No Bad Dogs Podcast

Tom Davis

Hey, there dog folk! Welcome to the No Bad Dogs Podcast, hosted by Tom Davis. Do you often wonder what your dog is thinking? Join Tom as he teams up with dog trainers, dog lovers, dog enthusiasts and EVERYTHING in between to bring you the No Bad Dogs Podcast! Each episode will be PACKED full of dog training information and tips. Don't miss the weekly Q&A segment where you can call in and ask your own dog-related questions! Some of the topics we'll cover include dog/puppy training, dog/canine behaviors, advanced training techniques, teaching and more! Follow Thomas on Instagram - @tomdavis @nobadogs Youtube -

わんにゃんジャーナル NHKラジオ「NHKジャーナル」

NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)

NHKラジオ第一で放送している「NHKジャーナル」の人気コーナー「わんにゃんジャーナル」をポッドキャストでお送りします。 ペットや動物は、私たちの家族といっても過言ではない存在です。動物に関する話題や知っておきたいことについてお伝えします。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーー ポッドキャストと共に、是非、下記番組もお聴き下さい。 【NHKジャーナル】NHKラジオ第1 月~金 22:05~55OA キャスター:打越裕樹/結野亜希

Disorderly Dogs!

Rachel Laurie Harris CPDT-KA

Living with dogs is a major joy and also a major pain in the you know what sometimes. I share easy to implement, real life training advice with an emphasis on kindness and compassion.

За гранью клетки

За гранью клетки

Подкаст о животных, законах о них в России и за рубежом и об отношении к ним в обществе. ⠀ В наших беседах обсуждаются самые разные темы, начиная от психологии животных, заканчивая глобальными проблемами сохранения их видов. Мы приглашаем в студию профессионалов своего дела, развеиваем популярные мифы и поднимаем вопросы как бытового, так и законодательного уровня. И главное - заглядываем за грань «клетки», в которой живут многие животные, чтобы разобраться, как их оттуда освободить. ⠀ Мы на Яндекс.Музыке: ⠀ В Телеграме: ⠀ Вконтакте: Почта:

CEN Dog Nutrition

Peter & Bryan | CEN Dog Nutrition

We are committed to improving canine wellness in order for them to live longer, happier and healthier lives through proper nutrition and care. CEN Nutrition is 100% Australian owned and based on the simple principle of “Nature Knows Best”.

The Brilliant Dog Pod

Adam Skandarani

Hi I'm Adam Skandarani (they/them), owner of Flash of Brilliance Behavior Consulting where I specialize in healing relationships between reactive dogs and their owners. I'm branching out and starting a podcast where I can share stories and reach more families in need of guidance and support in their reactivity training journeys.

독스 앤 더시티 (Dogs and the city)


마당 있는 집에서만 강아지를 길러야한다고요? No!! 도시에 사는 반려견들의 이야기입니다. 시크한 도시 반려견과의 재밌는 이야기와 깊이 있는 반려문화 이야기까지 함께 나누어요!🐶🥰 강아지로 시작했지만, 어쩌다보니 고양이를 입양하고, 이제는 동물권을 이야기하고 있네요 ㅎㅎ 함께 고민하고 변화를 만들어 가면 좋을 것 같아요!🥰❤️ 소감, 공유하고픈 이야기까지 함께 나눠요~ 댓글, 인스타그램 DM, 이메일 모두좋아요! 공식 인스타 : E-mail:

