Spartan Race Founder Joe De Sena: Be Great! | goodsugar 186


In the realm of unwavering fortitude and compassion, Joe De Sena emerges as an exceptionally resilient and compassionate soul. His brainchild, Spartan Race, serves as a beacon of inspiration, motivating countless individuals to embark on a journey of self-improvement. The sheer inspiration drawn from his endeavors is profound, and it is with great pride that I acknowledge my association with such a remarkable individual. Thank you, Joe, for your impactful contributions. In this contemplative episode of the goodsugar Podcast, Marcus and Ralph engage in a dialogue with Joe De Sena, the host of No Retreat on CNBC and the visionary founder of Spartan Race. Together, they unravel the origins of the Spartan Race, delve into strategic maneuvers like acquiring competitors, explore the meticulous training regimen required for Spartan races, and recount the most extreme locations that have hosted this awe-inspiring event. For those seeking to delve deeper into Joe De Sena's ethos, his digital presence unfolds at Explore the Spartan ethos further at, where the spirit of endurance and triumph beckons. The journey continues at the goodsugar store, a nascent haven nestled at 3rd Avenue and 69th Street, where the allure of the new converges with the timeless. Immerse yourself in the offerings of this burgeoning space at, where innovation meets style. Capture the essence of this transformative conversation on social media, where Marcus Antebi shares the wisdom gained at, and Ralph Sutton invites you to witness the vibrant spirit at In the spirit of stoic reflection, let this podcast serve as a testament to the resilience and determination that defines the human spirit.

Spartan Race Founder Joe De Sena: Be Great! | goodsugar 186

Spartan Race Founder Joe De Sena: Be Great! | goodsugar 186
