Crash Course Pods: The Universe

Crash Course Pods, Complexly

Dr. Katie Mack, a theoretical astrophysicist, walks #1 New York Times bestselling author John Green through the history of the entire universe - including the parts that haven’t been written yet.

Astronomia em Meia Hora


Astronomia em Meia Hora é um podcast com uma linguagem simplificada que tenta te ajudar a montar o quebra-cabeça do universo.

Horizonte de Eventos

Sérgio Sacani Sancevero

Podcast dedicado exclusivamente para a astronomia e ciências correlatas.

Super Fato

Henrique Camargo

Somos feitos de poeira de estrelas. Nós somos uma maneira de o cosmos se autoconhecer.

Astrum Podcast

Dennis Ariel | Astrum Brasil

Astrum Podcast | Astrum Ad Somnum | Astrum Brasil para dormir 💤 Uma lista de conteúdo feita especialmente para você que curte se informar antes de dormir. Ou que acha a voz do Dennis Ariel relaxante :)

Alcântara: O desastre espacial brasileiro


"Alcântara: O desastre espacial brasileiro" reconta o acidente do foguete que pegou fogo na base de lançamento de Alcântara, no Maranhão, em agosto de 2003. Uma das maiores tragédias espaciais do mundo, o incêndio matou 21 engenheiros e técnicos, além de colocar em xeque o nosso programa espacial. Em busca de respostas sobre o que causou a tragédia, o Estadão teve acesso a documentos inéditos, visitou o centro de lançamento e ouviu parentes de vítimas, profissionais que atuaram na operação, especialistas e representantes da Força Aérea Brasileira. A reportagem também revela quais são hoje os planos e desafios para que o Brasil volte a sonhar com o espaço.

Settle the Stars: The Science of Space Exploration

Edgeworks Nebula

Exploring and terraforming Mars will be the greatest scientific and engineering challenge in the history of our species. From landfall and building the first cities to manipulating an entire planetary environment, this podcast will dive into the science of space exploration, settlement and terraforming! Join Alexander Winn, creator of TerraGenesis and founder of Edgeworks Entertainment, as he walks you through the real science behind his hit indie terraforming game, TerraGenesis, and how those same concepts will work in real life.

Universe Today Podcast

Fraser Cain

Space news, interviews, Q&As, and exclusive content from Universe Today. Audio versions of Fraser Cain YouTube channel.

Notícias Alienígenas. Toda terça, sexta e domingo áudio novo no canal.

Notícias Alienígenas

Podcast voltado ao estudo e divulgação da ufologia com temáticas exclusivas sobre este assunto.

Missão Exoplaneta

Julia Brazolim

Um podcast que explora o Universo para você conhecer, aprender e ficar mais perto da astronomia brasileira!

Sleep Space from Astrum

Alex McColgan

Welcome to the Astrum Sleep Space podcast; the perfect place to come and wind down for the evening while you learn more about the grandeur of the universe. I’m Alex McColgan, the founder of the Astrum brand, and your host on this podcast. Come and listen as I tell you about incredible missions, fascinating discoveries, and everything I’ve come to love about space.If you like what you're listening to, be sure to check out my YouTube channel at for more great space content.

The LIUniverse with Dr. Charles Liu


Join us for a half-hour dose of cosmic conversation with scientists, educators & students on the cosmos, scientific frontiers, scifi, more. And if you love science, please support us on Patreon.

The 365 Days of Astronomy

The 365 Days of Astronomy podcast launched in 2009 as part of the International Year of Astronomy. This community podcast continues to bring you day after day of content across the years. Everyday, a new voice, helping you see the universe we share in a new way. This show is managed by Avivah Yamani, edited by Richard Drumm. This podcast is funded through and produced out of the Planetary Science Institute.