Die Futtertierärztin - Podcast über Ernährung von Hunden und Katzen

Katharina Jäger

Podcast über Tierärztliche Ernährungsberatung mit den auf Ernährung spezialisierten Tierärztinnen Katharina Jäger und Dr. Rebecca Huhmann. Kennst du das? Beim Spaziergang mit deinem Hund hat dir jemand etwas über den neuesten Futtertrend erzählt. Die Kollegin, die auch eine Katze hat erzählt dir, dass das Futter, das du gerade verfütterst ganz schlecht ist? Im Bereich Fütterung gibt es sehr viel Meinung. Frage 3 Leute und bekomme 4 Antworten. Das sorgt nicht dafür, dass die Unsicherheiten kleiner werden. Wir wollen dir in diesem Podcast Antworten geben. Wie ernährt man eine nierenkranke Katze am besten? Wie kann ich die Fütterung umstellen? Worauf muss ich achten, wenn ich für mein Tier kochen will? Der Podcast nimmt dich mit in die Welt der Fütterung von Hunden und Katzen und beantwortet deine Fragen. Die Tierärztinnen Katharina Jäger und Dr. Rebecca Huhmann haben sich auf Ernährung und Fütterung von Hunden und Katzen spezialisiert. In ihrer Praxis für Tierärztliche Ernährungsberatung helfen sie ihren Patientenbesitzer*innen die passende Fütterung für ihre Tiere zu finden.

The Aquarist Podcast

Aquarist Podcast

This podcast is intended to serve the tropical fish keeping community with insightful interviews from all facets of the hobby: breeders, conservationists, scientists, retailers, brand reps, and new to seasoned enthusiasts. If you keep a freshwater aquarium, this is the podcast for you!

Your Pet Matters(Official 107.7 The Bronc Podcast)

Dr. Michael Tokiwa

107.7 The Bronc presents the first and only pet healthcare show in Mercer County. Tune in to Your Pet Matters with Dr. Michael Tokiwa of the Progressive Veterinary Care, formerly the Animal Hospital of Blawenburg. Your other family physician, Dr. T is on-call every Saturday at 10 a.m. to discuss your pets health. From wellness and prevention to diet and exercise. Listen to it live on app via Apple or Google play Store. Search WRRC1.

Tom's Big Spiders - Tarantulas and Inverts

Tom Moran

A podcast devoted to the proper care and upkeep of tarantulas and other inverts. After keeping a G. porteri for over 16 years, I decided that I wanted to add another tarantula to my collection. Several years later, I now keep over 100 specimens and 90+ different species. It’s safe to say that I am now completely addicted to the hobby.I’m NOT an expert, and I’m currently still learning about keeping these fascinating creatures. In fact, there are so many species, that I suspect that I’ll still be learning years from now. This blog is a bit of a journal to track my interest in the hobby and to share some of the information I’ve learned. A teacher by trade, I enjoy passing along what I’ve information and techniques I’ve discovered and helping others in their successful pursuit of this hobby. I enjoy hearing from folks, whether through comments on the blog or email.I have done and continue to do a lot of research, and I will only be discussing animals I personally keep, so the information I present should be current and accurate. I also regularly update older posts with current photos, observations, and information. However, this is an ever-evolving hobby, so I implore anyone interested in keeping these animals to use whatever they find here as a springboard for further research on techniques or species-specific care.

Amazing Wildlife: A San Diego Zoo Podcast


Did you know that in the world of elephants the females are the ones in charge? Or that a grizzly bear's bite is strong enough to crush a bowling ball? Amazing Wildlife gives a behind-the-scenes look inside the San Diego Zoo and San Diego Zoo Safari Park to gain insight on rare species and to explore the ongoing conservation efforts to save endangered wildlife no matter how big or small. Join us as hosts Rick Schwartz and now Marco Wendt transport listeners around the globe to highlight the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance’s collaborative efforts with local communities to drive positive change for the future of animals and plants. Through one-of-a-kind stories, you’ll hear what it takes to create a healthy next chapter for not only wildlife, but also for the people that share their habitats.

Mäßige Hosen - Dein Podcast-Tierarzt

Nicola Fischer und Christian Bähr

Mäßig sind bei unserem Gespräch garantiert nur die Hosen. Denn Tierarzt Christian Bähr und Journalistin Nicola Fischer sprechen übermäßig gern über die Themen, die Tierhalter rundum ihr Tier interessieren: Die Tiergesundheit! Lasst die Google-Krankheiten-Suchmaschine aus, schaltet bei gefährlichem Schwarm- und Halbwissen auf Durchzug, und dafür unsere virtuelle Sprechstunde ein. Wir behandeln Eure Fragen, und geben Euch jahrzehntelange Tierarzt-Erfahrung rundum Symptome und Diagnosen an die Hand. Fernsehmacherin Nicola & Veterinär Christian engagieren sich beruflich und privat für Tiere, deren Gesundheit und Tierschutz. Ihr wollt mehr über die Stimmen hinter unserem Podcast erfahren?! Dann folgt uns auf instagram @maessige_hosen_podcast P.S.: Bewertet das Duo – aber bitte nur mit dem Prädikat: TIERISCH GUT, ÜBERMÄßIG wertvoll oder ÜBERTRIEBEN interessant!

