Sustainability, Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Politics, Activism, Biodiversity, Carbon Footprint, Wildlife, Regenerative

Environmental Solutions · One Planet Podcast · Creative Process Original Series

The MapScaping Podcast - GIS, Geospatial, Remote Sensing, earth observation and digital geography


A podcast for the mapping community. Interviews with the people that are shaping the future of GIS, geospatial and the mapping world. This is a podcast for the GIS and geospatial community

Life in the Greenhouse

Carbon Accounting, Reporting, and Management Lab

Carbon—humans are emitting way too much of it. The problem is simple, but solutions are tricky. How do we measure and reduce our carbon emissions? And how do we know if a person or company that pledges to reduce its emissions is actually doing so? On Life in the Greenhouse, we use greenhouse gas accounting as a tool to whittle headlines and break down major trends into understandable facts about climate change—where we are, where we’re headed, and what we might do about it. Our show is a production of the Carbon Accounting, Reporting, and Management Lab (CARML) at Northern Arizona University.

Flora | Il mondo, attraverso le piante


Vi siete mai chiesti che influenza hanno le piante sulla nostra vita? Quando pensiamo al mondo vegetale la prima immagine che ci viene in mente sono i grandi parchi naturali o le foreste pluviali o ancora i rigogliosi giardini botanici. Ma se affiniamo lo sguardo, scopriamo che questi esseri verdi in realtà sono molto più presenti nella nostra vita di quanto pensiamo: dai vestiti alle medicine, dal cibo all’energia, le piante sono infatti le colonne portanti che sostengono la nostra vita sulla Terra. In questo nuovo podcast raccontiamo la loro influenza sulla nostra storia e le possibilità di simbiosi tra noi e loro per rendere più equo e prospero il nostro Pianeta. Flora 🪻 è il podcast di @Flowe 🌱, prodotto da @WillMedia 🎧. Host 🗣️ : Benedetta Gori (etnobotanica, ricercatrice) e Mattia Battagion (sostenibilità, Will)

Quirks and Quarks


CBC Radio's Quirks and Quarks covers the quirks of the expanding universe to the quarks within a single atom... and everything in between.



Documentari sullo spazio e paranormale

Fatti di clima e meteo

Fatti di Montagna

Clima, meteo, ghiacciai... Per non rimanere vittime di fake news o della cultura del disastro non basta riempire i discorsi con "climate change", "fusione dei ghiacciai" o "non ci son più le mezze stagioni": ci affidiamo alla Società Meteorologica Italiana che da moltissimi anni è in prima linea nella divulgazione su basi scientifiche per capire meglio cosa succede e cosa possiamo fare.


Luigi Gaudio

Геодезия и Отвага!

Elena Zhuravleva

Подробный рассказ о Французской Геодезической Миссии в Перу. Как ученые доказали, что Земля - сплюснутый эллипсоид, а не просто шар. Эпоха Просвещения, экватор. Восемь лет измерений, безденежья и опасностей: лихорадка, индейцы, убийства. Короче говоря, обычная работа астрономов.

Deep Seed Podcast

Raphael Esterhazy

Welcome to the Deep Seed Podcast, where we delve into the transformative world of regenerative agriculture and ecosystem restoration. Join your host, Raphaël, on a captivating journey, as we explore groundbreaking solutions for a healthier planet. From in-depth conversations with farmers revolutionizing their fields to insights from leading experts reshaping our understanding of sustainability, each episode is a deep dive into the challenges and triumphs of creating a vibrant, regenerative future. Whether you're an environmentally conscious individual, a professional in the fields of agriculture and environmental science, or simply someone passionate about sustainability and eager to learn, this podcast is your gateway to the stories and strategies shaping our world. Tune in, be inspired, and join the conversation towards a regenerative tomorrow. This podcast is produced in partnership with Soil Capital, a company that supports regenerative agriculture for food system resilience and climate action, by financially rewarding farmers who improve soil health. Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.

