The Universe Speaks in Numbers

Faber and Faber

In The Universe Speaks in Numbers award-winning science writer Graham Farmelo is in conversation with some of the great names in modern physics and mathematics. Among the interviewees are Michael Atiyah, Ruth Britto, Lance Dixon, Simon Donaldson, Freeman Dyson, Juan Maldacena, Michela Massimi, Roger Penrose, Martin Rees, Simon Schaffer and Edward Witten.To read more see Graham's book The Universe Speaks in Numbers: How Modern Maths Reveals Nature's Deepest Secrets. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

PAM - PodcAst di Matematica

Marco Menale

Il progresso della civiltà è passato per la matematica e i suoi sviluppi. E questo ruolo è destinato a crescere e a diventare ancora più centrale nel futuro, con le tante sfide da affrontare. Funzionamento del cervello, design, dinamica satellitare, intelligenza artificiale, beni culturali, comunicazione, progresso scientifico: sono solo alcuni esempi. Ecco perché la Matematica non può essere una disciplina per pochi eletti. La cultura matematica deve diventare parte integrante della formazione di ogni persona. PAM - Podcast di Matematica è una serie podcast realizzata da Marco Menale, con il contributo dell'INDAM - Instituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica "F. Severi" e pubblicata da MaddMaths!. Il podcast è disponibile sulle principali piattaforme di streaming. _______________________________________________ Il progetto è stato ideato da Salvatore Cuomo e Marco Menale, nell'ambito delle Attività di Disseminazione dell'INDAM. Sono intervenuti: Paola Antonietti, Annalisa Buffa, Alessandra Celletti, Pierluigi Contucci, Roberto Natalini e Giuseppe Saccomandi. Fonico, post-produzione e montaggio: Emilio Bologna. Illustrazione copertina: Luca Manzo. Traccia musicale: Rollin at 5 - Kevin MacLeod Licensed under creative commons.

Pillole di Matematica

Moreno Zito

Piccole chicche e grandi verità in formato tascabile.

MateRapida con Marta

Gianluca Guzzetta

I problemi, non sono un problema!

Sulle tracce del Detective Maxwell

Edoardo Provenzi

Chi sono i tre giganti della fisica che hanno cambiato il mondo con le loro scoperte? Newton ed Einstein sono nomi familiari, ma c’è un terzo genio che merita lo stesso riconoscimento: James Clerk Maxwell, lo scozzese che ha svelato i segreti dell’elettromagnetismo. Maxwell era un matematico geniale, capace di anticipare di decenni le idee dei suoi colleghi. Usava la matematica come una lente per esplorare la natura, e con essa ha formulato la teoria che unifica luce, elettricità e magnetismo. Maxwell non è stato solo uno scienziato straordinario, ma anche un uomo di grande umanità, generosità e ironia. In questa serie di podcast vi invitiamo a seguire le sue avventure, scoprendo la varietà e la bellezza dei fenomeni che ha spiegato, e il suo modo unico di guardare al mondo. Sulle tracce del Detective Maxwell è una serie podcast in cinque puntate di Edoardo Provenzi prodotta da MaddMaths!, disponibile su Spotify e sulle principali piattaforme di streaming. _______________________________________________________ Il progetto è stato ideato da Edoardo Provenzi e Roberto Natalini e realizzato da Edoardo Provenzi. Sono intervenuti: Emilio Bologna e Roberto Natalini. Fonico, post-produzione e montaggio: Emilio Bologna. Illustrazione copertina: Ge.s.i. srl. Musica: On Hold For You – Kevin MacLeod Licensed under creative commons.

La Logica del Rischio

Pasquale Cirillo

Un podcast sul rischio, sul caso, sulle sue leggi e i suoi linguaggi.

Mathematics Simplified

Anjali Sharma

Maths is often dreaded as a subject by most of the students. Here is an attempt to simplify various topics in Mathematics and help reduce Maths Phobia.

On A Tangent: Voices of Mathematics Münster

Mathematics Münster

Welcome to "On A Tangent", where we tell the stories behind the mathematics. In each episode, we meet a different early career mathematician from Mathematics Münster, and learn about their research, their path towards mathematics, and their hopes for the future. We explore the many different shapes that mathematical research can take, the early memories that led people towards the subject, and try to understand a little bit better the voices that make the mathematical community of today. Hosted by Simone Ramello, produced by the science communication team of Mathematics Münster Music by AlexGrohl from Pixabay Graphics by Melina Aggelidakis

