Disney Magic of Storytelling

ABC11 North Carolina

On the Disney Magic of Storytelling Podcast, our talented ABC11 cast members perform beloved Disney children's stories for all to enjoy. Spark imagination and entertainment whether you're on the go or in the comfort of your own home. All content is rated G and appropriate for children.

子育てのラジオ「Teacher Teacher」

はるか と ひとし

世界を回る小学校の先生はるかと、ラジオ番組プロデューサーひとしが子育てについて納得するまで考える番組「Teacher Teacher」はるかのInstagram⁠に届いたお悩みをテーマに語り尽くします。 💡毎週火曜日、朝6:00に配信! Teacher Teacherの⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠webサイトはこちら⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ☞https://teacherteacher.jp 活動を応援してくれる⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠月額スポンサー様⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠を募集しています! ☞https://teacherteacher.jp/application お便りはこちらへ ☞https://forms.gle/DG3hFTdqo4cWNaBb6 書き起こしはこちら ☞https://listen.style/p/teacherteacher?vIyxAyCK Xで#ティーチャーティーチャーをつけて感想・コメントをお願いします! InstagramへのDMも大歓迎! ☞https://www.instagram.com/team_teacherteacher/


NewsPicks for Kids

NewsPicks for Kidsがお届けするポッドキャスト「今晩、子どもと何話す?」では、NewsPicks for Kidsでも取り上げているThe New York Times For Kidsのオリジナル紙面から1つづつ記事を取り上げて、いち早くレビューします。世界で話されているイシューについて、みなさんもご家庭で話題にしてみてください。 ※一部聞き取りづらい箇所がございます。ご了承ください。 出演 金谷亜美(NewsPicks for Kids 編集長) 櫻田潤(NewsPicks for Kids アートディレクター) プロデューサー 福田滉平 デザイン すなだゆか ソーシャル経済メディア、NewsPicksがお届けする、まったく新しい子ども新聞、NewsPicks for Kidsでは、家族でもっと話そう世界のこと、をコンセプトにご家庭にグローバルな視点をお届けしています。 ◯NewsPicks for Kidsについて ⁠⁠https://kids.newspicks.com⁠

耳で英絵本!| 英語朗読 | 子供向け


童話を聞きながらネイティブの英語を学べます! 毎週更新中!!!!ぜひフォローしてくださいね~ 「ベビーバス」を検索して日本語バーのチャンネルも楽しめます! 番組ではあなたからのお便り、質問を受け付けています。こちらからお寄せください。 https://forms.gle/SLejBtfGGQEd3mK6A 関連グッズならオンラインストアまで❤ https://www.amazon.co.jp/babybus #ベビーバス #babybus #おやすみ #朗読 #読み聞かせ #英語 #英語会話 #English #子供向け #ポッドキャスト #オーディオブック #英語勉強 #教育

ベビーのいる生活 ~迷える子育て応援Podcast~


妊娠・出産・育児のリアルな経験談が集まる匿名座談会ベビマヨ。子育てのお悩みあるあるを中心にテーマ化。今まさにその悩み直面している人も、これから直面する人も、いつでもアーカイブを聴ける子育ての参考書に。子供が寝付いた日中でも、夜間授乳で眠れない時間でも。また、妊娠中の不安な夜でも。一人じゃない。あなたがいつでもかけ込める場所がここに。  ベビマヨ/べびまよ/赤ちゃん 番組作りの参考のため、以下のアンケートにご協力をお願いいたします。 https://www.tbs.co.jp/radio/podcast/en.html 制作:TBSラジオ TBS Podcast:https://www.tbsradio.jp/podcast/

Lingokids: Stories for Kids —Learn life lessons and laugh!


Tune into our award-winning podcast, Lingokids: Stories for Kids. Discover rich storytelling combined with traditional learning and modern skills for kids. For ad-free listening, exclusive content, and early access to new shows and episodes, join Lingokids Plus on Apple Podcasts. With your Lingokids Plus membership, you'll get an unlimited, all-access pass to the Lingokids app and podcasts—only available on Apple Podcasts. Questions? Contact us at podcast@lingokids.com. Follow @lingokids on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. www.lingokids.com 💙

Sesame Street Podcast

Sesame Street

Download and subscribe to the Sesame Street video podcast featuring the furry and loveable Muppets of Sesame Street. Sing songs with Elmo, Abby, Cookie Monster and Grover. Learn about friendship, patience and sharing with Bert and Ernie. Celebrate sunny days with all of your favorite Muppets with new episodes every Monday!

耳で世界の童話 | 童話朗読 | 子供向け


200万再生!日本一面白い童話ポッドキャスト登場! 白雪姫と一緒に踊りたいですか? 赤ずきんちゃんの歌を聴きたいですか? ここでは、世界各地で最も有名な童話名作を取り上げています!これらの名作から生まれる教訓や喜びが、子供たちの心に深く刻まれ、勇気と希望の炎を灯すことでしょう! さあ、物語が始まりますよ!不思議な童話の世界へ一緒に飛び込みましょう! 毎週月・金配信! #ベビーバス #babybus #おやすみ #朗読 #読み聞かせ #童話 #昔話 #アンデルセン童話 #グリム童話 #イソップ寓話 #教育 #子供向け #ポッドキャスト #オーディオブック 

お馴染みの日本昔話 | ベビーバス | 子供向け


200万再生!日本一面白い昔話ポッドキャスト登場! ここでは、桃太郎やかぐや姫、笠地蔵など、小学校受験でよく問われる物語や、日本の古くから語り継がれる魅力的な伝説、怪談が数多く配信されています! 日本の古き良き文化と智恵に触れながら、昔ばなしの扉を開きましょう! 毎週月・金配信! #ベビーバス #babybus #おやすみ #朗読 #読み聞かせ #教育 #童話 #昔話  #子供向け  #ポッドキャスト

ABC KIDS News Time

ABC Kids listen

Every Friday, join Ruby for News Time as she counts down the week’s most interesting news stories for kids. From amazing animals to special events, the natural world to outer space, News Time is made especially for children to help them understand the world around them.

TED Talks Kids and Family


Fun videos to inspire, intrigue and stir your imagination from some of the world's leading thinkers and doers onstage at the TED conference, TEDx events and partner events around the world. You can also download these and many other videos free on TED.com, with an interactive English transcript and subtitles in up to 80 languages. TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading.