The Veterinary Roundtable

The Veterinary Roundtable

Welcome to The Veterinary Roundtable! This podcast revolves around listener's questions and concerns regarding anything and everything pet-related. The hosts, Dr. Ashlyn Duckwall and Dr. Emily King, along with their two guests, Courtney Allan and Devyn Fortune, will try their hardest to answer each and every client question to the best of their ability... and have a few laughs along the way. Episodes release weekly on Fridays at 9AM on all podcast services along with YouTube! Want to be featured on the show? Ask your question by messaging us on Facebook, Instagram or emailing!

Shaped by Dog with Susan Garrett

Susan Garrett

Susan Garrett, world-renowned dog trainer, multi-time champion of dog agility, and leading educator on all things canine shares everything related to dogs! Susan understands dog behaviour and wants you and your dog to have the best life together possible.

Baleine sous Gravillon (BSG)

Marc Mortelmans

Baleine sous Gravillon raconte le Vivant et nous reconnecte avec ce qui vit autour de nous. BSG diffuse, un mercredi sur deux, une série de 4 épisodes d’environ 15 minutes. Des experts reconnus et passionnés viennent y partager leurs connaissances sur un thème précis. _______   BSG est le grand frère d'une famille de 3 podcasts complémentaires: Combats, Nomen et Petit Poisson deviendra Podcast (PPDP). _______   Nous cherchons des partenaires, et nous proposons / animons des conférences dans les écoles et les universités, les entreprises et les institutions. _______   Tous les liens en un seul : _______    Contact: Marc Mortelmans 06 52 49 13 71 _______  Toutes les infos :   Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Bêtes de science


Bêtes de Science, c'est le podcast de l'intelligence animale pour les enfants et la famille (et pour les grands qui n'ont pas oublié de rester curieux !). Un mardi sur deux, partez à la découverte d'un nouvel animal et de ses comportements les plus étonnants en compagnie de Gaby Fabresse et Agatha Liévin-Bazin. Rencontrez des oiseaux architectes, des poissons dessinateurs, des insectes cartographes et bien d'autres créatures, suivez la trace des scientifiques qui les étudient, et apprenez à protéger cette incroyable biodiversité dans Bêtes de Science ! 👉Abonnez-vous sur votre apps et plateformes audio préférées 🎙️

This Podcast Has Fleas

WNYC Studios

What happens when rival pets have dueling podcasts? Find out as Jones (Jay Pharoah), a slick cat with a taste for auto tune, faces off with Waffles (Emily Lynne), a dog who can’t help chewing her microphone. Also starring Benny the gerbil (Eugene Mirman) and Mr. Glub the goldfish (Alec Baldwin). WNYC Studios is a listener-supported producer of podcasts including Radiolab, Snap Judgment, On the Media, Death, Sex & Money and many others. © WNYC Studios

"What If We.." Podcast


This is a podcast for curious kids hoping to learn about unique animals and what small (and big) things we can all do to support them, their habitats and our natural world as a whole :)

Afslapningsprotokol på dansk

Randi Easydogs

Karens Overalls afslapningsprotokol på dansk og som podcast. I første afsnit forklarer jeg lidt om konceptet - de efterførlgende afsnit er hver et træningspas - eller en dag i den oprindelige protokol.

Frog of the Week

Frog of the Week

Every week we'll choose and highlight one frog to be the frog of the week! Doesn't that sound fun?