Imparare le tabelline - Lezioni online per la Scuola Primaria

Alessandro Stano

Lezioni Online per scuola primaria

Breaking Math Podcast

Gabriel Hesch and Autumn Phaneuf

Hosted by Gabriel Hesch and Autumn Phaneuf, who have advanced degrees in EE and industrial engineering/operations research respectively, come together to discuss mathematics as a pure field al in its own as well as how it describes the language of science, engineering, and even creativity.   Breaking Math brings you the absolute best in interdisciplinary science discussions -  bringing together experts in varying fields including artificial intelligence, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, physics, chemistry and materials-science, and more -  to discuss where humanity is headed. website:  linktree: email:

Casual Inference

Lucy D'Agostino McGowan and Ellie Murray

Keep it casual with the Casual Inference podcast. Your hosts Lucy D'Agostino McGowan and Ellie Murray talk all things epidemiology, statistics, data science, causal inference, and public health. Sponsored by the American Journal of Epidemiology.

SOA Podcasts - Society of Actuaries

Society of Actuaries (SOA)

This is the official podcast feed of the Society of Actuaries

Opinionated History of Mathematics

Intellectual Mathematics

The Springer Math Podcast

Springer Nature Switzerland AG

This is a podcast about mathematics and the people who develop it. The episodes combine recent developments and visions for the future of the field and aim at creating a virtual hub that highlights ideas, people and research topics in mathematics. ISSN 2731-4804

The Cartesian Cafe

Timothy Nguyen

The Cartesian Cafe is the podcast where an expert guest and Timothy Nguyen map out scientific and mathematical subjects in detail. This collaborative journey with other experts will have us writing down formulas, drawing pictures, and reasoning about them together on a whiteboard. If you’ve been longing for a deeper dive into the intricacies of scientific subjects, then this is the podcast for you. Topics covered include mathematics, physics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and computer science. Content also viewable on YouTube: and Spotify. Timothy Nguyen is a mathematician and AI researcher working in industry. Homepage:, Twitter: @IAmTimNguyen Patreon:

Cryptography FM

Symbolic Software

Cryptography FM is a regular podcast with news and a featured interview covering the latest developments in theoretical and applied cryptography. Whether it's a new innovative paper on lattice-based cryptography or a novel attack on a secure messaging protocol, we'll get the people behind it on Cryptography FM.

The Function Room


A podcast about the big numbers, the hard sums, the mathematics that defines, runs, shapes, changes, begins, ends, every things our lives and the world around us. Hosted by Colm O'Regan. An award-winning radio broadcaster, comedian, novelist and it turns out lapsed engineer who is trying to feel useful again. Each episode sheds light on a tiny corner of a giant subject with entertaining guests and accessible talk.

Allison Loves Math Podcast

Allison Dillard

In the Allison Loves Math Podcast, host Allison Dillard invites you along on her journey to learn about how we, as parents and teachers, can best help our children and students to succeed in math and challenges in general. In each episode, Allison interviews a math, education or parenting experts to learn their best strategies for teaching students to love math, for making math easier and less stressful for parents, and for setting the next generation up for long-term success in math, STEM, school and life.

Biostatistics Podcast

Jocelyn Chen

A biostatistics podcast made by biostatistics enthusiast about all biostatistics topics! Powered by Firstory Hosting

Maths on the Move

Maths on the Move, the podcast from, will bring you the latest news from the world of maths, plus interviews and discussions with leading mathematicians and scientists about the maths that is changing our lives. Hosted by Plus editors Rachel Thomas and Marianne Freiberger.

Infinitely Irrational: A Math Podcast

Infinitely Irrational: A Math Podcast

Infinitely Irrational: where we explore the real, eccentric, and complex history of math.

Zahlen, bitte!

heise online

In diesem Podcast geht es um verblüffende, beeindruckende, informative und witzige Zahlen aus den Bereichen IT, Wissenschaft, Kunst, Wirtschaft, Politik und natürlich der Mathematik.

Math Thématique


Bouillon de culture mathématique sans aucune prétention et accessible à tous les enthousiastes. Je ne suis pas propriétaire du contenu présenté.

