Comedy Con.

Comedy Con

Tu programa favorito de comedia. Friki, lleno de cosas, nuevo, y sobre todo, divertido. Únete a Fer, a Evencio, y a su elenco y bienvenido a la Comedy Con. Bravo J***r.

vale ok podcast

Guillem Camós i Marc Sarrats

Vídeopodcast on t'expliquem tonteries en plan històries de misteri, llegendes urbanes, creepypastas, conspiranoies, etc. Com un Cuarto Milenio però de rissa i amb menys pressu. Cada dilluns de 23h a 00h en directe per Twitch i Youtube. La resta de la setmana també a Spotify o a la teva plataforma d'audio preferida. Per sempre més al teu cor.


Podium Podcast

Boletín informativo de Biotopía, centro de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico avanzado. En Biotopía, lo imposible perdió su significado hace mucho tiempo. Una ficción sonora creada, escrita y producida por Manuel Bartual.

Bienvenido a la vida peligrosa

Podium Podcast

La narconovela sonora de Arturo Pérez-Reverte.

AudioSerie La Que Se Avecina

Comunidad Montepinar

NUEVO: Las divertidas historias de la Comunidad Montepinar llegan en Exclusiva en formato AudioSerie Audible. 4 Horas de LQSA en Podcast. Disfruta de un total de 10 Capítulos ubicados en la Temporada 12 de la Serie con las voces de sus Protagonistas. Pablo Chiapella (Amador), José Luis Gil (Enrique Pastor), Jordi Sánchez (Antonio Recio) o Nathalie Seseña (Berta), entre otros, llevarán a tus oídos las desternillantes aventuras de esta Comunidad de vecinos nada convencional. Sumérgete en todo un universo de nuevas tramas fuera de la Comunidad, en el que Amador cumplirá al fin su promesa de llevar a su Familia a Disneylandia o en el que Menchu (Loles León) y Fina (Petra Martínez) acompañarán a Yoli (Miren Ibarguren) a Turquía para que se haga un injerto de pelo en su zona genital.

Vida Simple | Podcast

Silvia Ahora y Yo Indiana

🎙️ Soy Silvia Ahora, pedagoga de profesión, autora del libro Vida Simple y Youtuber sobre minimalismo y desarrollo personal. En este podcast aprenderemos a disfrutar más de la vida potenciando la autoestima, aprendiendo a gestionar las emociones, conociéndonos mejor a nosotros mismos para así comprender (un poquito) mejor a los demás. Pero no estaré sola. Me acompaña Yo Indiana, arqueólogo, emprendedor y un buscador incansable de la libertad, en todos sus aspectos. Su misión es darle un toque de humor a esos temas tan trascendentales.

The Adventure Zone

The McElroys

Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy from My Brother, My Brother and Me have recruited their dad Clint for a campaign of high adventure. Join the McElroys as they find their fortune and slay an unconscionable number of ... you know, kobolds or whatever in ... The Adventure Zone..

Emprendedores en Andorra

Emprendedores en Andorra

Joan y Álex se van a Andorra, pues por lo visto, es mucho más fácil emprender. ¿O no?

Gente Inmunda

Gente Inmunda

En este programa hablaremos de personas que han llegado a la cima de la inmundicia por cualquier motivo. Todo personaje variopinto que tenga que ver con la cultura trash, el faranduleo charro o el inframundo de internet tendrá su lugar en este podcast desenfadado que se asemeja mucho a una charla entre vecinas desquiciadas en el patio de luces. De la mano de Silver y Hector, sumérgete en un universo de estrellas conocidas y no tan conocidas del que quizá no sabías que eras fan.

Decisiones Desparejas

La Maldita

Decisiones Desparejas, un thriller doméstico con Laura Paredes, Marcelo Subiotto y Benjamin Otero, y la participación especial de Dolores Fonzi, María Marull, Valeria Correa y Esteban Lamothe. Una serie para especular, deliberar y confundir acerca de los matrimonios, mandatos y demonios. Una ficción sonora original de La Maldita. Creada por Azul Lombardía y Lucas Mirvois. #comedia #ficcionsonora #serie #ficcion

Ui, si aixequés el cap

Ràdio Capital. La ràdio de l'Empordà

“Ui, si aixequés el cap…”, el nou projecte de Ràdio Capital de l’Empordà. Un pòdcast en forma de ficció sonora que “ressuscita” sis il·lustres empordanesos per reivindicar el seu valor històric i el seu origen, alhora que dona a conèixer la seva vida, obra i pensament a les generacions més joves.



「不止读书」是魏小河发起的一档文化类播客。在这档节目里,我希望和所有听众一起,从读书开始,抵达更广阔的世界。每周五更新。 你也可以在公众号「魏小河流域」或微博@魏小河找到我。

Não Inviabilize

Déia Freitas

O canal Não Inviabilize é um espaço de contos e crônicas, um laboratório de histórias reais. Aqui você ouve as suas histórias misturadas às minhas! Quadros do canal: Amor Nas Redes - histórias de amor, afeto, saudade; Picolé de Limão - histórias do cotidiano, ciladas, trapaças, muita história revoltante; Luz Acesa - histórias de terror, suspense e mistério; Ficção da Realidade - histórias ficcionais interativas; Mico Meu - histórias engraçadas; Alarme - histórias que servem de alerta, gatilhos emocionais. Site: E-mail:

Die Schokofrösche - Der Harry Potter Podcast


Du magst Harry Potter und möchtest mehr über die Figuren, Personen, Wesen und Orte  des Potter Universums wissen? Du willst Anregungen für Diskussionen haben und Charaktere durchleuchten und analysieren? Du magst FanFictions, Harry Potter Spiele und Quizze? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig. Mit viel Spaß und Leidenschaft widmen wir uns den von JKR geschaffenen Charakteren der Harry Potter Büchern. Jeden Mittwoch erscheint eine neue Folge. Hört rein! Unseren Merch gibt es hier: Ihr wollt uns FanArt schicken oder Sticker von uns bekommen? Schreibt uns an: Postfach 710532 81455 München

Uncharted Territory : Isekai Gaming Adventure.