7Habits -あなたと子どもの良い習慣-

ZIP-FM Podcast

このプログラムは、みなさんの人生をより良くする、特に“子育て”をしている方に向けて、 子育ての新たな扉をあけていくような、お子さんとどう関わっていくのが相応しいかを『7つの習慣』でアプローチしていくプログラムです。 これまでの子育てを見直す機会になれるような、新たな気づきを伝えていけたらいいなーと思っております。 ▼あなたからの子育てに関する質問を募集しています▼ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSetTmQYEO2WEMkQfw25nyfMhX7V5T1GzB-uAZA93PTZqlqnAA/viewform?usp=sharing ▶出演者 自立学習コンダクター 氷見幸也 https://manabiya-happystar.online/ “子育て興味津々!” 磯村美弥

Brains On! Science podcast for kids

American Public Media

Brains On!® is a science podcast for curious kids and adults from American Public Media. Each week, a different kid co-host joins Molly Bloom to find answers to fascinating questions about the world sent in by listeners. Like, do dogs know they’re dogs? Or, why do feet stink? Plus, we have mystery sounds for you to guess, songs for you to dance to, and lots of facts -- all checked by experts.

ラブール警部とひまわり幼稚園|安全知識|探偵|ミステリー | 子供向け


10分で賢い子を育てる!日本初の子ども向け推理オーディオドラマ登場! 盗まれた宝石の謎や消えた手紙、不思議な幽霊など、フォレストタウンで次々と起こる不可解な事件。一体何が起きているんでしょう? さあ、小さな探偵さんのあなたも、ラブール警部とともに、事件の手がかりを探しながら犯人を突き止めましょう! そして、ハラハラドキドキする展開を楽しみながら、自分を守る安全知識も身に付けますよ!ワン! ラブール警部の事件簿 毎週月・金配信です。 事件簿の特集は 毎週水配信です。 ワンポイントアドバイス 毎週日配信です。 #ベビーバス #babybus #おやすみ #朗読 #読み聞かせ #探偵 #推理 #教育 #子供向け #ポッドキャスト #オーディオブック

Super Simple Imagination Time With Caitie!

Super Simple Songs

Close your eyes and take a deep breath... it’s Imagination Time! Imagination is an important part of child development driving creativity, problem-solving, and joy! Join Caitie and her piano-playing pal Zach on an imagination audio adventure filled with play, music, and social-emotional learning moments. Each episode is inspired by a Super Simple Song and begins with a mindfulness activity before we dive into our imaginations to explore and learn together. What do you do for Imagination Time? New episodes are released at the beginning of every month!

But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids

Vermont Public

But Why is a show led by kids. They ask the questions and we find the answers. It’s a big interesting world out there. On But Why, we tackle topics large and small, about nature, words, even the end of the world. Know a kid with a question? Record it with a smartphone. Be sure to include your kid's first name, age, and town and send the recording to questions@butwhykids.org!

Disney Frozen: Forces of Nature

Disney Publishing, ABC Audio

Queen Anna has a lot on her plate – there are visitors in her Kingdom, a friend in need, and even the Duke of Weselton’s nephew skulking around – so when the Spirits of Nature start acting up, she knows she has to solve the problem – and fast – before things get more out of control. But when Anna and Elsa travel to the Enchanted Forest, they find mysterious copper machines that are disrupting the natural order of things. Who made these machines and what are they doing in the forest? And more importantly, how do Anna and Elsa stop them? Disney Frozen: Forces of Nature is a 12 episode audio-first story for kids 6-12.



子どもに関わる仕事をする2人の日々の会話を世の中にも漏らしてみようかしら、のポッドキャストです。 instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kizuguchi_ni なな:フリーランスの家庭教師とベビーシッター、時々教育施設でアルバイト りこ:1994年生まれ・公立中学校の教員

絵本で英会話 (Picture Books English)


「絵本で英会話」は、子供と家族で一緒に楽しめる、日本初のバイリンガル絵本ポッドキャストです。より多くの素敵な物語を楽しみたい方は、無料音声アプリ「Voicy」で「絵本で英会話 PLUS」をフォローしてお聴きください(こちらが本番組となります)。「絵本で英会話」は、2020年にApple Podcastで「ベスト・オブ・ザ・イヤー」に選ばれた、ポッドキャストです。心が明るくなる、笑顔にさせてくれる、子供から大人まで楽しめる世界の絵本を英語と日本語で朗読します。オーストラリアで育ったHIROが、ネイティブが実際に使用する表現と発音をお伝えします。著作権を尊重し、海外の出版社から許可を得たり、著者とコラボレーションしたり、著作権が切れた童話をお届けしています。どうぞお楽しみください。

Blippi & Meekah’s Road Trip


Blippi & Meekah’s Road Trip follows best friends Blippi and Meekah as they hop in their BlippiMobile, beep, beep! and take a road trip to an awesome adventure driven by their curiosity. Visiting a vrooming Monster Truck Rally, a singing Rainforest and roaring Prehistoric Era to meet dinosaurs, each adventure is packed with interactive sounds, fun facts, songs and games, like “Follow Your Ears” and “What’s Outside Your Window.” When their adventures end, Blippi and Meekah drive back to their Clubhouse, recounting their favorite moments, learnings and discoveries. They had so much fun, they can’t wait to go on another ultimate road trip real soon – with YOU! 


ヤマネコ ギン

怪談朗読でおなじみのヤマネコギンが、日本各地に古くから残る民話・伝説・言い伝えを囲炉裏で語りかけるように読んでいきます。大人も子供も一緒に楽しんでいただけると嬉しいです。 お便りは、wildcatgin@gmail.com まで。 Podcastにて、「怪談夜魔猫便~逢魔の章」も毎日更新中! Twitter @wildcatgin #民話 #朗読 #昔話 #楽しい話 #おとぎ話

Sesame Street Ready for School Challenge

Sesame Street

Starting school can be exciting…and sometimes scary! But Elmo and his friends are here to help. Together with your little one, listen anytime, anywhere to real kids, real parents, a real teacher, and Elmo—all on the topic of school! In each episode, there’s also an interactive game you can play along with. Listen in any order and pick from pre school, kindergarten or first grade. Brought to you by PNC Grow Up Great.

Wow in the World

Tinkercast | Wondery

The #1 science podcast for kids and their grown-ups. Hosts Mindy Thomas and Guy Raz share stories about the latest news in science, technology, and innovation. Stories that give kids hope, agency and make us all say "WOW"! New episodes come out every Monday for free. Listen 1-week early and to all episodes ad-free with Wondery+, Wondery+ Kids on Apple Podcasts, or Amazon Music with a Prime membership or Amazon Music Unlimited subscription.



