Todd Rundgren, el compositor total


Si ahir repassàvem l'obra de Todd Rundgren com a productor musical, avui completem el seu perfil amb la seva obra pròpia, potser menys coneguda, però que el mostra com un artista total, inventiu, eclèctic i dotat d'una capacitat melòdica impecable.

01 "I saw the light"
02 "We gotta get you a woman"
03 "Hello, it's me"
04 "Couldn't I just tell you"
05 "It wouldn't have made any difference"
06 "Just one victory"
07 "A dream goes on forever"
08 "Love of the common man"
09 "Can we still be friends?"
10 "Bang the drum all day"
11 "Healing part 1"
12 "Down with the ship"
13 "Sometimes i don't know what to feel"

Todd Rundgren, el compositor total

Todd Rundgren, el compositor total