Teleported Into His Favorite RPG | Isekai Fantasy

Welcome to Uncharted Territory, a podcast that will take you on a heart-pumping adventure beyond the limits of your imagination. In this series, we follow the story of a fast food worker who finds himself in a world beyond his wildest dreams or worst nightmares. After a long shift at work, he decides to escape reality by diving into his favorite video game. But as soon as he downloads a new update, he's transported into the game itself. What he discovers is shocking! he's not in a virtual reality experiment, but in a real-life version of the game. Subscribe now so you never miss an episode!Uncharted Territory's new Twitter account: Contact:

Mockery Manor

Long Cat Media

Summer, 1989, somewhere in deepest darkest England. Mockery Manor is a theme park where people disappear, and it's up to a pair of chaotic teenage twins to catch a killer. British Podcast Awards 'Best Fiction' Nominee 2020. If you like Hot Fuzz, The White Lotus and Scream, then Mockery Manor is for you. Mockery Manor is a full-cast production best enjoyed using headphones.

Tirando Rol

Tirando Rol

Bienvenidos a Tirando Rol, donde 6 amigos guiados por su Dungeon Master narran grandes aventuras. Tenemos dos campañas hasta el momento la campaña numero 1:Cyrin: Donde cinco inusuales aventureros buscarán rescatar al continente de Cyrin de un mal que se acerca. La magia ha desaparecido por siglos, pero ahora todo el poder está resurgiendo, incluyendo lo que hace  más de mil años intentaron desterrar.La campaña numero 2:Sahmshara : Donde seis personajes se embarcaran en una historia en un continente nuevo y lleno de magia. Al parecer una enfermedad magica esta brotando y esto tiene grandes repercusiones en todo el continente. Acompañalos en su reccorrido por Sahmshara mientras descubren que es lo que esta causando este mal.Tirando Rol es un podcast de juego actual de Calabozos y Dragones (Dungeons and Dragons) en un mundo creado exclusivamente para este Podcast. El DM Ulises Martínez es acompañado por Galindo, Mairyn, Lalo, Annie, Dob, Nerea y nuestra gran ilustradora Jimena Mosqueda, para este podcast donde habrá de todo, comedia, drama acción y eso si... Muchos dados. Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Azafata en Atacama

Studio Ochenta

¡Esto es Azafataaaaa en Atacamaaaaa, una aventura producida por Studio Ochenta! Una azafata, un piloto retirado y un luchador: ellos son la receta perfecta para encontrar a una científica y salvar al mundo de una catástrofe lingüística… si tú lo permites. En Azafata en Atacama, TÚ tomarás las decisiones de lo que harán sus personajes al final de cada episodio. EMPIEZA a jugar con el episodio 0. Elenco: MARIELA: Serrath NARRADOR: Jeremías Juárez FERNANDO: René Mendizábal LUCHO: Rodrigo Román Báez VERÓNICA: Berenice Zavala UNU: Ricardo Zárate DR. RODRIGO: Luis López Equipo de Producción de Azafata en Atacama:   PRODUCCIÓN EJECUTIVA: Lory Martinez HISTORIA DE: Lory Martinez, Maru Lombardo, Jeremías Juárez, Luis López, Chiara Santella GUIONISTA PRINCIPAL: Maru Lombardo LÍDER DE DISEÑO SONORO: Luis López DISEÑO SONORO: Luis López, Jeremías Juárez, Chiara Santella COORDINACIÓN DE PRODUCCIÓN: Catalina Hoyos PROMOCIÓN Y REDES SOCIALES: Lisha López, Lucía Ríos ARTE E ILUSTRACIÓN: William Guevara PÁGINA WEB: David Momodu Hosted on Acast. See for more information.



今天在微博看到原来有这么多人喜欢听武林外传啊,好开心🥳 —————— 这是一个系列的戏说江湖的轻松喜剧。关中一个普通的小镇——七俠镇,这里有一家同福客栈。就是这间不起眼的江湖客栈,因缘巧合之下汇聚了一群性格各异又活泼搞怪的年轻人:武功高强但初入江湖的郭芙蓉(姚晨 饰)、客栈老板娘佟湘玉(闫妮 饰)、金盘洗手的神偷白展堂(沙溢 饰)、满腹经纶的吕秀才(喻恩泰 饰)、客栈厨师李大嘴(姜超 饰)等等。这群年轻人在同一屋檐下演绎了一幕幕经典的搞笑场面,在欢笑与眼泪中陪伴观众们一起渐渐成长。

Contes merveilleux pour enfants

Caracolivres Editions

Caracolivres Editions propose cette première collection de podcasts pour les enfants: des dizaines de contes merveilleux pour enfants, proposés un par un, contes issus de la littérature classique jeunesse, mondiale, ou issus de différents folklores à travers le monde.😀 On y rencontrera des fées, des lutins, des enfants sages ou pas sages, des animaux extraordinaires, des histoires drôles, des histoires graves, des histoires pour les petits, et les plus grands: on y trouvera des contes russes, des contes africains, des contes indiens, des folklores, du folklore anglais, etc  .😀 Interprétation: Fabienne Prost Retrouvez tous nos livres audio sur:  (      Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

El Gallo Pódcast

Radioacktiva y Caracol Pódcast

El show de radio, cómico y musical de Radioacktiva reportando como se mueve el mundo del rock y qué pasa en este planeta loco y perdido, al mejor estilo sarcástico de El Gallo. Con Pacho Cardona, Juliana Casali, Diego Peña y el Champion.