Cities 1.5

University of Toronto Press

Cities 1.5 is a podcast featuring progressive policy conversations with urban leaders taking action to limit global heating to 1.5 degrees. Hosted by David Miller and developed by University of Toronto Press, this podcast serves as a platform to discuss the most pressing policy and underlying economic issues facing cities in their effort to lead on transformational climate action. The podcast is an extension of the Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy (, which publishes timely, evidence-based research that contributes to the urban climate agenda and supports governmental policy towards an equitable and resilient world. Join Editor-in-Chief and host David Miller as he speaks with mayors, city policymakers, economists, youth leaders, and scholars, among others, who are implementing and fighting for ambitious, near-term climate action.

The Great Simplification with Nate Hagens

Nate Hagens

The Great Simplification with Nate Hagens explores money, energy, economy, and the environment with world experts and leaders to understand how everything fits together, and where we go from here.

Regenerative Agriculture Podcast

John Kempf

This is a show for professional growers and agronomists who want to learn about the science and principles of regenerative agriculture systems to increase quality, yield, and profitability.

Climate One

Climate One from The Commonwealth Club

We’re living through a climate emergency; addressing this crisis begins by talking about it. Co-Hosts Greg Dalton and Ariana Brocious bring you empowering conversations that connect all aspects of the challenge — the scary and the exciting, the individual and the systemic. Join us. Subscribe to Climate One on Patreon for access to ad-free episodes and the Climate One Discord server.


Sustainababble: comedy, nature, climate change.

Sustainababble: a weekly comedy podcast about the environment. Visit us at, on Twitter @thebabblewagon, or search for 'Sustainababble' on Facebook. Contact at


Jen Gale

If you feel like you're drowning in plastic and need to use a small child to jump up and down on top of your black bin each fortnight to get the lid to shut, or you want to save the planet but you're exhausted at the very idea, then this is the podcast for you! Sustianable(ish) isn't about austerity, or deprivation, or needing to live off grid in a yurt (although if that's your bag you're also very welcome!) - it's about you, and me, and the power of our actions. The small tweaks we can make, the baby steps, and how they add up to change the world.

The Hydrogen Podcast

Paul Rodden

Welcome to The Hydrogen Podcast! This show is for energy investors and analysts who want to learn about how hydrogen is driving the evolution of energy. We will drill down into the hydrogen market and discuss where capital is being deployed and where financial opportunities are developing. Learn from Paul Rodden, the hydrogen consulting expert that is on the speed dial of billionaire oil magnates and is dialed in to the advances and financial opportunities that hydrogen presents in the energy market. Inside each episode, Paul interviews thought leaders who are invested in the future of energy and driving the hydrogen market to new heights. He also shares his insights on the current opportunities and developments with complete transparency. From overall strategy, to future casting, to lessons learned, Paul will be your guide as you explore the concept of hydrogen as a fuel source, the advancements in the industry (present and future), and the economic opportunities that are available for potential investors.

Polmoni Verdi

Dr Podcast Audio Factory Ltd

“Polmoni Verdi” è il podcast di Golia, in collaborazione con WWF, per chi ama la natura e i viaggi. Percorreremo l’Italia da nord a sud, dal Trentino-Alto Adige alla Sicilia, e ci immergeremo insieme in 10 foreste di pregio del nostro Paese, approfondendo la pratica del forest bathing, il cosiddetto bagno nella foresta. Toccheremo inoltre temi molto attuali come la deforestazione, il rischio di eruzione dei Campi Flegrei e l'importanza dei concetti di sostenibilità e biodiversità.


Cibele Guglielmi

Já pensou em estudar geografia de uma forma prática e rápida? Pois bem, fique conosco e aprenda um pouco mais sobre Geopolítica. Feito pela dupla: Cibele Guglielmi e Mariana Brum Strapasson. Turma: 23M

Horóscopos y Astrología con Ricardo Villalobos


Conoce todo lo que los astros tienen para ti.

Bee Your Hero - Podcast ambiente

Sahebi, Baroni e Borri

BeeYourHero è il green podcast italian speaking che non si limita a parlare di ambiente, lo difende attivamente! Ogni settimana informazione, interviste e approfondimenti culturali in campo ambientale. Every small action is enough to Bee Your Hero! #beeyourhero #greenactivist #greenpodcast

NOAA Ocean Podcast

National Ocean Service

From corals to coastal science, connect with NOAA experts in our podcast series that explores questions about the ocean environment.