Combats (Baleine sous Grav... SUR le front)

Marc Mortelmans

Combats est le podcast de celles et ceux qui s'engagent au quotidien pour défendre le Vivant, l'environnement, les animaux et la planète en général. «Vient un moment ou parler, débattre, ne suffit plus. Il faut agir» disait Victor Hugo.   Combats diffuse 4 épisodes thématiques de 20 minutes, tous les 15 jours, en alternance avec son grand frère BSG. _______   Combats est un podcast de la famille Baleine sous Gravillon. Les 3 autres sont Baleine sous Gravillon, Nomen et Petit Poisson deviendra Podcast. _______   Nous cherchons des partenaires, et nous proposons / animons des conférences dans les écoles et les universités, les entreprises et les institutions. _______   Tous les liens : _______    Contact: Marc Mortelmans 06 52 49 13 71 _______  Toutes les infos : Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

Blaze Wildlife Wild Wonders: The Animal Podcast

Blaze Wildlife

Welcome to "Wild Wonder: The Animal Podcast"! Join me, Blaze Wildlife, on thrilling journeys where we explore the amazing world of animals. With playful storytelling and fun facts, we'll meet creatures big and small, from roaring lions to dancing dolphins. Perfect for young adventurers of all ages. Subscribe now and let's embark on wild learning adventures together!

The Aquarium Guys

Aquarium Guys Studios

Your favorite aquarium podcast that dives deep into your favorite hobby, keeping pet fish. We are bringing you expert content on species spotlights, expert aquarium hobby insights, and trade secrets. With hosts Jim Colby & Robbz Olson.

Better Be A Betta

Anna Coffey

A Podcast that tells you all you need to know about caring for a Betta fish.

Tropical forest sounds

Omar F. Mejía Agüero

Rain forest Sounds



一個關於奶哥之家的故事 想要預約動物溝通 或是想要學習動物溝通課程 都可以私訊我們的IG🔍hellomilkcats Powered by Firstory Hosting

Fantastic Science Lab 丨Fun Stories for Curious Kids


A bunch of super cool story podcasts just waiting for you: Play with cute animals in fairy tales>>>"Wonder Tales in Magical Realms | Dreamy Fairytale Fables for Little Ears" Time-travel to dinosaur battles>>> "Dinosaur Friends: Kids' Adventures with Dino" Solve mysteries cases and learn safety tips>>> "Sheriff Labrador's Mystery Files: Sunflower Kindergarten" Embark a journey about courage and friendship >>>"Spotty Dinosaur and Friends丨Funny Stories for Kids" Thrilling adventures? Don't miss >>> "Adventure Journey of Courage and Imagination | Funny Quest for Kids" So, what are you waiting for? Let's dive into a world of stories that'll take you on the coolest adventures ever! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Curiosity is human nature. From infancy on, people like to observe new things and ask questions: "Why do people eat?" "Why does it rain?" So Many Whys is a science podcast of the kids, by the kids, for the kids, to be enjoyed by the whole family at any time, anywhere. Do your children never stop asking questions, like hundreds of questions about how our world works every day, and it drives you crazy? You can finally exhale a sigh of relief. You'll find all the answers you and your curious kids need here, and you'll be able to stop "googling" for a while...

Dog Talk ® (and Kitties Too!)

Tracie Hotchner

DOG TALK® (and Kitties, Too!) originated on the only NPR station on Long Island, WLIW-88.3, where it has been on the air for 13 years and numerous consecutive shows.  This Gracie® Award-winning show (for “Best entertainment and information program on local public radio”), is produced and hosted by pet wellness advocate Tracie Hotchner. Each show features Tracie’s interviews with authors and pet experts from around the world, discussing far-ranging topics involving practical and philosophical issues regarding our relationships with dogs and cats.The show broadcasts from the East End and reaches all across Long Island, into Southern Connecticut and Westchester.The show's theme song is "Mmm My Best Friend" by Sophie B. Hawkins from her album TIMBRE.Podcast also available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon podcasts, and Audible.



單純分享生活,沒什麼目的,只為了分大家一起笑! 如果你覺得不好笑,那...就不好笑吧!我又沒差~哈哈 臉書粉絲團:上發條俱樂部 IG:wia627 YOUTUBE頻道: Powered by Firstory Hosting

Daily Paws Presents: Warm Fuzzies

Daily Paws

Daily Paws Presents: Warm Fuzzies, a new six-episode podcast featuring heartwarming stories that highlight special furry family members. We’ll share tales of unlikely friendships, hero pets, miracle rescues, and more make-you-smile stories that celebrate the joy animal companions bring to our lives. Hosted by Karman Hotchkiss, Certified Cat Lady (don’t tell her dog). New episodes every Thursday.