Meet Cute Rom-Coms

Meet Cute

The Official Source of Rom-Coms. Meet Cutes are original romantic comedies told in 15 minutes. Here you’ll discover all of our 6-part series – the perfect pick-me-ups – with new episodes for free, twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays. Subscribers get early access to binge the latest series in full when it launches, our Meet Cute Singles feed, and after 3 months, each series will also be featured in its own feed, for subscribers only.

Niños a dormir

Pinky Pinky

Canciones de cuna

Midnight Burger

Business Goose Media

When Gloria took a waitressing job at a diner outside of Phoenix, she didn't realize she was now an employee of Midnight Burger, a time-traveling, dimension-spanning diner. Every day Midnight Burger appears somewhere new in the cosmos along with it's staff: a galactic drifter, a rogue theoretical physicist, a sentient old-timey radio, and some guy named Caspar. No one knows who built Midnight Burger or how it works, but when it appears there's always someone around who could really use a cup of coffee. "When the waves of the universe crash unrelentingly, when the stars seem indifferent to your plight, suddenly there is a diner." We open at 6.

The Encounter Table

Encounter Co.

A D&D real play podcast where three best friends "encounter" guest(s) each campaign, strive to entertain, make you laugh, and make a positive impact on the world! CURRENT CAMPAIGN: Marvin's Game FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES:

Worlds Beyond Number

Fortunate Horse, Worlds Beyond Number

Brennan Lee Mulligan, Erika Ishii, Aabria Iyengar, and Lou Wilson hang out together and use games to make up stories. It's pretty good.

Latest Peppa pig Stories

Rimpi Garg

Hi Everyone, I am three and I love to read books. Me and my dad are starting to share this time with everyone across world. I have read all the stories so now my dad is writing the stories and making new stories with different characters. Read Along with Peppa pig, Pig the pug, pete the cat and many more You can follow me & my other fun content on Youtube: Support this podcast:

Spout Lore

Spout Lore

A series of comedy bits, loosely connected by dice rolls. Join a well-meaning barbarian, a mysterious druid, and an orphaned halfling child as they try to figure out the world they're in.

Hielera Cósmica

Luis Kroma

Una Charla, tres cervezas y el Cosmos. Un Podcast donde se tocan diversos temas del mundo actual, situaciones un tanto bizarras y enlazadas a la cultura pop desde los 90's hasta la actualidad. Por Luis Kroma, Alex Vargas y Roberto Rojas

Juha | جحا

Sowt | صوت

جحا مسلسل روائي جديد يحكي قصص حكيم الحمقى المشهورة وقصص لم تسمعوها من قبل. يروي لنا راوٍ مميز جدًا حكايات عجيبة عن عباءة تأكل، وسحر يحول الرجال إلى حمير، وحركات بهلوانية تذهل العقول، في محورها كلها الماكر المحبوب، جحا.

Birra en Casa

Ven Tu Que Te Toca A Ti

Mi nombre es Une y me acompaña Eve, a quien le voy a contar la historia de la cerveza. A lo largo de diferentes capítulos, los voy a introducir en la historia de las respectivas escuelas de la cerveza: la Alemana, la Inglesa, la Belga, la Checa y la Americana; pero adaptada un poco a nuestros tiempos, como para que la entendamos todos.

Hell Gate City

Kevin Berrey

Award-winning comedy sci-fi series about the intertwining lives of a ragtag bunch of dreampunks in a futuristic cyberpunk hellhole NYC; from Kevin Berrey. Season 2 is live. New episodes Blursdays! It's free to👂 but not to make. Get extra rizz as a member, plus bonus audio tales like these every fortnight: 📄, 📧, 📀: Chat with the gang on Discord⁉️

The Amelia Project

Imploding Fictions

The Amelia Project is a secret agency that fakes its clients' deaths, then lets them reappear with a brand new identity! A black comedy full of secrets, twists... and cocoa. The series starts as a succession of interviews with clients who want to fake their deaths, then slowly a larger narrative begins to emerge... Each episode tells its own story, but we recommend starting with Season 1.

Thinkers Podcast

Moha Lalouh

Thinkers es un espacio presentado por Moha Lalouh donde a través de conversaciones se generan reflexiones interesantes. Cada semana con un invitado diferente se tratan temas que afectan a la sociedad.

Wooden Overcoats

Wooden Overcoats Ltd

Award Winning Sitcom || Rudyard Funn and his equally miserable sister Antigone run their family’s failing funeral parlour, where they get the body in the coffin in the ground on time. But one day they find everyone enjoying themselves at the funerals of a new competitor – the impossibly perfect Eric Chapman! With their dogsbody Georgie, and a mouse called Madeleine, the Funns are taking drastic steps to stay in business…



分享生活週記 然後再來檢討過去自己學生時期寫的週記 Powered by Firstory Hosting

En los zapatos de Valeria

Podium Podcast

Adaptación sonora del bestseller 'En los zapatos de Valeria' de Elisabet Benavent

Camp Here & There

Mayfield & Belov

Tune in to the loudspeakers of a small midwestern sleep-away camp plagued by supernatural terrors and natural disasters. Sydney Sargent, resident camp nurse, cheerfully reports on all the dangers just below (and above) our feet. Episodes air weekly starting June 10th 2021. Original music written and composed by Will Wood.

We Fix Space Junk

Battle Bird Productions

'We Fix Space Junk' follows seasoned smuggler Kilner and reluctant fugitive Samantha as they travel the galaxy, dodging bullets and meeting strange and wonderful beings as they carry out odd jobs on the fringes of the law. A female-led sci-fi comedy sitcom set in the far future, in a high-tech, dystopian world, We Fix Space Junk draws on the sci-fi of the past, following in the footsteps of Harry Harrison and of Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Equal parts love-letter to sci-fi and satire of the present-day, Space Junk is lovingly produced by Beth Crane and Hedley Knights of Battle Bird Productions. To support the show visit or visit

Oh These, Those Stars of Space!