Crazy Town

Post Carbon Institute: Sustainability, Climate, Collapse, and Dark Humor

With equal parts humor and in-depth analysis, Asher, Rob, and Jason safeguard their sanity while probing crazy-making topics like climate change, overshoot, runaway capitalism, and why we’re all deluding ourselves.

Emergenza Climattina

Giovanni Mori

Emergenza Climattina è il podcast che ti mette l'ansia fin di prima mattina sulla crisi climatica. I problemi, ma soprattutto le soluzioni alla più grande sfida dell'umanità. Ma non seriamente. Cioè, è seriamente la più grande sfida dell'umanità, ma noi la raccontiamo in scioltezza, senza serietà. Cioè non è che non siamo seri. Siamo molto seri, ma non ci prendiamo sul serio. L'ingegner Giovanni Mori con mirabolanti ospiti vi guiderà nel mondo della transizione con le 100 soluzioni più efficaci da applicare, incredibili tecnologie e soluzioni che conosciamo da decenni. Ascoltatele, e sarete preparati sugli argomenti di conversazione a tavola per i prossimi 50 anni. Se vi piace e ritenere utile questo podcast, potete offrirmi un caffè o una birra su

Biologia Marina

Emmanuel Chavarría

Biologia marina y hallazgos

Geology Bites

Oliver Strimpel

What moves the continents, creates mountains, swallows up the sea floor, makes volcanoes erupt, triggers earthquakes, and imprints ancient climates into the rocks? Oliver Strimpel, a former astrophysicist and museum director asks leading researchers to divulge what they have discovered and how they did it. To learn more about the series, and see images that support the podcasts, go to Instagram: @GeologyBites Twitter: @geology_bites Email:

Geology Podcast Network


The Geology Podcast Network is a source for geology news, career highlights, and insights by experts in the field from around the world.


Ash Sweeting

This is series of conversations discussing global food sustainability with guests who bring a deep understanding of the environmental and cultural challenges facing our society and creative ideas on how to address them.

O Fascinante Mundo do Sensoriamento Remoto

Profs. Gustavo Baptista, Gustavo Ferreira e Rubens do Amaral

O maior podcast do mundo em português sobre Sensoriamento Remoto e Geotecnologias! E o 5º melhor podcast de Ciências da Terra do mundo, segundo o GoodPods! Apresentado pelos professores Gustavo Baptista, Gustavo Ferreira e Rubens do Amaral. Juntos formando profissionais que atuam nO Fascinante Mundo do Sensoriamento Remoto!

PlanetGeo: The Geology Podcast

Chris and Jesse

A Geology and Earth Science Podcast. Join Chris, an award-winning geology teacher, and Jesse, a geoscience professor, in discussing the amazing features of our planet and their impact on your everyday life. No prior knowledge required. New episodes coming at you every week. Listen, subscribe, share with someone you know!

Terreno fertile

Agribios Italiana

Il podcast di Agribios Italiana in cui esperti e giornalisti ci spiegano il mondo misterioso e pieno di vita che si trova al di sotto dei nostri piedi: il terreno. Com’è fatto? Come concimare in modo sostenibile? Come preservarlo? Premete play e scopritelo.

Permaculture for the Future

Josh Robinson

The world is full of negative news and the planet is in crisis. This it can be downright disheartening and you feel that there is nothing that you can do. I am here to provide a different perspective. The Permaculture for the Future Podcast is about spreading positive and impactful stories, tips, and ways that each one of us can transition into a regenerative lifestyle. We talk about simple ways to make lifestyle changes and interview authors, teachers, and other folks that are collectively healing ourselves and the planet.If you want to make an ecological impact, stick around because this podcast is for you.