The Avian Behavior Podcast

Hillary Hankey

If you are into animal behavior and positive reinforcement training, you're in the right spot. World renown animal behavior consultant, falconer, and educator Hillary Hankey dives deep with conversations and case studies on parrots, birds of prey as well as horses, dogs and all kinds of animals on topics of behavior as well as nutrition, ethology, and problem solving.

Animal Behavior Conversations: The Podcast of The ABMA

Shane Gorbett, Board of Directors, The Animal Behavior Management Alliance

The Animal Behavior Management Alliance (ABMA) strives to spread knowledge throughout the animal care field to help enhance animal care through operant conditioning. Each episode we will discuss a topic in the world of animal care and break down the science of behavior change. To achieve this, the podcast’s host, Shane Gorbett, will interview fellow trainers and experts from across the world to discuss all things training, behavior, enrichment, welfare, and much more! This podcast will be a great resource for all trainers. Let's talk some training and banter about behavior!

Dog Training DisrUPted - UPWARD Dogology

Billie Groom

Welcome! This podcast is a thought provoking journey into the world of canine psychology and science, and introduces the only psychotherapeutic method grounded in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy proven effective with dogs over the age of six months. Host, Billie Groom, developed Canine Cognitive Behavioral Therapy over 3.5 decades of working with dogs from all backgrounds. She is an award winning author, and was featured in Psychology Today Magazine by Marc Bekoff. She has appeared on many shows, including LA Tribune, IGNITE Your Essence, DVM 360, The Animal Innovations Show, and is a featured speaker at the Animal Behavior Society Conference, and the Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine Conference (2022/23/24). Billie openly shares her experiences and knowledge, in a straight-forward and often humorous manner, acquired over three decades working with dogs, rescuers, fosters, adopters, and industry experts. She describes how dogs think, learn, process, and absorb our urban world, compared to that of puppies, and explains, without judgement, the inherent limitations of conventional training methods. Billie, then, introduces us to Canine Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CCBT), a scientifically proven methodology designed to recognize pre-established thought patterns, respect emotions, and harness cognitive abilities. NOTE: this podcast does not provide specific training advice. As a successful behaviorist for over 3 decades, helping over 150 clients per year, Billie knows the challenges faced by pet parents. If you feel defeated, or as though nothing is working, you are not alone! Billie chats with the most interesting people who help animals. From volunteers, to rescuers, to veterinarians, and authors, you will be amazed by the work these wonderful people do everyday! Mixed in with all this enlightening information, Billie dives deep into scientific studies on dog behavior, and dissects the world of dog rescue and training. Are the experts providing you with all the information? Or are you being saturated with gimmicks and ineffective advice? This podcast aims to change societal views on rescued dogs and our ability to effectively integrate dogs with challenging pasts into our world. By incorporating Canine CBT into mainstream dog rearing, we can reclaim the lost human-animal bond, and change the world for dogs in need. ABOUT Billie: Billie is the VP of the Dog Writers Association of America, and a member of the Comparative Cognition Society, and the Animal Behavior Society. She is the author of an award winning book on rescued dogs, co-author of two handbooks, and published in Ruff Drafts Magazine, Cold Noses News, and Dog Desk Radio. She is a guest on multiple podcasts, tv and radio shows, and is a graduate of Western Ont. University. She is currently taking her PhD in Transpersonal Ecology. Her business won the Global Business Awards 2022 and 2024. She hails from Ontario, Canada and lives in Saskatchewan, Canada with her rescued dogs and a cat who adopted her. 

