Colloque - Lutter contre la pauvreté : de la science aux politiques publiques : How Experiments Have Informed the Work of the Public Employment Agency in France


Esther DufloCollège de FrancePauvreté et politiques publiques2022-2023Colloque - Lutter contre la pauvreté : de la science aux politiques publiques : How Experiments Have Informed the Work of the Public Employment Agency in FranceIntervenant(s)Martin Hirsch, Former commissioner for Youth and for Active Solidarity against PovertyBruno Crépon, Professor, CRESTCyril Nouveau, Director of Statistics, Studies and Evaluation, Pôle EmploiIntroduced by Cillian Nolan (Director of Policy, J-PAL Europe)Moderated by Ilf Bencheikh, Director of Training, Finance and Operations, J-PAL Europe.

Colloque - Lutter contre la pauvreté : de la science aux politiques publiques : How Experiments Have Informed the Work of the Public Employment Agency in France

Colloque - Lutter contre la pauvreté : de la science aux politiques publiques : How Experiments Have Informed the Work of the Public Employment Agency in France