Missione Terra

Un podcast di Angelica De Vito, con la collaborazione di Luciano Canova | Un podcast realizzato in collaborazione con NatPower | La sostenibilità è una sfida complessa. L’Agenda 2030 dell’Onu, nel fissare i 17 obiettivi dello sviluppo sostenibile, ha stabilito che non si tratta di una questione unicamente ambientale, ma anche sociale ed economica. Questa visione integrata è quella che ci deve guidare verso un cambiamento del nostro modello di sviluppo. Una strada da percorrere tutti insieme, come collettività, perché i gesti individuali, per quanto importanti, non sono sufficienti, in assenza di un quadro istituzionale e giuridico adeguato.  Missione Terra è un viaggio in 5 tappe tra fatti, temi, falsi miti e pratiche virtuose della transizione ecologica che stiamo vivendo.

Micron Hertz

Mircon Hertz

Programma di approfondimento (bimensile) e riflessione sulle tematiche scientifiche e della ricerca che si intrecciano con aspetti di economia ed ecologia, sviluppo e crescita, ambiente e salute. Interviste con personaggi del mondo accademico ed esperti del comitato scientifico di Micron. A cura di Arpa Umbria, in collaborazione con

Lost And Found

Chayan Banerjee

First episode: lost and found


Ordine veterinari Torino

Veterinaria in Pillole è il podcast a carattere scientifico-divulgativo dedicato a tutti e realizzato dall'Ordine dei Medici Veterinari di Torino e Provincia

Minds Behind Maps

Maxime Lenormand

Maps Are Everywhere. These are conversations with those building them.

Your Brain On Climate

Dave Powell

Psychology vs climate change: what we think, why we think it, and how it all adds up to a planet-sized emergency. Each episode host Dave Powell interviews experts in how our brains work - from PhDs in psychology to writers, activists and beyond. They'll talk about how their brains and our brains do (and don't) work, and how all of that might help make sense of the climate crisis - and possibly what to do about it.

Polar Podcasts

Julie Hollis

In Polar Podcasts, you'll hear stories from geologists who've spent their careers - their lives - exploring and studying the remarkable and remote geology of Greenland. Why did they become fascinated with Greenland? What were the problems and the discoveries that drove them? And what was it like working in these remote places, where few people venture - even now?

Imagining Tomorrow

Emma Newman with Friends of the Earth

It’s hard to imagine a bright future in the face of the climate crisis. This new podcast, from Hugo Award winning podcaster and author Emma Newman,  will take you on a journey from despair to the most radiant, radical hope. Made in partnership with Friends of the Earth, Imagining Tomorrow shows how we can create a future that is good for people and for nature, based on innovations in technology and community action that are already having a positive impact. Join Emma as she pieces together the roadmap to utopia by interviewing amazing inventors, communities and award-winning science fiction authors. We can’t build a better future until we can imagine it, so let’s imagine it together.

The Biofriendly Podcast


Your beacon of light in a gloomy environment. Search for 'The Painless Green' Group on Facebook, find us on Twitter @BiofriendlyOne, on Instagram at @biofriendlyplanet, and visit us at

Rare Earth

BBC Radio 4

Tom Heap and Helen Czerski tackle a major story about our environment, work out how we got here and meet the brave, clever people with fresh ideas to help us - and nature - thrive. They won’t shy away from the big stuff - temperatures rising while wildlife declines - but this won’t be a weekly dose of doom-laden predictions and tortured hand-wringing. Rare Earth is here to celebrate the wonder of nature and meet the people determined to keep it wonderful.



Il coach virtuale dell'Economia Circolare

The Sustainability Agenda

Fergal Byrne

The Sustainability Agenda is a weekly podcast exploring today’s biggest sustainability questions. Leading sustainability thinkers offer their views on the biggest sustainability challenges, share the latest thinking, identify what’s working --and what needs to change -- and think about the future of sustainability.