幼児・児童向け英語教材パルキッズで30年以上のべ10万人以上のバイリンガルキッズを育て続ける児童英語研究所所長船津洋先生が、毎月発行するウェブマガジン「パルキッズ通信」の解説をしながら、そして英語子育ての疑問を解決しながら進めていく番組です。 バイリンガル育児をしているママさん、パパさんはもちろん、これから英語教育を始めようと思っているけれど何からやればよいのか、どうやったら子どもをバイリンガルに育てられるのかお悩みの方にお聞きいただきたい番組となっております。 ◉児童英語研究所公式サイト https://www.palkids.co.jp/ ◉船津洋公式サイト http://funatsuhiroshi.com/

Storynory - Audio Stories For Kids


Beautifully read and written audio stories for kids. The original stories podcast, founded in 2005.

Thomas & Friends™ Storytime (US)

Gullane (Thomas) Limited.

Join Thomas and his friends on a new adventure in Thomas & Friends™ Storytime, a new kids' podcast series featuring stories from the magical island of Sodor! With new episodes, Thomas & Friends Storytime will feature special origin stories of your favorite engines, magical fairy tales, and so much more. Listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever else you listen to your podcasts!

Circle Round


Created and produced by parents of young children, WBUR's Circle Round adapts carefully-selected folktales from around the world into sound- and music-rich radio plays for kids ages 3-103. Each 15 to 25-minute episode explores important issues like kindness, persistence and generosity. And each episode ends with an activity that inspires a deeper conversation between children and grown-ups.

バイリンガル | 英語朗読|子供向け童話 | オーディオブック | ベビーバス


世界のおとぎ話を英語と日本語で読み上げます! 日本語と英語を学ぶ子供たちにとにかくぴったり! 童話を聞きながらネイティブの英語を学べます! 毎週更新中!!!!ぜひフォローしてくださいね~ 「BabyBus」を検索して日本語バーのチャンネルも楽しめます! 毎週火曜日配信です。 番組ではあなたからのお便り、質問を受け付けています。こちらからお寄せください。 https://forms.gle/SLejBtfGGQEd3mK6A

寝かしつけオーディオブック | ベビーバス


200万再生!日本一面白い子供向け物語ポッドキャストへようこそ! 昔話や科学のお話、推理物語など、さまざまなテーマの物語を週六回配信中!お子様が眠りに入る前に最適! 家族みんなで笑いあり、感動ありの物語を楽しみましょう!心躍る冒険と友情、そして夢と魔法があなたを待っていますよ! #ベビーバス #babybus #おやすみ #朗読 #読み聞かせ #探偵 #推理 #教育 #童話 #昔話 #アンデルセン童話 #グリム童話 #イソップ寓話 #子供向け #科学 #動物 #サイエンス #宇宙 #恐竜 #ポッドキャスト #オーディオブック



心理学や脳神経生物学といった科学的根拠をもとに育児や夫婦関係・女性の生き方について探求するポッドキャストです。ホストは国際結婚して海外バイリンガル子育て実践中の心理カウンセラーMASAKO。これまで子育ての正解がわからず、イライラモヤモヤしてはいろんな失敗を繰り返し、そして出会った「こころ」の探求。自身がカウンセリングで癒されることが子育て自体を楽にした経験から、育児書を読んでも子育て講座を受けても、自分の子育てが一向に楽にならない、そんな子育て迷子の女性に向けて、海外の最新子育て心理学の情報やカウンセリングの経験から導き出した、家庭も子育ても自分の人生もうまくいく秘訣をお伝えします! ホームページ:https://greenbeautylab.com/ FBページ:https://www.facebook.com/greenbeautylabcounselling/ インスタグラム@masako.selflove #子育て #育児 #心理学 #カウンセリング #ヒプノセラピー #コーチング

The Past and The Curious: A History Podcast for Kids and Families

Mick Sullivan

A History Podcast for Kids! Parents love us, Teachers love us, and most importantly, kids do too! History can be amazing, inspiring and relevant to anyone. We love to share the stories of Spies, funny foods, George Washington's foibles, early advancements in cartooning and ballooning and much more! A professional music score and important songs accompany nearly every themed episode. Proud Kids Listen Member @pastandcurious


ヨンデミー | 読書教育のオンライン習い事📚

読書教育を通じて教育の「見方」をアップデート。 保護者さまどうしがお悩みや経験をシェアできる、おうち読書の「味方」になるラジオです。 ヨンデミーオンラインは、お子さんが読書を好きになるオンライン習い事です。


Soundsington Media

Unspookable is a family friendly look at the histories and mysteries behind your favorite scary stories, myths and urban legends. Each week host Elise Parisian digs into the history, brain science, and power dynamics behind such topics as Bloody Mary, Charlie Charlie, and Ouija Boards to find the stories behind the scares. (Recommended for ages 8+) Unspookable is an official "Common Sense Media Selection" and has been called one of the "Best Podcasts for Kids of All Ages" by Time Out New York, one of the “7 Podcasts Big Kids Will Love” by The New York Times, one of the "20 Best Podcasts for Kids that will Make Them Forget About Screen Time" by the TODAY Show, and one of the "10 Best Podcasts for Children" by the Irish Examiner. The show has appeared multiple times across Canada on CBC Radio's Podcast Playlist, on NPR station WHYY's Kid's Listening Hour, has been featured by Apple Podcasts, Vulture, Romper, The AV Club, Fast Company, The Week Jr., and more.




The Arthur Podcast

GBH & PBS Kids

Arthur Read is back and starting his own podcast! Listen in as he shares his favorite adventures with, DW, Buster and all their friends from around Elwood City.  The Arthur Podcast is produced by GBH Kids and Gen-Z Media.

きいてわかる、せかいのふしぎ! | ベビーバス | 子供向け


10分で理科脳を育てる!不思議な科学世界へようこそ! この番組は、恐竜時代の伝説や太陽系の秘密、または命の不思議など、自然に隠されたさまざまな謎を、物語の形でやさしく解き明かします。 さあ、未知の世界に挑戦する準備はいいですか?一緒に科学の謎に迫り、驚きと発見の旅に出かけましょう! 毎週金曜日配信! #ベビーバス #babybus #おやすみ #朗読 #読み聞かせ #科学 #動物 #サイエンス #宇宙 #恐竜 #教育 #子供向け #ポッドキャスト #オーディオブック

Paws & Tales

Paws & Tales - Insight for Living Ministries

Find adventure, fun, and music in Wildwood! Journey into an exciting world where the truths of God's Word are shared by a cast of lovable animal characters and the lessons learned are entertaining and life-changing. On the radio each week or in your podcast player app, Paws & Tales helps children grasp essential life lessons in a fun and memorable way.

Charm Words: Daily Affirmations for Kids

American Public Media

Charm Words is a daily affirmations podcast for children of diverse backgrounds that will help to inspire and bring self-worth to the forefront of young minds at the start and end of their day. Help your kids deal with feelings of emotional distress while learning new self-care abilities. These simple Ph.D.-approved charming affirmations free kids from invasive troubling thoughts, build resilience to stressful situations and help them develop positive ways of coping. Also a perfect classroom meditation for students.