Bucket of Milk

Far beyond the frontier of civilized space, sails the starship the CSS Cavalier, manned by her strange and daring crew. Their destination? Adventure. Their cargo? Your dang ears. Their mission? Episodic science fiction comedy at the intersection of Star Trek, Douglas Adams, and the Marquis DeSade. From the same people who birthed unto you the blockbuster true-crime podcast Rude Tales of Magic comes a new and improvised sci-fi (science fiction) delight that has already been banned in most public schools and the Vatican.

The Supernatural Protection Company

Saph the Something

Need paranormal insurance? Call us! The Supernatural Protection Company is dedicated to providing quality customer service to help you with any and all paranormal issues for which you may be covered. From haunted cars to cryptid caused injury, we're here for you! The Supernatural Protection Company is an episodic comedy podcast about a world where paranormal occurrences are so commonplace you can just buy insurance for them! In a mix of fully scripted and improvised episodes, we learn about the quirks of this alternate reality through recorded phone calls with an SPC customer service agent, and all the nonsense that entails. New episodes monthly (usually)! Created and produced by Saph the Something (xae/xem), a queer and disabled non-binary multimedia artist located in the Midwestern US.

Brimstone Valley Mall

The Whisperforge

The year is 1999. Lurking somewhere between Hot Topic and the food court, five misfit demons from Hell kill time inciting sin in a suburban shopping mall. When the lead singer of their band goes mysteriously missing, the demons only have two weeks to find him before they play the biggest gig of the millenium - or face the wrath of Satan herself.

Batman: The Audio Adventures


In partnership with Warner Bros. and DC, this scripted audio original, Gotham City comes to lurid life in the theater of your mind…with a sensational pageant of technicolor villainy unlike any other on Earth. Mafioso Penguins. Thieving Catwomen. Terrorist Riddlers. Killing Jokers…a city where some problems can only be solved by a billionaire in a bat costume. Starring Jeffrey Wright as Batman, Rosario Dawson as Catwoman, John Leguizamo as the Riddler, and a who’s who of incredible “Saturday Night Live” alums, the series draws inspiration from the vintage noir atmosphere of the celebrated “Batman: The Animated Series,” the spirited fun of the classic 1960s “Batman”TV series, and the entire 80-plus year history of the BATMAN franchise. This rollicking, over the top Batman adventure is written and directed by Emmy®-winner Dennis McNicholas, features an A-List cast, and devilishly delightful original music.

El Grupo Paranormal Podcast

El Grupo

Acompáñanos y escucha a Sgahoc, Gamastor, Diana Prince y MartianFury hablar de los casos más misteriosos de México México Ra Ra Ra y el mundo; conspiraciones, enigmas, curiosidades. La realidad supera a la ficción... Destapa una chelita o descorcha un vino y debate con nuestras patrañas cada semana.



A detective comedy drama || Even Greater London, 1887. In this vast metropolis, Inspector Archibald Fleet and journalist Clara Entwhistle investigate a murder, only to find themselves at the centre of a conspiracy of impossible proportions.

Josie's Lonely Hearts Club

Good Story Guild, Maximilian Clark, Rachel Music

Josie’s Lonely Hearts Club is a semi-scripted audio drama set in the studio of New Mexico’s 3rd-best romantic advice call-in show.  On-air, listeners eavesdrop as Josie squares off against top improvisers and is only occasionally helped by her puckish engineer Frank. Off-air, witness her journey from melancholy Joanne Holtzinger to nationally syndicated sensation Josie Heller. What results is an often hilarious and surprisingly human show exploring the risks we idiots take every time we fall in or out of love.   Josie’s Lonely Hearts Club was created by Maximilian Clark (Superhuman Public Radio)  and Rachel Music. Our story editor is Aliza Brugger. This podcast is brought to you by the Good Story Guild ( . Keep track of us at and stay cozy, cuties.  Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.

La Nevera

La Nevera

Dos hermanos con mucho tiempo libre (en verdad no) y muy poca vergüenza. El podcast de Gema y David Kazorla.

Firebreathing Kittens

Firebreathing Kittens

We play a different TTRPG every week. Four of our rotation of cast members will bring you a story that has a beginning and end. Every episode is a standalone plot in the season long anthology. There’s no need to catch up on past adventures or listen to every single release; hop in to any tale that sounds fun. Join us as we explore the world, solve mysteries, attempt comedic banter, and enjoy friendship.

Pollito Tropical Podcast

Pollito Tropical

Regreso con este proyecto de Podcast donde estaré conversando con amigos, enemigos, artistas e influencers. Acompáñame en cada capítulo. Espero verlos por acá y me cuentan sus opiniones en mis redes sociales.

Sports Horn


Sports Horn – it’s the UK’s third most talked about sports radio network! Join ex-footballer and current pundit Ian Fiveankles with co-host Anthony Richardson as they tackle the biggest sporting stories in their brand new breakfast show, only on SPORTS HORN. Dishing out the sort of insight one can only acquire from playing LDV Vans Trophy fixtures against both Jamie Cureton and Jamie O’Hara, this is a breakfast show not to be missed...  Sports Horn is a weekly sports radio parody from Stak and the comedic minds of The Exploding Heads (Mark Davison and Anthony Richardson) who can be found here! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Bons baisers de partout


INA Podcasts présente un trésor des archives de la radio : « Bons baisers de partout », en version restaurée. Avis aux amateurs de calembour et de création sonore ! “Bons baisers de partout”, la série totalement loufoque de Pierre Dac et Louis Rognoni est de retour en version restaurée, sur INA Podcasts. Cette parodie de série d’espionnage diffusée de 1966 à 1974 met en scène le Service de Documentation Unilatéral et de Contre-espionnage (le SDUC) dirigé par le Colonel Hubert de Guerlasse, interprété par Pierre Dac lui-même. À retrouver tous les mercredis à 18h.

