¡Viva la Revolución! Coffee Drinkers Take to the Streets


All around the world, the growth of out-of-home coffee consumption has attracted a wave of investment from coffee players and non-coffee players alike. Coffee companies are facing new competition from all sides. Startups like Luckin’ are using tech and delivery to take new business models from zero to V60 in no time flat. Quick-service restaurants, supermarkets, and convenience stores are using coffee to attract new consumers throughout the day – often at the expense of established players. Since there is no single-origin for the changes in the out-of-home coffee world, we pour over the new businesses, strategies, and technologies that define the future of the industry. This international episode of the podcast features Rabobank’s global strategist Stephen Rannekleiv and senior analyst Sudip Sinha calling in from Manila, Phillipines, and senior analyst Jim Watson and analyst Bourcard Nesin calling in from New York City.

¡Viva la Revolución! Coffee Drinkers Take to the Streets

¡Viva la Revolución! Coffee Drinkers Take to the Streets
