosóficas e os demais temas relevantes que perpassam a Filosofia.


Otherwise Library

這裡是只能喝酒的圖書館,一個出租成見,探索未知的地方。 疑惑是生命的本質,帶著未知行走探索這個世界,每個人都是本會走路的書。 【只能喝酒的圖書館】是2020年開始的台灣文化媒體Podcast節目,主持人是Otherwise Library主理人Hank & Ting,每週更新,一邊喝酒一邊聊聊人生中的愛恨嗔痴癲,找尋時代的印記與焦慮,關注人生的迷惘,自己的缺乏,關於那些有趣的靈魂,生活的高潮迭起,和觀看生命的獨特哲學與個人價值,還有情感學習。 如果你喜歡我們的節目,歡迎訂閱! 也歡迎留言給我們加油打氣! 遇見有趣的靈魂Otherwise Library https://walkingbook.tw/ 合作邀約 walkingbook.tw@gmail.com -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

Theory & Philosophy

David Guignion

This channel is dedicated to the distribution of ideas so that they be made accessible to anyone. Some key theoretical domains that this channel explores, but that is not limited to, include Feminism, Gender and Queer theory, Post-Structuralism, Structuralism, Psychoanalysis, Marxism, Rhetoric, Epistemology, Ontology, and Phenomenology.

Philosophy Bites

Edmonds and Warburton

David Edmonds (Uehiro Centre, Oxford University) and Nigel Warburton (freelance philosopher/writer) interview top philosophers on a wide range of topics. Two books based on the series have been published by Oxford University Press. We are currently self-funding - donations very welcome via our website http://www.philosophybites.com

Rádio UFRJ - Mulheres Intelectuais de Ontem e Hoje

Rádio UFRJ

Mulheres Intelectuais de Ontem e Hoje é um programa que aposta na construção de uma cultura e uma tradição que valoriza o trabalho intelectual de mulheres. Para isso, o programa apresenta semanalmente breves biografias e o pensamento de mulheres de diversas áreas, locais geográficos e tempos históricos distintos. O programa é desenvolvido em conjunto pelo Grupo de Pesquisa Decolonial Carolina Maria de Jesus, da UFRJ, e pelo Grupo de Estudos em Reflexão Moral Interdisciplinar e Narratividade (Germina), da UFSC.

Sternstunde Philosophie

Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)

Die grossen Fragen der Gegenwart, erörtert im Gespräch mit den herausragenden Köpfen unserer Zeit, so lautet seit mehr als 25 Jahren das Angebot der „Sternstunde Philosophie“. Führende Persönlichkeiten aus Kultur, Wissenschaft und Politik geben in diesem einzigartigen Fernsehformat ihre zentralen Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen weiter. Klärende Analysen verbinden sich mit lebensnahen Denkanstössen, neue Einsichten mit kritischen Impulsen. Aufklärung für das 21. Jahrhundert      



Podcast de divulgação científica e filosófica comprometido com o retorno a Marx, a renovação do marxismo e o debate das ideias contra-hegemônicas e anti-dogmáticas no movimento comunista.


Canal de uma estudante

ORIGEM DA FILOSOFIA, o que é filosofia, para que serve e sofismo




Very Bad Wizards

Tamler Sommers & David Pizarro

Very Bad Wizards is a podcast featuring a philosopher (Tamler Sommers) and a psychologist (David Pizarro), who share a love for ethics, pop culture, and cognitive science, and who have a marked inability to distinguish sacred from profane. Each podcast includes discussions of moral philosophy, recent work on moral psychology and neuroscience, and the overlap between the two.


Guto Peretti

O professor Olavo de Carvalho formou muitos intelectuais que produzem conteúdos maravilhosos no YouTube, Instagram, Telegram, etc. Aqui estão os áudios dessas aulas, palestras, entrevistas e bate-papos.

