Inside Plus-Size Styling & Shopping Destination, Lukbook, with Katrina Van De Ven


Lukbook is a BRAND NEW online shopping and styling destination for the 66% of Australian women who wear a Size 14+ and it’s bringing all the VOGUE, high end designer feels…

Katrina Van De Ven, Lukbook Co-Founder & CEO is re-imagining the plus-size retail space, having built a stunning, aspirational destination for stylists to use with their clients.

From shoppable looks to designer brands in ‘plus-sizes’ (as in, anything over a Size 14) AND the opportunity to become one of their in-house stylists, Lukbook is an invaluable resource for Aussie image professionals.

PS; Lukbook stocks activewear, accessories, denim, clothing and special event wear.

Check them out here:

What You’ll Learn:

💥 Why ‘flattering’ can be construed as a trigger word, and why Katrina hates the term
💥 The top 25 Aussie designer brands offering size inclusive ranges
💥 Why they’re using everyday women, not models, for all their in-house shoots
💥 The 3 types of styling sessions available, and how you could join their team!

Inside Plus-Size Styling & Shopping Destination, Lukbook, with Katrina Van De Ven

Inside Plus-Size Styling & Shopping Destination, Lukbook, with Katrina Van De Ven
