Tuareg Guitar Shredder Mdou Moctar Brings the Joy, In-Studio


The Tuareg singer and guitarist Mdou Moctar is from Niger, and his music career began with his songs being shared across mobile phone trading networks in West Africa. Now, as an ambassador of the Agadez sound, he plays his songs on the world’s biggest music stages, including Coachella, and, coming soon, Bonnaroo and Glastonbury. Moctar and his band combine rock and psychedelia, often in the "Desert Blues" style of loping and sometimes accelerating threes. Mdou Moctar’s latest album is called Funeral for Justice, and features his most fiery guitar playing yet. He and his band are here, to stretch out and play this perhaps trancey music for staying lifted, in-studio. 
They play at Bowery Ballroom on June 25 and at Warsaw in Brooklyn on June 26. 
1. Imouhar 2. Modern Slaves 3. Imajighen

Tuareg Guitar Shredder Mdou Moctar Brings the Joy, In-Studio

Pascal Le Boeuf's New Music and Jazz Hybrid Plays With Tension and Release