Na Varanda do Roiuk


A objetivo desse podcast é compartilhar conhecimentos úteis ou não de alguma forma


Luiz Fernando Lucas

Conteúdo, reflexões e provocações sobre temas de expansão da consciência, cultura de valores e integridade. Juntando várias fontes, da filosofia aos conhecimentos práticos e casos reais, compreendendo desde o conhecimento jurídico e da ética, do autodesenvolvimento até a espiritualidade e o sentido para a vida. Trazido sempre numa ótica de equilíbrio na dualidade, como entre negativo e positivo, masculino e feminino, vida pessoal versus profissional, razão e emoção. Apresentado por Luiz Fernando, autor do livro best Seller A ERA DA INTEGRIDADE e Paola Sansão, artista plástica e designer.

Practical Stoicism

Tanner Campbell

Stoicism is the pursuit of Virtue (Aretê), which was defined by the Ancient Greeks as "the knowledge of how to live excellently," Stoicism is a holistic life philosophy meant to guide us towards the attainment of this knowledge through the development of our character. While many other Stoicism podcasts focus on explaining Ancient Stoicism in an academic or historical context, Practical Stoicism strives to port the ancient wisdom of this 2300-plus-year-old Greek Philosophy into contemporary times to provide practical advice for living today, not two millennia ago. Join American philosopher of Stoicism Tanner Campbell, every Monday and Friday, for new episodes.

The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast

Mark Linsenmayer, Wes Alwan, Seth Paskin, Dylan Casey

The Partially Examined Life is a podcast by some guys who were at one point set on doing philosophy for a living but then thought better of it. Each episode, we pick a short text and chat about it with some balance between insight and flippancy. You don't have to know any philosophy, or even to have read the text we're talking about to (mostly) follow and (hopefully) enjoy the discussion. For links to the texts we discuss and other info, check out www.partiallyexaminedlife.com. We also feature episodes from other podcasts by our hosts to round out your partially examined life, including Pretty Much Pop (prettymuchpop.com, covering all media), Nakedly Examined Music (nakedlyexaminedmusic.com, deconstructing songs), Philosophy vs. Improv (philosophyimprov.com, fun with performance skills and philosophical ideas), and (sub)Text (subtextpodcast.com, looking deeply at lit and film). Learn about more network podcasts at partiallyexaminedlife.com.

El Estoico | Estoicismo en español

El Estoico

En este podcast vamos a hablar Estoicismo, figuras estoicas y ejercicios estoicos para mejorar tu vida y tu resiliencia ante las adversidades.

Café com filosofia web

Leandro Aires De Araujo

Atualidades, ciências, filosofia, tecnologias e tudo que rodeia as inquietações das relações humanas.

Philosophy For Our Times


Philosophy for our Times is a free philosophy podcast bringing you the latest talks and debates from the world’s leading thinkers. We host weekly episodes on today’s biggest ideas in news, society, culture, politics, science and arts. Subscribe today to never miss an episode.



O Ludoviajante é um canal sobre filosofia, ciência e piadas ruins. Quem participa do meu APOIA.se tem acesso ao Ludocast - um podcast sobre filosofia, ciência e mais piadas ruins (!!!).

History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps

Peter Adamson

Peter Adamson, Professor of Philosophy at the LMU in Munich and at King’s College London, takes listeners through the history of philosophy, ”without any gaps.” The series looks at the ideas, lives and historical context of the major philosophers as well as the lesser-known figures of the tradition. www.historyofphilosophy.net. NOTE: iTunes shows only the most recent 300 episodes; subscribe on iTunes or go to a different platform for the whole series.

Cult of Conspiracy

Jonathon and Jacob

We cover conspiracies of all types. From government coverups and cryptids knocking at your door, to ancient spiritual understandings and astrology. One thing is always sure to happen, you’ll “open up that 3rd eye” ! Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/cult-of-conspiracy--5700337/support.

Podcast: Viviane Mosé

Viviane Mosé

Repositório de aúdios da filósofa e poeta que cobrem temas variados, incluindo sociedade em rede, vida e política contemporânea, arte e cultura.