Géométrie spectrale - Nalini Anantharaman

Collège de France

La géométrie spectrale est le domaine des mathématiques qui vise à faire le lien entre la géométrie d'un objet et son spectre de vibration. Le domaine a connu une première naissance dans les années 1910, quand les précurseurs de la mécanique quantique ont cherché à calculer le spectre des atomes à partir de considérations géométriques sur le modèle planétaire. La question s'est ensuite muée en l'étude du spectre d'opérateurs de Schrödinger, en lien avec la géométrie symplectique dans l'espace des phases de la mécanique classique. La seconde naissance du domaine remonte aux années 1960 avec le théorème de l'indice, qui donne des relations entre certains « indices topologiques » (par exemple la caractéristique d'Euler d'un espace topologique) et le bas du spectre d'un opérateur elliptique (comme l'opérateur de Laplace). Ce domaine connaît actuellement une activité intense du côté de la physique, avec la découverte du rôle de la notion d'« indice » dans la description des matériaux topologiques. Parmi les grandes questions de la géométrie spectrale, citons : Le chaos quantique : c'est l'étude du spectre d'un opérateur de Schrödinger, quand le système hamiltonien qui lui correspond en mécanique classique est chaotique ; Les problèmes inverses : que peut-on deviner de la géométrie d'un objet à partir de la mesure de son spectre de vibration ? Le lien entre spectre et topologie, via divers avatars du théorème de l'indice ; Le spectre de systèmes désordonnés ou d'objets géométriques aléatoires ; Le lien entre géométrie et contrôle des ondes : quels sont les meilleurs endroits où se placer pour « diriger » une onde ? Le cours sera tourné vers les aspects mathématiques de ces questions, mais certaines années le séminaire sera l'occasion d'entendre des physiciens présenter leurs travaux en lien avec le cours.

Человек и машина


«Человек и машина» — живой подкаст Яндекса о технологиях. В каждый выпуск мы приглашаем учёных — специалистов по компьютерным наукам, биологов, нейрофизиологов, антропологов — и задаём им неочевидные вопросы о машинах и людях. Запись подкаста проходит на Плюс Даче. Следите за новыми событиями здесь:

My Favorite Theorem

Kevin Knudson & Evelyn Lamb

L'oreille mathématique

Institut Henri Poincaré

L'oreille mathématique est le nouveau podcast radio dédié aux mathématiques et à la physique théorique produit par l'Institut Henri Poincaré. Dans « L’oreille mathématique », nous parlons d’enseignement, de vocations, de recherche en mathématiques ; nous faisons dialoguer les mathématiciennes et les mathématiciens avec des chercheurs d’autres disciplines, et nous donnons la parole à de nouveaux visages de la communauté scientifique d’aujourd’hui. Chaque épisode prend la forme d'une conversation d'une trentaine de minutes.

intuitions behind Data Science

Ashay Javadekar

No math, no equations, just intuitions behind Data Science.

Machine Learning Cafe

Miklos Zoltan Toth

This is a machine-learning-focused Podcast, where we interview people in the field of Artificial Intelligence and discuss interesting technical topics of Machine Learning. In the episodes, we focus on business-related use-cases (especially with Deep Learning ) and we also try to bring some technical white papers to the ground, not forgetting on the way that there are always some people behind the technology, so we try to understand their motivation and drive.

MATLAB Unboxed: A Journey with Marco

Che Figo

This podcast series that embarks on a deep dive into the world of MATLAB and its transformative power for engineers and scientists. I'm your host, Marco Roggero, and over the last 18 years, I've been both a student and a guide through the intricate labyrinths of MATLAB's capabilities, witnessing how it revolutionizes workflows across diverse disciplines.


Giuseppe Sau Zanichelli

Non è ancora stato trovato il gene specifico per le abilità matematiche: credere che si possa essere più o meno "portati" per la disciplina può forse far comodo ma non ha reale riscontro scientifico. La matematica è per tutti, come lo è il linguaggio. In modo complementare rispetto a quest'ultimo ha determinato l'evoluzione della nostra specie. Proveremo a discutere di matematica senza calcoli o formule da imparare a memoria, con un pizzico di sana follia e con la curiosità di quando, in tenera età, assillavamo i genitori con una fatidica e ossessiva domanda: "perché?"

The Structural Engineering Podcast

Zach and Max

Structural engineering podcast by Max and Zach. Join in weekly as we discuss structural engineering topics and experiences for new engineers.


Gudrun Thäter, Sebastian Ritterbusch

Bei genauem Hinsehen finden wir die Naturwissenschaft und besonders Mathematik überall in unserem Leben, vom Wasserhahn über die automatischen Temporegelungen an Autobahnen, in der Medizintechnik bis hin zum Mobiltelefon. Woran die Forscher, Absolventen und Lehrenden in Karlsruhe gerade tüfteln, erfahren wir hier aus erster Hand.

The Art of Mathematics

Carol Jacoby

Conversations, explorations, conjectures solved and unsolved, mathematicians and beautiful mathematics. No math background required.

Practical Significance

The American Statistical Association

Practical Significance is a podcast to inspire listeners with compelling stories from statistics and data science and to propel data-driven careers forward with learning opportunities for all.

Storie vere ma non troppo

chiara campisi

Pensate che la matematica non sia fatta per voi o voi non siate fatti per la matematica? Allora questo podcast è per voi, per prendervi la vostra rivincita, perché la matematica è fatta per voi ed è fatta da donne e uomini e qui si raccontano le loro storie. Storie vere ma non troppo!


Rinchan Sharap