Veterinari Podcast


Cari Colleghi Veterinari, dopo diversi anni di attività del nostro Blog di Aggiornamento Scientifico vi presentiamo il primo podcast che raccoglie i più interessanti Post ed Articoli pubblicati fino ad oggi. Sul nostro Blog MyLav all’indirizzo vengono pubblicati settimanalmente diversi articoli e rubriche fra cui consigli, interviste ai nostri consulenti, riassunti in italiano di articoli scientifici di recente pubblicazione, quesiti di citologia e di diagnostica utili per mettersi alla prova ed imparare. Tutti gli argomenti sono trattati e discussi in maniera pratica come può avvenire in una discussione fra colleghi, ma senza rinunciare agli aspetti tecnici e scientifici. Voce Andrea Savoia Iscriviti alla pagina Facebook ► Visita il Blog ►


Randall Carlson

All the Randall you can handle

Ecologia -


Quando l'amore per la natura si trasforma in odio verso l'uomo


Sam Santoso

Cheers for making it to this podcast about Geology! This podcast is first intended so I could listen and hear vocabulary but will eventually branch out into in depth topics in the field of geology.

Клуб знаменитых путешественников

Радио «Комсомольская правда»

«Клуб знаменитых путешественников» - совместная программа «Комсомольской правды» и Русского географического общества, которая рассказывает об удивительных уголках нашей Родины и еще более удивительных людях, которые их исследуют.

Tom MacSweeney's Maritime Podcast

Tom MacSweeney

Tom MacSweeney's Maritime Podcast - covering Ireland’s maritime culture, history, tradition and development. All so important to this island nation where the connection with the sea is as old as time itself. A fundamental part of Ireland, socially and economically.

Il climazionario

Il Bo Live

Che cos'è l'antropocene? Cosa sono i gas serra? Una guida audio per comprendere il cambiamento climatico e le azioni per contrastare il riscaldamento globale.Il podcast è a cura de Il Bo Live, magazine online dell'Università di Padova

The Uptime Wind Energy Podcast

Allen Hall, Rosemary Barnes, Joel Saxum & Phil Totaro

Uptime is a renewable energy podcast focused on wind energy and energy storage technologies. Experts Allen Hall, Rosemary Barnes, Joel Saxum, and Phil Totaro break down the latest research, tech, and policy.

Geographical Thinking from Esri Canada

Esri Canada

Tune in for inspiring stories from thought leaders and GIS users across business, government and education in Canada. Get practical tips for applying geospatial thinking to tackle challenges -- from simple ones encountered in everyday life to the most complex issues our world faces today.




Ocean sounds

Julie Mercier

Sounds of the ocean. Atlantic Beach June 26, 2020.

On The Environment

Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy

Ag Future: Innovation in Agri-Food


Ag Future focuses on the challenges and opportunities that exist within the agricultural sector. Join us as farmers, entrepreneurs and other agri-food industry leaders, both on and off the farm, discuss some of the most significant issues facing our planet and how they are working together for a better tomorrow.


Vishakha Mansi

This podcast helps people to get relaxation and get to know about plants


Felipe Renson

Terra, energia e recursos.

Agenda 2030

Ledio Murati

Agenda 2030 approfondimento obiettivo13

RABDOMENTI - Idee che fanno acqua

Elena Actis, Franco Borgogno

RABDOMENTI - Idee che fanno acqua un podcast di Elena Actis e Franco Borgogno presentato da Hydroaid - Scuola Internazionale dell'Acqua per lo Sviluppo. Troppi nella nostra specie, in quest'epoca affascinante e di transizione marcatamente globale, risultano eccessivamente sicuri di sé e delle tecnologie che ci accompagnano ed è a questi che RABDOMENTI - Idee che fanno acqua si rivolge. Recentemente il dibattito sembra spesso affrontare questioni certamente importanti ma forse non così strategiche: grandi fondi internazionali che acquisiscono terreni agricoli ma anche parte del patrimonio enogastronomico italiano, ritardi nell'utilizzo delle risorse europee per costruire infrastrutture non sempre essenziali. L'attenzione sembra rivolgersi soprattutto a temi accessori mentre i nostri fiumi si prosciugano davanti ai nostri occhi e la terra brucia sotto il sole di un'estate che ormai si affaccia nella pianura padana già dalle prime settimane di primavera. All'interno del disordine per cui siamo responsabili, e che genera i problemi più pressanti che ancora fatichiamo a risolvere, il nostro obiettivo è quello di creare isole di tranquillità. Collaborando e riflettendo insieme, intendiamo offrire risposte e, soprattutto, soluzioni concrete alla questione prioritaria che ci affligge: l'acqua. Con impegno e pragmatismo, ci avventuriamo verso un futuro più sostenibile e consapevole. Registrato presso MiniRec Studio Torino - Sound design a cura di Massimo Rivolta- Produzione a cura di Adriano Sorba - Le voci sono di Oliviero Cappellini e Francesca Vettori


Dolce Vita magazine

Riflessioni e spunti per costruire insieme un mondo migliore.