The Life Lessons Podcast

Simon Mundie

The Life Lessons podcast has a simple mission: to have discussions that reveal something important about life and how best to live it. My guests range from the biggest sporting names on the planet to neuroscientists, psychologists and world-renowned philosophers and thinkers. I want to get away from the pervasive 'success evangelism', and consider a new ay of being. Guests have included Jonny Wilkinson, Caitlyn Jenner, Ronnie O’Sullivan and Dame Kelly Holmes, as well as thinkers including Daniel Goleman, Sam Harris, Michael Pollan, Dr Pippa Grange and non-dual philosopher Rupert Spira. These conversations, and the bitesize episodes, have the power to change your life. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


Milena dos Passos

Trabalhos de Filosofia


Claudia Acosta

Proyecto Escolar

The Sacred Flame

Mathias Nordvig

The Sacred Flame Podcast explores our ancestral story-worlds: the ancient foundation narratives that helped guide our ancestors in life. In this podcast, we reinvigorate the modern world with those stories and bring us back to a place of balance through an archaic revival, a new force that is sourced from the old, forgotten knowledge that was once transmitted in living stories in sacred settings. We gather by the sacred flame and revive the old ways of creating community in the world; by listening to nature and reestablishing the ties that let us realize that we are connected with everything that exists.Our ancestors knew that cultivating the right relationships with the other-than-human beings in the world is the key to living a good life. In this podcast, I am retelling and reconnecting the Nordic story-world with our current reality and offering my thoughts on how you can use these stories to reflect on what it means to exist in the modern world.

Alysson Mascaro

Alysson Mascaro

Trata-se de um veículo de comunicação idealizado e gerido por terceiros, dedicado a exposição das ideias do Professor e Filósofo do Direito Alysson Leandro Mascaro.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Wisconsin Public Radio

”To the Best of Our Knowledge” is a Peabody award-winning national public radio show that explores big ideas and beautiful questions. Deep interviews with philosophers, writers, artists, scientists, historians, and others help listeners find new sources of meaning, purpose, and wonder in daily life. Whether it’s about bees, poetry, skin, or psychedelics, every episode is an intimate, sound-rich journey into open-minded, open-hearted conversations. Warm and engaging, TTBOOK helps listeners feel less alone and more connected – to our common humanity and to the world we share. For more from the TTBOOK team, visit us at ttbook.org.

Arquétipomania Podcast

Claudio Cesar

Você conhece Arquétipo? Você gosta de Arquétipo? Olá pessoal, esse é o Arquétipomania Podcast.

Lei Da Atração - Força Do Pensamento Positivo

Luigi Vegan

Este Podcast foi compartilhado na forma de vídeo em meu canal no YouTube. Neste podcast trago um pouco das visões do físico quântico PhD Amit Goswami e da escritora Rhonda Byrne autora do bestseller O Segredo.

Veja Bem

Trio Ternura

Discussão sobre perguntas, palestras, artigos e livros instigantes. Descubra nossa opinião enquanto (re)formula a sua sobre tópicos variados. Recomendado a todos que queiram se arriscar a aprender algo novo, ou pensar de forma diferente, sobre quase tudo.

Louca Sabedoria Podcast

Guilherme Romano

Louca Sabedoria é um estado de atenção e abertura vorazes que nos convida à revolução da consciência e ao despertar mais profundo. É a capacidade de aprender com atenção, cuidado e respeito, de todas as fontes possíveis: as sagradas ou as profanas; as sublimes e as tediosas; as tradicionais e as revolucionárias; as óbvias e as ocultas; tudo em busca do nosso centro, do sentido real da existência. Junte-se a nós nessa busca por autoconhecimento!