Das Universum

Florian Freistetter, Ruth Grützbauch, Evi Pech

Ruth und Florian reden über das Universum. Mit Fragen. Und Antworten. Die Astronomin Ruth (Spezialgebiet Galaxien) und der Astronom Florian (Spezialgebiet Asteroiden) reden über das Universum. Ruth betreibt ein mobiles Planetarium; Florian erzählt auf Bühnen, in Büchern und in Podcasts über den Kosmos und beide plaudern gemeinsam über alles, was dort so abgeht. In jeder Folge erzählen sie einander eine spannende Geschichte aus der aktuellen Forschung. Und beantworten Fragen aus der Hörerschaft zu allem was man gerne über das Universum wissen möchte. In der Rubrik "Science Frames" untersucht Evi die Verbindungen zwischen Science Fiction und echter Wissenschaft. Spenden gerne unter oder oder

Your Space Journey

Chuck Fields

Welcome to "Your Space Journey," an interview series that takes you on an exhilarating voyage through the vast realm of space exploration. In this captivating series, we bring you in-depth conversations with the leaders of space exploration, including astronauts who have ventured beyond Earth, brilliant scientists who unravel the mysteries of the cosmos, and ingenious engineers who design cutting-edge spacecraft. Join us as we delve into their awe-inspiring stories, remarkable achievements, and captivating visions for the future of space exploration.


Karl Urban und Franziska Konitzer

Im AstroGeo Podcast erzählen sich die Wissenschaftsjournalisten Franziskia Konitzer und Karl Urban alle zwei Wochen eine Geschichte, die ihnen entweder die Steine unseres kosmischen Vorgartens eingeflüstert – oder die sie in den Tiefen und Untiefen des Universums aufgestöbert haben. Es sind wahre Geschichten aus Astronomie und Astrophysik, Geologie und Geowissenschaften.

Zimmerman en Space

Hens Zimmerman

Een astronomische combinatie van wetenschap en flauwekul. Die naam, "Zimmerman en Space", klinkt mogelijk wat megalomaan. Maar dat is alleen maar omdat dit het vervolg is van de NPO podcast "Zimmerman in Space", die ik destijds cadeau had gekregen van de NTR met titel en al. 

This Week in Space (Audio)


The new space age is upon us, and This Week in Space leaves no topic untouched. Every Friday, join Editor-in-Chief of Ad Astra magazine, Rod Pyle and Managing Editor of, Tariq Malik as they explore everything related to the cosmos. New episodes posted every Friday.

SpaceTime with Stuart Gary

Stuart Gary

19 years on Australian Public Radio (as StarStuff), 8 years of podcasting and counting. We have a lot of content to share with you. Recognized worldwide by our listeners and industry experts as one of the best and most thoroughly researched programs on Astronomy, Space, and Science News. Hosted by Stuart Gary, a veteran radio science reporter, broadcaster and now podcaster. Keep up-to-date and learn something new with every episode. New episodes weekly. Three new episodes are published on Mondays for our subscribers and individual episodes publicly on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Show your support for SpaceTime, help us reach our goals with early access to commercial-free episodes and bonuses via Supercast, Patreon, Apple Podcasts and YouTube. Links at Enjoy! Become a supporter of this podcast:

Cabine de Comando

Rodrigo Azevedo

Podcast apresentado por Rodrigo Azevedo - Notícias, Curiosidades, Tecnologia, Vida no Espaço, Ciência e muito mais.

Radio Astronomy

BBC Sky at Night Magazine

The weekly astronomy podcast from the makers of BBC Sky at Night Magazine.

Horóscopo do Dia - Caiobá FM

Horóscopo Caiobá FM

Todos os dias os astros contam nossa sorte. De áries à peixes conheça a sorte do dia, os números do dia, a cor do dia com o horóscopo do dia.

The Supermassive Podcast

The Royal Astronomical Society

This is The Supermassive Podcast from the Royal Astronomical Society. Every month, science journalist Izzie Clarke and astrophysicist Dr Becky Smethurst take you through the universe with the latest research, history from the society’s archives and astronomy you can do from your own home. Support the team by buying their book, The Year in Space - You can send your questions to the team via or follow them on Instagram @SupermassivePod. The Supermassive Podcast is a Boffin Media Production by Izzie Clarke and Richard Hollingham.