「地球真好玩」是一档由日谈公园品牌播客厂牌——日有万机和吉尼斯世界纪录共同出品的播客节目。 来自「黑猫侦探社」主播咪仔、「日知录」主播柯紫、「人间布洛芬」主播小T,集结成最勇敢、奇怪的“地球小队”,带你一起探索地球上最奇趣的事与最传奇的人。 我们对一切事物保持好奇,热衷于在单调日常中挖掘独特体验,在多元视角中感受奇妙共鸣。欢迎大家在每周四加入我们的地球探索之旅!

Animalisti e vegetariani -


"Siate fecondi e moltiplicatevi, riempite la terra; soggiogatela e dominate sui pesci del mare e sugli uccelli del cielo e su ogni essere vivente, che striscia sulla terra" (Genesi 1, 28)

SAMS Ocean Explorer

Scottish Association for Marine Science

The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) in Oban, Scotland researches various elements of our marine environment, from algae to oceanography. In this podcast, we meet staff and students from SAMS to learn more about our vast and mysterious ocean.

COP28 - 28th Conference of Parties UN COP 28 UAE

Quiet. Please

The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is taking place from November 30 to December 12, 2023, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It is the first COP to be held in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The theme of COP28 is "Accelerating Climate Action for the Sustainable Future." The conference will focus on a number of key issues, including: Mitigation: Reducing greenhouse gas emissionsAdaptation: Helping countries and communities adapt to the impacts of climate changeFinance: Mobilizing climate finance to support developing countriesLoss and damage: Addressing the loss and damage caused by climate changeCollaboration: Promoting cooperation and collaboration among all stakeholdersCOP28 is an important opportunity for the world to come together and take urgent action to address climate change. The conference will provide a platform for countries to negotiate new commitments, share best practices, and mobilize resources to tackle this global challenge. Here are some of the key expectations for COP28: Ambitious new commitments: Countries are expected to announce new and more ambitious commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.Progress on adaptation: Countries are expected to make progress on adapting to the impacts of climate change, particularly in developing countries.Increased climate finance: There is a call for increased climate finance to support developing countries in their efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.Stronger collaboration: There is a need for stronger collaboration among all stakeholders, including governments, businesses, civil society, and indigenous peoples.COP28 is a critical moment in the fight against climate change. The world must come together and take bold action to avert the worst impacts of climate change.

ALS Podcast


Welcome to ALS! This is a podcast where you'll find discussions about some seriously amazing science facts (+ other stuff). Keep listening and enjoy!

Things You Can't Live Without

Rio Tinto / Listen

Phones, cars, saucepans, reading glasses… These are everyday items that we often take for granted. But how did these items come about? What goes into creating them? How did they become so vital to us? And what is the impact of living with them, now and into the future?    Hosted by material scientist Dr. Anna Ploszajski, each episode welcomes a different guest, and a selection of experts and scientists, to discuss the truths about our reliance on the earth’s resources and to look at what needs to happen to create a sustainable future for the everyday items we have come to rely on.   Things You Can’t Live Without is brought to you by Rio Tinto. Available wherever you get your podcasts. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Age of Plastic

Andrea Fox

An environmental podcast with tips on how to live plastic free! Host Andrea Fox tackles big ethical issues with her knowledgeable guests, all in the hope of overcoming the climate change overwhelm and battling the single-use plastic guilt.

The Backpacker's Guide To Prehistory

David Mountain

The podcast that provides top travel tips for time travellers. Each episode host David Mountain will be asking experts in palaeobiology about the most interesting, exciting and important aspects of prehistory.

Las Castastrofes Del Cambio Climático.