Life From Plato's Cave

Mario Veen

A course in interdisciplinarity by Mario Veen. In each episode I travel through Plato's Allegory of the Cave together with a guide. Together, we examine the question of what it means to learn, grow and develop in life on earth. We do so from a new perspective every time. You can use this course to study whatever interests you through the lens of philosophy, film, art, physics, spirituality and many more. All you need is the willingness to think things through and the openness to have your preconceived notions challenged.

Alan Watts Being in the Way

Be Here Now Network / Love Serve Remember Foundation

Take a deep dive into the collected recordings of Alan Watts with Alan’s son, Mark Watts.  Being in the Way is a podcast series that explores the Alan Watts Archive’s 100-hour tape collection - including recordings not heard in 40 years. We will meet some of the people being influenced by the works of Alan Watts today and learn a little of the history behind how these remarkable recordings were made.  Mark and his guests offer reflections on Alan’s ideas— ideas that were radically innovative and groundbreaking in the sixties and seventies, and yet seem to have come of age today. Being in the Way is brought to you by the Alan Watts Organization, in partnership with Ram Dass' Be Here Now Network. Check out all of the Alan Watts Organization's offerings at alanwatts.org. 

Thinking With Somebody Else's Head

Richard Lloyd Jones

Science, philosophy, psychology, quantum physics, religion. In all these areas, we see the world based on what comes from others. Which means we're actually thinking with somebody else's head - not necessarily our own. And how much of those philosophies, ideas and theories are true? Thanks to the work of Brazilian/Austrian psychoanalyst and social scientist, Dr. Norberto Keppe, separating the wheat from the chaff is a lot easier today. We'll explore this rich and provocative territory in this podcast. Email me about your thoughts at rich@richjonesvoice.com

Hope for the Animals

Hope Bohanec

Longtime animal advocate, Hope Bohanec, covers a variety of farmed animal issues including the ethical, environmental, spiritual, heartbreaking and heartwarming aspects of living vegan. Hope has engaging conversations with inspiring guests focusing on critical reasons for living a vegan lifestyle and covering current topics such as the humane hoax, environmental impact, speciesism, and effective outreach advocating for chickens, turkeys, cows, pigs, goats and other farmed animals. Hope is a 35-year vegan, animal rights activist, and author. This podcast is a project of Compassionate Living. 

Psicanálise em Ato

Adelmo Marcos Rossi

Raciocinando contra, para ser a favor. Somente é verdadeiramente a favor de uma ideia, quem for contra ela. Eu somente avanço pensando contra. A ideia, para não cair, se apoia numa ideia contrária a ela. O que me mantém de pé é uma ideia contrária. Por si mesma, uma ideia nunca se manteria de pé: Ela precisa ser apoiada por uma ideia contrária. Se uma pessoa não raciocinar contra, ela nunca seria a favor. Eu sou contra Freud, por isso, sou a favor de Freud.

Conversations With Coleman

This Is 42

Conversations with Coleman is home to honest conversations with leading intellectuals on polarised issues in the realm of race, politics and culture in the West.

Forum Borealis

Al Borealis

A paradigm expanding variety podcast conducting old school, long-form, conversational, in depth interviews with the most interesting authors, scholars, researchers, and freethinkers of today - exploring controversial, marginalized, innovative, obscure, anomalous, and system critical topics within history, culture, philosophy, science, and politics.



Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hermitix/subscribe Newsletter: https://www.getrevue.co/profile/hermitixpodcast Hermitix is a podcast focusing on one-on-one interviews relating to fringe philosophy, obscure theory, weird lit, underappreciated thinkers and movements, and that which historically finds itself 'outside' the academic canon. Contact: hermitixpodcast@protonmail.com

Papo Reto Podcast

Carolline Sardá

Um papo reto sobre os mais variados assuntos.

EA Forum Podcast (All audio)

EA Forum Team

Audio narrations from the Effective Altruism Forum, including curated posts, posts with 30+ karma, and other great writing. If you'd like fewer episodes, subscribe to the "EA Forum (Curated & Popular)" podcast instead.