Listening to the Horse by Elaine Heney | Equine training, education, psychology, horsemanship, groundwork, riding & dressage

Elaine Heney talks horse riding, horse training and natural horsemanship

The Elaine Heney podcast is a global equestrian show for equestrians all over the world, who want to build an inspiring partnership with their horse using ‘Listening to the Horse’ inspired ground & riding lessons & approaches. If you love natural horsemanship, liberty work, polework training, groundwork, lateral movements, trail riding & vaquero horsemanship, you are in the right place! As horse owners we take as long as it takes. We understand that horsemanship is a lifelong journey. And we understand the importance of working slowly with the horse - to build connection, trust & partnership together - and we aim to always put the horse’s mental, physical & emotional needs first. Each week you will listen to one episode that covers one specific skill, strategy or approach to help you build trust, connection & confidence with your horse, and covers a mixture of groundwork & riding lessons & ideas. Get more horse training & tips Enjoy Elaine’s personal blog at: What does Elaine share in this podcast? Enjoy equestrian, horse riding, horse training, natural horsemanship tips. Plus advice on relationship & confidence building with your horse. Discover trail riding, western, dressage, natural horsemanship, equine liberty work, polework training, groundwork, lateral movements & lots more! Elaine Heney is a #1 best-selling author, film producer at Grey Pony Films and director of the award-winning 'Listening to the Horse' documentary. She has helped over 120,000+ horse owners in 113 countries to create awesome relationships with their horses.

The Family Pupz Podcast

Tanya & Charles Lim

A dog novice and a licensed dog trainer have conversations about the most commonly requested dog training and behavioral issues.

The Community Cats Podcast

The Community Cats Podcast

Our mission is to provide education, information and dialogue that will create a supportive environment empowering people to help cats in their community. *For transcripts of most shows, visit

Alvin and the Chipmunks

Fun Kids

Meet the chipmunks, listen to interviews and loads more here.

Be Right Back! The Separation Anxiety Podcast

Julie Naismith

How do I get my dog over separation anxiety? How can I leave my dog without him constantly barking or me coming back to destruction? These are just some of the big questions that dog separation anxiety specialist, Julie Naismith, tackles in her podcast. The podcast episodes are packed with how-to guides, step-by-step training blueprints, and tips and tricks to survive separation anxiety. Each episode is packed with tips, tricks and actionable steps. And Julie also shares her story of how she and her dog survived separation anxiety.

Whippet podcast

Olga Markes

Это подкаст о уиппетах! Если вы это читаете - скорее всего, вы уже влюбились в эту породу или у вас уже есть маленький грациозный друг или подруга. Выбор щенка, решение поведенческих проблем, истории владельцев и собак, кормление, туалет, спортивные дисциплины, ветеринария - все эти вопросы мы будем обсуждать в этом подкасте. Ведет его Ольга Маркес, хозяйка двух уиппетов-девочек Чарли и Виски. Она, как и многие слушатели подкаста, новый человек в породе, открывающий для себя новые мнения и аспекты, приглашая на подкаст опытных владельцев, заводчиков и зоопсихологов.

Naturally Healthy Pets Podcast

Dr. Judy Morgan

Do you want to advocate for a happier, healthier life for your pet? Then you're in the right place! Join host Judy Morgan DVM, CVA, CVCP, CVFT, world renowned author, speaker, and holistic veterinarian for an exciting show where you will discover healthy options for raising your pets in a more holistic manner. Find out the answers to all of your questions as Dr. Judy interviews other top experts and showcases the latest products that will help your pets stay naturally healthy. Interested in sponsoring a Naturally Healthy Pets podcast episode? Email

Cat Talk Radio

Molly DeVoss and Dewey Vaughn

Cat Talk Radio is all about cats, what makes them do what they do, why they occasionally misbehave and what cat guardians can do to fix it. We educate you on how to modify unwanted cat behavior by providing the proper environment and stimulation, enabling cats to express their natural behaviors in ways that are preferable for both the humans and cats. You will learn how to have fun with your cat, fascinating cat facts and be inspired to try new things, which will lead to a happier relationship and closer bond with your cat. We’ll also call attention to the plight of cats in our country, feel compassion for their challenges and share the message.

Dogs & Deadlifts - Build A Better Dog!