Tras la Sombra de los Elegidos

La inspectora Revoltosa

Novela policíaca-tributaria. Audiolibro de La inspectora Revoltosa (LiR) en la que narro en tono fresco, humorístico y sarcástico mis propias experiencias de inspección tributaria y amorosas. Los Elegidos dícese de aquellos contribuyentes seleccionados a sufrir una inspección fiscal a los que persigo. Este original audiolibro comienza con la odisea de las duras oposiciones y abarca trece historias de fraude fiscal protagonizadas por una gran variedad de personajes: una asesora experta, un dentista, un alemán discotequero, un amigo de la infancia, un millonario ruso, un famoso futbolista, un grupo de italianos, un cura, muertos que defraudan, una persona del género fluido y su entrañable amante. Soy una mujer femenina, independiente, sexual, atrevida, divertida, enamoradiza, práctica, trabajadora y curiosa, que no se detiene ante nadie y menos ante aquellos que defraudan. Inspirada en hechos irreales. Cualquier coincidencia con personajes reales es pura imaginación. Audiolibro con las voces de sus variados personajes y efectos especiales. Ilustración de David. Producido por LiR Books. Todos los derechos de propiedad intelectual son reservados y están registrados en EEUU y España según sus respectivas leyes vigentes.



A new quick-witted mystery from the makers of Blackout and The Left Right Game, Classified follows Ivan Harris (WYATT RUSSELL), a slightly paranoid smooth talker who finds himself trapped in the mysterious Ravenholm Institute.  Ivan claims to be sane, but his cries are ignored by the imposing Doctor Bell (MONICA POTTER), who insists that Ivan be treated until he’s free of his delusions. While enduring painful procedures and under the heavy watch of the attendants, Ivan formulates a plan of escape with the other patients. Ivan yearns to get back to his partner, Odessa, but does she even exist? Is Ivan really a trained killer? He is planning his escape with the help of his imaginary friend Lark (BRENT JENNINGS), so what is actually going on? And What does Ravenholm have to do with it all? Tune in to find out what happens to Ivan and his fellow band of misfits.  Produced by QCODE. Created by Spenser Cohen and Anna Halberg. Starring Wyatt Russell, Brent Jennings & Monica Potter.

Bloodthirsty Hearts

QCODE | Tenderfoot TV

Friends growing apart happens, but creatures crashing a fantasy convention… not so much.  Five high schoolers bonded over the Bloodthirsty Hearts novel series turned slightly-erotic movie franchise as kids, and now it’s what brings them back together for the first-ever fan convention. However, what starts as fun and games quickly turns into a fight-for-your-life event as creatures from the same universe invade. Will the childhood friends be able to work past their differences and survive the night? Perhaps their shared obsession will prove to be useful after all… ~~ From the makers of Classified and Ronstadt comes Bloodthirsty Hearts, a supernatural comedy premiering everywhere July 7. QCODE+ subscribers on Apple Podcasts will get early access to new episodes before anyone else and exclusive bonus content. Learn more at ~~ Produced by QCODE and Tenderfoot TV (Up and Vanished, Radio Rental). Created and written by George V. Ghanem and directed by Sam Beasley. Starring Victoria Moroles, Gus Birney, Sofia Bryant, Sivan Alyra Rose, and Cheyenne Haynes with Taran Killam, Happy Anderson, Naomi Grossman, and Ezra Buzzington.

Com Està El Pati

Charlee i Joyerre

Benvinguts/des a Com Està El Pati, un pòdcast on en Charlee i en Joyerre petaran la xerrada fent gala del seu rigor informatiu (o no). Tertúlies basades en humor, entreteniment i actualitat. Nou capítol cada dimecres a partir de les 19h. Per a no perdre’t cap dels nostres continguts, segueix-nos a totes les nostres xarxes socials: Twitter (X): Instagram: TikTok: YouTube: Altres:

Ghosthoney’s Dream Machine

Pod People

Greetings, Gentle Listeners! For his first ever podcast, TikTok’s Ghosthoney set out to make a simple show about his simple life, after recently moving into his late Great Aunt’s eclectic Los Angeles mansion. He quickly discovers that the home takes on a life of its own, however, and decides to document each and every odd occurrence. What unfolds is a comedic docu-style mystery podcast filled with a colorful cast of characters including an eternal goblin named Rose that lives underneath Ghosthoney’s bed and feeds on his socks; a sexy next-door neighbor who also happens to be a vampire; nighty conversations with a sentient and sassy full moon and an old box of cassette tapes that have been dropped onto Ghosthoney’s doorstep that just might reveal the mysteries of the home. As a fun bonus, Ghosthoney delivers a special episode every month where he’ll interpret real dreams submitted by you, the gentle listeners of this show. So sit back, relax, snuggle into your headphones, and enjoy the immersive and gently chaotic storytelling that is Ghosthoney’s Dream Machine, a Pod People Original. Advertising Inquiries:

The Flash: Escapar del Circo de Medianoche

Blue Ribbon Content

Barry Allen está en su máximo esplendor en cuanto a poderes y fama, y se siente muy cómodo siendo el héroe favorito de Central City; pero ser Flash le obliga a decepcionar a Iris una vez más y ella, harta, termina por dejar la relación. Entonces, un Barry decidido, descubre que puede usar el poder de su velocidad para volver atrás en el tiempo y hacer las cosas bien. Pero algo sale mal y cae en una nueva dimensión, dentro de un pequeño cuarto junto a Capitán Frío, y sin poderes. Frío le dice a Barry que es un participante involuntario de un concurso de televisión, “El Circo de Medianoche”, donde humanos, superhéroes y canallas de todo pelaje se enfrentan a vida o muerte en desafíos de pura suerte. Si sobrevive a esta competición, Barry será libre, recreará las condiciones del viaje original y volverá a su línea temporal. Pero para hacer eso, tendrá que confiar solo en su sentido común. Y por si no fuera suficiente, pronto acabará enfrentándose a su rival más difícil: Iris West.


