10. The Help Side - Eva de Goede - Part A


#TheHelpSide We are very excited to introduce the back to back reigning FIH Women’s Player of the Year, Eva de Goede, who will join us for a two-part special on The Help Side. Few teams have dominated a sport to the extent that the Dutch national team have dominated the women’s game since their Olympics Gold in 2008 and Eva has been there for every major moment along the way. A two-time FIH World Player of the Year, Eva has arguably the most impressive hockey resume of any current hockey player. Boasting over 230 internationals, Eva has incredibly lost only two games across three World Cups and three Olympics in her career.

In this episode, we take our time discussing just what it is that makes the Dutch so successful, and what it feels like to be part of that team. We also explore some of Eva’s most memorable hockey moments, of which, it must be said there are many. In typical Dutch fashion, Eva is incredibly forthright about her experiences at the top and as you can imagine has some wonderful lessons to share with us as she’s progressed from the fresh-faced 17-year-old debutant from a little town in the Netherlands to the captain of the world’s best team.

10. The Help Side - Eva de Goede - Part A

10. The Help Side - Eva de Goede - Part A