Deepak Chopra’s Infinite Potential

Infinite Potential Media, LLC

What makes us conscious beings and why does it matter that we are? In his first ever podcast, Deepak Chopra welcomes a far-ranging group of guests, including Jane Goodall, Russell Brand, Dan Savage, Christopher Wylie, Jean Houston, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and many more, who have paved new paths for understanding our present and future. How do we define, harness, and elevate our minds? How can we live creatively and purposefully? What makes you…you? Join Deepak as he delves into this moment of great transformation to answer these questions…and explore our infinite potential.

Stoic Coffee Break

Erick Cloward

"Act on your principles, not your moods." A weekly meditation on how Stoic principles can help you be a better human.https://stoic.coffeeFollow us on social media:https://instagram.com/stoic.coffeehttps://twitter.com/stoiccoffeehttps://facebook.com/stoiccoffee

Mitologia: le meravigliose storie del mondo antico

Alessandro Gelain

In questo Podcast, trovi le storie più interessanti dei miti greci e romani. Il mito ha ancora molto da insegnarci e talvolta, come uno specchio, è capace di mostrare meglio a noi stessi quello che siamo. Buon ascolto!


France Inter

Prática Estoica

André Cicarelli

Descubra como a filosofia milenar do estoicismo pode te ajudar a lidar com os problemas do dia a dia e criar uma vida que vale a pena ser vivida!

Podcast Bruno Latour

Ana Beatriz Santos Oliveira

•Ana Beatriz Santos Oliveira - 836.505 •Yolanda Zancheta - 836.690 •Pedro Henrique Araújo Prado -836.718 •Milena Privato -835.790

Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal

This is 42

Exploring theoretical physics, consciousness, Ai, and God in a technically rigorous manner. If you'd like to support this endeavor, then please visit the Patreon ( https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal ). Thank you for your charitable and kindhearted support. My name's Curt Jaimungal, a Torontonian with a degree in mathematical physics from the University of Toronto and I analyze various Theories of Everything from this analytic perspective, though more and more opening up to alternative approaches. The separating factor of TOE from other podcasts is its focus on depth even at the risk of limiting the audience due to how much detail we delve into subjects. Paralleling the intensity found in academic discourse, we're increasingly embracing a spectrum of unconventional ideas to conduct research during this podcast, rather than merely conveying existing information. Contact toe [at] indiefilmTO [dot] com for business inquiries / sponsorship.

Boa Noite Internet


Entendendo o mundo através de histórias interessantes. boanoiteinternet.com.br

Quand les Dieux rôdaient sur la Terre

France Inter



Este é um Podcast sobre Maçonaria. Aqui entrevistaremos toda semana personalidades do mundo Maçônico. Trataremos de temas sobre filosofia, história e cultura Maçônica. Apresentação Cláudio Nogueira APOIO CULTURAL www.comotal.com.br Livros Maçônicos www.editorareligare.com.br Prestadora de serviços editoriais para autores independentes Sigam as nossas redes sociais: Instagram: @papodebodes Facebook/Fanpage: Papo de Bodes

Podcast Archai

Podcast Archai

Podcast da Cátedra UNESCO Archai sobre as Origens Plurais do Pensamento Ocidental - Universidade de Brasília

Baldocast | Psicologia, filosofia e teologia - com André Baldo

André Baldo

Psicologia, filosofia e teologia. Um podcast rico em profundidade e conteúdo para mudar a sua mente e ajudar a você a compreender o mundo e a si próprio. Com André Baldo, filósofo, psicoterapeuta junguiano e autor do livro "A Arte de Viver Sem Fronteiras".