Fable and Folly Productions

An improvised dark comedy sci-fi podcast by the award-winning creators of Alba Salix. Humanity’s final hope lies in terraforming a new world. A fleet of engineering ships are sent in advance of the colony ships sure to follow in their wake. But one lone ship becomes separated from the fleet and crashes onto an alien planet. Support this show at:

Muchas me preguntáis

Muchas me preguntáis

Un podcast de Bertus, Ruven Gareza y Sonia Lápida. 3 personas castigadas por la vida, seguramente igual que tú.

Cositas de amor

Studio Ochenta

Para Cloe, un reloj o un lápiz pueden darle la respuesta a la pregunta de su vida: "¿Es este el hombre para mí?". Esto es Cositas de amor, una comedia romántica de publicación diaria en la que Cloe, una investigadora de inteligencia artificial, se embarca en la búsqueda del amor indicado junto a Eloc, su asistente IA. Luego de descubrir que Eloc tiene el poder de analizar el amor en objetos cotidianos, Cloe decide empezar a robarle a los hombres con los que sale para conocer todos sus secretos... y así dar con el que está buscando. Un episodio, una "cosita" nueva para analizar. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Signed, Venus

Spellbond Studios

It can't be that hard to find an urban legend. A mystery road trip show with a touch of the fantastic and the fallacious. Find us at! Transcripts and recording scripts available at

La Sombra

La Sombra

Bienvenido a lo desconocido, en donde lo que pocos podemos ver toma forma.

Sin pelos en la lengua

Sin pelos en la lengua

Lo que ves, es lo que hay. Tu podcast marginal del día con un poco de irreverencia y humor negro. 👅 👀 De todo un poco, Cultura general, bromas, actualidad, historia, terror y más… Nota: Algunos episodios no son aptos para la generación de cristal…

Cuestionando el Todo

Cuestionando el Todo

Platicas amenas acerca de temas existenciales. Nuestro objetivo es difundir información de diversos temas de una forma agradable.


julio nuñez


Criaturas Mitologicas

Paula MogeKo

Tres chicas intentando hacer su primer podcast. El primer episodio son de tres criaturas en particular (medusa, sirenas y dragones).

Madame Magenta: Sonos Mystica

Long Cat Media

Madame Magenta, psychic, medium, and inventor of the ‘drink-along’ audiobook, reads her best-selling* books, with support from her adoring husband Bernard. In Magenta is the Warmest Colour, Magenta is forced into a bank heist by the ghost of her ex-husband, and in Madame Magenta & The Arcati Killer, she is pitted against a psychotic murderer hell-bent on destroying the mystic community. She also uses the ancient art of bibliomancy to help solve real problems sent in by you, her Tragic Fans. *dependent on definition of ‘best-seller’.



Adonay Santana y Eliezer Ramírez siempre han querido odiar abiertamente pero la sociedad les callaba todo el rato, por eso han creado un espacio donde pueden hablar de lo que odian sin miedo a ser canceladísimos.


EITB Radio Televisión Pública Vasca

#10garrena fikziozko podcast serie distopikoa da Bertsolaritza ardatz hartuta. Bederatzi izan dira orain arteko Bertsolari Txapeldunak. Hamargarrenaren bila, Zortzi Final Bitxi, zortzi etorkizun… batzuk errealagoak, besteak utopikoagoak, zortzi ataleko podcast saila osatu dute Aitzol BArandiaran eta Xabier Paiak EITB podkastentzat. Ekoizpena On Time. Xabier Sukia eta Maialen Arzalluz gidariak.

The Thrilling Adventure Hour

WorkJuice Corp

The world's favorite new time podcast in the style of old-time radio. The Thrilling Adventure Hour anthologizes the thrilling adventures of space cowboy Sparks Nevada (Marc Evan Jackson), married mediums Frank and Sadie Doyle (Paul F. Tompkins and Paget Brewster), all-American hero Jefferson Reid (Nathan Fillion), and more. Find the complete Thrilling Adventure back catalog plus libraries of classic segments and bonus content on Patreon at: Produced and created by Ben Acker and Ben Blacker. Featuring the WorkJuice Players and your favorite stars from the worlds of television, film, comedy, animation, sketch, and the stage. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

La Cabina Telefónica

Spotify Studios

In '90s-era Queens, Matty Cardona owns and operates Matty's Llamadas y Servicios 82 in Jackson Heights. It's a unique little shop that Matty runs with her daughter Rossy, a place where everyone in the neighborhood gathers to call their loved ones back home and share stories of life, love, triumph and pain. Each day brings a new call and a fresh set of problems, drama and victories. But, as Matty confronts her own struggles, she soon realizes life as a single mother and the barrio's resident therapist, gossip and peacemaker isn't so easy. Inspired by Spanish language telenovelas and 90's sitcoms, La Cabina Telefónica is a fully bilingual scripted comedy starring Colombian pop star Fanny Lu as Matty and Isabella Gomez (One Day At A Time) as Rossy. New episodes every Monday.

La Vida Moderna Con Cozu

Alexander Rubio

Una combinación de sátira, critica, una manera de ver el mundo desde una mente que critica para decir no todo esta dicho, no todo lo que dicen es verdad, no soy experto en nada, me gusta hablar de todo y de nada, bienvenidos a la vida moderna.

Forgive Me!

Rogue Dialogue

Forgive Me! tells the story of Father Ben, a try-hard young Catholic priest who was recently reassigned from Binghamton to St. Patrick’s, a new parish in an unnamed Upstate New York town, under mysterious circumstances. Each episode follows Ben into the confessional with another eccentric parishioner from around town, exploring the intertwined lives of this new community and the funny, sad, and sometimes painful experiences that come out of the Catholic experience.

El Efecto Titor

El Efecto Titor

El 2 de de noviembre del año 2000 en los foros del Time Travel Institute el usuario TimeTravel_0 empezó a revelar información sobre los posibles futuros a los que nos enfrentaríamos como humanidad, aunque muchas cosas nos sucedieron con su paso se creó una estela de duda frente a la información que conocemos, a esto le llamamos el efecto Titor.