Davi Barbosa

Olá, meu nome é Davi Barbosa, sou doutorando em Astrofísica. Já teve teve alguma dúvida sobre conciliar ciência e fé? Já achou que a ciência e a fé parecem se contradizer GrandeMente? Esse PodCast é pra vc! Venha descobrir como GrandeMente a Ciência e Fé andam muito mais juntas do que vc poderia imaginar, e como as descobertas científicas mais atuais e uma boa interpretação bíblica nos mostram que é muito razoável atribuir a causa do Universo e da Vida a uma GrandeMente.

Coffee Break: Señal y Ruido

Coffee Break: Señal y Ruido

Coffee Break: Señal y Ruido es la tertulia semanal en la que, medio en broma medio en serio, repasamos las últimas noticias de la actualidad científica. Separando la paja del trigo o, como nos gusta decirlo, la señal del ruido, nos leemos los papers para que usted no tenga que hacerlo. Sírvete un café y acompáñanos en nuestra tertulia. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Astronomy Cast

Fraser Cain and Dr. Pamela Gay

Take a fact-based journey through the cosmos. Tune in to hear weekly discussions on astronomical topics ranging from planets to cosmology. Hosted by Fraser Cain (Universe Today) and Dr. Pamela L. Gay (Planetary Science Institute), this show brings the questions of an avid astronomy lover direct to an astronomer. Together Fraser and Pamela explore what is known and being discovered about the universe around us. Astronomy Cast is supported thru

Astronomia & Astrofísica


Quer aprender Astronomia & Astrofísica? Então acesse o nosso Site! Aproveite pra conhecer o nosso curso ASTRONOMIA: OBSERVAÇÃO DO CÉU A OLHO NU!

ESA Explores

European Space Agency

Meet the space makers as we journey across Europe and into the cosmos to build a future beyond Earth alone. From astronauts to space doctors, engineers and mission controllers, ESA Explores goes behind the scenes of Europe’s greatest adventure yet.

Ciência Toda Hora

filme nerd

Treiler sobre quais assuntos vou falar no meu podcast

Clube de Astronomia


O podcast do Clube de Astronomia Do Instituto de Física de São Carlos. Nossas redes sociais: facebook: instagram: @caifsc Encontrou um erro e quer nos avisar? Só responder esse forms:

Cosmic Vertigo

ABC listen

Do you ever feel dizzy when you think about the incomprehensible scale of space? We call that feeling Cosmic Vertigo. Welcome to a head-spinning conversation between two friends about the sparkly -- and not so sparkly -- stuff in the sky.

Blue Dot

Dave Schlom, Matt Fidler

Blue Dot, named after Carl Sagan's famous speech about our place in the universe, features interviews with guests from all over the regional, national and worldwide scientific communities. Host Dave Schlom leads discussions about the issues science is helping us address with experts who shed light on climate change, space exploration, astronomy, technology and much more. Dave asks us to remember: from deep space, we all live on a pale, blue dot.


Martin Ostios Arias

Podcast dedicado a la astronomía y temas relacionados.

