PREVIEW: #VENEZUELA: #VOTE: Conversation with colleague Mary Anastasia O'Grady of WSJ Editorial re the upcoming election in Venezuela and a few of the tricks the Maduro Regime will use to win the count by intimidating the voters. More tonight.


PREVIEW: #VENEZUELA: #VOTE: Conversation with colleague Mary Anastasia O'Grady of WSJ Editorial re the upcoming election in Venezuela and a few of the tricks the Maduro Regime will use to win the count by intimidating the voters. More tonight.

1948 Caracas

PREVIEW: #VENEZUELA: #VOTE: Conversation with colleague Mary Anastasia O'Grady of WSJ Editorial re the upcoming election in Venezuela and a few of the tricks the Maduro Regime will use to win the count by intimidating the voters. More tonight.

1/2: SCOTUS: Moore et ux v. United States invites the wealth tax in. Richard Epstein, Hoover Institution