Little Stories for Tiny People: Anytime and bedtime stories for kids

Rhea Pechter

Little Stories for Tiny People features original stories the whole family will love. Filled with endearing characters and inventive story lines, LSFTP is sure to spark your child’s imagination and to delight the entire family. Lovingly crafted to appeal to all ages, LSFTP is perfect for car rides, bedtime, or any time! Little Stories Premium offers even more stories, an ad-free listening experience, and access to Little Stories for Sleep, an exclusive bedtime podcast. Visit www.littlestoriespremium.com to learn more.

English Kids Story with Katrina

Katrina Hao

✨Simple stories for children and English learners. Fairytales 🧚 folktales 🧙‍♀️ and original stories by Katrina Hao from U.S.A. Watch on Youtube @mskatrinahao 📚https://linktr.ee/katrinahao S16: Emotions S15: Grimm's (video) S14: British Fairy Tales S13: Lucy the Cat: Summer Vacation S12: Winnie the Pooh S11: Farm Animals S10: Lucy the Cat: Food S9: Hans Christian Andersen S8: Mother Goose S7: Lucy the Cat: Countries S6: Happy Holidays! S5: Grimm's Fairy Tales S4: My Father’s Dragon - beginner S3: My Father's Dragon - advanced S2: Scandinavian Stories S1: Aesop’s Fables

The Holidays


Introducing a family called the Holidays. Yup, you guessed it - they run a party planning store. And they celebrate a different holiday every day. It’s their thing. There’s shoe day, the day of the banana, karaoke day, talk like a pirate day, and more! The Holidays are the coolest family ever when you’re in grade school. Every day is a party! But when you’re about to turn 12, it becomes totally embarrassing. Enter Clementine Holiday. It’s an awkward family to be a part of when you want to be a kid, but you also want to grow up. For ages 7-12

Homeschool History

BBC Radio 4

Fun history lessons for all the family, presented by Horrible Histories' Greg Jenner. Full of facts and jokes, the series brings to life a broad range of historical topics, many linked to the school curriculum. Homeschool Histories is made by the producers of the much-loved Radio 4 podcast You're Dead To Me.

Live from Mount Olympus

Onassis Foundation

An adventure for tweens and listeners of all ages, Live from Mount Olympus weaves timeless Greek myths with the artistry of foremost contemporary theater-makers and the imaginative power of audio. Hermes, god of storytellers, travelers, and thieves (Tony Award-winner André De Shields) is our host.Season Four: Prometheus: You’d think being able to see the future would be a gift – but Prometheus’s visions are never completely clear, and he quickly learns that not everyone wants to see what lies ahead.  When he glimpses a coming war that will threaten the whole world, Prometheus knows he must forge an unlikely alliance with the young Olympian Zeus.  But their friendship is tested when they find they have very different ideas about how to restore a shattered world. Season Three: Atalanta: A tiny newborn, abandoned in the forest, is adopted by a mama bear who raises her as her own. Under the divine guidance of Artemis and Athena, the bear girl grows up wise and strong, a skilled archer ready for adventure. When she meets the greatest heroes in all Greece - who are none too happy to hunt alongside a girl - Atalanta surprises them all.Season Two: Demeter and Persephone: Persephone is eager to strike out on her own for the first time, but is immediately pulled into the underworld and must find her power in the darkness. Her mother Demeter fights to bring her back to the sunlight, and nothing can grow.  Can the Olympians stop fighting before humanity starves?Season One: Perseus: Young Perseus makes a rash promise to save his mother from the clutches of an evil king, and must strike out on a dangerous quest full of terrifying monsters, powerful gods, and a brave girl who will change our hero’s life forever.Live from Mount Olympus is a production of the Onassis Foundation. This bold and original audio drama is created and produced by Peabody Award-winning showrunner Julie Burstein, co-produced by the Brooklyn-based theater ensemble The TEAM, and directed by Tony Award-winner Rachel Chavkin, Zhailon Levingston, and Keenan Tyler Oliphant. Karen Brooks Hopkins is the executive producer.Live from Mount Olympus is distributed by PRX.Find out more at Onassis.link/OlympusSince 1975, the Onassis Foundation has been dedicated to culture, community, and education, with projects that can effectively inspire social change and justice across borders. Learn more at www.onassis.org.

KidNuz: News for Kids

Starglow Media

KidNuz: Kids deserve a daily newscast all their own. Kickstart their morning with 7 minutes of timely, unbiased, and age-appropriate stories from politics, entertainment, science, health, and sports. Professionally written, professionally delivered by 4 Emmy-winning journalists who also happen to be moms. Listen in five days a week, starting at 7 am.



陪玩陪到頭昏腦脹? 快讓童話阿姨替你爭取一點休息放空的時間! 各種童書繪本、寓言童話,還有童話阿姨自創的爆笑故事!從說故事、角色扮演到學動物叫聲,童話阿姨全部一口包辦(動物我盡量😂)!最棒的是,每則故事都讓孩子學會一句英文會話。 每週三上午10:30更新 快來跟童話阿姨一起快樂聽故事,輕鬆學英文! Facebook|IG 搜尋:從前從前 各類合作請洽:AuntieFairytale@gmail.com

Million Bazillion


Million Bazillion is a podcast from Marketplace that inspires families to talk about money. Described as “a godsend for anyone who knows a little kid with big questions about money,” by The New York Times, the podcast tackles questions from: “What is cryptocurrency?” to “How do I save money?” and “How does inflation work?” Hosts Ryan Perez and Bridget Bodnar take listeners on an awesome adventure to answer the awkward, complex and sometimes surprising money questions from real kids. Million Bazillion is made possible in part by The Ranzetta Family Charitable Fund and Next Gen Personal Finance, supporting Marketplace’s work to make younger audiences smarter about the economy. This podcast is presented by Greenlight, the debit card and investing app for kids and teens.

Moment of Um

American Public Media

Moment of Um is your daily answer to those questions that pop up out of nowhere and make you go… ummmmmmm. Brought to you by your friends at Brains On at APM Studios.

The Who Was? Podcast


Sketch comedy / history quiz podcast based on the popular “Who Was…?” book series.

Nickelodeon’s Goodnight Bedtime Stories


When the day is done, teeth have been brushed and pajamas are on, climb into bed and rest easy as Nickelodeon’s Goodnight Bedtime Stories makes bedtime a dream! Follow along with your favorite Nickelodeon friends as they go from playtime to bedtime with a carefully crafted mix of gentle songs, stories, nighttime affirmations, stretches and imagination moments that will make winding down the day special. With this official Nickelodeon podcast featuring Dora, Blue, Blaze, and the PAW Patrol, caregivers can focus on providing the most important part of bedtime: those extra special cuddles!