Guardare in alto, vedere le stelle

Amalia Ercoli Finzi

La vita di Amalia Ercoli Finzi è stata caparbiamente proiettata nel futuro. Fin da quando, contro il volere della famiglia si iscrisse prima al liceo scientifico e poi al Politecnico di Milano, dove è diventata Ingegnera Aeronautica in una classe dove c’erano 52 iscritti, ma solo 5 donne.Dopo una carriera che l’ha portata ai vertici di tutte le principali agenzie aerospaziali, il suo futuro è pieno; come afferma lei stessa, con incrollabile energia, quando ricorda del rinvio del suo ultimo progetto - portare un veicolo su Marte alla ricerca di tracce di vita - procrastinato di due anni per l’invasione russa in Ucraina. In questo podcast, Amalia Ercoli Finzi racconta con entusiasmo i suoi difficili inizi in un mondo ‘al maschile’, la sua fede mai contrasto con il mondo della scienza, la passione per l’insegnamento, per le nuove generazioni e per un futuro che trova le sue radici in un passato dal quale non si può prescindere.Amalia Ercoli Finzi è accademica, scienziata e Professoressa Onoraria al Politecnico di Milano dove si è laureata in Ingegneria Aeronautica nel 1962. Ha dedicato gran parte della sua vita a studiare le comete, contribuendo alla riuscita della celebre missione Rosetta dove ha svolto il ruolo di Principal Investigator del trapano montato sulla sonda Philae per perforare la superficie di una cometa raggiunta e fornire campioni del terreno da analizzare. La missione, partita nel lontano 2004, si è conclusa con esito positivo il 30 settembre 2016. Dal 2018 un asteroide porta il suo nome, segno del riconoscimento dell’Unione Astronomica Internazionale per il lavoro svolto per la comunità scientifica internazionale nel campo della meccanica del volo spaziale e della progettazione di missioni spaziali. Nel 2020 il Presidente della Repubblica, Sergio Mattarella, le ha conferito l'Onorificenza di Grande Ufficiale Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana. GUARDARE IN ALTO, VEDER LE STELLE Di Amalia Ercoli Finzi è stato registrato il 29 settembre 2022 Realizzazione di MONDADORI STUDIOS, in collaborazione con Randstad A cura di Miriam Spinnato, Michele Dalai, Danilo Di Termini Coordinamento editoriale di Elena Marinelli Progetto grafico di Francesco Poroli Voce di Michele Dalai Musiche di Bluescore Ky publishing Post produzione di Stefano Di Modugno per Bluescore studio

♡Tudo Sobre O Signo De Áries!!!♡


Qual seu signo? Se for Áries esse podcast é pra você! E se o seu signo não for Áries ouça esse podcast tenho certeza de que você irá gostar! E compartilhe com aquele amigo(a) que ama signos!

Essa tal de Ciência

Essa tal de Ciência

Um bate papo informal sobre astronomia com: Alissandra Rocha Rogério Rocha Jackita Longoni Dani Gattai Pérsio Lopes Cris Pessin Marianna Luiza

Conversas Astronômicas - Astrocast

Planetário da UFRGS Prof. José Baptista Pereira

Podcast do projeto Conversas Astronômicas do Planetário da UFRGS José Baptista Pereira

Les mardis de l'espace


Écoutez dans une atmosphère détendue, des experts et personnalités du spatial répondre aux interrogations du moment et intervenez pour poser la question qui vous brûle les lèvres, une fois par mois.

Просто космос

Радио «Комсомольская правда»

Рассказываем простыми словами о самом сложном и неизведанном — космосе. Чёрные дыры, кротовые норы, теория струн, космический туризм, вот это всё от Илона Маска… Слушать — не оторваться.



O Astrocast é um projeto de divulgação científica para todos os simpatizantes da astronomia e afins. Support this podcast:

Ueliton Barbosa

Ueliton Barbosa

Metodologia Ativa


Adina Akiva

Facts, descriptions, interesting features, etc..

EVSN: Escape Velocity Space News

Dr. Pamela Gay, Erik Madaus, Beth Johnson, Ally Pelphrey

Get your weekly dose of all that's new in space and astronomy with Escape Velocity Space News. The sky is not the limit, as we bring you the latest scientific discoveries and rocket launches. EVSN is brought to you by the team behind CosmoQuest at the Planetary Science Institute, and features hosts Dr. Pamela L. Gay and Erik Madaus with special guest interviews by Beth Johnson and audio engineering by Ally Pelphrey. EVSN is supported through Patreon at

Papiro Estelar

Menê Inpu Marvena

Oi eu sou a Menê! E esse é o Papiro Estelar - Um Podcast sobre astrologia tradicional feito por uma travesti. Vamos falar sobre diversos assuntos de forma didática com convidades especiais, áudio aulas e reflexões sobre a sociedade na qual vivemos! Porque não adianta falar de astrologia sem levar em conta os contextos sociais, políticos e históricos envolvendo os babados astrológicos. Me encontre no instagram, youtube e Medium: @PapiroEstelar.

Astronomia & Astrofísica


Quer aprender Astronomia & Astrofísica? Então acesse o nosso Site! Aproveite pra conhecer o nosso curso ASTRONOMIA: OBSERVAÇÃO DO CÉU A OLHO NU!