Uncanny Robot: AI Meets Old Time Radio Drama

Uncanny Productions

Humorous and surreal short stories and audio dramas read and performed by humans. || Multi Dimension Independent Film Festival "Best Podcast Stories" Winner Written and performed by Bram Stoker Award Finalist and Clarion West 2015 Graduate Thersa Matsuura and audio engineer Rich Pav.

Historias de Miedo


Relatos de miedo de México

The Ordinary Epic

Crose to Home Productions LLC

A comedic audio drama about found families, role-playing games, dungeons, and (occasionally) dragons. "Best Podcast or Online Audio Drama" finalist at the 2020 BBC Audio Drama Awards. Support this show at:

Dos rubias con mucho pelo

FrewtwoJota y Carlos Joel

Un video pódcast en el que @FrewtwoJota y @CarlosJoelAP comentan temas de rabiosa actualidad virales en Twitter, sin pelos en la lengua.

Apocalipsis Zombie VS Pandemia #COVID19

Juan Laneta Pitas

Presentando a Juan Laneta Pitas y el tema: El fin de la humanidad no es una historia contra Zombies, está siendo más silenciosa de lo que esperábamos.

Tertulias Nocturnas

Tertulias Nocturnas

Primeramente cabe resaltar que no somos expertos en el tema, solo es un aquelarre al filo de la noche comentado por un puñado de ignorantes que hablan bonito.

Mentiras de la Historia jamas contadas

Tato Buselli y Adrian Ribas

No creas lo que digo, no olvides lo que escuchas.

Steamy Stories

JC Calciano

STEAMY STORIES, your go-to podcast for m/m romance! Each tawdry tale is lovingly crafted by JC Calciano, an award-winning filmmaker and author. This gay fiction podcast brings you sweet, sexy short stories filled with love, passion, and play. Released monthly, every story is a unique exploration of LGBTQ romance, making it your best choice for gay m/m podcasts. Steamy Stories Podcast is rated #2 as the BEST GAY FICTION podcast on FeedSpot!Visit our official website, for exclusive content. 

Marvel’s Squirrel Girl: The Unbeatable Radio Show!

Marvel & SiriusXM

Squirrel Girl has taken down Thanos and Doctor Doom – but now she faces something far more terrifying… living authentically. Empire State University college student, Doreen Green, has recently been outed as a Super Hero – The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl! Hoping to unify her personas in the public eye, Squirrel Girl has created a new student radio show on ESU’s own college station. With the help of her best girl-friend, Nancy Whitehead as producer, and her best squirrel-friend, Tippy-Toe in the booth; Doreen is ready to help people more people than ever with her greatest Super Hero advice. And when the going get rough, she can always lean on her heroic friends: Iron Man, Spider-Man, Chipmunk Hunk, Koi Boi and Brain Drain. However, with a call-in show comes caller anonymity and not all the folks on the line want help – some want to crime – and crime hard! When a suspicious caller, wreaks havoc on New York City, Squirrel Girl and her friends will have to put their heroics to the test and prove that once and for all Doreen Green is the UNBEATABLE Squirrel Girl. It’s time to kick butts, and eat nuts! MARVEL’S SQUIRREL GIRL: THE UNBEATABLE RADIO SHOW! Milana Vayntrub as Squirrel Girl and featuring performances by Crystal Lucas Perry (Nancy Whitehead), Leo Sheng (Koi Boi), Davied Morales (Chipmunk Hunk), Erica Schroeder (Tippy T. Squirrel), Tina Benko (Rachel Oskar), and Peter Hermann (Brain Drain). Directed by Giovanna Sardelli. Original music by Justin Huertas and Steven Tran. Written by Ryan North. Learn more at


Meet Cute

Eight years after Sabine Eliot was persuaded by her family to break up with her college sweetheart, the exes are set to meet again at an A-list wedding in the French countryside. While Sabine is enjoying a flourishing career as an influencer, her heart’s never been the same since she said goodbye to sweet and sensitive Wyatt.  Meanwhile, if Wyatt had something to prove in the years since he was rejected by Sabine, boy has he proved it. He’s the most sought-after photographer in L.A., friend to the stars, and he’s never been more eligible. With a four-day wedding extravaganza ahead of her, Sabine is in for oodles of star-studded events and also lingering, weird feelings for her ex. Then Sabine meets Henrietta Louise Musgrove, current It Girl and darling of the cinema. It’s the friendship Sabine always dreamed of striking up (and using to her advantage). These two are destined to be the next “Taylena.” That is, until Henrietta Louise Musgrove has eyes for Wyatt, and wants Sabine’s help securing his heart. Jane Austen’s Persuasion for the modern era, Influence is a playful re-imagining of one woman’s climb up the social ladder, and about if true love can conquer all–even Hollywood. Story by Kristina Libby. Produced and Directed by Vincent Cacchione. Story Editor: Amarlie Foster. Director of Creative Production: Lucie Ledbetter. Starring: Edie Salas Miller, Tom Donoghue, Anne Hogan, Helen Shephard, Marcella Lentz-Pope, Joseph Lymous, David Commander, Danny Tamberelli, Julie Lamendola, Magali Charron, Vincent Cacchione, Alan Kelly.

Casa Radio

Casa Radio

Historias en el aire, por Metro 95.1 FM.