Wiggle Talk - A Podcast For Parents

The Wiggles & iHeart Australia

Wiggle Talk lifts the curtain on The Wiggles you know and love. Every week, get an insight into the lives of Simon and Lachy as not only Wiggles, but parents, as they navigate issues you’re probably going through with your toddlers right now. Plus, each episode listeners, and famous friends, will have the opportunity to ask founding Wiggles member and expert dad Anthony Field questions about their kids they need help with. Get to know The Wiggles as parents, without the skivvies, as we all work out this parenting thing together.



5分で寝かしつけ~ぐっすり眠れるポッドキャストへようこそ お子様が眠りに入る前の、もっともリラックスな時、そんな時におすすめのオーディオストーリーです。 ゆったりとした、穏やかな声で、心温まるオリジナルの物語を語ります。お子様にやすらぎを与えると同時に、豊かな心の成長にもつながりますよ。 おやすみなさい~可愛らしいキャラクターと一緒に、素敵な物語の世界へ飛び込みましょう~ #ベビーバス #babybus #おやすみ #朗読 #読み聞かせ #寝る前 #童話 #昔話  #子供向け  #ポッドキャスト



第4回 Japan Podcast Awards ウェルビーイング賞 受賞🏆 【親になって良かったと思える人を増やす】 ⁡どうにもこうにも イライラが止まらないおかんへ 一周回って子育て論は語らない子育てラジオ ⁡ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 《サービス》 ▶︎hellome mama 自己理解で子育てや夫婦関係が楽になる ママが自分を取り戻すコミュニティ ▶︎nextme 妻として母としてではなく 1人の「人間」として 学びを深めるコミュニティ ▶︎その他裏メニューやイベントは 公式Lineにて随時お知らせしてます☺︎ 《公式Lineご登録》 https://lin.ee/UMRKKfL 《文字起こし》 https://listen.style/p/hellomesugibe?6bFfOO3Y 《その他SNS》 https://lit.link/hellomemama 《お仕事コラボのご依頼》 hellomesugibe@gmail.com

The Cat In The Hat Cast


Hold on tight and prepare to be whisked away on a weekly adventure with Dr. Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat! In a world full of delightful mix-ups and exhilarating mayhem, the mischievous Cat takes the reins and enlightens the ever-cautious Fish on the art of hosting a perfectly poised podcast. Featuring alphabet song sing-a-longs, tremendous tongue-twisters, and wondrous wordplay, you'll be left guessing what surprises The Cat will pull out of his hat next. Listen to The Cat in the Hat Cast on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes early and ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App or Wondery Kids+ on Apple Podcasts. Start your free trial by visiting wondery.com/links/the-cat-in-the-hat-cast/ now.

Stories Podcast: A Bedtime Show for Kids of All Ages

Starglow Media / Wondery

On the Stories Podcast, we perform a new story for your children every week. The stories range from retellings of fairy tales like Snow White to classic stories like Peter Rabbit and even completely original works. Everything is G rated and safe for all ages. The perfect kids podcast for imaginative families. Whether you’re driving with your children or just want to limit your kids’ screen time, Stories Podcast delivers entertainment that kids and parents alike will love.

Story Time

Bedtime FM

Children's bedtime stories delivered fortnightly as a free audiobook. For toddlers, preschoolers, young children aged 2-13, or the whole family. Download the mp3, listen in Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, Leela Kids, or listen online at https://bedtime.fm/storytime Proud member of Kids Listen, a grass roots organisation promoting content just for children

Smash Boom Best: A funny, smart debate show for kids and family

American Public Media

Smash Boom Best is a funny, smart debate show for kids and families from the makers of the award-winning podcast, Brains On! from APM Studios. Every episode takes two cool things, smashes them together and lets you decide which is best: Pikachu vs. Mario, Lollipops vs. Popcorn, Flamingos vs. Axolotls, Mermaids vs. Bigfoot, Cats vs. Dogs, Spiderman vs. Batman, Refrigerators vs. Toilets, Minecraft vs. Lego… the list goes on. Our star-studded line-up of debaters use facts and passion to make their case, teaching listeners how to defend their opinions along the way! Past debaters include Tim Platt, cast member of the comedy narrative play podcast Rude Tales of Magic, comedian and writer Jenny Yang, Minneapolis-based rapper NUR-D, comedian and creator of the Story Pirates Peter McNerney, Radio Ambulante’s Daniel Alarcón, journalist and host of Into It Sam Sanders, host of Terrible, Thanks for Asking Nora McInerney, food-writer Kenji Lopez-Alt and many, many more. To top it off, our State of Debate segment shows listeners how to identify logical fallacies in the wild. Ad hominem attacks and bandwagon fallacies, be gone! So if you’re looking to ignite a funny, feisty debate on your next roadtrip, or just want some amusing arguments for your kids to consider while they fall asleep… tune into Smash Boom Best, where we make debate – a blast!

Elmo's Adventures in Spending, Saving, and Sharing

Sesame Street

Brought to you by PNC Grow Up Great. Next Saturday is the Sesame Street fair, and Elmo wants to go! With help from his dad, Louie, Elmo makes choices throughout the week about spending, sharing, and saving.Listen along as Elmo learns financial basics from his everyday experiences while also saving money for the fair.

Curious Kid Podcast

Olivia, Bleav

Join Jacob and curious kids, 10 year old Olivia and 7 year old Noah, as they debate fun and educational topics. After each episode, listeners vote to let us know who they think won the debate. Results are revealed in the next episode. Don't miss the learning and laughs on The Great Sibling Showdown!

Beatrix Potter - Tales of Peter Rabbit and Friends


Beatrix Potter's stories have made her one of the most beloved figures in children's literature and there isn't a library in the world that doesn't have a copy of her classic Peter Rabbit. Listen to these warm cozy tales of Peter and all of his friends. Whether you're young or just young at heart, you can't deny the magic and whimsy of the Beatrix Potter world. All stories presented ad-free. Listen to select episodes for free, then subscribe to access every episode of the Fairytalez podcast channel.

Sleep Tight Stories - Bedtime Stories for Kids

Sleep Tight Media

 Sleep Tight Stories brings joy and comfort to millions of families worldwide with new calming bedtime stories every single week. Each episode is relevant to children’s lived experiences, and sparks wonder (without overstimulation) so listeners can easily drift off to sleep. As one young fan eloquently states, “The stories are very entertaining, but they also are not entertaining enough to make it hard for me to sleep.” Make bedtime the sweetest part of everyone’s day with Sleep Tight Stories.  For an ad-free listening experience with bonus stories, subscribe to Sleep Tight Premium!

