Bonus: Niobrara River sleep sounds (sonidos de la naturaleza para dormir) - 10 hours of ambient nighttime audio with crickets, soothing water sounds, eastern screech-owl song - grillos y un tecolote


[EN/ES] 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep sounds featuring the autumn Niobrara River landscape depicted in Episode 76: A Portrait of Nature along the Niobrara River. Soothing river noises blend with the voices of crickets and other nocturnal insects, and an eastern screech-owl (Megascops asio) gives its beautiful whinny. Sounds recorded by me, Shane Sater.
10 horas de sonidos de la naturaleza para dormir, sin interrupción. Se presentan algunos sonidos del paisaje otoñal del Río Niobrara retratados en Episodio 75: Un Relato de la Naturaleza cerca del Río Niobrara. Los sonidos relajantes del río se mezclan con las voces de los grillos y otros insectos nocturnos mientras se escucha el relincho lindo de un tecolote del este (Megascops asio). Los sonidos fueron grabados todos por mí, Shane Sater.

Bonus: Niobrara River sleep sounds (sonidos de la naturaleza para dormir) - 10 hours of ambient nighttime audio with crickets, soothing water sounds, eastern screech-owl song - grillos y un tecolote

Bonus: Niobrara River sleep sounds (sonidos de la naturaleza para dormir) - 10 hours of ambient nighttime audio with crickets, soothing water sounds, eastern screech-owl song - grillos y un tecolote
