Tech Time | How to do screens with kids safely with educational therapist Kay de Veer


This week Kay de Veer of Techwise Littles offers her insight into how to navigate screen time for children in safe and healthy way. We get into how much screen time is appropriate for toddlers, which devices are least risky for kids to interact with and the all-important question: how to handle tech-related tantrums. We cover guidelines for choosing high-quality and age-appropriate content for your child and how your presence affects their tv-watching experience, both emotionally and developmentally. Kay gives us some extremely comforting advice and very practical, doable tips for building a healthy relationship with screens in your home.

Ways to connect with Techwise Littles:
Website -
Instagram - @techwiselittles
Free guide - 5 Ways to End Tech Tantrums Before They Ever Begin
Course - The ABC's of Scree Time

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Tech Time | How to do screens with kids safely with educational therapist Kay de Veer

Tech Time | How to do screens with kids safely with educational therapist Kay de Veer