ピアノのぴーちゃんねる🎹stand.fm 公式パートナー


standfm公式パートナー|5,200フォロワー|13万再生|34,500いいね♥|癒しの曲から元気の出る曲まで、毎日ピアノを演奏しています。 |ピアニスト|大学教師| standfm⤵️ https://stand.fm/channels/5f50ef2c6a9e5b17f7b1686e




Super Great Kids' Stories

Wardour Studios

Supergreat Kids' Stories is a collection of fun tales to make you laugh and cry, told by some of the best storytellers from around the world. Recommended for ages 5 to 105… We are sponsored by Indeed. Go to Indeed.com/SuperGreat for £100 sponsored credit.

Lei’s Little Golden Books


Stories for children (or nostalgic adults) with timeless Little Golden Books that include literary, movie, and TV favorites such as Disney, Pixar, Barbie, DreamWorks, Marvel, Sesame Street, Thomas & Friends, Dr. Seuss, Nickelodeon, Richard Scarry’s Busy World and many other holiday, Christian, and vintage classics I have treasured since my childhood. Perfect for bedtime with ASMR like qualities or for the kids to enjoy on long car rides. RSSVERIFY Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/leilani-hargreaves/support

Work It Out Wombats! Podcast

GBH & PBS Kids

Hey Wombuddies!  Have YOU ever wished you could play along with the Wombats as they zip, slide, romp and tumble through the Treeborhood?  Well now you can!  Over eight episodes (roughly 8 minutes each) the Work It Out Wombats! Podcast  invites YOU, the listener, to a series of mega-fun playdates with Zadie, Zeke, and Malik.  Fire up your imagination and get ready for adventure as the Wombats sail a pirate ship through the Crashing Cliffs, fly to the sky in a make-believe Cloud Ship, enjoy a spooky campout, and build a super strong fort that NO wind can blow down. You won’t just be listening to the fun, you’ll be having fun - singing, dancing, jumping, clapping and playing right alongside the Wombats. The Work It Out Wombats! podcast will get 3-6 year olds, and their parents, siblings and caretakers, thinking JUST like Wombats – noticing patterns, identifying cause and effect, designing, building, testing, and assessing.  It’s fun, it’s educational, it’s Work It Out Wombats!The Work It Out Wombats! Podcast  is produced for PBS KIDS by GBH Kids and Cultural Whisperers and distributed by PBS KIDS and PRX.

Bedtime History: Inspirational Stories for Kids and Families

iHeartPodcasts and Mr. Jim

Bedtime History is a series of educational, relaxing stories for kids and families. Learn about inspirational characters such as Jackie Robinson, Sacajawea, Neil Armstrong, and Maya Angelou. Other topics include space exploration, current events, and great feats of engineering such as The Transcontinental Railroad.

Sleep Tight Relax - Calming Bedtime Stories and Meditations

Sleep Tight Media

You’re getting *very* sleeeeepy…… 🥱 Sleep Tight Relax is a weekly bedtime show for anyone who needs a good sleep. Get nice and cozy as we tuck you in for bed with a mix of dream-inducing bedtime stories, relaxation techniques, calming sounds, and soothing music. Designed for kids but suitable for sleepers of all ages, Sleep Tight Relax quiets busy minds by making bedtime blissfully calm—the way nature intended. Please do not operate heavy machinery while consuming this podcast. Recommended for ages 4 and up. PJs and stuffies sold separately 😉

Bedtime Stories for Kids丨Good Night Stories丨Early to Bed, Early to Rise


Our podcast offers a selection of the best bedtime stories for kids, your little one's passport to dreamland. Each tale is a warm, gentle lesson, perfect for setting a calming bedtime mood. Join us nightly for delightful adventures with charming characters. It's bedtime made serene, a soothing end to your child's day. Our podcast weaves a lullaby of imagination, heart, and wisdom. Tune in and let us add a dash of magic to bedtime. Our Bedtime Stories Podcast is produced by Babybus. Email us at babybusaudio-en@babybus.com and leave your suggestion and idea!

The Story Home Children's Audio Stories

The Story Home Children's Audio Stories

Children's Audio Stories to Delight and Inspire! Since 2007, The Story Home has been providing children all over the world with original and classic audio stories told by beloved storyteller, Alan Scofield. Be sure to go to our NEW updated website to find ALL our stories and now a special section just for teachers. Also, on iTunes, you’ll find our albums featuring our Holiday stories, and the original Little Bunny stories.

Bedtime Stories - Princesses!

Mrs. Honeybee & Friends

Princess Stories read by Melodybee & Princess Paua 💖 Together with me, they live in The Honeybee Neighborhood. I am a schoolteacher and a mother of two who knows how important a goodnight’s rest is for...everyone 🥰 Love, Mrs. Honeybee Contact: HoneybeeAndFriends.com/hello

Lingokids: Growin' Up! —Discover dream jobs!


Lingokids: Growin' Up is an award-winning podcast for kids that sparks imagination and helps answer one big question we all had once: "What should I be when I grow up?" We're kicking off season two with the Emmy-nominated presenter Emily Calandrelli and her new, young assistant Winston. From athletes to doctors to scientists, meet inspiring grown-ups and learn all about their jobs. Join us today for an interactive audio journey where we combine fun with learning to ignite kids' minds. For ad-free listening, exclusive content, and early access to new shows and episodes, join Lingokids Plus on Apple Podcasts. With your Lingokids Plus membership, you'll get an unlimited, all-access pass to the Lingokids app and podcasts—only available on Apple Podcasts. Questions? Contact us at podcast@lingokids.com. Follow @lingokids on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. www.lingokids.com 💙



1951年のこどもの日に開園し、多くの人に愛され続けている札幌市円山動物園のポッドキャスト番組です。 毎月ある動物にフューチャーし、動物の不思議や円山動物園での取り組みなどを飼育員さんにお話ししてもらいます!みんなで、動物博士になろう!