Vanesa Karina Ramírez

Este podcast tratara sobre un tema muy interesante, el cual es necesario que nosotros como seres humanos debemos de saber. El cambio climático el cual cada día que pasa va revolucionando más y destruyendo a nuestra madre naturaleza. ¿ Quienes son los culpables de todo esto ? . Todo esto estaremos viendo en este podcast.

Cutting Carbon

GE Gas Power

Climate change is the dialogue of our future. With the “Cutting Carbon” podcast series, GE Gas Power joins the conversation in a meaningful way. We provide the basics of decarbonization, the technologies behind and how we can implement them into how we generate electricity in the future. Join our host Jeff Goldmeer, GE’s fuel guy, as we bring various guests and exciting perspectives together. Questions or ideas? Email us at

Agriculture Adapts by ClimateAi


Every week we speak with industry leading executives, farmers, and academics to get a 360 view of how the agriculture sector is innovating to stay ahead of a changing climate. We belong to a small team of climate and ag entrepreneurs trying to make farming more resilient, profitable, and equitable as we transition to a new age of agriculture. This podcast is our journey as we explore the hurdles and opportunities that lie ahead for the industry that feeds the world. To learn more, visit us at www.Climate.Ai

A Voyage to Antarctica


Journalist and broadcaster Alok Jha talks to leading explorers, scientists, conservationists and artists about Antarctica’s fascinating past, present and future, to discover why the icy continent matters to us all. Created by the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the first sighting of Antarctica. UKAHT is a charity, championing the public understanding of, and engagement with Antarctica through the history of human endeavour in the region. UKAHT looks after British historic sites and artefacts in Antarctica and invests in global public programmes and education; enabling more people to discover, understand, value and protect this precious wilderness.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Good vibes

Jake Alexander

All the truth you can bare + some funny stuff Support this podcast:

RSM River Mechanics Podcast

Stanford Gibson

Conversations about River Mechanics, Sediment Transport, and Fluvial Geomorphology

Why We Mine

Teck Resources

Join our host and journalist Robin Stickley as she digs into some fascinating conversations about what, how, and Why We Mine. Think about it - practically everything around you that isn’t born or grown is mined. The toothpaste you brush with every morning, the vehicle you use to get around, even the screen you’re reading this on right now contain minerals extracted from the earth. As the climate warms and we race for sustainable solutions, we know you’re asking questions: How can mining help us hit our emissions targets by 2050? How do we continue to build an inclusive workforce and prosperous communities? How will we sustainably mine enough copper for the all the electric cars? Robin explores the answers and takes a closer look at Canada’s innovative mining technologies and community-driven approaches to ensure a sustainable future for everyone.If you want to understand more about “Why We Mine,” this podcast by Teck Resources is for you.

Generation Anthropocene

Generation Anthropocene

Exploring the connection between humans, nature, and the powers shaping our new geologic age. Hosted by Michael Osborne and produced by 14th Street Studios.


Catie Payne

Reskillience is a podcast about skills, about the resilience they bring, and about living closer to the ground so we don’t have quite so far to fall if our fragile modern systems fail us. Hosted by Catie Payne, released every Monday.

El Agrónomo En Campo


El Podcast El agrónomo en campo hablaremos en cada episodio sobre las experiencias vividas en campo así como acercar a personas involucradas en el campo productivo donde nos hablaran sus experiencias hablaremos de nuevas técnicas, acercar la tecnología que generen valor agregado y mayores ganancias.

Klimanachbarn – Die Revolution beginnt nebenan

Michael Schindler & Patrick Niedermayer

Wir, Patrick und Michi, glauben fest daran, dass wir den Klimawandel nur gemeinsam bewältigen können — mit Liebe statt Angst. Unsere Mission: Mit unseren Nachbarn praktikable, positive Lösungen finden und dabei den Spaß nicht vergessen.  Unser Podcast, 2022 gestartet als „Klimaleichen — Vergessene Lösungen der Klimakrise“, trägt seit Dezember 2023 den Namen „Klimanachbarn — die Revolution beginnt nebenan“. Wir konzentrieren uns auf ermutigende Ansätze abseits der üblichen Endzeitstimmung.