Nayeli Lugo Otero

El invertor, astrónomo, Galileo Galilei.


Javier Atapuerca, Matías S. Zavia

Un podcast sobre la nueva era de la exploración espacial presentado por Javier Atapuerca y Matías S. Zavia. ¿Quién pisará antes Marte, Estados Unidos o China? ¿Podrá Blue Origin competir con SpaceX? ¿Qué están haciendo la NASA y la Agencia Espacial Europea para retirar la basura espacial? ¿Cuántos satélites son demasiados? ¿Podremos desviar un asteroide si se dirige a la Tierra? Sal de dudas con esta distendida conversación semanal entre un ingeniero aeroespacial y un bloguero que sueña con ir al espacio.

Desde el Observatorio

Astronomia UdeA

Cada semana un grupo de astrónomos se reúnen para compartir informalmente algunas noticias del mundo de la astronomía. Un podcast del Pregrado de Astronomía de la Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín, Colombia)

אל האינסוף - הפודקאסט של החלל והזמן

טל סוסובר

פודקאסט על החלל, הזמן והאינסוף - נבחן את היקום שלנו בגדלים הקטנים ביותר והגדולים ביותר שאפשר לחשוב עליהם. הפודקאסט נותן תמונה בהירה על אסטרופיזיקה וחקר היקום לכל סקרן או סקרנית, ללא הבדל גיל ורקע מתמטי, אך גם ללא הנחות מבחינת העומק, הסקרנות והמחקר המדעי

Space Stories from

NSF's personalities dive into the stories at play in the present day space race. NSF is not affiliated with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The initials in the URL are used with permission from NASA.

ASTR 103: Introduction to Planetary Astronomy - Complete

Robert Wagner

An introduction to the solar system with an emphasis on the sun, major and minor planets, the earth-moon system, asteroids, comets, meteors, etc.; a study of the physical laws of motion and the properties of light. Course work includes instruction in the use of astronomical instruments; some planetarium shows, along with laboratory exercises, are an important part of this course. These are mainly pre-recorded lectures in MP3 format for students to review for the class. There will also be some video clips with live lectures to follow.


George Waldron

Making space interesting! Please send in any topics or questions you have and they'll go on the list to talk about. (cover art by Eve Thomas)

teoria terraplanista-ln04


ta bom

The Cosmic Companion - Astronomy, Space, Technology Advancing Humanity

Exploring the wonders of the Cosmos, one mystery at a time

Astronomy, space, and science news and education delivered in a fun, friendly format! Short form Astronomy Minutes and full-length episodes featuring interviews with some of the top scientists, authors, and developers around the globe!

Aries A Fire Zodiac Sign

Valeria Ustiola

This Podcast talks about why Aries have one of the best personalities

Science We Speak


In Science we trust! A breathtaking journey through science, from astronomy to biology. Science is a mesmerizing key that unravels its mysteries, explaining how the universe works. It really is the most poetic thing we know about the cosmos. All episodes are available at: *Contact: **Patreon: SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Facebook: Telegram:

Today In Space

Alex G. Orphanos

The award-winning space science podcast about all things space! Hosted by Alex G. Orphanos, science communicator, maker, and aerospace engineer. Our mission: to spread love and spread science!

Poussière d'étoile

Ripley Media

Qu’est-ce que la matière ? L'univers a-t-il une fin ? Comment naissent les étoiles ? Chaque mois, laissez votre esprit vagabonder au travers des merveilles de l’univers et de l'espace. Pour vous conter l’histoire de l’univers, vous pourrez compter sur verve de Willy Brahami, astrophysicien et vulgarisateur, pour vous emmener au-delà des possibles grâce à l’imaginaire. Willy répondra également aux questions en rapport avec la physique que vous lui soumettrez via les réseaux sociaux et commentaires. Abonnez-vous à Ripley Media pour découvrir pleins d'autres émissions autour de la science !

The Space Case Sarah Show

iRoc Space Radio

Each episode features an element of the periodic table and discussion topics that pertain to space news, history, and guests who use “Science for Good”. Like any good crew, these three also have silly antics and like to play games against each other.