本節目由【如果兒童劇團】製作,每一季10集,5個故事,全新第七季上線中!每週五更新,訂閱別錯過 ◆ 豬探長推理故事集 ◆ 動物界知名偵探!偵破無數案件,獲頒警界最高榮譽「獅子王銀心十字勳章」的豬探長,出現在podcast了!讓你不論是通勤,還是走路時,都可以跟著豬探長憶起推裡解謎。 一聽就上癮的推理廣播劇,用「聽」的豬探長,明星風采立刻被圈粉,讓我們一起聽下去 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cklw2tvilfnda0804tdm3oxho ———————————————— 各類合作請洽:weisbetter@gmail.com ———————————————— 【豬探長動畫線上看】 ►WOW豬探長:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_jxGyWr7EJOqIb8WHHEj5SOGR0s8HHgZ ►WOW聽故事:https://www.youtube.com/c/wowowstory/ 【豬探長也推薦】 ————————————————— 全新型態的線上互動劇場 🔍《蘿蔔蹲餐廳Go!》 . 播出時間▸2024/1/14(日) 17:00 試營運特價▸$300 馬上購票▸https://iflive.tw/ ————————————————— 🐷少年豬探長《小店·小偷·小豬探》 📍 台北親子劇場 1/20(六)10:30 14:30 1/21(日)10:30 14:30 馬上購票▸https://pse.is/5gvrqj ————————————————— 🚓救援小英雄舞台劇《波力開心過好年》 📍 台北兒童新樂園 1/27-28、2/3-4、2/10-14 馬上購票▸https://pse.is/5gvrsj Powered by Firstory Hosting

Good Inside with Dr. Becky

Dr. Becky Kennedy

Join clinical psychologist and mom of three Dr. Becky Kennedy on her weekly podcast, as she takes on tough parenting questions and delivers actionable guidance—all in short episodes, because we know time is hard to find as a parent. Her breakthrough approach has enabled thousands of people to get more comfortable in discomfort, make repairs after mistakes, and always see the good inside. You'll gain the tools to embody your authority while developing a stronger parent-child connection, helping you become the parent you want to be and helping your child develop the skills necessary for life success.



【毎週月曜更新】教育ジャーナリストのおおたとしまさが、有名中高一貫校の校長先生と本音でトーク。 学校の魅力や最新情報のみならず、校長先生自身が今気になっていること、これからの子育てや教育、そしてさまざまな社会課題解決へのヒントを、校長先生との対話から引き出していきます。



知名親子共讀推廣頻道【我們家的睡前故事】,由專業配音員許伯琴(小妹媽媽)及她開朗可愛的女兒(小妹)共同主持,有趣、歡樂、好聽又溫馨,是您與孩子睡前故事的首選,也是共讀的最佳示範。 Powered by Firstory Hosting

職業、主婦です! 〜迫真のイドバタ番組〜


主婦の目線で世間を見る、井戸端会議的な番組です。 縁の下から社会を支えている!けど意外と知られていない主婦の世界、そして主婦から見える世界を、都内で子育て中のPIU(ピウ)がご案内します。 普段わいわい、時々まじめな番組です。 主婦の方やそのパートナーの方、主婦が身近にいないという方にもヒントになるような番組をお届けします! 【毎週月曜日、午前5時配信予定】 https://listen.style/p/piupod?S4C7UOeQ

CoComelon Story Time

Spotify Kids & Family

A Podcast for Kids & Families! CoComelon Story Time is an interactive storytelling show appropriate for preschoolers (2-5), full of classic fairy tales, global folktales and expanded nursery rhymes - told by the hugely popular & beloved CoComelon characters, JJ and Cody.



アメリカで、英日のバイリンガル高校生、 日本で、日英のバイルンガル中学生を育てるママトーク! ぶちゃけ、実際のところどうなの? 数々の失敗談も含め、実情を赤裸々に語ります。 あまり知られていない、アメリカの教育事情など、話題満載! 毎週月曜、木曜の朝7時放送   コメント、レターお待ちしています💌

Imagine This

ABC Kids listen

Imagine This is a science podcast for the young and curious. Have you ever wondered how bees make honey? Or how do fish breathe underwater? Or, very importantly, where your poo goes when you flush it down the toilet? Imagine This is a series of puzzling science questions from inquisitive young minds. Our host, Dr Niraj Lal, chats to kids and Australia's leading academics, taking you on imaginative adventures to learn about the world around us and find the answers together.  This podcast is suited to kids aged 4 and up, though all members of the family are sure to learn something! 

What If World - Stories for Kids

Eric O'Keeffe / Starglow Media

What if a dragon lived in my closet? What if there were a never-ending bowl of ice cream? Pirates, fairies, wizards, robots, and friends help Mr. Eric tell stories inspired by kids’ questions. What If World’s progressive stories will keep kids laughing while fostering curiosity, imagination, and resilience. Grownups, it's easy to share your kids' questions! Respond to our What If prompts on Instagram @whatifworldpodcast, leave a voicemail at 205-605-WHAT, or email whatifworldpodcast@gmail.com.

Spanish to English

Bobby Basil Books for Kids

Read along with your "Pedro & Pete" books and learn how to pronounce each word in Spanish and English! * Bobby Basil Books for Kids is an Amazon affiliate. That means if you click a link and buy something on Amazon, I might get a small commission. But great news: you don't have to pay anything extra and it helps support this free podcast!

Mr. Bedtime Stories

Mr Bedtime Stories

Mr. Bedtime Stories reads books from Mr. Men and Little Miss for bedtime.

Die Maus zum Hören

Westdeutscher Rundfunk

Die Maus zum immer wieder hören. Jeden Tag mit einer neuen Folge, die eine Stunde lang ist. Mit dabei viel Lach- und Sachgeschichten, viel Musik und natürlich mit der Maus und dem Elefanten.

Who, When, Wow!

Tinkercast | Wondery

Carly Q (host Carly Ciarrocchi), an aspiring time travel detective, has made it her personal mission to secretly explore the mysteries of history. As a junior analyst at The Bureau of Universal Time Travel and Historical Exploration Department (aka B.U.T.T.H.E.D), Carly travels through time to investigate mysterious historical events, like the Loch Ness Monster. Carly Q is following the facts to questions that may have no answers… and she is taking you with her. New episodes of Who, When, Wow: Mystery Edition air twice a month on Wednesdays. Prime Members listen early and ad-free on Amazon music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen early and ad-free with Wondery Plus Kids in Apple Podcasts. New episodes come out every other Wednesday for free. Listen 1-week early and to all episodes ad-free with Wondery+, Wondery+ Kids on Apple Podcasts, or Amazon Music with a Prime membership or Amazon Music Unlimited subscription.

Tumble Science Podcast for Kids

Tumble Media

A Common Sense Selection! Exploring stories of science discovery. Tumble is a science podcast created to be enjoyed by the entire family. Hosted & produced by Lindsay Patterson (science journalist) & Marshall Escamilla (teacher). Visit www.tumblepodcast.com for educational content.