The Political Theory Review

Jeffrey Church

Conversations with scholars on recent books in Political Theory and Social and Political Philosophy.This podcast is not affiliated with the University of Houston, and no opinions expressed on this podcast are that of the University of Houston. Image: Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778), After a model by Jean Antoine Houdon (French, Versailles 1741–1828 Paris), in the public domain courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Philosophy: The Classics

Nigel Warburton

Author Nigel Warburton reads from his book Philosophy: The Classics which is an introduction to 27 key works in the history of Philosophy



Análise das grandes obras literarias da Filosofia Ocidental, material para repertório e argumentação a partir da Filosofia e abordagem através dos grandes filósofos da historia

Burning Man LIVE

Burning Man Project

Meet those who make Burning Man happen, beyond the desert and out in the world. Artists, activists, and innovators. Builders and Burners, freaks and fools. Burning Man floats on a sea of stories, and the Burning Man LIVE podcast is a plucky little boat with a microphone.

Podcast do PPGLM


O Podcast do PPGLM é uma iniciativa do Programa de Pós-Graduação Lógica e Metafísica da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Seu objetivo é tornar acessível as pesquisas realizadas em Filosofia.

Ordinary Unhappiness

Patrick & Abby

A podcast about psychoanalysis, politics, pop culture, and the ways we suffer now, featuring Abby Kluchin & Patrick Blanchfield

Dentro alla filosofia

Ermanno Ferretti

La storia della filosofia raccontata – in ordine cronologico – da Ermanno Ferretti, in arte "scrip", autore di "Per chi suona la campanella" e youtuber.

Não sei Filosofia

Marcos dos Santos Farias

Meu nome é Marcos Farias e esse é o Não sei filosofia! Aqui vamos falar sobre temas do dia a dia com um olhar filosófico, mas sem complicações, afinal eu Não sei Filosofia. Mas quem sabe né?

The Minefield

ABC listen

In a world marked by wicked social problems, The Minefield helps you negotiate the ethical dilemmas, contradictory claims and unacknowledged complicities of modern life.

The Lila Rose Podcast

Lila Rose

The Lila Rose Podcast explores questions about relationships, work, health, identity, purpose, and faith, with political and cultural commentary.

Lavando Louça com Sócrates

Lavando Louça com Sócrates

E aí, já lavou a louça hoje? Já deu aquela ajeitada na casa? Não? Então pega o fone de ouvido, aperte o play e garanta já a sua crise existencial na companhia do filósofo, historiador e apaixonado por doguinhos, @yuri_socrates. Garantimos, a cada episódio, uma dose confortável de desconforto existencial!

A Via do Estoicismo

A Via do Estoicismo

Neste espaço vou partilhar a minha própria experiência a descobrir e estudar o Estoicismo. Percebi rapidamente que os materiais que existem - livros, vídeos, podcasts - são praticamente todos em inglês, e o que existe em português não está muito acessível. Como acredito que A Via do Estoicismo é a melhor forma de se encarar a vida, quero tentar trazer o máximo possível dos ensinamentos dos grandes filósofos, ao máximo possível de pessoas. Partilhem com todos os vossos amigos, mesmo que ainda se sintam ainda um pouco a navegar no meio da riqueza que é (e nos traz) o Estoicismo!

Where Did the Road Go?

Seriah Azkath

Every week, we talk about various subjects that are off the beaten path, interviewing various authors and researchers to delve deeper into what really makes up our reality.

The Entheogenic Evolution

Martin W. Ball

Welcome to the Entheogenic Evolution Podcast, hosted by author Martin W. Ball, Ph.D. This podcast is dedicated to the discussion of the nondual and unitary nature of being as revealed by conscious entheogenic energetic awakening as well as broad topics in psychedelics, therapy, philosophy, science, and culture. Featuring interviews, lectures, and conversations with leading figures in psychedelic research and culture, this podcast is a pioneering source of diverse information and perspectives. The Entheogenic Evolution Podcast is one of the longest running podcasts on psychedelics, having been first established in 2008, and has been a leading source of information about 5-MeO-DMT. In addition to interviews and talks, host, Martin Ball, also shares selections from his many audiobooks, recordings from events and conferences he's organized, and shares his own original music at the conclusion of each episode and his original art for cover images. 