Daniel Rose

Welcome to the Dogs & Deadlifts - Building A Better Dog Podcast If you like a Podcast that is raw, unfiltered and authentic you have come to the right place! "I help passionate dog lovers around the world to build a better dog and create a powerful bond that will last a lifetime through Dog Nutrition, Dog Fitness and Scent Work." Join your host Daniel Rose as we discuss Dog Fitness, Raw Nutrition and Scent Work for dogs. Subscribe today!

Your New Puppy: Dog Training and Dog Behavior Lessons to Help You Turn Your New Puppy into a Well-Behaved Dog

Debbie Cilento: Dog Trainer | Dog Behavior Consultant | Owner of Playtime Paws | Belly Rub Specialist

Your host, Debbie (owner of Playtime Paws), is a positive trainer with a passion for dogs, their behavior and helping you create a well-behaved dog. This is a dog training and behavior podcast that with help you and your new puppy build good healthy habits right from the start. It will also help you understand your dog’s behavior and build a strong, fulfilling, and fun relationship for years to come.

Help! My Dog: The Podcast. Dog Behaviour & Training Strategies that Work!

Dr Tom Mitchell

The Brand New podcast from vet, behaviourist and trainer, Dr Tom Mitchell! We'll be covering all things dog behaviour to unlock the life you dream of with your dog, transforming behaviour struggles and levelling up your relationship with your dog. If you get excited about learning about dog behaviour and want the practical, effective (and fun) strategies that we know transform struggles from barking to reactivity to separation anxiety to simply not listening, welcome home!

Dog Save The People

As It Should Be Productions

How caring for dogs transforms who we are as a person and changes our lives for good. Interview series hosted by John Bartlett, fashion designer and animal activist.

Your Family Dog Podcast

Julie Fudge Smith and Tina Spring

Helping families love living with dogs. Simple solutions to common canine problems from professional dog trainers Julie Fudge Smith and Colleen Pelar.

Bark n Wag 15 Minute Vet Talk

Polly ReQua

Bark n Wag 15 Minute Vet Talk teaser

Dog Talk by Happy Dog Training

Happy Dog Training

Dog Talk is an informative and fun podcast for everything dog related from Happy Dog Training. Join Ralf and his team and delve into a broad range of dog-related topics from training to nutrition, health, and behavior, as well as fun, quirky things and current dog news.

The Raw Dog Food Truth

The Raw Dog Food Truth

Pets with skin issues, allergies, digestive issues can heal with the right food. Don't be fooled by pretty pictures on the bag. Learn why so many pets are eating a species appropriate diet and living longer healthier lives. Your Pet's Health Is Our Business "Friends Don't Let Friends Feed Kibble"

Twin Trees Vet Talk│Free Vet Advice Podcast

Twin Trees Vet

WELCOME TO TWIN TREES VET TALK! An informal chat with Dr. Lopez (Emergency Veterinarian) and friends to share our perspective on pet predicaments, being a veterinarian, our shared love for animals and more! Have a quick question? Want to run something by us? Or just need our two cents? This is your chance! Each week we select a handful of questions to answer. SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS HERE: CONNECT WITH US ONLINE: -WEBSITE: -YOUTUBE: -INSTAGRAM:

The Dog's Way Podcast: Dog Training for Real Life

Sean McDaniel

The Dog's Way Podcast, with professional dog trainer Sean McDaniel, deals with practical dog obedience for real life situations. Sean gives you underlying theory and practical training assignments based in a more naturalistic dog training philosophy to help you solve the most common dog behavior issues. Sean shares his experience from over fifteen years of working with clients and their dogs, dealing with behavior modification, functional dog obedience issues and everyday dog training issues. In the “dog training podcasts”, Sean leaves you with homework assignments to help you begin practically dealing with your dog’s issues. Sean also, interviews leading dog issue experts in topics such as: your dog's diet, veterinary medicine, puppy raising, dog breeding and selecting the right dog for you.

Undiscovered Worlds

Undiscovered Worlds

Become a Paid Subscriber: Hello! Welcome to my Podcast channel You will find audios about a little bit of everything, from history and music to animals, science, and above all entertainment! Thank you for your support! Subscribe and Hit the bell icon to be alerted of our newest Podcasts. Become a Paid Subscriber: Support this podcast: