Actors que han fet de cantants i tu no ho sabies


Tenim una playlist farcida d'actors reconeguts que en algun moment de la seva carrera van treure el cantant que porten amagat dins els pulmons.

01 Jeff Daniels - "Days like these"
02 Joe Pesci - "Wise guy"
03 Brad Pitt - "Midtown"
04 Robert Downey Jr. - "Man like me"
05 Jeff Bridges - "What a little love can do"
06 Dead Man's Bones - "My body's a zombie for you"
07 Jamie Foxx - "Just like me"
08 Tony Perkins - "Moonlight swim"
09 Steve Martin - "Daddy played the banjo"
10 Christopher Walken - "Timeless to me"
11 Clint Eastwood - "Bouquet of roses"
12 Jim Carrey - "Cold dead hand"
13 Adam Sandler - "Werewolves of London"
14 William Shatner - "Common people"

Actors que han fet de cantants i tu no ho sabies

Actors que han fet de cantants i tu no ho sabies