La opinión de Marco Antonio Aguirre

Cadena SER

Cada mañana, Marco Antonio Aguirre pone la nota de humor con un análisis de actualidad diferente a todos los demás


Diego David Sanchez

Cuentos y relatos varios


Rocket Beans TV

Pen & Paper-Rollenspiele zählen zu den absoluten Lieblingsprojekten bei Rocket Beans. Zahlreiche Abenteuer wurden bereits auf Youtube und als Podcast unter dem passenden Kanalnamen “Pen & Paper“ veröffentlicht. Warum also dieser neue Kanal hier? Ganz einfach: Die hier erscheinenden Abenteuer gibt es NUR als Podcast. Musik, Atmosphäre und Soundeffekte sorgen dabei für ein echtes Hörspiel-Gefühl. Aktuelles Abenteuer: CITY OF MIST - DAS LAZARUS PROJEKT. Neue Folgen gibt es jeden Montag. Story und Spielleitung: Steffen Grziwa Cast: Daniel Budiman, Haselnuuuss, Miriam Grziwa Redaktion: Timo Zocholl Executive Producer: Maximilian Stangl Sounddesign und Mischung: Julius Galla Cover Artwork: Jan Soucek Projektleitung Podcasts: Mark Oliver Lehmann

Murder in HR

Caspian Studios

It’s Jemma’s (Kate Mara) first day as Employee Experience Manager at Peace of Ship, an AI-powered tech startup. When her colleague Larry is electrocuted during the company All-Hands, she uncovers a terrible secret. It was murder! Now, she and her Chief People Officer, Nicholas (Brett Gelman), are tasked with finding the killer. She must use her HR skills to investigate her toxic colleagues – without becoming the next victim. Murder in HR. Presented by Gympass. Starring Kate Mara and Brett Gelman.  A Caspian Studios Production.

Bad Influencer

Emerald Audio

A wannabe nobody makes a wish and wakes up a famous influencer only to find herself caught in non-stop scandals. Featuring Deuxmoi, Kristen Doute, Perez Hilton and Christy Carlson Romano, Bad Influencer is a romantic comedy for your ears set in the current New York City Influencer world. Supported by: First Round’s On Me (FROME), a dating app for people who want to date intentionally and actually meet in person for a real date. First Round’s On Me is now available for Android and iOS! Bring back real dating. Learn more: If you like Bad Influencer, find us on IG and TikTok @emeraldaudionetwork and try out these other titles!  The Royals of Malibu The Key of Love Rainbow Girl

Mitologia Gettata

Manume - Look At Me Podcast

Mitologia gettata, il podcast più pagliaccio sulla mitologia greca! Le avventure degli eroi e degli dei della mitologia raccontate nel tempo di un caffè. Le loro storie come sapete sono tragicomiche e forse, per chi ha avuto la sfiga di studiarle a scuola, non è stato proprio chiaro che questi ragazzi non avessero "mai una gioia"!. Manuela, in arte Manume è qui per distruggere la brutta fama che si sono fatti sui banchi di scolastici e per raccontarvi le loro peripezie in modo ironico e divertente. Sarà un podcast divertente ma alla fine di ogni puntata rifletteremo sul vero significato di ogni storia. Un nuovo episodio ogni Mercoledì alle 06:00 Questo podcast è stato creato in collaborazione con Look At Me. Link:

The Drabblecast Audio Fiction Podcast

Norm Sherman

Stories feature on the Drabblecast are generally narrated by charismatic host, humorist, and musician Norm Sherman. A full production, the Drabblecast features multiple voice actors, music, and foley effects. The podcast has a finely tuned 'voice' that crosses all genres, including horror, science fiction, fantasy and 'other.' Special features include 100-word stories called, “drabbles,” 100 character stories coined “twabbles,” as well as Norm's own Bbardles, songs based on story themes. Original cover art accompanies every episode.

Próximo Retorno Podcast

Aldo Concha Carrillo

Próximo Retorno Podcast es un espacio: cósmico, filosófico y divertido, donde viajaremos juntos y descubriremos losnsecretos que esconde el universo



??? | D’après un concept original du Mago qui n’a pas été compris, puis réalisé par Richoult, enregistrée avec l'aide de La BISE (Brigade d'Improvisation Spéciale Extrême).

Domingo de Bajón

Domingo de Bajon

Somos tres chicos hablando de cosas que no entendemos, pero suenan interesantes.

Mil 8 Mil Podcast

Mil 8 Mil Podcast

📍El podcast hecho por amigos para amigos, que te acompaña y ayuda a sobrellevar la pandemia, los ratos no tan agradables o mientras le pegas a la #VidaGodin. Cada semana una ocurrencia y/o tema "sabrotzon" para que seas parte de la conversación y te la pases chevere desde tu lugar favorito, disponibles en plataformas de streaming. ㅤ No olvides darle amor❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 a cada episodio compartiendo y con el dedito arriba.👍🏻 ㅤ #CosasEntreAmigos #Mil8Mil #FollowUs #Share and #Comment #Podcast #Podcasters #Mexico ㅤ Twitter: @Mil8Mil_podcast FB: @Mil8MilPodcast IG: @mil8milpodcast

Friends of the Bone Chariot

Friends of the Bone Chariot

Light a candle, don your headphones, and close the shades. The stories that await you are each a game of chance; part scripted, part improvised. Players are guided by a narrator through an original story that they are experiencing for the very first time. The outcomes are determined by a roll of the dice. Brace yourself, for fate rests on a razor’s edge... The Friends of the Bone Chariot are Andrew Diaz, Frances Li, Joshua Storms, Justine Sweetman, and Sam Reiss.

Espacio En Blanco

Josué Osorio

Un lugar en blanco que se llena con ideas, pensamientos y maneras de ver las cosas así como de opiniones. Se habla de muchos temas, así que ignoren la categoría.

Una colegiala con ganas


La joven relata la historia de lo que tuvo que hacer para poder tener relaciones sexuales con el chico de la papelería, al que ya tenía tiempo observando como se le quedaba viendo con deseo, hasta que por fin, se le hizo realidad. En la historia, también relata a detalle cómo fue el encuentro.

Tin Can Audio Presents...

Tin Can Audio

The best place to find all of our award winning small-batch audio fiction series. Featuring: Middle:Below, The Tower, The Dungeon Economic Model, Love & Wards. Part of the Rusty Quill Network. Cover art by Eden M-W Hosted on Acast. See for more information.