おやすみすとーりー/ Oyasumi Story


一日の終わりに、心と身体の状態を整える「おやすみすとーりー」 想像力を育む物語、リラクゼーションミュージック、そして深呼吸で健やかな睡眠がとれる状態へと導きます。目を休ませ、睡眠前の習慣に是非取り入れてみてください。*お話は前半の約5分から10分、それ以降は音楽のみの構成となっています。 【Follow us on: YouTube and Instagram @oyasumistory】 This is a bed-time story podcast in Japanese. With breathing exercises, music and story, this podcast will lead you and your children to be in a balanced place, both mentally as well as physically. It will help you to have a healthy sleep. This is a perfect for a child who started learning Japanese. Wishing you all the best.  Good night and Oyasumi☆ All stories are owned by Oyasumi Story Team. ☆Voice/ Emi Yasuo

Story Pirates

Story Pirates

The award-winning Story Pirates Podcast takes stories written by kids and turns them into sketch comedy and songs. Made up of talented comedians, songwriters, and frequent celebrity guests, the Story Pirates inspire kids to create, bringing laughter to kids and grownups of all ages with hilarious sketches, catchy original songs from all genres, and interviews with the creative geniuses behind the stories… kids! 

Ask Lisa: The Psychology of Parenting

Dr. Lisa Damour/Good Trouble Productions

“Ask Lisa: The Psychology of Parenting” is the essential podcast for parents seeking expert guidance, tested strategies, and psychological insights on raising kids, especially tweens and teens. Join renowned clinical psychologist Dr. Lisa Damour and former journalist and mom of two Reena Ninan as they explore real-life parenting challenges.   Looking to learn more about how to boost kids’ resilience, build their confidence, or support their emotional well-being? Dr. Lisa and Reena have got you covered! Together they address listener questions about stress, anxiety, social media concerns, school pressures, and challenges in peer relationships. Each episode provides practical advice and science-backed solutions to help parents raise resilient, confident, and emotionally healthy kids. Tune in every week for the latest topics in parenting, child psychology, and family wellness. Get answers to your most pressing parenting questions. New episodes drop every Tuesday.

Radiolab for Kids


Welcome, nature lovers, to the home of the Terrestrials podcast and family-friendly Radiolab episodes about nature. Every other week, host Lulu Miller will take you on a nature walk to encounter a plant or animal behaving in ways that will surprise you. Squirrels that can regrow their brains, octopuses that can outsmart their human captors, honeybees that can predict the future. You don’t have to be a kid to listen, just someone who likes to see the world anew. You’ll hear a range of nature stories on this podcast. Sometimes these will be brand new Terrestrials episodes, full of original songs (by “The Songbud” Alan Goffinski) that tell a fantastical-sounding story about nature that is 100% true. Sometimes these will be our very best, shiniest, furriest, leafiest Radiolab episodes about animals or plants or nature. The stories that drop here will always be family-friendly and safe for kids. They will always be sound-rich and full of the vivid, gripping storytelling you’ve come to expect from Radiolab. They will always transport you to the beyond-human world: into the depths of the ocean, into jungles, prairies, forests, space, snow, wildflower fields and beyond. Sometimes we’ll encounter something so wild we just have to break out into song about it! Don’t worry, good voices not required. Join us on this adventure!



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Little Stories Everywhere


A good story can take you anywhere. Every week Little Stories Everywhere will bring you magical, adventurous, fantastical tales to excite your imagination and carry you and your family members to new places around the world. Hosted by Oscar-nominated actor Virginia Madsen and celebrated voice actor Robbie Daymond, stories will include timeless classics as well as brand-new tales. Listen to Little Stories Everywhere on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen early and ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App or Wondery Kids+ on Apple Podcasts. Start your free trial by visiting wondery.com/links/little-stories-everywhere/ now.

Super Truck: Stories for Kids

Amuse Kids

A Podcast for Kids & Families! Super Truck Stories for Kids is a storytelling show adapted from our most popular series Carl the Super Truck. We bring you new engaging audio-stories for kids each week. Featuring characters children love and engage with, each episode focuses on a new adventure and lesson. Safe for kids of all ages, Super Truck Stories for Kids is a perfect addition to your family’s routine! Meet Super Truck, a superhero dedicated to protecting the town of Car City. Always ready to jump in and rescue a friend in trouble, he has the ability to transform into any type of vehicle!


Super Simple Learning

子供に使える簡単で自然な英語のフレーズを紹介しています。 Simple, natural phrases in Japanese and English that you can use with your child to give them a headstart in language learning! http://www.knockknockenglish.com


:D wellnessafe dog training

:D wellnessafe dog training 【blueskywan.com/about-us/profile】 各種サービス【mosh.jp/306396/home】 嫌われること覚悟。ぶっちゃけ本音を放送します。

Journey with Story - A Storytelling Podcast for Kids

Kathleen Pelley. audio story podcaster, children's author

Journey with Story is a storytelling podcast for kids ages 3-10. These audio stories are told with a Celtic flavor and calming voice of Scottish author, Kathleen Pelley. She shares fairy tale stories, bedtime stories, classic stories, and her own original children's audio stories.

Drinking From the Toilet: Real dogs, Real training

Hannah Branigan

A behind-the-scenes look into the reality of dog training, behavior, teaching, and learning. We love our dogs, we love our jobs, but sometimes it's not all unicorns and rainbows. Sometimes at the end of the day, you just need a drink and friend who gets it. We'll keep it fun, and keep it real.

Arabic stories for kids قصص لأطفال النهارده

قصص لأطفال النهارده

أهلا وسهلا بيكم في قصص أطفال النهارده ,ودي رحلة في عالم الخيال والحكايات البودكاست ده معمول بالعامية المصرية من سن 5 ل 8 سنين عشان ننبسط ونضحك ونتخيل ونتعلم يمكن في القصة هدف أو درس بس الاهم ننبسط كلنا. 🎉 اكتشفوا معانا الحواديت العصرية 💬 بالعامية المصرية 📚 التعليم والمتعة قصص لأطفال انهردة تأليف نادين جنيدي، داني عرفة و سوبر أبلة. كلمات مفتاحية للبحث: بودكاست للأطفال,حكايات أطفال, حكي للأطفال ,قصص بالعربية ,عربي, Arabic kids stories, Egyptian kids stories, children stories

A Kids Book About: The Podcast

A Kids Co.

Named "Best of 2021" by Apple Podcasts. A kids podcast about the things that matter, like racism, body image, and belonging. Each episode opens up the dialog we've begun in our groundbreaking A Kids Book About series. Created by folks who've been there. Honest. Important. Relevant. Start the conversation. We know you're ready.

Mr. Men The Complete Collection 50 Books


This delightful set features the complete collection of 50 timeless Mr. Men stories. As well as the much loved classic titles, Mr. Tickle, Mr. Bump and Mr. Strong, you can also enjoy the newest addition to the collection, Mr. Nobody. The lasting appeal of these classic books will ensure this collection takes pride of place on any child's nursery bookshelf.
